R"lua_codes( --[[ Copyright (c) 2010 Ignacio BurgueƱo, modified by Li Jin Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.]] -- tables local _G = _G local string, io, debug, coroutine = string, io, debug, coroutine -- functions local tostring, require = tostring, require local next, assert = next, assert local pcall, type, pairs, ipairs = pcall, type, pairs, ipairs local error = error assert(debug, "debug table must be available at this point") local string_gmatch = string.gmatch local string_sub = string.sub local table_concat = table.concat local moonp = require("moonp") local _M = { max_tb_output_len = 70, -- controls the maximum length of the 'stringified' table before cutting with ' (more...)' dump_locals = true, simplified = false } -- this tables should be weak so the elements in them won't become uncollectable local m_known_tables = { [_G] = "_G (global table)" } local function add_known_module(name, desc) local ok, mod = pcall(require, name) if ok then m_known_tables[mod] = desc end end add_known_module("string", "string module") add_known_module("io", "io module") add_known_module("os", "os module") add_known_module("table", "table module") add_known_module("math", "math module") add_known_module("package", "package module") add_known_module("debug", "debug module") add_known_module("coroutine", "coroutine module") -- lua5.2 add_known_module("bit32", "bit32 module") -- luajit add_known_module("bit", "bit module") add_known_module("jit", "jit module") -- lua5.3 if _VERSION >= "Lua 5.3" then add_known_module("utf8", "utf8 module") end local m_user_known_tables = {} local m_known_functions = {} for _, name in ipairs{ -- Lua 5.2, 5.1 "assert", "collectgarbage", "dofile", "error", "getmetatable", "ipairs", "load", "loadfile", "next", "pairs", "pcall", "print", "rawequal", "rawget", "rawlen", "rawset", "require", "select", "setmetatable", "tonumber", "tostring", "type", "xpcall", -- Lua 5.1 "gcinfo", "getfenv", "loadstring", "module", "newproxy", "setfenv", "unpack", -- TODO: add table.* etc functions } do if _G[name] then m_known_functions[_G[name]] = name end end local m_user_known_functions = {} local function safe_tostring (value) local ok, err = pcall(tostring, value) if ok then return err else return (": '%s'"):format(err) end end -- Private: -- Parses a line, looking for possible function definitions (in a very naive way) -- Returns '(anonymous)' if no function name was found in the line local function ParseLine(line) assert(type(line) == "string") local match = line:match("^%s*function%s+(%w+)") if match then --print("+++++++++++++function", match) return match end match = line:match("^%s*local%s+function%s+(%w+)") if match then --print("++++++++++++local", match) return match end match = line:match("^%s*local%s+(%w+)%s+=%s+function") if match then --print("++++++++++++local func", match) return match end match = line:match("%s*function%s*%(") -- this is an anonymous function if match then --print("+++++++++++++function2", match) return "(anonymous)" end return "(anonymous)" end -- Private: -- Tries to guess a function's name when the debug info structure does not have it. -- It parses either the file or the string where the function is defined. -- Returns '?' if the line where the function is defined is not found local function GuessFunctionName(info) -- print("guessing function name") if type(info.source) == "string" and info.source:sub(1,1) == "@" then local fname = info.source:sub(2) local text if moonp.file_exist(fname) then text = moonp.read_file(fname) end if not text then -- print("file not found: "..tostring(err)) -- whoops! return "?" end local line local count = 0 for lineText in (text.."\n"):gmatch("(.-)\n") do line = lineText count = count + 1 if count == info.linedefined then break end end if not line then --print("line not found") -- whoops! return "?" end return ParseLine(line) else local line local lineNumber = 0 for l in string_gmatch(info.source, "([^\n]+)\n-") do lineNumber = lineNumber + 1 if lineNumber == info.linedefined then line = l break end end if not line then -- print("line not found") -- whoops! return "?" end return ParseLine(line) end end --- -- Dumper instances are used to analyze stacks and collect its information. -- local Dumper = {} Dumper.new = function(thread) local t = { lines = {} } for k,v in pairs(Dumper) do t[k] = v end t.dumping_same_thread = (thread == coroutine.running()) -- if a thread was supplied, bind it to debug.info and debug.get -- we also need to skip this additional level we are introducing in the callstack (only if we are running -- in the same thread we're inspecting) if type(thread) == "thread" then t.getinfo = function(level, what) if t.dumping_same_thread and type(level) == "number" then level = level + 1 end return debug.getinfo(thread, level, what) end t.getlocal = function(level, loc) if t.dumping_same_thread then level = level + 1 end return debug.getlocal(thread, level, loc) end else t.getinfo = debug.getinfo t.getlocal = debug.getlocal end return t end -- helpers for collecting strings to be used when assembling the final trace function Dumper:add (text) self.lines[#self.lines + 1] = text end function Dumper:add_f (fmt, ...) self:add(fmt:format(...)) end function Dumper:concat_lines () return table_concat(self.lines) end --- -- Private: -- Iterates over the local variables of a given function. -- -- @param level The stack level where the function is. -- function Dumper:DumpLocals (level) if not _M.dump_locals then return end local prefix = "\t " local i = 1 if self.dumping_same_thread then level = level + 1 end local name, value = self.getlocal(level, i) if not name then return end self:add("\tLocal variables:\r\n") while name do if type(value) == "number" then self:add_f("%s%s = number: %g\r\n", prefix, name, value) elseif type(value) == "boolean" then self:add_f("%s%s = boolean: %s\r\n", prefix, name, tostring(value)) elseif type(value) == "string" then self:add_f("%s%s = string: %q\r\n", prefix, name, value) elseif type(value) == "userdata" then self:add_f("%s%s = %s\r\n", prefix, name, safe_tostring(value)) elseif type(value) == "nil" then self:add_f("%s%s = nil\r\n", prefix, name) elseif type(value) == "table" then if m_known_tables[value] then self:add_f("%s%s = %s\r\n", prefix, name, m_known_tables[value]) elseif m_user_known_tables[value] then self:add_f("%s%s = %s\r\n", prefix, name, m_user_known_tables[value]) else local txt = "{" for k,v in pairs(value) do txt = txt..safe_tostring(k)..":"..safe_tostring(v) if #txt > _M.max_tb_output_len then txt = txt.." (more...)" break end if next(value, k) then txt = txt..", " end end self:add_f("%s%s = %s %s\r\n", prefix, name, safe_tostring(value), txt.."}") end elseif type(value) == "function" then local info = self.getinfo(value, "nS") local fun_name = info.name or m_known_functions[value] or m_user_known_functions[value] if info.what == "C" then self:add_f("%s%s = C %s\r\n", prefix, name, (fun_name and ("function: " .. fun_name) or tostring(value))) else local source = info.short_src if source:sub(2,7) == "string" then source = source:sub(9) end --for k,v in pairs(info) do print(k,v) end fun_name = fun_name or GuessFunctionName(info) self:add_f("%s%s = Lua function '%s' (defined at line %d of chunk %s)\r\n", prefix, name, fun_name, info.linedefined, source) end elseif type(value) == "thread" then self:add_f("%sthread %q = %s\r\n", prefix, name, tostring(value)) end i = i + 1 name, value = self.getlocal(level, i) end end local function getMoonLineNumber(fname, line) local moonCompiled = require("moonp").moon_compiled local source = moonCompiled["@"..fname] if not source then source = moonCompiled["@="..fname] end if not source then local name_path = fname:gsub("%.", moonp.dirsep) local file_exist, file_path for path in package.path:gmatch("[^;]+") do file_path = path:gsub("?", name_path) file_exist = moonp.file_exist(file_path) if file_exist then break end end if file_exist then local codes = moonp.read_file(file_path) local moonFile = codes:match("^%s*--%s*%[moonp%]:%s*([^\n]*)") if moonFile then fname = moonFile:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") source = codes end end end if source then local current, target = 1, tonumber(line) local findLine = line for lineCode in source:gmatch("([^\n]*)\n") do local num = lineCode:match("--%s*(%d+)%s*$") if num then findLine = num end if current == target then return fname, findLine or line end current = current + 1 end end return fname, line end --- -- Public: -- Collects a detailed stack trace, dumping locals, resolving function names when they're not available, etc. -- This function is suitable to be used as an error handler with pcall or xpcall -- -- @param thread An optional thread whose stack is to be inspected (defaul is the current thread) -- @param message An optional error string or object. -- @param level An optional number telling at which level to start the traceback (default is 1) -- -- Returns a string with the stack trace. -- function _M.stacktrace(thread, message, level) if type(thread) ~= "thread" then -- shift parameters left thread, message, level = nil, thread, message end thread = thread or coroutine.running() level = level or 1 local dumper = Dumper.new(thread) if type(message) == "table" then dumper:add("an error object {\r\n") local first = true for k,v in pairs(message) do if first then dumper:add(" ") first = false else dumper:add(",\r\n ") end dumper:add(safe_tostring(k)) dumper:add(": ") dumper:add(safe_tostring(v)) end dumper:add("\r\n}") elseif type(message) == "string" then local fname, line, msg = message:match('(.+):(%d+): (.*)$') if fname then local nfname, nline, nmsg = fname:match('(.+):(%d+): (.*)$') if nfname then fname = nmsg end end if fname then local fn = fname:match("%[string \"(.-)\"%]") if fn then fname = fn end fname = fname:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") fname, line = getMoonLineNumber(fname, line) if _M.simplified then message = table.concat({ "", fname, ":", line, ": ", msg}) message = message:gsub("^%(moonplus%):%s*%d+:%s*", "") message = message:gsub("%s(%d+):", "%1:") else message = table.concat({ "[string \"", fname, "\"]:", line, ": ", msg}) end end dumper:add(message) end dumper:add("\r\n") dumper:add[[ Stack Traceback =============== ]] local level_to_show = 1 if dumper.dumping_same_thread then level = level + 1 end local info = dumper.getinfo(level, "nSlf") while info do if info.source and info.source:sub(1,1) == "@" then info.source = info.source:sub(2) elseif info.what == "main" or info.what == "Lua" then info.source = info.source end info.source, info.currentline = getMoonLineNumber(info.source, info.currentline) if info.what == "main" then if _M.simplified then dumper:add_f("(%d) '%s':%d\r\n", level_to_show, info.source, info.currentline) else dumper:add_f("(%d) main chunk of file '%s' at line %d\r\n", level_to_show, info.source, info.currentline) end elseif info.what == "C" then --print(info.namewhat, info.name) --for k,v in pairs(info) do print(k,v, type(v)) end local function_name = m_user_known_functions[info.func] or m_known_functions[info.func] or info.name or tostring(info.func) dumper:add_f("(%d) %s C function '%s'\r\n", level_to_show, info.namewhat, function_name) --dumper:add_f("%s%s = C %s\r\n", prefix, name, (m_known_functions[value] and ("function: " .. m_known_functions[value]) or tostring(value))) elseif info.what == "tail" then --print("tail") --for k,v in pairs(info) do print(k,v, type(v)) end--print(info.namewhat, info.name) dumper:add_f("(%d) tail call\r\n", level_to_show) dumper:DumpLocals(level) elseif info.what == "Lua" then local source = info.source local function_name = m_user_known_functions[info.func] or m_known_functions[info.func] or info.name if source:sub(2, 7) == "string" then source = source:sub(10,-3) end local was_guessed = false if not function_name or function_name == "?" then --for k,v in pairs(info) do print(k,v, type(v)) end function_name = GuessFunctionName(info) was_guessed = true end -- test if we have a file name local function_type = (info.namewhat == "") and "function" or info.namewhat if info.source and info.source:sub(1, 1) == "@" then if _M.simplified then dumper:add_f("(%d) '%s':%d%s\r\n", level_to_show, info.source:sub(2), info.currentline, was_guessed and " (guess)" or "") else dumper:add_f("(%d) Lua %s '%s' at file '%s':%d%s\r\n", level_to_show, function_type, function_name, info.source:sub(2), info.currentline, was_guessed and " (best guess)" or "") end elseif info.source and info.source:sub(1,1) == '#' then if _M.simplified then dumper:add_f("(%d) '%s':%d%s\r\n", level_to_show, info.source:sub(2), info.currentline, was_guessed and " (guess)" or "") else dumper:add_f("(%d) Lua %s '%s' at template '%s':%d%s\r\n", level_to_show, function_type, function_name, info.source:sub(2), info.currentline, was_guessed and " (best guess)" or "") end else if _M.simplified then dumper:add_f("(%d) '%s':%d\r\n", level_to_show, source, info.currentline) else dumper:add_f("(%d) Lua %s '%s' at chunk '%s':%d\r\n", level_to_show, function_type, function_name, source, info.currentline) end end dumper:DumpLocals(level) else dumper:add_f("(%d) unknown frame %s\r\n", level_to_show, info.what) end level = level + 1 level_to_show = level_to_show + 1 info = dumper.getinfo(level, "nSlf") end return dumper:concat_lines() end -- -- Adds a table to the list of known tables function _M.add_known_table(tab, description) if m_known_tables[tab] then error("Cannot override an already known table") end m_user_known_tables[tab] = description end -- -- Adds a function to the list of known functions function _M.add_known_function(fun, description) if m_known_functions[fun] then error("Cannot override an already known function") end m_user_known_functions[fun] = description end return _M )lua_codes";