luarocksKey = ... local version with? "src/yuescript/yue_compiler.cpp" codes = \read "*a" \close! version = codes\match "const std::string_view version = \"(.-)\"sv;" unless version? print "failed to get version!" os.exit 1 rockspec = "rockspec_format = '3.0' package = 'Yuescript' version = '#{version}-1' source = { url = 'git+' } description = { summary = 'Yuescript is a Moonscript dialect.', detailed = [[ Yuescript is a Moonscript dialect. It is derived from Moonscript language 0.5.0 and continuously adopting new features to be more up to date. ]], homepage = '', maintainer = 'Li Jin ', labels = {'yuescript','cpp','transpiler','moonscript'}, license = 'MIT' } dependencies = { 'lua >= 5.1', } build = { type = 'cmake', variables = { LUA='$(LUA)', LUA_INCDIR='$(LUA_INCDIR)', CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE='Release' }, install = { lib = { 'build.luarocks/' }, bin = { 'build.luarocks/yue' } } }" specFile = "yuescript-#{version}-1.rockspec" with? specFile, "w+" \write rockspec \close! result = io.popen("luarocks upload --api-key #{luarocksKey} #{specFile}")\read '*a' unless result\match "Done:" print result os.exit 1