for _u53d8_u91cfx = 1, 10 do _u6253_u5370("yeah") end for _u53d8_u91cfx = 1, #_u67d0_u7269 do _u6253_u5370("yeah") end for _u53d8_u91cfy = 100, 60, -3 do _u6253_u5370("倒计时", _u53d8_u91cfy) end for _u53d8_u91cfa = 1, 10 do _u6253_u5370("好的") end for _u53d8_u91cfa = 1, 10 do for _u53d8_u91cfb = 2, 43 do _u6253_u5370(_u53d8_u91cfa, _u53d8_u91cfb) end end for _u53d8_u91cfi in _u8fed_u4ee3_u5668 do for _u53d8_u91cfj in _u662f_u7684 do local _u53d8_u91cfx = 343 + _u53d8_u91cfi + _u53d8_u91cfj _u6253_u5370(_u53d8_u91cfi, _u53d8_u91cfj) end end local _list_0 = _u67d0_u7269 for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local _u53d8_u91cfx = _list_0[_index_0] _u6253_u5370(_u53d8_u91cfx) end for _u952e, _u503c in pairs(_u4f60_u597d) do _u6253_u5370(_u952e, _u503c) end for _u53d8_u91cfx in _u53d8_u91cfy, _u53d8_u91cfz do _u6253_u5370(_u53d8_u91cfx) end for _u53d8_u91cfx in _u53d8_u91cfy, _u53d8_u91cfz, _u952e do _u6253_u5370(_u53d8_u91cfx) end local _list_1 = _u6a21_u5757 for _index_0 = 1, #_list_1 do local _u540d_u79f0, _u6210_u5458_u4eec = _list_1[_index_0] _u6253_u5370(_u540d_u79f0, _u6210_u5458) end local _u53d8_u91cfx _u53d8_u91cfx = function() for _u53d8_u91cfx in _u53d8_u91cfy do local _u53d8_u91cf_ = _u53d8_u91cfy end end local _u4f60_u597d = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for _index_0 = 1, #_u4f60_u597d do local _u53d8_u91cfy = _u4f60_u597d[_index_0] if _u53d8_u91cfy % 2 == 0 then _accum_0[_len_0] = _u53d8_u91cfy end _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end _u53d8_u91cfx = _accum_0 end _u53d8_u91cfx = function() for _index_0 = 1, #_u4f60_u597d do local _u53d8_u91cfx = _u4f60_u597d[_index_0] local _u53d8_u91cf_ = _u53d8_u91cfy end end local _u8868_u683c do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for _u53d8_u91cfi = 10, 20 do _accum_0[_len_0] = _u53d8_u91cfi * 2 _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end _u8868_u683c = _accum_0 end local _u54e6 = 0 local _u53d8_u91cfy do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for _u53d8_u91cfj = 3, 30, 8 do _u54e6 = _u54e6 + 1 _accum_0[_len_0] = _u53d8_u91cfj * _u54e6 _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end _u53d8_u91cfy = _accum_0 end local _u53d8_u91cf_ _u53d8_u91cf_ = function() for _u53d8_u91cfk = 10, 40 do _u53d8_u91cf_ = "好的" end end _u53d8_u91cf_ = function() local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for _u53d8_u91cfk = 10, 40 do _accum_0[_len_0] = "好的" _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end return _accum_0 end while true do _u6253_u5370("名称") end while 5 + 5 do _u6253_u5370("好的 世界") _u5de5_u4f5c(_u4eba) end while _u8fd8_u6709 do _u6211(_u4e5f(_u5de5_u4f5c)) _u53d8_u91cf_ = "好的" end local _u53d8_u91cfi = 0 do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 while _u53d8_u91cfi < 10 do _u53d8_u91cfi = _u53d8_u91cfi + 1 _accum_0[_len_0] = _u53d8_u91cfi _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end _u53d8_u91cfx = _accum_0 end do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 local _list_2 = 3 for _index_0 = 1, #_list_2 do local _u4e1c_u897f = _list_2[_index_0] _u53d8_u91cfy = "你好" break _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end _u53d8_u91cfx = _accum_0 end do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for _u53d8_u91cfx = 1, 2 do _u53d8_u91cfy = "你好" _accum_0[_len_0] = _u53d8_u91cfy _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end _u53d8_u91cfx = _accum_0 end while true do if false then goto _continue_0 end _u6253_u5370("是的") if true then break end _u6253_u5370("不") ::_continue_0:: end for _u53d8_u91cfi = 1, 10 do while true do if not true then goto _continue_1 end break ::_continue_1:: end end local _u53d8_u91cfa = 1 repeat _u53d8_u91cfa = _u53d8_u91cfa + 1 if _u53d8_u91cfa == 5 then goto _continue_2 end if _u53d8_u91cfa == 6 then break end _u6253_u5370(_u53d8_u91cfa) ::_continue_2:: until _u53d8_u91cfa == 10 _u53d8_u91cfx = 0 repeat _u53d8_u91cfx = _u53d8_u91cfx + 1 _u53d8_u91cfy = _u53d8_u91cfx if _u53d8_u91cfx < 5 then goto _continue_3 end _u6253_u5370(_u53d8_u91cfy) ::_continue_3:: until _u53d8_u91cfy == 10 _u53d8_u91cfa = 3 while not (_u53d8_u91cfa == 0) do _u53d8_u91cfa = _u53d8_u91cfa - 1 end local _u5b8c_u6210 = false while not _u5b8c_u6210 do _u5b8c_u6210 = true end repeat _u6253_u5370("你好") until true while not _u5b8c_u6210 do _u53d8_u91cfx = 10 repeat _u53d8_u91cfx = _u53d8_u91cfx - 1 until _u53d8_u91cfx == 0 end while not _u6761_u4ef6 do _u6253_u5370("好的") end for _u53d8_u91cfx = 1, 10 do if _u53d8_u91cfx > 3 and _u53d8_u91cfx < 7 then goto _continue_4 end _u6253_u5370(_u53d8_u91cfx) ::_continue_4:: end local _u5217_u8868 do local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for _u53d8_u91cfx = 1, 10 do if _u53d8_u91cfx > 3 and _u53d8_u91cfx < 7 then goto _continue_5 end _accum_0[_len_0] = _u53d8_u91cfx _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 ::_continue_5:: end _u5217_u8868 = _accum_0 end local _list_2 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } for _index_0 = 1, #_list_2 do local _u53d8_u91cfa = _list_2[_index_0] if _u53d8_u91cfa == 1 then goto _continue_6 end if _u53d8_u91cfa == 3 then goto _continue_6 end _u6253_u5370(_u53d8_u91cfa) ::_continue_6:: end for _u53d8_u91cfx = 1, 10 do if _u53d8_u91cfx % 2 == 0 then goto _continue_7 end for _u53d8_u91cfy = 2, 12 do if _u53d8_u91cfy % 3 == 0 then goto _continue_8 end ::_continue_8:: end ::_continue_7:: end while true do if false then goto _continue_9 end break ::_continue_9:: end while true do if false then goto _continue_10 end do return 22 end ::_continue_10:: end do local _u4e09_u91cdx = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } for _index_0 = 1, #_u4e09_u91cdx do local _u4e1c_u897f = _u4e09_u91cdx[_index_0] _u6253_u5370(_u4e1c_u897f) end end do for _u53d8_u91cfi = 1, 10 do repeat do local _with_0 = _u5bf9_u8c61tb if _with_0 ~= nil then _with_0["字段a"] = 1 if _with_0["字段b"] then goto _continue_12 end do if _with_0["字段c"] then break end end end end ::_continue_12:: until true if 123 == _u53d8_u91cfx then break else goto _continue_11 end if _u53d8_u91cfy then goto _continue_11 else break end do do do _u6253_u5370(_u53d8_u91cfi) goto _continue_11 end end end _u6253_u5370("abc") ::_continue_11:: end end