path: root/examples
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples')
2 files changed, 300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/mdev.conf b/examples/mdev.conf
index 51795694d..fab1dc451 100644
--- a/examples/mdev.conf
+++ b/examples/mdev.conf
@@ -34,3 +34,5 @@ fd[0-9]* 0:11 660
34 34
35sd[a-z]* 0:6 660 35sd[a-z]* 0:6 660
36hd[a-z]* 0:6 660 36hd[a-z]* 0:6 660
38hw_random 0:0 600 =hwrng
diff --git a/examples/var_service/README_distro_proposal.txt b/examples/var_service/README_distro_proposal.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ba952cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/var_service/README_distro_proposal.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
1 A distro which already uses runit
3I installed Void Linux, in order to see what do they have.
4Xfce desktop looks fairly okay, network is up.
5ps tells me they did put X, dbus, NM and udev into runsvdir-supervised tree:
7 1 ? 00:00:01 runit
8 623 ? 00:00:00 runsvdir
9 629 ? 00:00:00 runsv
10 650 tty1 00:00:00 agetty
11 630 ? 00:00:00 runsv
12 644 ? 00:00:09 NetworkManager
13 1737 ? 00:00:00 dhclient
14 631 ? 00:00:00 runsv
15 639 tty4 00:00:00 agetty
16 632 ? 00:00:00 runsv
17 640 ? 00:00:00 sshd
18 1804 ? 00:00:00 sshd
19 1809 pts/3 00:00:00 sh
20 1818 pts/3 00:00:00 ps
21 633 ? 00:00:00 runsv
22 637 tty5 00:00:00 agetty
23 634 ? 00:00:00 runsv
24 796 ? 00:00:00 dhclient
25 635 ? 00:00:00 runsv
26 649 ? 00:00:00 uuidd
27 636 ? 00:00:00 runsv
28 647 ? 00:00:00 acpid
29 638 ? 00:00:00 runsv
30 652 ? 00:00:00 console-kit-dae
31 641 ? 00:00:00 runsv
32 651 tty6 00:00:00 agetty
33 642 ? 00:00:00 runsv
34 660 tty2 00:00:00 agetty
35 643 ? 00:00:00 runsv
36 657 ? 00:00:02 dbus-daemon
37 645 ? 00:00:00 runsv
38 658 ? 00:00:00 cgmanager
39 648 ? 00:00:00 runsv
40 656 tty3 00:00:00 agetty
41 653 ? 00:00:00 runsv
42 655 ? 00:00:00 lxdm-binary
43 698 tty7 00:00:14 Xorg
44 729 ? 00:00:00 lxdm-session
45 956 ? 00:00:00 sh
46 982 ? 00:00:00 xfce4-session
47 1006 ? 00:00:04 nm-applet
48 654 ? 00:00:00 runsv
49 659 ? 00:00:00 udevd
51Here is a link to Void Linux's wiki:
53 https://wiki.voidlinux.eu/Runit
55Void Linux packages install their services as subdirectories of /etc/rc,
56such as /etc/sv/sshd, with a script file, "run", and a link
57"supervise" -> /run/runit/supervise.sshd
59For sshd, "run" contains:
61 #!/bin/sh
62 ssh-keygen -A >/dev/null 2>&1 # generate host keys if they don't exist
63 [ -r conf ] && . ./conf
64 exec /usr/bin/sshd -D $OPTS
66That's it from the POV of the packager.
68This is pretty minimalistic, and yet, it is already distro-specific:
69the link to /run/runit/* is conceptually wrong, it requires packagers
70to know that /etc/rc should not be mutable and thus they need to use
71a different location in filesystem for supervise/ directory.
73I think a good thing would be to require just one file: the "run" script.
74The rest should be handled by distro tooling, not by packager.
76A similar issue is arising with logging. It would be ideal if packagers
77would not need to know how a particular distro manages logs.
78Whatever their daemons print to stdout/stderr, should be automagically logged
79in a way distro prefers.
81* * * * * * * *
83 Proposed "standard" on how distros should use runit
85The original idea of services-as-directories belongs to D.J.Bernstein (djb),
86and his project to implement it is daemontools: https://cr.yp.to/daemontools.html
88There are several reimplementations of daemontools:
89- runit: by Gerrit Pape, http://smarden.org/runit/
90 (busybox has it included)
91- s6: by Laurent Bercot, http://skarnet.org/software/s6/
94It is not required that a specific clone should be used. Let evolution work.
96 Terminology
98daemon: any long running background program. Common examples are sshd, getty,
99ntpd, dhcp client...
101service: daemon controlled by a service monitor.
103service directory: a directory with an executable file (script) named "run"
104which (usually) execs some daemon, possibly after some preparatory steps.
105It should start it not as a child or daemonized process, but by exec'ing it
106(inheriting the same PID and the place in the process tree).
108service monitor: a tool which watches a set of service directories.
109In daemontools package, it is called "svscan". In runit, it is called
110"runsvdir". In s6, it is called "s6-svscan".
111Service monitor starts a supervisor for each service directory.
112If it dies, it restarts it. If service directory disappears,
113service monitor will not be restarted if it dies.
114runit's service monitor (runsvdir) sends SIGTERM to supervisors
115whose directories disappeared.
117supervisor: a tool which monitors one service directory.
118It runs "run" script as its child. It restarts it if it dies.
119It can be instructed to start/stop/signal its child.
120In daemontools package, it is called "supervise". In runit, it is called
121"runsv". In s6, it is called "s6-supervise".
123Conceptually, a daemontools clone can be designed such that it does not *have*
124the supervisor component: service monitor can directly monitor all its daemons
125(for example, this may be a good idea for memory-constrained systems).
126However all three existing projects (daemontools/runit/s6) do have a per-service
127supervisor process.
129log service: a service which is exclusively tasked with logging
130the output of another service. It is implemented as log/ subdirectory
131in a service directory. It has the same structure as "normal"
132service dirs: it has a "run" script which starts a logging tool.
134If log service exists, stdout of its "main" service is piped
135to log service. Stops/restarts of either of them do not sever the pipe
136between them.
138If log service exists, daemontools and s6 run a pair of supervisors
139(one for the daemon, one for the logger); runit runs only one supervisor
140per service, which is handling both of them (presumably this is done
141to use fewer processes and thus, fewer resources).
144 User API
146"Users" of service monitoring are authors of software which has daemons.
147They need to package their daemons to be installed as services at package
148install time. And they need to do this for many distros.
149The less distros diverge, the easier users' lives are.
151System-wide service dirs reside in a distro-specific location.
152The recommended location is /var/service. (However, since it is not
153a mandatory location, avoid depending on it in your run scripts.
154Void Linux wanted to have it somewhere in /run/*, and they solved this
155by making /var/service a symlink).
157The install location for service dirs is /etc/rc:
158when e.g. ntpd daemon is installed, it creates the /etc/rc/ntpd
159directory with (minimally) one executable file (script) named "run"
160which starts ntpd daemon. It can have other files there.
162At boot, distro should copy /etc/rc/* to a suitable writable
163directory (common choice are /var/service, /run/service etc).
164It should create log/ directories in each subdirectory
165and create "run" files in them with suitable (for this particular distro)
166logging tool invocation, unless this directory chose to channel
167all logging from all daemons through service monitor process
168and log all of them into one file/database/whatever,
169in which case log/ directories should not be created.
171It is allowable for a distro to directly use /etc/rc/ as the only
172location of its service directories. (For example,
173/var/service may be a symlink to /etc/rc).
174However, it poses some problems:
176(1) Supervision tools will need to write to subdirectories:
177the control of running daemons is implemented via some files and fifos
178in automatically created supervise/ subdirectory in each /etc/rc/DIR.
180(2) Creation of a new service can race with the rescanning of /etc/rc/
181by service monitor: service monitor may see a directory with only some files
182present. If it attempts to start the service in this state, all sorts
183of bad things may happen. This may be worked around by various
184heuristics in service monitor which give new service a few seconds
185of "grace time" to be fully populated; but this is not yet
186implemented in any of three packages.
187This also may be worked around by creating a .dotdir (a directory
188whose name starts with a dot), populating it, and then renaming;
189but packaging tools usually do not have an option to do this
190automatically - additional install scripting in packages will be needed.
192Daemons' output file descriptors are handled somewhat awkwardly
193by various daemontools implementations. For example, for runit tools,
194daemons' stdout goes to wherever runsvdir's stdout was directed;
195stderr goes to runsvdir, which in turn "rotates" it on its command line
196(which is visible in ps output).
198Hopefully this get changed/standardized; while it is not, the "run" file
199should start with a
201 exec 2>&1
203command, making stderr equivalent to stdout.
204An especially primitive service which does not want its output to be logged
205with standard tools can do
207 exec >LOGFILE 2>&1
209or even
211 exec >/dev/null 2>&1
213To prevent creation of distro-specific log/ directory, a service directory
214in /etc/rc can contain an empty "log" file.
217 Controlling daemons
219The "svc" tool is available for admins and scripts to control services.
220In particular, often one service needs to control another:
221e.g. ifplugd can detect that the network cable was just plugged in,
222and it needs to (re)start DHCP service for this network device.
224The name of this tool is not standard either, which is an obvious problem.
225I propose to fix this by implementing a tool with fixed name and API by all
226daemontools clones. Lets use original daemontools name and API. Thus:
228The following form must work:
230 svc -udopchaitkx DIR
232Options map to up/down/once/STOP/CONT/HUP/ALRM/INT/TERM/KILL/exit
233commands to the daemon being controlled.
235The form with one option letter must work. If multiple-option form
236is supported, there is no guarantee in which order they take effect:
237svc -it DIR can deliver TERM and INT in any order.
239If more than one DIR can be specified (which is not a requirement),
240there is no guarantee in which order commands are sent to them.
242If DIR has no slash and is not "." or "..", it is assumed to be
243relative to the system-wide service directory.
245[Currently, "svc" exists only in daemontools and in busybox.
246This proposal asks developers of other daemontools implementations
247to add "svc" command to their projects]
249The "svok DIR" tool exits 0 if service is running, and nonzero if not.
251Other tools with different names and APIs may exist; however
252for portability scripts should use the above tools.
254Creation of a new service on a running system should be done atomically.
255To this end, first create and populate a new /etc/rc/DIR.
257Then "activate" it by running ??????? - this copies (or symlinks,
258depending on the distro) its files to the "live" service directory,
259wherever it is located on this distro.
261Removal of the service should be done as follows:
262svc -d DIR [DIR/log], then remove the service directory:
263this makes service monitor SIGTERM per-directory supervisors
264(if they exist in the implementation).
267 Implementation details
269Top-level service monitor program name is not standardized
270[svscan, runsvdir, s6-svscan ...] - it does not need to be,
271as far as daemon packagers are concerned.
273It may run one per-directory supervisor, or two supervisors
274(one for DIR/ and one for DIR/log/); for memory-constrained systems
275an implementation is possible which itself controls all services, without
276intermediate supervisors.
277[runsvdir runs one "runsv DIR" per DIR, runsv handles DIR/log/ if that exists]
278[svscan runs a pair of "supervise DIR" and "supervise DIR/log"]
280Directories are remembered by device+inode numbers, not names. Renaming a directory
281does not affect the running service (unless it is renamed to a .dotdir).
283Removal (or .dotdiring) of a directory sends SIGTERM to any running services.
285Standard output of non-logged services goes to standard output of service monitor.
286Standard output of logger services goes to standard output of service monitor.
287Standard error of them always goes to standard error of service monitor.
289If you want to log standard error of your logged service along with its stdout, use
290"exec 2>&1" in the beginning of your "run" script.
292Whether stdout/stderr of service monitor is discarded (>/dev/null)
293or logged in some way is system-dependent.
296 Containers
298[What do containers need?]