local _u53d8_u91cfa = 1 + 2 * 3 / 6 local _u4e00_u5806, _u53bb, _u8fd9_u91cc _u53d8_u91cfa, _u4e00_u5806, _u53bb, _u8fd9_u91cc = _u53e6_u5916, _u4e16_u754c, nil, nil _u51fd_u6570(_u53c2_u65701, _u53c2_u65702, _u53e6_u5916, _u53c2_u65703) local _u6211_u4eec _u8fd9_u91cc, _u6211_u4eec = function() end, _u662f_u7684 local _u8fd9_u4e2a, _u4e0d_u540c _u8fd9_u4e2a, _u4e0d_u540c = function() return _u65b9_u6cd5 end, _u662f_u7684 _u7238_u7238() _u7238_u7238(_u4e3b) _u4f60_u597d(_u4e00, _u4e8c)(); (5 + 5)(_u4e16_u754c) _u4e50_u8da3(_u53d8_u91cfa)(_u53d8_u91cfb) _u4e50_u8da3(_u53d8_u91cfa)(_u53d8_u91cfb) _u4e50_u8da3(_u53d8_u91cfa)(_u53d8_u91cfb, _u574f(_u4f60_u597d)) _u4f60_u597d(_u4e16_u754c(_u4f60_u5728_u8fd9_u91cc_u505a_u4ec0_u4e48)) _u4ec0_u4e48(_u8fd9_u4e2a)[3243](_u4e16_u754c, _u54ce_u5440) _u6bdb_u8338_u8338[_u624b][_u662f](_u6076_u5fc3)(_u597d_u7684(_u597d_u7684[_u4e16_u754c])) local _ = (_u5f97_u5230[_u67d0_u4e8b] + 5)[_u5e74] local _u53d8_u91cfi, _u53d8_u91cfx = 200, 300 local _u662f_u7684 = (1 + 5) * 3 _u662f_u7684 = ((1 + 5) * 3) / 2 _u662f_u7684 = ((1 + 5) * 3) / 2 + _u53d8_u91cfi % 100 local _u54c7 = (1 + 2) * (3 + 4) * (4 + 5) _ = function() if _u67d0_u4e8b then return 1, 2, 4 end return _u6253_u5370("你好") end _ = function() if _u4f60_u597d then return "你好", "世界" else return _u4e0d, _u65b9_u6cd5 end end _ = function() return 1, 2, 34 end do return 5 + function() return 4 + 2 end end do return 5 + (function() return 4 end) + 2 end _u6253_u5370(5 + function() _ = 34 return _u597d(_u7403) end) _u67d0_u4e8b('其他', "是") _u67d0_u4e8b('其他') _u67d0_u4e8b("其他") _ = _u67d0_u4e8b([[嘿]]) * 2 _ = _u67d0_u4e8b([======[嘿]======]) * 2 _ = _u67d0_u4e8b[ [======[嘿]======]] * 2 _, _ = _u67d0_u4e8b('其他'), 2 _, _ = _u67d0_u4e8b("其他"), 2 _, _ = _u67d0_u4e8b([[其他]]), 2 _, _ = _u67d0_u4e8b[ [[其他]]], 2 _u67d0_u4e8b('其他', 2) _u67d0_u4e8b("其他", 2) _u67d0_u4e8b([[其他]], 2) _ = _u8fd9_u91cc(_u6211_u4eec)("去")[12123] local _call_0 = _u5206_u88c2("abc xyz 123") local _call_1 = _call_0["映射"](_call_0, "#") _call_1["打印全部"](_call_1) _ = f("")[_u53d8_u91cfa] local _call_2 = f("") _ = _call_2["变量b"](_call_2) _ = f("")["变量c"]() f(("")[_u53d8_u91cfa]) f((function() local _call_3 = ("") return _call_3["变量b"](_call_3) end)()) f(("")["变量c"]()) local _call_3 = _u5217_u8868({ "abc", "xyz", "123" }) local _call_4 = _call_3["映射"](_call_3, "#") _call_4["打印全部"](_call_4) _ = f({ })[_u53d8_u91cfa] local _call_5 = f({ }) _ = _call_5["变量b"](_call_5) _ = f({ })["变量c"]() local _u67d0_u4e8b = { ["测试"] = 12323, ["什么"] = function() return _u6253_u5370("你好 世界") end } _u6253_u5370(_u67d0_u4e8b["测试"]) local _u5929_u54ea = { ["你好"] = "世界" } local _u6c29 = { ["数字"] = 100, ["世界"] = function(_u81ea_u5df1) _u6253_u5370(_u81ea_u5df1["数字"]) return { ["某事"] = function() return _u6253_u5370("嗨 从某事") end } end, ["某事"] = function(_u81ea_u5df1, _u5b57_u7b26_u4e32) _u6253_u5370("字符串是", _u5b57_u7b26_u4e32) return { ["世界"] = function(_u53d8_u91cfa, _u53d8_u91cfb) return _u6253_u5370("总和", _u53d8_u91cfa + _u53d8_u91cfb) end } end } _u67d0_u4e8b["什么"]() _u6c29["世界"](_u6c29)["某事"]() _u6c29["某事"](_u6c29, "200")["世界"](1, 2) _u53d8_u91cfx = -434 _u53d8_u91cfx = -_u4f60_u597d(_u4e16_u754c(_u4e00(_u4e8c))) local _u55e8 = -"herfef" _u53d8_u91cfx = -(function() local _accum_0 = { } local _len_0 = 1 for _u53d8_u91cfx in _u53d8_u91cfx do _accum_0[_len_0] = _u53d8_u91cfx _len_0 = _len_0 + 1 end return _accum_0 end)() if _u9177 then _u6253_u5370("你好") end if not _u9177 then _u6253_u5370("你好") end if not (1212 and 3434) then _u6253_u5370("你好") end for i = 1, 10 do _u6253_u5370("你好") end _u6253_u5370("疯子") if _u4f60_u597d then _ = 343 end if _u9177 then _u6253_u5370("什么") end while not (function() local _call_6 = _u9605_u8bfb_u8005 return _call_6["结束"](_call_6) end)() do local _call_6 = _u9605_u8bfb_u8005 _call_6["解析_行"](_call_6) end while not (function() local _call_6 = _u9605_u8bfb_u8005 return _call_6["结束"](_call_6) end)() do local _call_6 = _u9605_u8bfb_u8005 _call_6["解析_行"](_call_6) end (function(...) local _u53c2_u6570 = { ... } end)() _u53d8_u91cfx = function(...) return dump({ ... }) end _u53d8_u91cfx = not true local _u53d8_u91cfy = not (5 + 5) _u53d8_u91cfy = #"你好" _u53d8_u91cfx = #{ #{ }, #{ 1 }, #{ 1, 2 } } _, _ = _u4f60_u597d, _u4e16_u754c _u67d0_u4e8b["你好"](_u67d0_u4e8b, _u4ec0_u4e48)(_u53d8_u91cfa, _u53d8_u91cfb) _u67d0_u4e8b["你好"](_u67d0_u4e8b, _u4ec0_u4e48) local _call_6 = _u67d0_u4e8b["你好"] _call_6["世界"](_call_6, _u53d8_u91cfa, _u53d8_u91cfb) local _call_7 = _u67d0_u4e8b["你好"] _call_7["世界"](_call_7, 1, 2, 3)(_u53d8_u91cfa, _u53d8_u91cfb) _u53d8_u91cfx = 1232 _u53d8_u91cfx = _u53d8_u91cfx + (10 + 3) local _u53d8_u91cfj = _u53d8_u91cfj - "你好" _u53d8_u91cfy = _u53d8_u91cfy * 2 _u53d8_u91cfy = _u53d8_u91cfy / 100 _u53d8_u91cfy = _u53d8_u91cfy // 100 local _u53d8_u91cfm = _u53d8_u91cfm % 2 local _u4f60_u597d = _u4f60_u597d .. "世界" self.__class["某事"] = self.__class["某事"] + 10 self["某事"] = self["某事"] + 10 local _update_0 = "你好" _u53d8_u91cfa[_update_0] = _u53d8_u91cfa[_update_0] + 10 local _update_1 = "你好" .. tostring(tostring(ff)) _u53d8_u91cfa[_update_1] = _u53d8_u91cfa[_update_1] + 10 local _obj_0 = _u53d8_u91cfa[_u56db] _obj_0["字段x"] = _obj_0["字段x"] + 10 _u53d8_u91cfa["变量b"] = _u53d8_u91cfa["变量b"] + 1 local _obj_1 = _u53d8_u91cfa["变量b"][1]["变量c"] local _update_2 = 2 + 3 _obj_1[_update_2] = _obj_1[_update_2] + 1 do local _with_0 = _u8868 local _obj_2 = _with_0["字段a"] _obj_2["变量c"] = _obj_2["变量c"] + 1 end do local _obj_2 = _u8868 _obj_2[#_obj_2 + 1] = 10 end do local _obj_2 = _u53d8_u91cfa["变量b"]["变量c"] _obj_2[#_obj_2 + 1] = 1 end if _u6761_u4ef6v then _u53d8_u91cfx[#_u53d8_u91cfx + 1] = 1 else _u53d8_u91cfx[#_u53d8_u91cfx + 1] = 2 end do local _with_0 = _u8868 local _obj_2 = _with_0["变量b"]["变量c"] local _with_1 = _u5411_u91cf _with_1["字段x"] = 1 _with_1["字段y"] = 2 _obj_2[#_obj_2 + 1] = _with_1 end do local _call_8 = _u5bf9_u8c61a["变量b"]["变量c"]["变量d"] local _obj_2 = _call_8["函数"](_call_8)["变量g"] _obj_2[#_obj_2 + 1] = 1 end local _u8868 = { } _u8868[#_u8868 + 1] = 1 _u8868[#_u8868 + 1] = 2 _u8868[#_u8868 + 1] = 3 _u53d8_u91cfx = 0 local _list_0 = _u503c for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do local _u53d8_u91cfv = _list_0[_index_0] if ntype(_u53d8_u91cfv) == "函数定义" then _ = _u53d8_u91cfx + 1 end end _u4f60_u597d = { ["某物"] = _u4e16_u754c, ["如果"] = "你好", ["否则"] = 3434, ["函数"] = "好的", ["好的"] = 230203 } _u8868 = { ["执行"] = _u53d8_u91cfb, _u6267_u884c({ ["变量b"] = _u53d8_u91cfb }) } div({ ["类"] = "酷" }) _ = 5 + _u4ec0_u4e48(_u65e0_u804a) _u4ec0_u4e48(_u65e0_u804a + 5) _ = 5 - _u4ec0_u4e48(_u65e0_u804a) _u4ec0_u4e48(_u65e0_u804a - 5) _u53d8_u91cfx = _u4f60_u597d - _u4e16_u754c - _u67d0_u7269 local _anon_func_0 = function(_u4ec0_u4e48) do local _call_8 = _u4ec0_u4e48 return _call_8["酷"](_call_8, 100) end end (function(_u67d0_u7269) if _u67d0_u7269 == nil then _u67d0_u7269 = _u4e0e(_anon_func_0(_u4ec0_u4e48)) end return _u6253_u5370(_u67d0_u7269) end)() if _u67d0_u7269 then _ = 03589 else _ = 3434 end if _u67d0_u7269 then _ = _u662f_u7684 elseif "嗯嗯嗯" then _u6253_u5370("酷") else _ = _u597d_u7684 end _u53d8_u91cfx = _u4e0d_u662f_u67d0_u7269 _u53d8_u91cfy = _u5982_u679c_u67d0_u7269 local _u53d8_u91cfz = _u53d8_u91cfx(_u4e0e(_u53d8_u91cfb)) _u53d8_u91cfz = _u53d8_u91cfx(_u4e0eb) while 10 > _u67d0_u7269({ ["某物"] = "世界" }) do _u6253_u5370("是的") end _u53d8_u91cfx = { ["好的"] = _u786e_u5b9a } _u662f_u7684({ ["好的"] = _u7537_u4eba, ["确定"] = _u5148_u751f }) _u4f60_u597d("无逗号", { ["是的"] = _u7238_u7238, ["另一个"] = _u4e16_u754c }) _u4f60_u597d("逗号", { ["某物"] = _u4f60_u597d__u4e16_u754c, ["骂人"] = _u4f60 }) _u53e6_u4e00_u4e2a(_u4f60_u597d, _u4e00_u4e2a, _u4e8c, _u4e09, _u56db, { ["是的"] = _u7537_u4eba, ["好的"] = _u662f_u7684, ["好"] = _u597d_u7684 }) _u53e6_u4e00_u4e2a(_u4f60_u597d, _u4e00_u4e2a, _u4e8c, _u4e09, _u56db, { ["是的"] = _u7537_u4eba, ["好的"] = _u662f_u7684, { ["好"] = _u597d_u7684, ["好的"] = 1 }, { ["好"] = _u597d_u7684, ["好的"] = 2 } }) _u53e6_u4e00_u4e2a(_u4f60_u597d, _u4e00_u4e2a, _u4e8c, _u4e09, _u56db, { ["是的"] = _u7537_u4eba, ["好的"] = _u662f_u7684 }) _u53e6_u4e00_u4e2a(_u4f60_u597d, _u4e00_u4e2a, _u4e8c, _u4e09, _u56db, { ["是的"] = _u7537_u4eba({ ["好的"] = _u662f_u7684 }) }) _u963f_u8d3e_u514b_u65af(_u5730_u5740, function(_u6570_u636e) return _u5904_u7406(_u6570_u636e) end, function(_u9519_u8bef) return _u6253_u5370(_u9519_u8bef) end) _u53d8_u91cfa = _u53d8_u91cfa + (3 - 5) _u53d8_u91cfa = _u53d8_u91cfa * (3 + 5) _u53d8_u91cfa = _u53d8_u91cfa * 3 _u53d8_u91cfa = _u53d8_u91cfa >> 3 _u53d8_u91cfa = _u53d8_u91cfa << 3 _u53d8_u91cfa = _u53d8_u91cfa / _u51fd_u6570("酷") _u53d8_u91cfx["然后"] = "你好" _u53d8_u91cfx["当"]["真"] = "你好" _u53d8_u91cfx["当"]["真"] = "你好" _u53d8_u91cfx = _u53d8_u91cfx or "你好" _u53d8_u91cfx = _u53d8_u91cfx and "你好" _u53d8_u91cfz = _u53d8_u91cfa - _u53d8_u91cfb _u53d8_u91cfz = _u53d8_u91cfa(-_u53d8_u91cfb) _u53d8_u91cfz = _u53d8_u91cfa - _u53d8_u91cfb _u53d8_u91cfz = _u53d8_u91cfa - _u53d8_u91cfb local _u5b57_u7b26_u4e32 = _u5b57_u7b26_u4e32A .. _u5b57_u7b26_u4e32B .. _u5b57_u7b26_u4e32C _u51fd_u6570(3000, "") local f f = function() return _u53d8_u91cfa, _u53d8_u91cfb, _u53d8_u91cfc, _u53d8_u91cfd, _u53d8_u91cfe, _u53d8_u91cff end f = function() return _u53d8_u91cfa, _u53d8_u91cfb, _u53d8_u91cfc, _u53d8_u91cfd, _u53d8_u91cfe, _u53d8_u91cff end do local _with_0 = _u5bf9_u8c61 _u8c03_u7528(_with_0["函数"](_with_0), 123, "abc") end _u8c03_u7528A(_u8c03_u7528B(_u8c03_u7528C(123))) _u8c03_u7528A(_u8c03_u7528B(_u8c03_u7528C(123))) local _u53d8_u91cfv = { _u53d8_u91cfa(-1), _u53d8_u91cfa(-1), _u53d8_u91cfa - 1, _u53d8_u91cfa - 1, _u53d8_u91cfa - 1, _u53d8_u91cfa - 1, _u53d8_u91cfa - 1, _u53d8_u91cfa - 1, _u53d8_u91cfa(~1), _u53d8_u91cfa(~1), _u53d8_u91cfa ~ 1, _u53d8_u91cfa ~ 1, _u53d8_u91cfa ~ 1, _u53d8_u91cfa ~ 1, _u53d8_u91cfa ~ 1, _u53d8_u91cfa ~ 1 } do _u53d8_u91cfa = 1 + 2 * 3 / 4 local _u53d8_u91cf_1 = f1(-1 + 2 + 3) local _u53d8_u91cf_2 = f1 - 1 + 2 + 3 local f2 f2 = function(_u53d8_u91cfx) return _u6253_u5370(_u53d8_u91cfx + 1) end _u53d8_u91cfa = f2() f2(-1) _u53d8_u91cfa = f2() - f2(1) local _u53d8_u91cf_3, _u53d8_u91cf_4 _u53d8_u91cf_1, _u53d8_u91cf_2, _u53d8_u91cf_3, _u53d8_u91cf_4 = 1, f(2, 3, f(4, 4)) end do f = function(_u53d8_u91cfa, _u53d8_u91cfb) return _u53d8_u91cfa + _u53d8_u91cfb end f(_u53d8_u91cfa, _u53d8_u91cfb) f() end return nil