$ -> package.path = "?.lua;./spec/inputs/?.lua" import "macro-export" as { $, -- import all macros $config:$myconfig, -- rename macro $config to $myconfig } import "macro-todo" as $ $asserts item == nil $myconfig false v = $assert item == nil macro and = (...)-> values = [value for value in *{...}] $showMacro "and", "#{ table.concat values, " and " }" if $and f1! print "OK" if $and f1!, f2!, f3! print "OK" macro in = (target, ...)-> values = [value for value in *{...}] $showMacro "in", table.concat ["#{target} == #{item}" for item in *values], " or " if x |> $in "Apple", "Pig", "Dog" print "exist" macro map = (items, action)-> $showMacro "map", "[#{action} for _ in *#{items}]" macro filter = (items, action)-> $showMacro "filter", "[_ for _ in *#{items} when #{action}]" macro reduce = (items, def, action)-> $showMacro "reduce", "if ##{items} == 0 #{def} else _1 = #{def} for _2 in *#{items} _1 = #{action} _1" macro foreach = (items, action)-> $showMacro "foreach", "for _ in *#{items} #{action}" macro pipe = (...)-> switch select "#", ... when 0 then return "" when 1 then return ... ops = {...} last = ops[1] stmts = for i = 2, #ops stmt = "\tlocal _#{i} = #{last} |> #{ops[i]}" last = "_#{i}" stmt res = "do #{table.concat stmts, "\n"} #{last}" $showMacro "pipe", res {1,2,3} |> $map(_ * 2) |> $filter(_ > 4) |> $foreach print _ $foreach $filter($map({1,2,3}, _ * 2), _ > 4), print _ val = $pipe( {1, 2, 3} [[$map(_ * 2)]] [[$filter(_ > 4)]] [[$reduce(0, _1 + _2)]] ) macro plus = (a, b)-> "#{a} + #{b}" $plus(1,2)\call 123 res = 1 |> $plus 2 macro curry = (...)-> args = {...} len = #args body = args[len] def = table.concat ["(#{args[i]})->" for i = 1, len - 1] "#{def}\n#{body\gsub "^do%s*\n",""}" f = $curry x,y,z,do print x,y,z macro get_inner = (var)-> "do a = 1 a + 1" macro get_inner_hygienic = (var)-> "(-> local a = 1 a + 1)!" do a = 8 a = $get_inner! a += $get_inner! print a do a = 8 a = $get_inner_hygienic! a += $get_inner_hygienic! print a macro lua = (code)-> { :code type: "lua" } x = 0 $lua [[ local function f(a) return a + 1 end x = x + f(3) ]] $lua[[ function tb:func() print(123) end ]] print x macro def = (fname, ...)-> args = {...} last = table.remove args { code: $showMacro "def", "local function #{fname}(#{table.concat args, ', '}) #{last} end" type: "lua" } sel = (a, b, c)-> if a then b else c $def sel, a, b, c, [[ if a then return b else return c end ]] $def dummy,[[]] macro insertComment = (text)-> { code: "-- #{text\match '[\'"](.*)[\'"]'}" type: "lua" } $insertComment "a comment here" import 'underscore' as _ macro chain = (...)-> callable = nil for item in *{...} callable = callable? and "(#{callable})\\#{item}" or item $showMacro "chain", callable a = $chain( _{1, 2, 3, 4, -2, 3} chain! map => @ * 2 filter => @ > 3 value! ) $chain( _{1, 2, 3, 4, -2, 3} chain! map => @ * 2 filter => @ > 3 each => print @ ) result = $chain( origin.transform.root.gameObject\Parents! Descendants! SelectEnable! SelectVisible! TagEqual "fx" Where (x) -> x.name\EndsWith "(Clone)" Destroy! ) macro chainB = (...)-> switch select "#", ... when 0 then return "" when 1 then return ... items = {...} last = nil stmts = for i = 1,#items stmt = if i == #items lastStr = last and "#{last}\\" or "" "\t#{lastStr}#{items[i]}" else lastStr = last and "#{last}\\" or "" "\tlocal _#{i} = #{lastStr}#{items[i]}" last = "_#{i}" stmt res = "do #{table.concat stmts, '\n'} " $showMacro "chainB", res $chainB( origin.transform.root.gameObject\Parents! Descendants! SelectEnable! SelectVisible! TagEqual "fx" Where (x) -> x.name\EndsWith "(Clone)" Destroy! ) macro chainC = (...)-> import "yue" as {:to_lua} callable = nil config = { implicit_return_root: false reserve_line_number: false } for item in *{...} itemCodes = to_lua(item,config)\gsub '%s*$','' if callable? callable = "#{callable}:#{itemCodes}" else callable = itemCodes { code: $showMacro "chainC", callable type: "lua" } $chainC( origin.transform.root.gameObject\Parents! Descendants! SelectEnable! SelectVisible! TagEqual "fx" Where (x) -> x.name\EndsWith "(Clone)" Destroy! ) macro tb = -> "{'abc', a:123, call#:=> 998}" print $tb[1], $tb.a, ($tb)!, $tb! print "current line: #{ $LINE }" $todo macro skip = -> "" do print 1 <- $skip print 2 print 3 macro skip = -> "while false do break" _ = -> print 1 <- $skip print 2 print 3 macro implicitReturnMacroIsAllowed = -> "print 'abc'\n123" $implicitReturnMacroIsAllowed