path: root/src
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 263 deletions
diff --git a/src/luarocks/require.lua b/src/luarocks/require.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d083fca..00000000
--- a/src/luarocks/require.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
2local global_env = _G
3local plain_require = require
4local plain_package_path = package.path
5local plain_package_cpath = package.cpath
6local package, assert, ipairs, pairs, os, print, table, type, next =
7 package, assert, ipairs, pairs, os, print, table, type, next
9--- Application interface with LuaRocks.
10-- Load this module to LuaRocks-enable an application:
11-- this overrides the require() function, making it able to
12-- load modules installed as rocks.
15local path = plain_require("luarocks.path")
16local manif_core = plain_require("luarocks.manif_core")
17local deps = plain_require("luarocks.deps")
18local cfg = plain_require("luarocks.cfg")
20context = {}
22-- Contains a table when rocks trees are loaded,
23-- or 'false' to indicate rocks trees failed to load.
24-- 'nil' indicates rocks trees were not attempted to be loaded yet.
25rocks_trees = nil
27local function load_rocks_trees()
28 local any_ok = false
29 local trees = {}
30 for _, tree in pairs(cfg.rocks_trees) do
31 local rocks_dir = tree .. "/rocks/"
32 local manifest, err = manif_core.load_local_manifest(rocks_dir)
33 if manifest then
34 any_ok = true
35 table.insert(trees, {rocks_dir=rocks_dir, manifest=manifest})
36 end
37 end
38 if not any_ok then
39 rocks_trees = false
40 return false
41 end
42 rocks_trees = trees
43 return true
46--- Process the dependencies of a package to determine its dependency
47-- chain for loading modules.
48-- @parse name string: The name of an installed rock.
49-- @parse version string: The version of the rock, in string format
50-- @parse manifest table: The local manifest table where this rock
51-- is installed.
52local function add_context(name, version, manifest)
53 -- assert(type(name) == "string")
54 -- assert(type(version) == "string")
55 -- assert(type(manifest) == "table")
57 if context[name] then
58 return
59 end
60 context[name] = version
62 local pkgdeps = manifest.dependencies and manifest.dependencies[name][version]
63 if pkgdeps then
64 for _, dep in ipairs(pkgdeps) do
65 local package, constraints = dep.name, dep.constraints
67 for _, tree in pairs(rocks_trees) do
68 local entries = tree.manifest.repository[package]
69 if entries then
70 for version, packages in pairs(entries) do
71 if (not constraints) or deps.match_constraints(deps.parse_version(version), constraints) then
72 add_context(package, version, tree.manifest)
73 end
74 end
75 end
76 end
77 end
78 end
81--- Internal sorting function.
82-- @param a table: A provider table.
83-- @param b table: Another provider table.
84-- @return boolean: True if the version of a is greater than that of b.
85local function sort_versions(a,b)
86 return a.version > b.version
89--- Specify a dependency chain for LuaRocks.
90-- In the presence of multiple versions of packages, it is necessary to,
91-- at some point, indicate which dependency chain we're following.
92-- set_context does this by allowing one to pick a package to be the
93-- root of this dependency chain. Once a dependency chain is picked it's
94-- easy to know which modules to load ("I want to use *this* version of
95-- A, which requires *that* version of B, which requires etc etc etc").
96-- @param name string: The package name of an installed rock.
97-- @param version string or nil: Optionally, a version number
98-- When a version is not given, it picks the highest version installed.
99-- @return boolean: true if succeeded, false otherwise.
100function set_context(name, version)
101 --assert(type(name) == "string")
102 --assert(type(version) == "string" or not version)
104 if rocks_trees == false or (not rocks_trees and not load_rocks_trees()) then
105 return false
106 end
108 local manifest
109 local vtables = {}
110 for _, tree in ipairs(rocks_trees) do
111 if version then
112 local manif_repo = tree.manifest.repository
113 if manif_repo[name] and manif_repo[name][version] then
114 manifest = tree.manifest
115 break
116 end
117 else
118 local versions = manif_core.get_versions(name, tree.manifest)
119 for _, version in ipairs(versions) do
120 table.insert(vtables, {version = deps.parse_version(version), manifest = tree.manifest})
121 end
122 end
123 end
124 if not version then
125 if not next(vtables) then
126 table.sort(vtables, sort_versions)
127 local highest = vtables[#vtables]
128 version = highest.version.string
129 manifest = highest.manifest
130 end
131 end
132 if not manifest then
133 return false
134 end
136 add_context(name, version, manifest)
137 -- TODO: platform independence
138 local lpath, cpath = "", ""
139 for name, version in pairs(context) do
140 lpath = lpath .. path.lua_dir(name, version) .. "/?.lua;"
141 lpath = lpath .. path.lua_dir(name, version) .. "/?/init.lua;"
142 cpath = cpath .. path.lib_dir(name, version) .."/?."..cfg.lib_extension..";"
143 end
144 global_env.package.path = lpath .. plain_package_path
145 global_env.package.cpath = cpath .. plain_package_cpath
148--- Call the vanilla require() function using specially constructed
149-- package paths so that it finds exactly the version we want it to find.
150-- @param name string: The rock name.
151-- @param version string: The rock version.
152-- @param module string: The module name, in require() notation.
153-- @return The result returned by require().
154local function plain_require_on(module, name, version, rocks_dir, ...)
155 --assert(type(module) == "string")
156 --assert(type(name) == "string")
157 --assert(type(version) == "string")
159 local global_package = global_env.package
160 local save_path = global_package.path
161 local save_cpath = global_package.cpath
162 global_package.path = path.lua_dir(name, version, rocks_dir) .. "/?.lua;"
163 .. path.lua_dir(name, version, rocks_dir) .. "/?/init.lua;" .. save_path
164 global_package.cpath = path.lib_dir(name, version, rocks_dir) .. "/?."..cfg.lib_extension..";" .. save_cpath
165 local result = plain_require(module, ...)
166 global_package.path = save_path
167 global_package.cpath = save_cpath
168 return result
171local function pick_module(module, constraints)
172 --assert(type(module) == "string")
173 --assert(not constraints or type(constraints) == "string")
175 if not rocks_trees and not load_rocks_trees() then
176 return nil
177 end
179 if constraints then
180 if type(constraints) == "string" then
181 constraints = deps.parse_constraints(constraints)
182 else
183 constraints = nil
184 end
185 end
187 local providers = {}
188 for _, tree in pairs(rocks_trees) do
189 local entries = tree.manifest.modules[module]
190 if entries then
191 for _, entry in pairs(entries) do
192 local name, version = entry:match("^([^/]*)/(.*)$")
193 if context[name] == version then
194 return name, version, tree
195 end
196 version = deps.parse_version(version)
197 if (not constraints) or deps.match_constraints(version, constraints) then
198 table.insert(providers, {name = name, version = version, repo = tree})
199 end
200 end
201 end
202 end
204 if next(providers) then
205 table.sort(providers, sort_versions)
206 local first = providers[1]
207 return first.name, first.version.string, first.repo
208 end
211--- Inform which rock LuaRocks would use if require() is called
212-- with the given arguments.
213-- @param module string: The module name, like in plain require().
214-- @param constraints string or nil: An optional comma-separated
215-- list of version constraints.
216-- @return (string, string) or nil: Rock name and version if the
217-- requested module can be supplied by LuaRocks, or nil if it can't.
218function get_rock_from_module(module, constraints)
219 --assert(type(module) == "string")
220 --assert(not constraints or type(constraints) == "string")
221 local name, version = pick_module(module, constraints)
222 return name, version
225--- Function that overloads require(), adding LuaRocks support.
226-- This function wraps around Lua's standard require() call,
227-- allowing it to find modules installed by LuaRocks.
228-- A module is searched in installed rocks that match the
229-- current LuaRocks context. If module is not part of the
230-- context, or if a context has not yet been set, the module
231-- in the package with the highest version is used.
232-- If a module is not available in any installed rock, plain
233-- require() is called, using the original package.path and
234-- package.cpath lookup locations.
235-- Additionally, version constraints for the matching rock may
236-- be given as a second parameter. If version constraints could
237-- not be fulfilled, this equates to the rock not being
238-- available: as such, plain require() with the default paths
239-- is called as a fallback.
240-- @param module string: The module name, like in plain require().
241-- @param constraints string or nil: An optional comma-separated
242-- list of version constraints.
243-- @return table: The module table (typically), like in plain
244-- require(). See <a href="http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-require">require()</a>
245-- in the Lua reference manual for details.
246function require(module, ...)
247 --assert(type(module) == "string")
249 if package.loaded[module] or rocks_trees == false or (not rocks_trees and not load_rocks_trees()) then
250 return plain_require(module, ...)
251 end
253 local name, version, repo = pick_module(module, ...)
255 if not name then
256 return plain_require(module, ...)
257 else
258 add_context(name, version, repo.manifest)
259 return plain_require_on(module, name, version, repo.rocks_dir, ...)
260 end
263global_env.require = require