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authorErik Andersen <andersen@codepoet.org>2000-04-19 04:34:06 +0000
committerErik Andersen <andersen@codepoet.org>2000-04-19 04:34:06 +0000
commit2e397341d90e2773b2be8d98e52d5960e80f0a74 (patch)
parent262dd039ebc152ac0a83ec64c83aad27070499b6 (diff)
Some emails I exchanged with Alan Cox and Linus re my /dev/ps
kernel patch. To summarize, it won't be going into the kernel. -Erik
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/kernel-patches/WillThisGoIntoTheKernel b/examples/kernel-patches/WillThisGoIntoTheKernel
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f67fe4a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/kernel-patches/WillThisGoIntoTheKernel
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
1From alan@lxorguk.ukuu.org.uk Thu Apr 13 08:07:22 2000
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18Subject: Re: kernel ps drivers [Was: vm locking question]
19To: andersen@xmission.com
20Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 12:04:23 +0100 (BST)
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27From: Alan Cox <alan@lxorguk.ukuu.org.uk>
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33> On the subject of ps, would you be willing to accept my /dev/ps
34> patch into the kernel? If no, any suggestions on what should
35> be done differently (if anything) to make it worthy of inclusion?
37For 2.2.x no, for 2.3.x ask Linus not me
40From torvalds@transmeta.com Thu Apr 13 09:18:16 2000
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64Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 08:13:53 -0700 (PDT)
65From: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@transmeta.com>
66To: Erik Andersen <andersen@xmission.com>
67Cc: Alan Cox <alan@redhat.com>
68Subject: Re: kernel ps drivers [Was: vm locking question]
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79On Thu, 13 Apr 2000, Erik Andersen wrote:
81> For 2.3.x would you be willing to accept my /dev/ps driver into the kernel?
82> (Assuming I remove the /dev/modules driver (since it was pointed out that there
83> is a perfectly good syscall providing that interface). If no, is there anything
84> that could be done differently (if anything) to make it worthy of inclusion?
86I do dislike /dev/ps mightily. If the problem is that /proc is too large,
87then the right solution is to just clean up /proc. Which is getting done.
88And yes, /proc will be larger than /dev/ps, but I still find that
89preferable to having two incompatible ways to do the same thing.
91 Linus