diff options
authorBenoit Germain <benoit.germain@ubisoft.com>2025-03-11 12:06:16 +0100
committerBenoit Germain <benoit.germain@ubisoft.com>2025-03-11 12:06:16 +0100
commit9ba9cd6185a00bd0623f3cbc96a20ce34dafbbc5 (patch)
parentaf3161e5265b56a3d33a1ed45597f85c34806928 (diff)
Kill obsolete deeptest.lua file
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/deep_test/deeptest.lua b/deep_test/deeptest.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index de282a1..0000000
--- a/deep_test/deeptest.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
1local lanes = require("lanes").configure{ with_timers = false}
2local l = lanes.linda "my linda"
4local table_unpack = table.unpack or unpack -- Lua 5.1 support
6-- we will transfer userdata created by this module, so we need to make Lanes aware of it
7local dt = lanes.require "deep_test"
9-- set DEEP to any non-false value to run the Deep Userdata tests. "gc" selects a special test for debug purposes
10DEEP = DEEP or true
11-- set CLONABLE to any non-false value to run the Clonable Userdata tests
14-- lua 5.1->5.2 support a single table uservalue
15-- lua 5.3->5.4 supports an arbitrary type uservalue
16local test_uvtype = (_VERSION == "Lua 5.4") and "function" or (_VERSION == "Lua 5.3") and "string" or "table"
17-- lua 5.4 supports multiple uservalues
18local nupvals = _VERSION == "Lua 5.4" and 3 or 1
20local makeUserValue = function( obj_)
21 if test_uvtype == "table" then
22 return {"some uservalue"}
23 elseif test_uvtype == "string" then
24 return "some uservalue"
25 elseif test_uvtype == "function" then
26 -- a function that pull the userdata as upvalue
27 local f = function()
28 return "-> '" .. tostring( obj_) .. "'"
29 end
30 return f
31 end
34local printDeep = function( prefix_, obj_, t_)
35 print( prefix_, obj_)
36 for uvi = 1, nupvals do
37 local uservalue = obj_:getuv(uvi)
38 print ("uv #" .. uvi, type( uservalue), uservalue, type(uservalue) == "function" and uservalue() or "")
39 end
40 if t_ then
41 local count = 0
42 for k, v in ipairs( t_) do
43 print( "t["..tostring(k).."]", v)
44 count = count + 1
45 end
46 -- we should have only 2 indexed entries with the same value
47 assert(count == 2 and t_[1] == t_[2])
48 end
49 print()
52local performTest = function( obj_)
53 -- setup the userdata with some value and a uservalue
54 obj_:set( 666)
55 obj_:setuv( 1, makeUserValue( obj_))
56 if nupvals > 1 then
57 -- keep uv #2 as nil
58 obj_:setuv( 3, "ENDUV")
59 end
61 local t =
62 {
63 -- two indices with an identical value: we should also have identical values on the other side (even if not the same as the original ones when they are clonables)
64 obj_,
65 obj_,
66 -- this one won't transfer because we don't support full uservalue as keys
67 [obj_] = "val"
68 }
70 -- read back the contents of the object
71 printDeep( "immediate:", obj_, t)
73 -- send the object in a linda, get it back out, read the contents
74 l:set( "key", obj_, t)
75 -- when obj_ is a deep userdata, out is the same userdata as obj_ (not another one pointing on the same deep memory block) because of an internal cache table [deep*] -> proxy)
76 -- when obj_ is a clonable userdata, we get a different clone everytime we cross a linda or lane barrier
77 local _n, _val1, _val2 = l:get( "key", 2)
78 assert(_n == (_val2 and 2 or 1))
79 printDeep( "out of linda:", _val1, _val2)
81 -- send the object in a lane through argument passing, the lane body returns it as return value, read the contents
82 local g = lanes.gen(
83 "package"
84 , {
85 required = { "deep_test"} -- we will transfer userdata created by this module, so we need to make this lane aware of it
86 }
87 , function( arg_, t_)
88 -- read contents inside lane: arg_ and t_ by argument
89 printDeep( "in lane, as arguments:", arg_, t_)
90 -- read contents inside lane: obj_ and t by upvalue
91 printDeep( "in lane, as upvalues:", obj_, t)
92 -- read contents inside lane: in linda
93 local _n, _val1, _val2 = l:get( "key", 2)
94 assert(_n == (_val2 and 2 or 1))
95 printDeep( "in lane, from linda:", _val1, _val2)
96 return arg_, t_
97 end
98 )
99 h = g( obj_, t)
100 -- when obj_ is a deep userdata, from_lane is the same userdata as obj_ (not another one pointing on the same deep memory block) because of an internal cache table [deep*] -> proxy)
101 -- when obj_ is a clonable userdata, we get a different clone everytime we cross a linda or lane barrier
102 printDeep( "from lane:", h[1], h[2])
105if DEEP then
106 print "================================================================"
107 print "DEEP"
108 local d = dt.new_deep(nupvals)
109 if type(DEEP) == "string" then
110 local gc_tests = {
111 thrasher = function(repeat_, size_)
112 print "in thrasher"
113 -- result is a table of repeat_ tables, each containing size_ entries
114 local result = {}
115 for i = 1, repeat_ do
116 local batch_values = {}
117 for j = 1, size_ do
118 table.insert(batch_values, j)
119 end
120 table.insert(result, batch_values)
121 end
122 print "thrasher done"
123 return result
124 end,
125 stack_abuser = function(repeat_, size_)
126 print "in stack_abuser"
127 for i = 1, repeat_ do
128 local batch_values = {}
129 for j = 1, size_ do
130 table.insert(batch_values, j)
131 end
132 -- return size_ values
133 local _ = table_unpack(batch_values)
134 end
135 print "stack_abuser done"
136 return result
137 end
138 }
139 -- have the object call the function from inside one of its functions, to detect if it gets collected from there (while in use!)
140 local testf = gc_tests[DEEP]
141 if testf then
142 local r = d:invoke(gc_tests[DEEP], REPEAT or 10, SIZE or 10)
143 print("invoke -> ", tostring(r))
144 else
145 print("unknown test '" .. DEEP .. "'")
146 end
147 else
148 performTest(d)
149 end
152if CLONABLE then
153 print "================================================================"
154 print "CLONABLE"
155 performTest( dt.new_clonable(nupvals))
158print "================================================================"
159print "TEST OK" \ No newline at end of file