if f1 ~= nil then f1() end if f2 ~= nil then f2("arg0", 123) end local x if tab ~= nil then x = tab.value end print((function() if abc ~= nil then local _obj_0 = abc["hello world"] if _obj_0 ~= nil then return _obj_0.xyz end return nil end return nil end)()) if print and (x ~= nil) then print(x) end if self ~= nil then self:func(998) end do local _with_0 if abc ~= nil then local _obj_0 = abc() local _obj_1 = _obj_0.func if _obj_1 ~= nil then _with_0 = _obj_1(_obj_0) end end if (function() local _obj_0 = _with_0.p if _obj_0 ~= nil then return _obj_0(_with_0, "abc") end return nil end)() then return 123 end end do local _des_0 if a ~= nil then local _obj_0 = a["if"] if _obj_0 ~= nil then local _obj_1 = _obj_0["then"] if _obj_1 ~= nil then local _obj_2 = _obj_1(_obj_0, 123) if _obj_2 ~= nil then _des_0 = _obj_2((function() if self ~= nil then return self["function"](self, 998) end return nil end)()) end end end end if _des_0 then x = _des_0.x print(x) end end local res = ((function() local _call_0 = b["function"] local _obj_0 = _call_0["do"](_call_0) local _obj_1 = _obj_0["while"] if _obj_1 ~= nil then local _call_1 = _obj_1(_obj_0, "OK") local _base_0 = _call_1["if"](_call_1, "def", 998) local _fn_0 = _base_0.f return _fn_0 and function(...) return _fn_0(_base_0, ...) end end return nil end)() ~= nil) print(res) local solipsism if (mind ~= nil) and not (world ~= nil) then solipsism = true end local speed = 0 speed = speed or 15 local footprints = yeti or "bear" local major = 'Computer Science' if not (major ~= nil) then signUpForClass('Introduction to Wines') end if (window ~= nil) then local environment = 'browser (probably)' end local zip local _obj_0 = lottery.drawWinner if _obj_0 ~= nil then local _obj_1 = _obj_0().address if _obj_1 ~= nil then zip = _obj_1.zipcode end end local len = (function() if utf8 ~= nil then return utf8.len end return nil end)() or (function() if string ~= nil then return string.len end return nil end)() or function(o) return #o end local a if tb1 ~= nil then local _obj_1 = tb1["end"] if _obj_1 ~= nil then a = _obj_1(tb1, 123 + (function() if tb2 ~= nil then return tb2["then"](tb2, 456) end return nil end)()) end end local b = ((function() if tb1 ~= nil then local _base_0 = tb1 local _fn_0 = _base_0["end"] return _fn_0 and function(...) return _fn_0(_base_0, ...) end end return nil end)() ~= nil) or (function() if tb2 ~= nil then local _base_0 = tb2 local _fn_0 = _base_0["then"] return _fn_0 and function(...) return _fn_0(_base_0, ...) end end return nil end)() local _with_0 = io.open("test.txt", "w") if _with_0 ~= nil then _with_0:write("hello") _with_0:close() end return _with_0