#include <efsw/Debug.hpp>
#include <efsw/FileSystem.hpp>
#include <efsw/FileWatcherFSEvents.hpp>
#include <efsw/Lock.hpp>
#include <efsw/String.hpp>
#include <efsw/System.hpp>


#include <sys/utsname.h>

namespace efsw {

int getOSXReleaseNumber() {
	static int osxR = -1;

	if ( -1 == osxR ) {
		struct utsname os;

		if ( -1 != uname( &os ) ) {
			std::string release( os.release );

			size_t pos = release.find_first_of( '.' );

			if ( pos != std::string::npos ) {
				release = release.substr( 0, pos );

			int rel = 0;

			if ( String::fromString<int>( rel, release ) ) {
				osxR = rel;

	return osxR;

bool FileWatcherFSEvents::isGranular() {
	return getOSXReleaseNumber() >= 11;

void FileWatcherFSEvents::FSEventCallback( ConstFSEventStreamRef /*streamRef*/, void* userData,
										   size_t numEvents, void* eventPaths,
										   const FSEventStreamEventFlags eventFlags[],
										   const FSEventStreamEventId eventIds[] ) {
	WatcherFSEvents* watcher = static_cast<WatcherFSEvents*>( userData );

	std::vector<FSEvent> events;
	events.reserve( numEvents );

	for ( size_t i = 0; i < numEvents; i++ ) {
		events.push_back( FSEvent( std::string( ( (char**)eventPaths )[i] ), (long)eventFlags[i],
								   (Uint64)eventIds[i] ) );

	watcher->handleActions( events );


	efDEBUG( "\n" );

FileWatcherFSEvents::FileWatcherFSEvents( FileWatcher* parent ) :
	FileWatcherImpl( parent ), mRunLoopRef( NULL ), mLastWatchID( 0 ), mThread( NULL ) {
	mInitOK = true;


FileWatcherFSEvents::~FileWatcherFSEvents() {
	mInitOK = false;

	if ( mRunLoopRef.load() )
		CFRunLoopStop( mRunLoopRef.load() );

	efSAFE_DELETE( mThread );

	WatchMap::iterator iter = mWatches.begin();

	for ( ; iter != mWatches.end(); ++iter ) {
		WatcherFSEvents* watch = iter->second;

		efSAFE_DELETE( watch );


WatchID FileWatcherFSEvents::addWatch( const std::string& directory, FileWatchListener* watcher,
									   bool recursive ) {
	/// Wait to the RunLoopRef to be ready
	while ( NULL == mRunLoopRef.load() ) {
		System::sleep( 1 );

	std::string dir( directory );

	FileInfo fi( dir );

	if ( !fi.isDirectory() ) {
		return Errors::Log::createLastError( Errors::FileNotFound, dir );
	} else if ( !fi.isReadable() ) {
		return Errors::Log::createLastError( Errors::FileNotReadable, dir );

	FileSystem::dirAddSlashAtEnd( dir );

	if ( pathInWatches( dir ) ) {
		return Errors::Log::createLastError( Errors::FileRepeated, directory );

	/// Check if the directory is a symbolic link
	std::string curPath;
	std::string link( FileSystem::getLinkRealPath( dir, curPath ) );

	if ( "" != link ) {
		/// If it's a symlink check if the realpath exists as a watcher, or
		/// if the path is outside the current dir
		if ( pathInWatches( link ) ) {
			return Errors::Log::createLastError( Errors::FileRepeated, directory );
		} else if ( !linkAllowed( curPath, link ) ) {
			return Errors::Log::createLastError( Errors::FileOutOfScope, dir );
		} else {
			dir = link;


	WatcherFSEvents* pWatch = new WatcherFSEvents();
	pWatch->Listener = watcher;
	pWatch->ID = mLastWatchID;
	pWatch->Directory = dir;
	pWatch->Recursive = recursive;
	pWatch->FWatcher = this;


	Lock lock( mWatchesLock );
	mWatches.insert( std::make_pair( mLastWatchID, pWatch ) );

	return pWatch->ID;

void FileWatcherFSEvents::removeWatch( const std::string& directory ) {
	Lock lock( mWatchesLock );

	WatchMap::iterator iter = mWatches.begin();

	for ( ; iter != mWatches.end(); ++iter ) {
		if ( directory == iter->second->Directory ) {
			removeWatch( iter->second->ID );

void FileWatcherFSEvents::removeWatch( WatchID watchid ) {
	Lock lock( mWatchesLock );

	WatchMap::iterator iter = mWatches.find( watchid );

	if ( iter == mWatches.end() )

	WatcherFSEvents* watch = iter->second;

	mWatches.erase( iter );

	efDEBUG( "Removed watch %s\n", watch->Directory.c_str() );

	efSAFE_DELETE( watch );

void FileWatcherFSEvents::watch() {
	if ( NULL == mThread ) {
		mThread = new Thread( &FileWatcherFSEvents::run, this );

void FileWatcherFSEvents::run() {
	mRunLoopRef = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();

	while ( mInitOK ) {

		if ( !mNeedInit.empty() ) {
			for ( std::vector<WatcherFSEvents*>::iterator it = mNeedInit.begin();
				  it != mNeedInit.end(); ++it ) {
				( *it )->initAsync();



		if ( mWatches.empty() ) {
			System::sleep( 100 );
		} else {
			CFRunLoopRunInMode( kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0.5, kCFRunLoopRunTimedOut );

	mRunLoopRef = NULL;

void FileWatcherFSEvents::handleAction( Watcher* /*watch*/, const std::string& /*filename*/,
										unsigned long /*action*/, std::string /*oldFilename*/ ) {
	/// Not used

std::list<std::string> FileWatcherFSEvents::directories() {
	std::list<std::string> dirs;

	Lock lock( mWatchesLock );

	for ( WatchMap::iterator it = mWatches.begin(); it != mWatches.end(); ++it ) {
		dirs.push_back( std::string( it->second->Directory ) );

	return dirs;

bool FileWatcherFSEvents::pathInWatches( const std::string& path ) {
	for ( WatchMap::iterator it = mWatches.begin(); it != mWatches.end(); ++it ) {
		if ( it->second->Directory == path ) {
			return true;

	return false;

} // namespace efsw
