local _u4f60_u5f88_u9177 = false local __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf if _u9177 then if _u4f60_u5f88_u9177 then __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u4e00 else if _u5403_u4e1c_u897f then __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u597d else __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u4e8c __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u4e09 end end else __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u5426 end if _u9177 then __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u5426 end if _u9177 then __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u5426 else __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u662f end if _u9177 then _u5594(_u9177) else _u6ca1_u90a3_u4e48(_u9177) end if _u5728_u5de5_u4f5c then if _u9177 then if _u9177 then __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u597d_u5427 else __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u4ec0_u4e48 end else __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u5450 end end if _u270c_ufe0f then _u65e0(_u65e5) elseif _u9177(_u6211) then _u597d_u5427(_u5440) else u_u578b(_u8def) end if _u270c_ufe0f then _u65e0(_u7236) else if _u9177(_u4f60) then _u597d_u5427(_u5427) else p_u578b(_u8def) end end if (function() end)() then _u968f_u4fbf(_u600e_u6837) end if nil then _u7ffb_u8f6c(_u6211) else _u8fd9_u4e2a(_u662f, _u5f27_u5ea6) end if _u4e1c_u897f(_u4e0d_u9519) then _u6ca1(_u6cd5) elseif _u597d_u7684(_u786e_u5b9a) then _u4ec0_u4e48(_u8fd9_u91cc) end if _u5f88_u591a_u4e1c_u897f then _u6ca1(_u673a_u4f1a) elseif _u597d_u5427 then _u73b0_u5728(_u600e_u4e48_u529e) end if _u5f88_u591a_u4e1c_u897f then _u662f(_u4f19_u8ba1) elseif _u597d_u7684(_u4eba) then _u55e8(_u597d_u5440) else _u55ef(_u786e_u5b9a) end if _u6211_u4eec(_u8d70_u5427) then _u6253_u5370("打招呼") elseif "只有我们" then _u6253_u5370("威尔史密斯") else _u663e_u793a(5555555) end do local _u67d0_u4e1c_u897f = 10 if _u67d0_u4e1c_u897f then _u6253_u5370(_u67d0_u4e1c_u897f) else _u6253_u5370("其它") end end local _u4f60_u597d do local _u67d0_u4e1c_u897f = 10 if _u67d0_u4e1c_u897f then _u4f60_u597d = _u6253_u5370(_u67d0_u4e1c_u897f) else _u4f60_u597d = _u6253_u5370("其它") end end _u4f60_u597d = 5 + (function() local _u67d0_u4e1c_u897f = 10 if _u67d0_u4e1c_u897f then return _u6253_u5370(_u67d0_u4e1c_u897f) end end)() local z_u53d8_u91cf = false if false then __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u4e00 else do local _u6761_u4ef6x = true if _u6761_u4ef6x then __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u4e8c else do local _u6761_u4ef6z = true if _u6761_u4ef6z then __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u4e09 else __u65e0_u6548_u53d8_u91cf = _u56db end end end end end local _u8f93_u51fa if false then _u8f93_u51fa = _u4e00 else do local _u6761_u4ef6x = true if _u6761_u4ef6x then _u8f93_u51fa = _u4e8c else do local _u6761_u4ef6z = true if _u6761_u4ef6z then _u8f93_u51fa = _u4e09 else _u8f93_u51fa = _u56db end end end end end local _u53d8_u91cf _u53d8_u91cf = function() do local _u67d0_u4e1c_u897f = true if _u67d0_u4e1c_u897f then return 1 else do local _u53e6_u4e00_u4e2a = false if _u53e6_u4e00_u4e2a then return 2 end end end end end if not true then _u6253_u5370("酷!") end if not (true and false) then _u6253_u5370("酷!") end if not false then _u6253_u5370("酷!") end if not false then _u6253_u5370("酷!") else _u6253_u5370("no way!") end if not nil then _u6253_u5370("hello") else _u6253_u5370("world") end local x if not true then x = _u6253_u5370("酷!") end if not (true and false) then x = _u6253_u5370("酷!") end local y if not false then y = _u6253_u5370("酷!") end if not false then y = _u6253_u5370("酷!") else y = _u6253_u5370("没门!") end local z if not nil then z = _u6253_u5370("你好") else z = _u6253_u5370("世界") end _u6253_u5370((function() if not true then return _u6253_u5370("酷!") end end)()) _u6253_u5370((function() if not (true and false) then return _u6253_u5370("酷!") end end)()) _u6253_u5370((function() if not false then return _u6253_u5370("酷!") end end)()) _u6253_u5370((function() if not false then return _u6253_u5370("酷!") else return _u6253_u5370("没门!") end end)()) _u6253_u5370((function() if not nil then return _u6253_u5370("你好") else return _u6253_u5370("世界") end end)()) if not _u503c then _u6253_u5370("你好") end local _u53d8_u91cfdddd if not _u503c then _u53d8_u91cfdddd = { 1, 2, 3 } end do local j_u53d8_u91cf = 100 j_u53d8_u91cf = _u55e8() if not j_u53d8_u91cf then _u9519_u8bef("不是 j变量!") end end local _u53d8_u91cfa = 12 local _u53d8_u91cfc, _u53d8_u91cfb if _u67d0_u4e1c_u897f then _u53d8_u91cfa, _u53d8_u91cfc, _u53d8_u91cfb = "酷", nil, nil end local _u53d8_u91cfj if 1 then if 2 then _u53d8_u91cfj = 3 end else _u53d8_u91cfj = 6 end local _u53d8_u91cfm if 1 then if 2 then _u53d8_u91cfm = 3 end else _u53d8_u91cfm = 6 end do _u51fd_u6570a({ ["字段b"] = _u5b57_u6bb5b }) if _u51fd_u6570a then return { ["字段b"] = _u5b57_u6bb5b } else if _u51fd_u6570c then return { ["字段d"] = _u53d8_u91cfe } else return { ["字段f"] = 123 } end end end do _u51fd_u6570c({ ["字段d"] = _u53d8_u91cfe }) if _u6761_u4ef6a then local _u5b57_u6bb5b = _u53d8_u91cftb["字段b"] elseif _u6761_u4ef6c then local _u53d8_u91cfe = _u53d8_u91cftb["字段d"] end end do local _des_0 = _u6570_u5b66_u5e93 if _des_0 then local _u6d3e = _des_0["派"] _u6253_u5370(_u6d3e) end end do local _u6570_u5b66_u5e93 if _u6570_u5b66_u5e93 then local _u6d3e = _u6570_u5b66_u5e93["派"] _u6253_u5370(_u6d3e) end end do do local __u6a21_u5757 = { } if __u6a21_u5757 then local _u4e1c_u897f = __u6a21_u5757["东西"] local a_u529f_u80fd, b_u529f_u80fd = __u6a21_u5757["a功能"], __u6a21_u5757["b功能"] end end end do do local _des_0 = { } if _des_0 then __u6a21_u5757 = _des_0 local _u4e1c_u897f = __u6a21_u5757["东西"] local a_u529f_u80fd, b_u529f_u80fd do local _obj_0 = __u6a21_u5757 a_u529f_u80fd, b_u529f_u80fd = _obj_0["a功能"], _obj_0["b功能"] end end end end do local _u53d8_u91cfv if 1 and (function() return 0 ~= 1 end)() then _u53d8_u91cfv = 1 else _u53d8_u91cfv = 2 end end do local _u94fe_u5f0f_u6bd4_u8f83 = 1 < 2 and 2 <= 2 and 2 < 3 and 3 == 3 and 3 > 2 and 2 >= 1 and 1 == 1 and 1 < 3 and 3 ~= 5 local _u503c _u503c = function(_u8f93_u5165) _u6253_u5370(_u8f93_u5165) return _u8f93_u5165 end local _u6c42_u503c do local _cond_0 = _u503c(2) if not (_u503c(1) < _cond_0) then _u6c42_u503c = false else _u6c42_u503c = _cond_0 <= _u503c(3) end end do local _cond_0 = _u503c(2) if not (_u503c(1) > _cond_0) then _u6c42_u503c = false else _u6c42_u503c = _cond_0 <= _u503c(3) end end end return nil