do local _exp_0 = _u503c if "酷" == _exp_0 then _u6253_u5370("你好,世界") end end do local _exp_0 = _u503c if "酷" == _exp_0 then _u6253_u5370("你好,世界") else _u6253_u5370("好的,很棒") end end do local _exp_0 = _u503c if "酷" == _exp_0 then _u6253_u5370("你好,世界") elseif "是的" == _exp_0 then local _u53d8_u91cf_ = [[FFFF]] + [[MMMM]] elseif (2323 + 32434) == _exp_0 then _u6253_u5370("好的") else _u6253_u5370("好的,很棒") end end local _u8f93_u51fa do local _exp_0 = _u503c if "酷" == _exp_0 then _u8f93_u51fa = _u6253_u5370("你好,世界") else _u8f93_u51fa = _u6253_u5370("好的,很棒") end end do local _exp_0 = _u503c if "酷" == _exp_0 then _u8f93_u51fa = _u53d8_u91cfx elseif "哦" == _exp_0 then _u8f93_u51fa = 34340 else _u8f93_u51fa = error("这大大地失败了") end end do local _with_0 = _u4e1c_u897f do local _exp_0 = _with_0["值"](_with_0) if _with_0["确定"] == _exp_0 then local _u53d8_u91cf_ = "世界" else local _u53d8_u91cf_ = "是的" end end end _u4fee_u590d(_u8fd9_u4e2a) call_func((function() local _exp_0 = _u67d0_u7269 if 1 == _exp_0 then return "是" else return "否" end end)()) do local _exp_0 = _u55e8 if (_u4f60_u597d or _u4e16_u754c) == _exp_0 then local _u53d8_u91cf_ = _u7eff_u8272 end end do local _exp_0 = _u55e8 if "一个" == _exp_0 or "两个" == _exp_0 then _u6253_u5370("酷") elseif "爸爸" == _exp_0 then local _u53d8_u91cf_ = _u5426 end end do local _exp_0 = _u55e8 if (3 + 1) == _exp_0 or _u4f60_u597d() == _exp_0 or (function() return 4 end)() == _exp_0 then local _u53d8_u91cf_ = _u9ec4_u8272 else _u6253_u5370("酷") end end do local _u5b57_u5178 = { { }, { 1, 2, 3 }, ["变量a"] = { ["变量b"] = { ["变量c"] = 1 } }, ["变量x"] = { ["变量y"] = { ["变量z"] = 1 } } } do local _type_0 = type(_u5b57_u5178) local _tab_0 = "table" == _type_0 or "userdata" == _type_0 if _tab_0 then local _u7b2c_u4e00 = _u5b57_u5178[1] local _u4e00_u4e2a do local _obj_0 = _u5b57_u5178[2] local _type_1 = type(_obj_0) if "table" == _type_1 or "userdata" == _type_1 then _u4e00_u4e2a = _obj_0[1] end end local _u4e24_u4e2a do local _obj_0 = _u5b57_u5178[2] local _type_1 = type(_obj_0) if "table" == _type_1 or "userdata" == _type_1 then _u4e24_u4e2a = _obj_0[2] end end local _u4e09_u4e2a do local _obj_0 = _u5b57_u5178[2] local _type_1 = type(_obj_0) if "table" == _type_1 or "userdata" == _type_1 then _u4e09_u4e2a = _obj_0[3] end end local _u53d8_u91cfc do local _obj_0 = _u5b57_u5178["变量a"] local _type_1 = type(_obj_0) if "table" == _type_1 or "userdata" == _type_1 then do local _obj_1 = _obj_0["变量b"] local _type_2 = type(_obj_1) if "table" == _type_2 or "userdata" == _type_2 then _u53d8_u91cfc = _obj_1["变量c"] end end end end local _u53d8_u91cfz do local _obj_0 = _u5b57_u5178["变量x"] local _type_1 = type(_obj_0) if "table" == _type_1 or "userdata" == _type_1 then do local _obj_1 = _obj_0["变量y"] local _type_2 = type(_obj_1) if "table" == _type_2 or "userdata" == _type_2 then _u53d8_u91cfz = _obj_1["变量z"] end end end end if _u7b2c_u4e00 ~= nil and _u4e00_u4e2a ~= nil and _u4e24_u4e2a ~= nil and _u4e09_u4e2a ~= nil and _u53d8_u91cfc ~= nil and _u53d8_u91cfz ~= nil then _u6253_u5370(_u7b2c_u4e00, _u4e00_u4e2a, _u4e24_u4e2a, _u4e09_u4e2a, _u53d8_u91cfc, _u53d8_u91cfz) end end end end do local _u7269_u54c1 = { { ["变量x"] = 100, ["变量y"] = 200 }, { ["宽度"] = 300, ["高度"] = 400 }, false } for _index_0 = 1, #_u7269_u54c1 do local _u7269 = _u7269_u54c1[_index_0] do local _type_0 = type(_u7269) local _tab_0 = "table" == _type_0 or "userdata" == _type_0 local _match_0 = false if _tab_0 then local _u53d8_u91cfx = _u7269["变量x"] local _u53d8_u91cfy = _u7269["变量y"] if _u53d8_u91cfx ~= nil and _u53d8_u91cfy ~= nil then _match_0 = true _u6253_u5370("Vec2 " .. tostring(_u53d8_u91cfx) .. ", " .. tostring(_u53d8_u91cfy)) end end if not _match_0 then local _match_1 = false if _tab_0 then local _u5bbd_u5ea6 = _u7269["宽度"] local _u9ad8_u5ea6 = _u7269["高度"] if _u5bbd_u5ea6 ~= nil and _u9ad8_u5ea6 ~= nil then _match_1 = true _u6253_u5370("Size " .. tostring(_u5bbd_u5ea6) .. ", " .. tostring(_u9ad8_u5ea6)) end end if not _match_1 then if false == _u7269 then _u6253_u5370("没有") else local _match_2 = false if _tab_0 then local _u7c7b = _u7269["__类"] if _u7c7b ~= nil then _match_2 = true if _u7c7b_u522bA == _u7c7b then _u6253_u5370("对象 A") elseif _u7c7b_u522bB == _u7c7b then _u6253_u5370("对象 B") end end end if not _match_2 then local _match_3 = false if _tab_0 then local _u8868 = getmetatable(_u7269) if _u8868 ~= nil then _match_3 = true _u6253_u5370("带有元表的表") end end if not _match_3 then _u6253_u5370("物品不被接受!") end end end end end end end end do local _u8868_u683c = { } do local _type_0 = type(_u8868_u683c) local _tab_0 = "table" == _type_0 or "userdata" == _type_0 if _tab_0 then local _u53d8_u91cfa = _u8868_u683c["变量a"] local _u53d8_u91cfb = _u8868_u683c["变量b"] if _u53d8_u91cfa == nil then _u53d8_u91cfa = 1 end if _u53d8_u91cfb == nil then _u53d8_u91cfb = 2 end _u6253_u5370(_u53d8_u91cfa, _u53d8_u91cfb) end end do local _type_0 = type(_u8868_u683c) local _tab_0 = "table" == _type_0 or "userdata" == _type_0 if _tab_0 then local _u53d8_u91cfa = _u8868_u683c["变量a"] local _u53d8_u91cfb = _u8868_u683c["变量b"] if _u53d8_u91cfb == nil then _u53d8_u91cfb = 2 end if _u53d8_u91cfa ~= nil then _u6253_u5370("部分匹配", _u53d8_u91cfa, _u53d8_u91cfb) end end end do local _type_0 = type(_u8868_u683c) local _tab_0 = "table" == _type_0 or "userdata" == _type_0 local _match_0 = false if _tab_0 then local _u53d8_u91cfa = _u8868_u683c["变量a"] local _u53d8_u91cfb = _u8868_u683c["变量b"] if _u53d8_u91cfa ~= nil and _u53d8_u91cfb ~= nil then _match_0 = true _u6253_u5370(_u53d8_u91cfa, _u53d8_u91cfb) end end if not _match_0 then _u6253_u5370("没有匹配") end end end do local _u8868_u683c = { ["变量x"] = "abc" } do local _type_0 = type(_u8868_u683c) local _tab_0 = "table" == _type_0 or "userdata" == _type_0 local _match_0 = false if _tab_0 then local _u53d8_u91cfx = _u8868_u683c["变量x"] local _u53d8_u91cfy = _u8868_u683c["变量y"] if _u53d8_u91cfx ~= nil and _u53d8_u91cfy ~= nil then _match_0 = true _u6253_u5370("变量x: " .. tostring(_u53d8_u91cfx) .. " 和 变量y: " .. tostring(_u53d8_u91cfy)) end end if not _match_0 then if _tab_0 then local _u53d8_u91cfx = _u8868_u683c["变量x"] if _u53d8_u91cfx ~= nil then _u6253_u5370("只有 变量x: " .. tostring(_u53d8_u91cfx)) end end end end end do local _u5339_u914d do local _exp_0 = _u8868_u683c if 1 == _exp_0 then _u5339_u914d = "1" else local _type_0 = type(_exp_0) local _tab_0 = "table" == _type_0 or "userdata" == _type_0 local _match_0 = false if _tab_0 then local _u53d8_u91cfx = _exp_0["变量x"] if _u53d8_u91cfx ~= nil then _match_0 = true _u5339_u914d = _u53d8_u91cfx end end if not _match_0 then if false == _exp_0 then _u5339_u914d = "false" else _u5339_u914d = nil end end end end end do local _exp_0 = _u8868_u683c if nil == _exp_0 then return "无效" else do local _type_0 = type(_exp_0) local _tab_0 = "table" == _type_0 or "userdata" == _type_0 local _match_0 = false if _tab_0 then local _u53d8_u91cfa = _exp_0["变量a"] local _u53d8_u91cfb = _exp_0["变量b"] if _u53d8_u91cfa ~= nil and _u53d8_u91cfb ~= nil then _match_0 = true return tostring(_u53d8_u91cfa + _u53d8_u91cfb) end end if not _match_0 then if 1 == _exp_0 or 2 == _exp_0 or 3 == _exp_0 or 4 == _exp_0 or 5 == _exp_0 then return "数字 1 - 5" else local _match_1 = false if _tab_0 then local _u5339_u914d_u4efb_u4f55_u8868_u683c = _exp_0["匹配任何表格"] if _u5339_u914d_u4efb_u4f55_u8868_u683c == nil then _u5339_u914d_u4efb_u4f55_u8868_u683c = "后备" end _match_1 = true return _u5339_u914d_u4efb_u4f55_u8868_u683c end if not _match_1 then return "除非它不是一个表格,否则不应到达这里" end end end end end end do do local _exp_0 = _u53d8_u91cfy local _type_0 = type(_exp_0) local _tab_0 = "table" == _type_0 or "userdata" == _type_0 if _tab_0 then local _u8868 = (function() local _obj_0 = _exp_0["变量x"] if _obj_0 ~= nil then return getmetatable(_obj_0) end return nil end)() if _u8868 ~= nil then _u6253_u5370(_u8868) end end end end return nil