/** NOTE:
 *	This code is based on the Utf implementation from SFML2. License zlib/png (
 *http://www.sfml-dev.org/license.php ) The class was modified to fit efsw own needs. This is not
 *the original implementation from SFML2.
 * */

#ifndef EFSW_UTF_HPP
#define EFSW_UTF_HPP

// Headers
#include <cstdlib>
#include <efsw/base.hpp>
#include <locale>
#include <string>

namespace efsw {

template <unsigned int N> class Utf;

/// \brief Specialization of the Utf template for UTF-8
template <> class Utf<8> {
	/// \brief Decode a single UTF-8 character
	/// Decoding a character means finding its unique 32-bits
	/// code (called the codepoint) in the Unicode standard.
	/// \param begin       Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end         Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Codepoint of the decoded UTF-8 character
	/// \param replacement Replacement character to use in case the UTF-8 sequence is invalid
	/// \return Iterator pointing to one past the last read element of the input sequence
	template <typename In>
	static In Decode( In begin, In end, Uint32& output, Uint32 replacement = 0 );

	/// \brief Encode a single UTF-8 character
	/// Encoding a character means converting a unique 32-bits
	/// code (called the codepoint) in the target encoding, UTF-8.
	/// \param input       Codepoint to encode as UTF-8
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement for characters not convertible to UTF-8 (use 0 to skip them)
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename Out> static Out Encode( Uint32 input, Out output, Uint8 replacement = 0 );

	/// \brief Advance to the next UTF-8 character
	/// This function is necessary for multi-elements encodings, as
	/// a single character may use more than 1 storage element.
	/// \param begin Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end   Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \return Iterator pointing to one past the last read element of the input sequence
	template <typename In> static In Next( In begin, In end );

	/// \brief Count the number of characters of a UTF-8 sequence
	/// This function is necessary for multi-elements encodings, as
	/// a single character may use more than 1 storage element, thus the
	/// total size can be different from (begin - end).
	/// \param begin Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end   Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \return Iterator pointing to one past the last read element of the input sequence
	template <typename In> static std::size_t Count( In begin, In end );

	/// \brief Convert an ANSI characters range to UTF-8
	/// The current global locale will be used by default, unless you
	/// pass a custom one in the \a locale parameter.
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param locale Locale to use for conversion
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out>
	static Out FromAnsi( In begin, In end, Out output, const std::locale& locale = std::locale() );

	/// \brief Convert a wide characters range to UTF-8
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out FromWide( In begin, In end, Out output );

	/// \brief Convert a latin-1 (ISO-5589-1) characters range to UTF-8
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param locale Locale to use for conversion
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out FromLatin1( In begin, In end, Out output );

	/// \brief Convert an UTF-8 characters range to ANSI characters
	/// The current global locale will be used by default, unless you
	/// pass a custom one in the \a locale parameter.
	/// \param begin       Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end         Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement for characters not convertible to ANSI (use 0 to skip them)
	/// \param locale      Locale to use for conversion
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out>
	static Out ToAnsi( In begin, In end, Out output, char replacement = 0,
					   const std::locale& locale = std::locale() );

	/// \brief Convert an UTF-8 characters range to wide characters
	/// \param begin       Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end         Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement for characters not convertible to wide (use 0 to skip them)
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out>
	static Out ToWide( In begin, In end, Out output, wchar_t replacement = 0 );

	/// \brief Convert an UTF-8 characters range to latin-1 (ISO-5589-1) characters
	/// \param begin       Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end         Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement for characters not convertible to wide (use 0 to skip them)
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out>
	static Out ToLatin1( In begin, In end, Out output, char replacement = 0 );

	/// \brief Convert a UTF-8 characters range to UTF-8
	/// This functions does nothing more than a direct copy;
	/// it is defined only to provide the same interface as other
	/// specializations of the efsw::Utf<> template, and allow
	/// generic code to be written on top of it.
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out toUtf8( In begin, In end, Out output );

	/// \brief Convert a UTF-8 characters range to UTF-16
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out ToUtf16( In begin, In end, Out output );

	/// \brief Convert a UTF-8 characters range to UTF-32
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out ToUtf32( In begin, In end, Out output );

/// \brief Specialization of the Utf template for UTF-16
template <> class Utf<16> {
	/// \brief Decode a single UTF-16 character
	/// Decoding a character means finding its unique 32-bits
	/// code (called the codepoint) in the Unicode standard.
	/// \param begin       Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end         Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Codepoint of the decoded UTF-16 character
	/// \param replacement Replacement character to use in case the UTF-8 sequence is invalid
	/// \return Iterator pointing to one past the last read element of the input sequence
	template <typename In>
	static In Decode( In begin, In end, Uint32& output, Uint32 replacement = 0 );

	/// \brief Encode a single UTF-16 character
	/// Encoding a character means converting a unique 32-bits
	/// code (called the codepoint) in the target encoding, UTF-16.
	/// \param input       Codepoint to encode as UTF-16
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement for characters not convertible to UTF-16 (use 0 to skip them)
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename Out> static Out Encode( Uint32 input, Out output, Uint16 replacement = 0 );

	/// \brief Advance to the next UTF-16 character
	/// This function is necessary for multi-elements encodings, as
	/// a single character may use more than 1 storage element.
	/// \param begin Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end   Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \return Iterator pointing to one past the last read element of the input sequence
	template <typename In> static In Next( In begin, In end );

	/// \brief Count the number of characters of a UTF-16 sequence
	/// This function is necessary for multi-elements encodings, as
	/// a single character may use more than 1 storage element, thus the
	/// total size can be different from (begin - end).
	/// \param begin Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end   Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \return Iterator pointing to one past the last read element of the input sequence
	template <typename In> static std::size_t Count( In begin, In end );

	/// \brief Convert an ANSI characters range to UTF-16
	/// The current global locale will be used by default, unless you
	/// pass a custom one in the \a locale parameter.
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param locale Locale to use for conversion
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out>
	static Out FromAnsi( In begin, In end, Out output, const std::locale& locale = std::locale() );

	/// \brief Convert a wide characters range to UTF-16
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out FromWide( In begin, In end, Out output );

	/// \brief Convert a latin-1 (ISO-5589-1) characters range to UTF-16
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param locale Locale to use for conversion
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out FromLatin1( In begin, In end, Out output );

	/// \brief Convert an UTF-16 characters range to ANSI characters
	/// The current global locale will be used by default, unless you
	/// pass a custom one in the \a locale parameter.
	/// \param begin       Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end         Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement for characters not convertible to ANSI (use 0 to skip them)
	/// \param locale      Locale to use for conversion
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out>
	static Out ToAnsi( In begin, In end, Out output, char replacement = 0,
					   const std::locale& locale = std::locale() );

	/// \brief Convert an UTF-16 characters range to wide characters
	/// \param begin       Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end         Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement for characters not convertible to wide (use 0 to skip them)
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out>
	static Out ToWide( In begin, In end, Out output, wchar_t replacement = 0 );

	/// \brief Convert an UTF-16 characters range to latin-1 (ISO-5589-1) characters
	/// \param begin       Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end         Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement for characters not convertible to wide (use 0 to skip them)
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out>
	static Out ToLatin1( In begin, In end, Out output, char replacement = 0 );

	/// \brief Convert a UTF-16 characters range to UTF-8
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out toUtf8( In begin, In end, Out output );

	/// \brief Convert a UTF-16 characters range to UTF-16
	/// This functions does nothing more than a direct copy;
	/// it is defined only to provide the same interface as other
	/// specializations of the efsw::Utf<> template, and allow
	/// generic code to be written on top of it.
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out ToUtf16( In begin, In end, Out output );

	/// \brief Convert a UTF-16 characters range to UTF-32
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out ToUtf32( In begin, In end, Out output );

/// \brief Specialization of the Utf template for UTF-32
template <> class Utf<32> {
	/// \brief Decode a single UTF-32 character
	/// Decoding a character means finding its unique 32-bits
	/// code (called the codepoint) in the Unicode standard.
	/// For UTF-32, the character value is the same as the codepoint.
	/// \param begin       Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end         Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Codepoint of the decoded UTF-32 character
	/// \param replacement Replacement character to use in case the UTF-8 sequence is invalid
	/// \return Iterator pointing to one past the last read element of the input sequence
	template <typename In>
	static In Decode( In begin, In end, Uint32& output, Uint32 replacement = 0 );

	/// \brief Encode a single UTF-32 character
	/// Encoding a character means converting a unique 32-bits
	/// code (called the codepoint) in the target encoding, UTF-32.
	/// For UTF-32, the codepoint is the same as the character value.
	/// \param input       Codepoint to encode as UTF-32
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement for characters not convertible to UTF-32 (use 0 to skip them)
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename Out> static Out Encode( Uint32 input, Out output, Uint32 replacement = 0 );

	/// \brief Advance to the next UTF-32 character
	/// This function is trivial for UTF-32, which can store
	/// every character in a single storage element.
	/// \param begin Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end   Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \return Iterator pointing to one past the last read element of the input sequence
	template <typename In> static In Next( In begin, In end );

	/// \brief Count the number of characters of a UTF-32 sequence
	/// This function is trivial for UTF-32, which can store
	/// every character in a single storage element.
	/// \param begin Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end   Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \return Iterator pointing to one past the last read element of the input sequence
	template <typename In> static std::size_t Count( In begin, In end );

	/// \brief Convert an ANSI characters range to UTF-32
	/// The current global locale will be used by default, unless you
	/// pass a custom one in the \a locale parameter.
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param locale Locale to use for conversion
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out>
	static Out FromAnsi( In begin, In end, Out output, const std::locale& locale = std::locale() );

	/// \brief Convert a wide characters range to UTF-32
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out FromWide( In begin, In end, Out output );

	/// \brief Convert a latin-1 (ISO-5589-1) characters range to UTF-32
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param locale Locale to use for conversion
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out FromLatin1( In begin, In end, Out output );

	/// \brief Convert an UTF-32 characters range to ANSI characters
	/// The current global locale will be used by default, unless you
	/// pass a custom one in the \a locale parameter.
	/// \param begin       Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end         Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement for characters not convertible to ANSI (use 0 to skip them)
	/// \param locale      Locale to use for conversion
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out>
	static Out ToAnsi( In begin, In end, Out output, char replacement = 0,
					   const std::locale& locale = std::locale() );

	/// \brief Convert an UTF-32 characters range to wide characters
	/// \param begin       Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end         Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement for characters not convertible to wide (use 0 to skip them)
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out>
	static Out ToWide( In begin, In end, Out output, wchar_t replacement = 0 );

	/// \brief Convert an UTF-16 characters range to latin-1 (ISO-5589-1) characters
	/// \param begin       Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end         Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement for characters not convertible to wide (use 0 to skip them)
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out>
	static Out ToLatin1( In begin, In end, Out output, char replacement = 0 );

	/// \brief Convert a UTF-32 characters range to UTF-8
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out toUtf8( In begin, In end, Out output );

	/// \brief Convert a UTF-32 characters range to UTF-16
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out ToUtf16( In begin, In end, Out output );

	/// \brief Convert a UTF-32 characters range to UTF-32
	/// This functions does nothing more than a direct copy;
	/// it is defined only to provide the same interface as other
	/// specializations of the efsw::Utf<> template, and allow
	/// generic code to be written on top of it.
	/// \param begin  Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param end    Iterator pointing to the end of the input sequence
	/// \param output Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename In, typename Out> static Out ToUtf32( In begin, In end, Out output );

	/// \brief Decode a single ANSI character to UTF-32
	/// This function does not exist in other specializations
	/// of efsw::Utf<>, it is defined for convenience (it is used by
	/// several other conversion functions).
	/// \param input  Input ANSI character
	/// \param locale Locale to use for conversion
	/// \return Converted character
	template <typename In>
	static Uint32 DecodeAnsi( In input, const std::locale& locale = std::locale() );

	/// \brief Decode a single wide character to UTF-32
	/// This function does not exist in other specializations
	/// of efsw::Utf<>, it is defined for convenience (it is used by
	/// several other conversion functions).
	/// \param input Input wide character
	/// \return Converted character
	template <typename In> static Uint32 DecodeWide( In input );

	/// \brief Encode a single UTF-32 character to ANSI
	/// This function does not exist in other specializations
	/// of efsw::Utf<>, it is defined for convenience (it is used by
	/// several other conversion functions).
	/// \param codepoint   Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement if the input character is not convertible to ANSI (use 0 to
	/// skip it) \param locale      Locale to use for conversion
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename Out>
	static Out EncodeAnsi( Uint32 codepoint, Out output, char replacement = 0,
						   const std::locale& locale = std::locale() );

	/// \brief Encode a single UTF-32 character to wide
	/// This function does not exist in other specializations
	/// of efsw::Utf<>, it is defined for convenience (it is used by
	/// several other conversion functions).
	/// \param codepoint   Iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence
	/// \param output      Iterator pointing to the beginning of the output sequence
	/// \param replacement Replacement if the input character is not convertible to wide (use 0 to
	/// skip it)
	/// \return Iterator to the end of the output sequence which has been written
	template <typename Out>
	static Out EncodeWide( Uint32 codepoint, Out output, wchar_t replacement = 0 );

#include "Utf.inl"

// Make typedefs to get rid of the template syntax
typedef Utf<8> Utf8;
typedef Utf<16> Utf16;
typedef Utf<32> Utf32;

} // namespace efsw

/// \class efsw::Utf
/// \ingroup system
/// Utility class providing generic functions for UTF conversions.
/// efsw::Utf is a low-level, generic interface for counting, iterating,
/// encoding and decoding Unicode characters and strings. It is able
/// to handle ANSI, wide, UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 encodings.
/// efsw::Utf<X> functions are all static, these classes are not meant to
/// be instanciated. All the functions are template, so that you
/// can use any character / string type for a given encoding.
/// It has 3 specializations:
/// \li efsw::Utf<8> (typedef'd to efsw::Utf8)
/// \li efsw::Utf<16> (typedef'd to efsw::Utf16)
/// \li efsw::Utf<32> (typedef'd to efsw::Utf32)