local luarocksKey = ... local version do local _with_0 = io.open("src/yuescript/yue_compiler.cpp") if _with_0 ~= nil then local codes = _with_0:read("*a") _with_0:close() version = codes:match("const std::string_view version = \"(.-)\"sv;") end end if not (version ~= nil) then print("failed to get version!") os.exit(1) end local rockspec = "rockspec_format = '3.0'\npackage = 'Yuescript'\nversion = '" .. tostring(version) .. "-1'\nsource = {\n url = 'git+https://github.com/pigpigyyy/yuescript'\n}\ndescription = {\n summary = 'Yuescript is a Moonscript dialect.',\n detailed = [[\n Yuescript is a Moonscript dialect. It is derived from Moonscript language 0.5.0 and continuously adopting new features to be more up to date. ]],\n homepage = 'https://github.com/pigpigyyy/yuescript',\n maintainer = 'Li Jin ',\n labels = {'yuescript','cpp','transpiler','moonscript'},\n license = 'MIT'\n}\ndependencies = {\n 'lua >= 5.1',\n}\nbuild = {\n type = 'cmake',\n variables = {\n LUA='$(LUA)',\n LUA_INCDIR='$(LUA_INCDIR)',\n CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE='Release'\n },\n install = {\n lib = {\n 'build.luarocks/yue.so'\n },\n bin = {\n 'build.luarocks/yue'\n }\n }\n}" local specFile = "yuescript-" .. tostring(version) .. "-1.rockspec" do local _with_0 = io.open(specFile, "w+") if _with_0 ~= nil then _with_0:write(rockspec) _with_0:close() end end local result = io.popen("luarocks upload --api-key " .. tostring(luarocksKey) .. " " .. tostring(specFile)):read('*a') if not result:match("Done:") then print(result) return os.exit(1) end