do a = -> with something print .hello print hi print "world" do with leaf .world! .world 1,2,3 g = .hi 1,2,3 \hi(1,2).world 2323 \hi "yeah", "man" .world = 200 do zyzyzy = with something .set_state "hello world" do x = 5 + with Something! \write "hello world" do x = { hello: with yeah \okay! } do with foo _ = \prop"something".hello .prop\send(one) .prop\send one -- do with a -- only one value allowed print .world mod = with _M = {} .Thing = "hi" -- operate on a only with a, b = something, pooh print .world x = with a, b = 1, 2 print a + b print with a, b = 1, 2 print a + b -- assignment lhs must be evaluated in the order they appear p = with hello!.x, world!.y = 1, 2 print a + b -- do x = "hello" with x x\upper! do with k = "jo" print \upper! do with a,b,c = "", "", "" print \upper! do a = "bunk" with a,b,c = "", "", "" print \upper! do with j print \upper! do with k.j = "jo" print \upper! do with a print .b -- nested `with`s should change the scope correctly with .c print .d do with a -- nested `with`s with assignments should change the scope correctly with .b = 2 print .c do _ = -> with hi return .a, .b do with tb .x = item .field \func 123 do with dad .if "yes" y = .end.of.function do with tb [1] = [2]?\func! ["%a-b-c%"] = 123 [ [[x y z]]] = [var] print [ [3]] with [4] [1] = 1 [] = "abc" [] = type: "hello" * name: "xyz" value: 998 do global mask with? mask = SolidRect width: w, height: h, color: 0x66000000 .touchEnabled = true .swallowTouches = true do with? mask = SolidRect width: w, height: h, color: 0x66000000 .touchEnabled = true .swallowTouches = true do f = -> return with {} return [123] nil