const a, b, c, d = 1, 2, 3, 4 do close a, b = setmetatable {},__close:=> print "closed" const c, d = 123, 'abc' close a, b const c, d do const a, {b, c}, {d} = f!, f1! do const a, {b, c}, {d} = f! do const [a, b] = [2, 3] do close v = if flag func! else setmetatable {},__close:=> close f = with "file.txt" \write "Hello" do const a = 1 if true close b = (if x then 1) unless false const c = (switch x when "abc" then 998) if true close d = :value if a ?? b do close _ = with "file.txt" \write "Hello" close _ = : -> print "second" close _ = : -> print "first" print "third" _defers = setmetatable {}, __close: => @[#@]! @[#@] = nil def = (item)-> _defers[#_defers + 1] = item _defers do close _ = def -> print 3 close _ = def -> print 2 close _ = def -> print 1