LuaFileSystem - File System Library for Lua Copyright 2003 Kepler Project Description ----------- LuaFileSystem is a Lua library developed to complement the set of functions related to file systems offered by the standard Lua distribution. LuaFileSystem offers a portable way to access the underlying directory structure and file attributes. LuaFileSystem is free software and uses the same license as Lua 5.1 LuaRocks Installation --------------------- luarocks install luafilesystem Unix Installation ----------------- To install on Linux/OSX/BSD, please edit the config file and then call make make install The last step may require root privileges. Windows Installation -------------------- To install on Windows, please copy lfs.dll to your package.cpath directory Documentation ------------- Please check the documentation at /doc/us/ for more information. History ------- Version 1.4.2 [03/Feb/2009] * fixed bug [#13198] lfs.attributes(filename, 'size') overflow on files > 2 Gb again (bug report and patch by KUBO Takehiro). * fixed bug [#39794] Compile error on Solaris 10 (bug report and patch by Aaron B). * fixed compilation problems with Borland C. Version 1.4.1 [07/May/2008] * documentation review * fixed Windows compilation issues * fixed bug in the Windows tests (patch by Shmuel Zeigerman) * fixed bug [#2185] lfs.attributes(filename, 'size') overflow on files > 2 Gb Version 1.4.0 [13/Feb/2008] * added function lfs.setmode (works only in Windows systems). * lfs.attributes raises an error if attribute does not exist Version 1.3.0 [26/Oct/2007] * added function lfs.symlinkattributes (works only in non Windows systems). Version 1.2.1 [08/May/2007] * compatible only with Lua 5.1 (Lua 5.0 support was dropped) Version 1.2 [15/Mar/2006] * added optional argument to lfs.attributes * added function lfs.rmdir * bug correction on lfs.dir Version 1.1 [30/May/2005] * added function lfs.touch. Version 1.0 [21/Jan/2005] Version 1.0 Beta [10/Nov/2004]