local hi = "hello" local hello = "what the heckyes" print(hi) local umm = 'umm' local here, another = "yeah", 'world' local aye = "YU'M" you('"hmmm" I said') print(aye, you) another = [[ hello world ]] local hi_there = [[ hi there ]] local well = [==[ "helo" ]==] local hola = [===[ eat noots]===] local mm = [[well trhere]] local txt = [[ nil Fail to compile ]] txt[ [[abc]]] = [["#{i}" for i = 1, 10] for i = 1, 10]] local oo = "" local x = "\\" x = "a\\b" x = "\\\n" x = "\"" local a = "hello " .. tostring(hello) .. " hello" local b = tostring(hello) .. " hello" local c = "hello " .. tostring(5 + 1) local d = tostring(hello(world)) local e = tostring(1) .. " " .. tostring(2) .. " " .. tostring(3) local f = [[hello #{world} world]] local g = "#{hello world}" a = 'hello #{hello} hello' b = '#{hello} hello' c = 'hello #{hello}' local _ = "hello"; ("hello"):format(1); ("hello"):format(1, 2, 3); ("hello"):format(1, 2, 3)(1, 2, 3); ("hello"):world(); ("hello"):format().hello(1, 2, 3); ("hello"):format(1, 2, 3) something("hello"):world() return something(("hello"):world())