#include <efsw/FileSystem.hpp> #include <efsw/platform/platformimpl.hpp> #if EFSW_OS == EFSW_OS_MACOSX #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h> #endif namespace efsw { bool FileSystem::isDirectory( const std::string& path ) { return Platform::FileSystem::isDirectory( path ); } FileInfoMap FileSystem::filesInfoFromPath( std::string path ) { dirAddSlashAtEnd( path ); return Platform::FileSystem::filesInfoFromPath( path ); } char FileSystem::getOSSlash() { return Platform::FileSystem::getOSSlash(); } bool FileSystem::slashAtEnd( std::string& dir ) { return ( dir.size() && dir[dir.size() - 1] == getOSSlash() ); } void FileSystem::dirAddSlashAtEnd( std::string& dir ) { if ( dir.size() > 1 && dir[dir.size() - 1] != getOSSlash() ) { dir.push_back( getOSSlash() ); } } void FileSystem::dirRemoveSlashAtEnd( std::string& dir ) { if ( dir.size() > 1 && dir[dir.size() - 1] == getOSSlash() ) { dir.erase( dir.size() - 1 ); } } std::string FileSystem::fileNameFromPath( std::string filepath ) { dirRemoveSlashAtEnd( filepath ); size_t pos = filepath.find_last_of( getOSSlash() ); if ( pos != std::string::npos ) { return filepath.substr( pos + 1 ); } return filepath; } std::string FileSystem::pathRemoveFileName( std::string filepath ) { dirRemoveSlashAtEnd( filepath ); size_t pos = filepath.find_last_of( getOSSlash() ); if ( pos != std::string::npos ) { return filepath.substr( 0, pos + 1 ); } return filepath; } std::string FileSystem::getLinkRealPath( std::string dir, std::string& curPath ) { FileSystem::dirRemoveSlashAtEnd( dir ); FileInfo fi( dir, true ); /// Check with lstat and see if it's a link if ( fi.isLink() ) { /// get the real path of the link std::string link( fi.linksTo() ); /// get the current path of the directory without the link dir path curPath = FileSystem::pathRemoveFileName( dir ); /// ensure that ends with the os directory slash FileSystem::dirAddSlashAtEnd( link ); return link; } /// if it's not a link return nothing return ""; } std::string FileSystem::precomposeFileName( const std::string& name ) { #if EFSW_OS == EFSW_OS_MACOSX CFStringRef cfStringRef = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, name.c_str(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ); CFMutableStringRef cfMutable = CFStringCreateMutableCopy( NULL, 0, cfStringRef ); CFStringNormalize( cfMutable, kCFStringNormalizationFormC ); char c_str[255 + 1]; CFStringGetCString( cfMutable, c_str, sizeof( c_str ) - 1, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ); CFRelease( cfStringRef ); CFRelease( cfMutable ); return std::string( c_str ); #else return name; #endif } bool FileSystem::isRemoteFS( const std::string& directory ) { return Platform::FileSystem::isRemoteFS( directory ); } bool FileSystem::changeWorkingDirectory( const std::string& directory ) { return Platform::FileSystem::changeWorkingDirectory( directory ); } std::string FileSystem::getCurrentWorkingDirectory() { return Platform::FileSystem::getCurrentWorkingDirectory(); } } // namespace efsw