switch value when "cool" print "hello world" switch value when "cool" print "hello world" else print "okay rad" switch value when "cool" print "hello world" when "yeah" _ = [[FFFF]] + [[MMMM]] when 2323 + 32434 print "okay" else print "okay rad" out = switch value when "cool" then print "hello world" else print "okay rad" out = switch value when "cool" then xxxx when "umm" then 34340 else error "this failed big time" with something switch \value! when .okay _ = "world" else _ = "yesh" fix this call_func switch something when 1 then "yes" else "no" -- switch hi when hello or world _ = greene -- switch hi when "one", "two" print "cool" when "dad" _ = no switch hi when 3+1, hello!, (-> 4)! _ = yello else print "cool" do dict = { {} {1, 2, 3} a: b: c: 1 x: y: z: 1 } switch dict when { first {one, two, three} a: b: :c x: y: :z } print first, one, two, three, c, z do items = * x: 100 y: 200 * width: 300 height: 400 * false for item in *items switch item when :x, :y print "Vec2 #{x}, #{y}" when :width, :height print "Size #{width}, #{height}" when false print "None" when __class: cls switch cls when ClassA print "Object A" when ClassB print "Object B" when <>: mt print "A table with metatable" else print "item not accepted!" do tb = {} switch tb when {:a = 1, :b = 2} print a, b switch tb when {:a, :b = 2} print "partially matched", a, b switch tb when {:a, :b} print a, b else print "not matched" do tb = x: "abc" switch tb when :x, :y print "x: #{x} with y: #{y}" when :x print "x: #{x} only" do matched = switch tb when 1 "1" when :x x when false "false" else nil do return switch tb when nil "invalid" when :a, :b "#{a + b}" when 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 "number 1 - 5" when {:matchAnyTable = "fallback"} matchAnyTable else "should not reach here unless it is not a table" do switch y when {x: <>: mt} print mt do switch tb when [ [item,],] print item when [a = 1, b = "abc"] print a, b nil