* new: API lanes.require(), use it instead of regular require() for modules that export C functions you need to send over.
* new: lanes no longer require 'lanes.core' by default in every created state. Use {required={"lanes.core"}} if you need to transfer lanes functions.
* internal: because of the above, reworked the timer implementation to remove upvalue-dependency on lanes.core
* new: API lanes.timer_lane, to be able to operate on timer lane if need be
* improved: if a module is a full userdata, scan its metatable for function database population
* improved: on_state_create can be a Lua function
* changed: on_state_create is called after the base libraries are loaded
* package[loaders|searchers] is no longer transfered as function naming depends on slot order
* internal: changed separator from '.' to '/' in lookup databases to be able to distinguish search levels and dot coming from module names
* added some mode debug spew
* updated tests to reflect the above changes