you_cool = false _ = if cool if you_cool one else if eatdic yeah else _ = two three else no _ = if cool then no _ = if cool then no else yes if cool then wow cool else noso cool if working _ = if cool then if cool then okay else what else nah if yeah then no day elseif cool me then okay ya else u way if yeah then no dad else if cool you then okay bah else p way if (->)() then what ever if nil then flip me else it be,rad if things great then no way elseif okay sure what here if things then no chance elseif okay what now if things yes man elseif okay person then hi there else hmm sure if lets go print "greetings" elseif "just us" print "will smith" else show 5555555 -- if something = 10 print something else print "else" hello = if something = 10 print something else print "else" hello = 5 + if something = 10 print something --- z = false _ = if false one elseif x = true two elseif z = true three else four out = if false one elseif x = true two elseif z = true three else four kzy = -> if something = true 1 elseif another = false 2 --- unless true print "cool!" unless true and false print "cool!" unless false then print "cool!" unless false then print "cool!" else print "no way!" unless nil print "hello" else print "world" -- x = unless true print "cool!" x = unless true and false print "cool!" y = unless false then print "cool!" y = unless false then print "cool!" else print "no way!" z = unless nil print "hello" else print "world" print unless true print "cool!" print unless true and false print "cool!" print unless false then print "cool!" print unless false then print "cool!" else print "no way!" print unless nil print "hello" else print "world" -- print "hello" unless value dddd = {1,2,3} unless value -- do j = 100 unless j = hi! error "not j!" ---------------- a = 12 a,c,b = "cool", nil, nil if something --- j = if 1 if 2 3 else 6 m = if 1 if 2 3 else 6 do a :b return if a :b else if c d: e else f: 123 do c d: e if a :b = tb elseif c d: e = tb if :pi = math print pi do local math if :pi = math print pi do if _M = {} :Thing = _M :a, :b = _M do global _M if _M = {} :Thing = _M :a, :b = _M do v = if 1 and do 0 ~= 1 1 else 2 nil