local a = 1 + 2 * 3 / 6 local bunch, go, here a, bunch, go, here = another, world, nil, nil func(arg1, arg2, another, arg3) local we here, we = function() end, yeah local the, different the, different = function() return approach end, yeah dad() dad(lord) hello(one, two)(); (5 + 5)(world) fun(a)(b) fun(a)(b) fun(a)(b, bad(hello)) hello(world(what(are(you(doing(here)))))) what(the)[3243](world, yeck(heck)) hairy[hands][are](gross)(okay(okay[world])) local _ = (get[something] + 5)[years] local i, x = 200, 300 local yeah = (1 + 5) * 3 yeah = ((1 + 5) * 3) / 2 yeah = ((1 + 5) * 3) / 2 + i % 100 local whoa = (1 + 2) * (3 + 4) * (4 + 5) _ = function() if something then return 1, 2, 4 end return print("hello") end _ = function() if hello then return "heloo", "world" else return no, way end end _ = function() return 1, 2, 34 end do return 5 + function() return 4 + 2 end end do return 5 + (function() return 4 end) + 2 end print(5 + function() _ = 34 return good(nads) end) something('else', "ya") something('else') something("else") _ = something([[hey]]) * 2 _ = something([======[hey]======]) * 2 _ = something[ [======[hey]======]] * 2 _, _ = something('else'), 2 _, _ = something("else"), 2 _, _ = something([[else]]), 2 _, _ = something[ [[else]]], 2 something('else', 2) something("else", 2) something([[else]], 2) _ = here(we)("go")[12123] split("abc xyz 123"):map("#"):printAll() _ = f("")[a] _ = f(""):b() _ = f("").c() f(("")[a]) f((""):b()) f(("").c()) list({ "abc", "xyz", "123" }):map("#"):printAll() _ = f({ })[a] _ = f({ }):b() _ = f({ }).c() local something = { test = 12323, what = function() return print("hello world") end } print(something.test) local frick = { hello = "world" } local argon = { num = 100, world = function(self) print(self.num) return { something = function() return print("hi from something") end } end, somethin = function(self, str) print("string is", str) return { world = function(a, b) return print("sum", a + b) end } end } something.what() argon:world().something() argon:somethin("200").world(1, 2) x = -434 x = -hello(world(one(two))) local hi = -"herfef" x = -(function() local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for x in x do _accum_0[_len_0] = x _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end return _accum_0 end)() if cool then print("hello") end if not cool then print("hello") end if not (1212 and 3434) then print("hello") end for i = 1, 10 do print("hello") end print("nutjob") if hello then _ = 343 end if cool then print("what") end while not reader:eof() do reader:parse_line() end while not reader:eof() do reader:parse_line() end (function(...) local arg = { ... } end)() x = function(...) return dump({ ... }) end x = not true local y = not (5 + 5) y = #"hello" x = #{ #{ }, #{ 1 }, #{ 1, 2 } } _, _ = hello, world something:hello(what)(a, b) something:hello(what) something.hello:world(a, b) something.hello:world(1, 2, 3)(a, b) something.hello:world(1, 2, 3)(a, b) x = 1232 x = x + (10 + 3) local j = j - "hello" y = y * 2 y = y / 100 y = y // 100 local m = m % 2 local hello = hello .. "world" self.__class.something = self.__class.something + 10 self.something = self.something + 10 local _update_0 = "hello" a[_update_0] = a[_update_0] + 10 local _update_1 = "hello" .. tostring(tostring(ff)) a[_update_1] = a[_update_1] + 10 local _obj_0 = a[four] _obj_0.x = _obj_0.x + 10 a.b = a.b + 1 local _obj_1 = a.b[1].c local _update_2 = 2 + 3 _obj_1[_update_2] = _obj_1[_update_2] + 1 do local _with_0 = tb local _obj_2 = _with_0.a _obj_2.c = _obj_2.c + 1 end do local _obj_2 = tb _obj_2[#_obj_2 + 1] = 10 end do local _obj_2 = a.b.c _obj_2[#_obj_2 + 1] = 1 end if v then x[#x + 1] = 1 else x[#x + 1] = 2 end do local _with_0 = tb local _obj_2 = _with_0.b.c local _with_1 = vec _with_1.x = 1 _with_1.y = 2 _obj_2[#_obj_2 + 1] = _with_1 end do local _obj_2 = a.b.c.d:f().g _obj_2[#_obj_2 + 1] = 1 end local tb = { } tb[#tb + 1] = 1 tb[#tb + 1] = 2 tb[#tb + 1] = 3 x = 0 local _list_0 = values for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local v = _list_0[_index_0] if ntype(v) == "fndef" then _ = x + 1 end end hello = { something = world, ["if"] = "hello", ["else"] = 3434, ["function"] = "okay", good = 230203 } tb = { ["do"] = b, (function() return { b = b } end)() } div({ class = "cool" }) _ = 5 + what(wack) what(whack + 5) _ = 5 - what(wack) what(whack - 5) x = hello - world - something; (function(something) if something == nil then do local _with_0 = what _with_0:cool(100) something = _with_0 end end return print(something) end)() if something then _ = 03589 else _ = 3434 end if something then _ = yeah elseif "ymmm" then print("cool") else _ = okay end x = notsomething y = ifsomething local z = x and b z = x(andb) while 10 > something({ something = "world" }) do print("yeah") end x = { okay = sure } yeah({ okay = man, sure = sir }) hello("no comma", { yeah = dada, another = world }) hello("comma", { something = hello_world, frick = you }) another(hello, one, two, three, four, { yeah = man, okay = yeah, fine = alright }) another(hello, one, two, three, four, { yeah = man, okay = yeah, { fine = alright, okay = 1 }, { fine = alright, okay = 2 } }) another(hello, one, two, three, four, { yeah = man, okay = yeah }) another(hello, one, two, three, four, { yeah = man({ okay = yeah }) }) ajax(url, function(data) return process(data) end, function(error) return print(error) end) a = a + (3 - 5) a = a * (3 + 5) a = a * 3 a = a >> 3 a = a << 3 a = a / func("cool") x["then"] = "hello" x["while"]["true"] = "hello" x["while"]["true"] = "hello" x = x or "hello" x = x and "hello" z = a - b z = a(-b) z = a - b z = a - b local str = strA .. strB .. strC func(3000, "") local f f = function() return a, b, c, d, e, f end f = function() return a, b, c, d, e, f end do local _with_0 = obj invoke(_with_0:func(), 123, "abc") end invokeA(invokeB(invokeC(123))) invokeA(invokeB(invokeC(123))) local v = { a(-1), a(-1), a - 1, a - 1, a - 1, a - 1, a - 1, a - 1, a(~1), a(~1), a ~ 1, a ~ 1, a ~ 1, a ~ 1, a ~ 1, a ~ 1 } do a = 1 + 2 * 3 / 4 local _1 = f1(-1 + 2 + 3) local _2 = f1 - 1 + 2 + 3 local f2 f2 = function(x) return print(x + 1) end a = f2() f2(-1) a = f2() - f2(1) local _3, _4 _1, _2, _3, _4 = 1, f(2, 3, f(4, 4)) end do f = function(a, b) return a + b end f(a, b) f() end do if cond then else end do local _exp_0 = cond if 1 == _exp_0 then elseif 2 == _exp_0 then else end end local f1 f1 = function() end local f2 f2 = function() end end return nil