path: root/src
diff options
authorRob Mensching <rob@firegiant.com>2017-12-30 01:56:55 -0800
committerRob Mensching <rob@firegiant.com>2017-12-30 01:56:55 -0800
commitc8f39be3f8b70b36a8b89b6ccdd4ebb94290b6b3 (patch)
treee5936f50d2075a136ed0fc3a9c94aa5b5d2bb886 /src
parent3540e7467e1d5376660b13139a4a168e700b3dbf (diff)
Initial code commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
65 files changed, 22790 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Cpp.Build.props b/src/Cpp.Build.props
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..453aa442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cpp.Build.props
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
5 <PropertyGroup>
6 <Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == 'AnyCPU' ">Win32</Platform>
7 <BaseOutputPath>$(OutputPath)</BaseOutputPath>
8 <IntDir>$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)$(Platform)\</IntDir>
9 <OutDir>$(OutputPath)$(Platform)\</OutDir>
10 </PropertyGroup>
12 <ItemDefinitionGroup>
13 <ClCompile>
14 <DisableSpecificWarnings>$(DisableSpecificCompilerWarnings)</DisableSpecificWarnings>
15 <WarningLevel>Level4</WarningLevel>
16 <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>$(ProjectDir)inc;$(MSBuildProjectDirectory);$(IntDir);$(SqlCESdkIncludePath);$(ProjectAdditionalIncludeDirectories);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>
17 <PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;_WINDOWS;_WIN32_MSI=500;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501;$(ArmPreprocessorDefinitions);$(UnicodePreprocessorDefinitions);_CRT_STDIO_LEGACY_WIDE_SPECIFIERS;_WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
18 <PrecompiledHeader>Use</PrecompiledHeader>
19 <PrecompiledHeaderFile>precomp.h</PrecompiledHeaderFile>
20 <CallingConvention>StdCall</CallingConvention>
21 <TreatWarningAsError>true</TreatWarningAsError>
22 <ExceptionHandling>false</ExceptionHandling>
23 <AdditionalOptions>-YlprecompDefine</AdditionalOptions>
24 <AdditionalOptions Condition=" $(PlatformToolset.StartsWith('v14')) ">/Zc:threadSafeInit- %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>
25 <MultiProcessorCompilation Condition=" $(NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS) &gt; 4 ">true</MultiProcessorCompilation>
26 </ClCompile>
27 <ResourceCompile>
28 <PreprocessorDefinitions>$(ArmPreprocessorDefinitions);%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
29 <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>$(ProjectAdditionalResourceIncludeDirectories);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>
30 </ResourceCompile>
31 <Lib>
32 <AdditionalLibraryDirectories>$(OutDir);$(AdditionalMultiTargetLibraryPath);$(ProjectAdditionalLibraryDirectories);%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)</AdditionalLibraryDirectories>
33 </Lib>
34 <Link>
35 <SubSystem>$(ProjectSubSystem)</SubSystem>
36 <ModuleDefinitionFile>$(ProjectModuleDefinitionFile)</ModuleDefinitionFile>
37 <NoEntryPoint>$(ResourceOnlyDll)</NoEntryPoint>
38 <GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation>
39 <AdditionalDependencies>$(ProjectAdditionalLinkLibraries);advapi32.lib;comdlg32.lib;user32.lib;oleaut32.lib;gdi32.lib;shell32.lib;ole32.lib;version.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)</AdditionalDependencies>
40 <AdditionalLibraryDirectories>$(OutDir);$(AdditionalMultiTargetLibraryPath);$(ArmLibraryDirectories);$(ProjectAdditionalLinkLibraryDirectories);%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)</AdditionalLibraryDirectories>
41 <AdditionalOptions Condition=" $(PlatformToolset.StartsWith('v14')) ">/IGNORE:4099 %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>
42 </Link>
43 </ItemDefinitionGroup>
45 <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition=" '$(Platform)'=='Win32' and '$(PlatformToolset)'!='v100'">
46 <ClCompile>
47 <EnableEnhancedInstructionSet>NoExtensions</EnableEnhancedInstructionSet>
48 </ClCompile>
49 </ItemDefinitionGroup>
50 <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition=" '$(Platform)'=='arm' ">
51 <ClCompile>
52 <CallingConvention>CDecl</CallingConvention>
53 </ClCompile>
54 </ItemDefinitionGroup>
55 <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition=" '$(ConfigurationType)'=='StaticLibrary' ">
56 <ClCompile>
57 <DebugInformationFormat>OldStyle</DebugInformationFormat>
58 <OmitDefaultLibName>true</OmitDefaultLibName>
59 <IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries>true</IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries>
60 </ClCompile>
61 </ItemDefinitionGroup>
62 <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)'=='Debug' ">
63 <ClCompile>
64 <Optimization>Disabled</Optimization>
65 <BasicRuntimeChecks>EnableFastChecks</BasicRuntimeChecks>
66 <PreprocessorDefinitions>_DEBUG;DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
67 <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDebug</RuntimeLibrary>
68 </ClCompile>
69 </ItemDefinitionGroup>
70 <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)'=='Debug' and '$(CLRSupport)'=='true' ">
71 <ClCompile>
72 <BasicRuntimeChecks></BasicRuntimeChecks>
73 <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDebugDll</RuntimeLibrary>
74 </ClCompile>
75 </ItemDefinitionGroup>
76 <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)'=='Release' ">
77 <ClCompile>
78 <Optimization>MinSpace</Optimization>
79 <PreprocessorDefinitions>NDEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
80 <FunctionLevelLinking>true</FunctionLevelLinking>
81 <IntrinsicFunctions>true</IntrinsicFunctions>
82 <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreaded</RuntimeLibrary>
83 </ClCompile>
84 <Link>
85 <EnableCOMDATFolding>true</EnableCOMDATFolding>
86 <OptimizeReferences>true</OptimizeReferences>
87 </Link>
88 </ItemDefinitionGroup>
89 <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)'=='Release' and '$(CLRSupport)'=='true' ">
90 <ClCompile>
91 <BasicRuntimeChecks></BasicRuntimeChecks>
92 <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDll</RuntimeLibrary>
93 </ClCompile>
94 </ItemDefinitionGroup>
95 <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition=" '$(CLRSupport)'=='true' ">
96 <Link>
97 <KeyFile>$(LinkKeyFile)</KeyFile>
98 <DelaySign>$(LinkDelaySign)</DelaySign>
99 </Link>
100 </ItemDefinitionGroup>
diff --git a/src/Directory.Build.props b/src/Directory.Build.props
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63ad5d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Directory.Build.props
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
5 <PropertyGroup>
6 <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
7 <Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
8 <BaseIntermediateOutputPath>$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\build\obj\$(MSBuildProjectName)\</BaseIntermediateOutputPath>
9 <OutputPath>$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\build\$(Configuration)\</OutputPath>
11 <Authors>WiX Toolset Team</Authors>
12 <Company>WiX Toolset</Company>
13 <Copyright>Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.</Copyright>
14 </PropertyGroup>
16 <PropertyGroup>
17 <WixToolsetRootFolder>$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\</WixToolsetRootFolder>
18 </PropertyGroup>
20 <Import Project="Cpp.Build.props" Condition=" '$(MSBuildProjectExtension)'=='.vcxproj' " />
21 <Import Project="Custom.Build.props" Condition=" Exists('Custom.Build.props') " />
diff --git a/src/FindLocalWix.props b/src/FindLocalWix.props
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..016dac77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FindLocalWix.props
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
4<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
5 <PropertyGroup>
6 <WixTargetsPath Condition=" '$(Configuration)' != 'Release' And Exists('$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\Core\build\Release\publish\net461\wix.targets') ">$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\Core\build\Release\publish\net461\wix.targets</WixTargetsPath>
7 </PropertyGroup>
diff --git a/src/ca/dllmain.cpp b/src/ca/dllmain.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35ae6d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ca/dllmain.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3#include "precomp.h"
6DllMain - standard entry point for all WiX custom actions
9extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain(
11 IN ULONG ulReason,
14 switch(ulReason)
15 {
17 WcaGlobalInitialize(hInst);
18 break;
21 WcaGlobalFinalize();
22 break;
23 }
25 return TRUE;
diff --git a/src/ca/packages.config b/src/ca/packages.config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b74ff5d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ca/packages.config
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3 <package id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native" version="1.14.114" targetFramework="native" developmentDependency="true" />
4 <package id="WixToolset.DUtil" version="4.0.6" targetFramework="native" />
5 <package id="WixToolset.WcaUtil" version="4.0.2" targetFramework="native" />
6</packages> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ca/precomp.h b/src/ca/precomp.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3edad7ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ca/precomp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
1#pragma once
2// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
5#include <windows.h>
6#include <msiquery.h>
9#include <Setup.Configuration.h>
11#include "wcautil.h"
12#include "fileutil.h"
13#include "strutil.h"
diff --git a/src/ca/utilca.cpp b/src/ca/utilca.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37664a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ca/utilca.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3#include "precomp.h"
diff --git a/src/ca/utilca.def b/src/ca/utilca.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b34b3a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ca/utilca.def
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
1; Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
4LIBRARY "utilca"
diff --git a/src/ca/utilca.vcxproj b/src/ca/utilca.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37b5c7de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ca/utilca.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
4<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="15.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
5 <Import Project="..\..\packages\WixToolset.DUtil.4.0.6\build\WixToolset.DUtil.props" Condition="Exists('..\..\packages\WixToolset.DUtil.4.0.6\build\WixToolset.DUtil.props')" />
6 <Import Project="..\..\packages\WixToolset.WcaUtil.4.0.2\build\WixToolset.WcaUtil.props" Condition="Exists('..\..\packages\WixToolset.WcaUtil.4.0.2\build\WixToolset.WcaUtil.props')" />
8 <ItemGroup Label="ProjectConfigurations">
9 <ProjectConfiguration Include="Debug|Win32">
10 <Configuration>Debug</Configuration>
11 <Platform>Win32</Platform>
12 </ProjectConfiguration>
13 <ProjectConfiguration Include="Release|Win32">
14 <Configuration>Release</Configuration>
15 <Platform>Win32</Platform>
16 </ProjectConfiguration>
17 </ItemGroup>
19 <PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
20 <ProjectGuid>{076018F7-19BD-423A-ABBF-229273DA08D8}</ProjectGuid>
21 <ConfigurationType>DynamicLibrary</ConfigurationType>
22 <TargetName>utilca</TargetName>
23 <PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset>
24 <CharacterSet>Unicode</CharacterSet>
25 <ProjectModuleDefinitionFile>utilca.def</ProjectModuleDefinitionFile>
26 <Description>WiX Toolset Util CustomAction</Description>
27 </PropertyGroup>
29 <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" />
30 <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props" />
32 <ImportGroup Label="ExtensionSettings">
33 </ImportGroup>
35 <ImportGroup Label="Shared">
36 <Import Project="..\..\packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.1.14.114\build\native\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.targets" Condition="Exists('..\..\packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.1.14.114\build\native\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.targets')" />
37 </ImportGroup>
39 <PropertyGroup>
40 <ProjectAdditionalLinkLibraries>msi.lib</ProjectAdditionalLinkLibraries>
41 </PropertyGroup>
43 <ItemGroup>
44 <ClCompile Include="dllmain.cpp">
45 <PrecompiledHeader>Create</PrecompiledHeader>
46 </ClCompile>
47 <ClCompile Include="utilca.cpp" />
48 </ItemGroup>
50 <ItemGroup>
51 <ClInclude Include="precomp.h" />
52 </ItemGroup>
54 <ItemGroup>
55 <None Include="packages.config" />
56 <None Include="utilca.def" />
57 </ItemGroup>
59 <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
61 <Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
62 <PropertyGroup>
63 <ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=322105. The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
64 </PropertyGroup>
65 <Error Condition="!Exists('..\..\packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.1.14.114\build\native\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.targets')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\..\packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.1.14.114\build\native\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.targets'))" />
66 <Error Condition="!Exists('..\..\packages\WixToolset.DUtil.4.0.6\build\WixToolset.DUtil.props')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\..\packages\WixToolset.DUtil.4.0.6\build\WixToolset.DUtil.props'))" />
67 <Error Condition="!Exists('..\..\packages\WixToolset.WcaUtil.4.0.2\build\WixToolset.WcaUtil.props')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\..\packages\WixToolset.WcaUtil.4.0.2\build\WixToolset.WcaUtil.props'))" />
68 </Target>
diff --git a/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/TestData/UsingFileShare/Package.en-us.wxl b/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/TestData/UsingFileShare/Package.en-us.wxl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38c12ac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/TestData/UsingFileShare/Package.en-us.wxl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
4This file contains the declaration of all the localizable strings.
6<WixLocalization xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxl" Culture="en-US">
8 <String Id="DowngradeError">A newer version of [ProductName] is already installed.</String>
9 <String Id="FeatureTitle">MsiPackage</String>
diff --git a/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/TestData/UsingFileShare/Package.wxs b/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/TestData/UsingFileShare/Package.wxs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68ff98fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/TestData/UsingFileShare/Package.wxs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
3 <Product Id="*" Name="MsiPackage" Language="1033" Version="" Manufacturer="Example Corporation" UpgradeCode="047730a5-30fe-4a62-a520-da9381b8226a">
4 <Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="no" InstallScope="perMachine" />
6 <MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="!(loc.DowngradeError)" />
7 <MediaTemplate />
9 <Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="!(loc.FeatureTitle)">
10 <ComponentGroupRef Id="ProductComponents" />
11 </Feature>
13 </Product>
15 <Fragment>
16 <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
17 <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
18 <Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="MsiPackage" />
19 </Directory>
20 </Directory>
21 </Fragment>
diff --git a/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/TestData/UsingFileShare/PackageComponents.wxs b/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/TestData/UsingFileShare/PackageComponents.wxs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c548bc1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/TestData/UsingFileShare/PackageComponents.wxs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs"
3 xmlns:util="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util">
4 <Fragment>
5 <util:User Id="Everyone" Name="Everyone" />
7 <ComponentGroup Id="ProductComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
8 <Component>
9 <File Source="example.txt" />
10 <util:FileShare Id="ExampleFileShare" Description="An example file share" Name="example">
11 <util:FileSharePermission User="Everyone" Read="yes" />
12 </util:FileShare>
13 </Component>
14 </ComponentGroup>
15 </Fragment>
diff --git a/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/TestData/UsingFileShare/example.txt b/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/TestData/UsingFileShare/example.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b4ffe8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/TestData/UsingFileShare/example.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
This is example.txt. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/UtilExtensionFixture.cs b/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/UtilExtensionFixture.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ce9f5ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/UtilExtensionFixture.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolsetTest.VisualStudio
5 using System.Linq;
6 using WixBuildTools.TestSupport;
7 using WixToolset.Core.TestPackage;
8 using WixToolset.Util;
9 using Xunit;
11 public class VisualStudioExtensionFixture
12 {
13 [Fact]
14 public void CanBuildUsingFileShare()
15 {
16 var folder = TestData.Get(@"TestData\UsingFileShare");
17 var build = new Builder(folder, typeof(UtilExtensionFactory), new[] { folder });
19 var results = build.BuildAndQuery(Build, "FileShare", "FileSharePermissions");
20 Assert.Equal(new[]
21 {
22 "FileShare:SetVS2010Vsix\t51\tVS_VSIX_INSTALLER_PATH\t[VS2010_VSIX_INSTALLER_PATH]\t0",
23 "FileSharePermissions:SetVS2012Vsix\t51\tVS_VSIX_INSTALLER_PATH\t[VS2012_VSIX_INSTALLER_PATH]\t0",
24 }, results.OrderBy(s => s).ToArray());
25 }
27 private static void Build(string[] args)
28 {
29 var result = WixRunner.Execute(args, out var messages);
30 Assert.Equal(0, result);
31 Assert.Empty(messages);
32 }
33 }
diff --git a/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/WixToolsetTest.Util.csproj b/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/WixToolsetTest.Util.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9559059d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/WixToolsetTest.Util/WixToolsetTest.Util.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
4<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
5 <PropertyGroup>
6 <TargetFramework>netcoreapp2.0</TargetFramework>
7 <IsPackable>false</IsPackable>
8 </PropertyGroup>
10 <PropertyGroup>
11 <NoWarn>NU1701</NoWarn>
12 </PropertyGroup>
14 <ItemGroup>
15 <Content Include="TestData\UsingFileShare\example.txt" CopyToOutputDirectory="PreserveNewest" />
16 <Content Include="TestData\UsingFileShare\Package.en-us.wxl" CopyToOutputDirectory="PreserveNewest" />
17 <Content Include="TestData\UsingFileShare\Package.wxs" CopyToOutputDirectory="PreserveNewest" />
18 <Content Include="TestData\UsingFileShare\PackageComponents.wxs" CopyToOutputDirectory="PreserveNewest" />
19 </ItemGroup>
21 <ItemGroup>
22 <ProjectReference Include="..\..\wixext\WixToolset.Util.wixext.csproj" />
23 </ItemGroup>
25 <ItemGroup>
26 <ProjectReference Include="$(WixToolsetRootFolder)\Core\src\WixToolset.Core.TestPackage\WixToolset.Core.TestPackage.csproj" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' And Exists('$(WixToolsetRootFolder)\Core\src\WixToolset.Core.TestPackage\WixToolset.Core.TestPackage.csproj') " />
27 <ProjectReference Include="$(WixToolsetRootFolder)\Core\src\wix\wix.csproj" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' And Exists('$(WixToolsetRootFolder)\Core\src\wix\wix.csproj') " />
28 <PackageReference Include="WixToolset.Core.TestPackage" Version="4.0.*" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' Or !Exists('$(WixToolsetRootFolder)\Core\src\WixToolset.Core.TestPackage\WixToolset.Core.TestPackage.csproj') " PrivateAssets="all" />
29 </ItemGroup>
31 <ItemGroup>
32 <PackageReference Include="WixBuildTools.TestSupport" Version="4.0.*" />
33 </ItemGroup>
35 <ItemGroup>
36 <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="15.3.0-preview-20170628-02" />
37 <PackageReference Include="xunit" Version="2.2.0" />
38 <PackageReference Include="xunit.runner.visualstudio" Version="2.2.0" />
39 </ItemGroup>
diff --git a/src/wixext/PerformanceCounterType.cs b/src/wixext/PerformanceCounterType.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e06efd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/PerformanceCounterType.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
1// Captured from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.6.1\System.dll
3namespace System.Diagnostics
5 public enum PerformanceCounterType
6 {
7 //
8 // Summary:
9 // An instantaneous counter that shows the most recently observed value in hexadecimal
10 // format. Used, for example, to maintain a simple count of items or operations.
11 NumberOfItemsHEX32 = 0,
12 //
13 // Summary:
14 // An instantaneous counter that shows the most recently observed value. Used, for
15 // example, to maintain a simple count of a very large number of items or operations.
16 // It is the same as NumberOfItemsHEX32 except that it uses larger fields to accommodate
17 // larger values.
18 NumberOfItemsHEX64 = 256,
19 //
20 // Summary:
21 // An instantaneous counter that shows the most recently observed value. Used, for
22 // example, to maintain a simple count of items or operations.
23 NumberOfItems32 = 65536,
24 //
25 // Summary:
26 // An instantaneous counter that shows the most recently observed value. Used, for
27 // example, to maintain a simple count of a very large number of items or operations.
28 // It is the same as NumberOfItems32 except that it uses larger fields to accommodate
29 // larger values.
30 NumberOfItems64 = 65792,
31 //
32 // Summary:
33 // A difference counter that shows the change in the measured attribute between
34 // the two most recent sample intervals.
35 CounterDelta32 = 4195328,
36 //
37 // Summary:
38 // A difference counter that shows the change in the measured attribute between
39 // the two most recent sample intervals. It is the same as the CounterDelta32 counter
40 // type except that is uses larger fields to accomodate larger values.
41 CounterDelta64 = 4195584,
42 //
43 // Summary:
44 // An average counter that shows the average number of operations completed in one
45 // second. When a counter of this type samples the data, each sampling interrupt
46 // returns one or zero. The counter data is the number of ones that were sampled.
47 // It measures time in units of ticks of the system performance timer.
48 SampleCounter = 4260864,
49 //
50 // Summary:
51 // An average counter designed to monitor the average length of a queue to a resource
52 // over time. It shows the difference between the queue lengths observed during
53 // the last two sample intervals divided by the duration of the interval. This type
54 // of counter is typically used to track the number of items that are queued or
55 // waiting.
56 CountPerTimeInterval32 = 4523008,
57 //
58 // Summary:
59 // An average counter that monitors the average length of a queue to a resource
60 // over time. Counters of this type display the difference between the queue lengths
61 // observed during the last two sample intervals, divided by the duration of the
62 // interval. This counter type is the same as CountPerTimeInterval32 except that
63 // it uses larger fields to accommodate larger values. This type of counter is typically
64 // used to track a high-volume or very large number of items that are queued or
65 // waiting.
66 CountPerTimeInterval64 = 4523264,
67 //
68 // Summary:
69 // A difference counter that shows the average number of operations completed during
70 // each second of the sample interval. Counters of this type measure time in ticks
71 // of the system clock.
72 RateOfCountsPerSecond32 = 272696320,
73 //
74 // Summary:
75 // A difference counter that shows the average number of operations completed during
76 // each second of the sample interval. Counters of this type measure time in ticks
77 // of the system clock. This counter type is the same as the RateOfCountsPerSecond32
78 // type, but it uses larger fields to accommodate larger values to track a high-volume
79 // number of items or operations per second, such as a byte-transmission rate.
80 RateOfCountsPerSecond64 = 272696576,
81 //
82 // Summary:
83 // An instantaneous percentage counter that shows the ratio of a subset to its set
84 // as a percentage. For example, it compares the number of bytes in use on a disk
85 // to the total number of bytes on the disk. Counters of this type display the current
86 // percentage only, not an average over time.
87 RawFraction = 537003008,
88 //
89 // Summary:
90 // A percentage counter that shows the average time that a component is active as
91 // a percentage of the total sample time.
92 CounterTimer = 541132032,
93 //
94 // Summary:
95 // A percentage counter that shows the active time of a component as a percentage
96 // of the total elapsed time of the sample interval. It measures time in units of
97 // 100 nanoseconds (ns). Counters of this type are designed to measure the activity
98 // of one component at a time.
99 Timer100Ns = 542180608,
100 //
101 // Summary:
102 // A percentage counter that shows the average ratio of hits to all operations during
103 // the last two sample intervals.
104 SampleFraction = 549585920,
105 //
106 // Summary:
107 // A percentage counter that displays the average percentage of active time observed
108 // during sample interval. The value of these counters is calculated by monitoring
109 // the percentage of time that the service was inactive and then subtracting that
110 // value from 100 percent.
111 CounterTimerInverse = 557909248,
112 //
113 // Summary:
114 // A percentage counter that shows the average percentage of active time observed
115 // during the sample interval.
116 Timer100NsInverse = 558957824,
117 //
118 // Summary:
119 // A percentage counter that displays the active time of one or more components
120 // as a percentage of the total time of the sample interval. Because the numerator
121 // records the active time of components operating simultaneously, the resulting
122 // percentage can exceed 100 percent.
123 CounterMultiTimer = 574686464,
124 //
125 // Summary:
126 // A percentage counter that shows the active time of one or more components as
127 // a percentage of the total time of the sample interval. It measures time in 100
128 // nanosecond (ns) units.
129 CounterMultiTimer100Ns = 575735040,
130 //
131 // Summary:
132 // A percentage counter that shows the active time of one or more components as
133 // a percentage of the total time of the sample interval. It derives the active
134 // time by measuring the time that the components were not active and subtracting
135 // the result from 100 percent by the number of objects monitored.
136 CounterMultiTimerInverse = 591463680,
137 //
138 // Summary:
139 // A percentage counter that shows the active time of one or more components as
140 // a percentage of the total time of the sample interval. Counters of this type
141 // measure time in 100 nanosecond (ns) units. They derive the active time by measuring
142 // the time that the components were not active and subtracting the result from
143 // multiplying 100 percent by the number of objects monitored.
144 CounterMultiTimer100NsInverse = 592512256,
145 //
146 // Summary:
147 // An average counter that measures the time it takes, on average, to complete a
148 // process or operation. Counters of this type display a ratio of the total elapsed
149 // time of the sample interval to the number of processes or operations completed
150 // during that time. This counter type measures time in ticks of the system clock.
151 AverageTimer32 = 805438464,
152 //
153 // Summary:
154 // A difference timer that shows the total time between when the component or process
155 // started and the time when this value is calculated.
156 ElapsedTime = 807666944,
157 //
158 // Summary:
159 // An average counter that shows how many items are processed, on average, during
160 // an operation. Counters of this type display a ratio of the items processed to
161 // the number of operations completed. The ratio is calculated by comparing the
162 // number of items processed during the last interval to the number of operations
163 // completed during the last interval.
164 AverageCount64 = 1073874176,
165 //
166 // Summary:
167 // A base counter that stores the number of sampling interrupts taken and is used
168 // as a denominator in the sampling fraction. The sampling fraction is the number
169 // of samples that were 1 (or true) for a sample interrupt. Check that this value
170 // is greater than zero before using it as the denominator in a calculation of SampleFraction.
171 SampleBase = 1073939457,
172 //
173 // Summary:
174 // A base counter that is used in the calculation of time or count averages, such
175 // as AverageTimer32 and AverageCount64. Stores the denominator for calculating
176 // a counter to present "time per operation" or "count per operation".
177 AverageBase = 1073939458,
178 //
179 // Summary:
180 // A base counter that stores the denominator of a counter that presents a general
181 // arithmetic fraction. Check that this value is greater than zero before using
182 // it as the denominator in a RawFraction value calculation.
183 RawBase = 1073939459,
184 //
185 // Summary:
186 // A base counter that indicates the number of items sampled. It is used as the
187 // denominator in the calculations to get an average among the items sampled when
188 // taking timings of multiple, but similar items. Used with CounterMultiTimer, CounterMultiTimerInverse,
189 // CounterMultiTimer100Ns, and CounterMultiTimer100NsInverse.
190 CounterMultiBase = 1107494144
191 }
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/EventManifestTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/EventManifestTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b74d2d59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/EventManifestTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition EventManifest = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.EventManifest.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(EventManifestTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(EventManifestTupleFields.File), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 },
17 typeof(EventManifestTuple));
18 }
21namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
23 using WixToolset.Data;
25 public enum EventManifestTupleFields
26 {
27 Component_,
28 File,
29 }
31 public class EventManifestTuple : IntermediateTuple
32 {
33 public EventManifestTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.EventManifest, null, null)
34 {
35 }
37 public EventManifestTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.EventManifest, sourceLineNumber, id)
38 {
39 }
41 public IntermediateField this[EventManifestTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
43 public string Component_
44 {
45 get => this.Fields[(int)EventManifestTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
46 set => this.Set((int)EventManifestTupleFields.Component_, value);
47 }
49 public string File
50 {
51 get => this.Fields[(int)EventManifestTupleFields.File].AsString();
52 set => this.Set((int)EventManifestTupleFields.File, value);
53 }
54 }
55} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/FileSharePermissionsTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/FileSharePermissionsTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f037e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/FileSharePermissionsTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition FileSharePermissions = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.FileSharePermissions.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(FileSharePermissionsTupleFields.FileShare_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(FileSharePermissionsTupleFields.User_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(FileSharePermissionsTupleFields.Permissions), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
17 },
18 typeof(FileSharePermissionsTuple));
19 }
22namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
24 using WixToolset.Data;
26 public enum FileSharePermissionsTupleFields
27 {
28 FileShare_,
29 User_,
30 Permissions,
31 }
33 public class FileSharePermissionsTuple : IntermediateTuple
34 {
35 public FileSharePermissionsTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.FileSharePermissions, null, null)
36 {
37 }
39 public FileSharePermissionsTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.FileSharePermissions, sourceLineNumber, id)
40 {
41 }
43 public IntermediateField this[FileSharePermissionsTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
45 public string FileShare_
46 {
47 get => this.Fields[(int)FileSharePermissionsTupleFields.FileShare_].AsString();
48 set => this.Set((int)FileSharePermissionsTupleFields.FileShare_, value);
49 }
51 public string User_
52 {
53 get => this.Fields[(int)FileSharePermissionsTupleFields.User_].AsString();
54 set => this.Set((int)FileSharePermissionsTupleFields.User_, value);
55 }
57 public int Permissions
58 {
59 get => this.Fields[(int)FileSharePermissionsTupleFields.Permissions].AsNumber();
60 set => this.Set((int)FileSharePermissionsTupleFields.Permissions, value);
61 }
62 }
63} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/FileShareTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/FileShareTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..043f24bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/FileShareTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition FileShare = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.FileShare.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(FileShareTupleFields.FileShare), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(FileShareTupleFields.ShareName), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(FileShareTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(FileShareTupleFields.Description), IntermediateFieldType.String),
18 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(FileShareTupleFields.Directory_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
19 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(FileShareTupleFields.User_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
20 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(FileShareTupleFields.Permissions), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
21 },
22 typeof(FileShareTuple));
23 }
26namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
28 using WixToolset.Data;
30 public enum FileShareTupleFields
31 {
32 FileShare,
33 ShareName,
34 Component_,
35 Description,
36 Directory_,
37 User_,
38 Permissions,
39 }
41 public class FileShareTuple : IntermediateTuple
42 {
43 public FileShareTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.FileShare, null, null)
44 {
45 }
47 public FileShareTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.FileShare, sourceLineNumber, id)
48 {
49 }
51 public IntermediateField this[FileShareTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
53 public string FileShare
54 {
55 get => this.Fields[(int)FileShareTupleFields.FileShare].AsString();
56 set => this.Set((int)FileShareTupleFields.FileShare, value);
57 }
59 public string ShareName
60 {
61 get => this.Fields[(int)FileShareTupleFields.ShareName].AsString();
62 set => this.Set((int)FileShareTupleFields.ShareName, value);
63 }
65 public string Component_
66 {
67 get => this.Fields[(int)FileShareTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
68 set => this.Set((int)FileShareTupleFields.Component_, value);
69 }
71 public string Description
72 {
73 get => this.Fields[(int)FileShareTupleFields.Description].AsString();
74 set => this.Set((int)FileShareTupleFields.Description, value);
75 }
77 public string Directory_
78 {
79 get => this.Fields[(int)FileShareTupleFields.Directory_].AsString();
80 set => this.Set((int)FileShareTupleFields.Directory_, value);
81 }
83 public string User_
84 {
85 get => this.Fields[(int)FileShareTupleFields.User_].AsString();
86 set => this.Set((int)FileShareTupleFields.User_, value);
87 }
89 public int Permissions
90 {
91 get => this.Fields[(int)FileShareTupleFields.Permissions].AsNumber();
92 set => this.Set((int)FileShareTupleFields.Permissions, value);
93 }
94 }
95} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/GroupTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/GroupTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..97335714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/GroupTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition Group = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.Group.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(GroupTupleFields.Group), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(GroupTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(GroupTupleFields.Name), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(GroupTupleFields.Domain), IntermediateFieldType.String),
18 },
19 typeof(GroupTuple));
20 }
23namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
25 using WixToolset.Data;
27 public enum GroupTupleFields
28 {
29 Group,
30 Component_,
31 Name,
32 Domain,
33 }
35 public class GroupTuple : IntermediateTuple
36 {
37 public GroupTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.Group, null, null)
38 {
39 }
41 public GroupTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.Group, sourceLineNumber, id)
42 {
43 }
45 public IntermediateField this[GroupTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
47 public string Group
48 {
49 get => this.Fields[(int)GroupTupleFields.Group].AsString();
50 set => this.Set((int)GroupTupleFields.Group, value);
51 }
53 public string Component_
54 {
55 get => this.Fields[(int)GroupTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
56 set => this.Set((int)GroupTupleFields.Component_, value);
57 }
59 public string Name
60 {
61 get => this.Fields[(int)GroupTupleFields.Name].AsString();
62 set => this.Set((int)GroupTupleFields.Name, value);
63 }
65 public string Domain
66 {
67 get => this.Fields[(int)GroupTupleFields.Domain].AsString();
68 set => this.Set((int)GroupTupleFields.Domain, value);
69 }
70 }
71} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/PerfmonManifestTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/PerfmonManifestTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f6cb8cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/PerfmonManifestTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition PerfmonManifest = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.PerfmonManifest.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(PerfmonManifestTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(PerfmonManifestTupleFields.File), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(PerfmonManifestTupleFields.ResourceFileDirectory), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 },
18 typeof(PerfmonManifestTuple));
19 }
22namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
24 using WixToolset.Data;
26 public enum PerfmonManifestTupleFields
27 {
28 Component_,
29 File,
30 ResourceFileDirectory,
31 }
33 public class PerfmonManifestTuple : IntermediateTuple
34 {
35 public PerfmonManifestTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.PerfmonManifest, null, null)
36 {
37 }
39 public PerfmonManifestTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.PerfmonManifest, sourceLineNumber, id)
40 {
41 }
43 public IntermediateField this[PerfmonManifestTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
45 public string Component_
46 {
47 get => this.Fields[(int)PerfmonManifestTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
48 set => this.Set((int)PerfmonManifestTupleFields.Component_, value);
49 }
51 public string File
52 {
53 get => this.Fields[(int)PerfmonManifestTupleFields.File].AsString();
54 set => this.Set((int)PerfmonManifestTupleFields.File, value);
55 }
57 public string ResourceFileDirectory
58 {
59 get => this.Fields[(int)PerfmonManifestTupleFields.ResourceFileDirectory].AsString();
60 set => this.Set((int)PerfmonManifestTupleFields.ResourceFileDirectory, value);
61 }
62 }
63} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/PerfmonTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/PerfmonTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00ea818b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/PerfmonTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition Perfmon = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.Perfmon.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(PerfmonTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(PerfmonTupleFields.File), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(PerfmonTupleFields.Name), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 },
18 typeof(PerfmonTuple));
19 }
22namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
24 using WixToolset.Data;
26 public enum PerfmonTupleFields
27 {
28 Component_,
29 File,
30 Name,
31 }
33 public class PerfmonTuple : IntermediateTuple
34 {
35 public PerfmonTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.Perfmon, null, null)
36 {
37 }
39 public PerfmonTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.Perfmon, sourceLineNumber, id)
40 {
41 }
43 public IntermediateField this[PerfmonTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
45 public string Component_
46 {
47 get => this.Fields[(int)PerfmonTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
48 set => this.Set((int)PerfmonTupleFields.Component_, value);
49 }
51 public string File
52 {
53 get => this.Fields[(int)PerfmonTupleFields.File].AsString();
54 set => this.Set((int)PerfmonTupleFields.File, value);
55 }
57 public string Name
58 {
59 get => this.Fields[(int)PerfmonTupleFields.Name].AsString();
60 set => this.Set((int)PerfmonTupleFields.Name, value);
61 }
62 }
63} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/PerformanceCategoryTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/PerformanceCategoryTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec2ba73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/PerformanceCategoryTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition PerformanceCategory = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.PerformanceCategory.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.PerformanceCategory), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.Name), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.IniData), IntermediateFieldType.String),
18 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.ConstantData), IntermediateFieldType.String),
19 },
20 typeof(PerformanceCategoryTuple));
21 }
24namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
26 using WixToolset.Data;
28 public enum PerformanceCategoryTupleFields
29 {
30 PerformanceCategory,
31 Component_,
32 Name,
33 IniData,
34 ConstantData,
35 }
37 public class PerformanceCategoryTuple : IntermediateTuple
38 {
39 public PerformanceCategoryTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.PerformanceCategory, null, null)
40 {
41 }
43 public PerformanceCategoryTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.PerformanceCategory, sourceLineNumber, id)
44 {
45 }
47 public IntermediateField this[PerformanceCategoryTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
49 public string PerformanceCategory
50 {
51 get => this.Fields[(int)PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.PerformanceCategory].AsString();
52 set => this.Set((int)PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.PerformanceCategory, value);
53 }
55 public string Component_
56 {
57 get => this.Fields[(int)PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
58 set => this.Set((int)PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.Component_, value);
59 }
61 public string Name
62 {
63 get => this.Fields[(int)PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.Name].AsString();
64 set => this.Set((int)PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.Name, value);
65 }
67 public string IniData
68 {
69 get => this.Fields[(int)PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.IniData].AsString();
70 set => this.Set((int)PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.IniData, value);
71 }
73 public string ConstantData
74 {
75 get => this.Fields[(int)PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.ConstantData].AsString();
76 set => this.Set((int)PerformanceCategoryTupleFields.ConstantData, value);
77 }
78 }
79} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/SecureObjectsTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/SecureObjectsTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f54b23d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/SecureObjectsTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition SecureObjects = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.SecureObjects.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(SecureObjectsTupleFields.SecureObject), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(SecureObjectsTupleFields.Table), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(SecureObjectsTupleFields.Domain), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(SecureObjectsTupleFields.User), IntermediateFieldType.String),
18 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(SecureObjectsTupleFields.Permission), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
19 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(SecureObjectsTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
20 },
21 typeof(SecureObjectsTuple));
22 }
25namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
27 using WixToolset.Data;
29 public enum SecureObjectsTupleFields
30 {
31 SecureObject,
32 Table,
33 Domain,
34 User,
35 Permission,
36 Component_,
37 }
39 public class SecureObjectsTuple : IntermediateTuple
40 {
41 public SecureObjectsTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.SecureObjects, null, null)
42 {
43 }
45 public SecureObjectsTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.SecureObjects, sourceLineNumber, id)
46 {
47 }
49 public IntermediateField this[SecureObjectsTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
51 public string SecureObject
52 {
53 get => this.Fields[(int)SecureObjectsTupleFields.SecureObject].AsString();
54 set => this.Set((int)SecureObjectsTupleFields.SecureObject, value);
55 }
57 public string Table
58 {
59 get => this.Fields[(int)SecureObjectsTupleFields.Table].AsString();
60 set => this.Set((int)SecureObjectsTupleFields.Table, value);
61 }
63 public string Domain
64 {
65 get => this.Fields[(int)SecureObjectsTupleFields.Domain].AsString();
66 set => this.Set((int)SecureObjectsTupleFields.Domain, value);
67 }
69 public string User
70 {
71 get => this.Fields[(int)SecureObjectsTupleFields.User].AsString();
72 set => this.Set((int)SecureObjectsTupleFields.User, value);
73 }
75 public int Permission
76 {
77 get => this.Fields[(int)SecureObjectsTupleFields.Permission].AsNumber();
78 set => this.Set((int)SecureObjectsTupleFields.Permission, value);
79 }
81 public string Component_
82 {
83 get => this.Fields[(int)SecureObjectsTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
84 set => this.Set((int)SecureObjectsTupleFields.Component_, value);
85 }
86 }
87} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/ServiceConfigTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/ServiceConfigTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74d96bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/ServiceConfigTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition ServiceConfig = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.ServiceConfig.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(ServiceConfigTupleFields.ServiceName), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(ServiceConfigTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(ServiceConfigTupleFields.NewService), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
17 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(ServiceConfigTupleFields.FirstFailureActionType), IntermediateFieldType.String),
18 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(ServiceConfigTupleFields.SecondFailureActionType), IntermediateFieldType.String),
19 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(ServiceConfigTupleFields.ThirdFailureActionType), IntermediateFieldType.String),
20 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(ServiceConfigTupleFields.ResetPeriodInDays), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
21 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(ServiceConfigTupleFields.RestartServiceDelayInSeconds), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
22 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(ServiceConfigTupleFields.ProgramCommandLine), IntermediateFieldType.String),
23 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(ServiceConfigTupleFields.RebootMessage), IntermediateFieldType.String),
24 },
25 typeof(ServiceConfigTuple));
26 }
29namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
31 using WixToolset.Data;
33 public enum ServiceConfigTupleFields
34 {
35 ServiceName,
36 Component_,
37 NewService,
38 FirstFailureActionType,
39 SecondFailureActionType,
40 ThirdFailureActionType,
41 ResetPeriodInDays,
42 RestartServiceDelayInSeconds,
43 ProgramCommandLine,
44 RebootMessage,
45 }
47 public class ServiceConfigTuple : IntermediateTuple
48 {
49 public ServiceConfigTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.ServiceConfig, null, null)
50 {
51 }
53 public ServiceConfigTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.ServiceConfig, sourceLineNumber, id)
54 {
55 }
57 public IntermediateField this[ServiceConfigTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
59 public string ServiceName
60 {
61 get => this.Fields[(int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.ServiceName].AsString();
62 set => this.Set((int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.ServiceName, value);
63 }
65 public string Component_
66 {
67 get => this.Fields[(int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
68 set => this.Set((int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.Component_, value);
69 }
71 public int NewService
72 {
73 get => this.Fields[(int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.NewService].AsNumber();
74 set => this.Set((int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.NewService, value);
75 }
77 public string FirstFailureActionType
78 {
79 get => this.Fields[(int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.FirstFailureActionType].AsString();
80 set => this.Set((int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.FirstFailureActionType, value);
81 }
83 public string SecondFailureActionType
84 {
85 get => this.Fields[(int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.SecondFailureActionType].AsString();
86 set => this.Set((int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.SecondFailureActionType, value);
87 }
89 public string ThirdFailureActionType
90 {
91 get => this.Fields[(int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.ThirdFailureActionType].AsString();
92 set => this.Set((int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.ThirdFailureActionType, value);
93 }
95 public int ResetPeriodInDays
96 {
97 get => this.Fields[(int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.ResetPeriodInDays].AsNumber();
98 set => this.Set((int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.ResetPeriodInDays, value);
99 }
101 public int RestartServiceDelayInSeconds
102 {
103 get => this.Fields[(int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.RestartServiceDelayInSeconds].AsNumber();
104 set => this.Set((int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.RestartServiceDelayInSeconds, value);
105 }
107 public string ProgramCommandLine
108 {
109 get => this.Fields[(int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.ProgramCommandLine].AsString();
110 set => this.Set((int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.ProgramCommandLine, value);
111 }
113 public string RebootMessage
114 {
115 get => this.Fields[(int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.RebootMessage].AsString();
116 set => this.Set((int)ServiceConfigTupleFields.RebootMessage, value);
117 }
118 }
119} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/UserGroupTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/UserGroupTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0386a26e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/UserGroupTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition UserGroup = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.UserGroup.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(UserGroupTupleFields.User_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(UserGroupTupleFields.Group_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 },
17 typeof(UserGroupTuple));
18 }
21namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
23 using WixToolset.Data;
25 public enum UserGroupTupleFields
26 {
27 User_,
28 Group_,
29 }
31 public class UserGroupTuple : IntermediateTuple
32 {
33 public UserGroupTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.UserGroup, null, null)
34 {
35 }
37 public UserGroupTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.UserGroup, sourceLineNumber, id)
38 {
39 }
41 public IntermediateField this[UserGroupTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
43 public string User_
44 {
45 get => this.Fields[(int)UserGroupTupleFields.User_].AsString();
46 set => this.Set((int)UserGroupTupleFields.User_, value);
47 }
49 public string Group_
50 {
51 get => this.Fields[(int)UserGroupTupleFields.Group_].AsString();
52 set => this.Set((int)UserGroupTupleFields.Group_, value);
53 }
54 }
55} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/UserTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/UserTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8c5315c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/UserTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition User = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.User.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(UserTupleFields.User), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(UserTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(UserTupleFields.Name), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(UserTupleFields.Domain), IntermediateFieldType.String),
18 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(UserTupleFields.Password), IntermediateFieldType.String),
19 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(UserTupleFields.Attributes), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
20 },
21 typeof(UserTuple));
22 }
25namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
27 using WixToolset.Data;
29 public enum UserTupleFields
30 {
31 User,
32 Component_,
33 Name,
34 Domain,
35 Password,
36 Attributes,
37 }
39 public class UserTuple : IntermediateTuple
40 {
41 public UserTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.User, null, null)
42 {
43 }
45 public UserTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.User, sourceLineNumber, id)
46 {
47 }
49 public IntermediateField this[UserTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
51 public string User
52 {
53 get => this.Fields[(int)UserTupleFields.User].AsString();
54 set => this.Set((int)UserTupleFields.User, value);
55 }
57 public string Component_
58 {
59 get => this.Fields[(int)UserTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
60 set => this.Set((int)UserTupleFields.Component_, value);
61 }
63 public string Name
64 {
65 get => this.Fields[(int)UserTupleFields.Name].AsString();
66 set => this.Set((int)UserTupleFields.Name, value);
67 }
69 public string Domain
70 {
71 get => this.Fields[(int)UserTupleFields.Domain].AsString();
72 set => this.Set((int)UserTupleFields.Domain, value);
73 }
75 public string Password
76 {
77 get => this.Fields[(int)UserTupleFields.Password].AsString();
78 set => this.Set((int)UserTupleFields.Password, value);
79 }
81 public int Attributes
82 {
83 get => this.Fields[(int)UserTupleFields.Attributes].AsNumber();
84 set => this.Set((int)UserTupleFields.Attributes, value);
85 }
86 }
87} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/UtilTupleDefinitions.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/UtilTupleDefinitions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00c98337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/UtilTupleDefinitions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using System;
6 using WixToolset.Data;
8 public enum UtilTupleDefinitionType
9 {
10 EventManifest,
11 FileShare,
12 FileSharePermissions,
13 Group,
14 Perfmon,
15 PerfmonManifest,
16 PerformanceCategory,
17 SecureObjects,
18 ServiceConfig,
19 User,
20 UserGroup,
21 WixCloseApplication,
22 WixFormatFiles,
23 WixInternetShortcut,
24 WixRemoveFolderEx,
25 WixRestartResource,
26 WixTouchFile,
27 XmlConfig,
28 XmlFile,
29 }
31 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
32 {
33 public static readonly Version Version = new Version("4.0.0");
35 public static IntermediateTupleDefinition ByName(string name)
36 {
37 if (!Enum.TryParse(name, out UtilTupleDefinitionType type))
38 {
39 return null;
40 }
42 return ByType(type);
43 }
45 public static IntermediateTupleDefinition ByType(UtilTupleDefinitionType type)
46 {
47 switch (type)
48 {
49 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.EventManifest:
50 return UtilTupleDefinitions.EventManifest;
52 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.FileShare:
53 return UtilTupleDefinitions.FileShare;
55 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.FileSharePermissions:
56 return UtilTupleDefinitions.FileSharePermissions;
58 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.Group:
59 return UtilTupleDefinitions.Group;
61 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.Perfmon:
62 return UtilTupleDefinitions.Perfmon;
64 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.PerfmonManifest:
65 return UtilTupleDefinitions.PerfmonManifest;
67 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.PerformanceCategory:
68 return UtilTupleDefinitions.PerformanceCategory;
70 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.SecureObjects:
71 return UtilTupleDefinitions.SecureObjects;
73 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.ServiceConfig:
74 return UtilTupleDefinitions.ServiceConfig;
76 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.User:
77 return UtilTupleDefinitions.User;
79 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.UserGroup:
80 return UtilTupleDefinitions.UserGroup;
82 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.WixCloseApplication:
83 return UtilTupleDefinitions.WixCloseApplication;
85 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.WixFormatFiles:
86 return UtilTupleDefinitions.WixFormatFiles;
88 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.WixInternetShortcut:
89 return UtilTupleDefinitions.WixInternetShortcut;
91 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.WixRemoveFolderEx:
92 return UtilTupleDefinitions.WixRemoveFolderEx;
94 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.WixRestartResource:
95 return UtilTupleDefinitions.WixRestartResource;
97 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.WixTouchFile:
98 return UtilTupleDefinitions.WixTouchFile;
100 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.XmlConfig:
101 return UtilTupleDefinitions.XmlConfig;
103 case UtilTupleDefinitionType.XmlFile:
104 return UtilTupleDefinitions.XmlFile;
106 default:
107 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type));
108 }
109 }
110 }
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/WixCloseApplicationTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/WixCloseApplicationTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2095d93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/WixCloseApplicationTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition WixCloseApplication = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.WixCloseApplication.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.WixCloseApplication), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Target), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Description), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Condition), IntermediateFieldType.String),
18 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Attributes), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
19 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Sequence), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
20 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Property), IntermediateFieldType.String),
21 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.TerminateExitCode), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
22 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Timeout), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
23 },
24 typeof(WixCloseApplicationTuple));
25 }
28namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
30 using WixToolset.Data;
32 public enum WixCloseApplicationTupleFields
33 {
34 WixCloseApplication,
35 Target,
36 Description,
37 Condition,
38 Attributes,
39 Sequence,
40 Property,
41 TerminateExitCode,
42 Timeout,
43 }
45 public class WixCloseApplicationTuple : IntermediateTuple
46 {
47 public WixCloseApplicationTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.WixCloseApplication, null, null)
48 {
49 }
51 public WixCloseApplicationTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.WixCloseApplication, sourceLineNumber, id)
52 {
53 }
55 public IntermediateField this[WixCloseApplicationTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
57 public string WixCloseApplication
58 {
59 get => this.Fields[(int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.WixCloseApplication].AsString();
60 set => this.Set((int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.WixCloseApplication, value);
61 }
63 public string Target
64 {
65 get => this.Fields[(int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Target].AsString();
66 set => this.Set((int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Target, value);
67 }
69 public string Description
70 {
71 get => this.Fields[(int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Description].AsString();
72 set => this.Set((int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Description, value);
73 }
75 public string Condition
76 {
77 get => this.Fields[(int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Condition].AsString();
78 set => this.Set((int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Condition, value);
79 }
81 public int Attributes
82 {
83 get => this.Fields[(int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Attributes].AsNumber();
84 set => this.Set((int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Attributes, value);
85 }
87 public int Sequence
88 {
89 get => this.Fields[(int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Sequence].AsNumber();
90 set => this.Set((int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Sequence, value);
91 }
93 public string Property
94 {
95 get => this.Fields[(int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Property].AsString();
96 set => this.Set((int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Property, value);
97 }
99 public int TerminateExitCode
100 {
101 get => this.Fields[(int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.TerminateExitCode].AsNumber();
102 set => this.Set((int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.TerminateExitCode, value);
103 }
105 public int Timeout
106 {
107 get => this.Fields[(int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Timeout].AsNumber();
108 set => this.Set((int)WixCloseApplicationTupleFields.Timeout, value);
109 }
110 }
111} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/WixFormatFilesTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/WixFormatFilesTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7fc092b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/WixFormatFilesTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition WixFormatFiles = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.WixFormatFiles.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixFormatFilesTupleFields.Binary_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixFormatFilesTupleFields.File_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 },
17 typeof(WixFormatFilesTuple));
18 }
21namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
23 using WixToolset.Data;
25 public enum WixFormatFilesTupleFields
26 {
27 Binary_,
28 File_,
29 }
31 public class WixFormatFilesTuple : IntermediateTuple
32 {
33 public WixFormatFilesTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.WixFormatFiles, null, null)
34 {
35 }
37 public WixFormatFilesTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.WixFormatFiles, sourceLineNumber, id)
38 {
39 }
41 public IntermediateField this[WixFormatFilesTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
43 public string Binary_
44 {
45 get => this.Fields[(int)WixFormatFilesTupleFields.Binary_].AsString();
46 set => this.Set((int)WixFormatFilesTupleFields.Binary_, value);
47 }
49 public string File_
50 {
51 get => this.Fields[(int)WixFormatFilesTupleFields.File_].AsString();
52 set => this.Set((int)WixFormatFilesTupleFields.File_, value);
53 }
54 }
55} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/WixInternetShortcutTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/WixInternetShortcutTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c29cda6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/WixInternetShortcutTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition WixInternetShortcut = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.WixInternetShortcut.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.WixInternetShortcut), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Directory_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Name), IntermediateFieldType.String),
18 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Target), IntermediateFieldType.String),
19 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Attributes), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
20 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.IconFile), IntermediateFieldType.String),
21 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.IconIndex), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
22 },
23 typeof(WixInternetShortcutTuple));
24 }
27namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
29 using WixToolset.Data;
31 public enum WixInternetShortcutTupleFields
32 {
33 WixInternetShortcut,
34 Component_,
35 Directory_,
36 Name,
37 Target,
38 Attributes,
39 IconFile,
40 IconIndex,
41 }
43 public class WixInternetShortcutTuple : IntermediateTuple
44 {
45 public WixInternetShortcutTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.WixInternetShortcut, null, null)
46 {
47 }
49 public WixInternetShortcutTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.WixInternetShortcut, sourceLineNumber, id)
50 {
51 }
53 public IntermediateField this[WixInternetShortcutTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
55 public string WixInternetShortcut
56 {
57 get => this.Fields[(int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.WixInternetShortcut].AsString();
58 set => this.Set((int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.WixInternetShortcut, value);
59 }
61 public string Component_
62 {
63 get => this.Fields[(int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
64 set => this.Set((int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Component_, value);
65 }
67 public string Directory_
68 {
69 get => this.Fields[(int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Directory_].AsString();
70 set => this.Set((int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Directory_, value);
71 }
73 public string Name
74 {
75 get => this.Fields[(int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Name].AsString();
76 set => this.Set((int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Name, value);
77 }
79 public string Target
80 {
81 get => this.Fields[(int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Target].AsString();
82 set => this.Set((int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Target, value);
83 }
85 public int Attributes
86 {
87 get => this.Fields[(int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Attributes].AsNumber();
88 set => this.Set((int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.Attributes, value);
89 }
91 public string IconFile
92 {
93 get => this.Fields[(int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.IconFile].AsString();
94 set => this.Set((int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.IconFile, value);
95 }
97 public int IconIndex
98 {
99 get => this.Fields[(int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.IconIndex].AsNumber();
100 set => this.Set((int)WixInternetShortcutTupleFields.IconIndex, value);
101 }
102 }
103} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/WixRemoveFolderExTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/WixRemoveFolderExTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35e22e2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/WixRemoveFolderExTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition WixRemoveFolderEx = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.WixRemoveFolderEx.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields.WixRemoveFolderEx), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields.Property), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields.InstallMode), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
18 },
19 typeof(WixRemoveFolderExTuple));
20 }
23namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
25 using WixToolset.Data;
27 public enum WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields
28 {
29 WixRemoveFolderEx,
30 Component_,
31 Property,
32 InstallMode,
33 }
35 public class WixRemoveFolderExTuple : IntermediateTuple
36 {
37 public WixRemoveFolderExTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.WixRemoveFolderEx, null, null)
38 {
39 }
41 public WixRemoveFolderExTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.WixRemoveFolderEx, sourceLineNumber, id)
42 {
43 }
45 public IntermediateField this[WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
47 public string WixRemoveFolderEx
48 {
49 get => this.Fields[(int)WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields.WixRemoveFolderEx].AsString();
50 set => this.Set((int)WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields.WixRemoveFolderEx, value);
51 }
53 public string Component_
54 {
55 get => this.Fields[(int)WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
56 set => this.Set((int)WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields.Component_, value);
57 }
59 public string Property
60 {
61 get => this.Fields[(int)WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields.Property].AsString();
62 set => this.Set((int)WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields.Property, value);
63 }
65 public int InstallMode
66 {
67 get => this.Fields[(int)WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields.InstallMode].AsNumber();
68 set => this.Set((int)WixRemoveFolderExTupleFields.InstallMode, value);
69 }
70 }
71} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/WixRestartResourceTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/WixRestartResourceTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..828d9d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/WixRestartResourceTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition WixRestartResource = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.WixRestartResource.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixRestartResourceTupleFields.WixRestartResource), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixRestartResourceTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixRestartResourceTupleFields.Resource), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixRestartResourceTupleFields.Attributes), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
18 },
19 typeof(WixRestartResourceTuple));
20 }
23namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
25 using WixToolset.Data;
27 public enum WixRestartResourceTupleFields
28 {
29 WixRestartResource,
30 Component_,
31 Resource,
32 Attributes,
33 }
35 public class WixRestartResourceTuple : IntermediateTuple
36 {
37 public WixRestartResourceTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.WixRestartResource, null, null)
38 {
39 }
41 public WixRestartResourceTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.WixRestartResource, sourceLineNumber, id)
42 {
43 }
45 public IntermediateField this[WixRestartResourceTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
47 public string WixRestartResource
48 {
49 get => this.Fields[(int)WixRestartResourceTupleFields.WixRestartResource].AsString();
50 set => this.Set((int)WixRestartResourceTupleFields.WixRestartResource, value);
51 }
53 public string Component_
54 {
55 get => this.Fields[(int)WixRestartResourceTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
56 set => this.Set((int)WixRestartResourceTupleFields.Component_, value);
57 }
59 public string Resource
60 {
61 get => this.Fields[(int)WixRestartResourceTupleFields.Resource].AsString();
62 set => this.Set((int)WixRestartResourceTupleFields.Resource, value);
63 }
65 public int Attributes
66 {
67 get => this.Fields[(int)WixRestartResourceTupleFields.Attributes].AsNumber();
68 set => this.Set((int)WixRestartResourceTupleFields.Attributes, value);
69 }
70 }
71} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/WixTouchFileTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/WixTouchFileTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f87f396e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/WixTouchFileTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition WixTouchFile = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.WixTouchFile.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixTouchFileTupleFields.WixTouchFile), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixTouchFileTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixTouchFileTupleFields.Path), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(WixTouchFileTupleFields.Attributes), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
18 },
19 typeof(WixTouchFileTuple));
20 }
23namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
25 using WixToolset.Data;
27 public enum WixTouchFileTupleFields
28 {
29 WixTouchFile,
30 Component_,
31 Path,
32 Attributes,
33 }
35 public class WixTouchFileTuple : IntermediateTuple
36 {
37 public WixTouchFileTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.WixTouchFile, null, null)
38 {
39 }
41 public WixTouchFileTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.WixTouchFile, sourceLineNumber, id)
42 {
43 }
45 public IntermediateField this[WixTouchFileTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
47 public string WixTouchFile
48 {
49 get => this.Fields[(int)WixTouchFileTupleFields.WixTouchFile].AsString();
50 set => this.Set((int)WixTouchFileTupleFields.WixTouchFile, value);
51 }
53 public string Component_
54 {
55 get => this.Fields[(int)WixTouchFileTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
56 set => this.Set((int)WixTouchFileTupleFields.Component_, value);
57 }
59 public string Path
60 {
61 get => this.Fields[(int)WixTouchFileTupleFields.Path].AsString();
62 set => this.Set((int)WixTouchFileTupleFields.Path, value);
63 }
65 public int Attributes
66 {
67 get => this.Fields[(int)WixTouchFileTupleFields.Attributes].AsNumber();
68 set => this.Set((int)WixTouchFileTupleFields.Attributes, value);
69 }
70 }
71} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/XmlConfigTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/XmlConfigTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..093299b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/XmlConfigTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition XmlConfig = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.XmlConfig.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlConfigTupleFields.XmlConfig), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlConfigTupleFields.File), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlConfigTupleFields.ElementPath), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlConfigTupleFields.VerifyPath), IntermediateFieldType.String),
18 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlConfigTupleFields.Name), IntermediateFieldType.String),
19 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlConfigTupleFields.Value), IntermediateFieldType.String),
20 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlConfigTupleFields.Flags), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
21 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlConfigTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
22 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlConfigTupleFields.Sequence), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
23 },
24 typeof(XmlConfigTuple));
25 }
28namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
30 using WixToolset.Data;
32 public enum XmlConfigTupleFields
33 {
34 XmlConfig,
35 File,
36 ElementPath,
37 VerifyPath,
38 Name,
39 Value,
40 Flags,
41 Component_,
42 Sequence,
43 }
45 public class XmlConfigTuple : IntermediateTuple
46 {
47 public XmlConfigTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.XmlConfig, null, null)
48 {
49 }
51 public XmlConfigTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.XmlConfig, sourceLineNumber, id)
52 {
53 }
55 public IntermediateField this[XmlConfigTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
57 public string XmlConfig
58 {
59 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlConfigTupleFields.XmlConfig].AsString();
60 set => this.Set((int)XmlConfigTupleFields.XmlConfig, value);
61 }
63 public string File
64 {
65 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlConfigTupleFields.File].AsString();
66 set => this.Set((int)XmlConfigTupleFields.File, value);
67 }
69 public string ElementPath
70 {
71 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlConfigTupleFields.ElementPath].AsString();
72 set => this.Set((int)XmlConfigTupleFields.ElementPath, value);
73 }
75 public string VerifyPath
76 {
77 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlConfigTupleFields.VerifyPath].AsString();
78 set => this.Set((int)XmlConfigTupleFields.VerifyPath, value);
79 }
81 public string Name
82 {
83 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlConfigTupleFields.Name].AsString();
84 set => this.Set((int)XmlConfigTupleFields.Name, value);
85 }
87 public string Value
88 {
89 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlConfigTupleFields.Value].AsString();
90 set => this.Set((int)XmlConfigTupleFields.Value, value);
91 }
93 public int Flags
94 {
95 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlConfigTupleFields.Flags].AsNumber();
96 set => this.Set((int)XmlConfigTupleFields.Flags, value);
97 }
99 public string Component_
100 {
101 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlConfigTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
102 set => this.Set((int)XmlConfigTupleFields.Component_, value);
103 }
105 public int Sequence
106 {
107 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlConfigTupleFields.Sequence].AsNumber();
108 set => this.Set((int)XmlConfigTupleFields.Sequence, value);
109 }
110 }
111} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/Tuples/XmlFileTuple.cs b/src/wixext/Tuples/XmlFileTuple.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27ea7119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/Tuples/XmlFileTuple.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Util.Tuples;
8 public static partial class UtilTupleDefinitions
9 {
10 public static readonly IntermediateTupleDefinition XmlFile = new IntermediateTupleDefinition(
11 UtilTupleDefinitionType.XmlFile.ToString(),
12 new[]
13 {
14 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlFileTupleFields.XmlFile), IntermediateFieldType.String),
15 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlFileTupleFields.File), IntermediateFieldType.String),
16 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlFileTupleFields.ElementPath), IntermediateFieldType.String),
17 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlFileTupleFields.Name), IntermediateFieldType.String),
18 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlFileTupleFields.Value), IntermediateFieldType.String),
19 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlFileTupleFields.Flags), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
20 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlFileTupleFields.Component_), IntermediateFieldType.String),
21 new IntermediateFieldDefinition(nameof(XmlFileTupleFields.Sequence), IntermediateFieldType.Number),
22 },
23 typeof(XmlFileTuple));
24 }
27namespace WixToolset.Util.Tuples
29 using WixToolset.Data;
31 public enum XmlFileTupleFields
32 {
33 XmlFile,
34 File,
35 ElementPath,
36 Name,
37 Value,
38 Flags,
39 Component_,
40 Sequence,
41 }
43 public class XmlFileTuple : IntermediateTuple
44 {
45 public XmlFileTuple() : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.XmlFile, null, null)
46 {
47 }
49 public XmlFileTuple(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Identifier id = null) : base(UtilTupleDefinitions.XmlFile, sourceLineNumber, id)
50 {
51 }
53 public IntermediateField this[XmlFileTupleFields index] => this.Fields[(int)index];
55 public string XmlFile
56 {
57 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlFileTupleFields.XmlFile].AsString();
58 set => this.Set((int)XmlFileTupleFields.XmlFile, value);
59 }
61 public string File
62 {
63 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlFileTupleFields.File].AsString();
64 set => this.Set((int)XmlFileTupleFields.File, value);
65 }
67 public string ElementPath
68 {
69 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlFileTupleFields.ElementPath].AsString();
70 set => this.Set((int)XmlFileTupleFields.ElementPath, value);
71 }
73 public string Name
74 {
75 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlFileTupleFields.Name].AsString();
76 set => this.Set((int)XmlFileTupleFields.Name, value);
77 }
79 public string Value
80 {
81 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlFileTupleFields.Value].AsString();
82 set => this.Set((int)XmlFileTupleFields.Value, value);
83 }
85 public int Flags
86 {
87 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlFileTupleFields.Flags].AsNumber();
88 set => this.Set((int)XmlFileTupleFields.Flags, value);
89 }
91 public string Component_
92 {
93 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlFileTupleFields.Component_].AsString();
94 set => this.Set((int)XmlFileTupleFields.Component_, value);
95 }
97 public int Sequence
98 {
99 get => this.Fields[(int)XmlFileTupleFields.Sequence].AsNumber();
100 set => this.Set((int)XmlFileTupleFields.Sequence, value);
101 }
102 }
103} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixext/UtilBinder.cs b/src/wixext/UtilBinder.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef80a876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/UtilBinder.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Extensions
6 using System;
7 using System.Collections.Generic;
8 using System.Globalization;
9 using WixToolset.Data;
10 using WixToolset.Extensibility;
12 /// <summary>
13 /// The binder for the WiX Toolset Utility Extension.
14 /// </summary>
15 public sealed class UtilBinder : BinderExtension
16 {
17 // TODO: When WixSearch is supported in Product, etc, we may need to call
18 // ReorderWixSearch() from each of those initializers.
20 // TODO: A general-purpose "reorder this table given these constraints"
21 // mechanism may end up being helpful. This could be declaratively stated
22 // in the table definitions, or exposed from the core Wix.dll and called
23 // as-needed by any extensions.
25 /// <summary>
26 /// Called before bundle binding occurs.
27 /// </summary>
28 public override void Initialize(Output bundle)
29 {
30 if (OutputType.Bundle == bundle.Type)
31 {
32 this.ReorderWixSearch(bundle);
33 }
34 }
36 /// <summary>
37 /// Reorders Any WixSearch items.
38 /// </summary>
39 /// <param name="output">Output containing the tables to process.</param>
40 private void ReorderWixSearch(Output output)
41 {
42 Table wixSearchTable = output.Tables["WixSearch"];
43 if (null == wixSearchTable || wixSearchTable.Rows.Count == 0)
44 {
45 // nothing to do!
46 return;
47 }
49 RowDictionary rowDictionary = new RowDictionary();
50 foreach (Row row in wixSearchTable.Rows)
51 {
52 rowDictionary.AddRow(row);
53 }
55 Constraints constraints = new Constraints();
56 Table wixSearchRelationTable = output.Tables["WixSearchRelation"];
57 if (null != wixSearchRelationTable && wixSearchRelationTable.Rows.Count > 0)
58 {
59 // add relational info to our data...
60 foreach (Row row in wixSearchRelationTable.Rows)
61 {
62 constraints.AddConstraint((string)row[0], (string)row[1]);
63 }
64 }
66 this.FindCircularReference(constraints);
68 if (this.Core.EncounteredError)
69 {
70 return;
71 }
73 this.FlattenDependentReferences(constraints);
75 // Reorder by topographical sort (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting)
76 // We use a variation of Kahn (1962) algorithm as described in
77 // Wikipedia, with the additional criteria that start nodes are sorted
78 // lexicographically at each step to ensure a deterministic ordering
79 // based on 'after' dependencies and ID.
80 TopologicalSort sorter = new TopologicalSort();
81 List <string> sortedIds = sorter.Sort(rowDictionary.Keys, constraints);
83 // Now, re-write the table with the searches in order...
84 wixSearchTable.Rows.Clear();
85 foreach (string id in sortedIds)
86 {
87 wixSearchTable.Rows.Add(rowDictionary[id]);
88 }
89 }
91 /// <summary>
92 /// A dictionary of Row items, indexed by their first column.
93 /// </summary>
94 private class RowDictionary : Dictionary<string, Row>
95 {
96 public void AddRow(Row row)
97 {
98 this.Add((string)row[0], row);
99 }
101 // TODO: Hide other Add methods?
102 }
104 /// <summary>
105 /// A dictionary of constraints, mapping an id to a list of ids.
106 /// </summary>
107 private class Constraints : Dictionary<string, List<string>>
108 {
109 public void AddConstraint(string id, string afterId)
110 {
111 if (!this.ContainsKey(id))
112 {
113 this.Add(id, new List<string>());
114 }
116 // TODO: Show warning if a constraint is seen twice?
117 if (!this[id].Contains(afterId))
118 {
119 this[id].Add(afterId);
120 }
121 }
123 // TODO: Hide other Add methods?
124 }
126 /// <summary>
127 /// Finds circular references in the constraints.
128 /// </summary>
129 /// <param name="constraints">Constraints to check.</param>
130 /// <remarks>This is not particularly performant, but it works.</remarks>
131 private void FindCircularReference(Constraints constraints)
132 {
133 foreach (string id in constraints.Keys)
134 {
135 List<string> seenIds = new List<string>();
136 string chain = null;
137 if (FindCircularReference(constraints, id, id, seenIds, out chain))
138 {
139 // We will show a separate message for every ID that's in
140 // the loop. We could bail after the first one, but then
141 // we wouldn't catch disjoint loops in a single run.
142 this.Core.OnMessage(UtilErrors.CircularSearchReference(chain));
143 }
144 }
145 }
147 /// <summary>
148 /// Recursive function that finds circular references in the constraints.
149 /// </summary>
150 /// <param name="constraints">Constraints to check.</param>
151 /// <param name="checkId">The identifier currently being looking for. (Fixed across a given run.)</param>
152 /// <param name="currentId">The idenifier curently being tested.</param>
153 /// <param name="seenIds">A list of identifiers seen, to ensure each identifier is only expanded once.</param>
154 /// <param name="chain">If a circular reference is found, will contain the chain of references.</param>
155 /// <returns>True if a circular reference is found, false otherwise.</returns>
156 private bool FindCircularReference(Constraints constraints, string checkId, string currentId, List<string> seenIds, out string chain)
157 {
158 chain = null;
159 List<string> afterList = null;
160 if (constraints.TryGetValue(currentId, out afterList))
161 {
162 foreach (string afterId in afterList)
163 {
164 if (afterId == checkId)
165 {
166 chain = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} -> {1}", currentId, afterId);
167 return true;
168 }
170 if (!seenIds.Contains(afterId))
171 {
172 seenIds.Add(afterId);
173 if (FindCircularReference(constraints, checkId, afterId, seenIds, out chain))
174 {
175 chain = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} -> {1}", currentId, chain);
176 return true;
177 }
178 }
179 }
180 }
182 return false;
183 }
185 /// <summary>
186 /// Flattens any dependency chains to simplify reordering.
187 /// </summary>
188 /// <param name="constraints"></param>
189 private void FlattenDependentReferences(Constraints constraints)
190 {
191 foreach (string id in constraints.Keys)
192 {
193 List<string> flattenedIds = new List<string>();
194 AddDependentReferences(constraints, id, flattenedIds);
195 List<string> constraintList = constraints[id];
196 foreach (string flattenedId in flattenedIds)
197 {
198 if (!constraintList.Contains(flattenedId))
199 {
200 constraintList.Add(flattenedId);
201 }
202 }
203 }
204 }
206 /// <summary>
207 /// Adds dependent references to a list.
208 /// </summary>
209 /// <param name="constraints"></param>
210 /// <param name="currentId"></param>
211 /// <param name="seenIds"></param>
212 private void AddDependentReferences(Constraints constraints, string currentId, List<string> seenIds)
213 {
214 List<string> afterList = null;
215 if (constraints.TryGetValue(currentId, out afterList))
216 {
217 foreach (string afterId in afterList)
218 {
219 if (!seenIds.Contains(afterId))
220 {
221 seenIds.Add(afterId);
222 AddDependentReferences(constraints, afterId, seenIds);
223 }
224 }
225 }
226 }
228 /// <summary>
229 /// Reorder by topological sort
230 /// </summary>
231 /// <remarks>
232 /// We use a variation of Kahn (1962) algorithm as described in
233 /// Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting), with
234 /// the additional criteria that start nodes are sorted lexicographically
235 /// at each step to ensure a deterministic ordering based on 'after'
236 /// dependencies and ID.
237 /// </remarks>
238 private class TopologicalSort
239 {
240 private List<string> startIds = new List<string>();
241 private Constraints constraints;
243 /// <summary>
244 /// Reorder by topological sort
245 /// </summary>
246 /// <param name="allIds">The complete list of IDs.</param>
247 /// <param name="constraints">Constraints to use.</param>
248 /// <returns>The topologically sorted list of IDs.</returns>
249 internal List<string> Sort(IEnumerable<string> allIds, Constraints constraints)
250 {
251 this.startIds.Clear();
252 this.CopyConstraints(constraints);
254 this.FindInitialStartIds(allIds);
256 // We always create a new sortedId list, because we return it
257 // to the caller and don't know what its lifetime may be.
258 List<string> sortedIds = new List<string>();
260 while (this.startIds.Count > 0)
261 {
262 this.SortStartIds();
264 string currentId = this.startIds[0];
265 sortedIds.Add(currentId);
266 this.startIds.RemoveAt(0);
268 this.ResolveConstraint(currentId);
269 }
271 return sortedIds;
272 }
274 /// <summary>
275 /// Copies a Constraints set (to prevent modifying the incoming data).
276 /// </summary>
277 /// <param name="constraints">Constraints to copy.</param>
278 private void CopyConstraints(Constraints constraints)
279 {
280 this.constraints = new Constraints();
281 foreach (string id in constraints.Keys)
282 {
283 foreach (string afterId in constraints[id])
284 {
285 this.constraints.AddConstraint(id, afterId);
286 }
287 }
288 }
290 /// <summary>
291 /// Finds initial start IDs. (Those with no constraints.)
292 /// </summary>
293 /// <param name="allIds">The complete list of IDs.</param>
294 private void FindInitialStartIds(IEnumerable<string> allIds)
295 {
296 foreach (string id in allIds)
297 {
298 if (!this.constraints.ContainsKey(id))
299 {
300 this.startIds.Add(id);
301 }
302 }
303 }
305 /// <summary>
306 /// Sorts start IDs.
307 /// </summary>
308 private void SortStartIds()
309 {
310 this.startIds.Sort();
311 }
313 /// <summary>
314 /// Removes the resolved constraint and updates the list of startIds
315 /// with any now-valid (all constraints resolved) IDs.
316 /// </summary>
317 /// <param name="resolvedId">The ID to resolve from the set of constraints.</param>
318 private void ResolveConstraint(string resolvedId)
319 {
320 List<string> newStartIds = new List<string>();
322 foreach (string id in constraints.Keys)
323 {
324 if (this.constraints[id].Contains(resolvedId))
325 {
326 this.constraints[id].Remove(resolvedId);
328 // If we just removed the last constraint for this
329 // ID, it is now a valid start ID.
330 if (0 == this.constraints[id].Count)
331 {
332 newStartIds.Add(id);
333 }
334 }
335 }
337 foreach (string id in newStartIds)
338 {
339 this.constraints.Remove(id);
340 }
342 this.startIds.AddRange(newStartIds);
343 }
344 }
345 }
diff --git a/src/wixext/UtilCompiler.cs b/src/wixext/UtilCompiler.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da48e412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/UtilCompiler.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,3911 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using System;
6 using System.Collections;
7 using System.Collections.Generic;
8 using System.Globalization;
9 using System.Linq;
10 using System.Text;
11 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
12 using System.Xml.Linq;
13 using WixToolset.Data;
14 using WixToolset.Extensibility;
16 /// <summary>
17 /// The compiler for the WiX Toolset Utility Extension.
18 /// </summary>
19 public sealed class UtilCompiler : BaseCompilerExtension
20 {
21 // user creation attributes definitions (from sca.h)
22 internal const int UserDontExpirePasswrd = 0x00000001;
23 internal const int UserPasswdCantChange = 0x00000002;
24 internal const int UserPasswdChangeReqdOnLogin = 0x00000004;
25 internal const int UserDisableAccount = 0x00000008;
26 internal const int UserFailIfExists = 0x00000010;
27 internal const int UserUpdateIfExists = 0x00000020;
28 internal const int UserLogonAsService = 0x00000040;
29 internal const int UserLogonAsBatchJob = 0x00000080;
31 internal const int UserDontRemoveOnUninstall = 0x00000100;
32 internal const int UserDontCreateUser = 0x00000200;
33 internal const int UserNonVital = 0x00000400;
35 [Flags]
36 internal enum WixFileSearchAttributes
37 {
38 Default = 0x001,
39 MinVersionInclusive = 0x002,
40 MaxVersionInclusive = 0x004,
41 MinSizeInclusive = 0x008,
42 MaxSizeInclusive = 0x010,
43 MinDateInclusive = 0x020,
44 MaxDateInclusive = 0x040,
45 WantVersion = 0x080,
46 WantExists = 0x100,
47 IsDirectory = 0x200,
48 }
50 internal enum WixRegistrySearchFormat
51 {
52 Raw,
53 Compatible,
54 }
56 [Flags]
57 internal enum WixRegistrySearchAttributes
58 {
59 Raw = 0x01,
60 Compatible = 0x02,
61 ExpandEnvironmentVariables = 0x04,
62 WantValue = 0x08,
63 WantExists = 0x10,
64 Win64 = 0x20,
65 }
67 internal enum WixComponentSearchAttributes
68 {
69 KeyPath = 0x1,
70 State = 0x2,
71 WantDirectory = 0x4,
72 }
74 [Flags]
75 internal enum WixProductSearchAttributes
76 {
77 Version = 0x01,
78 Language = 0x02,
79 State = 0x04,
80 Assignment = 0x08,
81 UpgradeCode = 0x10,
82 }
84 internal enum WixRestartResourceAttributes
85 {
86 Filename = 1,
87 ProcessName,
88 ServiceName,
89 TypeMask = 0xf,
90 }
92 internal enum WixRemoveFolderExOn
93 {
94 Install = 1,
95 Uninstall = 2,
96 Both = 3,
97 }
99 private static readonly Regex FindPropertyBrackets = new Regex(@"\[(?!\\|\])|(?<!\[\\\]|\[\\|\\\[)\]", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Compiled);
101 public override XNamespace Namespace => "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util";
103 /// <summary>
104 /// Types of Internet shortcuts.
105 /// </summary>
106 public enum InternetShortcutType
107 {
108 /// <summary>Create a .lnk file.</summary>
109 Link = 0,
111 /// <summary>Create a .url file.</summary>
112 Url,
113 }
115 /// <summary>
116 /// Types of permission setting methods.
117 /// </summary>
118 private enum PermissionType
119 {
120 /// <summary>LockPermissions (normal) type permission setting.</summary>
121 LockPermissions,
123 /// <summary>FileSharePermissions type permission setting.</summary>
124 FileSharePermissions,
126 /// <summary>SecureObjects type permission setting.</summary>
127 SecureObjects,
128 }
130 /// <summary>
131 /// Processes an element for the Compiler.
132 /// </summary>
133 /// <param name="parentElement">Parent element of element to process.</param>
134 /// <param name="element">Element to process.</param>
135 /// <param name="context">Extra information about the context in which this element is being parsed.</param>
136 public override void ParseElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement parentElement, XElement element, IDictionary<string, string> context)
137 {
138 this.ParsePossibleKeyPathElement(intermediate, section, parentElement, element, context);
139 }
141 /// <summary>
142 /// Processes an element for the Compiler.
143 /// </summary>
144 /// <param name="sourceLineNumbers">Source line number for the parent element.</param>
145 /// <param name="parentElement">Parent element of element to process.</param>
146 /// <param name="element">Element to process.</param>
147 /// <param name="contextValues">Extra information about the context in which this element is being parsed.</param>
148 public override ComponentKeyPath ParsePossibleKeyPathElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement parentElement, XElement element, IDictionary<string, string> context)
149 {
150 ComponentKeyPath possibleKeyPath = null;
152 switch (parentElement.Name.LocalName)
153 {
154 case "CreateFolder":
155 string createFolderId = context["DirectoryId"];
156 string createFolderComponentId = context["ComponentId"];
158 // If this doesn't parse successfully, something really odd is going on, so let the exception get thrown
159 bool createFolderWin64 = Boolean.Parse(context["Win64"]);
161 switch (element.Name.LocalName)
162 {
163 case "PermissionEx":
164 this.ParsePermissionExElement(intermediate, section, element, createFolderId, createFolderComponentId, createFolderWin64, "CreateFolder");
165 break;
166 default:
167 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(parentElement, element);
168 break;
169 }
170 break;
171 case "Component":
172 string componentId = context["ComponentId"];
173 string directoryId = context["DirectoryId"];
174 bool componentWin64 = Boolean.Parse(context["Win64"]);
176 switch (element.Name.LocalName)
177 {
178 case "EventSource":
179 possibleKeyPath = this.ParseEventSourceElement(intermediate, section, element, componentId);
180 break;
181 case "FileShare":
182 this.ParseFileShareElement(intermediate, section, element, componentId, directoryId);
183 break;
184 case "InternetShortcut":
185 this.ParseInternetShortcutElement(intermediate, section, element, componentId, directoryId);
186 break;
187 case "PerformanceCategory":
188 this.ParsePerformanceCategoryElement(intermediate, section, element, componentId);
189 break;
190 case "RemoveFolderEx":
191 this.ParseRemoveFolderExElement(intermediate, section, element, componentId);
192 break;
193 case "RestartResource":
194 this.ParseRestartResourceElement(intermediate, section, element, componentId);
195 break;
196 case "ServiceConfig":
197 this.ParseServiceConfigElement(intermediate, section, element, componentId, "Component", null);
198 break;
199 case "TouchFile":
200 this.ParseTouchFileElement(intermediate, section, element, componentId, componentWin64);
201 break;
202 case "User":
203 this.ParseUserElement(intermediate, section, element, componentId);
204 break;
205 case "XmlFile":
206 this.ParseXmlFileElement(intermediate, section, element, componentId);
207 break;
208 case "XmlConfig":
209 this.ParseXmlConfigElement(intermediate, section, element, componentId, false);
210 break;
211 default:
212 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(parentElement, element);
213 break;
214 }
215 break;
216 case "File":
217 string fileId = context["FileId"];
218 string fileComponentId = context["ComponentId"];
220 // If this doesn't parse successfully, something really odd is going on, so let the exception get thrown
221 bool fileWin64 = Boolean.Parse(context["Win64"]);
223 switch (element.Name.LocalName)
224 {
225 case "PerfCounter":
226 this.ParsePerfCounterElement(intermediate, section, element, fileComponentId, fileId);
227 break;
228 case "PermissionEx":
229 this.ParsePermissionExElement(intermediate, section, element, fileId, fileComponentId, fileWin64, "File");
230 break;
231 case "PerfCounterManifest":
232 this.ParsePerfCounterManifestElement(intermediate, section, element, fileComponentId, fileId);
233 break;
234 case "EventManifest":
235 this.ParseEventManifestElement(intermediate, section, element, fileComponentId, fileId);
236 break;
237 case "FormatFile":
238 this.ParseFormatFileElement(intermediate, section, element, fileId, fileWin64);
239 break;
240 default:
241 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(parentElement, element);
242 break;
243 }
244 break;
245 case "Bundle":
246 case "Fragment":
247 case "Module":
248 case "Product":
249 switch (element.Name.LocalName)
250 {
251 case "CloseApplication":
252 this.ParseCloseApplicationElement(intermediate, section, element);
253 break;
254 case "Group":
255 this.ParseGroupElement(intermediate, section, element, null);
256 break;
257 case "RestartResource":
258 // Currently not supported for Bundles.
259 if (parentElement.Name.LocalName != "Bundle")
260 {
261 this.ParseRestartResourceElement(intermediate, section, element, null);
262 }
263 else
264 {
265 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(parentElement, element);
266 }
267 break;
268 case "User":
269 this.ParseUserElement(intermediate, section, element, null);
270 break;
271 case "ComponentSearch":
272 case "ComponentSearchRef":
273 case "DirectorySearch":
274 case "DirectorySearchRef":
275 case "FileSearch":
276 case "FileSearchRef":
277 case "ProductSearch":
278 case "ProductSearchRef":
279 case "RegistrySearch":
280 case "RegistrySearchRef":
281 // These will eventually be supported under Module/Product, but are not yet.
282 if (parentElement.Name.LocalName == "Bundle" || parentElement.Name.LocalName == "Fragment")
283 {
284 // TODO: When these are supported by all section types, move
285 // these out of the nested switch and back into the surrounding one.
286 switch (element.Name.LocalName)
287 {
288 case "ComponentSearch":
289 this.ParseComponentSearchElement(intermediate, section, element);
290 break;
291 case "ComponentSearchRef":
292 this.ParseComponentSearchRefElement(intermediate, section, element);
293 break;
294 case "DirectorySearch":
295 this.ParseDirectorySearchElement(intermediate, section, element);
296 break;
297 case "DirectorySearchRef":
298 this.ParseWixSearchRefElement(intermediate, section, element);
299 break;
300 case "FileSearch":
301 this.ParseFileSearchElement(intermediate, section, element);
302 break;
303 case "FileSearchRef":
304 this.ParseWixSearchRefElement(intermediate, section, element);
305 break;
306 case "ProductSearch":
307 this.ParseProductSearchElement(intermediate, section, element);
308 break;
309 case "ProductSearchRef":
310 this.ParseWixSearchRefElement(intermediate, section, element);
311 break;
312 case "RegistrySearch":
313 this.ParseRegistrySearchElement(intermediate, section, element);
314 break;
315 case "RegistrySearchRef":
316 this.ParseWixSearchRefElement(intermediate, section, element);
317 break;
318 }
319 }
320 else
321 {
322 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(parentElement, element);
323 }
324 break;
325 default:
326 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(parentElement, element);
327 break;
328 }
329 break;
330 case "Registry":
331 case "RegistryKey":
332 case "RegistryValue":
333 string registryId = context["RegistryId"];
334 string registryComponentId = context["ComponentId"];
336 // If this doesn't parse successfully, something really odd is going on, so let the exception get thrown
337 bool registryWin64 = Boolean.Parse(context["Win64"]);
339 switch (element.Name.LocalName)
340 {
341 case "PermissionEx":
342 this.ParsePermissionExElement(intermediate, section, element, registryId, registryComponentId, registryWin64, "Registry");
343 break;
344 default:
345 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(parentElement, element);
346 break;
347 }
348 break;
349 case "ServiceInstall":
350 string serviceInstallId = context["ServiceInstallId"];
351 string serviceInstallName = context["ServiceInstallName"];
352 string serviceInstallComponentId = context["ServiceInstallComponentId"];
354 // If this doesn't parse successfully, something really odd is going on, so let the exception get thrown
355 bool serviceInstallWin64 = Boolean.Parse(context["Win64"]);
357 switch (element.Name.LocalName)
358 {
359 case "PermissionEx":
360 this.ParsePermissionExElement(intermediate, section, element, serviceInstallId, serviceInstallComponentId, serviceInstallWin64, "ServiceInstall");
361 break;
362 case "ServiceConfig":
363 this.ParseServiceConfigElement(intermediate, section, element, serviceInstallComponentId, "ServiceInstall", serviceInstallName);
364 break;
365 default:
366 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(parentElement, element);
367 break;
368 }
369 break;
370 default:
371 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(parentElement, element);
372 break;
373 }
375 return possibleKeyPath;
376 }
378 /// <summary>
379 /// Parses the common search attributes shared across all searches.
380 /// </summary>
381 /// <param name="sourceLineNumbers">Source line number for the parent element.</param>
382 /// <param name="attrib">Attribute to parse.</param>
383 /// <param name="id">Value of the Id attribute.</param>
384 /// <param name="variable">Value of the Variable attribute.</param>
385 /// <param name="condition">Value of the Condition attribute.</param>
386 /// <param name="after">Value of the After attribute.</param>
387 private void ParseCommonSearchAttributes(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, XAttribute attrib, ref Identifier id, ref string variable, ref string condition, ref string after)
388 {
389 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
390 {
391 case "Id":
392 id = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifier(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
393 break;
394 case "Variable":
395 variable = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
396 // TODO: handle standard bundle variables
397 break;
398 case "Condition":
399 condition = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
400 break;
401 case "After":
402 after = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
403 break;
404 default:
405 System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false);
406 break;
407 }
408 }
410 /// <summary>
411 /// Parses a ComponentSearch element.
412 /// </summary>
413 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
414 private void ParseComponentSearchElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element)
415 {
416 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
417 Identifier id = null;
418 string variable = null;
419 string condition = null;
420 string after = null;
421 string guid = null;
422 string productCode = null;
423 Serialize.ComponentSearch.ResultType result = Serialize.ComponentSearch.ResultType.NotSet;
425 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
426 {
427 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
428 {
429 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
430 {
431 case "Id":
432 case "Variable":
433 case "Condition":
434 case "After":
435 this.ParseCommonSearchAttributes(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, ref id, ref variable, ref condition, ref after);
436 break;
437 case "Guid":
438 guid = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeGuidValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
439 break;
440 case "ProductCode":
441 productCode = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeGuidValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
442 break;
443 case "Result":
444 string resultValue = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
445 if (!Serialize.ComponentSearch.TryParseResultType(resultValue, out result))
446 {
447 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib.Parent.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName,
448 resultValue,
449 Serialize.ComponentSearch.ResultType.directory.ToString(),
450 Serialize.ComponentSearch.ResultType.state.ToString(),
451 Serialize.ComponentSearch.ResultType.keyPath.ToString()));
452 }
453 break;
454 default:
455 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
456 break;
457 }
458 }
459 else
460 {
461 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
462 }
463 }
465 if (null == variable)
466 {
467 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Variable"));
468 }
470 if (null == guid)
471 {
472 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Guid"));
473 }
475 if (null == id)
476 {
477 id = this.ParseHelper.CreateIdentifier("wcs", variable, condition, after, guid, productCode, result.ToString());
478 }
480 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
482 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
483 {
484 this.CreateWixSearchRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, id, variable, condition);
485 if (after != null)
486 {
487 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixSearch", after);
488 // TODO: We're currently defaulting to "always run after", which we will need to change...
489 this.CreateWixSearchRelationRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, id, after, 2);
490 }
492 WixComponentSearchAttributes attributes = WixComponentSearchAttributes.KeyPath;
493 switch (result)
494 {
495 case Serialize.ComponentSearch.ResultType.directory:
496 attributes = WixComponentSearchAttributes.WantDirectory;
497 break;
498 case Serialize.ComponentSearch.ResultType.keyPath:
499 attributes = WixComponentSearchAttributes.KeyPath;
500 break;
501 case Serialize.ComponentSearch.ResultType.state:
502 attributes = WixComponentSearchAttributes.State;
503 break;
504 }
506 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixComponentSearch", id);
507 row.Set(1, guid);
508 row.Set(2, productCode);
509 row.Set(3, (int)attributes);
510 }
511 }
513 /// <summary>
514 /// Parses a ComponentSearchRef element
515 /// </summary>
516 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
517 private void ParseComponentSearchRefElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element)
518 {
519 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
520 string refId = null;
522 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
523 {
524 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
525 {
526 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
527 {
528 case "Id":
529 refId = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifierValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
530 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixComponentSearch", refId);
531 break;
532 default:
533 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
534 break;
535 }
536 }
537 else
538 {
539 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
540 }
541 }
543 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
544 }
546 /// <summary>
547 /// Parses an event source element.
548 /// </summary>
549 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
550 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of parent component.</param>
551 private ComponentKeyPath ParseEventSourceElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId)
552 {
553 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
554 string sourceName = null;
555 string logName = null;
556 string categoryMessageFile = null;
557 int categoryCount = CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet;
558 string eventMessageFile = null;
559 string parameterMessageFile = null;
560 int typesSupported = 0;
561 bool isKeyPath = false;
563 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
564 {
565 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
566 {
567 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
568 {
569 case "CategoryCount":
570 categoryCount = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIntegerValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, 0, int.MaxValue);
571 break;
572 case "CategoryMessageFile":
573 categoryMessageFile = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
574 break;
575 case "EventMessageFile":
576 eventMessageFile = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
577 break;
578 case "KeyPath":
579 isKeyPath = YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
580 break;
581 case "Log":
582 logName = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
583 if ("Security" == logName)
584 {
585 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName, logName, "Application", "System", "<customEventLog>"));
586 }
587 break;
588 case "Name":
589 sourceName = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
590 break;
591 case "ParameterMessageFile":
592 parameterMessageFile = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
593 break;
594 case "SupportsErrors":
595 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
596 {
597 typesSupported |= 0x01; // EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE
598 }
599 break;
600 case "SupportsFailureAudits":
601 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
602 {
603 typesSupported |= 0x10; // EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE
604 }
605 break;
606 case "SupportsInformationals":
607 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
608 {
609 typesSupported |= 0x04; // EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE
610 }
611 break;
612 case "SupportsSuccessAudits":
613 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
614 {
615 typesSupported |= 0x08; // EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS
616 }
617 break;
618 case "SupportsWarnings":
619 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
620 {
621 typesSupported |= 0x02; // EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE
622 }
623 break;
624 default:
625 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
626 break;
627 }
628 }
629 else
630 {
631 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
632 }
633 }
635 if (null == sourceName)
636 {
637 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Name"));
638 }
640 if (null == logName)
641 {
642 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "EventLog"));
643 }
645 if (null == eventMessageFile)
646 {
647 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "EventMessageFile"));
648 }
650 if (null == categoryMessageFile && 0 < categoryCount)
651 {
652 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeWithoutOtherAttributes(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "CategoryCount", "CategoryMessageFile"));
653 }
655 if (null != categoryMessageFile && CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet == categoryCount)
656 {
657 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeWithoutOtherAttributes(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "CategoryMessageFile", "CategoryCount"));
658 }
660 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
662 int registryRoot = 2; // MsiInterop.MsidbRegistryRootLocalMachine
663 string eventSourceKey = String.Format(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\{0}\{1}", logName, sourceName);
664 Identifier id = this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, eventSourceKey, "EventMessageFile", String.Concat("#%", eventMessageFile), componentId, false);
666 if (null != categoryMessageFile)
667 {
668 this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, eventSourceKey, "CategoryMessageFile", String.Concat("#%", categoryMessageFile), componentId, false);
669 }
671 if (CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet != categoryCount)
672 {
673 this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, eventSourceKey, "CategoryCount", String.Concat("#", categoryCount), componentId, false);
674 }
676 if (null != parameterMessageFile)
677 {
678 this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, eventSourceKey, "ParameterMessageFile", String.Concat("#%", parameterMessageFile), componentId, false);
679 }
681 if (0 != typesSupported)
682 {
683 this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, eventSourceKey, "TypesSupported", String.Concat("#", typesSupported), componentId, false);
684 }
686 return new ComponentKeyPath() { Id = id.Id, Explicit = isKeyPath, Type = ComponentKeyPathType.Registry };
687 }
689 /// <summary>
690 /// Parses a close application element.
691 /// </summary>
692 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
693 private void ParseCloseApplicationElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element)
694 {
695 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
696 string condition = null;
697 string description = null;
698 string target = null;
699 string property = null;
700 Identifier id = null;
701 int attributes = 2; // default to CLOSEAPP_ATTRIBUTE_REBOOTPROMPT enabled
702 int sequence = CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet;
703 int terminateExitCode = CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet;
704 int timeout = CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet;
706 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
707 {
708 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
709 {
710 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
711 {
712 case "Id":
713 id = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifier(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
714 break;
715 case "Description":
716 description = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
717 break;
718 case "Property":
719 property = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifierValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
720 break;
721 case "Sequence":
722 sequence = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIntegerValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, 0, int.MaxValue);
723 break;
724 case "Timeout":
725 timeout = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIntegerValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, 0, int.MaxValue);
726 break;
727 case "Target":
728 target = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
729 break;
730 case "CloseMessage":
731 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
732 {
734 }
735 else
736 {
738 }
739 break;
740 case "EndSessionMessage":
741 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
742 {
744 }
745 else
746 {
748 }
749 break;
750 case "PromptToContinue":
751 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
752 {
754 }
755 else
756 {
758 }
759 break;
760 case "RebootPrompt":
761 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
762 {
764 }
765 else
766 {
768 }
769 break;
770 case "ElevatedCloseMessage":
771 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
772 {
774 }
775 else
776 {
778 }
779 break;
780 case "ElevatedEndSessionMessage":
781 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
782 {
784 }
785 else
786 {
788 }
789 break;
790 case "TerminateProcess":
791 terminateExitCode = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIntegerValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, 0, int.MaxValue);
793 break;
794 default:
795 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
796 break;
797 }
798 }
799 else
800 {
801 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
802 }
803 }
805 if (null == target)
806 {
807 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Target"));
808 }
809 else if (null == id)
810 {
811 id = this.ParseHelper.CreateIdentifier("ca", target);
812 }
814 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(description) && 0x40 == (attributes & 0x40))
815 {
816 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValueWithoutOtherAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "PromptToContinue", "yes", "Description"));
817 }
819 if (0x22 == (attributes & 0x22))
820 {
821 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeWithOtherAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "TerminateProcess", "RebootPrompt", "yes"));
822 }
824 // get the condition from the inner text of the element
825 condition = this.ParseHelper.GetConditionInnerText(element);
827 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
829 // Reference CustomAction since nothing will happen without it
830 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
831 {
832 // Ensure ARM version of the CA is referenced
833 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "WixCloseApplications_ARM");
834 }
835 else
836 {
837 // All other supported platforms use x86
838 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "WixCloseApplications");
839 }
841 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
842 {
843 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixCloseApplication", id);
844 row.Set(1, target);
845 row.Set(2, description);
846 row.Set(3, condition);
847 row.Set(4, attributes);
848 if (CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet != sequence)
849 {
850 row.Set(5, sequence);
851 }
852 row.Set(6, property);
853 if (CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet != terminateExitCode)
854 {
855 row.Set(7, terminateExitCode);
856 }
857 if (CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet != timeout)
858 {
859 row.Set(8, timeout * 1000); // make the timeout milliseconds in the table.
860 }
861 }
862 }
864 /// <summary>
865 /// Parses a DirectorySearch element.
866 /// </summary>
867 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
868 private void ParseDirectorySearchElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element)
869 {
870 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
871 Identifier id = null;
872 string variable = null;
873 string condition = null;
874 string after = null;
875 string path = null;
876 Serialize.DirectorySearch.ResultType result = Serialize.DirectorySearch.ResultType.NotSet;
878 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
879 {
880 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
881 {
882 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
883 {
884 case "Id":
885 case "Variable":
886 case "Condition":
887 case "After":
888 this.ParseCommonSearchAttributes(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, ref id, ref variable, ref condition, ref after);
889 break;
890 case "Path":
891 path = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeLongFilename(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, false, true);
892 break;
893 case "Result":
894 string resultValue = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
895 if (!Serialize.DirectorySearch.TryParseResultType(resultValue, out result))
896 {
897 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib.Parent.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName,
898 resultValue, Serialize.DirectorySearch.ResultType.exists.ToString()));
899 }
900 break;
901 default:
902 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
903 break;
904 }
905 }
906 else
907 {
908 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
909 }
910 }
912 if (null == variable)
913 {
914 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Variable"));
915 }
917 if (null == path)
918 {
919 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Path"));
920 }
922 if (null == id)
923 {
924 id = this.ParseHelper.CreateIdentifier("wds", variable, condition, after, path, result.ToString());
925 }
927 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
929 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
930 {
931 this.CreateWixSearchRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, id, variable, condition);
932 if (after != null)
933 {
934 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixSearch", after);
935 // TODO: We're currently defaulting to "always run after", which we will need to change...
936 this.CreateWixSearchRelationRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, id, after, 2);
937 }
939 WixFileSearchAttributes attributes = WixFileSearchAttributes.IsDirectory;
940 switch (result)
941 {
942 case Serialize.DirectorySearch.ResultType.exists:
943 attributes |= WixFileSearchAttributes.WantExists;
944 break;
945 }
947 this.CreateWixFileSearchRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, id, path, attributes);
948 }
949 }
951 /// <summary>
952 /// Parses a DirectorySearchRef, FileSearchRef, ProductSearchRef, and RegistrySearchRef elements
953 /// </summary>
954 /// <param name="node">Element to parse.</param>
955 private void ParseWixSearchRefElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement node)
956 {
957 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(node);
958 string refId = null;
960 foreach (XAttribute attrib in node.Attributes())
961 {
962 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
963 {
964 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
965 {
966 case "Id":
967 refId = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifierValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
968 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixSearch", refId);
969 break;
970 default:
971 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(node, attrib);
972 break;
973 }
974 }
975 else
976 {
977 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, node, attrib);
978 }
979 }
981 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, node);
982 }
984 /// <summary>
985 /// Parses a FileSearch element.
986 /// </summary>
987 /// <param name="node">Element to parse.</param>
988 private void ParseFileSearchElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement node)
989 {
990 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(node);
991 Identifier id = null;
992 string variable = null;
993 string condition = null;
994 string after = null;
995 string path = null;
996 Serialize.FileSearch.ResultType result = Serialize.FileSearch.ResultType.NotSet;
998 foreach (XAttribute attrib in node.Attributes())
999 {
1000 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
1001 {
1002 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
1003 {
1004 case "Id":
1005 case "Variable":
1006 case "Condition":
1007 case "After":
1008 this.ParseCommonSearchAttributes(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, ref id, ref variable, ref condition, ref after);
1009 break;
1010 case "Path":
1011 path = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeLongFilename(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, false, true);
1012 break;
1013 case "Result":
1014 string resultValue = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1015 if (!Serialize.FileSearch.TryParseResultType(resultValue, out result))
1016 {
1017 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib.Parent.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName,
1018 resultValue,
1019 Serialize.FileSearch.ResultType.exists.ToString(),
1020 Serialize.FileSearch.ResultType.version.ToString()));
1021 }
1022 break;
1023 default:
1024 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(node, attrib);
1025 break;
1026 }
1027 }
1028 else
1029 {
1030 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, node, attrib);
1031 }
1032 }
1034 if (null == variable)
1035 {
1036 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, node.Name.LocalName, "Variable"));
1037 }
1039 if (null == path)
1040 {
1041 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, node.Name.LocalName, "Path"));
1042 }
1044 if (null == id)
1045 {
1046 id = this.ParseHelper.CreateIdentifier("wfs", variable, condition, after, path, result.ToString());
1047 }
1049 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, node);
1051 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
1052 {
1053 this.CreateWixSearchRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, id, variable, condition);
1054 if (after != null)
1055 {
1056 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixSearch", after);
1057 // TODO: We're currently defaulting to "always run after", which we will need to change...
1058 this.CreateWixSearchRelationRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, id, after, 2);
1059 }
1061 WixFileSearchAttributes attributes = WixFileSearchAttributes.Default;
1062 switch (result)
1063 {
1064 case Serialize.FileSearch.ResultType.exists:
1065 attributes |= WixFileSearchAttributes.WantExists;
1066 break;
1067 case Serialize.FileSearch.ResultType.version:
1068 attributes |= WixFileSearchAttributes.WantVersion;
1069 break;
1070 }
1072 this.CreateWixFileSearchRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, id, path, attributes);
1073 }
1074 }
1076 /// <summary>
1077 /// Creates a row in the WixFileSearch table.
1078 /// </summary>
1079 /// <param name="sourceLineNumbers">Source line number for the parent element.</param>
1080 /// <param name="id">Identifier of the search (key into the WixSearch table)</param>
1081 /// <param name="path">File/directory path to search for.</param>
1082 /// <param name="attributes"></param>
1083 private void CreateWixFileSearchRow(IntermediateSection section, SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, Identifier id, string path, WixFileSearchAttributes attributes)
1084 {
1085 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixFileSearch", id);
1086 row.Set(1, path);
1087 //row.Set(2, minVersion;
1088 //row.Set(3, maxVersion;
1089 //row.Set(4, minSize;
1090 //row.Set(5, maxSize;
1091 //row.Set(6, minDate;
1092 //row.Set(7, maxDate;
1093 //row.Set(8, languages;
1094 row.Set(9, (int)attributes);
1095 }
1097 /// <summary>
1098 /// Creates a row in the WixSearch table.
1099 /// </summary>
1100 /// <param name="sourceLineNumbers">Source line number for the parent element.</param>
1101 /// <param name="id">Identifier of the search.</param>
1102 /// <param name="variable">The Burn variable to store the result into.</param>
1103 /// <param name="condition">A condition to test before evaluating the search.</param>
1104 private void CreateWixSearchRow(IntermediateSection section, SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, Identifier id, string variable, string condition)
1105 {
1106 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixSearch", id);
1107 row.Set(1, variable);
1108 row.Set(2, condition);
1109 }
1111 /// <summary>
1112 ///
1113 /// </summary>
1114 /// <param name="sourceLineNumbers">Source line number for the parent element.</param>
1115 /// <param name="id">Identifier of the search (key into the WixSearch table)</param>
1116 /// <param name="parentId">Identifier of the search that comes before (key into the WixSearch table)</param>
1117 /// <param name="attributes">Further details about the relation between id and parentId.</param>
1118 private void CreateWixSearchRelationRow(IntermediateSection section, SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, Identifier id, string parentId, int attributes)
1119 {
1120 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixSearchRelation", id);
1121 row.Set(1, parentId);
1122 row.Set(2, attributes);
1123 }
1125 /// <summary>
1126 /// Parses a file share element.
1127 /// </summary>
1128 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
1129 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of parent component.</param>
1130 /// <param name="directoryId">Identifier of referred to directory.</param>
1131 private void ParseFileShareElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId, string directoryId)
1132 {
1133 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
1134 string description = null;
1135 string name = null;
1136 string id = null;
1138 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
1139 {
1140 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
1141 {
1142 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
1143 {
1144 case "Id":
1145 id = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifierValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1146 break;
1147 case "Name":
1148 name = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1149 break;
1150 case "Description":
1151 description = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1152 break;
1153 default:
1154 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
1155 break;
1156 }
1157 }
1158 else
1159 {
1160 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
1161 }
1162 }
1164 if (null == id)
1165 {
1166 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Id"));
1167 }
1169 if (null == name)
1170 {
1171 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Name"));
1172 }
1174 if (!element.Elements().Any())
1175 {
1176 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedElement(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "FileSharePermission"));
1177 }
1179 foreach (XElement child in element.Elements())
1180 {
1181 if (this.Namespace == child.Name.Namespace)
1182 {
1183 switch (child.Name.LocalName)
1184 {
1185 case "FileSharePermission":
1186 this.ParseFileSharePermissionElement(intermediate, section, child, id);
1187 break;
1188 default:
1189 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(element, child);
1190 break;
1191 }
1192 }
1193 else
1194 {
1195 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionElement(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, child);
1196 }
1197 }
1199 // Reference ConfigureSmbInstall and ConfigureSmbUninstall since nothing will happen without it
1200 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
1201 {
1202 // Ensure ARM version of the CA is referenced
1203 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigureSmbInstall_ARM");
1204 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigureSmbUninstall_ARM");
1205 }
1206 else
1207 {
1208 // All other supported platforms use x86
1209 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigureSmbInstall");
1210 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigureSmbUninstall");
1211 }
1213 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
1214 {
1215 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "FileShare");
1216 row.Set(0, id);
1217 row.Set(1, name);
1218 row.Set(2, componentId);
1219 row.Set(3, description);
1220 row.Set(4, directoryId);
1221 }
1222 }
1224 /// <summary>
1225 /// Parses a FileSharePermission element.
1226 /// </summary>
1227 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
1228 /// <param name="fileShareId">The identifier of the parent FileShare element.</param>
1229 private void ParseFileSharePermissionElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string fileShareId)
1230 {
1231 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
1232 BitArray bits = new BitArray(32);
1233 int permission = 0;
1234 string user = null;
1236 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
1237 {
1238 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
1239 {
1240 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
1241 {
1242 case "User":
1243 user = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifierValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1244 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "User", user);
1245 break;
1246 default:
1247 YesNoType attribValue = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1248 if (!this.TrySetBitFromName(UtilConstants.StandardPermissions, attrib.Name.LocalName, attribValue, bits, 16))
1249 {
1250 if (!this.TrySetBitFromName(UtilConstants.GenericPermissions, attrib.Name.LocalName, attribValue, bits, 28))
1251 {
1252 if (!this.TrySetBitFromName(UtilConstants.FolderPermissions, attrib.Name.LocalName, attribValue, bits, 0))
1253 {
1254 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
1255 break;
1256 }
1257 }
1258 }
1259 break;
1260 }
1261 }
1262 else
1263 {
1264 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
1265 }
1266 }
1268 permission = this.CreateIntegerFromBitArray(bits);
1270 if (null == user)
1271 {
1272 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "User"));
1273 }
1275 if (int.MinValue == permission) // just GENERIC_READ, which is MSI_NULL
1276 {
1277 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.GenericReadNotAllowed(sourceLineNumbers));
1278 }
1280 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
1282 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
1283 {
1284 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "FileSharePermissions");
1285 row.Set(0, fileShareId);
1286 row.Set(1, user);
1287 row.Set(2, permission);
1288 }
1289 }
1291 /// <summary>
1292 /// Parses a group element.
1293 /// </summary>
1294 /// <param name="element">Node to be parsed.</param>
1295 /// <param name="componentId">Component Id of the parent component of this element.</param>
1296 private void ParseGroupElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId)
1297 {
1298 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
1299 string id = null;
1300 string domain = null;
1301 string name = null;
1303 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
1304 {
1305 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
1306 {
1307 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
1308 {
1309 case "Id":
1310 id = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifierValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1311 break;
1312 case "Name":
1313 name = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1314 break;
1315 case "Domain":
1316 domain = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1317 break;
1318 default:
1319 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
1320 break;
1321 }
1322 }
1323 else
1324 {
1325 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
1326 }
1327 }
1329 if (null == id)
1330 {
1331 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Id"));
1332 }
1334 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
1336 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
1337 {
1338 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "Group");
1339 row.Set(0, id);
1340 row.Set(1, componentId);
1341 row.Set(2, name);
1342 row.Set(3, domain);
1343 }
1344 }
1346 /// <summary>
1347 /// Parses a GroupRef element
1348 /// </summary>
1349 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
1350 /// <param name="userId">Required user id to be joined to the group.</param>
1351 private void ParseGroupRefElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string userId)
1352 {
1353 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
1354 string groupId = null;
1356 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
1357 {
1358 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
1359 {
1360 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
1361 {
1362 case "Id":
1363 groupId = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifierValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1364 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "Group", groupId);
1365 break;
1366 default:
1367 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
1368 break;
1369 }
1370 }
1371 else
1372 {
1373 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
1374 }
1375 }
1377 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
1379 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
1380 {
1381 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "UserGroup");
1382 row.Set(0, userId);
1383 row.Set(1, groupId);
1384 }
1385 }
1387 /// <summary>
1388 /// Parses an InternetShortcut element.
1389 /// </summary>
1390 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
1391 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of parent component.</param>
1392 /// <param name="defaultTarget">Default directory if none is specified on the InternetShortcut element.</param>
1393 private void ParseInternetShortcutElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId, string defaultTarget)
1394 {
1395 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
1396 string id = null;
1397 string name = null;
1398 string target = null;
1399 string directoryId = null;
1400 string type = null;
1401 string iconFile = null;
1402 int iconIndex = 0;
1404 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
1405 {
1406 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
1407 {
1408 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
1409 {
1410 case "Directory":
1411 directoryId = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifierValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1412 break;
1413 case "Id":
1414 id = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifierValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1415 break;
1416 case "Name":
1417 name = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1418 break;
1419 case "Target":
1420 target = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1421 break;
1422 case "Type":
1423 type = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1424 break;
1425 case "IconFile":
1426 iconFile = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1427 break;
1428 case "IconIndex":
1429 iconIndex = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIntegerValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, 0, int.MaxValue);
1430 break;
1431 default:
1432 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
1433 break;
1434 }
1435 }
1436 else
1437 {
1438 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
1439 }
1440 }
1442 // If there was no directoryId specified on the InternetShortcut element, default to the one on
1443 // the parent component.
1444 if (null == directoryId)
1445 {
1446 directoryId = defaultTarget;
1447 }
1449 if (null == id)
1450 {
1451 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Id"));
1452 }
1454 // In theory this can never be the case, since InternetShortcut can only be under
1455 // a component element, and if the Directory wasn't specified the default will come
1456 // from the component. However, better safe than sorry, so here's a check to make sure
1457 // it didn't wind up being null after setting it to the defaultTarget.
1458 if (null == directoryId)
1459 {
1460 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Directory"));
1461 }
1463 if (null == name)
1464 {
1465 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Name"));
1466 }
1468 if (null == target)
1469 {
1470 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Target"));
1471 }
1473 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
1475 InternetShortcutType shortcutType = InternetShortcutType.Link;
1476 if (0 == String.Compare(type, "url", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
1477 {
1478 shortcutType = InternetShortcutType.Url;
1479 }
1481 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
1482 {
1483 CreateWixInternetShortcut(intermediate, section, sourceLineNumbers, componentId, directoryId, id, name, target, shortcutType, iconFile, iconIndex);
1484 }
1485 }
1487 /// <summary>
1488 /// Creates the rows needed for WixInternetShortcut to work.
1489 /// </summary>
1490 /// <param name="core">The CompilerCore object used to create rows.</param>
1491 /// <param name="sourceLineNumbers">Source line information about the owner element.</param>
1492 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of parent component.</param>
1493 /// <param name="directoryId">Identifier of directory containing shortcut.</param>
1494 /// <param name="id">Identifier of shortcut.</param>
1495 /// <param name="name">Name of shortcut without extension.</param>
1496 /// <param name="target">Target URL of shortcut.</param>
1497 public void CreateWixInternetShortcut(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, string componentId, string directoryId, string shortcutId, string name, string target, InternetShortcutType type, string iconFile, int iconIndex)
1498 {
1499 // add the appropriate extension based on type of shortcut
1500 name = String.Concat(name, InternetShortcutType.Url == type ? ".url" : ".lnk");
1502 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixInternetShortcut");
1503 row.Set(0, shortcutId);
1504 row.Set(1, componentId);
1505 row.Set(2, directoryId);
1506 row.Set(3, name);
1507 row.Set(4, target);
1508 row.Set(5, (int)type);
1509 row.Set(6, iconFile);
1510 row.Set(7, iconIndex);
1512 // Reference custom action because nothing will happen without it
1513 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
1514 {
1515 // Ensure ARM version of the CA is referenced
1516 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "WixSchedInternetShortcuts_ARM");
1517 }
1518 else
1519 {
1520 // All other supported platforms use x86
1521 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "WixSchedInternetShortcuts");
1522 }
1524 // make sure we have a CreateFolder table so that the immediate CA can add temporary rows to handle installation and uninstallation
1525 this.ParseHelper.EnsureTable(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CreateFolder");
1527 // use built-in MSI functionality to remove the shortcuts rather than doing so via CA
1528 row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "RemoveFile");
1529 row.Set(0, shortcutId);
1530 row.Set(1, componentId);
1531 row.Set(2, this.ParseHelper.IsValidShortFilename(name, false) ? name : String.Concat(this.ParseHelper.CreateShortName(name, true, false, directoryId, name), "|", name));
1532 row.Set(3, directoryId);
1533 row.Set(4, 2); // msidbRemoveFileInstallModeOnRemove
1534 }
1536 /// <summary>
1537 /// Parses a performance category element.
1538 /// </summary>
1539 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
1540 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of parent component.</param>
1541 private void ParsePerformanceCategoryElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId)
1542 {
1543 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
1544 string id = null;
1545 string name = null;
1546 string help = null;
1547 YesNoType multiInstance = YesNoType.No;
1548 int defaultLanguage = 0x09; // default to "english"
1550 ArrayList parsedPerformanceCounters = new ArrayList();
1552 // default to managed performance counter
1553 string library = "netfxperf.dll";
1554 string openEntryPoint = "OpenPerformanceData";
1555 string collectEntryPoint = "CollectPerformanceData";
1556 string closeEntryPoint = "ClosePerformanceData";
1558 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
1559 {
1560 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
1561 {
1562 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
1563 {
1564 case "Close":
1565 closeEntryPoint = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1566 break;
1567 case "Collect":
1568 collectEntryPoint = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1569 break;
1570 case "DefaultLanguage":
1571 defaultLanguage = this.GetPerformanceCounterLanguage(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1572 break;
1573 case "Help":
1574 help = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1575 break;
1576 case "Id":
1577 id = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifierValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1578 break;
1579 case "Library":
1580 library = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1581 break;
1582 case "MultiInstance":
1583 multiInstance = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1584 break;
1585 case "Name":
1586 name = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1587 break;
1588 case "Open":
1589 openEntryPoint = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1590 break;
1591 default:
1592 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
1593 break;
1594 }
1595 }
1596 else
1597 {
1598 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
1599 }
1600 }
1602 if (null == id)
1603 {
1604 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Id"));
1605 }
1607 if (null == name)
1608 {
1609 name = id;
1610 }
1612 // Process the child counter elements.
1613 foreach (XElement child in element.Elements())
1614 {
1615 if (this.Namespace == child.Name.Namespace)
1616 {
1617 switch (child.Name.LocalName)
1618 {
1619 case "PerformanceCounter":
1620 ParsedPerformanceCounter counter = this.ParsePerformanceCounterElement(intermediate, section, child, defaultLanguage);
1621 if (null != counter)
1622 {
1623 parsedPerformanceCounters.Add(counter);
1624 }
1625 break;
1626 default:
1627 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(element, child);
1628 break;
1629 }
1630 }
1631 else
1632 {
1633 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionElement(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, child);
1634 }
1635 }
1638 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
1639 {
1640 // Calculate the ini and h file content.
1641 string objectName = "OBJECT_1";
1642 string objectLanguage = defaultLanguage.ToString("D3", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
1644 StringBuilder sbIniData = new StringBuilder();
1645 sbIniData.AppendFormat("[info]\r\ndrivername={0}\r\nsymbolfile=wixperf.h\r\n\r\n[objects]\r\n{1}_{2}_NAME=\r\n\r\n[languages]\r\n{2}=LANG{2}\r\n\r\n", name, objectName, objectLanguage);
1646 sbIniData.AppendFormat("[text]\r\n{0}_{1}_NAME={2}\r\n", objectName, objectLanguage, name);
1647 if (null != help)
1648 {
1649 sbIniData.AppendFormat("{0}_{1}_HELP={2}\r\n", objectName, objectLanguage, help);
1650 }
1652 int symbolConstantsCounter = 0;
1653 StringBuilder sbSymbolicConstants = new StringBuilder();
1654 sbSymbolicConstants.AppendFormat("#define {0} {1}\r\n", objectName, symbolConstantsCounter);
1656 StringBuilder sbCounterNames = new StringBuilder("[~]");
1657 StringBuilder sbCounterTypes = new StringBuilder("[~]");
1658 for (int i = 0; i < parsedPerformanceCounters.Count; ++i)
1659 {
1660 ParsedPerformanceCounter counter = (ParsedPerformanceCounter)parsedPerformanceCounters[i];
1661 string counterName = String.Concat("DEVICE_COUNTER_", i + 1);
1663 sbIniData.AppendFormat("{0}_{1}_NAME={2}\r\n", counterName, counter.Language, counter.Name);
1664 if (null != counter.Help)
1665 {
1666 sbIniData.AppendFormat("{0}_{1}_HELP={2}\r\n", counterName, counter.Language, counter.Help);
1667 }
1669 symbolConstantsCounter += 2;
1670 sbSymbolicConstants.AppendFormat("#define {0} {1}\r\n", counterName, symbolConstantsCounter);
1672 sbCounterNames.Append(UtilCompiler.FindPropertyBrackets.Replace(counter.Name, this.EscapeProperties));
1673 sbCounterNames.Append("[~]");
1674 sbCounterTypes.Append(counter.Type);
1675 sbCounterTypes.Append("[~]");
1676 }
1678 sbSymbolicConstants.AppendFormat("#define LAST_{0}_COUNTER_OFFSET {1}\r\n", objectName, symbolConstantsCounter);
1680 // Add the calculated INI and H strings to the PerformanceCategory table.
1681 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "PerformanceCategory");
1682 row.Set(0, id);
1683 row.Set(1, componentId);
1684 row.Set(2, name);
1685 row.Set(3, sbIniData.ToString());
1686 row.Set(4, sbSymbolicConstants.ToString());
1688 // Set up the application's performance key.
1689 int registryRoot = 2; // HKLM
1690 string escapedName = UtilCompiler.FindPropertyBrackets.Replace(name, this.EscapeProperties);
1691 string linkageKey = String.Format(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\{0}\Linkage", escapedName);
1692 string performanceKey = String.Format(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\{0}\Performance", escapedName);
1694 this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, linkageKey, "Export", escapedName, componentId, false);
1695 this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, performanceKey, "-", null, componentId, false);
1696 this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, performanceKey, "Library", library, componentId, false);
1697 this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, performanceKey, "Open", openEntryPoint, componentId, false);
1698 this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, performanceKey, "Collect", collectEntryPoint, componentId, false);
1699 this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, performanceKey, "Close", closeEntryPoint, componentId, false);
1700 this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, performanceKey, "IsMultiInstance", YesNoType.Yes == multiInstance ? "#1" : "#0", componentId, false);
1701 this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, performanceKey, "Counter Names", sbCounterNames.ToString(), componentId, false);
1702 this.ParseHelper.CreateRegistryRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, registryRoot, performanceKey, "Counter Types", sbCounterTypes.ToString(), componentId, false);
1703 }
1705 // Reference InstallPerfCounterData and UninstallPerfCounterData since nothing will happen without them
1706 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
1707 {
1708 // Ensure ARM version of the CAs are referenced
1709 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "InstallPerfCounterData_ARM");
1710 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "UninstallPerfCounterData_ARM");
1711 }
1712 else
1713 {
1714 // All other supported platforms use x86
1715 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "InstallPerfCounterData");
1716 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "UninstallPerfCounterData");
1717 }
1718 }
1720 /// <summary>
1721 /// Gets the performance counter language as a decimal number.
1722 /// </summary>
1723 /// <param name="sourceLineNumbers">Source line information about the owner element.</param>
1724 /// <param name="attribute">The attribute containing the value to get.</param>
1725 /// <returns>Numeric representation of the language as per WinNT.h.</returns>
1726 private int GetPerformanceCounterLanguage(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, XAttribute attribute)
1727 {
1728 int language = 0;
1729 if (String.Empty == attribute.Value)
1730 {
1731 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalEmptyAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attribute.Parent.Name.LocalName, attribute.Name.LocalName));
1732 }
1733 else
1734 {
1735 switch (attribute.Value)
1736 {
1737 case "afrikaans":
1738 language = 0x36;
1739 break;
1740 case "albanian":
1741 language = 0x1c;
1742 break;
1743 case "arabic":
1744 language = 0x01;
1745 break;
1746 case "armenian":
1747 language = 0x2b;
1748 break;
1749 case "assamese":
1750 language = 0x4d;
1751 break;
1752 case "azeri":
1753 language = 0x2c;
1754 break;
1755 case "basque":
1756 language = 0x2d;
1757 break;
1758 case "belarusian":
1759 language = 0x23;
1760 break;
1761 case "bengali":
1762 language = 0x45;
1763 break;
1764 case "bulgarian":
1765 language = 0x02;
1766 break;
1767 case "catalan":
1768 language = 0x03;
1769 break;
1770 case "chinese":
1771 language = 0x04;
1772 break;
1773 case "croatian":
1774 language = 0x1a;
1775 break;
1776 case "czech":
1777 language = 0x05;
1778 break;
1779 case "danish":
1780 language = 0x06;
1781 break;
1782 case "divehi":
1783 language = 0x65;
1784 break;
1785 case "dutch":
1786 language = 0x13;
1787 break;
1788 case "piglatin":
1789 case "english":
1790 language = 0x09;
1791 break;
1792 case "estonian":
1793 language = 0x25;
1794 break;
1795 case "faeroese":
1796 language = 0x38;
1797 break;
1798 case "farsi":
1799 language = 0x29;
1800 break;
1801 case "finnish":
1802 language = 0x0b;
1803 break;
1804 case "french":
1805 language = 0x0c;
1806 break;
1807 case "galician":
1808 language = 0x56;
1809 break;
1810 case "georgian":
1811 language = 0x37;
1812 break;
1813 case "german":
1814 language = 0x07;
1815 break;
1816 case "greek":
1817 language = 0x08;
1818 break;
1819 case "gujarati":
1820 language = 0x47;
1821 break;
1822 case "hebrew":
1823 language = 0x0d;
1824 break;
1825 case "hindi":
1826 language = 0x39;
1827 break;
1828 case "hungarian":
1829 language = 0x0e;
1830 break;
1831 case "icelandic":
1832 language = 0x0f;
1833 break;
1834 case "indonesian":
1835 language = 0x21;
1836 break;
1837 case "italian":
1838 language = 0x10;
1839 break;
1840 case "japanese":
1841 language = 0x11;
1842 break;
1843 case "kannada":
1844 language = 0x4b;
1845 break;
1846 case "kashmiri":
1847 language = 0x60;
1848 break;
1849 case "kazak":
1850 language = 0x3f;
1851 break;
1852 case "konkani":
1853 language = 0x57;
1854 break;
1855 case "korean":
1856 language = 0x12;
1857 break;
1858 case "kyrgyz":
1859 language = 0x40;
1860 break;
1861 case "latvian":
1862 language = 0x26;
1863 break;
1864 case "lithuanian":
1865 language = 0x27;
1866 break;
1867 case "macedonian":
1868 language = 0x2f;
1869 break;
1870 case "malay":
1871 language = 0x3e;
1872 break;
1873 case "malayalam":
1874 language = 0x4c;
1875 break;
1876 case "manipuri":
1877 language = 0x58;
1878 break;
1879 case "marathi":
1880 language = 0x4e;
1881 break;
1882 case "mongolian":
1883 language = 0x50;
1884 break;
1885 case "nepali":
1886 language = 0x61;
1887 break;
1888 case "norwegian":
1889 language = 0x14;
1890 break;
1891 case "oriya":
1892 language = 0x48;
1893 break;
1894 case "polish":
1895 language = 0x15;
1896 break;
1897 case "portuguese":
1898 language = 0x16;
1899 break;
1900 case "punjabi":
1901 language = 0x46;
1902 break;
1903 case "romanian":
1904 language = 0x18;
1905 break;
1906 case "russian":
1907 language = 0x19;
1908 break;
1909 case "sanskrit":
1910 language = 0x4f;
1911 break;
1912 case "serbian":
1913 language = 0x1a;
1914 break;
1915 case "sindhi":
1916 language = 0x59;
1917 break;
1918 case "slovak":
1919 language = 0x1b;
1920 break;
1921 case "slovenian":
1922 language = 0x24;
1923 break;
1924 case "spanish":
1925 language = 0x0a;
1926 break;
1927 case "swahili":
1928 language = 0x41;
1929 break;
1930 case "swedish":
1931 language = 0x1d;
1932 break;
1933 case "syriac":
1934 language = 0x5a;
1935 break;
1936 case "tamil":
1937 language = 0x49;
1938 break;
1939 case "tatar":
1940 language = 0x44;
1941 break;
1942 case "telugu":
1943 language = 0x4a;
1944 break;
1945 case "thai":
1946 language = 0x1e;
1947 break;
1948 case "turkish":
1949 language = 0x1f;
1950 break;
1951 case "ukrainian":
1952 language = 0x22;
1953 break;
1954 case "urdu":
1955 language = 0x20;
1956 break;
1957 case "uzbek":
1958 language = 0x43;
1959 break;
1960 case "vietnamese":
1961 language = 0x2a;
1962 break;
1963 default:
1964 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalEmptyAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attribute.Parent.Name.LocalName, attribute.Name.LocalName));
1965 break;
1966 }
1967 }
1969 return language;
1970 }
1972 /// <summary>
1973 /// Parses a performance counter element.
1974 /// </summary>
1975 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
1976 /// <param name="defaultLanguage">Default language for the performance counter.</param>
1977 private ParsedPerformanceCounter ParsePerformanceCounterElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, int defaultLanguage)
1978 {
1979 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
1980 ParsedPerformanceCounter parsedPerformanceCounter = null;
1981 string name = null;
1982 string help = null;
1983 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems32;
1984 int language = defaultLanguage;
1986 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
1987 {
1988 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
1989 {
1990 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
1991 {
1992 case "Help":
1993 help = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1994 break;
1995 case "Name":
1996 name = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
1997 break;
1998 case "Type":
1999 type = this.GetPerformanceCounterType(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2000 break;
2001 case "Language":
2002 language = this.GetPerformanceCounterLanguage(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2003 break;
2004 default:
2005 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
2006 break;
2007 }
2008 }
2009 else
2010 {
2011 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
2012 }
2013 }
2015 if (null == name)
2016 {
2017 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Name"));
2018 }
2020 if (null == help)
2021 {
2022 this.Messaging.Write(UtilWarnings.RequiredAttributeForWindowsXP(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Help"));
2023 }
2025 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
2027 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
2028 {
2029 parsedPerformanceCounter = new ParsedPerformanceCounter(name, help, type, language);
2030 }
2032 return parsedPerformanceCounter;
2033 }
2035 /// <summary>
2036 /// Gets the performance counter type.
2037 /// </summary>
2038 /// <param name="sourceLineNumbers">Source line information about the owner element.</param>
2039 /// <param name="attribute">The attribute containing the value to get.</param>
2040 /// <returns>Numeric representation of the language as per WinNT.h.</returns>
2041 private System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType GetPerformanceCounterType(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, XAttribute attribute)
2042 {
2043 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems32;
2044 if (String.Empty == attribute.Value)
2045 {
2046 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalEmptyAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attribute.Parent.Name.LocalName, attribute.Name.LocalName));
2047 }
2048 else
2049 {
2050 switch (attribute.Value)
2051 {
2052 case "averageBase":
2053 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.AverageBase;
2054 break;
2055 case "averageCount64":
2056 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.AverageCount64;
2057 break;
2058 case "averageTimer32":
2059 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.AverageTimer32;
2060 break;
2061 case "counterDelta32":
2062 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.CounterDelta32;
2063 break;
2064 case "counterTimerInverse":
2065 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.CounterTimerInverse;
2066 break;
2067 case "sampleFraction":
2068 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.SampleFraction;
2069 break;
2070 case "timer100Ns":
2071 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.Timer100Ns;
2072 break;
2073 case "counterTimer":
2074 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.CounterTimer;
2075 break;
2076 case "rawFraction":
2077 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.RawFraction;
2078 break;
2079 case "timer100NsInverse":
2080 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.Timer100NsInverse;
2081 break;
2082 case "counterMultiTimer":
2083 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.CounterMultiTimer;
2084 break;
2085 case "counterMultiTimer100Ns":
2086 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.CounterMultiTimer100Ns;
2087 break;
2088 case "counterMultiTimerInverse":
2089 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.CounterMultiTimerInverse;
2090 break;
2091 case "counterMultiTimer100NsInverse":
2092 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.CounterMultiTimer100NsInverse;
2093 break;
2094 case "elapsedTime":
2095 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.ElapsedTime;
2096 break;
2097 case "sampleBase":
2098 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.SampleBase;
2099 break;
2100 case "rawBase":
2101 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.RawBase;
2102 break;
2103 case "counterMultiBase":
2104 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.CounterMultiBase;
2105 break;
2106 case "rateOfCountsPerSecond64":
2107 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.RateOfCountsPerSecond64;
2108 break;
2109 case "rateOfCountsPerSecond32":
2110 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.RateOfCountsPerSecond32;
2111 break;
2112 case "countPerTimeInterval64":
2113 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.CountPerTimeInterval64;
2114 break;
2115 case "countPerTimeInterval32":
2116 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.CountPerTimeInterval32;
2117 break;
2118 case "sampleCounter":
2119 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.SampleCounter;
2120 break;
2121 case "counterDelta64":
2122 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.CounterDelta64;
2123 break;
2124 case "numberOfItems64":
2125 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems64;
2126 break;
2127 case "numberOfItems32":
2128 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems32;
2129 break;
2130 case "numberOfItemsHEX64":
2131 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItemsHEX64;
2132 break;
2133 case "numberOfItemsHEX32":
2134 type = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItemsHEX32;
2135 break;
2136 default:
2137 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalEmptyAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attribute.Parent.Name.LocalName, attribute.Name.LocalName));
2138 break;
2139 }
2140 }
2142 return type;
2143 }
2145 /// <summary>
2146 /// Parses a perf counter element.
2147 /// </summary>
2148 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
2149 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of parent component.</param>
2150 /// <param name="fileId">Identifier of referenced file.</param>
2151 private void ParsePerfCounterElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId, string fileId)
2152 {
2153 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
2154 string name = null;
2156 this.Messaging.Write(UtilWarnings.DeprecatedPerfCounterElement(sourceLineNumbers));
2158 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
2159 {
2160 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
2161 {
2162 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
2163 {
2164 case "Name":
2165 name = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2166 break;
2167 default:
2168 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
2169 break;
2170 }
2171 }
2172 else
2173 {
2174 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
2175 }
2176 }
2178 if (null == name)
2179 {
2180 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Name"));
2181 }
2183 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
2185 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
2186 {
2187 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "Perfmon");
2188 row.Set(0, componentId);
2189 row.Set(1, $"[#{fileId}]");
2190 row.Set(2, name);
2191 }
2193 // Reference ConfigurePerfmonInstall and ConfigurePerfmonUninstall since nothing will happen without them
2194 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
2195 {
2196 // Ensure ARM version of the CAs are referenced
2197 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigurePerfmonInstall_ARM");
2198 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigurePerfmonUninstall_ARM");
2199 }
2200 else
2201 {
2202 // All other supported platforms use x86
2203 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigurePerfmonInstall");
2204 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigurePerfmonUninstall");
2205 }
2206 }
2209 /// <summary>
2210 /// Parses a perf manifest element.
2211 /// </summary>
2212 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
2213 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of parent component.</param>
2214 /// <param name="fileId">Identifier of referenced file.</param>
2215 private void ParsePerfCounterManifestElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId, string fileId)
2216 {
2217 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
2218 string resourceFileDirectory = null;
2220 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
2221 {
2222 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
2223 {
2224 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
2225 {
2226 case "ResourceFileDirectory":
2227 resourceFileDirectory = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2228 break;
2229 default:
2230 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
2231 break;
2232 }
2233 }
2234 else
2235 {
2236 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
2237 }
2238 }
2240 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
2242 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
2243 {
2244 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "PerfmonManifest");
2245 row.Set(0, componentId);
2246 row.Set(1, $"[#{fileId}]");
2247 row.Set(2, resourceFileDirectory);
2248 }
2250 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
2251 {
2252 // Ensure ARM version of the CAs are referenced
2253 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigurePerfmonManifestRegister_ARM");
2254 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigurePerfmonManifestUnregister_ARM");
2255 }
2256 else
2257 {
2258 // All other supported platforms use x86
2259 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigurePerfmonManifestRegister");
2260 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigurePerfmonManifestUnregister");
2261 }
2262 }
2264 /// <summary>
2265 /// Parses a format files element.
2266 /// </summary>
2267 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
2268 /// <param name="fileId">Identifier of referenced file.</param>
2269 /// <param name="win64">Flag to determine whether the component is 64-bit.</param>
2270 private void ParseFormatFileElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string fileId, bool win64)
2271 {
2272 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
2273 string binaryId = null;
2275 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
2276 {
2277 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
2278 {
2279 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
2280 {
2281 case "BinaryKey":
2282 binaryId = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2283 break;
2284 default:
2285 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
2286 break;
2287 }
2288 }
2289 else
2290 {
2291 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
2292 }
2293 }
2295 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
2297 if (null == binaryId)
2298 {
2299 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "BinaryKey"));
2300 }
2302 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
2303 {
2304 switch (this.Context.Platform)
2305 {
2306 case Platform.X86:
2307 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "WixSchedFormatFiles");
2308 break;
2309 case Platform.X64:
2310 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "WixSchedFormatFiles_x64");
2311 break;
2312 case Platform.IA64:
2313 case Platform.ARM:
2314 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.UnsupportedPlatformForElement(sourceLineNumbers, this.Context.Platform.ToString(), element.Name.LocalName));
2315 break;
2316 }
2318 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixFormatFiles");
2319 row.Set(0, binaryId);
2320 row.Set(1, fileId);
2322 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "Binary", binaryId);
2323 }
2324 }
2326 /// <summary>
2327 /// Parses a event manifest element.
2328 /// </summary>
2329 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
2330 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of parent component.</param>
2331 /// <param name="fileId">Identifier of referenced file.</param>
2332 private void ParseEventManifestElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId, string fileId)
2333 {
2334 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
2335 string messageFile = null;
2336 string resourceFile = null;
2337 string parameterFile = null;
2339 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
2340 {
2341 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
2342 {
2343 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
2344 {
2345 case "MessageFile":
2346 messageFile = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2347 break;
2348 case "ResourceFile":
2349 resourceFile = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2350 break;
2351 case "ParameterFile":
2352 parameterFile = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2353 break;
2354 default:
2355 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
2356 break;
2357 }
2358 }
2359 else
2360 {
2361 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
2362 }
2363 }
2365 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
2367 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
2368 {
2369 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "EventManifest");
2370 row.Set(0, componentId);
2371 row.Set(1, $"[#{fileId}]");
2373 if (null != messageFile)
2374 {
2375 var messageRow = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "XmlFile");
2376 messageRow.Set(0, String.Concat("Config_", fileId, "MessageFile"));
2377 messageRow.Set(1, $"[#{fileId}]");
2378 messageRow.Set(2, "/*/*/*/*[\\[]@messageFileName[\\]]");
2379 messageRow.Set(3, "messageFileName");
2380 messageRow.Set(4, messageFile);
2381 messageRow.Set(5, 4 | 0x00001000); //bulk write | preserve modified date
2382 messageRow.Set(6, componentId);
2383 }
2384 if (null != parameterFile)
2385 {
2386 var resourceRow = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "XmlFile");
2387 resourceRow.Set(0, String.Concat("Config_", fileId, "ParameterFile"));
2388 resourceRow.Set(1, $"[#{fileId}]");
2389 resourceRow.Set(2, "/*/*/*/*[\\[]@parameterFileName[\\]]");
2390 resourceRow.Set(3, "parameterFileName");
2391 resourceRow.Set(4, parameterFile);
2392 resourceRow.Set(5, 4 | 0x00001000); //bulk write | preserve modified date
2393 resourceRow.Set(6, componentId);
2394 }
2395 if (null != resourceFile)
2396 {
2397 var resourceRow = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "XmlFile");
2398 resourceRow.Set(0, String.Concat("Config_", fileId, "ResourceFile"));
2399 resourceRow.Set(1, $"[#{fileId}]");
2400 resourceRow.Set(2, "/*/*/*/*[\\[]@resourceFileName[\\]]");
2401 resourceRow.Set(3, "resourceFileName");
2402 resourceRow.Set(4, resourceFile);
2403 resourceRow.Set(5, 4 | 0x00001000); //bulk write | preserve modified date
2404 resourceRow.Set(6, componentId);
2405 }
2407 }
2409 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
2410 {
2411 // Ensure ARM version of the CA is referenced
2412 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigureEventManifestRegister_ARM");
2413 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigureEventManifestUnregister_ARM");
2414 }
2415 else
2416 {
2417 // All other supported platforms use x86
2418 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigureEventManifestRegister");
2419 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigureEventManifestUnregister");
2420 }
2422 if (null != messageFile || null != parameterFile || null != resourceFile)
2423 {
2424 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
2425 {
2426 // Ensure ARM version of the CA is referenced
2427 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "SchedXmlFile_ARM");
2428 }
2429 else
2430 {
2431 // All other supported platforms use x86
2432 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "SchedXmlFile");
2433 }
2434 }
2435 }
2437 /// <summary>
2438 /// Parses a PermissionEx element.
2439 /// </summary>
2440 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
2441 /// <param name="objectId">Identifier of object to be secured.</param>
2442 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of component, used to determine install state.</param>
2443 /// <param name="win64">Flag to determine whether the component is 64-bit.</param>
2444 /// <param name="tableName">Name of table that contains objectId.</param>
2445 private void ParsePermissionExElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string objectId, string componentId, bool win64, string tableName)
2446 {
2447 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
2448 BitArray bits = new BitArray(32);
2449 string domain = null;
2450 int permission = 0;
2451 string[] specialPermissions = null;
2452 string user = null;
2454 PermissionType permissionType = PermissionType.SecureObjects;
2456 switch (tableName)
2457 {
2458 case "CreateFolder":
2459 specialPermissions = UtilConstants.FolderPermissions;
2460 break;
2461 case "File":
2462 specialPermissions = UtilConstants.FilePermissions;
2463 break;
2464 case "Registry":
2465 specialPermissions = UtilConstants.RegistryPermissions;
2466 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(objectId))
2467 {
2468 this.Messaging.Write(UtilErrors.InvalidRegistryObject(sourceLineNumbers, element.Parent.Name.LocalName));
2469 }
2470 break;
2471 case "ServiceInstall":
2472 specialPermissions = UtilConstants.ServicePermissions;
2473 permissionType = PermissionType.SecureObjects;
2474 break;
2475 default:
2476 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(element.Parent, element);
2477 break;
2478 }
2480 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
2481 {
2482 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
2483 {
2484 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
2485 {
2486 case "Domain":
2487 if (PermissionType.FileSharePermissions == permissionType)
2488 {
2489 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeWhenNested(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName, element.Parent.Name.LocalName));
2490 }
2491 domain = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2492 break;
2493 case "User":
2494 user = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2495 break;
2496 default:
2497 YesNoType attribValue = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2498 if (!this.TrySetBitFromName(UtilConstants.StandardPermissions, attrib.Name.LocalName, attribValue, bits, 16))
2499 {
2500 if (!this.TrySetBitFromName(UtilConstants.GenericPermissions, attrib.Name.LocalName, attribValue, bits, 28))
2501 {
2502 if (!this.TrySetBitFromName(specialPermissions, attrib.Name.LocalName, attribValue, bits, 0))
2503 {
2504 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
2505 break;
2506 }
2507 }
2508 }
2509 break;
2510 }
2511 }
2512 else
2513 {
2514 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
2515 }
2516 }
2518 permission = this.CreateIntegerFromBitArray(bits);
2520 if (null == user)
2521 {
2522 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "User"));
2523 }
2525 if (int.MinValue == permission) // just GENERIC_READ, which is MSI_NULL
2526 {
2527 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.GenericReadNotAllowed(sourceLineNumbers));
2528 }
2530 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
2532 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
2533 {
2534 if (win64)
2535 {
2536 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.IA64)
2537 {
2538 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.UnsupportedPlatformForElement(sourceLineNumbers, "ia64", element.Name.LocalName));
2539 }
2540 else
2541 {
2542 // Ensure SchedSecureObjects (x64) is referenced
2543 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "SchedSecureObjects_x64");
2544 }
2545 }
2546 else if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
2547 {
2548 // Ensure SchedSecureObjects (arm) is referenced
2549 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "SchedSecureObjects_ARM");
2550 }
2551 else
2552 {
2553 // Ensure SchedSecureObjects (x86) is referenced, to handle this x86 component member
2554 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "SchedSecureObjects");
2555 }
2557 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "SecureObjects");
2558 row.Set(0, objectId);
2559 row.Set(1, tableName);
2560 row.Set(2, domain);
2561 row.Set(3, user);
2562 row.Set(4, permission);
2563 row.Set(5, componentId);
2564 }
2565 }
2567 /// <summary>
2568 /// Parses a ProductSearch element.
2569 /// </summary>
2570 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
2571 private void ParseProductSearchElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element)
2572 {
2573 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
2574 Identifier id = null;
2575 string variable = null;
2576 string condition = null;
2577 string after = null;
2578 string productCode = null;
2579 string upgradeCode = null;
2581 Serialize.ProductSearch.ResultType result = Serialize.ProductSearch.ResultType.NotSet;
2583 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
2584 {
2585 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
2586 {
2587 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
2588 {
2589 case "Id":
2590 case "Variable":
2591 case "Condition":
2592 case "After":
2593 this.ParseCommonSearchAttributes(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, ref id, ref variable, ref condition, ref after);
2594 break;
2595 case "ProductCode":
2596 productCode = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeGuidValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, false);
2597 break;
2598 case "UpgradeCode":
2599 upgradeCode = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeGuidValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, false);
2600 break;
2601 case "Result":
2602 string resultValue = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2603 if (!Serialize.ProductSearch.TryParseResultType(resultValue, out result))
2604 {
2605 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib.Parent.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName,
2606 resultValue,
2607 Serialize.ProductSearch.ResultType.version.ToString(),
2608 Serialize.ProductSearch.ResultType.language.ToString(),
2609 Serialize.ProductSearch.ResultType.state.ToString(),
2610 Serialize.ProductSearch.ResultType.assignment.ToString()));
2611 }
2612 break;
2613 default:
2614 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
2615 break;
2616 }
2617 }
2618 else
2619 {
2620 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
2621 }
2622 }
2624 if (null == variable)
2625 {
2626 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Variable"));
2627 }
2629 if (null == upgradeCode && null == productCode)
2630 {
2631 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "ProductCode", "UpgradeCode", true));
2632 }
2634 if (null != upgradeCode && null != productCode)
2635 {
2636 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeWithOtherAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "UpgradeCode", "ProductCode"));
2637 }
2639 if (null == id)
2640 {
2641 id = this.ParseHelper.CreateIdentifier("wps", variable, condition, after, (productCode == null ? upgradeCode : productCode), result.ToString());
2642 }
2644 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
2646 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
2647 {
2648 this.CreateWixSearchRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, id, variable, condition);
2649 if (after != null)
2650 {
2651 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixSearch", after);
2652 // TODO: We're currently defaulting to "always run after", which we will need to change...
2653 this.CreateWixSearchRelationRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, id, after, 2);
2654 }
2656 WixProductSearchAttributes attributes = WixProductSearchAttributes.Version;
2657 switch (result)
2658 {
2659 case Serialize.ProductSearch.ResultType.version:
2660 attributes = WixProductSearchAttributes.Version;
2661 break;
2662 case Serialize.ProductSearch.ResultType.language:
2663 attributes = WixProductSearchAttributes.Language;
2664 break;
2665 case Serialize.ProductSearch.ResultType.state:
2666 attributes = WixProductSearchAttributes.State;
2667 break;
2668 case Serialize.ProductSearch.ResultType.assignment:
2669 attributes = WixProductSearchAttributes.Assignment;
2670 break;
2671 }
2673 // set an additional flag if this is an upgrade code
2674 if (null != upgradeCode)
2675 {
2676 attributes |= WixProductSearchAttributes.UpgradeCode;
2677 }
2679 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixProductSearch");
2680 row.Set(0, id);
2681 row.Set(1, productCode ?? upgradeCode);
2682 row.Set(2, (int)attributes);
2683 }
2684 }
2686 /// <summary>
2687 /// Parses a RegistrySearch element.
2688 /// </summary>
2689 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
2690 private void ParseRegistrySearchElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element)
2691 {
2692 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
2693 Identifier id = null;
2694 string variable = null;
2695 string condition = null;
2696 string after = null;
2697 int root = CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet;
2698 string key = null;
2699 string value = null;
2700 YesNoType expand = YesNoType.NotSet;
2701 YesNoType win64 = YesNoType.NotSet;
2702 Serialize.RegistrySearch.ResultType result = Serialize.RegistrySearch.ResultType.NotSet;
2703 Serialize.RegistrySearch.FormatType format = Serialize.RegistrySearch.FormatType.raw;
2705 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
2706 {
2707 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
2708 {
2709 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
2710 {
2711 case "Id":
2712 case "Variable":
2713 case "Condition":
2714 case "After":
2715 this.ParseCommonSearchAttributes(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, ref id, ref variable, ref condition, ref after);
2716 break;
2717 case "Root":
2718 root = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeMsidbRegistryRootValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, false);
2719 break;
2720 case "Key":
2721 key = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2722 break;
2723 case "Value":
2724 value = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2725 break;
2726 case "ExpandEnvironmentVariables":
2727 expand = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2728 break;
2729 case "Format":
2730 string formatValue = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2731 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(formatValue))
2732 {
2733 if (!Serialize.RegistrySearch.TryParseFormatType(formatValue, out format))
2734 {
2735 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib.Parent.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName,
2736 formatValue, Serialize.RegistrySearch.FormatType.raw.ToString(), Serialize.RegistrySearch.FormatType.compatible.ToString()));
2737 }
2738 }
2739 break;
2740 case "Result":
2741 string resultValue = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2742 if (!Serialize.RegistrySearch.TryParseResultType(resultValue, out result))
2743 {
2744 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib.Parent.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName,
2745 resultValue, Serialize.RegistrySearch.ResultType.exists.ToString(), Serialize.RegistrySearch.ResultType.value.ToString()));
2746 }
2747 break;
2748 case "Win64":
2749 win64 = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2750 break;
2751 default:
2752 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
2753 break;
2754 }
2755 }
2756 else
2757 {
2758 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
2759 }
2760 }
2762 if (null == variable)
2763 {
2764 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Variable"));
2765 }
2767 if (CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet == root)
2768 {
2769 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Root"));
2770 }
2772 if (null == key)
2773 {
2774 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Key"));
2775 }
2777 if (Serialize.RegistrySearch.ResultType.NotSet == result)
2778 {
2779 result = Serialize.RegistrySearch.ResultType.value;
2780 }
2782 if (null == id)
2783 {
2784 id = this.ParseHelper.CreateIdentifier("wrs", variable, condition, after, root.ToString(), key, value, result.ToString());
2785 }
2787 WixRegistrySearchAttributes attributes = WixRegistrySearchAttributes.Raw;
2788 switch (format)
2789 {
2790 case Serialize.RegistrySearch.FormatType.raw:
2791 attributes = WixRegistrySearchAttributes.Raw;
2792 break;
2793 case Serialize.RegistrySearch.FormatType.compatible:
2794 attributes = WixRegistrySearchAttributes.Compatible;
2795 break;
2796 }
2798 switch (result)
2799 {
2800 case Serialize.RegistrySearch.ResultType.exists:
2801 attributes |= WixRegistrySearchAttributes.WantExists;
2802 break;
2803 case Serialize.RegistrySearch.ResultType.value:
2804 attributes |= WixRegistrySearchAttributes.WantValue;
2805 break;
2806 }
2808 if (expand == YesNoType.Yes)
2809 {
2810 if (0 != (attributes & WixRegistrySearchAttributes.WantExists))
2811 {
2812 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValueWithOtherAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName,
2813 "ExpandEnvironmentVariables", expand.ToString(), "Result", result.ToString()));
2814 }
2816 attributes |= WixRegistrySearchAttributes.ExpandEnvironmentVariables;
2817 }
2819 if (win64 == YesNoType.Yes)
2820 {
2821 attributes |= WixRegistrySearchAttributes.Win64;
2822 }
2824 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
2826 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
2827 {
2828 this.CreateWixSearchRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, id, variable, condition);
2829 if (after != null)
2830 {
2831 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixSearch", after);
2832 // TODO: We're currently defaulting to "always run after", which we will need to change...
2833 this.CreateWixSearchRelationRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, id, after, 2);
2834 }
2836 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixRegistrySearch", id);
2837 row.Set(1, root);
2838 row.Set(2, key);
2839 row.Set(3, value);
2840 row.Set(4, (int)attributes);
2841 }
2842 }
2844 /// <summary>
2845 /// Parses a RemoveFolderEx element.
2846 /// </summary>
2847 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
2848 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of parent component.</param>
2849 private void ParseRemoveFolderExElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId)
2850 {
2851 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
2852 Identifier id = null;
2853 int on = (int)WixRemoveFolderExOn.Uninstall;
2854 string property = null;
2856 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
2857 {
2858 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
2859 {
2860 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
2861 {
2862 case "Id":
2863 id = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifier(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2864 break;
2865 case "On":
2866 string onValue = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2867 if (onValue.Length == 0)
2868 {
2869 on = CompilerConstants.IllegalInteger;
2870 }
2871 else
2872 {
2873 switch (onValue)
2874 {
2875 case "install":
2876 on = (int)WixRemoveFolderExOn.Install;
2877 break;
2878 case "uninstall":
2879 on = (int)WixRemoveFolderExOn.Uninstall;
2880 break;
2881 case "both":
2882 on = (int)WixRemoveFolderExOn.Both;
2883 break;
2884 default:
2885 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "On", onValue, "install", "uninstall", "both"));
2886 on = CompilerConstants.IllegalInteger;
2887 break;
2888 }
2889 }
2890 break;
2891 case "Property":
2892 property = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2893 break;
2894 default:
2895 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
2896 break;
2897 }
2898 }
2899 else
2900 {
2901 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
2902 }
2903 }
2905 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(property))
2906 {
2907 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Property"));
2908 }
2910 if (null == id)
2911 {
2912 id = this.ParseHelper.CreateIdentifier("wrf", componentId, property, on.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat));
2913 }
2915 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
2917 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
2918 {
2919 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixRemoveFolderEx", id);
2920 row.Set(1, componentId);
2921 row.Set(2, property);
2922 row.Set(3, on);
2924 this.ParseHelper.EnsureTable(section, sourceLineNumbers, "RemoveFile");
2925 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "WixRemoveFoldersEx");
2926 }
2927 }
2929 /// <summary>
2930 /// Parses a RestartResource element.
2931 /// </summary>
2932 /// <param name="element">The element to parse.</param>
2933 /// <param name="componentId">The identity of the parent component.</param>
2934 private void ParseRestartResourceElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId)
2935 {
2936 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
2937 Identifier id = null;
2938 string resource = null;
2939 int attributes = CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet;
2941 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
2942 {
2943 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
2944 {
2945 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
2946 {
2947 case "Id":
2948 id = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifier(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2949 break;
2951 case "Path":
2952 resource = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2953 attributes = (int)WixRestartResourceAttributes.Filename;
2954 break;
2956 case "ProcessName":
2957 resource = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2958 attributes = (int)WixRestartResourceAttributes.ProcessName;
2959 break;
2961 case "ServiceName":
2962 resource = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
2963 attributes = (int)WixRestartResourceAttributes.ServiceName;
2964 break;
2966 default:
2967 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
2968 break;
2969 }
2970 }
2971 else
2972 {
2973 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
2974 }
2975 }
2977 // Validate the attribute.
2978 if (null == id)
2979 {
2980 id = this.ParseHelper.CreateIdentifier("wrr", componentId, resource, attributes.ToString());
2981 }
2983 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(resource) || CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet == attributes)
2984 {
2985 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttributes(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Path", "ServiceName"));
2986 }
2988 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
2990 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
2991 {
2992 // Add a reference to the WixRegisterRestartResources custom action since nothing will happen without it.
2993 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
2994 {
2995 // Ensure ARM version of the CA is referenced
2996 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "WixRegisterRestartResources_ARM");
2997 }
2998 else
2999 {
3000 // All other supported platforms use x86
3001 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "WixRegisterRestartResources");
3002 }
3004 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixRestartResource", id);
3005 row.Set(1, componentId);
3006 row.Set(2, resource);
3007 row.Set(3, attributes);
3008 }
3009 }
3011 /// <summary>
3012 /// Parses a service configuration element.
3013 /// </summary>
3014 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
3015 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of parent component.</param>
3016 /// <param name="parentTableName">Name of parent element.</param>
3017 /// <param name="parentTableServiceName">Optional name of service </param>
3018 private void ParseServiceConfigElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId, string parentTableName, string parentTableServiceName)
3019 {
3020 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
3021 string firstFailureActionType = null;
3022 bool newService = false;
3023 string programCommandLine = null;
3024 string rebootMessage = null;
3025 int resetPeriod = CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet;
3026 int restartServiceDelay = CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet;
3027 string secondFailureActionType = null;
3028 string serviceName = null;
3029 string thirdFailureActionType = null;
3031 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
3032 {
3033 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
3034 {
3035 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
3036 {
3037 case "FirstFailureActionType":
3038 firstFailureActionType = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3039 break;
3040 case "ProgramCommandLine":
3041 programCommandLine = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3042 break;
3043 case "RebootMessage":
3044 rebootMessage = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3045 break;
3046 case "ResetPeriodInDays":
3047 resetPeriod = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIntegerValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, 0, int.MaxValue);
3048 break;
3049 case "RestartServiceDelayInSeconds":
3050 restartServiceDelay = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIntegerValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, 0, int.MaxValue);
3051 break;
3052 case "SecondFailureActionType":
3053 secondFailureActionType = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3054 break;
3055 case "ServiceName":
3056 serviceName = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3057 break;
3058 case "ThirdFailureActionType":
3059 thirdFailureActionType = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3060 break;
3061 default:
3062 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
3063 break;
3064 }
3065 }
3066 else
3067 {
3068 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
3069 }
3070 }
3072 // if this element is a child of ServiceInstall then ignore the service name provided.
3073 if ("ServiceInstall" == parentTableName)
3074 {
3075 // TODO: the ServiceName attribute should not be allowed in this case (the overwriting behavior may confuse users)
3076 serviceName = parentTableServiceName;
3077 newService = true;
3078 }
3079 else
3080 {
3081 // not a child of ServiceInstall, so ServiceName must have been provided
3082 if (null == serviceName)
3083 {
3084 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "ServiceName"));
3085 }
3086 }
3088 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
3090 // Reference SchedServiceConfig since nothing will happen without it
3091 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
3092 {
3093 // Ensure ARM version of the CA is referenced
3094 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "SchedServiceConfig_ARM");
3095 }
3096 else
3097 {
3098 // All other supported platforms use x86
3099 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "SchedServiceConfig");
3100 }
3102 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
3103 {
3104 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "ServiceConfig");
3105 row.Set(0, serviceName);
3106 row.Set(1, componentId);
3107 row.Set(2, (newService ? 1 : 0));
3108 row.Set(3, firstFailureActionType);
3109 row.Set(4, secondFailureActionType);
3110 row.Set(5, thirdFailureActionType);
3111 if (CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet != resetPeriod)
3112 {
3113 row.Set(6, resetPeriod);
3114 }
3116 if (CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet != restartServiceDelay)
3117 {
3118 row.Set(7, restartServiceDelay);
3119 }
3120 row.Set(8, programCommandLine);
3121 row.Set(9, rebootMessage);
3122 }
3123 }
3125 /// <summary>
3126 /// Parses a touch file element.
3127 /// </summary>
3128 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
3129 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of parent component.</param>
3130 /// <param name="win64">Indicates whether the path is a 64-bit path.</param>
3131 private void ParseTouchFileElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId, bool win64)
3132 {
3133 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
3134 Identifier id = null;
3135 string path = null;
3136 YesNoType onInstall = YesNoType.NotSet;
3137 YesNoType onReinstall = YesNoType.NotSet;
3138 YesNoType onUninstall = YesNoType.NotSet;
3139 YesNoType nonvital = YesNoType.NotSet;
3140 int attributes = 0;
3142 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
3143 {
3144 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
3145 {
3146 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
3147 {
3148 case "Id":
3149 id = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifier(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3150 break;
3151 case "Path":
3152 path = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3153 break;
3154 case "OnInstall":
3155 onInstall = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3156 break;
3157 case "OnReinstall":
3158 onReinstall = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3159 break;
3160 case "OnUninstall":
3161 onUninstall = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3162 break;
3163 case "Nonvital":
3164 nonvital = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3165 break;
3166 default:
3167 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
3168 break;
3169 }
3170 }
3171 else
3172 {
3173 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
3174 }
3175 }
3177 if (null == path)
3178 {
3179 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Path"));
3180 }
3182 // If none of the scheduling actions are set, default to touching on install and reinstall.
3183 if (YesNoType.NotSet == onInstall && YesNoType.NotSet == onReinstall && YesNoType.NotSet == onUninstall)
3184 {
3185 onInstall = YesNoType.Yes;
3186 onReinstall = YesNoType.Yes;
3187 }
3189 attributes |= YesNoType.Yes == onInstall ? 0x1 : 0;
3190 attributes |= YesNoType.Yes == onReinstall ? 0x2 : 0;
3191 attributes |= YesNoType.Yes == onUninstall ? 0x4 : 0;
3192 attributes |= win64 ? 0x10 : 0;
3193 attributes |= YesNoType.Yes == nonvital ? 0 : 0x20;
3195 if (null == id)
3196 {
3197 id = this.ParseHelper.CreateIdentifier("tf", path, attributes.ToString());
3198 }
3200 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
3202 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
3203 {
3204 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "WixTouchFile", id);
3205 row.Set(1, componentId);
3206 row.Set(2, path);
3207 row.Set(3, attributes);
3209 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "WixTouchFileDuringInstall");
3210 }
3211 }
3213 /// <summary>
3214 /// Parses an user element.
3215 /// </summary>
3216 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
3217 /// <param name="componentId">Optional identifier of parent component.</param>
3218 private void ParseUserElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId)
3219 {
3220 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
3221 Identifier id = null;
3222 int attributes = 0;
3223 string domain = null;
3224 string name = null;
3225 string password = null;
3227 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
3228 {
3229 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
3230 {
3231 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
3232 {
3233 case "Id":
3234 id = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifier(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3235 break;
3236 case "CanNotChangePassword":
3237 if (null == componentId)
3238 {
3239 this.Messaging.Write(UtilErrors.IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName));
3240 }
3242 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3243 {
3244 attributes |= UserPasswdCantChange;
3245 }
3246 break;
3247 case "CreateUser":
3248 if (null == componentId)
3249 {
3250 this.Messaging.Write(UtilErrors.IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName));
3251 }
3253 if (YesNoType.No == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3254 {
3255 attributes |= UserDontCreateUser;
3256 }
3257 break;
3258 case "Disabled":
3259 if (null == componentId)
3260 {
3261 this.Messaging.Write(UtilErrors.IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName));
3262 }
3264 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3265 {
3266 attributes |= UserDisableAccount;
3267 }
3268 break;
3269 case "Domain":
3270 domain = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3271 break;
3272 case "FailIfExists":
3273 if (null == componentId)
3274 {
3275 this.Messaging.Write(UtilErrors.IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName));
3276 }
3278 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3279 {
3280 attributes |= UserFailIfExists;
3281 }
3282 break;
3283 case "LogonAsService":
3284 if (null == componentId)
3285 {
3286 this.Messaging.Write(UtilErrors.IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName));
3287 }
3288 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3289 {
3290 attributes |= UserLogonAsService;
3291 }
3292 break;
3293 case "LogonAsBatchJob":
3294 if (null == componentId)
3295 {
3296 this.Messaging.Write(UtilErrors.IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName));
3297 }
3298 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3299 {
3300 attributes |= UserLogonAsBatchJob;
3301 }
3302 break;
3303 case "Name":
3304 name = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3305 break;
3306 case "Password":
3307 password = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3308 break;
3309 case "PasswordExpired":
3310 if (null == componentId)
3311 {
3312 this.Messaging.Write(UtilErrors.IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName));
3313 }
3315 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3316 {
3317 attributes |= UserPasswdChangeReqdOnLogin;
3318 }
3319 break;
3320 case "PasswordNeverExpires":
3321 if (null == componentId)
3322 {
3323 this.Messaging.Write(UtilErrors.IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName));
3324 }
3326 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3327 {
3328 attributes |= UserDontExpirePasswrd;
3329 }
3330 break;
3331 case "RemoveOnUninstall":
3332 if (null == componentId)
3333 {
3334 this.Messaging.Write(UtilErrors.IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName));
3335 }
3337 if (YesNoType.No == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3338 {
3339 attributes |= UserDontRemoveOnUninstall;
3340 }
3341 break;
3342 case "UpdateIfExists":
3343 if (null == componentId)
3344 {
3345 this.Messaging.Write(UtilErrors.IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName));
3346 }
3348 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3349 {
3350 attributes |= UserUpdateIfExists;
3351 }
3352 break;
3353 case "Vital":
3354 if (null == componentId)
3355 {
3356 this.Messaging.Write(UtilErrors.IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName));
3357 }
3359 if (YesNoType.No == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3360 {
3361 attributes |= UserNonVital;
3362 }
3363 break;
3364 default:
3365 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
3366 break;
3367 }
3368 }
3369 else
3370 {
3371 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
3372 }
3373 }
3375 if (null == id)
3376 {
3377 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Id"));
3378 }
3380 if (null == name)
3381 {
3382 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Name"));
3383 }
3385 foreach (XElement child in element.Elements())
3386 {
3387 if (this.Namespace == child.Name.Namespace)
3388 {
3389 switch (child.Name.LocalName)
3390 {
3391 case "GroupRef":
3392 if (null == componentId)
3393 {
3394 SourceLineNumber childSourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(child);
3395 this.Messaging.Write(UtilErrors.IllegalElementWithoutComponent(childSourceLineNumbers, child.Name.LocalName));
3396 }
3398 this.ParseGroupRefElement(intermediate, section, child, id.Id);
3399 break;
3400 default:
3401 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(element, child);
3402 break;
3403 }
3404 }
3405 else
3406 {
3407 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionElement(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, child);
3408 }
3409 }
3411 if (null != componentId)
3412 {
3413 // Reference ConfigureIIs since nothing will happen without it
3414 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
3415 {
3416 // Ensure ARM version of the CA is referenced
3417 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigureUsers_ARM");
3418 }
3419 else
3420 {
3421 // All other supported platforms use x86
3422 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "ConfigureUsers");
3423 }
3424 }
3426 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
3427 {
3428 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "User", id);
3429 row.Set(1, componentId);
3430 row.Set(2, name);
3431 row.Set(3, domain);
3432 row.Set(4, password);
3433 row.Set(5, attributes);
3434 }
3435 }
3437 /// <summary>
3438 /// Parses a XmlFile element.
3439 /// </summary>
3440 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
3441 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of parent component.</param>
3442 private void ParseXmlFileElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId)
3443 {
3444 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
3445 string id = null;
3446 string file = null;
3447 string elementPath = null;
3448 string name = null;
3449 string value = null;
3450 int sequence = -1;
3451 int flags = 0;
3453 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
3454 {
3455 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
3456 {
3457 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
3458 {
3459 case "Action":
3460 string actionValue = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3461 switch (actionValue)
3462 {
3463 case "createElement":
3464 flags |= 0x00000001; // XMLFILE_CREATE_ELEMENT
3465 break;
3466 case "deleteValue":
3467 flags |= 0x00000002; // XMLFILE_DELETE_VALUE
3468 break;
3469 case "bulkSetValue":
3470 flags |= 0x00000004; // XMLFILE_BULKWRITE_VALUE
3471 break;
3472 case "setValue":
3473 // no flag for set value since it's the default
3474 break;
3475 default:
3476 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Action", actionValue, "createElement", "deleteValue", "setValue", "bulkSetValue"));
3477 break;
3478 }
3479 break;
3480 case "SelectionLanguage":
3481 string selectionLanguage = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3482 switch (selectionLanguage)
3483 {
3484 case "XPath":
3485 flags |= 0x00000100; // XMLFILE_USE_XPATH
3486 break;
3487 case "XSLPattern":
3488 // no flag for since it's the default
3489 break;
3490 default:
3491 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "SelectionLanguage", selectionLanguage, "XPath", "XSLPattern"));
3492 break;
3493 }
3494 break;
3495 case "Id":
3496 id = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifierValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3497 break;
3498 case "File":
3499 file = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3500 break;
3501 case "ElementPath":
3502 elementPath = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3503 break;
3504 case "Name":
3505 name = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3506 break;
3507 case "Permanent":
3508 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3509 {
3510 flags |= 0x00010000; // XMLFILE_DONT_UNINSTALL
3511 }
3512 break;
3513 case "Sequence":
3514 sequence = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIntegerValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, 1, short.MaxValue);
3515 break;
3516 case "Value":
3517 value = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3518 break;
3519 case "PreserveModifiedDate":
3520 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3521 {
3522 flags |= 0x00001000; // XMLFILE_PRESERVE_MODIFIED
3523 }
3524 break;
3525 default:
3526 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
3527 break;
3528 }
3529 }
3530 else
3531 {
3532 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
3533 }
3534 }
3536 if (null == id)
3537 {
3538 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Id"));
3539 }
3541 if (null == file)
3542 {
3543 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "File"));
3544 }
3546 if (null == elementPath)
3547 {
3548 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "ElementPath"));
3549 }
3551 if ((0x00000001 /*XMLFILE_CREATE_ELEMENT*/ & flags) != 0 && null == name)
3552 {
3553 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeWithoutOtherAttributes(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Action", "Name"));
3554 }
3556 this.ParseHelper.ParseForExtensionElements(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element);
3558 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
3559 {
3560 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "XmlFile");
3561 row.Set(0, id);
3562 row.Set(1, file);
3563 row.Set(2, elementPath);
3564 row.Set(3, name);
3565 row.Set(4, value);
3566 row.Set(5, flags);
3567 row.Set(6, componentId);
3568 if (-1 != sequence)
3569 {
3570 row.Set(7, sequence);
3571 }
3572 }
3574 // Reference SchedXmlFile since nothing will happen without it
3575 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
3576 {
3577 // Ensure ARM version of the CA is referenced
3578 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "SchedXmlFile_ARM");
3579 }
3580 else
3581 {
3582 // All other supported platforms use x86
3583 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "SchedXmlFile");
3584 }
3585 }
3587 /// <summary>
3588 /// Parses a XmlConfig element.
3589 /// </summary>
3590 /// <param name="element">Element to parse.</param>
3591 /// <param name="componentId">Identifier of parent component.</param>
3592 /// <param name="nested">Whether or not the element is nested.</param>
3593 private void ParseXmlConfigElement(Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement element, string componentId, bool nested)
3594 {
3595 SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = this.ParseHelper.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
3596 string id = null;
3597 string elementId = null;
3598 string elementPath = null;
3599 int flags = 0;
3600 string file = null;
3601 string name = null;
3602 int sequence = CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet;
3603 string value = null;
3604 string verifyPath = null;
3606 foreach (XAttribute attrib in element.Attributes())
3607 {
3608 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
3609 {
3610 switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
3611 {
3612 case "Id":
3613 id = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIdentifierValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3614 break;
3615 case "Action":
3616 if (nested)
3617 {
3618 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeWhenNested(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName, element.Parent.Name.LocalName));
3619 }
3620 else
3621 {
3622 string actionValue = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3623 switch (actionValue)
3624 {
3625 case "create":
3626 flags |= 0x10; // XMLCONFIG_CREATE
3627 break;
3628 case "delete":
3629 flags |= 0x20; // XMLCONFIG_DELETE
3630 break;
3631 default:
3632 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName, actionValue, "create", "delete"));
3633 break;
3634 }
3635 }
3636 break;
3637 case "ElementId":
3638 elementId = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3639 break;
3640 case "ElementPath":
3641 elementPath = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3642 break;
3643 case "File":
3644 file = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3645 break;
3646 case "Name":
3647 name = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3648 break;
3649 case "Node":
3650 if (nested)
3651 {
3652 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeWhenNested(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName, element.Parent.Name.LocalName));
3653 }
3654 else
3655 {
3656 string nodeValue = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3657 switch (nodeValue)
3658 {
3659 case "element":
3660 flags |= 0x1; // XMLCONFIG_ELEMENT
3661 break;
3662 case "value":
3663 flags |= 0x2; // XMLCONFIG_VALUE
3664 break;
3665 case "document":
3666 flags |= 0x4; // XMLCONFIG_DOCUMENT
3667 break;
3668 default:
3669 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName, nodeValue, "element", "value", "document"));
3670 break;
3671 }
3672 }
3673 break;
3674 case "On":
3675 if (nested)
3676 {
3677 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeWhenNested(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName, element.Parent.Name.LocalName));
3678 }
3679 else
3680 {
3681 string onValue = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3682 switch (onValue)
3683 {
3684 case "install":
3685 flags |= 0x100; // XMLCONFIG_INSTALL
3686 break;
3687 case "uninstall":
3688 flags |= 0x200; // XMLCONFIG_UNINSTALL
3689 break;
3690 default:
3691 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, attrib.Name.LocalName, onValue, "install", "uninstall"));
3692 break;
3693 }
3694 }
3695 break;
3696 case "PreserveModifiedDate":
3697 if (YesNoType.Yes == this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeYesNoValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib))
3698 {
3699 flags |= 0x00001000; // XMLCONFIG_PRESERVE_MODIFIED
3700 }
3701 break;
3702 case "Sequence":
3703 sequence = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeIntegerValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib, 1, short.MaxValue);
3704 break;
3705 case "Value":
3706 value = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3707 break;
3708 case "VerifyPath":
3709 verifyPath = this.ParseHelper.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);
3710 break;
3711 default:
3712 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedAttribute(element, attrib);
3713 break;
3714 }
3715 }
3716 else
3717 {
3718 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionAttribute(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, attrib);
3719 }
3720 }
3722 if (null == id)
3723 {
3724 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Id"));
3725 }
3727 if (null == file)
3728 {
3729 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "File"));
3730 }
3732 if (null == elementId && null == elementPath)
3733 {
3734 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.ExpectedAttributes(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "ElementId", "ElementPath"));
3735 }
3736 else if (null != elementId)
3737 {
3738 if (null != elementPath)
3739 {
3740 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeWithOtherAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "ElementId", "ElementPath"));
3741 }
3743 if (0 != flags)
3744 {
3745 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeWithOtherAttributes(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "ElementId", "Action", "Node", "On"));
3746 }
3748 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "XmlConfig", elementId);
3749 }
3751 string innerText = this.ParseHelper.GetTrimmedInnerText(element);
3752 if (null != value)
3753 {
3754 // cannot specify both the value attribute and inner text
3755 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(innerText))
3756 {
3757 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.IllegalAttributeWithInnerText(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, "Value"));
3758 }
3759 }
3760 else // value attribute not specified
3761 {
3762 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(innerText))
3763 {
3764 value = innerText;
3765 }
3766 }
3768 // find unexpected child elements
3769 foreach (XElement child in element.Elements())
3770 {
3771 if (this.Namespace == child.Name.Namespace)
3772 {
3773 switch (child.Name.LocalName)
3774 {
3775 case "XmlConfig":
3776 if (nested)
3777 {
3778 this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.UnexpectedElement(sourceLineNumbers, element.Name.LocalName, child.Name.LocalName));
3779 }
3780 else
3781 {
3782 this.ParseXmlConfigElement(intermediate, section, child, componentId, true);
3783 }
3784 break;
3785 default:
3786 this.ParseHelper.UnexpectedElement(element, child);
3787 break;
3788 }
3789 }
3790 else
3791 {
3792 this.ParseHelper.ParseExtensionElement(this.Context.Extensions, intermediate, section, element, child);
3793 }
3794 }
3796 if (!this.Messaging.EncounteredError)
3797 {
3798 var row = this.ParseHelper.CreateRow(section, sourceLineNumbers, "XmlConfig");
3799 row.Set(0, id);
3800 row.Set(1, file);
3801 row.Set(2, elementId ?? elementPath);
3802 row.Set(3, verifyPath);
3803 row.Set(4, name);
3804 row.Set(5, value);
3805 row.Set(6, flags);
3806 row.Set(7, componentId);
3807 if (CompilerConstants.IntegerNotSet != sequence)
3808 {
3809 row.Set(8, sequence);
3810 }
3811 }
3813 // Reference SchedXmlConfig since nothing will happen without it
3814 if (this.Context.Platform == Platform.ARM)
3815 {
3816 // Ensure ARM version of the CA is referenced
3817 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "SchedXmlConfig_ARM");
3818 }
3819 else
3820 {
3821 // All other supported platforms use x86
3822 this.ParseHelper.CreateSimpleReference(section, sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "SchedXmlConfig");
3823 }
3824 }
3826 /// <summary>
3827 /// Match evaluator to escape properties in a string.
3828 /// </summary>
3829 private string EscapeProperties(Match match)
3830 {
3831 string escape = null;
3832 switch (match.Value)
3833 {
3834 case "[":
3835 escape = @"[\[]";
3836 break;
3837 case "]":
3838 escape = @"[\]]";
3839 break;
3840 }
3842 return escape;
3843 }
3845 private int CreateIntegerFromBitArray(BitArray bits)
3846 {
3847 if (32 != bits.Length)
3848 {
3849 throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Can only convert a bit array with 32-bits to integer. Actual number of bits in array: {0}", bits.Length), "bits");
3850 }
3852 int[] intArray = new int[1];
3853 bits.CopyTo(intArray, 0);
3855 return intArray[0];
3856 }
3858 private bool TrySetBitFromName(string[] attributeNames, string attributeName, YesNoType attributeValue, BitArray bits, int offset)
3859 {
3860 for (int i = 0; i < attributeNames.Length; i++)
3861 {
3862 if (attributeName.Equals(attributeNames[i], StringComparison.Ordinal))
3863 {
3864 bits.Set(i + offset, YesNoType.Yes == attributeValue);
3865 return true;
3866 }
3867 }
3869 return false;
3870 }
3872 /// <summary>
3873 /// Private class that stores the data from a parsed PerformanceCounter element.
3874 /// </summary>
3875 private class ParsedPerformanceCounter
3876 {
3877 string name;
3878 string help;
3879 int type;
3880 string language;
3882 internal ParsedPerformanceCounter(string name, string help, System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType type, int language)
3883 {
3884 this.name = name;
3885 this.help = help;
3886 this.type = (int)type;
3887 this.language = language.ToString("D3", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
3888 }
3890 internal string Name
3891 {
3892 get { return this.name; }
3893 }
3895 internal string Help
3896 {
3897 get { return this.help; }
3898 }
3900 internal int Type
3901 {
3902 get { return this.type; }
3903 }
3905 internal string Language
3906 {
3907 get { return this.language; }
3908 }
3909 }
3910 }
diff --git a/src/wixext/UtilConstants.cs b/src/wixext/UtilConstants.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28ff368f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/UtilConstants.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 /// <summary>
6 /// Constants used by Utility Extension.
7 /// </summary>
8 internal static class UtilConstants
9 {
10 internal static readonly string[] FilePermissions = { "Read", "Write", "Append", "ReadExtendedAttributes", "WriteExtendedAttributes", "Execute", null, "ReadAttributes", "WriteAttributes" };
11 internal static readonly string[] FolderPermissions = { "Read", "CreateFile", "CreateChild", "ReadExtendedAttributes", "WriteExtendedAttributes", "Traverse", "DeleteChild", "ReadAttributes", "WriteAttributes" };
12 internal static readonly string[] GenericPermissions = { "GenericAll", "GenericExecute", "GenericWrite", "GenericRead" };
13 internal static readonly string[] RegistryPermissions = { "Read", "Write", "CreateSubkeys", "EnumerateSubkeys", "Notify", "CreateLink" };
14 internal static readonly string[] ServicePermissions = { "ServiceQueryConfig", "ServiceChangeConfig", "ServiceQueryStatus", "ServiceEnumerateDependents", "ServiceStart", "ServiceStop", "ServicePauseContinue", "ServiceInterrogate", "ServiceUserDefinedControl" };
15 internal static readonly string[] StandardPermissions = { "Delete", "ReadPermission", "ChangePermission", "TakeOwnership", "Synchronize" };
16 }
diff --git a/src/wixext/UtilDecompiler.cs b/src/wixext/UtilDecompiler.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ef3390f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/UtilDecompiler.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,1543 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Extensions
6 using System;
7 using System.IO;
8 using System.Text;
9 using System.Collections;
10 using System.Diagnostics;
11 using System.Globalization;
13 using Util = WixToolset.Extensions.Serialize.Util;
14 using WixToolset.Data;
15 using WixToolset.Extensibility;
16 using Wix = WixToolset.Data.Serialize;
18 /// <summary>
19 /// The decompiler for the WiX Toolset Utility Extension.
20 /// </summary>
21 public sealed class UtilDecompiler : DecompilerExtension
22 {
23 /// <summary>
24 /// Creates a decompiler for Utility Extension.
25 /// </summary>
26 public UtilDecompiler()
27 {
28 this.TableDefinitions = UtilExtensionData.GetExtensionTableDefinitions();
29 }
31 /// <summary>
32 /// Get the extensions library to be removed.
33 /// </summary>
34 /// <param name="tableDefinitions">Table definitions for library.</param>
35 /// <returns>Library to remove from decompiled output.</returns>
36 public override Library GetLibraryToRemove(TableDefinitionCollection tableDefinitions)
37 {
38 return UtilExtensionData.GetExtensionLibrary(tableDefinitions);
39 }
41 /// <summary>
42 /// Called at the beginning of the decompilation of a database.
43 /// </summary>
44 /// <param name="tables">The collection of all tables.</param>
45 public override void Initialize(TableIndexedCollection tables)
46 {
47 this.CleanupSecureCustomProperties(tables);
48 this.CleanupInternetShortcutRemoveFileTables(tables);
49 }
51 /// <summary>
52 /// Decompile the SecureCustomProperties field to PropertyRefs for known extension properties.
53 /// </summary>
54 /// <remarks>
55 /// If we've referenced any of the suite or directory properties, add
56 /// a PropertyRef to refer to the Property (and associated custom action)
57 /// from the extension's library. Then remove the property from
58 /// SecureCustomExtensions property so later decompilation won't create
59 /// new Property elements.
60 /// </remarks>
61 /// <param name="tables">The collection of all tables.</param>
62 private void CleanupSecureCustomProperties(TableIndexedCollection tables)
63 {
64 Table propertyTable = tables["Property"];
66 if (null != propertyTable)
67 {
68 foreach (Row row in propertyTable.Rows)
69 {
70 if ("SecureCustomProperties" == row[0].ToString())
71 {
72 StringBuilder remainingProperties = new StringBuilder();
73 string[] secureCustomProperties = row[1].ToString().Split(';');
74 foreach (string property in secureCustomProperties)
75 {
76 if (property.StartsWith("WIX_SUITE_", StringComparison.Ordinal) || property.StartsWith("WIX_DIR_", StringComparison.Ordinal)
77 || property.StartsWith("WIX_ACCOUNT_", StringComparison.Ordinal))
78 {
79 Wix.PropertyRef propertyRef = new Wix.PropertyRef();
80 propertyRef.Id = property;
81 this.Core.RootElement.AddChild(propertyRef);
82 }
83 else
84 {
85 if (0 < remainingProperties.Length)
86 {
87 remainingProperties.Append(";");
88 }
89 remainingProperties.Append(property);
90 }
91 }
93 row[1] = remainingProperties.ToString();
94 break;
95 }
96 }
97 }
98 }
100 /// <summary>
101 /// Remove RemoveFile rows that the InternetShortcut compiler extension adds for us.
102 /// </summary>
103 /// <param name="tables">The collection of all tables.</param>
104 private void CleanupInternetShortcutRemoveFileTables(TableIndexedCollection tables)
105 {
106 // index the WixInternetShortcut table
107 Table wixInternetShortcutTable = tables["WixInternetShortcut"];
108 Hashtable wixInternetShortcuts = new Hashtable();
109 if (null != wixInternetShortcutTable)
110 {
111 foreach (Row row in wixInternetShortcutTable.Rows)
112 {
113 wixInternetShortcuts.Add(row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), row);
114 }
115 }
117 // remove the RemoveFile rows with primary keys that match the WixInternetShortcut table's
118 Table removeFileTable = tables["RemoveFile"];
119 if (null != removeFileTable)
120 {
121 for (int i = removeFileTable.Rows.Count - 1; 0 <= i; i--)
122 {
123 if (null != wixInternetShortcuts[removeFileTable.Rows[i][0]])
124 {
125 removeFileTable.Rows.RemoveAt(i);
126 }
127 }
128 }
129 }
131 /// <summary>
132 /// Decompiles an extension table.
133 /// </summary>
134 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
135 public override void DecompileTable(Table table)
136 {
137 switch (table.Name)
138 {
139 case "WixCloseApplication":
140 this.DecompileWixCloseApplicationTable(table);
141 break;
142 case "WixRemoveFolderEx":
143 this.DecompileWixRemoveFolderExTable(table);
144 break;
145 case "WixRestartResource":
146 this.DecompileWixRestartResourceTable(table);
147 break;
148 case "FileShare":
149 this.DecompileFileShareTable(table);
150 break;
151 case "FileSharePermissions":
152 this.DecompileFileSharePermissionsTable(table);
153 break;
154 case "WixInternetShortcut":
155 this.DecompileWixInternetShortcutTable(table);
156 break;
157 case "Group":
158 this.DecompileGroupTable(table);
159 break;
160 case "Perfmon":
161 this.DecompilePerfmonTable(table);
162 break;
163 case "PerfmonManifest":
164 this.DecompilePerfmonManifestTable(table);
165 break;
166 case "EventManifest":
167 this.DecompileEventManifestTable(table);
168 break;
169 case "SecureObjects":
170 this.DecompileSecureObjectsTable(table);
171 break;
172 case "ServiceConfig":
173 this.DecompileServiceConfigTable(table);
174 break;
175 case "User":
176 this.DecompileUserTable(table);
177 break;
178 case "UserGroup":
179 this.DecompileUserGroupTable(table);
180 break;
181 case "XmlConfig":
182 this.DecompileXmlConfigTable(table);
183 break;
184 case "XmlFile":
185 // XmlFile decompilation has been moved to FinalizeXmlFileTable function
186 break;
187 default:
188 base.DecompileTable(table);
189 break;
190 }
191 }
193 /// <summary>
194 /// Finalize decompilation.
195 /// </summary>
196 /// <param name="tables">The collection of all tables.</param>
197 public override void Finish(TableIndexedCollection tables)
198 {
199 this.FinalizePerfmonTable(tables);
200 this.FinalizePerfmonManifestTable(tables);
201 this.FinalizeSecureObjectsTable(tables);
202 this.FinalizeServiceConfigTable(tables);
203 this.FinalizeXmlConfigTable(tables);
204 this.FinalizeXmlFileTable(tables);
205 this.FinalizeEventManifestTable(tables);
206 }
208 /// <summary>
209 /// Decompile the WixCloseApplication table.
210 /// </summary>
211 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
212 private void DecompileWixCloseApplicationTable(Table table)
213 {
214 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
215 {
216 Util.CloseApplication closeApplication = new Util.CloseApplication();
218 closeApplication.Id = (string)row[0];
220 closeApplication.Target = (string)row[1];
222 if (null != row[2])
223 {
224 closeApplication.Description = (string)row[2];
225 }
227 if (null != row[3])
228 {
229 closeApplication.Content = (string)row[3];
230 }
232 // set defaults
233 closeApplication.CloseMessage = Util.YesNoType.no;
234 closeApplication.RebootPrompt = Util.YesNoType.yes;
235 closeApplication.ElevatedCloseMessage = Util.YesNoType.no;
237 if (null != row[4])
238 {
239 int attribute = (int)row[4];
241 closeApplication.CloseMessage = (0x1 == (attribute & 0x1)) ? Util.YesNoType.yes : Util.YesNoType.no;
242 closeApplication.RebootPrompt = (0x2 == (attribute & 0x2)) ? Util.YesNoType.yes : Util.YesNoType.no;
243 closeApplication.ElevatedCloseMessage = (0x4 == (attribute & 0x4)) ? Util.YesNoType.yes : Util.YesNoType.no;
244 }
246 if (null != row[5])
247 {
248 closeApplication.Sequence = (int)row[5];
249 }
251 if (null != row[6])
252 {
253 closeApplication.Property = (string)row[6];
254 }
256 this.Core.RootElement.AddChild(closeApplication);
257 }
258 }
260 /// <summary>
261 /// Decompile the WixRemoveFolderEx table.
262 /// </summary>
263 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
264 private void DecompileWixRemoveFolderExTable(Table table)
265 {
266 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
267 {
268 // Set the Id even if auto-generated previously.
269 Util.RemoveFolderEx removeFolder = new Util.RemoveFolderEx();
270 removeFolder.Id = (string)row[0];
271 removeFolder.Property = (string)row[2];
273 int installMode = (int)row[3];
274 switch ((UtilCompiler.WixRemoveFolderExOn)installMode)
275 {
276 case UtilCompiler.WixRemoveFolderExOn.Install:
277 removeFolder.On = Util.RemoveFolderEx.OnType.install;
278 break;
280 case UtilCompiler.WixRemoveFolderExOn.Uninstall:
281 removeFolder.On = Util.RemoveFolderEx.OnType.uninstall;
282 break;
284 case UtilCompiler.WixRemoveFolderExOn.Both:
285 removeFolder.On = Util.RemoveFolderEx.OnType.both;
286 break;
288 default:
289 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.UnrepresentableColumnValue(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, "InstallMode", installMode));
290 break;
291 }
293 // Add to the appropriate Component or section element.
294 string componentId = (string)row[1];
295 Wix.Component component = (Wix.Component)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("Component", componentId);
296 if (null != component)
297 {
298 component.AddChild(removeFolder);
299 }
300 else
301 {
302 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "Component_", componentId, "Component"));
303 }
304 }
305 }
307 /// <summary>
308 /// Decompile the WixRestartResource table.
309 /// </summary>
310 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
311 private void DecompileWixRestartResourceTable(Table table)
312 {
313 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
314 {
315 // Set the Id even if auto-generated previously.
316 Util.RestartResource restartResource = new Util.RestartResource();
317 restartResource.Id = (string)row[0];
319 // Determine the resource type and set accordingly.
320 string resource = (string)row[2];
321 int attributes = (int)row[3];
322 UtilCompiler.WixRestartResourceAttributes type = (UtilCompiler.WixRestartResourceAttributes)(attributes & (int)UtilCompiler.WixRestartResourceAttributes.TypeMask);
324 switch (type)
325 {
326 case UtilCompiler.WixRestartResourceAttributes.Filename:
327 restartResource.Path = resource;
328 break;
330 case UtilCompiler.WixRestartResourceAttributes.ProcessName:
331 restartResource.ProcessName = resource;
332 break;
334 case UtilCompiler.WixRestartResourceAttributes.ServiceName:
335 restartResource.ServiceName = resource;
336 break;
338 default:
339 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.UnrepresentableColumnValue(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, "Attributes", attributes));
340 break;
341 }
343 // Add to the appropriate Component or section element.
344 string componentId = (string)row[1];
345 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(componentId))
346 {
347 Wix.Component component = (Wix.Component)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("Component", componentId);
348 if (null != component)
349 {
350 component.AddChild(restartResource);
351 }
352 else
353 {
354 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "Component_", componentId, "Component"));
355 }
356 }
357 else
358 {
359 this.Core.RootElement.AddChild(restartResource);
360 }
361 }
362 }
364 /// <summary>
365 /// Decompile the FileShare table.
366 /// </summary>
367 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
368 private void DecompileFileShareTable(Table table)
369 {
370 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
371 {
372 Util.FileShare fileShare = new Util.FileShare();
374 fileShare.Id = (string)row[0];
376 fileShare.Name = (string)row[1];
378 if (null != row[3])
379 {
380 fileShare.Description = (string)row[3];
381 }
383 // the Directory_ column is set by the parent Component
385 // the User_ and Permissions columns are deprecated
387 Wix.Component component = (Wix.Component)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("Component", (string)row[2]);
388 if (null != component)
389 {
390 component.AddChild(fileShare);
391 }
392 else
393 {
394 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "Component_", (string)row[2], "Component"));
395 }
396 this.Core.IndexElement(row, fileShare);
397 }
398 }
400 /// <summary>
401 /// Decompile the FileSharePermissions table.
402 /// </summary>
403 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
404 private void DecompileFileSharePermissionsTable(Table table)
405 {
406 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
407 {
408 Util.FileSharePermission fileSharePermission = new Util.FileSharePermission();
410 fileSharePermission.User = (string)row[1];
412 string[] specialPermissions = UtilConstants.FolderPermissions;
413 int permissions = (int)row[2];
414 for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
415 {
416 if (0 != ((permissions >> i) & 1))
417 {
418 string name = null;
420 if (16 > i && specialPermissions.Length > i)
421 {
422 name = specialPermissions[i];
423 }
424 else if (28 > i && UtilConstants.StandardPermissions.Length > (i - 16))
425 {
426 name = UtilConstants.StandardPermissions[i - 16];
427 }
428 else if (0 <= (i - 28) && UtilConstants.GenericPermissions.Length > (i - 28))
429 {
430 name = UtilConstants.GenericPermissions[i - 28];
431 }
433 if (null == name)
434 {
435 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.UnknownPermission(row.SourceLineNumbers, row.Table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), i));
436 }
437 else
438 {
439 switch (name)
440 {
441 case "ChangePermission":
442 fileSharePermission.ChangePermission = Util.YesNoType.yes;
443 break;
444 case "CreateChild":
445 fileSharePermission.CreateChild = Util.YesNoType.yes;
446 break;
447 case "CreateFile":
448 fileSharePermission.CreateFile = Util.YesNoType.yes;
449 break;
450 case "Delete":
451 fileSharePermission.Delete = Util.YesNoType.yes;
452 break;
453 case "DeleteChild":
454 fileSharePermission.DeleteChild = Util.YesNoType.yes;
455 break;
456 case "GenericAll":
457 fileSharePermission.GenericAll = Util.YesNoType.yes;
458 break;
459 case "GenericExecute":
460 fileSharePermission.GenericExecute = Util.YesNoType.yes;
461 break;
462 case "GenericRead":
463 fileSharePermission.GenericRead = Util.YesNoType.yes;
464 break;
465 case "GenericWrite":
466 fileSharePermission.GenericWrite = Util.YesNoType.yes;
467 break;
468 case "Read":
469 fileSharePermission.Read = Util.YesNoType.yes;
470 break;
471 case "ReadAttributes":
472 fileSharePermission.ReadAttributes = Util.YesNoType.yes;
473 break;
474 case "ReadExtendedAttributes":
475 fileSharePermission.ReadExtendedAttributes = Util.YesNoType.yes;
476 break;
477 case "ReadPermission":
478 fileSharePermission.ReadPermission = Util.YesNoType.yes;
479 break;
480 case "Synchronize":
481 fileSharePermission.Synchronize = Util.YesNoType.yes;
482 break;
483 case "TakeOwnership":
484 fileSharePermission.TakeOwnership = Util.YesNoType.yes;
485 break;
486 case "Traverse":
487 fileSharePermission.Traverse = Util.YesNoType.yes;
488 break;
489 case "WriteAttributes":
490 fileSharePermission.WriteAttributes = Util.YesNoType.yes;
491 break;
492 case "WriteExtendedAttributes":
493 fileSharePermission.WriteExtendedAttributes = Util.YesNoType.yes;
494 break;
495 default:
496 Debug.Fail(String.Format("Unknown permission '{0}'.", name));
497 break;
498 }
499 }
500 }
501 }
503 Util.FileShare fileShare = (Util.FileShare)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("FileShare", (string)row[0]);
504 if (null != fileShare)
505 {
506 fileShare.AddChild(fileSharePermission);
507 }
508 else
509 {
510 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "FileShare_", (string)row[0], "FileShare"));
511 }
512 }
513 }
515 /// <summary>
516 /// Decompile the Group table.
517 /// </summary>
518 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
519 private void DecompileGroupTable(Table table)
520 {
521 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
522 {
523 Util.Group group = new Util.Group();
525 group.Id = (string)row[0];
527 if (null != row[1])
528 {
529 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.UnrepresentableColumnValue(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, "Component_", (string)row[1]));
530 }
532 group.Name = (string)row[2];
534 if (null != row[3])
535 {
536 group.Domain = (string)row[3];
537 }
539 this.Core.RootElement.AddChild(group);
540 }
541 }
543 /// <summary>
544 /// Decompile the WixInternetShortcut table.
545 /// </summary>
546 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
547 private void DecompileWixInternetShortcutTable(Table table)
548 {
549 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
550 {
551 Util.InternetShortcut internetShortcut = new Util.InternetShortcut();
552 internetShortcut.Id = (string)row[0];
553 internetShortcut.Directory = (string)row[2];
554 // remove .lnk/.url extension because compiler extension adds it back for us
555 internetShortcut.Name = Path.ChangeExtension((string)row[3], null);
556 internetShortcut.Target = (string)row[4];
557 internetShortcut.IconFile = (string)row[6];
558 internetShortcut.IconIndex = (int)row[7];
560 UtilCompiler.InternetShortcutType shortcutType = (UtilCompiler.InternetShortcutType)row[5];
561 switch (shortcutType)
562 {
563 case UtilCompiler.InternetShortcutType.Link:
564 internetShortcut.Type = Util.InternetShortcut.TypeType.link;
565 break;
566 case UtilCompiler.InternetShortcutType.Url:
567 internetShortcut.Type = Util.InternetShortcut.TypeType.url;
568 break;
569 }
571 Wix.Component component = (Wix.Component)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("Component", (string)row[1]);
572 if (null != component)
573 {
574 component.AddChild(internetShortcut);
575 }
576 else
577 {
578 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "Component_", (string)row[1], "Component"));
579 }
581 this.Core.IndexElement(row, internetShortcut);
582 }
583 }
585 /// <summary>
586 /// Decompile the Perfmon table.
587 /// </summary>
588 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
589 private void DecompilePerfmonTable(Table table)
590 {
591 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
592 {
593 Util.PerfCounter perfCounter = new Util.PerfCounter();
595 perfCounter.Name = (string)row[2];
597 this.Core.IndexElement(row, perfCounter);
598 }
599 }
601 /// <summary>
602 /// Decompile the PerfmonManifest table.
603 /// </summary>
604 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
605 private void DecompilePerfmonManifestTable(Table table)
606 {
607 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
608 {
609 Util.PerfCounterManifest perfCounterManifest = new Util.PerfCounterManifest();
611 perfCounterManifest.ResourceFileDirectory = (string)row[2];
613 this.Core.IndexElement(row, perfCounterManifest);
614 }
615 }
617 /// <summary>
618 /// Decompile the EventManifest table.
619 /// </summary>
620 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
621 private void DecompileEventManifestTable(Table table)
622 {
623 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
624 {
625 Util.EventManifest eventManifest = new Util.EventManifest();
626 this.Core.IndexElement(row, eventManifest);
627 }
628 }
630 /// <summary>
631 /// Decompile the SecureObjects table.
632 /// </summary>
633 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
634 private void DecompileSecureObjectsTable(Table table)
635 {
636 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
637 {
638 Util.PermissionEx permissionEx = new Util.PermissionEx();
640 string[] specialPermissions;
641 switch ((string)row[1])
642 {
643 case "CreateFolder":
644 specialPermissions = UtilConstants.FolderPermissions;
645 break;
646 case "File":
647 specialPermissions = UtilConstants.FilePermissions;
648 break;
649 case "Registry":
650 specialPermissions = UtilConstants.RegistryPermissions;
651 break;
652 case "ServiceInstall":
653 specialPermissions = UtilConstants.ServicePermissions;
654 break;
655 default:
656 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.IllegalColumnValue(row.SourceLineNumbers, row.Table.Name, row.Fields[1].Column.Name, row[1]));
657 return;
658 }
660 int permissionBits = (int)row[4];
661 for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
662 {
663 if (0 != ((permissionBits >> i) & 1))
664 {
665 string name = null;
667 if (16 > i && specialPermissions.Length > i)
668 {
669 name = specialPermissions[i];
670 }
671 else if (28 > i && UtilConstants.StandardPermissions.Length > (i - 16))
672 {
673 name = UtilConstants.StandardPermissions[i - 16];
674 }
675 else if (0 <= (i - 28) && UtilConstants.GenericPermissions.Length > (i - 28))
676 {
677 name = UtilConstants.GenericPermissions[i - 28];
678 }
680 if (null == name)
681 {
682 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.UnknownPermission(row.SourceLineNumbers, row.Table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), i));
683 }
684 else
685 {
686 switch (name)
687 {
688 case "Append":
689 permissionEx.Append = Util.YesNoType.yes;
690 break;
691 case "ChangePermission":
692 permissionEx.ChangePermission = Util.YesNoType.yes;
693 break;
694 case "CreateChild":
695 permissionEx.CreateChild = Util.YesNoType.yes;
696 break;
697 case "CreateFile":
698 permissionEx.CreateFile = Util.YesNoType.yes;
699 break;
700 case "CreateLink":
701 permissionEx.CreateLink = Util.YesNoType.yes;
702 break;
703 case "CreateSubkeys":
704 permissionEx.CreateSubkeys = Util.YesNoType.yes;
705 break;
706 case "Delete":
707 permissionEx.Delete = Util.YesNoType.yes;
708 break;
709 case "DeleteChild":
710 permissionEx.DeleteChild = Util.YesNoType.yes;
711 break;
712 case "EnumerateSubkeys":
713 permissionEx.EnumerateSubkeys = Util.YesNoType.yes;
714 break;
715 case "Execute":
716 permissionEx.Execute = Util.YesNoType.yes;
717 break;
718 case "GenericAll":
719 permissionEx.GenericAll = Util.YesNoType.yes;
720 break;
721 case "GenericExecute":
722 permissionEx.GenericExecute = Util.YesNoType.yes;
723 break;
724 case "GenericRead":
725 permissionEx.GenericRead = Util.YesNoType.yes;
726 break;
727 case "GenericWrite":
728 permissionEx.GenericWrite = Util.YesNoType.yes;
729 break;
730 case "Notify":
731 permissionEx.Notify = Util.YesNoType.yes;
732 break;
733 case "Read":
734 permissionEx.Read = Util.YesNoType.yes;
735 break;
736 case "ReadAttributes":
737 permissionEx.ReadAttributes = Util.YesNoType.yes;
738 break;
739 case "ReadExtendedAttributes":
740 permissionEx.ReadExtendedAttributes = Util.YesNoType.yes;
741 break;
742 case "ReadPermission":
743 permissionEx.ReadPermission = Util.YesNoType.yes;
744 break;
745 case "ServiceChangeConfig":
746 permissionEx.ServiceChangeConfig = Util.YesNoType.yes;
747 break;
748 case "ServiceEnumerateDependents":
749 permissionEx.ServiceEnumerateDependents = Util.YesNoType.yes;
750 break;
751 case "ServiceInterrogate":
752 permissionEx.ServiceInterrogate = Util.YesNoType.yes;
753 break;
754 case "ServicePauseContinue":
755 permissionEx.ServicePauseContinue = Util.YesNoType.yes;
756 break;
757 case "ServiceQueryConfig":
758 permissionEx.ServiceQueryConfig = Util.YesNoType.yes;
759 break;
760 case "ServiceQueryStatus":
761 permissionEx.ServiceQueryStatus = Util.YesNoType.yes;
762 break;
763 case "ServiceStart":
764 permissionEx.ServiceStart = Util.YesNoType.yes;
765 break;
766 case "ServiceStop":
767 permissionEx.ServiceStop = Util.YesNoType.yes;
768 break;
769 case "ServiceUserDefinedControl":
770 permissionEx.ServiceUserDefinedControl = Util.YesNoType.yes;
771 break;
772 case "Synchronize":
773 permissionEx.Synchronize = Util.YesNoType.yes;
774 break;
775 case "TakeOwnership":
776 permissionEx.TakeOwnership = Util.YesNoType.yes;
777 break;
778 case "Traverse":
779 permissionEx.Traverse = Util.YesNoType.yes;
780 break;
781 case "Write":
782 permissionEx.Write = Util.YesNoType.yes;
783 break;
784 case "WriteAttributes":
785 permissionEx.WriteAttributes = Util.YesNoType.yes;
786 break;
787 case "WriteExtendedAttributes":
788 permissionEx.WriteExtendedAttributes = Util.YesNoType.yes;
789 break;
790 default:
791 throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Unknown permission attribute '{0}'.", name));
792 }
793 }
794 }
795 }
797 if (null != row[2])
798 {
799 permissionEx.Domain = (string)row[2];
800 }
802 permissionEx.User = (string)row[3];
804 this.Core.IndexElement(row, permissionEx);
805 }
806 }
808 /// <summary>
809 /// Decompile the ServiceConfig table.
810 /// </summary>
811 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
812 private void DecompileServiceConfigTable(Table table)
813 {
814 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
815 {
816 Util.ServiceConfig serviceConfig = new Util.ServiceConfig();
818 serviceConfig.ServiceName = (string)row[0];
820 switch ((string)row[3])
821 {
822 case "none":
823 serviceConfig.FirstFailureActionType = Util.ServiceConfig.FirstFailureActionTypeType.none;
824 break;
825 case "reboot":
826 serviceConfig.FirstFailureActionType = Util.ServiceConfig.FirstFailureActionTypeType.reboot;
827 break;
828 case "restart":
829 serviceConfig.FirstFailureActionType = Util.ServiceConfig.FirstFailureActionTypeType.restart;
830 break;
831 case "runCommand":
832 serviceConfig.FirstFailureActionType = Util.ServiceConfig.FirstFailureActionTypeType.runCommand;
833 break;
834 default:
835 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.IllegalColumnValue(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.Fields[3].Column.Name, row[3]));
836 break;
837 }
839 switch ((string)row[4])
840 {
841 case "none":
842 serviceConfig.SecondFailureActionType = Util.ServiceConfig.SecondFailureActionTypeType.none;
843 break;
844 case "reboot":
845 serviceConfig.SecondFailureActionType = Util.ServiceConfig.SecondFailureActionTypeType.reboot;
846 break;
847 case "restart":
848 serviceConfig.SecondFailureActionType = Util.ServiceConfig.SecondFailureActionTypeType.restart;
849 break;
850 case "runCommand":
851 serviceConfig.SecondFailureActionType = Util.ServiceConfig.SecondFailureActionTypeType.runCommand;
852 break;
853 default:
854 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.IllegalColumnValue(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.Fields[4].Column.Name, row[4]));
855 break;
856 }
858 switch ((string)row[5])
859 {
860 case "none":
861 serviceConfig.ThirdFailureActionType = Util.ServiceConfig.ThirdFailureActionTypeType.none;
862 break;
863 case "reboot":
864 serviceConfig.ThirdFailureActionType = Util.ServiceConfig.ThirdFailureActionTypeType.reboot;
865 break;
866 case "restart":
867 serviceConfig.ThirdFailureActionType = Util.ServiceConfig.ThirdFailureActionTypeType.restart;
868 break;
869 case "runCommand":
870 serviceConfig.ThirdFailureActionType = Util.ServiceConfig.ThirdFailureActionTypeType.runCommand;
871 break;
872 default:
873 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.IllegalColumnValue(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.Fields[5].Column.Name, row[5]));
874 break;
875 }
877 if (null != row[6])
878 {
879 serviceConfig.ResetPeriodInDays = (int)row[6];
880 }
882 if (null != row[7])
883 {
884 serviceConfig.RestartServiceDelayInSeconds = (int)row[7];
885 }
887 if (null != row[8])
888 {
889 serviceConfig.ProgramCommandLine = (string)row[8];
890 }
892 if (null != row[9])
893 {
894 serviceConfig.RebootMessage = (string)row[9];
895 }
897 this.Core.IndexElement(row, serviceConfig);
898 }
899 }
901 /// <summary>
902 /// Decompile the User table.
903 /// </summary>
904 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
905 private void DecompileUserTable(Table table)
906 {
907 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
908 {
909 Util.User user = new Util.User();
911 user.Id = (string)row[0];
913 user.Name = (string)row[2];
915 if (null != row[3])
916 {
917 user.Domain = (string)row[3];
918 }
920 if (null != row[4])
921 {
922 user.Password = (string)row[4];
923 }
925 if (null != row[5])
926 {
927 int attributes = (int)row[5];
929 if (UtilCompiler.UserDontExpirePasswrd == (attributes & UtilCompiler.UserDontExpirePasswrd))
930 {
931 user.PasswordNeverExpires = Util.YesNoType.yes;
932 }
934 if (UtilCompiler.UserPasswdCantChange == (attributes & UtilCompiler.UserPasswdCantChange))
935 {
936 user.CanNotChangePassword = Util.YesNoType.yes;
937 }
939 if (UtilCompiler.UserPasswdChangeReqdOnLogin == (attributes & UtilCompiler.UserPasswdChangeReqdOnLogin))
940 {
941 user.PasswordExpired = Util.YesNoType.yes;
942 }
944 if (UtilCompiler.UserDisableAccount == (attributes & UtilCompiler.UserDisableAccount))
945 {
946 user.Disabled = Util.YesNoType.yes;
947 }
949 if (UtilCompiler.UserFailIfExists == (attributes & UtilCompiler.UserFailIfExists))
950 {
951 user.FailIfExists = Util.YesNoType.yes;
952 }
954 if (UtilCompiler.UserUpdateIfExists == (attributes & UtilCompiler.UserUpdateIfExists))
955 {
956 user.UpdateIfExists = Util.YesNoType.yes;
957 }
959 if (UtilCompiler.UserLogonAsService == (attributes & UtilCompiler.UserLogonAsService))
960 {
961 user.LogonAsService = Util.YesNoType.yes;
962 }
964 if (UtilCompiler.UserDontRemoveOnUninstall == (attributes & UtilCompiler.UserDontRemoveOnUninstall))
965 {
966 user.RemoveOnUninstall = Util.YesNoType.no;
967 }
969 if (UtilCompiler.UserDontCreateUser == (attributes & UtilCompiler.UserDontCreateUser))
970 {
971 user.CreateUser = Util.YesNoType.no;
972 }
974 if (UtilCompiler.UserNonVital == (attributes & UtilCompiler.UserNonVital))
975 {
976 user.Vital = Util.YesNoType.no;
977 }
978 }
980 if (null != row[1])
981 {
982 Wix.Component component = (Wix.Component)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("Component", (string)row[1]);
984 if (null != component)
985 {
986 component.AddChild(user);
987 }
988 else
989 {
990 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "Component_", (string)row[1], "Component"));
991 }
992 }
993 else
994 {
995 this.Core.RootElement.AddChild(user);
996 }
997 this.Core.IndexElement(row, user);
998 }
999 }
1001 /// <summary>
1002 /// Decompile the UserGroup table.
1003 /// </summary>
1004 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
1005 private void DecompileUserGroupTable(Table table)
1006 {
1007 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
1008 {
1009 Util.User user = (Util.User)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("User", (string)row[0]);
1011 if (null != user)
1012 {
1013 Util.GroupRef groupRef = new Util.GroupRef();
1015 groupRef.Id = (string)row[1];
1017 user.AddChild(groupRef);
1018 }
1019 else
1020 {
1021 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "Group_", (string)row[0], "Group"));
1022 }
1023 }
1024 }
1026 /// <summary>
1027 /// Decompile the XmlConfig table.
1028 /// </summary>
1029 /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
1030 private void DecompileXmlConfigTable(Table table)
1031 {
1032 foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
1033 {
1034 Util.XmlConfig xmlConfig = new Util.XmlConfig();
1036 xmlConfig.Id = (string)row[0];
1038 xmlConfig.File = (string)row[1];
1040 xmlConfig.ElementPath = (string)row[2];
1042 if (null != row[3])
1043 {
1044 xmlConfig.VerifyPath = (string)row[3];
1045 }
1047 if (null != row[4])
1048 {
1049 xmlConfig.Name = (string)row[4];
1050 }
1052 if (null != row[5])
1053 {
1054 xmlConfig.Value = (string)row[5];
1055 }
1057 int flags = (int)row[6];
1059 if (0x1 == (flags & 0x1))
1060 {
1061 xmlConfig.Node = Util.XmlConfig.NodeType.element;
1062 }
1063 else if (0x2 == (flags & 0x2))
1064 {
1065 xmlConfig.Node = Util.XmlConfig.NodeType.value;
1066 }
1067 else if (0x4 == (flags & 0x4))
1068 {
1069 xmlConfig.Node = Util.XmlConfig.NodeType.document;
1070 }
1072 if (0x10 == (flags & 0x10))
1073 {
1074 xmlConfig.Action = Util.XmlConfig.ActionType.create;
1075 }
1076 else if (0x20 == (flags & 0x20))
1077 {
1078 xmlConfig.Action = Util.XmlConfig.ActionType.delete;
1079 }
1081 if (0x100 == (flags & 0x100))
1082 {
1083 xmlConfig.On = Util.XmlConfig.OnType.install;
1084 }
1085 else if (0x200 == (flags & 0x200))
1086 {
1087 xmlConfig.On = Util.XmlConfig.OnType.uninstall;
1088 }
1090 if (0x00001000 == (flags & 0x00001000))
1091 {
1092 xmlConfig.PreserveModifiedDate = Util.YesNoType.yes;
1093 }
1095 if (null != row[8])
1096 {
1097 xmlConfig.Sequence = (int)row[8];
1098 }
1100 this.Core.IndexElement(row, xmlConfig);
1101 }
1102 }
1104 /// <summary>
1105 /// Finalize the Perfmon table.
1106 /// </summary>
1107 /// <param name="tables">The collection of all tables.</param>
1108 /// <remarks>
1109 /// Since the PerfCounter element nests under a File element, but
1110 /// the Perfmon table does not have a foreign key relationship with
1111 /// the File table (instead it has a formatted string that usually
1112 /// refers to a file row - but doesn't have to), the nesting must
1113 /// be inferred during finalization.
1114 /// </remarks>
1115 private void FinalizePerfmonTable(TableIndexedCollection tables)
1116 {
1117 Table perfmonTable = tables["Perfmon"];
1119 if (null != perfmonTable)
1120 {
1121 foreach (Row row in perfmonTable.Rows)
1122 {
1123 string formattedFile = (string)row[1];
1124 Util.PerfCounter perfCounter = (Util.PerfCounter)this.Core.GetIndexedElement(row);
1126 // try to "de-format" the File column's value to determine the proper parent File element
1127 if ((formattedFile.StartsWith("[#", StringComparison.Ordinal) || formattedFile.StartsWith("[!", StringComparison.Ordinal))
1128 && formattedFile.EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))
1129 {
1130 string fileId = formattedFile.Substring(2, formattedFile.Length - 3);
1132 Wix.File file = (Wix.File)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("File", fileId);
1133 if (null != file)
1134 {
1135 file.AddChild(perfCounter);
1136 }
1137 else
1138 {
1139 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, perfmonTable.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "File", formattedFile, "File"));
1140 }
1141 }
1142 else
1143 {
1144 this.Core.OnMessage(UtilErrors.IllegalFileValueInPerfmonOrManifest(formattedFile, "Perfmon"));
1145 }
1146 }
1147 }
1148 }
1150 /// <summary>
1151 /// Finalize the PerfmonManifest table.
1152 /// </summary>
1153 /// <param name="tables">The collection of all tables.</param>
1154 private void FinalizePerfmonManifestTable(TableIndexedCollection tables)
1155 {
1156 Table perfmonManifestTable = tables["PerfmonManifest"];
1158 if (null != perfmonManifestTable)
1159 {
1160 foreach (Row row in perfmonManifestTable.Rows)
1161 {
1162 string formattedFile = (string)row[1];
1163 Util.PerfCounterManifest perfCounterManifest = (Util.PerfCounterManifest)this.Core.GetIndexedElement(row);
1165 // try to "de-format" the File column's value to determine the proper parent File element
1166 if ((formattedFile.StartsWith("[#", StringComparison.Ordinal) || formattedFile.StartsWith("[!", StringComparison.Ordinal))
1167 && formattedFile.EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))
1168 {
1169 string fileId = formattedFile.Substring(2, formattedFile.Length - 3);
1171 Wix.File file = (Wix.File)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("File", fileId);
1172 if (null != file)
1173 {
1174 file.AddChild(perfCounterManifest);
1175 }
1176 else
1177 {
1178 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, perfCounterManifest.ResourceFileDirectory, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "File", formattedFile, "File"));
1179 }
1180 }
1181 else
1182 {
1183 this.Core.OnMessage(UtilErrors.IllegalFileValueInPerfmonOrManifest(formattedFile, "PerfmonManifest"));
1184 }
1185 }
1186 }
1187 }
1189 /// <summary>
1190 /// Finalize the SecureObjects table.
1191 /// </summary>
1192 /// <param name="tables">The collection of all tables.</param>
1193 /// <remarks>
1194 /// Nests the PermissionEx elements below their parent elements. There are no declared foreign
1195 /// keys for the parents of the SecureObjects table.
1196 /// </remarks>
1197 private void FinalizeSecureObjectsTable(TableIndexedCollection tables)
1198 {
1199 Table createFolderTable = tables["CreateFolder"];
1200 Table secureObjectsTable = tables["SecureObjects"];
1202 Hashtable createFolders = new Hashtable();
1204 // index the CreateFolder table because the foreign key to this table from the
1205 // LockPermissions table is only part of the primary key of this table
1206 if (null != createFolderTable)
1207 {
1208 foreach (Row row in createFolderTable.Rows)
1209 {
1210 Wix.CreateFolder createFolder = (Wix.CreateFolder)this.Core.GetIndexedElement(row);
1211 string directoryId = (string)row[0];
1213 if (!createFolders.Contains(directoryId))
1214 {
1215 createFolders.Add(directoryId, new ArrayList());
1216 }
1217 ((ArrayList)createFolders[directoryId]).Add(createFolder);
1218 }
1219 }
1221 if (null != secureObjectsTable)
1222 {
1223 foreach (Row row in secureObjectsTable.Rows)
1224 {
1225 string id = (string)row[0];
1226 string table = (string)row[1];
1228 Util.PermissionEx permissionEx = (Util.PermissionEx)this.Core.GetIndexedElement(row);
1230 if ("CreateFolder" == table)
1231 {
1232 ArrayList createFolderElements = (ArrayList)createFolders[id];
1234 if (null != createFolderElements)
1235 {
1236 foreach (Wix.CreateFolder createFolder in createFolderElements)
1237 {
1238 createFolder.AddChild(permissionEx);
1239 }
1240 }
1241 else
1242 {
1243 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, "SecureObjects", row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "LockObject", id, table));
1244 }
1245 }
1246 else
1247 {
1248 Wix.IParentElement parentElement = (Wix.IParentElement)this.Core.GetIndexedElement(table, id);
1250 if (null != parentElement)
1251 {
1252 parentElement.AddChild(permissionEx);
1253 }
1254 else
1255 {
1256 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, "SecureObjects", row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "LockObject", id, table));
1257 }
1258 }
1259 }
1260 }
1261 }
1263 /// <summary>
1264 /// Finalize the ServiceConfig table.
1265 /// </summary>
1266 /// <param name="tables">The collection of all tables.</param>
1267 /// <remarks>
1268 /// Since there is no foreign key from the ServiceName column to the
1269 /// ServiceInstall table, this relationship must be handled late.
1270 /// </remarks>
1271 private void FinalizeServiceConfigTable(TableIndexedCollection tables)
1272 {
1273 Table serviceConfigTable = tables["ServiceConfig"];
1274 Table serviceInstallTable = tables["ServiceInstall"];
1276 Hashtable serviceInstalls = new Hashtable();
1278 // index the ServiceInstall table because the foreign key used by the ServiceConfig
1279 // table is actually the ServiceInstall.Name, not the ServiceInstall.ServiceInstall
1280 // this is unfortunate because the service Name is not guaranteed to be unique, so
1281 // decompiler must assume there could be multiple matches and add the ServiceConfig to each
1282 // TODO: the Component column information should be taken into acount to accurately identify
1283 // the correct column to use
1284 if (null != serviceInstallTable)
1285 {
1286 foreach (Row row in serviceInstallTable.Rows)
1287 {
1288 string name = (string)row[1];
1289 Wix.ServiceInstall serviceInstall = (Wix.ServiceInstall)this.Core.GetIndexedElement(row);
1291 if (!serviceInstalls.Contains(name))
1292 {
1293 serviceInstalls.Add(name, new ArrayList());
1294 }
1296 ((ArrayList)serviceInstalls[name]).Add(serviceInstall);
1297 }
1298 }
1300 if (null != serviceConfigTable)
1301 {
1302 foreach (Row row in serviceConfigTable.Rows)
1303 {
1304 Util.ServiceConfig serviceConfig = (Util.ServiceConfig)this.Core.GetIndexedElement(row);
1306 if (0 == (int)row[2])
1307 {
1308 Wix.Component component = (Wix.Component)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("Component", (string)row[1]);
1310 if (null != component)
1311 {
1312 component.AddChild(serviceConfig);
1313 }
1314 else
1315 {
1316 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, serviceConfigTable.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "Component_", (string)row[1], "Component"));
1317 }
1318 }
1319 else
1320 {
1321 ArrayList serviceInstallElements = (ArrayList)serviceInstalls[row[0]];
1323 if (null != serviceInstallElements)
1324 {
1325 foreach (Wix.ServiceInstall serviceInstall in serviceInstallElements)
1326 {
1327 serviceInstall.AddChild(serviceConfig);
1328 }
1329 }
1330 else
1331 {
1332 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, serviceConfigTable.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "ServiceName", (string)row[0], "ServiceInstall"));
1333 }
1334 }
1335 }
1336 }
1337 }
1339 /// <summary>
1340 /// Finalize the XmlConfig table.
1341 /// </summary>
1342 /// <param name="tables">Collection of all tables.</param>
1343 private void FinalizeXmlConfigTable(TableIndexedCollection tables)
1344 {
1345 Table xmlConfigTable = tables["XmlConfig"];
1347 if (null != xmlConfigTable)
1348 {
1349 foreach (Row row in xmlConfigTable.Rows)
1350 {
1351 Util.XmlConfig xmlConfig = (Util.XmlConfig)this.Core.GetIndexedElement(row);
1353 if (null == row[6] || 0 == (int)row[6])
1354 {
1355 Util.XmlConfig parentXmlConfig = (Util.XmlConfig)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("XmlConfig", (string)row[2]);
1357 if (null != parentXmlConfig)
1358 {
1359 parentXmlConfig.AddChild(xmlConfig);
1360 }
1361 else
1362 {
1363 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, xmlConfigTable.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "ElementPath", (string)row[2], "XmlConfig"));
1364 }
1365 }
1366 else
1367 {
1368 Wix.Component component = (Wix.Component)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("Component", (string)row[7]);
1370 if (null != component)
1371 {
1372 component.AddChild(xmlConfig);
1373 }
1374 else
1375 {
1376 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, xmlConfigTable.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "Component_", (string)row[7], "Component"));
1377 }
1378 }
1379 }
1380 }
1381 }
1384 /// <summary>
1385 /// Finalize the XmlFile table.
1386 /// </summary>
1387 /// <param name="tables">The collection of all tables.</param>
1388 /// <remarks>
1389 /// Some of the XmlFile table rows are compiler generated from util:EventManifest node
1390 /// These rows should not be appended to component.
1391 /// </remarks>
1392 private void FinalizeXmlFileTable(TableIndexedCollection tables)
1393 {
1394 Table xmlFileTable = tables["XmlFile"];
1395 Table eventManifestTable = tables["EventManifest"];
1397 if (null != xmlFileTable)
1398 {
1399 foreach (Row row in xmlFileTable.Rows)
1400 {
1401 bool bManifestGenerated = false;
1402 string xmlFileConfigId = (string)row[0];
1403 if (null != eventManifestTable)
1404 {
1405 foreach (Row emrow in eventManifestTable.Rows)
1406 {
1407 string formattedFile = (string)emrow[1];
1408 if ((formattedFile.StartsWith("[#", StringComparison.Ordinal) || formattedFile.StartsWith("[!", StringComparison.Ordinal))
1409 && formattedFile.EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))
1410 {
1411 string fileId = formattedFile.Substring(2, formattedFile.Length - 3);
1412 if (String.Equals(String.Concat("Config_", fileId, "ResourceFile"), xmlFileConfigId))
1413 {
1414 Util.EventManifest eventManifest = (Util.EventManifest)this.Core.GetIndexedElement(emrow);
1415 if (null != eventManifest)
1416 {
1417 eventManifest.ResourceFile = (string)row[4];
1418 }
1419 bManifestGenerated = true;
1420 }
1422 else if (String.Equals(String.Concat("Config_", fileId, "MessageFile"), xmlFileConfigId))
1423 {
1424 Util.EventManifest eventManifest = (Util.EventManifest)this.Core.GetIndexedElement(emrow);
1425 if (null != eventManifest)
1426 {
1427 eventManifest.MessageFile = (string)row[4];
1428 }
1429 bManifestGenerated = true;
1430 }
1431 }
1432 }
1433 }
1435 if (true == bManifestGenerated)
1436 continue;
1438 Util.XmlFile xmlFile = new Util.XmlFile();
1440 xmlFile.Id = (string)row[0];
1441 xmlFile.File = (string)row[1];
1442 xmlFile.ElementPath = (string)row[2];
1444 if (null != row[3])
1445 {
1446 xmlFile.Name = (string)row[3];
1447 }
1449 if (null != row[4])
1450 {
1451 xmlFile.Value = (string)row[4];
1452 }
1454 int flags = (int)row[5];
1455 if (0x1 == (flags & 0x1) && 0x2 == (flags & 0x2))
1456 {
1457 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.IllegalColumnValue(row.SourceLineNumbers, xmlFileTable.Name, row.Fields[5].Column.Name, row[5]));
1458 }
1459 else if (0x1 == (flags & 0x1))
1460 {
1461 xmlFile.Action = Util.XmlFile.ActionType.createElement;
1462 }
1463 else if (0x2 == (flags & 0x2))
1464 {
1465 xmlFile.Action = Util.XmlFile.ActionType.deleteValue;
1466 }
1467 else
1468 {
1469 xmlFile.Action = Util.XmlFile.ActionType.setValue;
1470 }
1472 if (0x100 == (flags & 0x100))
1473 {
1474 xmlFile.SelectionLanguage = Util.XmlFile.SelectionLanguageType.XPath;
1475 }
1477 if (0x00001000 == (flags & 0x00001000))
1478 {
1479 xmlFile.PreserveModifiedDate = Util.YesNoType.yes;
1480 }
1482 if (0x00010000 == (flags & 0x00010000))
1483 {
1484 xmlFile.Permanent = Util.YesNoType.yes;
1485 }
1487 if (null != row[7])
1488 {
1489 xmlFile.Sequence = (int)row[7];
1490 }
1492 Wix.Component component = (Wix.Component)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("Component", (string)row[6]);
1494 if (null != component)
1495 {
1496 component.AddChild(xmlFile);
1497 }
1498 else
1499 {
1500 this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, xmlFileTable.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "Component_", (string)row[6], "Component"));
1501 }
1502 }
1503 }
1504 }
1506 /// <summary>
1507 /// Finalize the eventManifest table.
1508 /// This function must be called after FinalizeXmlFileTable
1509 /// </summary>
1510 /// <param name="tables">The collection of all tables.</param>
1511 private void FinalizeEventManifestTable(TableIndexedCollection tables)
1512 {
1513 Table eventManifestTable = tables["EventManifest"];
1515 if (null != eventManifestTable)
1516 {
1517 foreach (Row row in eventManifestTable.Rows)
1518 {
1519 string formattedFile = (string)row[1];
1520 Util.EventManifest eventManifest = (Util.EventManifest)this.Core.GetIndexedElement(row);
1522 // try to "de-format" the File column's value to determine the proper parent File element
1523 if ((formattedFile.StartsWith("[#", StringComparison.Ordinal) || formattedFile.StartsWith("[!", StringComparison.Ordinal))
1524 && formattedFile.EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))
1525 {
1526 string fileId = formattedFile.Substring(2, formattedFile.Length - 3);
1528 Wix.File file = (Wix.File)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("File", fileId);
1529 if (null != file)
1530 {
1531 file.AddChild(eventManifest);
1532 }
1533 }
1534 else
1535 {
1536 this.Core.OnMessage(UtilErrors.IllegalFileValueInPerfmonOrManifest(formattedFile, "EventManifest"));
1537 }
1538 }
1539 }
1540 }
1541 }
diff --git a/src/wixext/UtilErrors.cs b/src/wixext/UtilErrors.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..988b8321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/UtilErrors.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using System;
6 using System.Resources;
7 using WixToolset.Data;
9 public static class UtilErrors
10 {
11 public static Message ArgumentRequiresValue(string argument)
12 {
13 return Message(null, Ids.ArgumentRequiresValue, "The argument '{0}' does not have a value specified and it is required.", argument);
14 }
16 public static Message CircularSearchReference(string chain)
17 {
18 return Message(null, Ids.CircularSearchReference, "A circular reference of search ordering constraints was detected: {0}. Search ordering references must form a directed acyclic graph.", chain);
19 }
21 public static Message DirectoryNotFound(string directory)
22 {
23 return Message(null, Ids.DirectoryNotFound, "The directory '{0}' could not be found.", directory);
24 }
26 public static Message EmptyDirectory(string directory)
27 {
28 return Message(null, Ids.EmptyDirectory, "The directory '{0}' did not contain any files or sub-directories and since empty directories are not being kept, there was nothing to harvest.", directory);
29 }
31 public static Message ErrorTransformingHarvestedWiX(string transform, string message)
32 {
33 return Message(null, Ids.ErrorTransformingHarvestedWiX, "Error applying transform {0} to harvested WiX: {1}", transform, message);
34 }
36 public static Message FileNotFound(string file)
37 {
38 return Message(null, Ids.FileNotFound, "The file '{0}' cannot be found.", file);
39 }
41 public static Message IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, string elementName, string attributeName)
42 {
43 return Message(sourceLineNumbers, Ids.IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent, "The {0}/@{1} attribute cannot be specified unless the element has a Component as an ancestor. A {0} that does not have a Component ancestor is not installed.", elementName, attributeName);
44 }
46 public static Message IllegalElementWithoutComponent(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, string elementName)
47 {
48 return Message(sourceLineNumbers, Ids.IllegalElementWithoutComponent, "The {0} element cannot be specified unless the element has a Component as an ancestor. A {0} that does not have a Component ancestor is not installed.", elementName);
49 }
51 public static Message IllegalFileValueInPerfmonOrManifest(string file, string table)
52 {
53 return Message(null, Ids.IllegalFileValueInPerfmonOrManifest, "The value '{0}' in the File column, {1} table is invalid. It should be in the form of '[#file]' or '[!file]'.", file, table);
54 }
56 public static Message InvalidRegistryObject(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, string registryElementName)
57 {
58 return Message(sourceLineNumbers, Ids.InvalidRegistryObject, "The {0} element has no id and cannot have its permissions set. If you want to set permissions on a 'placeholder' registry key, force its creation by setting the ForceCreateOnInstall attribute to yes.", registryElementName);
59 }
61 public static Message PerformanceCategoryNotFound(string key)
62 {
63 return Message(null, Ids.PerformanceCategoryNotFound, "Performance category '{0}' not found.", key);
64 }
66 public static Message SpacesNotAllowedInArgumentValue(string arg, string value)
67 {
68 return Message(null, Ids.SpacesNotAllowedInArgumentValue, "The switch '{0}' does not allow the spaces from the value. Please remove the spaces in from the value: {1}", arg, value);
69 }
71 public static Message UnableToOpenRegistryKey(string key)
72 {
73 return Message(null, Ids.UnableToOpenRegistryKey, "Unable to open registry key '{0}'.", key);
74 }
76 public static Message UnsupportedPerformanceCounterType(string key)
77 {
78 return Message(null, Ids.UnsupportedPerformanceCounterType, "Unsupported performance counter type '{0}'.", key);
79 }
81 private static Message Message(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Ids id, string format, params object[] args)
82 {
83 return new Message(sourceLineNumber, MessageLevel.Error, (int)id, format, args);
84 }
86 private static Message Message(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Ids id, ResourceManager resourceManager, string resourceName, params object[] args)
87 {
88 return new Message(sourceLineNumber, MessageLevel.Error, (int)id, resourceManager, resourceName, args);
89 }
91 public enum Ids
92 {
93 IllegalAttributeWithoutComponent = 5050,
94 IllegalElementWithoutComponent = 5051,
95 DirectoryNotFound = 5052,
96 EmptyDirectory = 5053,
97 IllegalFileValueInPerfmonOrManifest = 5054,
98 ErrorTransformingHarvestedWiX = 5055,
99 UnableToOpenRegistryKey = 5056,
100 SpacesNotAllowedInArgumentValue = 5057,
101 ArgumentRequiresValue = 5058,
102 FileNotFound = 5059,
103 PerformanceCategoryNotFound = 5060,
104 UnsupportedPerformanceCounterType = 5061,
105 CircularSearchReference = 5062,
106 InvalidRegistryObject = 5063,
107 }
108 }
diff --git a/src/wixext/UtilExtensionData.cs b/src/wixext/UtilExtensionData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7eefc238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/UtilExtensionData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using WixToolset.Data;
6 using WixToolset.Extensibility;
8 public sealed class UtilExtensionData : BaseExtensionData
9 {
10 public override bool TryGetTupleDefinitionByName(string name, out IntermediateTupleDefinition tupleDefinition)
11 {
12 tupleDefinition = UtilTupleDefinitions.ByName(name);
13 return tupleDefinition != null;
14 }
16 public override Intermediate GetLibrary(ITupleDefinitionCreator tupleDefinitions)
17 {
18 return Intermediate.Load(typeof(UtilExtensionData).Assembly, "WixToolset.Util.util.wixlib", tupleDefinitions);
19 }
20 }
diff --git a/src/wixext/UtilExtensionFactory.cs b/src/wixext/UtilExtensionFactory.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07bfae85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/UtilExtensionFactory.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using System;
6 using System.Collections.Generic;
7 using WixToolset.Extensibility;
9 public class UtilExtensionFactory : BaseExtensionFactory
10 {
11 protected override IEnumerable<Type> ExtensionTypes => new[]
12 {
13 typeof(UtilCompiler),
14 typeof(UtilExtensionData),
15 typeof(UtilWindowsInstallerBackendExtension),
16 };
17 }
diff --git a/src/wixext/UtilWarnings.cs b/src/wixext/UtilWarnings.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13dcea4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/UtilWarnings.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using System;
6 using System.Resources;
7 using WixToolset.Data;
9 public static class UtilWarnings
10 {
11 public static Message AssemblyHarvestFailed(string file, string message)
12 {
13 return Message(null, Ids.AssemblyHarvestFailed, "Could not harvest data from a file that was expected to be an assembly: {0}. If this file is not an assembly you can ignore this warning. Otherwise, this error detail may be helpful to diagnose the failure: {1}", file, message);
14 }
16 public static Message DeprecatedPerfCounterElement(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers)
17 {
18 return Message(sourceLineNumbers, Ids.DeprecatedPerfCounterElement, "The PerfCounter element has been deprecated. Please use the PerformanceCounter element instead.");
19 }
21 public static Message DuplicateDllRegistryEntry(string registryKey, string componentId)
22 {
23 return Message(null, Ids.DuplicateDllRegistryEntry, "Ignoring the registry key '{0}', it has already been added to the component '{1}'.", registryKey, componentId);
24 }
26 public static Message DuplicateDllRegistryEntry(string registryKey, string registryKeyValue, string componentId)
27 {
28 return Message(null, Ids.DuplicateDllRegistryEntry, "Ignoring the registry key '{0}', it has already been added to the component '{2}'. The registry key value '{1}' will not be harvested.", registryKey, registryKeyValue, componentId);
29 }
31 public static Message RequiredAttributeForWindowsXP(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, string elementName, string attributeName)
32 {
33 return Message(sourceLineNumbers, Ids.RequiredAttributeForWindowsXP, "The {0}/@{1} attribute must be specified to successfully install on Windows XP. You can ignore this warning if this installation does not install on Windows XP.", elementName, attributeName);
34 }
36 public static Message SelfRegHarvestFailed(string file, string message)
37 {
38 return Message(null, Ids.SelfRegHarvestFailed, "Could not harvest data from a file that was expected to be a SelfReg DLL: {0}. If this file does not support SelfReg you can ignore this warning. Otherwise, this error detail may be helpful to diagnose the failure: {1}", file, message);
39 }
41 public static Message TypeLibLoadFailed(string file, string message)
42 {
43 return Message(null, Ids.TypeLibLoadFailed, "Could not load file that was expected to be a type library based off of file extension: {0}. If this file is not a type library you can ignore this warning. Otherwise, this error detail may be helpful to diagnose the load failure: {1}", file, message);
44 }
46 public static Message UnsupportedRegistryType(string registryValue, int regFileLineNumber, string unsupportedType)
47 {
48 return Message(null, Ids.UnsupportedRegistryType, "Ignoring the registry value '{0}' found on line {1}, because it is of a type unsupported by Windows Installer ({2}).", registryValue, regFileLineNumber, unsupportedType);
49 }
51 private static Message Message(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Ids id, string format, params object[] args)
52 {
53 return new Message(sourceLineNumber, MessageLevel.Warning, (int)id, format, args);
54 }
56 private static Message Message(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumber, Ids id, ResourceManager resourceManager, string resourceName, params object[] args)
57 {
58 return new Message(sourceLineNumber, MessageLevel.Warning, (int)id, resourceManager, resourceName, args);
59 }
61 public enum Ids
62 {
63 SelfRegHarvestFailed = 5150,
64 AssemblyHarvestFailed = 5151,
65 TypeLibLoadFailed = 5152,
66 DeprecatedPerfCounterElement = 5153,
67 RequiredAttributeForWindowsXP = 5154,
68 DuplicateDllRegistryEntry = 5156,
69 UnsupportedRegistryType = 5157,
70 }
71 }
diff --git a/src/wixext/UtilWindowsInstallerBackendExtension.cs b/src/wixext/UtilWindowsInstallerBackendExtension.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00ac8d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/UtilWindowsInstallerBackendExtension.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information.
3namespace WixToolset.Util
5 using System.Linq;
6 using System.Xml;
7 using WixToolset.Data.WindowsInstaller;
8 using WixToolset.Extensibility;
10 public class UtilWindowsInstallerBackendExtension : BaseWindowsInstallerBackendExtension
11 {
12 private static readonly TableDefinition[] Tables = LoadTables();
14 protected override TableDefinition[] TableDefinitionsForTuples => Tables;
16 private static TableDefinition[] LoadTables()
17 {
18 using (var resourceStream = typeof(UtilWindowsInstallerBackendExtension).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("WixToolset.Util.tables.xml"))
19 using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(resourceStream))
20 {
21 var tables = TableDefinitionCollection.Load(reader);
22 return tables.ToArray();
23 }
24 }
25 }
diff --git a/src/wixext/WixToolset.Util.wixext.csproj b/src/wixext/WixToolset.Util.wixext.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a06298a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/WixToolset.Util.wixext.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
4<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
5 <PropertyGroup>
6 <TargetFramework>netstandard2.0</TargetFramework>
7 <RootNamespace>WixToolset.Util</RootNamespace>
8 <Description>WiX Toolset Utility Extension</Description>
9 <Title>WiX Toolset Util Extension</Title>
10 <IsTool>true</IsTool>
11 <ContentTargetFolders>build</ContentTargetFolders>
12 </PropertyGroup>
14 <ItemGroup>
15 <Content Include="$(MSBuildThisFileName).targets" />
16 <Content Include="util.xsd" PackagePath="tools" />
17 <EmbeddedResource Include="tables.xml" />
18 <EmbeddedResource Include="$(OutputPath)..\util.wixlib" />
19 </ItemGroup>
21 <ItemGroup>
22 <ProjectReference Include="$(WixToolsetRootFolder)\Data\src\WixToolset.Data\WixToolset.Data.csproj" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' And Exists('$(WixToolsetRootFolder)\Data\src\WixToolset.Data\WixToolset.Data.csproj') " />
23 <ProjectReference Include="$(WixToolsetRootFolder)\Extensibility\src\WixToolset.Extensibility\WixToolset.Extensibility.csproj" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' And Exists('$(WixToolsetRootFolder)\Extensibility\src\WixToolset.Extensibility\WixToolset.Extensibility.csproj') " />
24 <PackageReference Include="WixToolset.Extensibility" Version="4.0.*" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' Or !Exists('$(WixToolsetRootFolder)\Extensibility\src\WixToolset.Extensibility\WixToolset.Extensibility.csproj') " PrivateAssets="all" />
25 </ItemGroup>
27 <ItemGroup>
28 <ProjectReference Include="..\wixlib\util.wixproj" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" />
29 </ItemGroup>
31 <ItemGroup>
32 <PackageReference Include="Nerdbank.GitVersioning" Version="2.1.7" PrivateAssets="all" />
33 </ItemGroup>
diff --git a/src/wixext/WixToolset.Util.wixext.targets b/src/wixext/WixToolset.Util.wixext.targets
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b43c25c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/WixToolset.Util.wixext.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
4<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" ToolsVersion="4.0">
5 <ItemGroup>
6 <WixExtension Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\tools\WixToolset.Util.wixext.dll" />
7 </ItemGroup>
diff --git a/src/wixext/tables.xml b/src/wixext/tables.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..190b0404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/tables.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
5<tableDefinitions xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wi/tables">
6 <tableDefinition name="WixCloseApplication">
7 <columnDefinition name="WixCloseApplication" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
8 category="identifier" description="Primary key, non-localized token in table."/>
9 <columnDefinition name="Target" type="localized" length="0" modularize="property"
10 category="formatted" description="Name of executable to ensure is closed."/>
11 <columnDefinition name="Description" type="string" length="0" nullable="yes" localizable="yes" modularize="property"
12 category="formatted" description="Description string displayed to user when executable is in use."/>
13 <columnDefinition name="Condition" type="string" length="0" nullable="yes" localizable="yes" modularize="condition"
14 category="condition" description="Optional expression which skips the closing."/>
15 <columnDefinition name="Attributes" type="number" length="4"
16 minValue="0" maxValue="2147483647" description="A 32-bit word that specifies the attribute flags to be applied."/>
17 <columnDefinition name="Sequence" type="number" length="4" nullable="yes"
18 minValue="1" maxValue="2147483647" description="Sequence to order the closings by."/>
19 <columnDefinition name="Property" type="string" length="72" nullable="yes" localizable="yes" modularize="property"
20 category="identifier" description="Optional property that is set to the number of running instances of the app."/>
21 <columnDefinition name="TerminateExitCode" type="number" length="4" nullable="yes"
22 minValue="0" maxValue="2147483647" description="Exit code to return from a terminated application."/>
23 <columnDefinition name="Timeout" type="number" length="4" nullable="yes"
24 minValue="1" maxValue="2147483647" description="Timeout in milliseconds before scheduling restart or terminating application."/>
25 </tableDefinition>
26 <tableDefinition name="WixRemoveFolderEx" createSymbols="yes">
27 <columnDefinition name="WixRemoveFolderEx" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
28 category="identifier" description="Identifier for the WixRemoveFolderEx row in the package."/>
29 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" modularize="column"
30 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Foreign key into the Component table used to determine install state"/>
31 <columnDefinition name="Property" type="string" length="72" modularize="property"
32 category="identifier" description="Name of Property that contains the root of the directory tree to remove."/>
33 <columnDefinition name="InstallMode" type="number" length="2"
34 minValue="1" maxValue="3" description="1 == Remove only when the associated component is being installed (msiInstallStateLocal or msiInstallStateSource), 2 == Remove only when the associated component is being removed (msiInstallStateAbsent), 3 = Remove in either of the above cases."/>
35 </tableDefinition>
36 <tableDefinition name="WixRestartResource">
37 <columnDefinition name="WixRestartResource" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
38 category="identifier" description="Primary key, non-localized identifier."/>
39 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" nullable="yes" modularize="column"
40 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Foreign key into the Component table used to determine install state."/>
41 <columnDefinition name="Resource" type="string" length="0" modularize="property"
42 category="formatted" description="The resource to be registered with the Restart Manager."/>
43 <columnDefinition name="Attributes" type="number" length="4"
44 minValue="0" maxValue="2147483647" description="A 32-bit word that specifies the type of resource and flags used for processing."/>
45 </tableDefinition>
46 <tableDefinition name="FileShare" createSymbols="yes">
47 <columnDefinition name="FileShare" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
48 category="identifier" description="Primary key, non-localized identifier"/>
49 <columnDefinition name="ShareName" type="string" length="255"
50 category="formatted" description="The actual share name used"/>
51 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" modularize="column"
52 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Foreign key into the Component table used to determine install state"/>
53 <columnDefinition name="Description" type="string" length="255" nullable="yes"
54 category="text" description="Description string displayed for the file share"/>
55 <columnDefinition name="Directory_" type="string" length="72" modularize="column"
56 keyTable="Directory" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Foreign key referencing directory that the share is created on"/>
57 <columnDefinition name="User_" type="string" length="72" modularize="column" nullable="yes"
58 keyTable="User" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Foreign key, User to give access permissions to"/>
59 <columnDefinition name="Permissions" type="number" length="4" nullable="yes"
60 description="Permissions int, as on EXPLICIT_ACCESS.grfAccessPermissions in MSDN"/>
61 </tableDefinition>
62 <tableDefinition name="FileSharePermissions">
63 <columnDefinition name="FileShare_" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
64 keyTable="FileShare" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="FileShare that these premissions are to be applied to."/>
65 <columnDefinition name="User_" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
66 category="identifier" description="User that these premissions are to apply to."/>
67 <columnDefinition name="Permissions" type="number" length="4"
68 description="Permissions int, as on EXPLICIT_ACCESS.grfAccessPermissions in MSDN"/>
69 </tableDefinition>
70 <tableDefinition name="Group" createSymbols="yes">
71 <columnDefinition name="Group" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
72 category="identifier" description="Primary key, non-localized token"/>
73 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" nullable="yes" modularize="column"
74 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="text" description="Foreign key, Component used to determine install state"/>
75 <columnDefinition name="Name" type="string" length="255" modularize="property"
76 category="formatted" description="Group name"/>
77 <columnDefinition name="Domain" type="string" length="255" nullable="yes" modularize="property"
78 category="formatted" description="Group domain"/>
79 </tableDefinition>
80 <tableDefinition name="WixInternetShortcut" createSymbols="yes">
81 <columnDefinition name="WixInternetShortcut" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
82 category="identifier" description="Primary key, non-localized token in table."/>
83 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" modularize="column"
84 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="text" description="Foreign key, Component used to determine install state"/>
85 <columnDefinition name="Directory_" type="string" length="72" modularize="column"
86 keyTable="Directory" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Foreign key referencing directory that the shortcut is created in"/>
87 <columnDefinition name="Name" type="string" length="72" modularize="property"
88 category="text" description="Name used for shortcut."/>
89 <columnDefinition name="Target" type="localized" length="0" escapeIdtCharacters="yes"
90 category="text" description="URL target."/>
91 <columnDefinition name="Attributes" type="number" length="2"
92 description="Attribute flags that control how the shortcut is created."/>
93 <columnDefinition name="IconFile" type="localized" length="0" escapeIdtCharacters="yes"
94 category="text" nullable="yes" description="Icon file for shortcut"/>
95 <columnDefinition name="IconIndex" type="number" length="4"
96 nullable="yes" description="Index of the icon being referenced."/>
97 </tableDefinition>
98 <tableDefinition name="PerformanceCategory">
99 <columnDefinition name="PerformanceCategory" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
100 category="identifier" description="Primary key, non-localized token in table."/>
101 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" modularize="column"
102 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Component used to determine install state"/>
103 <columnDefinition name="Name" type="string" length="80"
104 category="text" description="Name of the performance counter category."/>
105 <columnDefinition name="IniData" type="localized" length="0" escapeIdtCharacters="yes"
106 category="text" description="Data that goes into the performance counter .ini file."/>
107 <columnDefinition name="ConstantData" type="localized" length="0" escapeIdtCharacters="yes"
108 category="text" description="Data that goes into the performance counter .h file."/>
109 </tableDefinition>
110 <tableDefinition name="Perfmon">
111 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
112 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Component used to determine install state"/>
113 <columnDefinition name="File" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="property"
114 category="formatted" description="Name of .INI file"/>
115 <columnDefinition name="Name" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes"
116 category="text" description="Service name in registry"/>
117 </tableDefinition>
118 <tableDefinition name="PerfmonManifest">
119 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
120 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Component used to determine install state"/>
121 <columnDefinition name="File" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="property"
122 category="formatted" description="Name of perfmon manifest file"/>
123 <columnDefinition name="ResourceFileDirectory" type="string" length="255" primaryKey="yes"
124 category="formatted" description="The path of the Resource File Directory"/>
125 </tableDefinition>
126 <tableDefinition name="EventManifest">
127 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
128 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Component used to determine install state"/>
129 <columnDefinition name="File" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="property"
130 category="formatted" description="Name of event manifest file"/>
131 </tableDefinition>
132 <tableDefinition name="SecureObjects">
133 <columnDefinition name="SecureObject" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
134 category="identifier" description="Primary key, non-localized token in Table"/>
135 <columnDefinition name="Table" type="string" length="32" primaryKey="yes"
136 category="text" description="Table SecureObject should be securing"/>
137 <columnDefinition name="Domain" type="string" length="255" primaryKey="yes" nullable="yes" modularize="property"
138 category="text" description="Domain half of user account to secure"/>
139 <columnDefinition name="User" type="string" length="255" primaryKey="yes" modularize="property"
140 category="text" description="Username half of user account to secure"/>
141 <columnDefinition name="Permission" type="number" length="4" nullable="yes"
142 minValue="-2147483647" maxValue="2147483647" description="Permissions to grant to User"/>
143 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" modularize="column"
144 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Foreign key into the Component table used to determine install state"/>
145 </tableDefinition>
146 <tableDefinition name="ServiceConfig">
147 <columnDefinition name="ServiceName" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes"
148 category="formatted" description="Primary key, non-localized token"/>
149 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" modularize="column"
150 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Foreign key, Component used to determine install state "/>
151 <columnDefinition name="NewService" type="number" length="1"
152 minValue="0" maxValue="1" description="Whether the affected service is being installed or already exists."/>
153 <columnDefinition name="FirstFailureActionType" type="string" length="32"
154 category="text" description="First failure action type for configured service to take."/>
155 <columnDefinition name="SecondFailureActionType" type="string" length="32"
156 category="text" description="Second failure action type for configured service to take."/>
157 <columnDefinition name="ThirdFailureActionType" type="string" length="32"
158 category="text" description="Third failure action type for configured service to take."/>
159 <columnDefinition name="ResetPeriodInDays" type="number" length="4" nullable="yes"
160 category="integer" minValue="0" description="Period after which to reset the failure count for the service."/>
161 <columnDefinition name="RestartServiceDelayInSeconds" type="number" length="4" nullable="yes"
162 category="integer" minValue="0" description="Period after which to restart the service after a given failure."/>
163 <columnDefinition name="ProgramCommandLine" type="string" length="255" nullable="yes"
164 category="formatted" description="Command line for program to run if failure action is RUN_COMMAND."/>
165 <columnDefinition name="RebootMessage" type="string" length="255" nullable="yes"
166 category="text" description="Message to show to users when rebooting if failure action is REBOOT."/>
167 </tableDefinition>
168 <tableDefinition name="WixTouchFile" createSymbols="yes">
169 <columnDefinition name="WixTouchFile" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
170 category="identifier" description="Identifier for the WixTouchFile row in the package."/>
171 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" modularize="column"
172 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Foreign key into the Component table used to determine install state"/>
173 <columnDefinition name="Path" type="string" length="255" modularize="property"
174 category="formatted" description="Formatted column that resolves to the path to touch."/>
175 <columnDefinition name="Attributes" type="number" length="2"
176 minValue="1" maxValue="63" description="1 == Touch only when the associated component is being installed, 2 == Touch only when the associated component is being repaired , 4 == Touch only when the associated component is being removed, 16 = path is in 64-bit location, 32 = touching the file is vital."/>
177 </tableDefinition>
178 <tableDefinition name="User" createSymbols="yes">
179 <columnDefinition name="User" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
180 category="identifier" description="Primary key, non-localized token"/>
181 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" nullable="yes" modularize="column"
182 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="text" description="Foreign key, Component used to determine install state"/>
183 <columnDefinition name="Name" type="string" length="255" modularize="property"
184 category="formatted" description="User name"/>
185 <columnDefinition name="Domain" type="string" length="255" nullable="yes" modularize="property"
186 category="formatted" description="User domain"/>
187 <columnDefinition name="Password" type="string" length="255" nullable="yes" modularize="property"
188 category="formatted" description="User password"/>
189 <columnDefinition name="Attributes" type="number" length="4" nullable="yes"
190 minValue="0" maxValue="65535" description="Attributes describing how to create the user"/>
191 </tableDefinition>
192 <tableDefinition name="UserGroup">
193 <columnDefinition name="User_" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
194 keyTable="User" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="User to be joined to a Group."/>
195 <columnDefinition name="Group_" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
196 keyTable="Group" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="User to be joined to a Group."/>
197 </tableDefinition>
198 <tableDefinition name="XmlFile">
199 <columnDefinition name="XmlFile" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
200 category="identifier" description="Primary key, non-localized token."/>
201 <columnDefinition name="File" type="localized" length="255" modularize="property"
202 category="formatted" description="The .XML file in which to write the information"/>
203 <columnDefinition name="ElementPath" type="localized" length="0" modularize="property"
204 category="formatted" description="The .XML file element to modify."/>
205 <columnDefinition name="Name" type="localized" length="255" modularize="property" nullable="yes"
206 category="formatted" description="The .XML file node to set/add in the element."/>
207 <columnDefinition name="Value" type="localized" length="0" modularize="property" nullable="yes"
208 category="formatted" description="The value to be written."/>
209 <columnDefinition name="Flags" type="number" length="4"
210 minValue="0" maxValue="70143" description="Flags"/>
211 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" modularize="column"
212 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Foreign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the installing of the .XML value."/>
213 <columnDefinition name="Sequence" type="number" length="2" nullable="yes"
214 description="Order to execute the XML modifications."/>
215 </tableDefinition>
216 <tableDefinition name="XmlConfig" createSymbols="yes">
217 <columnDefinition name="XmlConfig" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
218 category="identifier" description="Primary key, non-localized token."/>
219 <columnDefinition name="File" type="localized" length="255" modularize="property"
220 category="formatted" description="The .XML file in which to write the information"/>
221 <columnDefinition name="ElementPath" type="localized" length="0" modularize="property"
222 category="formatted" description="The XPATH query for an element to modify or add children to. Can also be a foreign key reference to another XmlConfig row if no attributes are set and the row referenced is a create element row."/>
223 <columnDefinition name="VerifyPath" type="localized" length="0" modularize="property" nullable="yes"
224 category="formatted" description="The XPATH query run from ElementPath to verify whether a repair is necessary. Also used to uninstall."/>
225 <columnDefinition name="Name" type="localized" length="255" modularize="property" nullable="yes"
226 category="formatted" description="The .XML file node to set/add in the element."/>
227 <columnDefinition name="Value" type="localized" length="0" modularize="property" nullable="yes" escapeIdtCharacters="yes"
228 category="formatted" description="The value to be written."/>
229 <columnDefinition name="Flags" type="number" length="4"
230 minValue="0" maxValue="65536" description="Element=1,Value=2,Document=4,Create=16,Delete=32,Install=256,Uninstall=512"/>
231 <columnDefinition name="Component_" type="string" length="72" modularize="column"
232 keyTable="Component" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Foreign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the installing of the .XML value."/>
233 <columnDefinition name="Sequence" type="number" length="2" nullable="yes"
234 description="Order to execute the XML modifications."/>
235 </tableDefinition>
236 <tableDefinition name="WixFormatFiles">
237 <columnDefinition name="Binary_" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
238 keyTable="Binary" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="Binary data to be formatted."/>
239 <columnDefinition name="File_" type="string" length="72" primaryKey="yes" modularize="column"
240 keyTable="File" keyColumn="1" category="identifier" description="File whose component controls the custom action and where the formatted data is written."/>
241 </tableDefinition>
diff --git a/src/wixext/util.cs b/src/wixext/util.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ebe89a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/util.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,11461 @@
2// <auto-generated>
3// This code was generated by a tool.
4// Runtime Version:4.0.30319.42000
6// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
7// the code is regenerated.
8// </auto-generated>
11namespace WixToolset.Util.Serialize
13 using System;
14 using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
15 using System.Collections;
16 using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
17 using System.Globalization;
18 using System.Xml;
19 using WixToolset.Data.Serialize;
22 /// <summary>
23 /// Values of this type will either be "yes" or "no".
24 /// </summary>
25 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
26 public enum YesNoType
27 {
29 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
31 NotSet = -1,
33 no,
35 yes,
36 }
38 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
39 public class Enums
40 {
42 /// <summary>
43 /// Parses a YesNoType from a string.
44 /// </summary>
45 public static YesNoType ParseYesNoType(string value)
46 {
47 YesNoType parsedValue;
48 Enums.TryParseYesNoType(value, out parsedValue);
49 return parsedValue;
50 }
52 /// <summary>
53 /// Tries to parse a YesNoType from a string.
54 /// </summary>
55 public static bool TryParseYesNoType(string value, out YesNoType parsedValue)
56 {
57 parsedValue = YesNoType.NotSet;
58 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
59 {
60 return false;
61 }
62 if (("no" == value))
63 {
64 parsedValue = YesNoType.no;
65 }
66 else
67 {
68 if (("yes" == value))
69 {
70 parsedValue = YesNoType.yes;
71 }
72 else
73 {
74 parsedValue = YesNoType.IllegalValue;
75 return false;
76 }
77 }
78 return true;
79 }
81 /// <summary>
82 /// Parses a PerformanceCounterLanguageType from a string.
83 /// </summary>
84 public static PerformanceCounterLanguageType ParsePerformanceCounterLanguageType(string value)
85 {
86 PerformanceCounterLanguageType parsedValue;
87 Enums.TryParsePerformanceCounterLanguageType(value, out parsedValue);
88 return parsedValue;
89 }
91 /// <summary>
92 /// Tries to parse a PerformanceCounterLanguageType from a string.
93 /// </summary>
94 public static bool TryParsePerformanceCounterLanguageType(string value, out PerformanceCounterLanguageType parsedValue)
95 {
96 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.NotSet;
97 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
98 {
99 return false;
100 }
101 if (("afrikaans" == value))
102 {
103 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.afrikaans;
104 }
105 else
106 {
107 if (("albanian" == value))
108 {
109 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.albanian;
110 }
111 else
112 {
113 if (("arabic" == value))
114 {
115 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.arabic;
116 }
117 else
118 {
119 if (("armenian" == value))
120 {
121 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.armenian;
122 }
123 else
124 {
125 if (("assamese" == value))
126 {
127 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.assamese;
128 }
129 else
130 {
131 if (("azeri" == value))
132 {
133 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.azeri;
134 }
135 else
136 {
137 if (("basque" == value))
138 {
139 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.basque;
140 }
141 else
142 {
143 if (("belarusian" == value))
144 {
145 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.belarusian;
146 }
147 else
148 {
149 if (("bengali" == value))
150 {
151 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.bengali;
152 }
153 else
154 {
155 if (("bulgarian" == value))
156 {
157 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.bulgarian;
158 }
159 else
160 {
161 if (("catalan" == value))
162 {
163 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.catalan;
164 }
165 else
166 {
167 if (("chinese" == value))
168 {
169 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.chinese;
170 }
171 else
172 {
173 if (("croatian" == value))
174 {
175 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.croatian;
176 }
177 else
178 {
179 if (("czech" == value))
180 {
181 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.czech;
182 }
183 else
184 {
185 if (("danish" == value))
186 {
187 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.danish;
188 }
189 else
190 {
191 if (("divehi" == value))
192 {
193 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.divehi;
194 }
195 else
196 {
197 if (("dutch" == value))
198 {
199 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.dutch;
200 }
201 else
202 {
203 if (("english" == value))
204 {
205 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.english;
206 }
207 else
208 {
209 if (("estonian" == value))
210 {
211 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.estonian;
212 }
213 else
214 {
215 if (("faeroese" == value))
216 {
217 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.faeroese;
218 }
219 else
220 {
221 if (("farsi" == value))
222 {
223 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.farsi;
224 }
225 else
226 {
227 if (("finnish" == value))
228 {
229 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.finnish;
230 }
231 else
232 {
233 if (("french" == value))
234 {
235 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.french;
236 }
237 else
238 {
239 if (("galician" == value))
240 {
241 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.galician;
242 }
243 else
244 {
245 if (("georgian" == value))
246 {
247 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.georgian;
248 }
249 else
250 {
251 if (("german" == value))
252 {
253 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.german;
254 }
255 else
256 {
257 if (("greek" == value))
258 {
259 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.greek;
260 }
261 else
262 {
263 if (("gujarati" == value))
264 {
265 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.gujarati;
266 }
267 else
268 {
269 if (("hebrew" == value))
270 {
271 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.hebrew;
272 }
273 else
274 {
275 if (("hindi" == value))
276 {
277 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.hindi;
278 }
279 else
280 {
281 if (("hungarian" == value))
282 {
283 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.hungarian;
284 }
285 else
286 {
287 if (("icelandic" == value))
288 {
289 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.icelandic;
290 }
291 else
292 {
293 if (("indonesian" == value))
294 {
295 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.indonesian;
296 }
297 else
298 {
299 if (("italian" == value))
300 {
301 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.italian;
302 }
303 else
304 {
305 if (("japanese" == value))
306 {
307 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.japanese;
308 }
309 else
310 {
311 if (("kannada" == value))
312 {
313 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.kannada;
314 }
315 else
316 {
317 if (("kashmiri" == value))
318 {
319 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.kashmiri;
320 }
321 else
322 {
323 if (("kazak" == value))
324 {
325 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.kazak;
326 }
327 else
328 {
329 if (("konkani" == value))
330 {
331 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.konkani;
332 }
333 else
334 {
335 if (("korean" == value))
336 {
337 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.korean;
338 }
339 else
340 {
341 if (("kyrgyz" == value))
342 {
343 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.kyrgyz;
344 }
345 else
346 {
347 if (("latvian" == value))
348 {
349 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.latvian;
350 }
351 else
352 {
353 if (("lithuanian" == value))
354 {
355 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.lithuanian;
356 }
357 else
358 {
359 if (("macedonian" == value))
360 {
361 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.macedonian;
362 }
363 else
364 {
365 if (("malay" == value))
366 {
367 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.malay;
368 }
369 else
370 {
371 if (("malayalam" == value))
372 {
373 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.malayalam;
374 }
375 else
376 {
377 if (("manipuri" == value))
378 {
379 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.manipuri;
380 }
381 else
382 {
383 if (("marathi" == value))
384 {
385 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.marathi;
386 }
387 else
388 {
389 if (("mongolian" == value))
390 {
391 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.mongolian;
392 }
393 else
394 {
395 if (("nepali" == value))
396 {
397 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.nepali;
398 }
399 else
400 {
401 if (("norwegian" == value))
402 {
403 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.norwegian;
404 }
405 else
406 {
407 if (("oriya" == value))
408 {
409 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.oriya;
410 }
411 else
412 {
413 if (("polish" == value))
414 {
415 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.polish;
416 }
417 else
418 {
419 if (("portuguese" == value))
420 {
421 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.portuguese;
422 }
423 else
424 {
425 if (("punjabi" == value))
426 {
427 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.punjabi;
428 }
429 else
430 {
431 if (("romanian" == value))
432 {
433 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.romanian;
434 }
435 else
436 {
437 if (("russian" == value))
438 {
439 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.russian;
440 }
441 else
442 {
443 if (("sanskrit" == value))
444 {
445 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.sanskrit;
446 }
447 else
448 {
449 if (("serbian" == value))
450 {
451 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.serbian;
452 }
453 else
454 {
455 if (("sindhi" == value))
456 {
457 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.sindhi;
458 }
459 else
460 {
461 if (("slovak" == value))
462 {
463 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.slovak;
464 }
465 else
466 {
467 if (("slovenian" == value))
468 {
469 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.slovenian;
470 }
471 else
472 {
473 if (("spanish" == value))
474 {
475 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.spanish;
476 }
477 else
478 {
479 if (("swahili" == value))
480 {
481 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.swahili;
482 }
483 else
484 {
485 if (("swedish" == value))
486 {
487 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.swedish;
488 }
489 else
490 {
491 if (("syriac" == value))
492 {
493 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.syriac;
494 }
495 else
496 {
497 if (("tamil" == value))
498 {
499 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.tamil;
500 }
501 else
502 {
503 if (("tatar" == value))
504 {
505 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.tatar;
506 }
507 else
508 {
509 if (("telugu" == value))
510 {
511 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.telugu;
512 }
513 else
514 {
515 if (("thai" == value))
516 {
517 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.thai;
518 }
519 else
520 {
521 if (("turkish" == value))
522 {
523 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.turkish;
524 }
525 else
526 {
527 if (("ukrainian" == value))
528 {
529 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.ukrainian;
530 }
531 else
532 {
533 if (("urdu" == value))
534 {
535 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.urdu;
536 }
537 else
538 {
539 if (("uzbek" == value))
540 {
541 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.uzbek;
542 }
543 else
544 {
545 if (("vietnamese" == value))
546 {
547 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.vietnamese;
548 }
549 else
550 {
551 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterLanguageType.IllegalValue;
552 return false;
553 }
554 }
555 }
556 }
557 }
558 }
559 }
560 }
561 }
562 }
563 }
564 }
565 }
566 }
567 }
568 }
569 }
570 }
571 }
572 }
573 }
574 }
575 }
576 }
577 }
578 }
579 }
580 }
581 }
582 }
583 }
584 }
585 }
586 }
587 }
588 }
589 }
590 }
591 }
592 }
593 }
594 }
595 }
596 }
597 }
598 }
599 }
600 }
601 }
602 }
603 }
604 }
605 }
606 }
607 }
608 }
609 }
610 }
611 }
612 }
613 }
614 }
615 }
616 }
617 }
618 }
619 }
620 }
621 }
622 }
623 }
624 }
625 }
626 }
627 }
628 return true;
629 }
631 /// <summary>
632 /// Parses a PerformanceCounterTypesType from a string.
633 /// </summary>
634 public static PerformanceCounterTypesType ParsePerformanceCounterTypesType(string value)
635 {
636 PerformanceCounterTypesType parsedValue;
637 Enums.TryParsePerformanceCounterTypesType(value, out parsedValue);
638 return parsedValue;
639 }
641 /// <summary>
642 /// Tries to parse a PerformanceCounterTypesType from a string.
643 /// </summary>
644 public static bool TryParsePerformanceCounterTypesType(string value, out PerformanceCounterTypesType parsedValue)
645 {
646 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.NotSet;
647 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
648 {
649 return false;
650 }
651 if (("averageBase" == value))
652 {
653 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.averageBase;
654 }
655 else
656 {
657 if (("averageCount64" == value))
658 {
659 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.averageCount64;
660 }
661 else
662 {
663 if (("averageTimer32" == value))
664 {
665 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.averageTimer32;
666 }
667 else
668 {
669 if (("counterDelta32" == value))
670 {
671 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterDelta32;
672 }
673 else
674 {
675 if (("counterTimerInverse" == value))
676 {
677 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterTimerInverse;
678 }
679 else
680 {
681 if (("sampleFraction" == value))
682 {
683 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.sampleFraction;
684 }
685 else
686 {
687 if (("timer100Ns" == value))
688 {
689 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.timer100Ns;
690 }
691 else
692 {
693 if (("counterTimer" == value))
694 {
695 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterTimer;
696 }
697 else
698 {
699 if (("rawFraction" == value))
700 {
701 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.rawFraction;
702 }
703 else
704 {
705 if (("timer100NsInverse" == value))
706 {
707 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.timer100NsInverse;
708 }
709 else
710 {
711 if (("counterMultiTimer" == value))
712 {
713 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterMultiTimer;
714 }
715 else
716 {
717 if (("counterMultiTimer100Ns" == value))
718 {
719 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterMultiTimer100Ns;
720 }
721 else
722 {
723 if (("counterMultiTimerInverse" == value))
724 {
725 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterMultiTimerInverse;
726 }
727 else
728 {
729 if (("counterMultiTimer100NsInverse" == value))
730 {
731 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterMultiTimer100NsInverse;
732 }
733 else
734 {
735 if (("elapsedTime" == value))
736 {
737 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.elapsedTime;
738 }
739 else
740 {
741 if (("sampleBase" == value))
742 {
743 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.sampleBase;
744 }
745 else
746 {
747 if (("rawBase" == value))
748 {
749 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.rawBase;
750 }
751 else
752 {
753 if (("counterMultiBase" == value))
754 {
755 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterMultiBase;
756 }
757 else
758 {
759 if (("rateOfCountsPerSecond64" == value))
760 {
761 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.rateOfCountsPerSecond64;
762 }
763 else
764 {
765 if (("rateOfCountsPerSecond32" == value))
766 {
767 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.rateOfCountsPerSecond32;
768 }
769 else
770 {
771 if (("countPerTimeInterval64" == value))
772 {
773 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.countPerTimeInterval64;
774 }
775 else
776 {
777 if (("countPerTimeInterval32" == value))
778 {
779 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.countPerTimeInterval32;
780 }
781 else
782 {
783 if (("sampleCounter" == value))
784 {
785 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.sampleCounter;
786 }
787 else
788 {
789 if (("counterDelta64" == value))
790 {
791 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterDelta64;
792 }
793 else
794 {
795 if (("numberOfItems64" == value))
796 {
797 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.numberOfItems64;
798 }
799 else
800 {
801 if (("numberOfItems32" == value))
802 {
803 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.numberOfItems32;
804 }
805 else
806 {
807 if (("numberOfItemsHEX64" == value))
808 {
809 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.numberOfItemsHEX64;
810 }
811 else
812 {
813 if (("numberOfItemsHEX32" == value))
814 {
815 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.numberOfItemsHEX32;
816 }
817 else
818 {
819 parsedValue = PerformanceCounterTypesType.IllegalValue;
820 return false;
821 }
822 }
823 }
824 }
825 }
826 }
827 }
828 }
829 }
830 }
831 }
832 }
833 }
834 }
835 }
836 }
837 }
838 }
839 }
840 }
841 }
842 }
843 }
844 }
845 }
846 }
847 }
848 }
849 return true;
850 }
851 }
853 /// <summary>
854 /// Enumeration of valid languages for performance counters.
855 /// </summary>
856 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
857 public enum PerformanceCounterLanguageType
858 {
860 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
862 NotSet = -1,
864 afrikaans,
866 albanian,
868 arabic,
870 armenian,
872 assamese,
874 azeri,
876 basque,
878 belarusian,
880 bengali,
882 bulgarian,
884 catalan,
886 chinese,
888 croatian,
890 czech,
892 danish,
894 divehi,
896 dutch,
898 english,
900 estonian,
902 faeroese,
904 farsi,
906 finnish,
908 french,
910 galician,
912 georgian,
914 german,
916 greek,
918 gujarati,
920 hebrew,
922 hindi,
924 hungarian,
926 icelandic,
928 indonesian,
930 italian,
932 japanese,
934 kannada,
936 kashmiri,
938 kazak,
940 konkani,
942 korean,
944 kyrgyz,
946 latvian,
948 lithuanian,
950 macedonian,
952 malay,
954 malayalam,
956 manipuri,
958 marathi,
960 mongolian,
962 nepali,
964 norwegian,
966 oriya,
968 polish,
970 portuguese,
972 punjabi,
974 romanian,
976 russian,
978 sanskrit,
980 serbian,
982 sindhi,
984 slovak,
986 slovenian,
988 spanish,
990 swahili,
992 swedish,
994 syriac,
996 tamil,
998 tatar,
1000 telugu,
1002 thai,
1004 turkish,
1006 ukrainian,
1008 urdu,
1010 uzbek,
1012 vietnamese,
1013 }
1015 /// <summary>
1016 /// Enumeration of valid types for performance counters.
1017 /// </summary>
1018 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
1019 public enum PerformanceCounterTypesType
1020 {
1022 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
1024 NotSet = -1,
1026 averageBase,
1028 averageCount64,
1030 averageTimer32,
1032 counterDelta32,
1034 counterTimerInverse,
1036 sampleFraction,
1038 timer100Ns,
1040 counterTimer,
1042 rawFraction,
1044 timer100NsInverse,
1046 counterMultiTimer,
1048 counterMultiTimer100Ns,
1050 counterMultiTimerInverse,
1052 counterMultiTimer100NsInverse,
1054 elapsedTime,
1056 sampleBase,
1058 rawBase,
1060 counterMultiBase,
1062 rateOfCountsPerSecond64,
1064 rateOfCountsPerSecond32,
1066 countPerTimeInterval64,
1068 countPerTimeInterval32,
1070 sampleCounter,
1072 counterDelta64,
1074 numberOfItems64,
1076 numberOfItems32,
1078 numberOfItemsHEX64,
1080 numberOfItemsHEX32,
1081 }
1083 /// <summary>
1084 /// Closes applications or schedules a reboot if application cannot be closed.
1085 /// </summary>
1086 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
1087 public class CloseApplication : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
1088 {
1090 private string idField;
1092 private bool idFieldSet;
1094 private string targetField;
1096 private bool targetFieldSet;
1098 private string descriptionField;
1100 private bool descriptionFieldSet;
1102 private int sequenceField;
1104 private bool sequenceFieldSet;
1106 private YesNoType closeMessageField;
1108 private bool closeMessageFieldSet;
1110 private YesNoType endSessionMessageField;
1112 private bool endSessionMessageFieldSet;
1114 private YesNoType elevatedCloseMessageField;
1116 private bool elevatedCloseMessageFieldSet;
1118 private YesNoType elevatedEndSessionMessageField;
1120 private bool elevatedEndSessionMessageFieldSet;
1122 private YesNoType rebootPromptField;
1124 private bool rebootPromptFieldSet;
1126 private YesNoType promptToContinueField;
1128 private bool promptToContinueFieldSet;
1130 private string propertyField;
1132 private bool propertyFieldSet;
1134 private int terminateProcessField;
1136 private bool terminateProcessFieldSet;
1138 private int timeoutField;
1140 private bool timeoutFieldSet;
1142 private string contentField;
1144 private bool contentFieldSet;
1146 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
1148 /// <summary>
1149 /// Identifier for the close application (primary key). If the Id is not specified, one will be generated.
1150 /// </summary>
1151 public string Id
1152 {
1153 get
1154 {
1155 return this.idField;
1156 }
1157 set
1158 {
1159 this.idFieldSet = true;
1160 this.idField = value;
1161 }
1162 }
1164 /// <summary>
1165 /// Name of the exectuable to be closed. This should only be the file name.
1166 /// </summary>
1167 public string Target
1168 {
1169 get
1170 {
1171 return this.targetField;
1172 }
1173 set
1174 {
1175 this.targetFieldSet = true;
1176 this.targetField = value;
1177 }
1178 }
1180 /// <summary>
1181 /// Description to show if application is running and needs to be closed.
1182 /// </summary>
1183 public string Description
1184 {
1185 get
1186 {
1187 return this.descriptionField;
1188 }
1189 set
1190 {
1191 this.descriptionFieldSet = true;
1192 this.descriptionField = value;
1193 }
1194 }
1196 /// <summary>
1197 /// Optionally orders the applications to be closed.
1198 /// </summary>
1199 public int Sequence
1200 {
1201 get
1202 {
1203 return this.sequenceField;
1204 }
1205 set
1206 {
1207 this.sequenceFieldSet = true;
1208 this.sequenceField = value;
1209 }
1210 }
1212 /// <summary>
1213 /// Optionally sends a close message to the application. Default is no.
1214 /// </summary>
1215 public YesNoType CloseMessage
1216 {
1217 get
1218 {
1219 return this.closeMessageField;
1220 }
1221 set
1222 {
1223 this.closeMessageFieldSet = true;
1224 this.closeMessageField = value;
1225 }
1226 }
1228 /// <summary>
1229 /// Sends WM_QUERYENDSESSION then WM_ENDSESSION messages to the application. Default is "no".
1230 /// </summary>
1231 public YesNoType EndSessionMessage
1232 {
1233 get
1234 {
1235 return this.endSessionMessageField;
1236 }
1237 set
1238 {
1239 this.endSessionMessageFieldSet = true;
1240 this.endSessionMessageField = value;
1241 }
1242 }
1244 /// <summary>
1245 /// Optionally sends a close message to the application from deffered action without impersonation. Default is no.
1246 /// </summary>
1247 public YesNoType ElevatedCloseMessage
1248 {
1249 get
1250 {
1251 return this.elevatedCloseMessageField;
1252 }
1253 set
1254 {
1255 this.elevatedCloseMessageFieldSet = true;
1256 this.elevatedCloseMessageField = value;
1257 }
1258 }
1260 /// <summary>
1261 /// Sends WM_QUERYENDSESSION then WM_ENDSESSION messages to the application from a deffered action without impersonation. Default is "no".
1262 /// </summary>
1263 public YesNoType ElevatedEndSessionMessage
1264 {
1265 get
1266 {
1267 return this.elevatedEndSessionMessageField;
1268 }
1269 set
1270 {
1271 this.elevatedEndSessionMessageFieldSet = true;
1272 this.elevatedEndSessionMessageField = value;
1273 }
1274 }
1276 /// <summary>
1277 /// Optionally prompts for reboot if application is still running. The default is "yes". The TerminateProcess attribute must be "no" or not specified if this attribute is "yes".
1278 /// </summary>
1279 public YesNoType RebootPrompt
1280 {
1281 get
1282 {
1283 return this.rebootPromptField;
1284 }
1285 set
1286 {
1287 this.rebootPromptFieldSet = true;
1288 this.rebootPromptField = value;
1289 }
1290 }
1292 /// <summary>
1293 /// When this attribute is set to "yes", the user will be prompted when the application is still running. The Description attribute must contain the message to
1294 /// display in the prompt. The prompt occurs before executing any of the other options and gives the options to "Abort", "Retry", or "Ignore". Abort will cancel
1295 /// the install. Retry will attempt the check again and if the application is still running, prompt again. "Ignore" will continue and execute any other options
1296 /// set on the CloseApplication element. The default is "no".
1297 /// </summary>
1298 public YesNoType PromptToContinue
1299 {
1300 get
1301 {
1302 return this.promptToContinueField;
1303 }
1304 set
1305 {
1306 this.promptToContinueFieldSet = true;
1307 this.promptToContinueField = value;
1308 }
1309 }
1311 /// <summary>
1312 /// Property to be set if application is still running. Useful for launch conditions or to conditionalize custom UI to ask user to shut down apps.
1313 /// </summary>
1314 public string Property
1315 {
1316 get
1317 {
1318 return this.propertyField;
1319 }
1320 set
1321 {
1322 this.propertyFieldSet = true;
1323 this.propertyField = value;
1324 }
1325 }
1327 /// <summary>
1328 /// Attempts to terminates process and return the specified exit code if application is still running after sending any requested close and/or end session messages.
1329 /// If this attribute is specified, the RebootPrompt attribute must be "no". The default is "no".
1330 /// </summary>
1331 public int TerminateProcess
1332 {
1333 get
1334 {
1335 return this.terminateProcessField;
1336 }
1337 set
1338 {
1339 this.terminateProcessFieldSet = true;
1340 this.terminateProcessField = value;
1341 }
1342 }
1344 /// <summary>
1345 /// Optional time in seconds to wait for the application to exit after the close and/or end session messages. If the application is still running after the timeout then
1346 /// the RebootPrompt or TerminateProcess attributes will be considered. The default value is "5" seconds.
1347 /// </summary>
1348 public int Timeout
1349 {
1350 get
1351 {
1352 return this.timeoutField;
1353 }
1354 set
1355 {
1356 this.timeoutFieldSet = true;
1357 this.timeoutField = value;
1358 }
1359 }
1361 /// <summary>
1362 /// Condition that determines if the application should be closed. Must be blank or evaluate to true
1363 /// for the application to be scheduled for closing.
1364 /// </summary>
1365 public string Content
1366 {
1367 get
1368 {
1369 return this.contentField;
1370 }
1371 set
1372 {
1373 this.contentFieldSet = true;
1374 this.contentField = value;
1375 }
1376 }
1378 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
1379 {
1380 get
1381 {
1382 return this.parentElement;
1383 }
1384 set
1385 {
1386 this.parentElement = value;
1387 }
1388 }
1390 /// <summary>
1391 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
1392 /// </summary>
1393 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
1394 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
1395 {
1396 if ((null == writer))
1397 {
1398 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
1399 }
1400 writer.WriteStartElement("CloseApplication", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
1401 if (this.idFieldSet)
1402 {
1403 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
1404 }
1405 if (this.targetFieldSet)
1406 {
1407 writer.WriteAttributeString("Target", this.targetField);
1408 }
1409 if (this.descriptionFieldSet)
1410 {
1411 writer.WriteAttributeString("Description", this.descriptionField);
1412 }
1413 if (this.sequenceFieldSet)
1414 {
1415 writer.WriteAttributeString("Sequence", this.sequenceField.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
1416 }
1417 if (this.closeMessageFieldSet)
1418 {
1419 if ((this.closeMessageField == YesNoType.no))
1420 {
1421 writer.WriteAttributeString("CloseMessage", "no");
1422 }
1423 if ((this.closeMessageField == YesNoType.yes))
1424 {
1425 writer.WriteAttributeString("CloseMessage", "yes");
1426 }
1427 }
1428 if (this.endSessionMessageFieldSet)
1429 {
1430 if ((this.endSessionMessageField == YesNoType.no))
1431 {
1432 writer.WriteAttributeString("EndSessionMessage", "no");
1433 }
1434 if ((this.endSessionMessageField == YesNoType.yes))
1435 {
1436 writer.WriteAttributeString("EndSessionMessage", "yes");
1437 }
1438 }
1439 if (this.elevatedCloseMessageFieldSet)
1440 {
1441 if ((this.elevatedCloseMessageField == YesNoType.no))
1442 {
1443 writer.WriteAttributeString("ElevatedCloseMessage", "no");
1444 }
1445 if ((this.elevatedCloseMessageField == YesNoType.yes))
1446 {
1447 writer.WriteAttributeString("ElevatedCloseMessage", "yes");
1448 }
1449 }
1450 if (this.elevatedEndSessionMessageFieldSet)
1451 {
1452 if ((this.elevatedEndSessionMessageField == YesNoType.no))
1453 {
1454 writer.WriteAttributeString("ElevatedEndSessionMessage", "no");
1455 }
1456 if ((this.elevatedEndSessionMessageField == YesNoType.yes))
1457 {
1458 writer.WriteAttributeString("ElevatedEndSessionMessage", "yes");
1459 }
1460 }
1461 if (this.rebootPromptFieldSet)
1462 {
1463 if ((this.rebootPromptField == YesNoType.no))
1464 {
1465 writer.WriteAttributeString("RebootPrompt", "no");
1466 }
1467 if ((this.rebootPromptField == YesNoType.yes))
1468 {
1469 writer.WriteAttributeString("RebootPrompt", "yes");
1470 }
1471 }
1472 if (this.promptToContinueFieldSet)
1473 {
1474 if ((this.promptToContinueField == YesNoType.no))
1475 {
1476 writer.WriteAttributeString("PromptToContinue", "no");
1477 }
1478 if ((this.promptToContinueField == YesNoType.yes))
1479 {
1480 writer.WriteAttributeString("PromptToContinue", "yes");
1481 }
1482 }
1483 if (this.propertyFieldSet)
1484 {
1485 writer.WriteAttributeString("Property", this.propertyField);
1486 }
1487 if (this.terminateProcessFieldSet)
1488 {
1489 writer.WriteAttributeString("TerminateProcess", this.terminateProcessField.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
1490 }
1491 if (this.timeoutFieldSet)
1492 {
1493 writer.WriteAttributeString("Timeout", this.timeoutField.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
1494 }
1495 if (this.contentFieldSet)
1496 {
1497 writer.WriteString(this.contentField);
1498 }
1499 writer.WriteEndElement();
1500 }
1502 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
1503 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
1504 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
1505 {
1506 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
1507 {
1508 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
1509 }
1510 if (("Id" == name))
1511 {
1512 this.idField = value;
1513 this.idFieldSet = true;
1514 }
1515 if (("Target" == name))
1516 {
1517 this.targetField = value;
1518 this.targetFieldSet = true;
1519 }
1520 if (("Description" == name))
1521 {
1522 this.descriptionField = value;
1523 this.descriptionFieldSet = true;
1524 }
1525 if (("Sequence" == name))
1526 {
1527 this.sequenceField = Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
1528 this.sequenceFieldSet = true;
1529 }
1530 if (("CloseMessage" == name))
1531 {
1532 this.closeMessageField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
1533 this.closeMessageFieldSet = true;
1534 }
1535 if (("EndSessionMessage" == name))
1536 {
1537 this.endSessionMessageField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
1538 this.endSessionMessageFieldSet = true;
1539 }
1540 if (("ElevatedCloseMessage" == name))
1541 {
1542 this.elevatedCloseMessageField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
1543 this.elevatedCloseMessageFieldSet = true;
1544 }
1545 if (("ElevatedEndSessionMessage" == name))
1546 {
1547 this.elevatedEndSessionMessageField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
1548 this.elevatedEndSessionMessageFieldSet = true;
1549 }
1550 if (("RebootPrompt" == name))
1551 {
1552 this.rebootPromptField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
1553 this.rebootPromptFieldSet = true;
1554 }
1555 if (("PromptToContinue" == name))
1556 {
1557 this.promptToContinueField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
1558 this.promptToContinueFieldSet = true;
1559 }
1560 if (("Property" == name))
1561 {
1562 this.propertyField = value;
1563 this.propertyFieldSet = true;
1564 }
1565 if (("TerminateProcess" == name))
1566 {
1567 this.terminateProcessField = Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
1568 this.terminateProcessFieldSet = true;
1569 }
1570 if (("Timeout" == name))
1571 {
1572 this.timeoutField = Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
1573 this.timeoutFieldSet = true;
1574 }
1575 if (("Content" == name))
1576 {
1577 this.contentField = value;
1578 this.contentFieldSet = true;
1579 }
1580 }
1581 }
1583 /// <summary>
1584 /// Describes a component search.
1585 /// </summary>
1586 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
1587 public class ComponentSearch : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
1588 {
1590 private string idField;
1592 private bool idFieldSet;
1594 private string variableField;
1596 private bool variableFieldSet;
1598 private string conditionField;
1600 private bool conditionFieldSet;
1602 private string afterField;
1604 private bool afterFieldSet;
1606 private string guidField;
1608 private bool guidFieldSet;
1610 private string productCodeField;
1612 private bool productCodeFieldSet;
1614 private ResultType resultField;
1616 private bool resultFieldSet;
1618 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
1620 /// <summary>
1621 /// Id of the search for ordering and dependency.
1622 /// </summary>
1623 public string Id
1624 {
1625 get
1626 {
1627 return this.idField;
1628 }
1629 set
1630 {
1631 this.idFieldSet = true;
1632 this.idField = value;
1633 }
1634 }
1636 /// <summary>
1637 /// Name of the variable in which to place the result of the search.
1638 /// </summary>
1639 public string Variable
1640 {
1641 get
1642 {
1643 return this.variableField;
1644 }
1645 set
1646 {
1647 this.variableFieldSet = true;
1648 this.variableField = value;
1649 }
1650 }
1652 /// <summary>
1653 /// Condition for evaluating the search. If this evaluates to false, the search is not executed at all.
1654 /// </summary>
1655 public string Condition
1656 {
1657 get
1658 {
1659 return this.conditionField;
1660 }
1661 set
1662 {
1663 this.conditionFieldSet = true;
1664 this.conditionField = value;
1665 }
1666 }
1668 /// <summary>
1669 /// Id of the search that this one should come after.
1670 /// </summary>
1671 public string After
1672 {
1673 get
1674 {
1675 return this.afterField;
1676 }
1677 set
1678 {
1679 this.afterFieldSet = true;
1680 this.afterField = value;
1681 }
1682 }
1684 /// <summary>
1685 /// Component to search for.
1686 /// </summary>
1687 public string Guid
1688 {
1689 get
1690 {
1691 return this.guidField;
1692 }
1693 set
1694 {
1695 this.guidFieldSet = true;
1696 this.guidField = value;
1697 }
1698 }
1700 /// <summary>
1701 /// Optional ProductCode to determine if the component is installed.
1702 /// </summary>
1703 public string ProductCode
1704 {
1705 get
1706 {
1707 return this.productCodeField;
1708 }
1709 set
1710 {
1711 this.productCodeFieldSet = true;
1712 this.productCodeField = value;
1713 }
1714 }
1716 /// <summary>
1717 /// Rather than saving the matching key path into the variable, a ComponentSearch can save an attribute of the component instead.
1718 /// </summary>
1719 public ResultType Result
1720 {
1721 get
1722 {
1723 return this.resultField;
1724 }
1725 set
1726 {
1727 this.resultFieldSet = true;
1728 this.resultField = value;
1729 }
1730 }
1732 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
1733 {
1734 get
1735 {
1736 return this.parentElement;
1737 }
1738 set
1739 {
1740 this.parentElement = value;
1741 }
1742 }
1744 /// <summary>
1745 /// Parses a ResultType from a string.
1746 /// </summary>
1747 public static ResultType ParseResultType(string value)
1748 {
1749 ResultType parsedValue;
1750 ComponentSearch.TryParseResultType(value, out parsedValue);
1751 return parsedValue;
1752 }
1754 /// <summary>
1755 /// Tries to parse a ResultType from a string.
1756 /// </summary>
1757 public static bool TryParseResultType(string value, out ResultType parsedValue)
1758 {
1759 parsedValue = ResultType.NotSet;
1760 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
1761 {
1762 return false;
1763 }
1764 if (("directory" == value))
1765 {
1766 parsedValue = ResultType.directory;
1767 }
1768 else
1769 {
1770 if (("state" == value))
1771 {
1772 parsedValue = ResultType.state;
1773 }
1774 else
1775 {
1776 if (("keyPath" == value))
1777 {
1778 parsedValue = ResultType.keyPath;
1779 }
1780 else
1781 {
1782 parsedValue = ResultType.IllegalValue;
1783 return false;
1784 }
1785 }
1786 }
1787 return true;
1788 }
1790 /// <summary>
1791 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
1792 /// </summary>
1793 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
1794 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
1795 {
1796 if ((null == writer))
1797 {
1798 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
1799 }
1800 writer.WriteStartElement("ComponentSearch", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
1801 if (this.idFieldSet)
1802 {
1803 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
1804 }
1805 if (this.variableFieldSet)
1806 {
1807 writer.WriteAttributeString("Variable", this.variableField);
1808 }
1809 if (this.conditionFieldSet)
1810 {
1811 writer.WriteAttributeString("Condition", this.conditionField);
1812 }
1813 if (this.afterFieldSet)
1814 {
1815 writer.WriteAttributeString("After", this.afterField);
1816 }
1817 if (this.guidFieldSet)
1818 {
1819 writer.WriteAttributeString("Guid", this.guidField);
1820 }
1821 if (this.productCodeFieldSet)
1822 {
1823 writer.WriteAttributeString("ProductCode", this.productCodeField);
1824 }
1825 if (this.resultFieldSet)
1826 {
1827 if ((this.resultField == ResultType.directory))
1828 {
1829 writer.WriteAttributeString("Result", "directory");
1830 }
1831 if ((this.resultField == ResultType.state))
1832 {
1833 writer.WriteAttributeString("Result", "state");
1834 }
1835 if ((this.resultField == ResultType.keyPath))
1836 {
1837 writer.WriteAttributeString("Result", "keyPath");
1838 }
1839 }
1840 writer.WriteEndElement();
1841 }
1843 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
1844 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
1845 {
1846 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
1847 {
1848 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
1849 }
1850 if (("Id" == name))
1851 {
1852 this.idField = value;
1853 this.idFieldSet = true;
1854 }
1855 if (("Variable" == name))
1856 {
1857 this.variableField = value;
1858 this.variableFieldSet = true;
1859 }
1860 if (("Condition" == name))
1861 {
1862 this.conditionField = value;
1863 this.conditionFieldSet = true;
1864 }
1865 if (("After" == name))
1866 {
1867 this.afterField = value;
1868 this.afterFieldSet = true;
1869 }
1870 if (("Guid" == name))
1871 {
1872 this.guidField = value;
1873 this.guidFieldSet = true;
1874 }
1875 if (("ProductCode" == name))
1876 {
1877 this.productCodeField = value;
1878 this.productCodeFieldSet = true;
1879 }
1880 if (("Result" == name))
1881 {
1882 this.resultField = ComponentSearch.ParseResultType(value);
1883 this.resultFieldSet = true;
1884 }
1885 }
1887 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
1888 public enum ResultType
1889 {
1891 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
1893 NotSet = -1,
1895 /// <summary>
1896 /// Saves the parent directory for the component's file key path; other types of key path are returned unmodified.
1897 /// </summary>
1898 directory,
1900 /// <summary>
1901 /// Saves the state of the component: absent (2), locally installed (3), will run from source (4), or installed in default location (either local or from source) (5)
1902 /// </summary>
1903 state,
1905 /// <summary>
1906 /// Saves the key path of the component if installed. This is the default.
1907 /// </summary>
1908 keyPath,
1909 }
1910 }
1912 /// <summary>
1913 /// References a ComponentSearch.
1914 /// </summary>
1915 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
1916 public class ComponentSearchRef : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
1917 {
1919 private string idField;
1921 private bool idFieldSet;
1923 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
1925 public string Id
1926 {
1927 get
1928 {
1929 return this.idField;
1930 }
1931 set
1932 {
1933 this.idFieldSet = true;
1934 this.idField = value;
1935 }
1936 }
1938 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
1939 {
1940 get
1941 {
1942 return this.parentElement;
1943 }
1944 set
1945 {
1946 this.parentElement = value;
1947 }
1948 }
1950 /// <summary>
1951 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
1952 /// </summary>
1953 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
1954 {
1955 if ((null == writer))
1956 {
1957 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
1958 }
1959 writer.WriteStartElement("ComponentSearchRef", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
1960 if (this.idFieldSet)
1961 {
1962 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
1963 }
1964 writer.WriteEndElement();
1965 }
1967 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
1968 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
1969 {
1970 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
1971 {
1972 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
1973 }
1974 if (("Id" == name))
1975 {
1976 this.idField = value;
1977 this.idFieldSet = true;
1978 }
1979 }
1980 }
1982 /// <summary>
1983 /// Describes a directory search.
1984 /// </summary>
1985 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
1986 public class DirectorySearch : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
1987 {
1989 private string idField;
1991 private bool idFieldSet;
1993 private string variableField;
1995 private bool variableFieldSet;
1997 private string conditionField;
1999 private bool conditionFieldSet;
2001 private string afterField;
2003 private bool afterFieldSet;
2005 private string pathField;
2007 private bool pathFieldSet;
2009 private ResultType resultField;
2011 private bool resultFieldSet;
2013 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
2015 /// <summary>
2016 /// Id of the search for ordering and dependency.
2017 /// </summary>
2018 public string Id
2019 {
2020 get
2021 {
2022 return this.idField;
2023 }
2024 set
2025 {
2026 this.idFieldSet = true;
2027 this.idField = value;
2028 }
2029 }
2031 /// <summary>
2032 /// Name of the variable in which to place the result of the search.
2033 /// </summary>
2034 public string Variable
2035 {
2036 get
2037 {
2038 return this.variableField;
2039 }
2040 set
2041 {
2042 this.variableFieldSet = true;
2043 this.variableField = value;
2044 }
2045 }
2047 /// <summary>
2048 /// Condition for evaluating the search. If this evaluates to false, the search is not executed at all.
2049 /// </summary>
2050 public string Condition
2051 {
2052 get
2053 {
2054 return this.conditionField;
2055 }
2056 set
2057 {
2058 this.conditionFieldSet = true;
2059 this.conditionField = value;
2060 }
2061 }
2063 /// <summary>
2064 /// Id of the search that this one should come after.
2065 /// </summary>
2066 public string After
2067 {
2068 get
2069 {
2070 return this.afterField;
2071 }
2072 set
2073 {
2074 this.afterFieldSet = true;
2075 this.afterField = value;
2076 }
2077 }
2079 /// <summary>
2080 /// Directory path to search for.
2081 /// </summary>
2082 public string Path
2083 {
2084 get
2085 {
2086 return this.pathField;
2087 }
2088 set
2089 {
2090 this.pathFieldSet = true;
2091 this.pathField = value;
2092 }
2093 }
2095 /// <summary>
2096 /// Rather than saving the matching directory path into the variable, a DirectorySearch can save an
2097 /// attribute of the matching directory instead.
2098 /// </summary>
2099 public ResultType Result
2100 {
2101 get
2102 {
2103 return this.resultField;
2104 }
2105 set
2106 {
2107 this.resultFieldSet = true;
2108 this.resultField = value;
2109 }
2110 }
2112 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
2113 {
2114 get
2115 {
2116 return this.parentElement;
2117 }
2118 set
2119 {
2120 this.parentElement = value;
2121 }
2122 }
2124 /// <summary>
2125 /// Parses a ResultType from a string.
2126 /// </summary>
2127 public static ResultType ParseResultType(string value)
2128 {
2129 ResultType parsedValue;
2130 DirectorySearch.TryParseResultType(value, out parsedValue);
2131 return parsedValue;
2132 }
2134 /// <summary>
2135 /// Tries to parse a ResultType from a string.
2136 /// </summary>
2137 public static bool TryParseResultType(string value, out ResultType parsedValue)
2138 {
2139 parsedValue = ResultType.NotSet;
2140 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
2141 {
2142 return false;
2143 }
2144 if (("exists" == value))
2145 {
2146 parsedValue = ResultType.exists;
2147 }
2148 else
2149 {
2150 parsedValue = ResultType.IllegalValue;
2151 return false;
2152 }
2153 return true;
2154 }
2156 /// <summary>
2157 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
2158 /// </summary>
2159 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
2160 {
2161 if ((null == writer))
2162 {
2163 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
2164 }
2165 writer.WriteStartElement("DirectorySearch", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
2166 if (this.idFieldSet)
2167 {
2168 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
2169 }
2170 if (this.variableFieldSet)
2171 {
2172 writer.WriteAttributeString("Variable", this.variableField);
2173 }
2174 if (this.conditionFieldSet)
2175 {
2176 writer.WriteAttributeString("Condition", this.conditionField);
2177 }
2178 if (this.afterFieldSet)
2179 {
2180 writer.WriteAttributeString("After", this.afterField);
2181 }
2182 if (this.pathFieldSet)
2183 {
2184 writer.WriteAttributeString("Path", this.pathField);
2185 }
2186 if (this.resultFieldSet)
2187 {
2188 if ((this.resultField == ResultType.exists))
2189 {
2190 writer.WriteAttributeString("Result", "exists");
2191 }
2192 }
2193 writer.WriteEndElement();
2194 }
2196 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
2197 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
2198 {
2199 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
2200 {
2201 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
2202 }
2203 if (("Id" == name))
2204 {
2205 this.idField = value;
2206 this.idFieldSet = true;
2207 }
2208 if (("Variable" == name))
2209 {
2210 this.variableField = value;
2211 this.variableFieldSet = true;
2212 }
2213 if (("Condition" == name))
2214 {
2215 this.conditionField = value;
2216 this.conditionFieldSet = true;
2217 }
2218 if (("After" == name))
2219 {
2220 this.afterField = value;
2221 this.afterFieldSet = true;
2222 }
2223 if (("Path" == name))
2224 {
2225 this.pathField = value;
2226 this.pathFieldSet = true;
2227 }
2228 if (("Result" == name))
2229 {
2230 this.resultField = DirectorySearch.ParseResultType(value);
2231 this.resultFieldSet = true;
2232 }
2233 }
2235 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
2236 public enum ResultType
2237 {
2239 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
2241 NotSet = -1,
2243 /// <summary>
2244 /// Saves true if a matching directory is found; false otherwise.
2245 /// </summary>
2246 exists,
2247 }
2248 }
2250 /// <summary>
2251 /// References a DirectorySearch.
2252 /// </summary>
2253 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
2254 public class DirectorySearchRef : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
2255 {
2257 private string idField;
2259 private bool idFieldSet;
2261 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
2263 public string Id
2264 {
2265 get
2266 {
2267 return this.idField;
2268 }
2269 set
2270 {
2271 this.idFieldSet = true;
2272 this.idField = value;
2273 }
2274 }
2276 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
2277 {
2278 get
2279 {
2280 return this.parentElement;
2281 }
2282 set
2283 {
2284 this.parentElement = value;
2285 }
2286 }
2288 /// <summary>
2289 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
2290 /// </summary>
2291 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
2292 {
2293 if ((null == writer))
2294 {
2295 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
2296 }
2297 writer.WriteStartElement("DirectorySearchRef", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
2298 if (this.idFieldSet)
2299 {
2300 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
2301 }
2302 writer.WriteEndElement();
2303 }
2305 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
2306 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
2307 {
2308 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
2309 {
2310 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
2311 }
2312 if (("Id" == name))
2313 {
2314 this.idField = value;
2315 this.idFieldSet = true;
2316 }
2317 }
2318 }
2320 /// <summary>
2321 /// Creates an event source.
2322 /// </summary>
2323 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
2324 public class EventSource : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
2325 {
2327 private int categoryCountField;
2329 private bool categoryCountFieldSet;
2331 private string categoryMessageFileField;
2333 private bool categoryMessageFileFieldSet;
2335 private string eventMessageFileField;
2337 private bool eventMessageFileFieldSet;
2339 private YesNoType keyPathField;
2341 private bool keyPathFieldSet;
2343 private string logField;
2345 private bool logFieldSet;
2347 private string nameField;
2349 private bool nameFieldSet;
2351 private string parameterMessageFileField;
2353 private bool parameterMessageFileFieldSet;
2355 private YesNoType supportsErrorsField;
2357 private bool supportsErrorsFieldSet;
2359 private YesNoType supportsFailureAuditsField;
2361 private bool supportsFailureAuditsFieldSet;
2363 private YesNoType supportsInformationalsField;
2365 private bool supportsInformationalsFieldSet;
2367 private YesNoType supportsSuccessAuditsField;
2369 private bool supportsSuccessAuditsFieldSet;
2371 private YesNoType supportsWarningsField;
2373 private bool supportsWarningsFieldSet;
2375 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
2377 /// <summary>
2378 /// The number of categories in CategoryMessageFile. CategoryMessageFile
2379 /// must be specified too.
2380 /// </summary>
2381 public int CategoryCount
2382 {
2383 get
2384 {
2385 return this.categoryCountField;
2386 }
2387 set
2388 {
2389 this.categoryCountFieldSet = true;
2390 this.categoryCountField = value;
2391 }
2392 }
2394 /// <summary>
2395 /// Name of the category message file. CategoryCount must be specified too.
2396 /// Note that this is a formatted field, so you can use [#fileId] syntax to
2397 /// refer to a file being installed. It is also written as a REG_EXPAND_SZ
2398 /// string, so you can use %environment_variable% syntax to refer to a file
2399 /// already present on the user's machine.
2400 /// </summary>
2401 public string CategoryMessageFile
2402 {
2403 get
2404 {
2405 return this.categoryMessageFileField;
2406 }
2407 set
2408 {
2409 this.categoryMessageFileFieldSet = true;
2410 this.categoryMessageFileField = value;
2411 }
2412 }
2414 /// <summary>
2415 /// Name of the event message file.
2416 /// Note that this is a formatted field, so you can use [#fileId] syntax to
2417 /// refer to a file being installed. It is also written as a REG_EXPAND_SZ
2418 /// string, so you can use %environment_variable% syntax to refer to a file
2419 /// already present on the user's machine.
2420 /// </summary>
2421 public string EventMessageFile
2422 {
2423 get
2424 {
2425 return this.eventMessageFileField;
2426 }
2427 set
2428 {
2429 this.eventMessageFileFieldSet = true;
2430 this.eventMessageFileField = value;
2431 }
2432 }
2434 /// <summary>
2435 /// Marks the EventSource registry as the key path of the component it belongs to.
2436 /// </summary>
2437 public YesNoType KeyPath
2438 {
2439 get
2440 {
2441 return this.keyPathField;
2442 }
2443 set
2444 {
2445 this.keyPathFieldSet = true;
2446 this.keyPathField = value;
2447 }
2448 }
2450 /// <summary>
2451 /// Name of the event source's log.
2452 /// </summary>
2453 public string Log
2454 {
2455 get
2456 {
2457 return this.logField;
2458 }
2459 set
2460 {
2461 this.logFieldSet = true;
2462 this.logField = value;
2463 }
2464 }
2466 /// <summary>
2467 /// Name of the event source.
2468 /// </summary>
2469 public string Name
2470 {
2471 get
2472 {
2473 return this.nameField;
2474 }
2475 set
2476 {
2477 this.nameFieldSet = true;
2478 this.nameField = value;
2479 }
2480 }
2482 /// <summary>
2483 /// Name of the parameter message file.
2484 /// Note that this is a formatted field, so you can use [#fileId] syntax to
2485 /// refer to a file being installed. It is also written as a REG_EXPAND_SZ
2486 /// string, so you can use %environment_variable% syntax to refer to a file
2487 /// already present on the user's machine.
2488 /// </summary>
2489 public string ParameterMessageFile
2490 {
2491 get
2492 {
2493 return this.parameterMessageFileField;
2494 }
2495 set
2496 {
2497 this.parameterMessageFileFieldSet = true;
2498 this.parameterMessageFileField = value;
2499 }
2500 }
2502 /// <summary>
2503 /// Equivalent to EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE.
2504 /// </summary>
2505 public YesNoType SupportsErrors
2506 {
2507 get
2508 {
2509 return this.supportsErrorsField;
2510 }
2511 set
2512 {
2513 this.supportsErrorsFieldSet = true;
2514 this.supportsErrorsField = value;
2515 }
2516 }
2518 /// <summary>
2519 /// Equivalent to EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE.
2520 /// </summary>
2521 public YesNoType SupportsFailureAudits
2522 {
2523 get
2524 {
2525 return this.supportsFailureAuditsField;
2526 }
2527 set
2528 {
2529 this.supportsFailureAuditsFieldSet = true;
2530 this.supportsFailureAuditsField = value;
2531 }
2532 }
2534 /// <summary>
2535 /// Equivalent to EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE.
2536 /// </summary>
2537 public YesNoType SupportsInformationals
2538 {
2539 get
2540 {
2541 return this.supportsInformationalsField;
2542 }
2543 set
2544 {
2545 this.supportsInformationalsFieldSet = true;
2546 this.supportsInformationalsField = value;
2547 }
2548 }
2550 /// <summary>
2551 /// Equivalent to EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS.
2552 /// </summary>
2553 public YesNoType SupportsSuccessAudits
2554 {
2555 get
2556 {
2557 return this.supportsSuccessAuditsField;
2558 }
2559 set
2560 {
2561 this.supportsSuccessAuditsFieldSet = true;
2562 this.supportsSuccessAuditsField = value;
2563 }
2564 }
2566 /// <summary>
2567 /// Equivalent to EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE.
2568 /// </summary>
2569 public YesNoType SupportsWarnings
2570 {
2571 get
2572 {
2573 return this.supportsWarningsField;
2574 }
2575 set
2576 {
2577 this.supportsWarningsFieldSet = true;
2578 this.supportsWarningsField = value;
2579 }
2580 }
2582 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
2583 {
2584 get
2585 {
2586 return this.parentElement;
2587 }
2588 set
2589 {
2590 this.parentElement = value;
2591 }
2592 }
2594 /// <summary>
2595 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
2596 /// </summary>
2597 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
2598 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
2599 {
2600 if ((null == writer))
2601 {
2602 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
2603 }
2604 writer.WriteStartElement("EventSource", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
2605 if (this.categoryCountFieldSet)
2606 {
2607 writer.WriteAttributeString("CategoryCount", this.categoryCountField.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
2608 }
2609 if (this.categoryMessageFileFieldSet)
2610 {
2611 writer.WriteAttributeString("CategoryMessageFile", this.categoryMessageFileField);
2612 }
2613 if (this.eventMessageFileFieldSet)
2614 {
2615 writer.WriteAttributeString("EventMessageFile", this.eventMessageFileField);
2616 }
2617 if (this.keyPathFieldSet)
2618 {
2619 if ((this.keyPathField == YesNoType.no))
2620 {
2621 writer.WriteAttributeString("KeyPath", "no");
2622 }
2623 if ((this.keyPathField == YesNoType.yes))
2624 {
2625 writer.WriteAttributeString("KeyPath", "yes");
2626 }
2627 }
2628 if (this.logFieldSet)
2629 {
2630 writer.WriteAttributeString("Log", this.logField);
2631 }
2632 if (this.nameFieldSet)
2633 {
2634 writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", this.nameField);
2635 }
2636 if (this.parameterMessageFileFieldSet)
2637 {
2638 writer.WriteAttributeString("ParameterMessageFile", this.parameterMessageFileField);
2639 }
2640 if (this.supportsErrorsFieldSet)
2641 {
2642 if ((this.supportsErrorsField == YesNoType.no))
2643 {
2644 writer.WriteAttributeString("SupportsErrors", "no");
2645 }
2646 if ((this.supportsErrorsField == YesNoType.yes))
2647 {
2648 writer.WriteAttributeString("SupportsErrors", "yes");
2649 }
2650 }
2651 if (this.supportsFailureAuditsFieldSet)
2652 {
2653 if ((this.supportsFailureAuditsField == YesNoType.no))
2654 {
2655 writer.WriteAttributeString("SupportsFailureAudits", "no");
2656 }
2657 if ((this.supportsFailureAuditsField == YesNoType.yes))
2658 {
2659 writer.WriteAttributeString("SupportsFailureAudits", "yes");
2660 }
2661 }
2662 if (this.supportsInformationalsFieldSet)
2663 {
2664 if ((this.supportsInformationalsField == YesNoType.no))
2665 {
2666 writer.WriteAttributeString("SupportsInformationals", "no");
2667 }
2668 if ((this.supportsInformationalsField == YesNoType.yes))
2669 {
2670 writer.WriteAttributeString("SupportsInformationals", "yes");
2671 }
2672 }
2673 if (this.supportsSuccessAuditsFieldSet)
2674 {
2675 if ((this.supportsSuccessAuditsField == YesNoType.no))
2676 {
2677 writer.WriteAttributeString("SupportsSuccessAudits", "no");
2678 }
2679 if ((this.supportsSuccessAuditsField == YesNoType.yes))
2680 {
2681 writer.WriteAttributeString("SupportsSuccessAudits", "yes");
2682 }
2683 }
2684 if (this.supportsWarningsFieldSet)
2685 {
2686 if ((this.supportsWarningsField == YesNoType.no))
2687 {
2688 writer.WriteAttributeString("SupportsWarnings", "no");
2689 }
2690 if ((this.supportsWarningsField == YesNoType.yes))
2691 {
2692 writer.WriteAttributeString("SupportsWarnings", "yes");
2693 }
2694 }
2695 writer.WriteEndElement();
2696 }
2698 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
2699 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
2700 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
2701 {
2702 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
2703 {
2704 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
2705 }
2706 if (("CategoryCount" == name))
2707 {
2708 this.categoryCountField = Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
2709 this.categoryCountFieldSet = true;
2710 }
2711 if (("CategoryMessageFile" == name))
2712 {
2713 this.categoryMessageFileField = value;
2714 this.categoryMessageFileFieldSet = true;
2715 }
2716 if (("EventMessageFile" == name))
2717 {
2718 this.eventMessageFileField = value;
2719 this.eventMessageFileFieldSet = true;
2720 }
2721 if (("KeyPath" == name))
2722 {
2723 this.keyPathField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
2724 this.keyPathFieldSet = true;
2725 }
2726 if (("Log" == name))
2727 {
2728 this.logField = value;
2729 this.logFieldSet = true;
2730 }
2731 if (("Name" == name))
2732 {
2733 this.nameField = value;
2734 this.nameFieldSet = true;
2735 }
2736 if (("ParameterMessageFile" == name))
2737 {
2738 this.parameterMessageFileField = value;
2739 this.parameterMessageFileFieldSet = true;
2740 }
2741 if (("SupportsErrors" == name))
2742 {
2743 this.supportsErrorsField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
2744 this.supportsErrorsFieldSet = true;
2745 }
2746 if (("SupportsFailureAudits" == name))
2747 {
2748 this.supportsFailureAuditsField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
2749 this.supportsFailureAuditsFieldSet = true;
2750 }
2751 if (("SupportsInformationals" == name))
2752 {
2753 this.supportsInformationalsField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
2754 this.supportsInformationalsFieldSet = true;
2755 }
2756 if (("SupportsSuccessAudits" == name))
2757 {
2758 this.supportsSuccessAuditsField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
2759 this.supportsSuccessAuditsFieldSet = true;
2760 }
2761 if (("SupportsWarnings" == name))
2762 {
2763 this.supportsWarningsField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
2764 this.supportsWarningsFieldSet = true;
2765 }
2766 }
2767 }
2769 /// <summary>
2770 /// Describes a file search.
2771 /// </summary>
2772 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
2773 public class FileSearch : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
2774 {
2776 private string idField;
2778 private bool idFieldSet;
2780 private string variableField;
2782 private bool variableFieldSet;
2784 private string conditionField;
2786 private bool conditionFieldSet;
2788 private string afterField;
2790 private bool afterFieldSet;
2792 private string pathField;
2794 private bool pathFieldSet;
2796 private ResultType resultField;
2798 private bool resultFieldSet;
2800 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
2802 /// <summary>
2803 /// Id of the search for ordering and dependency.
2804 /// </summary>
2805 public string Id
2806 {
2807 get
2808 {
2809 return this.idField;
2810 }
2811 set
2812 {
2813 this.idFieldSet = true;
2814 this.idField = value;
2815 }
2816 }
2818 /// <summary>
2819 /// Name of the variable in which to place the result of the search.
2820 /// </summary>
2821 public string Variable
2822 {
2823 get
2824 {
2825 return this.variableField;
2826 }
2827 set
2828 {
2829 this.variableFieldSet = true;
2830 this.variableField = value;
2831 }
2832 }
2834 /// <summary>
2835 /// Condition for evaluating the search. If this evaluates to false, the search is not executed at all.
2836 /// </summary>
2837 public string Condition
2838 {
2839 get
2840 {
2841 return this.conditionField;
2842 }
2843 set
2844 {
2845 this.conditionFieldSet = true;
2846 this.conditionField = value;
2847 }
2848 }
2850 /// <summary>
2851 /// Id of the search that this one should come after.
2852 /// </summary>
2853 public string After
2854 {
2855 get
2856 {
2857 return this.afterField;
2858 }
2859 set
2860 {
2861 this.afterFieldSet = true;
2862 this.afterField = value;
2863 }
2864 }
2866 /// <summary>
2867 /// File path to search for.
2868 /// </summary>
2869 public string Path
2870 {
2871 get
2872 {
2873 return this.pathField;
2874 }
2875 set
2876 {
2877 this.pathFieldSet = true;
2878 this.pathField = value;
2879 }
2880 }
2882 /// <summary>
2883 /// Rather than saving the matching file path into the variable, a FileSearch can save an attribute of the matching file instead.
2884 /// </summary>
2885 public ResultType Result
2886 {
2887 get
2888 {
2889 return this.resultField;
2890 }
2891 set
2892 {
2893 this.resultFieldSet = true;
2894 this.resultField = value;
2895 }
2896 }
2898 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
2899 {
2900 get
2901 {
2902 return this.parentElement;
2903 }
2904 set
2905 {
2906 this.parentElement = value;
2907 }
2908 }
2910 /// <summary>
2911 /// Parses a ResultType from a string.
2912 /// </summary>
2913 public static ResultType ParseResultType(string value)
2914 {
2915 ResultType parsedValue;
2916 FileSearch.TryParseResultType(value, out parsedValue);
2917 return parsedValue;
2918 }
2920 /// <summary>
2921 /// Tries to parse a ResultType from a string.
2922 /// </summary>
2923 public static bool TryParseResultType(string value, out ResultType parsedValue)
2924 {
2925 parsedValue = ResultType.NotSet;
2926 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
2927 {
2928 return false;
2929 }
2930 if (("exists" == value))
2931 {
2932 parsedValue = ResultType.exists;
2933 }
2934 else
2935 {
2936 if (("version" == value))
2937 {
2938 parsedValue = ResultType.version;
2939 }
2940 else
2941 {
2942 parsedValue = ResultType.IllegalValue;
2943 return false;
2944 }
2945 }
2946 return true;
2947 }
2949 /// <summary>
2950 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
2951 /// </summary>
2952 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
2953 {
2954 if ((null == writer))
2955 {
2956 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
2957 }
2958 writer.WriteStartElement("FileSearch", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
2959 if (this.idFieldSet)
2960 {
2961 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
2962 }
2963 if (this.variableFieldSet)
2964 {
2965 writer.WriteAttributeString("Variable", this.variableField);
2966 }
2967 if (this.conditionFieldSet)
2968 {
2969 writer.WriteAttributeString("Condition", this.conditionField);
2970 }
2971 if (this.afterFieldSet)
2972 {
2973 writer.WriteAttributeString("After", this.afterField);
2974 }
2975 if (this.pathFieldSet)
2976 {
2977 writer.WriteAttributeString("Path", this.pathField);
2978 }
2979 if (this.resultFieldSet)
2980 {
2981 if ((this.resultField == ResultType.exists))
2982 {
2983 writer.WriteAttributeString("Result", "exists");
2984 }
2985 if ((this.resultField == ResultType.version))
2986 {
2987 writer.WriteAttributeString("Result", "version");
2988 }
2989 }
2990 writer.WriteEndElement();
2991 }
2993 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
2994 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
2995 {
2996 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
2997 {
2998 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
2999 }
3000 if (("Id" == name))
3001 {
3002 this.idField = value;
3003 this.idFieldSet = true;
3004 }
3005 if (("Variable" == name))
3006 {
3007 this.variableField = value;
3008 this.variableFieldSet = true;
3009 }
3010 if (("Condition" == name))
3011 {
3012 this.conditionField = value;
3013 this.conditionFieldSet = true;
3014 }
3015 if (("After" == name))
3016 {
3017 this.afterField = value;
3018 this.afterFieldSet = true;
3019 }
3020 if (("Path" == name))
3021 {
3022 this.pathField = value;
3023 this.pathFieldSet = true;
3024 }
3025 if (("Result" == name))
3026 {
3027 this.resultField = FileSearch.ParseResultType(value);
3028 this.resultFieldSet = true;
3029 }
3030 }
3032 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
3033 public enum ResultType
3034 {
3036 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
3038 NotSet = -1,
3040 /// <summary>
3041 /// Saves true if a matching file is found; false otherwise.
3042 /// </summary>
3043 exists,
3045 /// <summary>
3046 /// Saves the version information for files that have it (.exe, .dll); zero-version ( otherwise.
3047 /// </summary>
3048 version,
3049 }
3050 }
3052 /// <summary>
3053 /// References a FileSearch.
3054 /// </summary>
3055 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
3056 public class FileSearchRef : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
3057 {
3059 private string idField;
3061 private bool idFieldSet;
3063 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
3065 public string Id
3066 {
3067 get
3068 {
3069 return this.idField;
3070 }
3071 set
3072 {
3073 this.idFieldSet = true;
3074 this.idField = value;
3075 }
3076 }
3078 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
3079 {
3080 get
3081 {
3082 return this.parentElement;
3083 }
3084 set
3085 {
3086 this.parentElement = value;
3087 }
3088 }
3090 /// <summary>
3091 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
3092 /// </summary>
3093 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
3094 {
3095 if ((null == writer))
3096 {
3097 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
3098 }
3099 writer.WriteStartElement("FileSearchRef", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
3100 if (this.idFieldSet)
3101 {
3102 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
3103 }
3104 writer.WriteEndElement();
3105 }
3107 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
3108 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
3109 {
3110 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
3111 {
3112 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
3113 }
3114 if (("Id" == name))
3115 {
3116 this.idField = value;
3117 this.idFieldSet = true;
3118 }
3119 }
3120 }
3122 /// <summary>
3123 /// Creates a file share out of the component's directory.
3124 /// </summary>
3125 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
3126 public class FileShare : IParentElement, ICreateChildren, ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
3127 {
3129 private ElementCollection children;
3131 private string idField;
3133 private bool idFieldSet;
3135 private string nameField;
3137 private bool nameFieldSet;
3139 private string descriptionField;
3141 private bool descriptionFieldSet;
3143 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
3145 public FileShare()
3146 {
3147 ElementCollection childCollection0 = new ElementCollection(ElementCollection.CollectionType.Sequence);
3148 childCollection0.AddItem(new ElementCollection.SequenceItem(typeof(FileSharePermission)));
3149 this.children = childCollection0;
3150 }
3152 public virtual IEnumerable Children
3153 {
3154 get
3155 {
3156 return this.children;
3157 }
3158 }
3160 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1043:UseIntegralOrStringArgumentForIndexers")]
3161 public virtual IEnumerable this[System.Type childType]
3162 {
3163 get
3164 {
3165 return this.children.Filter(childType);
3166 }
3167 }
3169 /// <summary>
3170 /// Identifier for the file share (primary key).
3171 /// </summary>
3172 public string Id
3173 {
3174 get
3175 {
3176 return this.idField;
3177 }
3178 set
3179 {
3180 this.idFieldSet = true;
3181 this.idField = value;
3182 }
3183 }
3185 /// <summary>
3186 /// Name of the file share.
3187 /// </summary>
3188 public string Name
3189 {
3190 get
3191 {
3192 return this.nameField;
3193 }
3194 set
3195 {
3196 this.nameFieldSet = true;
3197 this.nameField = value;
3198 }
3199 }
3201 /// <summary>
3202 /// Description of the file share.
3203 /// </summary>
3204 public string Description
3205 {
3206 get
3207 {
3208 return this.descriptionField;
3209 }
3210 set
3211 {
3212 this.descriptionFieldSet = true;
3213 this.descriptionField = value;
3214 }
3215 }
3217 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
3218 {
3219 get
3220 {
3221 return this.parentElement;
3222 }
3223 set
3224 {
3225 this.parentElement = value;
3226 }
3227 }
3229 public virtual void AddChild(ISchemaElement child)
3230 {
3231 if ((null == child))
3232 {
3233 throw new ArgumentNullException("child");
3234 }
3235 this.children.AddElement(child);
3236 child.ParentElement = this;
3237 }
3239 public virtual void RemoveChild(ISchemaElement child)
3240 {
3241 if ((null == child))
3242 {
3243 throw new ArgumentNullException("child");
3244 }
3245 this.children.RemoveElement(child);
3246 child.ParentElement = null;
3247 }
3249 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
3250 ISchemaElement ICreateChildren.CreateChild(string childName)
3251 {
3252 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(childName))
3253 {
3254 throw new ArgumentNullException("childName");
3255 }
3256 ISchemaElement childValue = null;
3257 if (("FileSharePermission" == childName))
3258 {
3259 childValue = new FileSharePermission();
3260 }
3261 if ((null == childValue))
3262 {
3263 throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Concat(childName, " is not a valid child name."));
3264 }
3265 return childValue;
3266 }
3268 /// <summary>
3269 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
3270 /// </summary>
3271 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
3272 {
3273 if ((null == writer))
3274 {
3275 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
3276 }
3277 writer.WriteStartElement("FileShare", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
3278 if (this.idFieldSet)
3279 {
3280 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
3281 }
3282 if (this.nameFieldSet)
3283 {
3284 writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", this.nameField);
3285 }
3286 if (this.descriptionFieldSet)
3287 {
3288 writer.WriteAttributeString("Description", this.descriptionField);
3289 }
3290 for (IEnumerator enumerator = this.children.GetEnumerator(); enumerator.MoveNext(); )
3291 {
3292 ISchemaElement childElement = ((ISchemaElement)(enumerator.Current));
3293 childElement.OutputXml(writer);
3294 }
3295 writer.WriteEndElement();
3296 }
3298 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
3299 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
3300 {
3301 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
3302 {
3303 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
3304 }
3305 if (("Id" == name))
3306 {
3307 this.idField = value;
3308 this.idFieldSet = true;
3309 }
3310 if (("Name" == name))
3311 {
3312 this.nameField = value;
3313 this.nameFieldSet = true;
3314 }
3315 if (("Description" == name))
3316 {
3317 this.descriptionField = value;
3318 this.descriptionFieldSet = true;
3319 }
3320 }
3321 }
3323 /// <summary>
3324 /// Sets ACLs on a FileShare. This element has no Id attribute.
3325 /// The table and key are taken from the parent element.
3326 /// </summary>
3327 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
3328 public class FileSharePermission : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
3329 {
3331 private string userField;
3333 private bool userFieldSet;
3335 private YesNoType readField;
3337 private bool readFieldSet;
3339 private YesNoType deleteField;
3341 private bool deleteFieldSet;
3343 private YesNoType readPermissionField;
3345 private bool readPermissionFieldSet;
3347 private YesNoType changePermissionField;
3349 private bool changePermissionFieldSet;
3351 private YesNoType takeOwnershipField;
3353 private bool takeOwnershipFieldSet;
3355 private YesNoType readAttributesField;
3357 private bool readAttributesFieldSet;
3359 private YesNoType writeAttributesField;
3361 private bool writeAttributesFieldSet;
3363 private YesNoType readExtendedAttributesField;
3365 private bool readExtendedAttributesFieldSet;
3367 private YesNoType writeExtendedAttributesField;
3369 private bool writeExtendedAttributesFieldSet;
3371 private YesNoType synchronizeField;
3373 private bool synchronizeFieldSet;
3375 private YesNoType createFileField;
3377 private bool createFileFieldSet;
3379 private YesNoType createChildField;
3381 private bool createChildFieldSet;
3383 private YesNoType deleteChildField;
3385 private bool deleteChildFieldSet;
3387 private YesNoType traverseField;
3389 private bool traverseFieldSet;
3391 private YesNoType genericAllField;
3393 private bool genericAllFieldSet;
3395 private YesNoType genericExecuteField;
3397 private bool genericExecuteFieldSet;
3399 private YesNoType genericWriteField;
3401 private bool genericWriteFieldSet;
3403 private YesNoType genericReadField;
3405 private bool genericReadFieldSet;
3407 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
3409 public string User
3410 {
3411 get
3412 {
3413 return this.userField;
3414 }
3415 set
3416 {
3417 this.userFieldSet = true;
3418 this.userField = value;
3419 }
3420 }
3422 public YesNoType Read
3423 {
3424 get
3425 {
3426 return this.readField;
3427 }
3428 set
3429 {
3430 this.readFieldSet = true;
3431 this.readField = value;
3432 }
3433 }
3435 public YesNoType Delete
3436 {
3437 get
3438 {
3439 return this.deleteField;
3440 }
3441 set
3442 {
3443 this.deleteFieldSet = true;
3444 this.deleteField = value;
3445 }
3446 }
3448 public YesNoType ReadPermission
3449 {
3450 get
3451 {
3452 return this.readPermissionField;
3453 }
3454 set
3455 {
3456 this.readPermissionFieldSet = true;
3457 this.readPermissionField = value;
3458 }
3459 }
3461 public YesNoType ChangePermission
3462 {
3463 get
3464 {
3465 return this.changePermissionField;
3466 }
3467 set
3468 {
3469 this.changePermissionFieldSet = true;
3470 this.changePermissionField = value;
3471 }
3472 }
3474 public YesNoType TakeOwnership
3475 {
3476 get
3477 {
3478 return this.takeOwnershipField;
3479 }
3480 set
3481 {
3482 this.takeOwnershipFieldSet = true;
3483 this.takeOwnershipField = value;
3484 }
3485 }
3487 public YesNoType ReadAttributes
3488 {
3489 get
3490 {
3491 return this.readAttributesField;
3492 }
3493 set
3494 {
3495 this.readAttributesFieldSet = true;
3496 this.readAttributesField = value;
3497 }
3498 }
3500 public YesNoType WriteAttributes
3501 {
3502 get
3503 {
3504 return this.writeAttributesField;
3505 }
3506 set
3507 {
3508 this.writeAttributesFieldSet = true;
3509 this.writeAttributesField = value;
3510 }
3511 }
3513 public YesNoType ReadExtendedAttributes
3514 {
3515 get
3516 {
3517 return this.readExtendedAttributesField;
3518 }
3519 set
3520 {
3521 this.readExtendedAttributesFieldSet = true;
3522 this.readExtendedAttributesField = value;
3523 }
3524 }
3526 public YesNoType WriteExtendedAttributes
3527 {
3528 get
3529 {
3530 return this.writeExtendedAttributesField;
3531 }
3532 set
3533 {
3534 this.writeExtendedAttributesFieldSet = true;
3535 this.writeExtendedAttributesField = value;
3536 }
3537 }
3539 public YesNoType Synchronize
3540 {
3541 get
3542 {
3543 return this.synchronizeField;
3544 }
3545 set
3546 {
3547 this.synchronizeFieldSet = true;
3548 this.synchronizeField = value;
3549 }
3550 }
3552 /// <summary>
3553 /// For a directory, the right to create a file in the directory. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.
3554 /// </summary>
3555 public YesNoType CreateFile
3556 {
3557 get
3558 {
3559 return this.createFileField;
3560 }
3561 set
3562 {
3563 this.createFileFieldSet = true;
3564 this.createFileField = value;
3565 }
3566 }
3568 /// <summary>
3569 /// For a directory, the right to create a subdirectory. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.
3570 /// </summary>
3571 public YesNoType CreateChild
3572 {
3573 get
3574 {
3575 return this.createChildField;
3576 }
3577 set
3578 {
3579 this.createChildFieldSet = true;
3580 this.createChildField = value;
3581 }
3582 }
3584 /// <summary>
3585 /// For a directory, the right to delete a directory and all the files it contains, including read-only files. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.
3586 /// </summary>
3587 public YesNoType DeleteChild
3588 {
3589 get
3590 {
3591 return this.deleteChildField;
3592 }
3593 set
3594 {
3595 this.deleteChildFieldSet = true;
3596 this.deleteChildField = value;
3597 }
3598 }
3600 /// <summary>
3601 /// For a directory, the right to traverse the directory. By default, users are assigned the BYPASS_TRAVERSE_CHECKING privilege, which ignores the FILE_TRAVERSE access right. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.
3602 /// </summary>
3603 public YesNoType Traverse
3604 {
3605 get
3606 {
3607 return this.traverseField;
3608 }
3609 set
3610 {
3611 this.traverseFieldSet = true;
3612 this.traverseField = value;
3613 }
3614 }
3616 public YesNoType GenericAll
3617 {
3618 get
3619 {
3620 return this.genericAllField;
3621 }
3622 set
3623 {
3624 this.genericAllFieldSet = true;
3625 this.genericAllField = value;
3626 }
3627 }
3629 public YesNoType GenericExecute
3630 {
3631 get
3632 {
3633 return this.genericExecuteField;
3634 }
3635 set
3636 {
3637 this.genericExecuteFieldSet = true;
3638 this.genericExecuteField = value;
3639 }
3640 }
3642 public YesNoType GenericWrite
3643 {
3644 get
3645 {
3646 return this.genericWriteField;
3647 }
3648 set
3649 {
3650 this.genericWriteFieldSet = true;
3651 this.genericWriteField = value;
3652 }
3653 }
3655 /// <summary>
3656 /// specifying this will fail to grant read access
3657 /// </summary>
3658 public YesNoType GenericRead
3659 {
3660 get
3661 {
3662 return this.genericReadField;
3663 }
3664 set
3665 {
3666 this.genericReadFieldSet = true;
3667 this.genericReadField = value;
3668 }
3669 }
3671 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
3672 {
3673 get
3674 {
3675 return this.parentElement;
3676 }
3677 set
3678 {
3679 this.parentElement = value;
3680 }
3681 }
3683 /// <summary>
3684 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
3685 /// </summary>
3686 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
3687 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
3688 {
3689 if ((null == writer))
3690 {
3691 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
3692 }
3693 writer.WriteStartElement("FileSharePermission", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
3694 if (this.userFieldSet)
3695 {
3696 writer.WriteAttributeString("User", this.userField);
3697 }
3698 if (this.readFieldSet)
3699 {
3700 if ((this.readField == YesNoType.no))
3701 {
3702 writer.WriteAttributeString("Read", "no");
3703 }
3704 if ((this.readField == YesNoType.yes))
3705 {
3706 writer.WriteAttributeString("Read", "yes");
3707 }
3708 }
3709 if (this.deleteFieldSet)
3710 {
3711 if ((this.deleteField == YesNoType.no))
3712 {
3713 writer.WriteAttributeString("Delete", "no");
3714 }
3715 if ((this.deleteField == YesNoType.yes))
3716 {
3717 writer.WriteAttributeString("Delete", "yes");
3718 }
3719 }
3720 if (this.readPermissionFieldSet)
3721 {
3722 if ((this.readPermissionField == YesNoType.no))
3723 {
3724 writer.WriteAttributeString("ReadPermission", "no");
3725 }
3726 if ((this.readPermissionField == YesNoType.yes))
3727 {
3728 writer.WriteAttributeString("ReadPermission", "yes");
3729 }
3730 }
3731 if (this.changePermissionFieldSet)
3732 {
3733 if ((this.changePermissionField == YesNoType.no))
3734 {
3735 writer.WriteAttributeString("ChangePermission", "no");
3736 }
3737 if ((this.changePermissionField == YesNoType.yes))
3738 {
3739 writer.WriteAttributeString("ChangePermission", "yes");
3740 }
3741 }
3742 if (this.takeOwnershipFieldSet)
3743 {
3744 if ((this.takeOwnershipField == YesNoType.no))
3745 {
3746 writer.WriteAttributeString("TakeOwnership", "no");
3747 }
3748 if ((this.takeOwnershipField == YesNoType.yes))
3749 {
3750 writer.WriteAttributeString("TakeOwnership", "yes");
3751 }
3752 }
3753 if (this.readAttributesFieldSet)
3754 {
3755 if ((this.readAttributesField == YesNoType.no))
3756 {
3757 writer.WriteAttributeString("ReadAttributes", "no");
3758 }
3759 if ((this.readAttributesField == YesNoType.yes))
3760 {
3761 writer.WriteAttributeString("ReadAttributes", "yes");
3762 }
3763 }
3764 if (this.writeAttributesFieldSet)
3765 {
3766 if ((this.writeAttributesField == YesNoType.no))
3767 {
3768 writer.WriteAttributeString("WriteAttributes", "no");
3769 }
3770 if ((this.writeAttributesField == YesNoType.yes))
3771 {
3772 writer.WriteAttributeString("WriteAttributes", "yes");
3773 }
3774 }
3775 if (this.readExtendedAttributesFieldSet)
3776 {
3777 if ((this.readExtendedAttributesField == YesNoType.no))
3778 {
3779 writer.WriteAttributeString("ReadExtendedAttributes", "no");
3780 }
3781 if ((this.readExtendedAttributesField == YesNoType.yes))
3782 {
3783 writer.WriteAttributeString("ReadExtendedAttributes", "yes");
3784 }
3785 }
3786 if (this.writeExtendedAttributesFieldSet)
3787 {
3788 if ((this.writeExtendedAttributesField == YesNoType.no))
3789 {
3790 writer.WriteAttributeString("WriteExtendedAttributes", "no");
3791 }
3792 if ((this.writeExtendedAttributesField == YesNoType.yes))
3793 {
3794 writer.WriteAttributeString("WriteExtendedAttributes", "yes");
3795 }
3796 }
3797 if (this.synchronizeFieldSet)
3798 {
3799 if ((this.synchronizeField == YesNoType.no))
3800 {
3801 writer.WriteAttributeString("Synchronize", "no");
3802 }
3803 if ((this.synchronizeField == YesNoType.yes))
3804 {
3805 writer.WriteAttributeString("Synchronize", "yes");
3806 }
3807 }
3808 if (this.createFileFieldSet)
3809 {
3810 if ((this.createFileField == YesNoType.no))
3811 {
3812 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateFile", "no");
3813 }
3814 if ((this.createFileField == YesNoType.yes))
3815 {
3816 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateFile", "yes");
3817 }
3818 }
3819 if (this.createChildFieldSet)
3820 {
3821 if ((this.createChildField == YesNoType.no))
3822 {
3823 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateChild", "no");
3824 }
3825 if ((this.createChildField == YesNoType.yes))
3826 {
3827 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateChild", "yes");
3828 }
3829 }
3830 if (this.deleteChildFieldSet)
3831 {
3832 if ((this.deleteChildField == YesNoType.no))
3833 {
3834 writer.WriteAttributeString("DeleteChild", "no");
3835 }
3836 if ((this.deleteChildField == YesNoType.yes))
3837 {
3838 writer.WriteAttributeString("DeleteChild", "yes");
3839 }
3840 }
3841 if (this.traverseFieldSet)
3842 {
3843 if ((this.traverseField == YesNoType.no))
3844 {
3845 writer.WriteAttributeString("Traverse", "no");
3846 }
3847 if ((this.traverseField == YesNoType.yes))
3848 {
3849 writer.WriteAttributeString("Traverse", "yes");
3850 }
3851 }
3852 if (this.genericAllFieldSet)
3853 {
3854 if ((this.genericAllField == YesNoType.no))
3855 {
3856 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericAll", "no");
3857 }
3858 if ((this.genericAllField == YesNoType.yes))
3859 {
3860 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericAll", "yes");
3861 }
3862 }
3863 if (this.genericExecuteFieldSet)
3864 {
3865 if ((this.genericExecuteField == YesNoType.no))
3866 {
3867 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericExecute", "no");
3868 }
3869 if ((this.genericExecuteField == YesNoType.yes))
3870 {
3871 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericExecute", "yes");
3872 }
3873 }
3874 if (this.genericWriteFieldSet)
3875 {
3876 if ((this.genericWriteField == YesNoType.no))
3877 {
3878 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericWrite", "no");
3879 }
3880 if ((this.genericWriteField == YesNoType.yes))
3881 {
3882 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericWrite", "yes");
3883 }
3884 }
3885 if (this.genericReadFieldSet)
3886 {
3887 if ((this.genericReadField == YesNoType.no))
3888 {
3889 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericRead", "no");
3890 }
3891 if ((this.genericReadField == YesNoType.yes))
3892 {
3893 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericRead", "yes");
3894 }
3895 }
3896 writer.WriteEndElement();
3897 }
3899 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
3900 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
3901 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
3902 {
3903 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
3904 {
3905 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
3906 }
3907 if (("User" == name))
3908 {
3909 this.userField = value;
3910 this.userFieldSet = true;
3911 }
3912 if (("Read" == name))
3913 {
3914 this.readField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3915 this.readFieldSet = true;
3916 }
3917 if (("Delete" == name))
3918 {
3919 this.deleteField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3920 this.deleteFieldSet = true;
3921 }
3922 if (("ReadPermission" == name))
3923 {
3924 this.readPermissionField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3925 this.readPermissionFieldSet = true;
3926 }
3927 if (("ChangePermission" == name))
3928 {
3929 this.changePermissionField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3930 this.changePermissionFieldSet = true;
3931 }
3932 if (("TakeOwnership" == name))
3933 {
3934 this.takeOwnershipField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3935 this.takeOwnershipFieldSet = true;
3936 }
3937 if (("ReadAttributes" == name))
3938 {
3939 this.readAttributesField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3940 this.readAttributesFieldSet = true;
3941 }
3942 if (("WriteAttributes" == name))
3943 {
3944 this.writeAttributesField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3945 this.writeAttributesFieldSet = true;
3946 }
3947 if (("ReadExtendedAttributes" == name))
3948 {
3949 this.readExtendedAttributesField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3950 this.readExtendedAttributesFieldSet = true;
3951 }
3952 if (("WriteExtendedAttributes" == name))
3953 {
3954 this.writeExtendedAttributesField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3955 this.writeExtendedAttributesFieldSet = true;
3956 }
3957 if (("Synchronize" == name))
3958 {
3959 this.synchronizeField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3960 this.synchronizeFieldSet = true;
3961 }
3962 if (("CreateFile" == name))
3963 {
3964 this.createFileField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3965 this.createFileFieldSet = true;
3966 }
3967 if (("CreateChild" == name))
3968 {
3969 this.createChildField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3970 this.createChildFieldSet = true;
3971 }
3972 if (("DeleteChild" == name))
3973 {
3974 this.deleteChildField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3975 this.deleteChildFieldSet = true;
3976 }
3977 if (("Traverse" == name))
3978 {
3979 this.traverseField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3980 this.traverseFieldSet = true;
3981 }
3982 if (("GenericAll" == name))
3983 {
3984 this.genericAllField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3985 this.genericAllFieldSet = true;
3986 }
3987 if (("GenericExecute" == name))
3988 {
3989 this.genericExecuteField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3990 this.genericExecuteFieldSet = true;
3991 }
3992 if (("GenericWrite" == name))
3993 {
3994 this.genericWriteField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
3995 this.genericWriteFieldSet = true;
3996 }
3997 if (("GenericRead" == name))
3998 {
3999 this.genericReadField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
4000 this.genericReadFieldSet = true;
4001 }
4002 }
4003 }
4005 /// <summary>
4006 /// Formats a file's contents at install time. The contents are formatted according to the rules of the
4007 /// </summary>
4008 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
4009 public class FormatFile : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
4010 {
4012 private string binaryKeyField;
4014 private bool binaryKeyFieldSet;
4016 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
4018 /// <summary>
4019 /// The id of a Binary row that contains a copy of the file. The file in the Binary table overwrites whatever
4020 /// file is installed by the parent component.
4021 /// </summary>
4022 public string BinaryKey
4023 {
4024 get
4025 {
4026 return this.binaryKeyField;
4027 }
4028 set
4029 {
4030 this.binaryKeyFieldSet = true;
4031 this.binaryKeyField = value;
4032 }
4033 }
4035 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
4036 {
4037 get
4038 {
4039 return this.parentElement;
4040 }
4041 set
4042 {
4043 this.parentElement = value;
4044 }
4045 }
4047 /// <summary>
4048 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
4049 /// </summary>
4050 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
4051 {
4052 if ((null == writer))
4053 {
4054 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
4055 }
4056 writer.WriteStartElement("FormatFile", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
4057 if (this.binaryKeyFieldSet)
4058 {
4059 writer.WriteAttributeString("BinaryKey", this.binaryKeyField);
4060 }
4061 writer.WriteEndElement();
4062 }
4064 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
4065 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
4066 {
4067 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
4068 {
4069 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
4070 }
4071 if (("BinaryKey" == name))
4072 {
4073 this.binaryKeyField = value;
4074 this.binaryKeyFieldSet = true;
4075 }
4076 }
4077 }
4079 /// <summary>
4080 /// Finds user groups on the local machine or specified Active Directory domain. The local machine will be
4081 /// searched for the group first then fallback to looking in Active Directory. This element is not capable
4082 /// of creating new groups but can be used to add new or existing users to an existing group.
4083 /// </summary>
4084 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
4085 public class Group : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
4086 {
4088 private string idField;
4090 private bool idFieldSet;
4092 private string nameField;
4094 private bool nameFieldSet;
4096 private string domainField;
4098 private bool domainFieldSet;
4100 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
4102 /// <summary>
4103 /// Unique identifier in your installation package for this group.
4104 /// </summary>
4105 public string Id
4106 {
4107 get
4108 {
4109 return this.idField;
4110 }
4111 set
4112 {
4113 this.idFieldSet = true;
4114 this.idField = value;
4115 }
4116 }
4118 /// <summary>
4119 /// A
4120 /// </summary>
4121 public string Name
4122 {
4123 get
4124 {
4125 return this.nameField;
4126 }
4127 set
4128 {
4129 this.nameFieldSet = true;
4130 this.nameField = value;
4131 }
4132 }
4134 /// <summary>
4135 /// An optional
4136 /// </summary>
4137 public string Domain
4138 {
4139 get
4140 {
4141 return this.domainField;
4142 }
4143 set
4144 {
4145 this.domainFieldSet = true;
4146 this.domainField = value;
4147 }
4148 }
4150 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
4151 {
4152 get
4153 {
4154 return this.parentElement;
4155 }
4156 set
4157 {
4158 this.parentElement = value;
4159 }
4160 }
4162 /// <summary>
4163 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
4164 /// </summary>
4165 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
4166 {
4167 if ((null == writer))
4168 {
4169 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
4170 }
4171 writer.WriteStartElement("Group", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
4172 if (this.idFieldSet)
4173 {
4174 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
4175 }
4176 if (this.nameFieldSet)
4177 {
4178 writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", this.nameField);
4179 }
4180 if (this.domainFieldSet)
4181 {
4182 writer.WriteAttributeString("Domain", this.domainField);
4183 }
4184 writer.WriteEndElement();
4185 }
4187 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
4188 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
4189 {
4190 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
4191 {
4192 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
4193 }
4194 if (("Id" == name))
4195 {
4196 this.idField = value;
4197 this.idFieldSet = true;
4198 }
4199 if (("Name" == name))
4200 {
4201 this.nameField = value;
4202 this.nameFieldSet = true;
4203 }
4204 if (("Domain" == name))
4205 {
4206 this.domainField = value;
4207 this.domainFieldSet = true;
4208 }
4209 }
4210 }
4212 /// <summary>
4213 /// Used to join a user to a group
4214 /// </summary>
4215 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
4216 public class GroupRef : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
4217 {
4219 private string idField;
4221 private bool idFieldSet;
4223 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
4225 public string Id
4226 {
4227 get
4228 {
4229 return this.idField;
4230 }
4231 set
4232 {
4233 this.idFieldSet = true;
4234 this.idField = value;
4235 }
4236 }
4238 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
4239 {
4240 get
4241 {
4242 return this.parentElement;
4243 }
4244 set
4245 {
4246 this.parentElement = value;
4247 }
4248 }
4250 /// <summary>
4251 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
4252 /// </summary>
4253 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
4254 {
4255 if ((null == writer))
4256 {
4257 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
4258 }
4259 writer.WriteStartElement("GroupRef", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
4260 if (this.idFieldSet)
4261 {
4262 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
4263 }
4264 writer.WriteEndElement();
4265 }
4267 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
4268 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
4269 {
4270 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
4271 {
4272 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
4273 }
4274 if (("Id" == name))
4275 {
4276 this.idField = value;
4277 this.idFieldSet = true;
4278 }
4279 }
4280 }
4282 /// <summary>
4283 /// Creates a shortcut to a URL.
4284 /// </summary>
4285 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
4286 public class InternetShortcut : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
4287 {
4289 private string idField;
4291 private bool idFieldSet;
4293 private string directoryField;
4295 private bool directoryFieldSet;
4297 private string nameField;
4299 private bool nameFieldSet;
4301 private string targetField;
4303 private bool targetFieldSet;
4305 private TypeType typeField;
4307 private bool typeFieldSet;
4309 private string iconFileField;
4311 private bool iconFileFieldSet;
4313 private int iconIndexField;
4315 private bool iconIndexFieldSet;
4317 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
4319 /// <summary>
4320 /// Unique identifier in your installation package for this Internet shortcut.
4321 /// </summary>
4322 public string Id
4323 {
4324 get
4325 {
4326 return this.idField;
4327 }
4328 set
4329 {
4330 this.idFieldSet = true;
4331 this.idField = value;
4332 }
4333 }
4335 /// <summary>
4336 /// Identifier reference to Directory element where shortcut is to be created. This attribute's value defaults to the parent Component directory.
4337 /// </summary>
4338 public string Directory
4339 {
4340 get
4341 {
4342 return this.directoryField;
4343 }
4344 set
4345 {
4346 this.directoryFieldSet = true;
4347 this.directoryField = value;
4348 }
4349 }
4351 /// <summary>
4352 /// The name of the shortcut file, which is visible to the user. (The .lnk
4353 /// extension is added automatically and by default, is not shown to the user.)
4354 /// </summary>
4355 public string Name
4356 {
4357 get
4358 {
4359 return this.nameField;
4360 }
4361 set
4362 {
4363 this.nameFieldSet = true;
4364 this.nameField = value;
4365 }
4366 }
4368 /// <summary>
4369 /// URL that should be opened when the user selects the shortcut. Windows
4370 /// opens the URL in the appropriate handler for the protocol specified
4371 /// in the URL. Note that this is a formatted field, so you can use
4372 /// [#fileId] syntax to refer to a file being installed (using the file:
4373 /// protocol).
4374 /// </summary>
4375 public string Target
4376 {
4377 get
4378 {
4379 return this.targetField;
4380 }
4381 set
4382 {
4383 this.targetFieldSet = true;
4384 this.targetField = value;
4385 }
4386 }
4388 /// <summary>
4389 /// Which type of shortcut should be created.
4390 /// </summary>
4391 public TypeType Type
4392 {
4393 get
4394 {
4395 return this.typeField;
4396 }
4397 set
4398 {
4399 this.typeFieldSet = true;
4400 this.typeField = value;
4401 }
4402 }
4404 /// <summary>
4405 /// Icon file that should be displayed. Note that this is a formatted field, so you can use
4406 /// [#fileId] syntax to refer to a file being installed (using the file:
4407 /// protocol).
4408 /// </summary>
4409 public string IconFile
4410 {
4411 get
4412 {
4413 return this.iconFileField;
4414 }
4415 set
4416 {
4417 this.iconFileFieldSet = true;
4418 this.iconFileField = value;
4419 }
4420 }
4422 /// <summary>
4423 /// Index of the icon being referenced
4424 /// </summary>
4425 public int IconIndex
4426 {
4427 get
4428 {
4429 return this.iconIndexField;
4430 }
4431 set
4432 {
4433 this.iconIndexFieldSet = true;
4434 this.iconIndexField = value;
4435 }
4436 }
4438 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
4439 {
4440 get
4441 {
4442 return this.parentElement;
4443 }
4444 set
4445 {
4446 this.parentElement = value;
4447 }
4448 }
4450 /// <summary>
4451 /// Parses a TypeType from a string.
4452 /// </summary>
4453 public static TypeType ParseTypeType(string value)
4454 {
4455 TypeType parsedValue;
4456 InternetShortcut.TryParseTypeType(value, out parsedValue);
4457 return parsedValue;
4458 }
4460 /// <summary>
4461 /// Tries to parse a TypeType from a string.
4462 /// </summary>
4463 public static bool TryParseTypeType(string value, out TypeType parsedValue)
4464 {
4465 parsedValue = TypeType.NotSet;
4466 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
4467 {
4468 return false;
4469 }
4470 if (("url" == value))
4471 {
4472 parsedValue = TypeType.url;
4473 }
4474 else
4475 {
4476 if (("link" == value))
4477 {
4478 parsedValue = TypeType.link;
4479 }
4480 else
4481 {
4482 parsedValue = TypeType.IllegalValue;
4483 return false;
4484 }
4485 }
4486 return true;
4487 }
4489 /// <summary>
4490 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
4491 /// </summary>
4492 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
4493 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
4494 {
4495 if ((null == writer))
4496 {
4497 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
4498 }
4499 writer.WriteStartElement("InternetShortcut", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
4500 if (this.idFieldSet)
4501 {
4502 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
4503 }
4504 if (this.directoryFieldSet)
4505 {
4506 writer.WriteAttributeString("Directory", this.directoryField);
4507 }
4508 if (this.nameFieldSet)
4509 {
4510 writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", this.nameField);
4511 }
4512 if (this.targetFieldSet)
4513 {
4514 writer.WriteAttributeString("Target", this.targetField);
4515 }
4516 if (this.typeFieldSet)
4517 {
4518 if ((this.typeField == TypeType.url))
4519 {
4520 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "url");
4521 }
4522 if ((this.typeField == TypeType.link))
4523 {
4524 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "link");
4525 }
4526 }
4527 if (this.iconFileFieldSet)
4528 {
4529 writer.WriteAttributeString("IconFile", this.iconFileField);
4530 }
4531 if (this.iconIndexFieldSet)
4532 {
4533 writer.WriteAttributeString("IconIndex", this.iconIndexField.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
4534 }
4535 writer.WriteEndElement();
4536 }
4538 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
4539 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
4540 {
4541 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
4542 {
4543 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
4544 }
4545 if (("Id" == name))
4546 {
4547 this.idField = value;
4548 this.idFieldSet = true;
4549 }
4550 if (("Directory" == name))
4551 {
4552 this.directoryField = value;
4553 this.directoryFieldSet = true;
4554 }
4555 if (("Name" == name))
4556 {
4557 this.nameField = value;
4558 this.nameFieldSet = true;
4559 }
4560 if (("Target" == name))
4561 {
4562 this.targetField = value;
4563 this.targetFieldSet = true;
4564 }
4565 if (("Type" == name))
4566 {
4567 this.typeField = InternetShortcut.ParseTypeType(value);
4568 this.typeFieldSet = true;
4569 }
4570 if (("IconFile" == name))
4571 {
4572 this.iconFileField = value;
4573 this.iconFileFieldSet = true;
4574 }
4575 if (("IconIndex" == name))
4576 {
4577 this.iconIndexField = Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
4578 this.iconIndexFieldSet = true;
4579 }
4580 }
4582 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
4583 public enum TypeType
4584 {
4586 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
4588 NotSet = -1,
4590 /// <summary>
4591 /// Creates .url files using IUniformResourceLocatorW.
4592 /// </summary>
4593 url,
4595 /// <summary>
4596 /// Creates .lnk files using IShellLinkW (default).
4597 /// </summary>
4598 link,
4599 }
4600 }
4602 /// <summary>
4603 /// Used to create performance categories and configure performance counters.
4604 /// </summary>
4605 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
4606 public class PerformanceCategory : IParentElement, ICreateChildren, ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
4607 {
4609 private ElementCollection children;
4611 private string idField;
4613 private bool idFieldSet;
4615 private string nameField;
4617 private bool nameFieldSet;
4619 private string helpField;
4621 private bool helpFieldSet;
4623 private YesNoType multiInstanceField;
4625 private bool multiInstanceFieldSet;
4627 private string libraryField;
4629 private bool libraryFieldSet;
4631 private string openField;
4633 private bool openFieldSet;
4635 private string closeField;
4637 private bool closeFieldSet;
4639 private string collectField;
4641 private bool collectFieldSet;
4643 private PerformanceCounterLanguageType defaultLanguageField;
4645 private bool defaultLanguageFieldSet;
4647 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
4649 public PerformanceCategory()
4650 {
4651 ElementCollection childCollection0 = new ElementCollection(ElementCollection.CollectionType.Sequence);
4652 childCollection0.AddItem(new ElementCollection.SequenceItem(typeof(PerformanceCounter)));
4653 this.children = childCollection0;
4654 }
4656 public virtual IEnumerable Children
4657 {
4658 get
4659 {
4660 return this.children;
4661 }
4662 }
4664 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1043:UseIntegralOrStringArgumentForIndexers")]
4665 public virtual IEnumerable this[System.Type childType]
4666 {
4667 get
4668 {
4669 return this.children.Filter(childType);
4670 }
4671 }
4673 /// <summary>
4674 /// Unique identifier in your installation package for this performance counter category.
4675 /// </summary>
4676 public string Id
4677 {
4678 get
4679 {
4680 return this.idField;
4681 }
4682 set
4683 {
4684 this.idFieldSet = true;
4685 this.idField = value;
4686 }
4687 }
4689 /// <summary>
4690 /// Name for the performance counter category. If this attribute is not provided the Id attribute is used as the name of the performance counter category.
4691 /// </summary>
4692 public string Name
4693 {
4694 get
4695 {
4696 return this.nameField;
4697 }
4698 set
4699 {
4700 this.nameFieldSet = true;
4701 this.nameField = value;
4702 }
4703 }
4705 /// <summary>
4706 /// Optional help text for the performance counter category.
4707 /// </summary>
4708 public string Help
4709 {
4710 get
4711 {
4712 return this.helpField;
4713 }
4714 set
4715 {
4716 this.helpFieldSet = true;
4717 this.helpField = value;
4718 }
4719 }
4721 /// <summary>
4722 /// Flag that specifies whether the performance counter category is multi or single instanced. Default is single instance.
4723 /// </summary>
4724 public YesNoType MultiInstance
4725 {
4726 get
4727 {
4728 return this.multiInstanceField;
4729 }
4730 set
4731 {
4732 this.multiInstanceFieldSet = true;
4733 this.multiInstanceField = value;
4734 }
4735 }
4737 /// <summary>
4738 /// DLL that contains the performance counter. The default is "netfxperf.dll" which should be used for all managed code performance counters.
4739 /// </summary>
4740 public string Library
4741 {
4742 get
4743 {
4744 return this.libraryField;
4745 }
4746 set
4747 {
4748 this.libraryFieldSet = true;
4749 this.libraryField = value;
4750 }
4751 }
4753 /// <summary>
4754 /// Function entry point in to the Library DLL called when opening the performance counter. The default is "OpenPerformanceData" which should be used for all managed code performance counters.
4755 /// </summary>
4756 public string Open
4757 {
4758 get
4759 {
4760 return this.openField;
4761 }
4762 set
4763 {
4764 this.openFieldSet = true;
4765 this.openField = value;
4766 }
4767 }
4769 /// <summary>
4770 /// Function entry point in to the Library DLL called when closing the performance counter. The default is "ClosePerformanceData" which should be used for all managed code performance counters.
4771 /// </summary>
4772 public string Close
4773 {
4774 get
4775 {
4776 return this.closeField;
4777 }
4778 set
4779 {
4780 this.closeFieldSet = true;
4781 this.closeField = value;
4782 }
4783 }
4785 /// <summary>
4786 /// Function entry point in to the Library DLL called when collecting data from the performance counter. The default is "CollectPerformanceData" which should be used for all managed code performance counters.
4787 /// </summary>
4788 public string Collect
4789 {
4790 get
4791 {
4792 return this.collectField;
4793 }
4794 set
4795 {
4796 this.collectFieldSet = true;
4797 this.collectField = value;
4798 }
4799 }
4801 /// <summary>
4802 /// Default language for the performance category and contained counters' names and help text.
4803 /// </summary>
4804 public PerformanceCounterLanguageType DefaultLanguage
4805 {
4806 get
4807 {
4808 return this.defaultLanguageField;
4809 }
4810 set
4811 {
4812 this.defaultLanguageFieldSet = true;
4813 this.defaultLanguageField = value;
4814 }
4815 }
4817 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
4818 {
4819 get
4820 {
4821 return this.parentElement;
4822 }
4823 set
4824 {
4825 this.parentElement = value;
4826 }
4827 }
4829 public virtual void AddChild(ISchemaElement child)
4830 {
4831 if ((null == child))
4832 {
4833 throw new ArgumentNullException("child");
4834 }
4835 this.children.AddElement(child);
4836 child.ParentElement = this;
4837 }
4839 public virtual void RemoveChild(ISchemaElement child)
4840 {
4841 if ((null == child))
4842 {
4843 throw new ArgumentNullException("child");
4844 }
4845 this.children.RemoveElement(child);
4846 child.ParentElement = null;
4847 }
4849 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
4850 ISchemaElement ICreateChildren.CreateChild(string childName)
4851 {
4852 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(childName))
4853 {
4854 throw new ArgumentNullException("childName");
4855 }
4856 ISchemaElement childValue = null;
4857 if (("PerformanceCounter" == childName))
4858 {
4859 childValue = new PerformanceCounter();
4860 }
4861 if ((null == childValue))
4862 {
4863 throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Concat(childName, " is not a valid child name."));
4864 }
4865 return childValue;
4866 }
4868 /// <summary>
4869 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
4870 /// </summary>
4871 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
4872 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
4873 {
4874 if ((null == writer))
4875 {
4876 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
4877 }
4878 writer.WriteStartElement("PerformanceCategory", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
4879 if (this.idFieldSet)
4880 {
4881 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
4882 }
4883 if (this.nameFieldSet)
4884 {
4885 writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", this.nameField);
4886 }
4887 if (this.helpFieldSet)
4888 {
4889 writer.WriteAttributeString("Help", this.helpField);
4890 }
4891 if (this.multiInstanceFieldSet)
4892 {
4893 if ((this.multiInstanceField == YesNoType.no))
4894 {
4895 writer.WriteAttributeString("MultiInstance", "no");
4896 }
4897 if ((this.multiInstanceField == YesNoType.yes))
4898 {
4899 writer.WriteAttributeString("MultiInstance", "yes");
4900 }
4901 }
4902 if (this.libraryFieldSet)
4903 {
4904 writer.WriteAttributeString("Library", this.libraryField);
4905 }
4906 if (this.openFieldSet)
4907 {
4908 writer.WriteAttributeString("Open", this.openField);
4909 }
4910 if (this.closeFieldSet)
4911 {
4912 writer.WriteAttributeString("Close", this.closeField);
4913 }
4914 if (this.collectFieldSet)
4915 {
4916 writer.WriteAttributeString("Collect", this.collectField);
4917 }
4918 if (this.defaultLanguageFieldSet)
4919 {
4920 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.afrikaans))
4921 {
4922 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "afrikaans");
4923 }
4924 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.albanian))
4925 {
4926 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "albanian");
4927 }
4928 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.arabic))
4929 {
4930 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "arabic");
4931 }
4932 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.armenian))
4933 {
4934 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "armenian");
4935 }
4936 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.assamese))
4937 {
4938 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "assamese");
4939 }
4940 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.azeri))
4941 {
4942 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "azeri");
4943 }
4944 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.basque))
4945 {
4946 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "basque");
4947 }
4948 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.belarusian))
4949 {
4950 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "belarusian");
4951 }
4952 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.bengali))
4953 {
4954 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "bengali");
4955 }
4956 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.bulgarian))
4957 {
4958 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "bulgarian");
4959 }
4960 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.catalan))
4961 {
4962 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "catalan");
4963 }
4964 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.chinese))
4965 {
4966 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "chinese");
4967 }
4968 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.croatian))
4969 {
4970 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "croatian");
4971 }
4972 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.czech))
4973 {
4974 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "czech");
4975 }
4976 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.danish))
4977 {
4978 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "danish");
4979 }
4980 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.divehi))
4981 {
4982 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "divehi");
4983 }
4984 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.dutch))
4985 {
4986 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "dutch");
4987 }
4988 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.english))
4989 {
4990 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "english");
4991 }
4992 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.estonian))
4993 {
4994 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "estonian");
4995 }
4996 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.faeroese))
4997 {
4998 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "faeroese");
4999 }
5000 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.farsi))
5001 {
5002 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "farsi");
5003 }
5004 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.finnish))
5005 {
5006 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "finnish");
5007 }
5008 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.french))
5009 {
5010 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "french");
5011 }
5012 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.galician))
5013 {
5014 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "galician");
5015 }
5016 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.georgian))
5017 {
5018 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "georgian");
5019 }
5020 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.german))
5021 {
5022 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "german");
5023 }
5024 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.greek))
5025 {
5026 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "greek");
5027 }
5028 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.gujarati))
5029 {
5030 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "gujarati");
5031 }
5032 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.hebrew))
5033 {
5034 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "hebrew");
5035 }
5036 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.hindi))
5037 {
5038 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "hindi");
5039 }
5040 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.hungarian))
5041 {
5042 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "hungarian");
5043 }
5044 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.icelandic))
5045 {
5046 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "icelandic");
5047 }
5048 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.indonesian))
5049 {
5050 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "indonesian");
5051 }
5052 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.italian))
5053 {
5054 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "italian");
5055 }
5056 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.japanese))
5057 {
5058 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "japanese");
5059 }
5060 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.kannada))
5061 {
5062 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "kannada");
5063 }
5064 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.kashmiri))
5065 {
5066 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "kashmiri");
5067 }
5068 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.kazak))
5069 {
5070 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "kazak");
5071 }
5072 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.konkani))
5073 {
5074 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "konkani");
5075 }
5076 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.korean))
5077 {
5078 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "korean");
5079 }
5080 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.kyrgyz))
5081 {
5082 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "kyrgyz");
5083 }
5084 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.latvian))
5085 {
5086 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "latvian");
5087 }
5088 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.lithuanian))
5089 {
5090 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "lithuanian");
5091 }
5092 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.macedonian))
5093 {
5094 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "macedonian");
5095 }
5096 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.malay))
5097 {
5098 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "malay");
5099 }
5100 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.malayalam))
5101 {
5102 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "malayalam");
5103 }
5104 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.manipuri))
5105 {
5106 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "manipuri");
5107 }
5108 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.marathi))
5109 {
5110 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "marathi");
5111 }
5112 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.mongolian))
5113 {
5114 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "mongolian");
5115 }
5116 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.nepali))
5117 {
5118 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "nepali");
5119 }
5120 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.norwegian))
5121 {
5122 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "norwegian");
5123 }
5124 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.oriya))
5125 {
5126 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "oriya");
5127 }
5128 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.polish))
5129 {
5130 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "polish");
5131 }
5132 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.portuguese))
5133 {
5134 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "portuguese");
5135 }
5136 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.punjabi))
5137 {
5138 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "punjabi");
5139 }
5140 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.romanian))
5141 {
5142 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "romanian");
5143 }
5144 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.russian))
5145 {
5146 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "russian");
5147 }
5148 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.sanskrit))
5149 {
5150 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "sanskrit");
5151 }
5152 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.serbian))
5153 {
5154 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "serbian");
5155 }
5156 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.sindhi))
5157 {
5158 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "sindhi");
5159 }
5160 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.slovak))
5161 {
5162 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "slovak");
5163 }
5164 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.slovenian))
5165 {
5166 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "slovenian");
5167 }
5168 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.spanish))
5169 {
5170 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "spanish");
5171 }
5172 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.swahili))
5173 {
5174 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "swahili");
5175 }
5176 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.swedish))
5177 {
5178 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "swedish");
5179 }
5180 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.syriac))
5181 {
5182 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "syriac");
5183 }
5184 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.tamil))
5185 {
5186 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "tamil");
5187 }
5188 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.tatar))
5189 {
5190 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "tatar");
5191 }
5192 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.telugu))
5193 {
5194 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "telugu");
5195 }
5196 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.thai))
5197 {
5198 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "thai");
5199 }
5200 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.turkish))
5201 {
5202 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "turkish");
5203 }
5204 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.ukrainian))
5205 {
5206 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "ukrainian");
5207 }
5208 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.urdu))
5209 {
5210 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "urdu");
5211 }
5212 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.uzbek))
5213 {
5214 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "uzbek");
5215 }
5216 if ((this.defaultLanguageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.vietnamese))
5217 {
5218 writer.WriteAttributeString("DefaultLanguage", "vietnamese");
5219 }
5220 }
5221 for (IEnumerator enumerator = this.children.GetEnumerator(); enumerator.MoveNext(); )
5222 {
5223 ISchemaElement childElement = ((ISchemaElement)(enumerator.Current));
5224 childElement.OutputXml(writer);
5225 }
5226 writer.WriteEndElement();
5227 }
5229 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
5230 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
5231 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
5232 {
5233 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
5234 {
5235 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
5236 }
5237 if (("Id" == name))
5238 {
5239 this.idField = value;
5240 this.idFieldSet = true;
5241 }
5242 if (("Name" == name))
5243 {
5244 this.nameField = value;
5245 this.nameFieldSet = true;
5246 }
5247 if (("Help" == name))
5248 {
5249 this.helpField = value;
5250 this.helpFieldSet = true;
5251 }
5252 if (("MultiInstance" == name))
5253 {
5254 this.multiInstanceField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
5255 this.multiInstanceFieldSet = true;
5256 }
5257 if (("Library" == name))
5258 {
5259 this.libraryField = value;
5260 this.libraryFieldSet = true;
5261 }
5262 if (("Open" == name))
5263 {
5264 this.openField = value;
5265 this.openFieldSet = true;
5266 }
5267 if (("Close" == name))
5268 {
5269 this.closeField = value;
5270 this.closeFieldSet = true;
5271 }
5272 if (("Collect" == name))
5273 {
5274 this.collectField = value;
5275 this.collectFieldSet = true;
5276 }
5277 if (("DefaultLanguage" == name))
5278 {
5279 this.defaultLanguageField = Enums.ParsePerformanceCounterLanguageType(value);
5280 this.defaultLanguageFieldSet = true;
5281 }
5282 }
5283 }
5285 /// <summary>
5286 /// Creates a performance counter in a performance category.
5287 /// </summary>
5288 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
5289 public class PerformanceCounter : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
5290 {
5292 private string nameField;
5294 private bool nameFieldSet;
5296 private string helpField;
5298 private bool helpFieldSet;
5300 private PerformanceCounterTypesType typeField;
5302 private bool typeFieldSet;
5304 private PerformanceCounterLanguageType languageField;
5306 private bool languageFieldSet;
5308 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
5310 /// <summary>
5311 /// Name for the performance counter.
5312 /// </summary>
5313 public string Name
5314 {
5315 get
5316 {
5317 return this.nameField;
5318 }
5319 set
5320 {
5321 this.nameFieldSet = true;
5322 this.nameField = value;
5323 }
5324 }
5326 /// <summary>
5327 /// Optional help text for the performance counter.
5328 /// </summary>
5329 public string Help
5330 {
5331 get
5332 {
5333 return this.helpField;
5334 }
5335 set
5336 {
5337 this.helpFieldSet = true;
5338 this.helpField = value;
5339 }
5340 }
5342 /// <summary>
5343 /// Type of the performance counter.
5344 /// </summary>
5345 public PerformanceCounterTypesType Type
5346 {
5347 get
5348 {
5349 return this.typeField;
5350 }
5351 set
5352 {
5353 this.typeFieldSet = true;
5354 this.typeField = value;
5355 }
5356 }
5358 /// <summary>
5359 /// Language for the peformance counter name and help. The default is to use the parent PerformanceCategory element's DefaultLanguage attribute.
5360 /// </summary>
5361 public PerformanceCounterLanguageType Language
5362 {
5363 get
5364 {
5365 return this.languageField;
5366 }
5367 set
5368 {
5369 this.languageFieldSet = true;
5370 this.languageField = value;
5371 }
5372 }
5374 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
5375 {
5376 get
5377 {
5378 return this.parentElement;
5379 }
5380 set
5381 {
5382 this.parentElement = value;
5383 }
5384 }
5386 /// <summary>
5387 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
5388 /// </summary>
5389 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
5390 {
5391 if ((null == writer))
5392 {
5393 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
5394 }
5395 writer.WriteStartElement("PerformanceCounter", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
5396 if (this.nameFieldSet)
5397 {
5398 writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", this.nameField);
5399 }
5400 if (this.helpFieldSet)
5401 {
5402 writer.WriteAttributeString("Help", this.helpField);
5403 }
5404 if (this.typeFieldSet)
5405 {
5406 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.averageBase))
5407 {
5408 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "averageBase");
5409 }
5410 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.averageCount64))
5411 {
5412 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "averageCount64");
5413 }
5414 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.averageTimer32))
5415 {
5416 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "averageTimer32");
5417 }
5418 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterDelta32))
5419 {
5420 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "counterDelta32");
5421 }
5422 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterTimerInverse))
5423 {
5424 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "counterTimerInverse");
5425 }
5426 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.sampleFraction))
5427 {
5428 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "sampleFraction");
5429 }
5430 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.timer100Ns))
5431 {
5432 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "timer100Ns");
5433 }
5434 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterTimer))
5435 {
5436 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "counterTimer");
5437 }
5438 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.rawFraction))
5439 {
5440 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "rawFraction");
5441 }
5442 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.timer100NsInverse))
5443 {
5444 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "timer100NsInverse");
5445 }
5446 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterMultiTimer))
5447 {
5448 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "counterMultiTimer");
5449 }
5450 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterMultiTimer100Ns))
5451 {
5452 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "counterMultiTimer100Ns");
5453 }
5454 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterMultiTimerInverse))
5455 {
5456 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "counterMultiTimerInverse");
5457 }
5458 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterMultiTimer100NsInverse))
5459 {
5460 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "counterMultiTimer100NsInverse");
5461 }
5462 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.elapsedTime))
5463 {
5464 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "elapsedTime");
5465 }
5466 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.sampleBase))
5467 {
5468 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "sampleBase");
5469 }
5470 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.rawBase))
5471 {
5472 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "rawBase");
5473 }
5474 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterMultiBase))
5475 {
5476 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "counterMultiBase");
5477 }
5478 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.rateOfCountsPerSecond64))
5479 {
5480 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "rateOfCountsPerSecond64");
5481 }
5482 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.rateOfCountsPerSecond32))
5483 {
5484 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "rateOfCountsPerSecond32");
5485 }
5486 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.countPerTimeInterval64))
5487 {
5488 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "countPerTimeInterval64");
5489 }
5490 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.countPerTimeInterval32))
5491 {
5492 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "countPerTimeInterval32");
5493 }
5494 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.sampleCounter))
5495 {
5496 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "sampleCounter");
5497 }
5498 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.counterDelta64))
5499 {
5500 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "counterDelta64");
5501 }
5502 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.numberOfItems64))
5503 {
5504 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "numberOfItems64");
5505 }
5506 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.numberOfItems32))
5507 {
5508 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "numberOfItems32");
5509 }
5510 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.numberOfItemsHEX64))
5511 {
5512 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "numberOfItemsHEX64");
5513 }
5514 if ((this.typeField == PerformanceCounterTypesType.numberOfItemsHEX32))
5515 {
5516 writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", "numberOfItemsHEX32");
5517 }
5518 }
5519 if (this.languageFieldSet)
5520 {
5521 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.afrikaans))
5522 {
5523 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "afrikaans");
5524 }
5525 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.albanian))
5526 {
5527 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "albanian");
5528 }
5529 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.arabic))
5530 {
5531 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "arabic");
5532 }
5533 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.armenian))
5534 {
5535 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "armenian");
5536 }
5537 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.assamese))
5538 {
5539 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "assamese");
5540 }
5541 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.azeri))
5542 {
5543 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "azeri");
5544 }
5545 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.basque))
5546 {
5547 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "basque");
5548 }
5549 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.belarusian))
5550 {
5551 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "belarusian");
5552 }
5553 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.bengali))
5554 {
5555 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "bengali");
5556 }
5557 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.bulgarian))
5558 {
5559 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "bulgarian");
5560 }
5561 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.catalan))
5562 {
5563 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "catalan");
5564 }
5565 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.chinese))
5566 {
5567 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "chinese");
5568 }
5569 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.croatian))
5570 {
5571 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "croatian");
5572 }
5573 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.czech))
5574 {
5575 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "czech");
5576 }
5577 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.danish))
5578 {
5579 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "danish");
5580 }
5581 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.divehi))
5582 {
5583 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "divehi");
5584 }
5585 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.dutch))
5586 {
5587 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "dutch");
5588 }
5589 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.english))
5590 {
5591 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "english");
5592 }
5593 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.estonian))
5594 {
5595 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "estonian");
5596 }
5597 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.faeroese))
5598 {
5599 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "faeroese");
5600 }
5601 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.farsi))
5602 {
5603 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "farsi");
5604 }
5605 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.finnish))
5606 {
5607 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "finnish");
5608 }
5609 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.french))
5610 {
5611 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "french");
5612 }
5613 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.galician))
5614 {
5615 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "galician");
5616 }
5617 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.georgian))
5618 {
5619 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "georgian");
5620 }
5621 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.german))
5622 {
5623 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "german");
5624 }
5625 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.greek))
5626 {
5627 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "greek");
5628 }
5629 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.gujarati))
5630 {
5631 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "gujarati");
5632 }
5633 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.hebrew))
5634 {
5635 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "hebrew");
5636 }
5637 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.hindi))
5638 {
5639 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "hindi");
5640 }
5641 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.hungarian))
5642 {
5643 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "hungarian");
5644 }
5645 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.icelandic))
5646 {
5647 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "icelandic");
5648 }
5649 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.indonesian))
5650 {
5651 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "indonesian");
5652 }
5653 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.italian))
5654 {
5655 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "italian");
5656 }
5657 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.japanese))
5658 {
5659 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "japanese");
5660 }
5661 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.kannada))
5662 {
5663 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "kannada");
5664 }
5665 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.kashmiri))
5666 {
5667 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "kashmiri");
5668 }
5669 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.kazak))
5670 {
5671 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "kazak");
5672 }
5673 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.konkani))
5674 {
5675 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "konkani");
5676 }
5677 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.korean))
5678 {
5679 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "korean");
5680 }
5681 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.kyrgyz))
5682 {
5683 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "kyrgyz");
5684 }
5685 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.latvian))
5686 {
5687 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "latvian");
5688 }
5689 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.lithuanian))
5690 {
5691 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "lithuanian");
5692 }
5693 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.macedonian))
5694 {
5695 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "macedonian");
5696 }
5697 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.malay))
5698 {
5699 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "malay");
5700 }
5701 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.malayalam))
5702 {
5703 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "malayalam");
5704 }
5705 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.manipuri))
5706 {
5707 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "manipuri");
5708 }
5709 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.marathi))
5710 {
5711 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "marathi");
5712 }
5713 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.mongolian))
5714 {
5715 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "mongolian");
5716 }
5717 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.nepali))
5718 {
5719 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "nepali");
5720 }
5721 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.norwegian))
5722 {
5723 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "norwegian");
5724 }
5725 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.oriya))
5726 {
5727 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "oriya");
5728 }
5729 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.polish))
5730 {
5731 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "polish");
5732 }
5733 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.portuguese))
5734 {
5735 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "portuguese");
5736 }
5737 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.punjabi))
5738 {
5739 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "punjabi");
5740 }
5741 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.romanian))
5742 {
5743 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "romanian");
5744 }
5745 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.russian))
5746 {
5747 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "russian");
5748 }
5749 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.sanskrit))
5750 {
5751 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "sanskrit");
5752 }
5753 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.serbian))
5754 {
5755 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "serbian");
5756 }
5757 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.sindhi))
5758 {
5759 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "sindhi");
5760 }
5761 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.slovak))
5762 {
5763 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "slovak");
5764 }
5765 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.slovenian))
5766 {
5767 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "slovenian");
5768 }
5769 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.spanish))
5770 {
5771 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "spanish");
5772 }
5773 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.swahili))
5774 {
5775 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "swahili");
5776 }
5777 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.swedish))
5778 {
5779 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "swedish");
5780 }
5781 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.syriac))
5782 {
5783 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "syriac");
5784 }
5785 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.tamil))
5786 {
5787 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "tamil");
5788 }
5789 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.tatar))
5790 {
5791 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "tatar");
5792 }
5793 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.telugu))
5794 {
5795 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "telugu");
5796 }
5797 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.thai))
5798 {
5799 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "thai");
5800 }
5801 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.turkish))
5802 {
5803 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "turkish");
5804 }
5805 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.ukrainian))
5806 {
5807 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "ukrainian");
5808 }
5809 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.urdu))
5810 {
5811 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "urdu");
5812 }
5813 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.uzbek))
5814 {
5815 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "uzbek");
5816 }
5817 if ((this.languageField == PerformanceCounterLanguageType.vietnamese))
5818 {
5819 writer.WriteAttributeString("Language", "vietnamese");
5820 }
5821 }
5822 writer.WriteEndElement();
5823 }
5825 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
5826 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
5827 {
5828 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
5829 {
5830 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
5831 }
5832 if (("Name" == name))
5833 {
5834 this.nameField = value;
5835 this.nameFieldSet = true;
5836 }
5837 if (("Help" == name))
5838 {
5839 this.helpField = value;
5840 this.helpFieldSet = true;
5841 }
5842 if (("Type" == name))
5843 {
5844 this.typeField = Enums.ParsePerformanceCounterTypesType(value);
5845 this.typeFieldSet = true;
5846 }
5847 if (("Language" == name))
5848 {
5849 this.languageField = Enums.ParsePerformanceCounterLanguageType(value);
5850 this.languageFieldSet = true;
5851 }
5852 }
5853 }
5855 /// <summary>
5856 /// Used to install Perfmon counters.
5857 /// </summary>
5858 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
5859 public class PerfCounter : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
5860 {
5862 private string nameField;
5864 private bool nameFieldSet;
5866 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
5868 public string Name
5869 {
5870 get
5871 {
5872 return this.nameField;
5873 }
5874 set
5875 {
5876 this.nameFieldSet = true;
5877 this.nameField = value;
5878 }
5879 }
5881 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
5882 {
5883 get
5884 {
5885 return this.parentElement;
5886 }
5887 set
5888 {
5889 this.parentElement = value;
5890 }
5891 }
5893 /// <summary>
5894 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
5895 /// </summary>
5896 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
5897 {
5898 if ((null == writer))
5899 {
5900 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
5901 }
5902 writer.WriteStartElement("PerfCounter", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
5903 if (this.nameFieldSet)
5904 {
5905 writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", this.nameField);
5906 }
5907 writer.WriteEndElement();
5908 }
5910 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
5911 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
5912 {
5913 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
5914 {
5915 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
5916 }
5917 if (("Name" == name))
5918 {
5919 this.nameField = value;
5920 this.nameFieldSet = true;
5921 }
5922 }
5923 }
5925 /// <summary>
5926 /// Used to install Perfmon Counter Manifests.
5927 /// Note that this functionality cannot be used with major upgrades that are scheduled after the InstallExecute,
5928 /// InstallExecuteAgain, or InstallFinalize actions. For more information on major upgrade scheduling, see
5929 /// </summary>
5930 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
5931 public class PerfCounterManifest : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
5932 {
5934 private string resourceFileDirectoryField;
5936 private bool resourceFileDirectoryFieldSet;
5938 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
5940 /// <summary>
5941 /// The directory that holds the resource file of the providers in the perfmon counter manifest. Often the resource file path cannot be determined until setup time. Put the directory here and during perfmon manifest registrtion the path will be updated in the registry. If not specified, Perfmon will look for the resource file in the same directory of the perfmon counter manifest file.
5942 /// </summary>
5943 public string ResourceFileDirectory
5944 {
5945 get
5946 {
5947 return this.resourceFileDirectoryField;
5948 }
5949 set
5950 {
5951 this.resourceFileDirectoryFieldSet = true;
5952 this.resourceFileDirectoryField = value;
5953 }
5954 }
5956 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
5957 {
5958 get
5959 {
5960 return this.parentElement;
5961 }
5962 set
5963 {
5964 this.parentElement = value;
5965 }
5966 }
5968 /// <summary>
5969 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
5970 /// </summary>
5971 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
5972 {
5973 if ((null == writer))
5974 {
5975 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
5976 }
5977 writer.WriteStartElement("PerfCounterManifest", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
5978 if (this.resourceFileDirectoryFieldSet)
5979 {
5980 writer.WriteAttributeString("ResourceFileDirectory", this.resourceFileDirectoryField);
5981 }
5982 writer.WriteEndElement();
5983 }
5985 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
5986 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
5987 {
5988 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
5989 {
5990 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
5991 }
5992 if (("ResourceFileDirectory" == name))
5993 {
5994 this.resourceFileDirectoryField = value;
5995 this.resourceFileDirectoryFieldSet = true;
5996 }
5997 }
5998 }
6000 /// <summary>
6001 /// Used to install Event Manifests.
6002 /// </summary>
6003 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
6004 public class EventManifest : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
6005 {
6007 private string messageFileField;
6009 private bool messageFileFieldSet;
6011 private string parameterFileField;
6013 private bool parameterFileFieldSet;
6015 private string resourceFileField;
6017 private bool resourceFileFieldSet;
6019 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
6021 /// <summary>
6022 /// The message file (including path) of all the providers in the event manifest. Often the message file path cannot be determined until setup time. Put your MessageFile here and the messageFileName attribute of the all the providers in the manifest will be updated with the path before it is registered.
6023 /// </summary>
6024 public string MessageFile
6025 {
6026 get
6027 {
6028 return this.messageFileField;
6029 }
6030 set
6031 {
6032 this.messageFileFieldSet = true;
6033 this.messageFileField = value;
6034 }
6035 }
6037 /// <summary>
6038 /// The parameter file (including path) of all the providers in the event manifest. Often the parameter file path cannot be determined until setup time. Put your ParameterFile here and the parameterFileName attribute of the all the providers in the manifest will be updated with the path before it is registered.
6039 /// </summary>
6040 public string ParameterFile
6041 {
6042 get
6043 {
6044 return this.parameterFileField;
6045 }
6046 set
6047 {
6048 this.parameterFileFieldSet = true;
6049 this.parameterFileField = value;
6050 }
6051 }
6053 /// <summary>
6054 /// The resource file (including path) of all the providers in the event manifest. Often the resource file path cannot be determined until setup time. Put your ResourceFile here and the resourceFileName attribute of the all the providers in the manifest will be updated with the path before it is registered.
6055 /// </summary>
6056 public string ResourceFile
6057 {
6058 get
6059 {
6060 return this.resourceFileField;
6061 }
6062 set
6063 {
6064 this.resourceFileFieldSet = true;
6065 this.resourceFileField = value;
6066 }
6067 }
6069 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
6070 {
6071 get
6072 {
6073 return this.parentElement;
6074 }
6075 set
6076 {
6077 this.parentElement = value;
6078 }
6079 }
6081 /// <summary>
6082 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
6083 /// </summary>
6084 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
6085 {
6086 if ((null == writer))
6087 {
6088 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
6089 }
6090 writer.WriteStartElement("EventManifest", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
6091 if (this.messageFileFieldSet)
6092 {
6093 writer.WriteAttributeString("MessageFile", this.messageFileField);
6094 }
6095 if (this.parameterFileFieldSet)
6096 {
6097 writer.WriteAttributeString("ParameterFile", this.parameterFileField);
6098 }
6099 if (this.resourceFileFieldSet)
6100 {
6101 writer.WriteAttributeString("ResourceFile", this.resourceFileField);
6102 }
6103 writer.WriteEndElement();
6104 }
6106 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
6107 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
6108 {
6109 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
6110 {
6111 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
6112 }
6113 if (("MessageFile" == name))
6114 {
6115 this.messageFileField = value;
6116 this.messageFileFieldSet = true;
6117 }
6118 if (("ParameterFile" == name))
6119 {
6120 this.parameterFileField = value;
6121 this.parameterFileFieldSet = true;
6122 }
6123 if (("ResourceFile" == name))
6124 {
6125 this.resourceFileField = value;
6126 this.resourceFileFieldSet = true;
6127 }
6128 }
6129 }
6131 /// <summary>
6132 /// Sets ACLs on File, Registry, CreateFolder, or ServiceInstall. When under a Registry element, this cannot be used
6133 /// if the Action attribute's value is remove or removeKeyOnInstall. This element has no Id attribute.
6134 /// The table and key are taken from the parent element.
6135 /// </summary>
6136 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
6137 public class PermissionEx : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
6138 {
6140 private string domainField;
6142 private bool domainFieldSet;
6144 private string userField;
6146 private bool userFieldSet;
6148 private YesNoType readField;
6150 private bool readFieldSet;
6152 private YesNoType deleteField;
6154 private bool deleteFieldSet;
6156 private YesNoType readPermissionField;
6158 private bool readPermissionFieldSet;
6160 private YesNoType changePermissionField;
6162 private bool changePermissionFieldSet;
6164 private YesNoType takeOwnershipField;
6166 private bool takeOwnershipFieldSet;
6168 private YesNoType readAttributesField;
6170 private bool readAttributesFieldSet;
6172 private YesNoType writeAttributesField;
6174 private bool writeAttributesFieldSet;
6176 private YesNoType readExtendedAttributesField;
6178 private bool readExtendedAttributesFieldSet;
6180 private YesNoType writeExtendedAttributesField;
6182 private bool writeExtendedAttributesFieldSet;
6184 private YesNoType synchronizeField;
6186 private bool synchronizeFieldSet;
6188 private YesNoType createFileField;
6190 private bool createFileFieldSet;
6192 private YesNoType createChildField;
6194 private bool createChildFieldSet;
6196 private YesNoType deleteChildField;
6198 private bool deleteChildFieldSet;
6200 private YesNoType traverseField;
6202 private bool traverseFieldSet;
6204 private YesNoType appendField;
6206 private bool appendFieldSet;
6208 private YesNoType executeField;
6210 private bool executeFieldSet;
6212 private YesNoType writeField;
6214 private bool writeFieldSet;
6216 private YesNoType createSubkeysField;
6218 private bool createSubkeysFieldSet;
6220 private YesNoType enumerateSubkeysField;
6222 private bool enumerateSubkeysFieldSet;
6224 private YesNoType notifyField;
6226 private bool notifyFieldSet;
6228 private YesNoType createLinkField;
6230 private bool createLinkFieldSet;
6232 private YesNoType genericAllField;
6234 private bool genericAllFieldSet;
6236 private YesNoType genericExecuteField;
6238 private bool genericExecuteFieldSet;
6240 private YesNoType genericWriteField;
6242 private bool genericWriteFieldSet;
6244 private YesNoType genericReadField;
6246 private bool genericReadFieldSet;
6248 private YesNoType serviceQueryConfigField;
6250 private bool serviceQueryConfigFieldSet;
6252 private YesNoType serviceChangeConfigField;
6254 private bool serviceChangeConfigFieldSet;
6256 private YesNoType serviceQueryStatusField;
6258 private bool serviceQueryStatusFieldSet;
6260 private YesNoType serviceEnumerateDependentsField;
6262 private bool serviceEnumerateDependentsFieldSet;
6264 private YesNoType serviceStartField;
6266 private bool serviceStartFieldSet;
6268 private YesNoType serviceStopField;
6270 private bool serviceStopFieldSet;
6272 private YesNoType servicePauseContinueField;
6274 private bool servicePauseContinueFieldSet;
6276 private YesNoType serviceInterrogateField;
6278 private bool serviceInterrogateFieldSet;
6280 private YesNoType serviceUserDefinedControlField;
6282 private bool serviceUserDefinedControlFieldSet;
6284 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
6286 public string Domain
6287 {
6288 get
6289 {
6290 return this.domainField;
6291 }
6292 set
6293 {
6294 this.domainFieldSet = true;
6295 this.domainField = value;
6296 }
6297 }
6299 public string User
6300 {
6301 get
6302 {
6303 return this.userField;
6304 }
6305 set
6306 {
6307 this.userFieldSet = true;
6308 this.userField = value;
6309 }
6310 }
6312 public YesNoType Read
6313 {
6314 get
6315 {
6316 return this.readField;
6317 }
6318 set
6319 {
6320 this.readFieldSet = true;
6321 this.readField = value;
6322 }
6323 }
6325 public YesNoType Delete
6326 {
6327 get
6328 {
6329 return this.deleteField;
6330 }
6331 set
6332 {
6333 this.deleteFieldSet = true;
6334 this.deleteField = value;
6335 }
6336 }
6338 public YesNoType ReadPermission
6339 {
6340 get
6341 {
6342 return this.readPermissionField;
6343 }
6344 set
6345 {
6346 this.readPermissionFieldSet = true;
6347 this.readPermissionField = value;
6348 }
6349 }
6351 public YesNoType ChangePermission
6352 {
6353 get
6354 {
6355 return this.changePermissionField;
6356 }
6357 set
6358 {
6359 this.changePermissionFieldSet = true;
6360 this.changePermissionField = value;
6361 }
6362 }
6364 public YesNoType TakeOwnership
6365 {
6366 get
6367 {
6368 return this.takeOwnershipField;
6369 }
6370 set
6371 {
6372 this.takeOwnershipFieldSet = true;
6373 this.takeOwnershipField = value;
6374 }
6375 }
6377 public YesNoType ReadAttributes
6378 {
6379 get
6380 {
6381 return this.readAttributesField;
6382 }
6383 set
6384 {
6385 this.readAttributesFieldSet = true;
6386 this.readAttributesField = value;
6387 }
6388 }
6390 public YesNoType WriteAttributes
6391 {
6392 get
6393 {
6394 return this.writeAttributesField;
6395 }
6396 set
6397 {
6398 this.writeAttributesFieldSet = true;
6399 this.writeAttributesField = value;
6400 }
6401 }
6403 public YesNoType ReadExtendedAttributes
6404 {
6405 get
6406 {
6407 return this.readExtendedAttributesField;
6408 }
6409 set
6410 {
6411 this.readExtendedAttributesFieldSet = true;
6412 this.readExtendedAttributesField = value;
6413 }
6414 }
6416 public YesNoType WriteExtendedAttributes
6417 {
6418 get
6419 {
6420 return this.writeExtendedAttributesField;
6421 }
6422 set
6423 {
6424 this.writeExtendedAttributesFieldSet = true;
6425 this.writeExtendedAttributesField = value;
6426 }
6427 }
6429 public YesNoType Synchronize
6430 {
6431 get
6432 {
6433 return this.synchronizeField;
6434 }
6435 set
6436 {
6437 this.synchronizeFieldSet = true;
6438 this.synchronizeField = value;
6439 }
6440 }
6442 /// <summary>
6443 /// For a directory, the right to create a file in the directory. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.
6444 /// </summary>
6445 public YesNoType CreateFile
6446 {
6447 get
6448 {
6449 return this.createFileField;
6450 }
6451 set
6452 {
6453 this.createFileFieldSet = true;
6454 this.createFileField = value;
6455 }
6456 }
6458 /// <summary>
6459 /// For a directory, the right to create a subdirectory. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.
6460 /// </summary>
6461 public YesNoType CreateChild
6462 {
6463 get
6464 {
6465 return this.createChildField;
6466 }
6467 set
6468 {
6469 this.createChildFieldSet = true;
6470 this.createChildField = value;
6471 }
6472 }
6474 /// <summary>
6475 /// For a directory, the right to delete a directory and all the files it contains, including read-only files. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.
6476 /// </summary>
6477 public YesNoType DeleteChild
6478 {
6479 get
6480 {
6481 return this.deleteChildField;
6482 }
6483 set
6484 {
6485 this.deleteChildFieldSet = true;
6486 this.deleteChildField = value;
6487 }
6488 }
6490 /// <summary>
6491 /// For a directory, the right to traverse the directory. By default, users are assigned the BYPASS_TRAVERSE_CHECKING privilege, which ignores the FILE_TRAVERSE access right. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.
6492 /// </summary>
6493 public YesNoType Traverse
6494 {
6495 get
6496 {
6497 return this.traverseField;
6498 }
6499 set
6500 {
6501 this.traverseFieldSet = true;
6502 this.traverseField = value;
6503 }
6504 }
6506 public YesNoType Append
6507 {
6508 get
6509 {
6510 return this.appendField;
6511 }
6512 set
6513 {
6514 this.appendFieldSet = true;
6515 this.appendField = value;
6516 }
6517 }
6519 public YesNoType Execute
6520 {
6521 get
6522 {
6523 return this.executeField;
6524 }
6525 set
6526 {
6527 this.executeFieldSet = true;
6528 this.executeField = value;
6529 }
6530 }
6532 public YesNoType Write
6533 {
6534 get
6535 {
6536 return this.writeField;
6537 }
6538 set
6539 {
6540 this.writeFieldSet = true;
6541 this.writeField = value;
6542 }
6543 }
6545 public YesNoType CreateSubkeys
6546 {
6547 get
6548 {
6549 return this.createSubkeysField;
6550 }
6551 set
6552 {
6553 this.createSubkeysFieldSet = true;
6554 this.createSubkeysField = value;
6555 }
6556 }
6558 public YesNoType EnumerateSubkeys
6559 {
6560 get
6561 {
6562 return this.enumerateSubkeysField;
6563 }
6564 set
6565 {
6566 this.enumerateSubkeysFieldSet = true;
6567 this.enumerateSubkeysField = value;
6568 }
6569 }
6571 public YesNoType Notify
6572 {
6573 get
6574 {
6575 return this.notifyField;
6576 }
6577 set
6578 {
6579 this.notifyFieldSet = true;
6580 this.notifyField = value;
6581 }
6582 }
6584 public YesNoType CreateLink
6585 {
6586 get
6587 {
6588 return this.createLinkField;
6589 }
6590 set
6591 {
6592 this.createLinkFieldSet = true;
6593 this.createLinkField = value;
6594 }
6595 }
6597 public YesNoType GenericAll
6598 {
6599 get
6600 {
6601 return this.genericAllField;
6602 }
6603 set
6604 {
6605 this.genericAllFieldSet = true;
6606 this.genericAllField = value;
6607 }
6608 }
6610 public YesNoType GenericExecute
6611 {
6612 get
6613 {
6614 return this.genericExecuteField;
6615 }
6616 set
6617 {
6618 this.genericExecuteFieldSet = true;
6619 this.genericExecuteField = value;
6620 }
6621 }
6623 public YesNoType GenericWrite
6624 {
6625 get
6626 {
6627 return this.genericWriteField;
6628 }
6629 set
6630 {
6631 this.genericWriteFieldSet = true;
6632 this.genericWriteField = value;
6633 }
6634 }
6636 /// <summary>
6637 /// specifying this will fail to grant read access
6638 /// </summary>
6639 public YesNoType GenericRead
6640 {
6641 get
6642 {
6643 return this.genericReadField;
6644 }
6645 set
6646 {
6647 this.genericReadFieldSet = true;
6648 this.genericReadField = value;
6649 }
6650 }
6652 /// <summary>
6653 /// Required to call the QueryServiceConfig and QueryServiceConfig2 functions to query the service configuration. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.
6654 /// </summary>
6655 public YesNoType ServiceQueryConfig
6656 {
6657 get
6658 {
6659 return this.serviceQueryConfigField;
6660 }
6661 set
6662 {
6663 this.serviceQueryConfigFieldSet = true;
6664 this.serviceQueryConfigField = value;
6665 }
6666 }
6668 /// <summary>
6669 /// Required to call the ChangeServiceConfig or ChangeServiceConfig2 function to change the service configuration. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.
6670 /// </summary>
6671 public YesNoType ServiceChangeConfig
6672 {
6673 get
6674 {
6675 return this.serviceChangeConfigField;
6676 }
6677 set
6678 {
6679 this.serviceChangeConfigFieldSet = true;
6680 this.serviceChangeConfigField = value;
6681 }
6682 }
6684 /// <summary>
6685 /// Required to call the QueryServiceStatus function to ask the service control manager about the status of the service. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.
6686 /// </summary>
6687 public YesNoType ServiceQueryStatus
6688 {
6689 get
6690 {
6691 return this.serviceQueryStatusField;
6692 }
6693 set
6694 {
6695 this.serviceQueryStatusFieldSet = true;
6696 this.serviceQueryStatusField = value;
6697 }
6698 }
6700 /// <summary>
6701 /// Required to call the EnumDependentServices function to enumerate all the services dependent on the service. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.
6702 /// </summary>
6703 public YesNoType ServiceEnumerateDependents
6704 {
6705 get
6706 {
6707 return this.serviceEnumerateDependentsField;
6708 }
6709 set
6710 {
6711 this.serviceEnumerateDependentsFieldSet = true;
6712 this.serviceEnumerateDependentsField = value;
6713 }
6714 }
6716 /// <summary>
6717 /// Required to call the StartService function to start the service. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.
6718 /// </summary>
6719 public YesNoType ServiceStart
6720 {
6721 get
6722 {
6723 return this.serviceStartField;
6724 }
6725 set
6726 {
6727 this.serviceStartFieldSet = true;
6728 this.serviceStartField = value;
6729 }
6730 }
6732 /// <summary>
6733 /// Required to call the ControlService function to stop the service. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.
6734 /// </summary>
6735 public YesNoType ServiceStop
6736 {
6737 get
6738 {
6739 return this.serviceStopField;
6740 }
6741 set
6742 {
6743 this.serviceStopFieldSet = true;
6744 this.serviceStopField = value;
6745 }
6746 }
6748 /// <summary>
6749 /// Required to call the ControlService function to pause or continue the service. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.
6750 /// </summary>
6751 public YesNoType ServicePauseContinue
6752 {
6753 get
6754 {
6755 return this.servicePauseContinueField;
6756 }
6757 set
6758 {
6759 this.servicePauseContinueFieldSet = true;
6760 this.servicePauseContinueField = value;
6761 }
6762 }
6764 /// <summary>
6765 /// Required to call the ControlService function to ask the service to report its status immediately. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.
6766 /// </summary>
6767 public YesNoType ServiceInterrogate
6768 {
6769 get
6770 {
6771 return this.serviceInterrogateField;
6772 }
6773 set
6774 {
6775 this.serviceInterrogateFieldSet = true;
6776 this.serviceInterrogateField = value;
6777 }
6778 }
6780 /// <summary>
6781 /// Required to call the ControlService function to specify a user-defined control code. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.
6782 /// </summary>
6783 public YesNoType ServiceUserDefinedControl
6784 {
6785 get
6786 {
6787 return this.serviceUserDefinedControlField;
6788 }
6789 set
6790 {
6791 this.serviceUserDefinedControlFieldSet = true;
6792 this.serviceUserDefinedControlField = value;
6793 }
6794 }
6796 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
6797 {
6798 get
6799 {
6800 return this.parentElement;
6801 }
6802 set
6803 {
6804 this.parentElement = value;
6805 }
6806 }
6808 /// <summary>
6809 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
6810 /// </summary>
6811 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
6812 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
6813 {
6814 if ((null == writer))
6815 {
6816 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
6817 }
6818 writer.WriteStartElement("PermissionEx", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
6819 if (this.domainFieldSet)
6820 {
6821 writer.WriteAttributeString("Domain", this.domainField);
6822 }
6823 if (this.userFieldSet)
6824 {
6825 writer.WriteAttributeString("User", this.userField);
6826 }
6827 if (this.readFieldSet)
6828 {
6829 if ((this.readField == YesNoType.no))
6830 {
6831 writer.WriteAttributeString("Read", "no");
6832 }
6833 if ((this.readField == YesNoType.yes))
6834 {
6835 writer.WriteAttributeString("Read", "yes");
6836 }
6837 }
6838 if (this.deleteFieldSet)
6839 {
6840 if ((this.deleteField == YesNoType.no))
6841 {
6842 writer.WriteAttributeString("Delete", "no");
6843 }
6844 if ((this.deleteField == YesNoType.yes))
6845 {
6846 writer.WriteAttributeString("Delete", "yes");
6847 }
6848 }
6849 if (this.readPermissionFieldSet)
6850 {
6851 if ((this.readPermissionField == YesNoType.no))
6852 {
6853 writer.WriteAttributeString("ReadPermission", "no");
6854 }
6855 if ((this.readPermissionField == YesNoType.yes))
6856 {
6857 writer.WriteAttributeString("ReadPermission", "yes");
6858 }
6859 }
6860 if (this.changePermissionFieldSet)
6861 {
6862 if ((this.changePermissionField == YesNoType.no))
6863 {
6864 writer.WriteAttributeString("ChangePermission", "no");
6865 }
6866 if ((this.changePermissionField == YesNoType.yes))
6867 {
6868 writer.WriteAttributeString("ChangePermission", "yes");
6869 }
6870 }
6871 if (this.takeOwnershipFieldSet)
6872 {
6873 if ((this.takeOwnershipField == YesNoType.no))
6874 {
6875 writer.WriteAttributeString("TakeOwnership", "no");
6876 }
6877 if ((this.takeOwnershipField == YesNoType.yes))
6878 {
6879 writer.WriteAttributeString("TakeOwnership", "yes");
6880 }
6881 }
6882 if (this.readAttributesFieldSet)
6883 {
6884 if ((this.readAttributesField == YesNoType.no))
6885 {
6886 writer.WriteAttributeString("ReadAttributes", "no");
6887 }
6888 if ((this.readAttributesField == YesNoType.yes))
6889 {
6890 writer.WriteAttributeString("ReadAttributes", "yes");
6891 }
6892 }
6893 if (this.writeAttributesFieldSet)
6894 {
6895 if ((this.writeAttributesField == YesNoType.no))
6896 {
6897 writer.WriteAttributeString("WriteAttributes", "no");
6898 }
6899 if ((this.writeAttributesField == YesNoType.yes))
6900 {
6901 writer.WriteAttributeString("WriteAttributes", "yes");
6902 }
6903 }
6904 if (this.readExtendedAttributesFieldSet)
6905 {
6906 if ((this.readExtendedAttributesField == YesNoType.no))
6907 {
6908 writer.WriteAttributeString("ReadExtendedAttributes", "no");
6909 }
6910 if ((this.readExtendedAttributesField == YesNoType.yes))
6911 {
6912 writer.WriteAttributeString("ReadExtendedAttributes", "yes");
6913 }
6914 }
6915 if (this.writeExtendedAttributesFieldSet)
6916 {
6917 if ((this.writeExtendedAttributesField == YesNoType.no))
6918 {
6919 writer.WriteAttributeString("WriteExtendedAttributes", "no");
6920 }
6921 if ((this.writeExtendedAttributesField == YesNoType.yes))
6922 {
6923 writer.WriteAttributeString("WriteExtendedAttributes", "yes");
6924 }
6925 }
6926 if (this.synchronizeFieldSet)
6927 {
6928 if ((this.synchronizeField == YesNoType.no))
6929 {
6930 writer.WriteAttributeString("Synchronize", "no");
6931 }
6932 if ((this.synchronizeField == YesNoType.yes))
6933 {
6934 writer.WriteAttributeString("Synchronize", "yes");
6935 }
6936 }
6937 if (this.createFileFieldSet)
6938 {
6939 if ((this.createFileField == YesNoType.no))
6940 {
6941 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateFile", "no");
6942 }
6943 if ((this.createFileField == YesNoType.yes))
6944 {
6945 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateFile", "yes");
6946 }
6947 }
6948 if (this.createChildFieldSet)
6949 {
6950 if ((this.createChildField == YesNoType.no))
6951 {
6952 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateChild", "no");
6953 }
6954 if ((this.createChildField == YesNoType.yes))
6955 {
6956 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateChild", "yes");
6957 }
6958 }
6959 if (this.deleteChildFieldSet)
6960 {
6961 if ((this.deleteChildField == YesNoType.no))
6962 {
6963 writer.WriteAttributeString("DeleteChild", "no");
6964 }
6965 if ((this.deleteChildField == YesNoType.yes))
6966 {
6967 writer.WriteAttributeString("DeleteChild", "yes");
6968 }
6969 }
6970 if (this.traverseFieldSet)
6971 {
6972 if ((this.traverseField == YesNoType.no))
6973 {
6974 writer.WriteAttributeString("Traverse", "no");
6975 }
6976 if ((this.traverseField == YesNoType.yes))
6977 {
6978 writer.WriteAttributeString("Traverse", "yes");
6979 }
6980 }
6981 if (this.appendFieldSet)
6982 {
6983 if ((this.appendField == YesNoType.no))
6984 {
6985 writer.WriteAttributeString("Append", "no");
6986 }
6987 if ((this.appendField == YesNoType.yes))
6988 {
6989 writer.WriteAttributeString("Append", "yes");
6990 }
6991 }
6992 if (this.executeFieldSet)
6993 {
6994 if ((this.executeField == YesNoType.no))
6995 {
6996 writer.WriteAttributeString("Execute", "no");
6997 }
6998 if ((this.executeField == YesNoType.yes))
6999 {
7000 writer.WriteAttributeString("Execute", "yes");
7001 }
7002 }
7003 if (this.writeFieldSet)
7004 {
7005 if ((this.writeField == YesNoType.no))
7006 {
7007 writer.WriteAttributeString("Write", "no");
7008 }
7009 if ((this.writeField == YesNoType.yes))
7010 {
7011 writer.WriteAttributeString("Write", "yes");
7012 }
7013 }
7014 if (this.createSubkeysFieldSet)
7015 {
7016 if ((this.createSubkeysField == YesNoType.no))
7017 {
7018 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateSubkeys", "no");
7019 }
7020 if ((this.createSubkeysField == YesNoType.yes))
7021 {
7022 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateSubkeys", "yes");
7023 }
7024 }
7025 if (this.enumerateSubkeysFieldSet)
7026 {
7027 if ((this.enumerateSubkeysField == YesNoType.no))
7028 {
7029 writer.WriteAttributeString("EnumerateSubkeys", "no");
7030 }
7031 if ((this.enumerateSubkeysField == YesNoType.yes))
7032 {
7033 writer.WriteAttributeString("EnumerateSubkeys", "yes");
7034 }
7035 }
7036 if (this.notifyFieldSet)
7037 {
7038 if ((this.notifyField == YesNoType.no))
7039 {
7040 writer.WriteAttributeString("Notify", "no");
7041 }
7042 if ((this.notifyField == YesNoType.yes))
7043 {
7044 writer.WriteAttributeString("Notify", "yes");
7045 }
7046 }
7047 if (this.createLinkFieldSet)
7048 {
7049 if ((this.createLinkField == YesNoType.no))
7050 {
7051 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateLink", "no");
7052 }
7053 if ((this.createLinkField == YesNoType.yes))
7054 {
7055 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateLink", "yes");
7056 }
7057 }
7058 if (this.genericAllFieldSet)
7059 {
7060 if ((this.genericAllField == YesNoType.no))
7061 {
7062 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericAll", "no");
7063 }
7064 if ((this.genericAllField == YesNoType.yes))
7065 {
7066 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericAll", "yes");
7067 }
7068 }
7069 if (this.genericExecuteFieldSet)
7070 {
7071 if ((this.genericExecuteField == YesNoType.no))
7072 {
7073 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericExecute", "no");
7074 }
7075 if ((this.genericExecuteField == YesNoType.yes))
7076 {
7077 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericExecute", "yes");
7078 }
7079 }
7080 if (this.genericWriteFieldSet)
7081 {
7082 if ((this.genericWriteField == YesNoType.no))
7083 {
7084 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericWrite", "no");
7085 }
7086 if ((this.genericWriteField == YesNoType.yes))
7087 {
7088 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericWrite", "yes");
7089 }
7090 }
7091 if (this.genericReadFieldSet)
7092 {
7093 if ((this.genericReadField == YesNoType.no))
7094 {
7095 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericRead", "no");
7096 }
7097 if ((this.genericReadField == YesNoType.yes))
7098 {
7099 writer.WriteAttributeString("GenericRead", "yes");
7100 }
7101 }
7102 if (this.serviceQueryConfigFieldSet)
7103 {
7104 if ((this.serviceQueryConfigField == YesNoType.no))
7105 {
7106 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceQueryConfig", "no");
7107 }
7108 if ((this.serviceQueryConfigField == YesNoType.yes))
7109 {
7110 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceQueryConfig", "yes");
7111 }
7112 }
7113 if (this.serviceChangeConfigFieldSet)
7114 {
7115 if ((this.serviceChangeConfigField == YesNoType.no))
7116 {
7117 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceChangeConfig", "no");
7118 }
7119 if ((this.serviceChangeConfigField == YesNoType.yes))
7120 {
7121 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceChangeConfig", "yes");
7122 }
7123 }
7124 if (this.serviceQueryStatusFieldSet)
7125 {
7126 if ((this.serviceQueryStatusField == YesNoType.no))
7127 {
7128 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceQueryStatus", "no");
7129 }
7130 if ((this.serviceQueryStatusField == YesNoType.yes))
7131 {
7132 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceQueryStatus", "yes");
7133 }
7134 }
7135 if (this.serviceEnumerateDependentsFieldSet)
7136 {
7137 if ((this.serviceEnumerateDependentsField == YesNoType.no))
7138 {
7139 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceEnumerateDependents", "no");
7140 }
7141 if ((this.serviceEnumerateDependentsField == YesNoType.yes))
7142 {
7143 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceEnumerateDependents", "yes");
7144 }
7145 }
7146 if (this.serviceStartFieldSet)
7147 {
7148 if ((this.serviceStartField == YesNoType.no))
7149 {
7150 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceStart", "no");
7151 }
7152 if ((this.serviceStartField == YesNoType.yes))
7153 {
7154 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceStart", "yes");
7155 }
7156 }
7157 if (this.serviceStopFieldSet)
7158 {
7159 if ((this.serviceStopField == YesNoType.no))
7160 {
7161 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceStop", "no");
7162 }
7163 if ((this.serviceStopField == YesNoType.yes))
7164 {
7165 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceStop", "yes");
7166 }
7167 }
7168 if (this.servicePauseContinueFieldSet)
7169 {
7170 if ((this.servicePauseContinueField == YesNoType.no))
7171 {
7172 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServicePauseContinue", "no");
7173 }
7174 if ((this.servicePauseContinueField == YesNoType.yes))
7175 {
7176 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServicePauseContinue", "yes");
7177 }
7178 }
7179 if (this.serviceInterrogateFieldSet)
7180 {
7181 if ((this.serviceInterrogateField == YesNoType.no))
7182 {
7183 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceInterrogate", "no");
7184 }
7185 if ((this.serviceInterrogateField == YesNoType.yes))
7186 {
7187 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceInterrogate", "yes");
7188 }
7189 }
7190 if (this.serviceUserDefinedControlFieldSet)
7191 {
7192 if ((this.serviceUserDefinedControlField == YesNoType.no))
7193 {
7194 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceUserDefinedControl", "no");
7195 }
7196 if ((this.serviceUserDefinedControlField == YesNoType.yes))
7197 {
7198 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceUserDefinedControl", "yes");
7199 }
7200 }
7201 writer.WriteEndElement();
7202 }
7204 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
7205 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
7206 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
7207 {
7208 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
7209 {
7210 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
7211 }
7212 if (("Domain" == name))
7213 {
7214 this.domainField = value;
7215 this.domainFieldSet = true;
7216 }
7217 if (("User" == name))
7218 {
7219 this.userField = value;
7220 this.userFieldSet = true;
7221 }
7222 if (("Read" == name))
7223 {
7224 this.readField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7225 this.readFieldSet = true;
7226 }
7227 if (("Delete" == name))
7228 {
7229 this.deleteField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7230 this.deleteFieldSet = true;
7231 }
7232 if (("ReadPermission" == name))
7233 {
7234 this.readPermissionField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7235 this.readPermissionFieldSet = true;
7236 }
7237 if (("ChangePermission" == name))
7238 {
7239 this.changePermissionField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7240 this.changePermissionFieldSet = true;
7241 }
7242 if (("TakeOwnership" == name))
7243 {
7244 this.takeOwnershipField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7245 this.takeOwnershipFieldSet = true;
7246 }
7247 if (("ReadAttributes" == name))
7248 {
7249 this.readAttributesField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7250 this.readAttributesFieldSet = true;
7251 }
7252 if (("WriteAttributes" == name))
7253 {
7254 this.writeAttributesField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7255 this.writeAttributesFieldSet = true;
7256 }
7257 if (("ReadExtendedAttributes" == name))
7258 {
7259 this.readExtendedAttributesField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7260 this.readExtendedAttributesFieldSet = true;
7261 }
7262 if (("WriteExtendedAttributes" == name))
7263 {
7264 this.writeExtendedAttributesField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7265 this.writeExtendedAttributesFieldSet = true;
7266 }
7267 if (("Synchronize" == name))
7268 {
7269 this.synchronizeField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7270 this.synchronizeFieldSet = true;
7271 }
7272 if (("CreateFile" == name))
7273 {
7274 this.createFileField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7275 this.createFileFieldSet = true;
7276 }
7277 if (("CreateChild" == name))
7278 {
7279 this.createChildField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7280 this.createChildFieldSet = true;
7281 }
7282 if (("DeleteChild" == name))
7283 {
7284 this.deleteChildField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7285 this.deleteChildFieldSet = true;
7286 }
7287 if (("Traverse" == name))
7288 {
7289 this.traverseField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7290 this.traverseFieldSet = true;
7291 }
7292 if (("Append" == name))
7293 {
7294 this.appendField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7295 this.appendFieldSet = true;
7296 }
7297 if (("Execute" == name))
7298 {
7299 this.executeField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7300 this.executeFieldSet = true;
7301 }
7302 if (("Write" == name))
7303 {
7304 this.writeField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7305 this.writeFieldSet = true;
7306 }
7307 if (("CreateSubkeys" == name))
7308 {
7309 this.createSubkeysField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7310 this.createSubkeysFieldSet = true;
7311 }
7312 if (("EnumerateSubkeys" == name))
7313 {
7314 this.enumerateSubkeysField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7315 this.enumerateSubkeysFieldSet = true;
7316 }
7317 if (("Notify" == name))
7318 {
7319 this.notifyField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7320 this.notifyFieldSet = true;
7321 }
7322 if (("CreateLink" == name))
7323 {
7324 this.createLinkField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7325 this.createLinkFieldSet = true;
7326 }
7327 if (("GenericAll" == name))
7328 {
7329 this.genericAllField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7330 this.genericAllFieldSet = true;
7331 }
7332 if (("GenericExecute" == name))
7333 {
7334 this.genericExecuteField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7335 this.genericExecuteFieldSet = true;
7336 }
7337 if (("GenericWrite" == name))
7338 {
7339 this.genericWriteField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7340 this.genericWriteFieldSet = true;
7341 }
7342 if (("GenericRead" == name))
7343 {
7344 this.genericReadField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7345 this.genericReadFieldSet = true;
7346 }
7347 if (("ServiceQueryConfig" == name))
7348 {
7349 this.serviceQueryConfigField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7350 this.serviceQueryConfigFieldSet = true;
7351 }
7352 if (("ServiceChangeConfig" == name))
7353 {
7354 this.serviceChangeConfigField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7355 this.serviceChangeConfigFieldSet = true;
7356 }
7357 if (("ServiceQueryStatus" == name))
7358 {
7359 this.serviceQueryStatusField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7360 this.serviceQueryStatusFieldSet = true;
7361 }
7362 if (("ServiceEnumerateDependents" == name))
7363 {
7364 this.serviceEnumerateDependentsField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7365 this.serviceEnumerateDependentsFieldSet = true;
7366 }
7367 if (("ServiceStart" == name))
7368 {
7369 this.serviceStartField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7370 this.serviceStartFieldSet = true;
7371 }
7372 if (("ServiceStop" == name))
7373 {
7374 this.serviceStopField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7375 this.serviceStopFieldSet = true;
7376 }
7377 if (("ServicePauseContinue" == name))
7378 {
7379 this.servicePauseContinueField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7380 this.servicePauseContinueFieldSet = true;
7381 }
7382 if (("ServiceInterrogate" == name))
7383 {
7384 this.serviceInterrogateField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7385 this.serviceInterrogateFieldSet = true;
7386 }
7387 if (("ServiceUserDefinedControl" == name))
7388 {
7389 this.serviceUserDefinedControlField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
7390 this.serviceUserDefinedControlFieldSet = true;
7391 }
7392 }
7393 }
7395 /// <summary>
7396 /// Describes a product search.
7397 /// </summary>
7398 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
7399 public class ProductSearch : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
7400 {
7402 private string idField;
7404 private bool idFieldSet;
7406 private string variableField;
7408 private bool variableFieldSet;
7410 private string conditionField;
7412 private bool conditionFieldSet;
7414 private string afterField;
7416 private bool afterFieldSet;
7418 private string guidField;
7420 private bool guidFieldSet;
7422 private string productCodeField;
7424 private bool productCodeFieldSet;
7426 private string upgradeCodeField;
7428 private bool upgradeCodeFieldSet;
7430 private ResultType resultField;
7432 private bool resultFieldSet;
7434 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
7436 /// <summary>
7437 /// Id of the search for ordering and dependency.
7438 /// </summary>
7439 public string Id
7440 {
7441 get
7442 {
7443 return this.idField;
7444 }
7445 set
7446 {
7447 this.idFieldSet = true;
7448 this.idField = value;
7449 }
7450 }
7452 /// <summary>
7453 /// Name of the variable in which to place the result of the search.
7454 /// </summary>
7455 public string Variable
7456 {
7457 get
7458 {
7459 return this.variableField;
7460 }
7461 set
7462 {
7463 this.variableFieldSet = true;
7464 this.variableField = value;
7465 }
7466 }
7468 /// <summary>
7469 /// Condition for evaluating the search. If this evaluates to false, the search is not executed at all.
7470 /// </summary>
7471 public string Condition
7472 {
7473 get
7474 {
7475 return this.conditionField;
7476 }
7477 set
7478 {
7479 this.conditionFieldSet = true;
7480 this.conditionField = value;
7481 }
7482 }
7484 /// <summary>
7485 /// Id of the search that this one should come after.
7486 /// </summary>
7487 public string After
7488 {
7489 get
7490 {
7491 return this.afterField;
7492 }
7493 set
7494 {
7495 this.afterFieldSet = true;
7496 this.afterField = value;
7497 }
7498 }
7500 /// <summary>
7501 /// The Guid attribute has been deprecated; use the ProductCode or UpgradeCode attribute instead. If this attribute is used, it is assumed to be a ProductCode.
7502 /// </summary>
7503 public string Guid
7504 {
7505 get
7506 {
7507 return this.guidField;
7508 }
7509 set
7510 {
7511 this.guidFieldSet = true;
7512 this.guidField = value;
7513 }
7514 }
7516 /// <summary>
7517 /// The ProductCode to use for the search. This attribute must be omitted if UpgradeCode is specified.
7518 /// </summary>
7519 public string ProductCode
7520 {
7521 get
7522 {
7523 return this.productCodeField;
7524 }
7525 set
7526 {
7527 this.productCodeFieldSet = true;
7528 this.productCodeField = value;
7529 }
7530 }
7532 /// <summary>
7533 /// The UpgradeCode to use for the search. This attribute must be omitted if ProductCode is specified. Note that if multiple products are found, the highest versioned product will be used for the result.
7534 /// </summary>
7535 public string UpgradeCode
7536 {
7537 get
7538 {
7539 return this.upgradeCodeField;
7540 }
7541 set
7542 {
7543 this.upgradeCodeFieldSet = true;
7544 this.upgradeCodeField = value;
7545 }
7546 }
7548 /// <summary>
7549 /// Rather than saving the product version into the variable, a ProductSearch can save another attribute of the matching product instead.
7550 /// </summary>
7551 public ResultType Result
7552 {
7553 get
7554 {
7555 return this.resultField;
7556 }
7557 set
7558 {
7559 this.resultFieldSet = true;
7560 this.resultField = value;
7561 }
7562 }
7564 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
7565 {
7566 get
7567 {
7568 return this.parentElement;
7569 }
7570 set
7571 {
7572 this.parentElement = value;
7573 }
7574 }
7576 /// <summary>
7577 /// Parses a ResultType from a string.
7578 /// </summary>
7579 public static ResultType ParseResultType(string value)
7580 {
7581 ResultType parsedValue;
7582 ProductSearch.TryParseResultType(value, out parsedValue);
7583 return parsedValue;
7584 }
7586 /// <summary>
7587 /// Tries to parse a ResultType from a string.
7588 /// </summary>
7589 public static bool TryParseResultType(string value, out ResultType parsedValue)
7590 {
7591 parsedValue = ResultType.NotSet;
7592 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
7593 {
7594 return false;
7595 }
7596 if (("version" == value))
7597 {
7598 parsedValue = ResultType.version;
7599 }
7600 else
7601 {
7602 if (("language" == value))
7603 {
7604 parsedValue = ResultType.language;
7605 }
7606 else
7607 {
7608 if (("state" == value))
7609 {
7610 parsedValue = ResultType.state;
7611 }
7612 else
7613 {
7614 if (("assignment" == value))
7615 {
7616 parsedValue = ResultType.assignment;
7617 }
7618 else
7619 {
7620 parsedValue = ResultType.IllegalValue;
7621 return false;
7622 }
7623 }
7624 }
7625 }
7626 return true;
7627 }
7629 /// <summary>
7630 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
7631 /// </summary>
7632 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
7633 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
7634 {
7635 if ((null == writer))
7636 {
7637 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
7638 }
7639 writer.WriteStartElement("ProductSearch", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
7640 if (this.idFieldSet)
7641 {
7642 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
7643 }
7644 if (this.variableFieldSet)
7645 {
7646 writer.WriteAttributeString("Variable", this.variableField);
7647 }
7648 if (this.conditionFieldSet)
7649 {
7650 writer.WriteAttributeString("Condition", this.conditionField);
7651 }
7652 if (this.afterFieldSet)
7653 {
7654 writer.WriteAttributeString("After", this.afterField);
7655 }
7656 if (this.guidFieldSet)
7657 {
7658 writer.WriteAttributeString("Guid", this.guidField);
7659 }
7660 if (this.productCodeFieldSet)
7661 {
7662 writer.WriteAttributeString("ProductCode", this.productCodeField);
7663 }
7664 if (this.upgradeCodeFieldSet)
7665 {
7666 writer.WriteAttributeString("UpgradeCode", this.upgradeCodeField);
7667 }
7668 if (this.resultFieldSet)
7669 {
7670 if ((this.resultField == ResultType.version))
7671 {
7672 writer.WriteAttributeString("Result", "version");
7673 }
7674 if ((this.resultField == ResultType.language))
7675 {
7676 writer.WriteAttributeString("Result", "language");
7677 }
7678 if ((this.resultField == ResultType.state))
7679 {
7680 writer.WriteAttributeString("Result", "state");
7681 }
7682 if ((this.resultField == ResultType.assignment))
7683 {
7684 writer.WriteAttributeString("Result", "assignment");
7685 }
7686 }
7687 writer.WriteEndElement();
7688 }
7690 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
7691 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
7692 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
7693 {
7694 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
7695 {
7696 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
7697 }
7698 if (("Id" == name))
7699 {
7700 this.idField = value;
7701 this.idFieldSet = true;
7702 }
7703 if (("Variable" == name))
7704 {
7705 this.variableField = value;
7706 this.variableFieldSet = true;
7707 }
7708 if (("Condition" == name))
7709 {
7710 this.conditionField = value;
7711 this.conditionFieldSet = true;
7712 }
7713 if (("After" == name))
7714 {
7715 this.afterField = value;
7716 this.afterFieldSet = true;
7717 }
7718 if (("Guid" == name))
7719 {
7720 this.guidField = value;
7721 this.guidFieldSet = true;
7722 }
7723 if (("ProductCode" == name))
7724 {
7725 this.productCodeField = value;
7726 this.productCodeFieldSet = true;
7727 }
7728 if (("UpgradeCode" == name))
7729 {
7730 this.upgradeCodeField = value;
7731 this.upgradeCodeFieldSet = true;
7732 }
7733 if (("Result" == name))
7734 {
7735 this.resultField = ProductSearch.ParseResultType(value);
7736 this.resultFieldSet = true;
7737 }
7738 }
7740 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
7741 public enum ResultType
7742 {
7744 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
7746 NotSet = -1,
7748 /// <summary>
7749 /// Saves the version of a matching product if found; otherwise. This is the default.
7750 /// </summary>
7751 version,
7753 /// <summary>
7754 /// Saves the language of a matching product if found; empty otherwise.
7755 /// </summary>
7756 language,
7758 /// <summary>
7759 /// Saves the state of the product: advertised (1), absent (2), or locally installed (5).
7760 /// </summary>
7761 state,
7763 /// <summary>
7764 /// Saves the assignment type of the product: per-user (0), or per-machine (1).
7765 /// </summary>
7766 assignment,
7767 }
7768 }
7770 /// <summary>
7771 /// References a ProductSearch.
7772 /// </summary>
7773 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
7774 public class ProductSearchRef : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
7775 {
7777 private string idField;
7779 private bool idFieldSet;
7781 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
7783 public string Id
7784 {
7785 get
7786 {
7787 return this.idField;
7788 }
7789 set
7790 {
7791 this.idFieldSet = true;
7792 this.idField = value;
7793 }
7794 }
7796 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
7797 {
7798 get
7799 {
7800 return this.parentElement;
7801 }
7802 set
7803 {
7804 this.parentElement = value;
7805 }
7806 }
7808 /// <summary>
7809 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
7810 /// </summary>
7811 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
7812 {
7813 if ((null == writer))
7814 {
7815 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
7816 }
7817 writer.WriteStartElement("ProductSearchRef", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
7818 if (this.idFieldSet)
7819 {
7820 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
7821 }
7822 writer.WriteEndElement();
7823 }
7825 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
7826 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
7827 {
7828 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
7829 {
7830 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
7831 }
7832 if (("Id" == name))
7833 {
7834 this.idField = value;
7835 this.idFieldSet = true;
7836 }
7837 }
7838 }
7840 /// <summary>
7841 /// Remove a folder and all contained files and folders if the parent component is selected for installation or removal.
7842 /// The folder must be specified in the Property attribute as the name of a property that will have a value that resolves
7843 /// to the full path of the folder before the CostInitialize action. Note that Directory ids cannot be used.
7844 /// For more details, see the Remarks.
7845 /// </summary>
7846 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
7847 public class RemoveFolderEx : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
7848 {
7850 private string idField;
7852 private bool idFieldSet;
7854 private string propertyField;
7856 private bool propertyFieldSet;
7858 private OnType onField;
7860 private bool onFieldSet;
7862 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
7864 /// <summary>
7865 /// Primary key used to identify this particular entry. If this is not specified, a stable identifier
7866 /// will be generated at compile time based on the other attributes.
7867 /// </summary>
7868 public string Id
7869 {
7870 get
7871 {
7872 return this.idField;
7873 }
7874 set
7875 {
7876 this.idFieldSet = true;
7877 this.idField = value;
7878 }
7879 }
7881 /// <summary>
7882 /// The id of a property that resolves to the full path of the source directory. The property does not have
7883 /// to exist in the installer database at creation time; it could be created at installation time by a custom
7884 /// action, on the command line, etc. The property value can contain environment variables surrounded by
7885 /// percent signs such as from a REG_EXPAND_SZ registry value; environment variables will be expanded before
7886 /// being evaluated for a full path.
7887 /// </summary>
7888 public string Property
7889 {
7890 get
7891 {
7892 return this.propertyField;
7893 }
7894 set
7895 {
7896 this.propertyFieldSet = true;
7897 this.propertyField = value;
7898 }
7899 }
7901 /// <summary>
7902 /// This value determines when the folder may be removed.
7903 /// </summary>
7904 public OnType On
7905 {
7906 get
7907 {
7908 return this.onField;
7909 }
7910 set
7911 {
7912 this.onFieldSet = true;
7913 this.onField = value;
7914 }
7915 }
7917 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
7918 {
7919 get
7920 {
7921 return this.parentElement;
7922 }
7923 set
7924 {
7925 this.parentElement = value;
7926 }
7927 }
7929 /// <summary>
7930 /// Parses a OnType from a string.
7931 /// </summary>
7932 public static OnType ParseOnType(string value)
7933 {
7934 OnType parsedValue;
7935 RemoveFolderEx.TryParseOnType(value, out parsedValue);
7936 return parsedValue;
7937 }
7939 /// <summary>
7940 /// Tries to parse a OnType from a string.
7941 /// </summary>
7942 public static bool TryParseOnType(string value, out OnType parsedValue)
7943 {
7944 parsedValue = OnType.NotSet;
7945 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
7946 {
7947 return false;
7948 }
7949 if (("install" == value))
7950 {
7951 parsedValue = OnType.install;
7952 }
7953 else
7954 {
7955 if (("uninstall" == value))
7956 {
7957 parsedValue = OnType.uninstall;
7958 }
7959 else
7960 {
7961 if (("both" == value))
7962 {
7963 parsedValue = OnType.both;
7964 }
7965 else
7966 {
7967 parsedValue = OnType.IllegalValue;
7968 return false;
7969 }
7970 }
7971 }
7972 return true;
7973 }
7975 /// <summary>
7976 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
7977 /// </summary>
7978 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
7979 {
7980 if ((null == writer))
7981 {
7982 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
7983 }
7984 writer.WriteStartElement("RemoveFolderEx", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
7985 if (this.idFieldSet)
7986 {
7987 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
7988 }
7989 if (this.propertyFieldSet)
7990 {
7991 writer.WriteAttributeString("Property", this.propertyField);
7992 }
7993 if (this.onFieldSet)
7994 {
7995 if ((this.onField == OnType.install))
7996 {
7997 writer.WriteAttributeString("On", "install");
7998 }
7999 if ((this.onField == OnType.uninstall))
8000 {
8001 writer.WriteAttributeString("On", "uninstall");
8002 }
8003 if ((this.onField == OnType.both))
8004 {
8005 writer.WriteAttributeString("On", "both");
8006 }
8007 }
8008 writer.WriteEndElement();
8009 }
8011 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
8012 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
8013 {
8014 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
8015 {
8016 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
8017 }
8018 if (("Id" == name))
8019 {
8020 this.idField = value;
8021 this.idFieldSet = true;
8022 }
8023 if (("Property" == name))
8024 {
8025 this.propertyField = value;
8026 this.propertyFieldSet = true;
8027 }
8028 if (("On" == name))
8029 {
8030 this.onField = RemoveFolderEx.ParseOnType(value);
8031 this.onFieldSet = true;
8032 }
8033 }
8035 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
8036 public enum OnType
8037 {
8039 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
8041 NotSet = -1,
8043 /// <summary>
8044 /// Removes the folder only when the parent component is being installed (msiInstallStateLocal or msiInstallStateSource).
8045 /// </summary>
8046 install,
8048 /// <summary>
8049 /// Default: Removes the folder only when the parent component is being removed (msiInstallStateAbsent).
8050 /// </summary>
8051 uninstall,
8053 /// <summary>
8054 /// Removes the folder when the parent component is being installed or removed.
8055 /// </summary>
8056 both,
8057 }
8058 }
8060 /// <summary>
8061 /// Registers a resource with the Restart Manager.
8062 /// </summary>
8063 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
8064 public class RestartResource : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
8065 {
8067 private string idField;
8069 private bool idFieldSet;
8071 private string pathField;
8073 private bool pathFieldSet;
8075 private string processNameField;
8077 private bool processNameFieldSet;
8079 private string serviceNameField;
8081 private bool serviceNameFieldSet;
8083 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
8085 /// <summary>
8086 /// The unique identifier for this resource. A unique identifier will
8087 /// be generated automatically if not specified.
8088 /// </summary>
8089 public string Id
8090 {
8091 get
8092 {
8093 return this.idField;
8094 }
8095 set
8096 {
8097 this.idFieldSet = true;
8098 this.idField = value;
8099 }
8100 }
8102 /// <summary>
8103 /// The full path to the process module to register with the Restart Manager.
8104 /// This can be a formatted value that resolves to a full path.
8105 /// </summary>
8106 public string Path
8107 {
8108 get
8109 {
8110 return this.pathField;
8111 }
8112 set
8113 {
8114 this.pathFieldSet = true;
8115 this.pathField = value;
8116 }
8117 }
8119 /// <summary>
8120 /// The name of a process to register with the Restart Manager.
8121 /// This can be a formatted value that resolves to a process name.
8122 /// </summary>
8123 public string ProcessName
8124 {
8125 get
8126 {
8127 return this.processNameField;
8128 }
8129 set
8130 {
8131 this.processNameFieldSet = true;
8132 this.processNameField = value;
8133 }
8134 }
8136 /// <summary>
8137 /// The name of a Windows service to register with the Restart Manager.
8138 /// This can be a formatted value that resolves to a service name.
8139 /// </summary>
8140 public string ServiceName
8141 {
8142 get
8143 {
8144 return this.serviceNameField;
8145 }
8146 set
8147 {
8148 this.serviceNameFieldSet = true;
8149 this.serviceNameField = value;
8150 }
8151 }
8153 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
8154 {
8155 get
8156 {
8157 return this.parentElement;
8158 }
8159 set
8160 {
8161 this.parentElement = value;
8162 }
8163 }
8165 /// <summary>
8166 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
8167 /// </summary>
8168 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
8169 {
8170 if ((null == writer))
8171 {
8172 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
8173 }
8174 writer.WriteStartElement("RestartResource", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
8175 if (this.idFieldSet)
8176 {
8177 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
8178 }
8179 if (this.pathFieldSet)
8180 {
8181 writer.WriteAttributeString("Path", this.pathField);
8182 }
8183 if (this.processNameFieldSet)
8184 {
8185 writer.WriteAttributeString("ProcessName", this.processNameField);
8186 }
8187 if (this.serviceNameFieldSet)
8188 {
8189 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceName", this.serviceNameField);
8190 }
8191 writer.WriteEndElement();
8192 }
8194 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
8195 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
8196 {
8197 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
8198 {
8199 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
8200 }
8201 if (("Id" == name))
8202 {
8203 this.idField = value;
8204 this.idFieldSet = true;
8205 }
8206 if (("Path" == name))
8207 {
8208 this.pathField = value;
8209 this.pathFieldSet = true;
8210 }
8211 if (("ProcessName" == name))
8212 {
8213 this.processNameField = value;
8214 this.processNameFieldSet = true;
8215 }
8216 if (("ServiceName" == name))
8217 {
8218 this.serviceNameField = value;
8219 this.serviceNameFieldSet = true;
8220 }
8221 }
8222 }
8224 /// <summary>
8225 /// Describes a registry search.
8226 /// </summary>
8227 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
8228 public class RegistrySearch : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
8229 {
8231 private string idField;
8233 private bool idFieldSet;
8235 private string variableField;
8237 private bool variableFieldSet;
8239 private string conditionField;
8241 private bool conditionFieldSet;
8243 private string afterField;
8245 private bool afterFieldSet;
8247 private RootType rootField;
8249 private bool rootFieldSet;
8251 private string keyField;
8253 private bool keyFieldSet;
8255 private string valueField;
8257 private bool valueFieldSet;
8259 private FormatType formatField;
8261 private bool formatFieldSet;
8263 private YesNoType expandEnvironmentVariablesField;
8265 private bool expandEnvironmentVariablesFieldSet;
8267 private ResultType resultField;
8269 private bool resultFieldSet;
8271 private YesNoType win64Field;
8273 private bool win64FieldSet;
8275 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
8277 /// <summary>
8278 /// Id of the search for ordering and dependency.
8279 /// </summary>
8280 public string Id
8281 {
8282 get
8283 {
8284 return this.idField;
8285 }
8286 set
8287 {
8288 this.idFieldSet = true;
8289 this.idField = value;
8290 }
8291 }
8293 /// <summary>
8294 /// Name of the variable in which to place the result of the search.
8295 /// </summary>
8296 public string Variable
8297 {
8298 get
8299 {
8300 return this.variableField;
8301 }
8302 set
8303 {
8304 this.variableFieldSet = true;
8305 this.variableField = value;
8306 }
8307 }
8309 /// <summary>
8310 /// Condition for evaluating the search. If this evaluates to false, the search is not executed at all.
8311 /// </summary>
8312 public string Condition
8313 {
8314 get
8315 {
8316 return this.conditionField;
8317 }
8318 set
8319 {
8320 this.conditionFieldSet = true;
8321 this.conditionField = value;
8322 }
8323 }
8325 /// <summary>
8326 /// Id of the search that this one should come after.
8327 /// </summary>
8328 public string After
8329 {
8330 get
8331 {
8332 return this.afterField;
8333 }
8334 set
8335 {
8336 this.afterFieldSet = true;
8337 this.afterField = value;
8338 }
8339 }
8341 /// <summary>
8342 /// Registry root hive to search under.
8343 /// </summary>
8344 public RootType Root
8345 {
8346 get
8347 {
8348 return this.rootField;
8349 }
8350 set
8351 {
8352 this.rootFieldSet = true;
8353 this.rootField = value;
8354 }
8355 }
8357 /// <summary>
8358 /// Key to search for.
8359 /// </summary>
8360 public string Key
8361 {
8362 get
8363 {
8364 return this.keyField;
8365 }
8366 set
8367 {
8368 this.keyFieldSet = true;
8369 this.keyField = value;
8370 }
8371 }
8373 /// <summary>
8374 /// Optional value to search for under the given Key.
8375 /// </summary>
8376 public string Value
8377 {
8378 get
8379 {
8380 return this.valueField;
8381 }
8382 set
8383 {
8384 this.valueFieldSet = true;
8385 this.valueField = value;
8386 }
8387 }
8389 /// <summary>
8390 /// What format to return the value in.
8391 /// </summary>
8392 public FormatType Format
8393 {
8394 get
8395 {
8396 return this.formatField;
8397 }
8398 set
8399 {
8400 this.formatFieldSet = true;
8401 this.formatField = value;
8402 }
8403 }
8405 /// <summary>
8406 /// Whether to expand any environment variables in REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, or REG_MULTI_SZ values.
8407 /// </summary>
8408 public YesNoType ExpandEnvironmentVariables
8409 {
8410 get
8411 {
8412 return this.expandEnvironmentVariablesField;
8413 }
8414 set
8415 {
8416 this.expandEnvironmentVariablesFieldSet = true;
8417 this.expandEnvironmentVariablesField = value;
8418 }
8419 }
8421 /// <summary>
8422 /// Rather than saving the matching registry value into the variable, a RegistrySearch can save an attribute of the matching entry instead.
8423 /// </summary>
8424 public ResultType Result
8425 {
8426 get
8427 {
8428 return this.resultField;
8429 }
8430 set
8431 {
8432 this.resultFieldSet = true;
8433 this.resultField = value;
8434 }
8435 }
8437 /// <summary>
8438 /// Instructs the search to look in the 64-bit registry when the value is 'yes'. When the value is 'no', the search looks in the 32-bit registry. The default value is 'no'.
8439 /// </summary>
8440 public YesNoType Win64
8441 {
8442 get
8443 {
8444 return this.win64Field;
8445 }
8446 set
8447 {
8448 this.win64FieldSet = true;
8449 this.win64Field = value;
8450 }
8451 }
8453 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
8454 {
8455 get
8456 {
8457 return this.parentElement;
8458 }
8459 set
8460 {
8461 this.parentElement = value;
8462 }
8463 }
8465 /// <summary>
8466 /// Parses a RootType from a string.
8467 /// </summary>
8468 public static RootType ParseRootType(string value)
8469 {
8470 RootType parsedValue;
8471 RegistrySearch.TryParseRootType(value, out parsedValue);
8472 return parsedValue;
8473 }
8475 /// <summary>
8476 /// Tries to parse a RootType from a string.
8477 /// </summary>
8478 public static bool TryParseRootType(string value, out RootType parsedValue)
8479 {
8480 parsedValue = RootType.NotSet;
8481 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
8482 {
8483 return false;
8484 }
8485 if (("HKLM" == value))
8486 {
8487 parsedValue = RootType.HKLM;
8488 }
8489 else
8490 {
8491 if (("HKCU" == value))
8492 {
8493 parsedValue = RootType.HKCU;
8494 }
8495 else
8496 {
8497 if (("HKCR" == value))
8498 {
8499 parsedValue = RootType.HKCR;
8500 }
8501 else
8502 {
8503 if (("HKU" == value))
8504 {
8505 parsedValue = RootType.HKU;
8506 }
8507 else
8508 {
8509 parsedValue = RootType.IllegalValue;
8510 return false;
8511 }
8512 }
8513 }
8514 }
8515 return true;
8516 }
8518 /// <summary>
8519 /// Parses a FormatType from a string.
8520 /// </summary>
8521 public static FormatType ParseFormatType(string value)
8522 {
8523 FormatType parsedValue;
8524 RegistrySearch.TryParseFormatType(value, out parsedValue);
8525 return parsedValue;
8526 }
8528 /// <summary>
8529 /// Tries to parse a FormatType from a string.
8530 /// </summary>
8531 public static bool TryParseFormatType(string value, out FormatType parsedValue)
8532 {
8533 parsedValue = FormatType.NotSet;
8534 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
8535 {
8536 return false;
8537 }
8538 if (("raw" == value))
8539 {
8540 parsedValue = FormatType.raw;
8541 }
8542 else
8543 {
8544 if (("compatible" == value))
8545 {
8546 parsedValue = FormatType.compatible;
8547 }
8548 else
8549 {
8550 parsedValue = FormatType.IllegalValue;
8551 return false;
8552 }
8553 }
8554 return true;
8555 }
8557 /// <summary>
8558 /// Parses a ResultType from a string.
8559 /// </summary>
8560 public static ResultType ParseResultType(string value)
8561 {
8562 ResultType parsedValue;
8563 RegistrySearch.TryParseResultType(value, out parsedValue);
8564 return parsedValue;
8565 }
8567 /// <summary>
8568 /// Tries to parse a ResultType from a string.
8569 /// </summary>
8570 public static bool TryParseResultType(string value, out ResultType parsedValue)
8571 {
8572 parsedValue = ResultType.NotSet;
8573 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
8574 {
8575 return false;
8576 }
8577 if (("exists" == value))
8578 {
8579 parsedValue = ResultType.exists;
8580 }
8581 else
8582 {
8583 if (("value" == value))
8584 {
8585 parsedValue = ResultType.value;
8586 }
8587 else
8588 {
8589 parsedValue = ResultType.IllegalValue;
8590 return false;
8591 }
8592 }
8593 return true;
8594 }
8596 /// <summary>
8597 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
8598 /// </summary>
8599 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
8600 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
8601 {
8602 if ((null == writer))
8603 {
8604 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
8605 }
8606 writer.WriteStartElement("RegistrySearch", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
8607 if (this.idFieldSet)
8608 {
8609 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
8610 }
8611 if (this.variableFieldSet)
8612 {
8613 writer.WriteAttributeString("Variable", this.variableField);
8614 }
8615 if (this.conditionFieldSet)
8616 {
8617 writer.WriteAttributeString("Condition", this.conditionField);
8618 }
8619 if (this.afterFieldSet)
8620 {
8621 writer.WriteAttributeString("After", this.afterField);
8622 }
8623 if (this.rootFieldSet)
8624 {
8625 if ((this.rootField == RootType.HKLM))
8626 {
8627 writer.WriteAttributeString("Root", "HKLM");
8628 }
8629 if ((this.rootField == RootType.HKCU))
8630 {
8631 writer.WriteAttributeString("Root", "HKCU");
8632 }
8633 if ((this.rootField == RootType.HKCR))
8634 {
8635 writer.WriteAttributeString("Root", "HKCR");
8636 }
8637 if ((this.rootField == RootType.HKU))
8638 {
8639 writer.WriteAttributeString("Root", "HKU");
8640 }
8641 }
8642 if (this.keyFieldSet)
8643 {
8644 writer.WriteAttributeString("Key", this.keyField);
8645 }
8646 if (this.valueFieldSet)
8647 {
8648 writer.WriteAttributeString("Value", this.valueField);
8649 }
8650 if (this.formatFieldSet)
8651 {
8652 if ((this.formatField == FormatType.raw))
8653 {
8654 writer.WriteAttributeString("Format", "raw");
8655 }
8656 if ((this.formatField == FormatType.compatible))
8657 {
8658 writer.WriteAttributeString("Format", "compatible");
8659 }
8660 }
8661 if (this.expandEnvironmentVariablesFieldSet)
8662 {
8663 if ((this.expandEnvironmentVariablesField == YesNoType.no))
8664 {
8665 writer.WriteAttributeString("ExpandEnvironmentVariables", "no");
8666 }
8667 if ((this.expandEnvironmentVariablesField == YesNoType.yes))
8668 {
8669 writer.WriteAttributeString("ExpandEnvironmentVariables", "yes");
8670 }
8671 }
8672 if (this.resultFieldSet)
8673 {
8674 if ((this.resultField == ResultType.exists))
8675 {
8676 writer.WriteAttributeString("Result", "exists");
8677 }
8678 if ((this.resultField == ResultType.value))
8679 {
8680 writer.WriteAttributeString("Result", "value");
8681 }
8682 }
8683 if (this.win64FieldSet)
8684 {
8685 if ((this.win64Field == YesNoType.no))
8686 {
8687 writer.WriteAttributeString("Win64", "no");
8688 }
8689 if ((this.win64Field == YesNoType.yes))
8690 {
8691 writer.WriteAttributeString("Win64", "yes");
8692 }
8693 }
8694 writer.WriteEndElement();
8695 }
8697 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
8698 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
8699 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
8700 {
8701 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
8702 {
8703 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
8704 }
8705 if (("Id" == name))
8706 {
8707 this.idField = value;
8708 this.idFieldSet = true;
8709 }
8710 if (("Variable" == name))
8711 {
8712 this.variableField = value;
8713 this.variableFieldSet = true;
8714 }
8715 if (("Condition" == name))
8716 {
8717 this.conditionField = value;
8718 this.conditionFieldSet = true;
8719 }
8720 if (("After" == name))
8721 {
8722 this.afterField = value;
8723 this.afterFieldSet = true;
8724 }
8725 if (("Root" == name))
8726 {
8727 this.rootField = RegistrySearch.ParseRootType(value);
8728 this.rootFieldSet = true;
8729 }
8730 if (("Key" == name))
8731 {
8732 this.keyField = value;
8733 this.keyFieldSet = true;
8734 }
8735 if (("Value" == name))
8736 {
8737 this.valueField = value;
8738 this.valueFieldSet = true;
8739 }
8740 if (("Format" == name))
8741 {
8742 this.formatField = RegistrySearch.ParseFormatType(value);
8743 this.formatFieldSet = true;
8744 }
8745 if (("ExpandEnvironmentVariables" == name))
8746 {
8747 this.expandEnvironmentVariablesField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
8748 this.expandEnvironmentVariablesFieldSet = true;
8749 }
8750 if (("Result" == name))
8751 {
8752 this.resultField = RegistrySearch.ParseResultType(value);
8753 this.resultFieldSet = true;
8754 }
8755 if (("Win64" == name))
8756 {
8757 this.win64Field = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
8758 this.win64FieldSet = true;
8759 }
8760 }
8762 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
8763 public enum RootType
8764 {
8766 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
8768 NotSet = -1,
8770 /// <summary>
8772 /// </summary>
8773 HKLM,
8775 /// <summary>
8777 /// </summary>
8778 HKCU,
8780 /// <summary>
8782 /// </summary>
8783 HKCR,
8785 /// <summary>
8786 /// HKEY_USERS
8787 /// </summary>
8788 HKU,
8789 }
8791 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
8792 public enum FormatType
8793 {
8795 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
8797 NotSet = -1,
8799 /// <summary>
8800 /// Returns the unformatted value directly from the registry. For example, a REG_DWORD value of '1' is returned as '1', not '#1'.
8801 /// </summary>
8802 raw,
8804 /// <summary>
8805 /// Returns the value formatted as Windows Installer would. For example, a REG_DWORD value of '1' is returned as '#1', not '1'.
8806 /// </summary>
8807 compatible,
8808 }
8810 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
8811 public enum ResultType
8812 {
8814 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
8816 NotSet = -1,
8818 /// <summary>
8819 /// Saves true if a matching registry entry is found; false otherwise.
8820 /// </summary>
8821 exists,
8823 /// <summary>
8824 /// Saves the value of the registry key in the variable. This is the default.
8825 /// </summary>
8826 value,
8827 }
8828 }
8830 /// <summary>
8831 /// References a RegistrySearch.
8832 /// </summary>
8833 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
8834 public class RegistrySearchRef : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
8835 {
8837 private string idField;
8839 private bool idFieldSet;
8841 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
8843 public string Id
8844 {
8845 get
8846 {
8847 return this.idField;
8848 }
8849 set
8850 {
8851 this.idFieldSet = true;
8852 this.idField = value;
8853 }
8854 }
8856 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
8857 {
8858 get
8859 {
8860 return this.parentElement;
8861 }
8862 set
8863 {
8864 this.parentElement = value;
8865 }
8866 }
8868 /// <summary>
8869 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
8870 /// </summary>
8871 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
8872 {
8873 if ((null == writer))
8874 {
8875 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
8876 }
8877 writer.WriteStartElement("RegistrySearchRef", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
8878 if (this.idFieldSet)
8879 {
8880 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
8881 }
8882 writer.WriteEndElement();
8883 }
8885 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
8886 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
8887 {
8888 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
8889 {
8890 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
8891 }
8892 if (("Id" == name))
8893 {
8894 this.idField = value;
8895 this.idFieldSet = true;
8896 }
8897 }
8898 }
8900 /// <summary>
8901 /// Service configuration information for failure actions.
8902 /// </summary>
8903 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
8904 public class ServiceConfig : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
8905 {
8907 private string serviceNameField;
8909 private bool serviceNameFieldSet;
8911 private FirstFailureActionTypeType firstFailureActionTypeField;
8913 private bool firstFailureActionTypeFieldSet;
8915 private SecondFailureActionTypeType secondFailureActionTypeField;
8917 private bool secondFailureActionTypeFieldSet;
8919 private ThirdFailureActionTypeType thirdFailureActionTypeField;
8921 private bool thirdFailureActionTypeFieldSet;
8923 private int resetPeriodInDaysField;
8925 private bool resetPeriodInDaysFieldSet;
8927 private int restartServiceDelayInSecondsField;
8929 private bool restartServiceDelayInSecondsFieldSet;
8931 private string programCommandLineField;
8933 private bool programCommandLineFieldSet;
8935 private string rebootMessageField;
8937 private bool rebootMessageFieldSet;
8939 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
8941 /// <summary>
8942 /// Required if not under a ServiceInstall element.
8943 /// </summary>
8944 public string ServiceName
8945 {
8946 get
8947 {
8948 return this.serviceNameField;
8949 }
8950 set
8951 {
8952 this.serviceNameFieldSet = true;
8953 this.serviceNameField = value;
8954 }
8955 }
8957 /// <summary>
8958 /// Action to take on the first failure of the service.
8959 /// </summary>
8960 public FirstFailureActionTypeType FirstFailureActionType
8961 {
8962 get
8963 {
8964 return this.firstFailureActionTypeField;
8965 }
8966 set
8967 {
8968 this.firstFailureActionTypeFieldSet = true;
8969 this.firstFailureActionTypeField = value;
8970 }
8971 }
8973 /// <summary>
8974 /// Action to take on the second failure of the service.
8975 /// </summary>
8976 public SecondFailureActionTypeType SecondFailureActionType
8977 {
8978 get
8979 {
8980 return this.secondFailureActionTypeField;
8981 }
8982 set
8983 {
8984 this.secondFailureActionTypeFieldSet = true;
8985 this.secondFailureActionTypeField = value;
8986 }
8987 }
8989 /// <summary>
8990 /// Action to take on the third failure of the service.
8991 /// </summary>
8992 public ThirdFailureActionTypeType ThirdFailureActionType
8993 {
8994 get
8995 {
8996 return this.thirdFailureActionTypeField;
8997 }
8998 set
8999 {
9000 this.thirdFailureActionTypeFieldSet = true;
9001 this.thirdFailureActionTypeField = value;
9002 }
9003 }
9005 /// <summary>
9006 /// Number of days after which to reset the failure count to zero if there are no failures.
9007 /// </summary>
9008 public int ResetPeriodInDays
9009 {
9010 get
9011 {
9012 return this.resetPeriodInDaysField;
9013 }
9014 set
9015 {
9016 this.resetPeriodInDaysFieldSet = true;
9017 this.resetPeriodInDaysField = value;
9018 }
9019 }
9021 /// <summary>
9022 /// If any of the three *ActionType attributes is "restart", this specifies the number of seconds to wait before doing so.
9023 /// </summary>
9024 public int RestartServiceDelayInSeconds
9025 {
9026 get
9027 {
9028 return this.restartServiceDelayInSecondsField;
9029 }
9030 set
9031 {
9032 this.restartServiceDelayInSecondsFieldSet = true;
9033 this.restartServiceDelayInSecondsField = value;
9034 }
9035 }
9037 /// <summary>
9038 /// If any of the three *ActionType attributes is "runCommand", this specifies the command to run when doing so. This value is formatted.
9039 /// </summary>
9040 public string ProgramCommandLine
9041 {
9042 get
9043 {
9044 return this.programCommandLineField;
9045 }
9046 set
9047 {
9048 this.programCommandLineFieldSet = true;
9049 this.programCommandLineField = value;
9050 }
9051 }
9053 /// <summary>
9054 /// If any of the three *ActionType attributes is "reboot", this specifies the message to broadcast to server users before doing so.
9055 /// </summary>
9056 public string RebootMessage
9057 {
9058 get
9059 {
9060 return this.rebootMessageField;
9061 }
9062 set
9063 {
9064 this.rebootMessageFieldSet = true;
9065 this.rebootMessageField = value;
9066 }
9067 }
9069 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
9070 {
9071 get
9072 {
9073 return this.parentElement;
9074 }
9075 set
9076 {
9077 this.parentElement = value;
9078 }
9079 }
9081 /// <summary>
9082 /// Parses a FirstFailureActionTypeType from a string.
9083 /// </summary>
9084 public static FirstFailureActionTypeType ParseFirstFailureActionTypeType(string value)
9085 {
9086 FirstFailureActionTypeType parsedValue;
9087 ServiceConfig.TryParseFirstFailureActionTypeType(value, out parsedValue);
9088 return parsedValue;
9089 }
9091 /// <summary>
9092 /// Tries to parse a FirstFailureActionTypeType from a string.
9093 /// </summary>
9094 public static bool TryParseFirstFailureActionTypeType(string value, out FirstFailureActionTypeType parsedValue)
9095 {
9096 parsedValue = FirstFailureActionTypeType.NotSet;
9097 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
9098 {
9099 return false;
9100 }
9101 if (("none" == value))
9102 {
9103 parsedValue = FirstFailureActionTypeType.none;
9104 }
9105 else
9106 {
9107 if (("reboot" == value))
9108 {
9109 parsedValue = FirstFailureActionTypeType.reboot;
9110 }
9111 else
9112 {
9113 if (("restart" == value))
9114 {
9115 parsedValue = FirstFailureActionTypeType.restart;
9116 }
9117 else
9118 {
9119 if (("runCommand" == value))
9120 {
9121 parsedValue = FirstFailureActionTypeType.runCommand;
9122 }
9123 else
9124 {
9125 parsedValue = FirstFailureActionTypeType.IllegalValue;
9126 return false;
9127 }
9128 }
9129 }
9130 }
9131 return true;
9132 }
9134 /// <summary>
9135 /// Parses a SecondFailureActionTypeType from a string.
9136 /// </summary>
9137 public static SecondFailureActionTypeType ParseSecondFailureActionTypeType(string value)
9138 {
9139 SecondFailureActionTypeType parsedValue;
9140 ServiceConfig.TryParseSecondFailureActionTypeType(value, out parsedValue);
9141 return parsedValue;
9142 }
9144 /// <summary>
9145 /// Tries to parse a SecondFailureActionTypeType from a string.
9146 /// </summary>
9147 public static bool TryParseSecondFailureActionTypeType(string value, out SecondFailureActionTypeType parsedValue)
9148 {
9149 parsedValue = SecondFailureActionTypeType.NotSet;
9150 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
9151 {
9152 return false;
9153 }
9154 if (("none" == value))
9155 {
9156 parsedValue = SecondFailureActionTypeType.none;
9157 }
9158 else
9159 {
9160 if (("reboot" == value))
9161 {
9162 parsedValue = SecondFailureActionTypeType.reboot;
9163 }
9164 else
9165 {
9166 if (("restart" == value))
9167 {
9168 parsedValue = SecondFailureActionTypeType.restart;
9169 }
9170 else
9171 {
9172 if (("runCommand" == value))
9173 {
9174 parsedValue = SecondFailureActionTypeType.runCommand;
9175 }
9176 else
9177 {
9178 parsedValue = SecondFailureActionTypeType.IllegalValue;
9179 return false;
9180 }
9181 }
9182 }
9183 }
9184 return true;
9185 }
9187 /// <summary>
9188 /// Parses a ThirdFailureActionTypeType from a string.
9189 /// </summary>
9190 public static ThirdFailureActionTypeType ParseThirdFailureActionTypeType(string value)
9191 {
9192 ThirdFailureActionTypeType parsedValue;
9193 ServiceConfig.TryParseThirdFailureActionTypeType(value, out parsedValue);
9194 return parsedValue;
9195 }
9197 /// <summary>
9198 /// Tries to parse a ThirdFailureActionTypeType from a string.
9199 /// </summary>
9200 public static bool TryParseThirdFailureActionTypeType(string value, out ThirdFailureActionTypeType parsedValue)
9201 {
9202 parsedValue = ThirdFailureActionTypeType.NotSet;
9203 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
9204 {
9205 return false;
9206 }
9207 if (("none" == value))
9208 {
9209 parsedValue = ThirdFailureActionTypeType.none;
9210 }
9211 else
9212 {
9213 if (("reboot" == value))
9214 {
9215 parsedValue = ThirdFailureActionTypeType.reboot;
9216 }
9217 else
9218 {
9219 if (("restart" == value))
9220 {
9221 parsedValue = ThirdFailureActionTypeType.restart;
9222 }
9223 else
9224 {
9225 if (("runCommand" == value))
9226 {
9227 parsedValue = ThirdFailureActionTypeType.runCommand;
9228 }
9229 else
9230 {
9231 parsedValue = ThirdFailureActionTypeType.IllegalValue;
9232 return false;
9233 }
9234 }
9235 }
9236 }
9237 return true;
9238 }
9240 /// <summary>
9241 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
9242 /// </summary>
9243 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
9244 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
9245 {
9246 if ((null == writer))
9247 {
9248 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
9249 }
9250 writer.WriteStartElement("ServiceConfig", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
9251 if (this.serviceNameFieldSet)
9252 {
9253 writer.WriteAttributeString("ServiceName", this.serviceNameField);
9254 }
9255 if (this.firstFailureActionTypeFieldSet)
9256 {
9257 if ((this.firstFailureActionTypeField == FirstFailureActionTypeType.none))
9258 {
9259 writer.WriteAttributeString("FirstFailureActionType", "none");
9260 }
9261 if ((this.firstFailureActionTypeField == FirstFailureActionTypeType.reboot))
9262 {
9263 writer.WriteAttributeString("FirstFailureActionType", "reboot");
9264 }
9265 if ((this.firstFailureActionTypeField == FirstFailureActionTypeType.restart))
9266 {
9267 writer.WriteAttributeString("FirstFailureActionType", "restart");
9268 }
9269 if ((this.firstFailureActionTypeField == FirstFailureActionTypeType.runCommand))
9270 {
9271 writer.WriteAttributeString("FirstFailureActionType", "runCommand");
9272 }
9273 }
9274 if (this.secondFailureActionTypeFieldSet)
9275 {
9276 if ((this.secondFailureActionTypeField == SecondFailureActionTypeType.none))
9277 {
9278 writer.WriteAttributeString("SecondFailureActionType", "none");
9279 }
9280 if ((this.secondFailureActionTypeField == SecondFailureActionTypeType.reboot))
9281 {
9282 writer.WriteAttributeString("SecondFailureActionType", "reboot");
9283 }
9284 if ((this.secondFailureActionTypeField == SecondFailureActionTypeType.restart))
9285 {
9286 writer.WriteAttributeString("SecondFailureActionType", "restart");
9287 }
9288 if ((this.secondFailureActionTypeField == SecondFailureActionTypeType.runCommand))
9289 {
9290 writer.WriteAttributeString("SecondFailureActionType", "runCommand");
9291 }
9292 }
9293 if (this.thirdFailureActionTypeFieldSet)
9294 {
9295 if ((this.thirdFailureActionTypeField == ThirdFailureActionTypeType.none))
9296 {
9297 writer.WriteAttributeString("ThirdFailureActionType", "none");
9298 }
9299 if ((this.thirdFailureActionTypeField == ThirdFailureActionTypeType.reboot))
9300 {
9301 writer.WriteAttributeString("ThirdFailureActionType", "reboot");
9302 }
9303 if ((this.thirdFailureActionTypeField == ThirdFailureActionTypeType.restart))
9304 {
9305 writer.WriteAttributeString("ThirdFailureActionType", "restart");
9306 }
9307 if ((this.thirdFailureActionTypeField == ThirdFailureActionTypeType.runCommand))
9308 {
9309 writer.WriteAttributeString("ThirdFailureActionType", "runCommand");
9310 }
9311 }
9312 if (this.resetPeriodInDaysFieldSet)
9313 {
9314 writer.WriteAttributeString("ResetPeriodInDays", this.resetPeriodInDaysField.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
9315 }
9316 if (this.restartServiceDelayInSecondsFieldSet)
9317 {
9318 writer.WriteAttributeString("RestartServiceDelayInSeconds", this.restartServiceDelayInSecondsField.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
9319 }
9320 if (this.programCommandLineFieldSet)
9321 {
9322 writer.WriteAttributeString("ProgramCommandLine", this.programCommandLineField);
9323 }
9324 if (this.rebootMessageFieldSet)
9325 {
9326 writer.WriteAttributeString("RebootMessage", this.rebootMessageField);
9327 }
9328 writer.WriteEndElement();
9329 }
9331 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
9332 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
9333 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
9334 {
9335 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
9336 {
9337 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
9338 }
9339 if (("ServiceName" == name))
9340 {
9341 this.serviceNameField = value;
9342 this.serviceNameFieldSet = true;
9343 }
9344 if (("FirstFailureActionType" == name))
9345 {
9346 this.firstFailureActionTypeField = ServiceConfig.ParseFirstFailureActionTypeType(value);
9347 this.firstFailureActionTypeFieldSet = true;
9348 }
9349 if (("SecondFailureActionType" == name))
9350 {
9351 this.secondFailureActionTypeField = ServiceConfig.ParseSecondFailureActionTypeType(value);
9352 this.secondFailureActionTypeFieldSet = true;
9353 }
9354 if (("ThirdFailureActionType" == name))
9355 {
9356 this.thirdFailureActionTypeField = ServiceConfig.ParseThirdFailureActionTypeType(value);
9357 this.thirdFailureActionTypeFieldSet = true;
9358 }
9359 if (("ResetPeriodInDays" == name))
9360 {
9361 this.resetPeriodInDaysField = Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
9362 this.resetPeriodInDaysFieldSet = true;
9363 }
9364 if (("RestartServiceDelayInSeconds" == name))
9365 {
9366 this.restartServiceDelayInSecondsField = Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
9367 this.restartServiceDelayInSecondsFieldSet = true;
9368 }
9369 if (("ProgramCommandLine" == name))
9370 {
9371 this.programCommandLineField = value;
9372 this.programCommandLineFieldSet = true;
9373 }
9374 if (("RebootMessage" == name))
9375 {
9376 this.rebootMessageField = value;
9377 this.rebootMessageFieldSet = true;
9378 }
9379 }
9381 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
9382 public enum FirstFailureActionTypeType
9383 {
9385 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
9387 NotSet = -1,
9389 none,
9391 reboot,
9393 restart,
9395 runCommand,
9396 }
9398 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
9399 public enum SecondFailureActionTypeType
9400 {
9402 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
9404 NotSet = -1,
9406 none,
9408 reboot,
9410 restart,
9412 runCommand,
9413 }
9415 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
9416 public enum ThirdFailureActionTypeType
9417 {
9419 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
9421 NotSet = -1,
9423 none,
9425 reboot,
9427 restart,
9429 runCommand,
9430 }
9431 }
9433 /// <summary>
9434 /// Updates the last modified date/time of a file.
9435 /// </summary>
9436 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
9437 public class TouchFile : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
9438 {
9440 private string idField;
9442 private bool idFieldSet;
9444 private string pathField;
9446 private bool pathFieldSet;
9448 private YesNoType onInstallField;
9450 private bool onInstallFieldSet;
9452 private YesNoType onReinstallField;
9454 private bool onReinstallFieldSet;
9456 private YesNoType onUninstallField;
9458 private bool onUninstallFieldSet;
9460 private YesNoType nonvitalField;
9462 private bool nonvitalFieldSet;
9464 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
9466 /// <summary>
9467 /// Identifier for the touch file operation. If the identifier is not specified it will be generated.
9468 /// </summary>
9469 public string Id
9470 {
9471 get
9472 {
9473 return this.idField;
9474 }
9475 set
9476 {
9477 this.idFieldSet = true;
9478 this.idField = value;
9479 }
9480 }
9482 /// <summary>
9483 /// Path of the file to update. This value is formatted.
9484 /// </summary>
9485 public string Path
9486 {
9487 get
9488 {
9489 return this.pathField;
9490 }
9491 set
9492 {
9493 this.pathFieldSet = true;
9494 this.pathField = value;
9495 }
9496 }
9498 /// <summary>
9499 /// Specifies whether or not the modified time of the file should be updated on install. If the OnInstall, OnReinstall and OnUninstall attributes are all absent the default is 'yes'.
9500 /// </summary>
9501 public YesNoType OnInstall
9502 {
9503 get
9504 {
9505 return this.onInstallField;
9506 }
9507 set
9508 {
9509 this.onInstallFieldSet = true;
9510 this.onInstallField = value;
9511 }
9512 }
9514 /// <summary>
9515 /// Specifies whether or not the modified time of the file should be updated on reinstall. If the OnInstall, OnReinstall and OnUninstall attributes are all absent the default is 'yes'.
9516 /// </summary>
9517 public YesNoType OnReinstall
9518 {
9519 get
9520 {
9521 return this.onReinstallField;
9522 }
9523 set
9524 {
9525 this.onReinstallFieldSet = true;
9526 this.onReinstallField = value;
9527 }
9528 }
9530 /// <summary>
9531 /// Specifies whether or not the modified time of the file should be updated on uninstall. If the OnInstall, OnReinstall and OnUninstall attributes are all absent the default is 'no'.
9532 /// </summary>
9533 public YesNoType OnUninstall
9534 {
9535 get
9536 {
9537 return this.onUninstallField;
9538 }
9539 set
9540 {
9541 this.onUninstallFieldSet = true;
9542 this.onUninstallField = value;
9543 }
9544 }
9546 /// <summary>
9547 /// Indicates the installation will succeed even if the modified time of the file cannot be updated. The default is 'no'.
9548 /// </summary>
9549 public YesNoType Nonvital
9550 {
9551 get
9552 {
9553 return this.nonvitalField;
9554 }
9555 set
9556 {
9557 this.nonvitalFieldSet = true;
9558 this.nonvitalField = value;
9559 }
9560 }
9562 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
9563 {
9564 get
9565 {
9566 return this.parentElement;
9567 }
9568 set
9569 {
9570 this.parentElement = value;
9571 }
9572 }
9574 /// <summary>
9575 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
9576 /// </summary>
9577 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
9578 {
9579 if ((null == writer))
9580 {
9581 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
9582 }
9583 writer.WriteStartElement("TouchFile", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
9584 if (this.idFieldSet)
9585 {
9586 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
9587 }
9588 if (this.pathFieldSet)
9589 {
9590 writer.WriteAttributeString("Path", this.pathField);
9591 }
9592 if (this.onInstallFieldSet)
9593 {
9594 if ((this.onInstallField == YesNoType.no))
9595 {
9596 writer.WriteAttributeString("OnInstall", "no");
9597 }
9598 if ((this.onInstallField == YesNoType.yes))
9599 {
9600 writer.WriteAttributeString("OnInstall", "yes");
9601 }
9602 }
9603 if (this.onReinstallFieldSet)
9604 {
9605 if ((this.onReinstallField == YesNoType.no))
9606 {
9607 writer.WriteAttributeString("OnReinstall", "no");
9608 }
9609 if ((this.onReinstallField == YesNoType.yes))
9610 {
9611 writer.WriteAttributeString("OnReinstall", "yes");
9612 }
9613 }
9614 if (this.onUninstallFieldSet)
9615 {
9616 if ((this.onUninstallField == YesNoType.no))
9617 {
9618 writer.WriteAttributeString("OnUninstall", "no");
9619 }
9620 if ((this.onUninstallField == YesNoType.yes))
9621 {
9622 writer.WriteAttributeString("OnUninstall", "yes");
9623 }
9624 }
9625 if (this.nonvitalFieldSet)
9626 {
9627 if ((this.nonvitalField == YesNoType.no))
9628 {
9629 writer.WriteAttributeString("Nonvital", "no");
9630 }
9631 if ((this.nonvitalField == YesNoType.yes))
9632 {
9633 writer.WriteAttributeString("Nonvital", "yes");
9634 }
9635 }
9636 writer.WriteEndElement();
9637 }
9639 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
9640 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
9641 {
9642 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
9643 {
9644 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
9645 }
9646 if (("Id" == name))
9647 {
9648 this.idField = value;
9649 this.idFieldSet = true;
9650 }
9651 if (("Path" == name))
9652 {
9653 this.pathField = value;
9654 this.pathFieldSet = true;
9655 }
9656 if (("OnInstall" == name))
9657 {
9658 this.onInstallField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
9659 this.onInstallFieldSet = true;
9660 }
9661 if (("OnReinstall" == name))
9662 {
9663 this.onReinstallField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
9664 this.onReinstallFieldSet = true;
9665 }
9666 if (("OnUninstall" == name))
9667 {
9668 this.onUninstallField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
9669 this.onUninstallFieldSet = true;
9670 }
9671 if (("Nonvital" == name))
9672 {
9673 this.nonvitalField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
9674 this.nonvitalFieldSet = true;
9675 }
9676 }
9677 }
9679 /// <summary>
9680 /// User for all kinds of things. When it is not nested under a component it is included in the MSI so it can be referenced by other elements such as the User attribute in the AppPool element. When it is nested under a Component element, the User will be created on install and can also be used for reference.
9681 /// </summary>
9682 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
9683 public class User : IParentElement, ICreateChildren, ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
9684 {
9686 private ElementCollection children;
9688 private string idField;
9690 private bool idFieldSet;
9692 private string nameField;
9694 private bool nameFieldSet;
9696 private string domainField;
9698 private bool domainFieldSet;
9700 private string passwordField;
9702 private bool passwordFieldSet;
9704 private YesNoType passwordNeverExpiresField;
9706 private bool passwordNeverExpiresFieldSet;
9708 private YesNoType canNotChangePasswordField;
9710 private bool canNotChangePasswordFieldSet;
9712 private YesNoType removeOnUninstallField;
9714 private bool removeOnUninstallFieldSet;
9716 private YesNoType failIfExistsField;
9718 private bool failIfExistsFieldSet;
9720 private YesNoType logonAsServiceField;
9722 private bool logonAsServiceFieldSet;
9724 private YesNoType logonAsBatchJobField;
9726 private bool logonAsBatchJobFieldSet;
9728 private YesNoType updateIfExistsField;
9730 private bool updateIfExistsFieldSet;
9732 private YesNoType passwordExpiredField;
9734 private bool passwordExpiredFieldSet;
9736 private YesNoType disabledField;
9738 private bool disabledFieldSet;
9740 private YesNoType createUserField;
9742 private bool createUserFieldSet;
9744 private YesNoType vitalField;
9746 private bool vitalFieldSet;
9748 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
9750 public User()
9751 {
9752 ElementCollection childCollection0 = new ElementCollection(ElementCollection.CollectionType.Sequence);
9753 childCollection0.AddItem(new ElementCollection.SequenceItem(typeof(GroupRef)));
9754 this.children = childCollection0;
9755 }
9757 public virtual IEnumerable Children
9758 {
9759 get
9760 {
9761 return this.children;
9762 }
9763 }
9765 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1043:UseIntegralOrStringArgumentForIndexers")]
9766 public virtual IEnumerable this[System.Type childType]
9767 {
9768 get
9769 {
9770 return this.children.Filter(childType);
9771 }
9772 }
9774 public string Id
9775 {
9776 get
9777 {
9778 return this.idField;
9779 }
9780 set
9781 {
9782 this.idFieldSet = true;
9783 this.idField = value;
9784 }
9785 }
9787 /// <summary>
9788 /// A
9789 /// </summary>
9790 public string Name
9791 {
9792 get
9793 {
9794 return this.nameField;
9795 }
9796 set
9797 {
9798 this.nameFieldSet = true;
9799 this.nameField = value;
9800 }
9801 }
9803 /// <summary>
9804 /// A
9805 /// </summary>
9806 public string Domain
9807 {
9808 get
9809 {
9810 return this.domainField;
9811 }
9812 set
9813 {
9814 this.domainFieldSet = true;
9815 this.domainField = value;
9816 }
9817 }
9819 /// <summary>
9820 /// Usually a Property that is passed in on the command-line to keep it more secure.
9821 /// </summary>
9822 public string Password
9823 {
9824 get
9825 {
9826 return this.passwordField;
9827 }
9828 set
9829 {
9830 this.passwordFieldSet = true;
9831 this.passwordField = value;
9832 }
9833 }
9835 /// <summary>
9836 /// The account's password never expires. Equivalent to UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD.
9837 /// </summary>
9838 public YesNoType PasswordNeverExpires
9839 {
9840 get
9841 {
9842 return this.passwordNeverExpiresField;
9843 }
9844 set
9845 {
9846 this.passwordNeverExpiresFieldSet = true;
9847 this.passwordNeverExpiresField = value;
9848 }
9849 }
9851 /// <summary>
9852 /// The user cannot change the account's password. Equivalent to UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE.
9853 /// </summary>
9854 public YesNoType CanNotChangePassword
9855 {
9856 get
9857 {
9858 return this.canNotChangePasswordField;
9859 }
9860 set
9861 {
9862 this.canNotChangePasswordFieldSet = true;
9863 this.canNotChangePasswordField = value;
9864 }
9865 }
9867 /// <summary>
9868 /// Indicates whether the user account should be removed or left behind on uninstall.
9869 /// </summary>
9870 public YesNoType RemoveOnUninstall
9871 {
9872 get
9873 {
9874 return this.removeOnUninstallField;
9875 }
9876 set
9877 {
9878 this.removeOnUninstallFieldSet = true;
9879 this.removeOnUninstallField = value;
9880 }
9881 }
9883 /// <summary>
9884 /// Indicates if the install should fail if the user already exists.
9885 /// </summary>
9886 public YesNoType FailIfExists
9887 {
9888 get
9889 {
9890 return this.failIfExistsField;
9891 }
9892 set
9893 {
9894 this.failIfExistsFieldSet = true;
9895 this.failIfExistsField = value;
9896 }
9897 }
9899 /// <summary>
9900 /// Indicates whether or not the user can logon as a serivce. User creation can be skipped if all that is desired is to set this access right on the user.
9901 /// </summary>
9902 public YesNoType LogonAsService
9903 {
9904 get
9905 {
9906 return this.logonAsServiceField;
9907 }
9908 set
9909 {
9910 this.logonAsServiceFieldSet = true;
9911 this.logonAsServiceField = value;
9912 }
9913 }
9915 /// <summary>
9916 /// Indicates whether or not the user can logon as a batch job. User creation can be skipped if all that is desired is to set this access right on the user.
9917 /// </summary>
9918 public YesNoType LogonAsBatchJob
9919 {
9920 get
9921 {
9922 return this.logonAsBatchJobField;
9923 }
9924 set
9925 {
9926 this.logonAsBatchJobFieldSet = true;
9927 this.logonAsBatchJobField = value;
9928 }
9929 }
9931 /// <summary>
9932 /// Indicates if the user account properties should be updated if the user already exists.
9933 /// </summary>
9934 public YesNoType UpdateIfExists
9935 {
9936 get
9937 {
9938 return this.updateIfExistsField;
9939 }
9940 set
9941 {
9942 this.updateIfExistsFieldSet = true;
9943 this.updateIfExistsField = value;
9944 }
9945 }
9947 /// <summary>
9948 /// Indicates whether the user must change their password on their first login.
9949 /// </summary>
9950 public YesNoType PasswordExpired
9951 {
9952 get
9953 {
9954 return this.passwordExpiredField;
9955 }
9956 set
9957 {
9958 this.passwordExpiredFieldSet = true;
9959 this.passwordExpiredField = value;
9960 }
9961 }
9963 /// <summary>
9964 /// The account is disabled. Equivalent to UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE.
9965 /// </summary>
9966 public YesNoType Disabled
9967 {
9968 get
9969 {
9970 return this.disabledField;
9971 }
9972 set
9973 {
9974 this.disabledFieldSet = true;
9975 this.disabledField = value;
9976 }
9977 }
9979 /// <summary>
9980 /// Indicates whether or not to create the user. User creation can be skipped if all that is desired is to join a user to groups.
9981 /// </summary>
9982 public YesNoType CreateUser
9983 {
9984 get
9985 {
9986 return this.createUserField;
9987 }
9988 set
9989 {
9990 this.createUserFieldSet = true;
9991 this.createUserField = value;
9992 }
9993 }
9995 /// <summary>
9996 /// Indicates whether failure to create the user or add the user to a group fails the installation. The default value is "yes".
9997 /// </summary>
9998 public YesNoType Vital
9999 {
10000 get
10001 {
10002 return this.vitalField;
10003 }
10004 set
10005 {
10006 this.vitalFieldSet = true;
10007 this.vitalField = value;
10008 }
10009 }
10011 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
10012 {
10013 get
10014 {
10015 return this.parentElement;
10016 }
10017 set
10018 {
10019 this.parentElement = value;
10020 }
10021 }
10023 public virtual void AddChild(ISchemaElement child)
10024 {
10025 if ((null == child))
10026 {
10027 throw new ArgumentNullException("child");
10028 }
10029 this.children.AddElement(child);
10030 child.ParentElement = this;
10031 }
10033 public virtual void RemoveChild(ISchemaElement child)
10034 {
10035 if ((null == child))
10036 {
10037 throw new ArgumentNullException("child");
10038 }
10039 this.children.RemoveElement(child);
10040 child.ParentElement = null;
10041 }
10043 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
10044 ISchemaElement ICreateChildren.CreateChild(string childName)
10045 {
10046 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(childName))
10047 {
10048 throw new ArgumentNullException("childName");
10049 }
10050 ISchemaElement childValue = null;
10051 if (("GroupRef" == childName))
10052 {
10053 childValue = new GroupRef();
10054 }
10055 if ((null == childValue))
10056 {
10057 throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Concat(childName, " is not a valid child name."));
10058 }
10059 return childValue;
10060 }
10062 /// <summary>
10063 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
10064 /// </summary>
10065 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
10066 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
10067 {
10068 if ((null == writer))
10069 {
10070 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
10071 }
10072 writer.WriteStartElement("User", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
10073 if (this.idFieldSet)
10074 {
10075 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
10076 }
10077 if (this.nameFieldSet)
10078 {
10079 writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", this.nameField);
10080 }
10081 if (this.domainFieldSet)
10082 {
10083 writer.WriteAttributeString("Domain", this.domainField);
10084 }
10085 if (this.passwordFieldSet)
10086 {
10087 writer.WriteAttributeString("Password", this.passwordField);
10088 }
10089 if (this.passwordNeverExpiresFieldSet)
10090 {
10091 if ((this.passwordNeverExpiresField == YesNoType.no))
10092 {
10093 writer.WriteAttributeString("PasswordNeverExpires", "no");
10094 }
10095 if ((this.passwordNeverExpiresField == YesNoType.yes))
10096 {
10097 writer.WriteAttributeString("PasswordNeverExpires", "yes");
10098 }
10099 }
10100 if (this.canNotChangePasswordFieldSet)
10101 {
10102 if ((this.canNotChangePasswordField == YesNoType.no))
10103 {
10104 writer.WriteAttributeString("CanNotChangePassword", "no");
10105 }
10106 if ((this.canNotChangePasswordField == YesNoType.yes))
10107 {
10108 writer.WriteAttributeString("CanNotChangePassword", "yes");
10109 }
10110 }
10111 if (this.removeOnUninstallFieldSet)
10112 {
10113 if ((this.removeOnUninstallField == YesNoType.no))
10114 {
10115 writer.WriteAttributeString("RemoveOnUninstall", "no");
10116 }
10117 if ((this.removeOnUninstallField == YesNoType.yes))
10118 {
10119 writer.WriteAttributeString("RemoveOnUninstall", "yes");
10120 }
10121 }
10122 if (this.failIfExistsFieldSet)
10123 {
10124 if ((this.failIfExistsField == YesNoType.no))
10125 {
10126 writer.WriteAttributeString("FailIfExists", "no");
10127 }
10128 if ((this.failIfExistsField == YesNoType.yes))
10129 {
10130 writer.WriteAttributeString("FailIfExists", "yes");
10131 }
10132 }
10133 if (this.logonAsServiceFieldSet)
10134 {
10135 if ((this.logonAsServiceField == YesNoType.no))
10136 {
10137 writer.WriteAttributeString("LogonAsService", "no");
10138 }
10139 if ((this.logonAsServiceField == YesNoType.yes))
10140 {
10141 writer.WriteAttributeString("LogonAsService", "yes");
10142 }
10143 }
10144 if (this.logonAsBatchJobFieldSet)
10145 {
10146 if ((this.logonAsBatchJobField == YesNoType.no))
10147 {
10148 writer.WriteAttributeString("LogonAsBatchJob", "no");
10149 }
10150 if ((this.logonAsBatchJobField == YesNoType.yes))
10151 {
10152 writer.WriteAttributeString("LogonAsBatchJob", "yes");
10153 }
10154 }
10155 if (this.updateIfExistsFieldSet)
10156 {
10157 if ((this.updateIfExistsField == YesNoType.no))
10158 {
10159 writer.WriteAttributeString("UpdateIfExists", "no");
10160 }
10161 if ((this.updateIfExistsField == YesNoType.yes))
10162 {
10163 writer.WriteAttributeString("UpdateIfExists", "yes");
10164 }
10165 }
10166 if (this.passwordExpiredFieldSet)
10167 {
10168 if ((this.passwordExpiredField == YesNoType.no))
10169 {
10170 writer.WriteAttributeString("PasswordExpired", "no");
10171 }
10172 if ((this.passwordExpiredField == YesNoType.yes))
10173 {
10174 writer.WriteAttributeString("PasswordExpired", "yes");
10175 }
10176 }
10177 if (this.disabledFieldSet)
10178 {
10179 if ((this.disabledField == YesNoType.no))
10180 {
10181 writer.WriteAttributeString("Disabled", "no");
10182 }
10183 if ((this.disabledField == YesNoType.yes))
10184 {
10185 writer.WriteAttributeString("Disabled", "yes");
10186 }
10187 }
10188 if (this.createUserFieldSet)
10189 {
10190 if ((this.createUserField == YesNoType.no))
10191 {
10192 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateUser", "no");
10193 }
10194 if ((this.createUserField == YesNoType.yes))
10195 {
10196 writer.WriteAttributeString("CreateUser", "yes");
10197 }
10198 }
10199 if (this.vitalFieldSet)
10200 {
10201 if ((this.vitalField == YesNoType.no))
10202 {
10203 writer.WriteAttributeString("Vital", "no");
10204 }
10205 if ((this.vitalField == YesNoType.yes))
10206 {
10207 writer.WriteAttributeString("Vital", "yes");
10208 }
10209 }
10210 for (IEnumerator enumerator = this.children.GetEnumerator(); enumerator.MoveNext(); )
10211 {
10212 ISchemaElement childElement = ((ISchemaElement)(enumerator.Current));
10213 childElement.OutputXml(writer);
10214 }
10215 writer.WriteEndElement();
10216 }
10218 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
10219 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
10220 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
10221 {
10222 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
10223 {
10224 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
10225 }
10226 if (("Id" == name))
10227 {
10228 this.idField = value;
10229 this.idFieldSet = true;
10230 }
10231 if (("Name" == name))
10232 {
10233 this.nameField = value;
10234 this.nameFieldSet = true;
10235 }
10236 if (("Domain" == name))
10237 {
10238 this.domainField = value;
10239 this.domainFieldSet = true;
10240 }
10241 if (("Password" == name))
10242 {
10243 this.passwordField = value;
10244 this.passwordFieldSet = true;
10245 }
10246 if (("PasswordNeverExpires" == name))
10247 {
10248 this.passwordNeverExpiresField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
10249 this.passwordNeverExpiresFieldSet = true;
10250 }
10251 if (("CanNotChangePassword" == name))
10252 {
10253 this.canNotChangePasswordField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
10254 this.canNotChangePasswordFieldSet = true;
10255 }
10256 if (("RemoveOnUninstall" == name))
10257 {
10258 this.removeOnUninstallField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
10259 this.removeOnUninstallFieldSet = true;
10260 }
10261 if (("FailIfExists" == name))
10262 {
10263 this.failIfExistsField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
10264 this.failIfExistsFieldSet = true;
10265 }
10266 if (("LogonAsService" == name))
10267 {
10268 this.logonAsServiceField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
10269 this.logonAsServiceFieldSet = true;
10270 }
10271 if (("LogonAsBatchJob" == name))
10272 {
10273 this.logonAsBatchJobField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
10274 this.logonAsBatchJobFieldSet = true;
10275 }
10276 if (("UpdateIfExists" == name))
10277 {
10278 this.updateIfExistsField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
10279 this.updateIfExistsFieldSet = true;
10280 }
10281 if (("PasswordExpired" == name))
10282 {
10283 this.passwordExpiredField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
10284 this.passwordExpiredFieldSet = true;
10285 }
10286 if (("Disabled" == name))
10287 {
10288 this.disabledField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
10289 this.disabledFieldSet = true;
10290 }
10291 if (("CreateUser" == name))
10292 {
10293 this.createUserField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
10294 this.createUserFieldSet = true;
10295 }
10296 if (("Vital" == name))
10297 {
10298 this.vitalField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
10299 this.vitalFieldSet = true;
10300 }
10301 }
10302 }
10304 /// <summary>
10305 /// Adds or removes .xml file entries. If you use the XmlFile element you must reference WixUtilExtension.dll as it contains the XmlFile custom actions.
10306 /// </summary>
10307 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
10308 public class XmlFile : ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
10309 {
10311 private string idField;
10313 private bool idFieldSet;
10315 private string elementPathField;
10317 private bool elementPathFieldSet;
10319 private string fileField;
10321 private bool fileFieldSet;
10323 private string nameField;
10325 private bool nameFieldSet;
10327 private string valueField;
10329 private bool valueFieldSet;
10331 private ActionType actionField;
10333 private bool actionFieldSet;
10335 private YesNoType permanentField;
10337 private bool permanentFieldSet;
10339 private YesNoType preserveModifiedDateField;
10341 private bool preserveModifiedDateFieldSet;
10343 private int sequenceField;
10345 private bool sequenceFieldSet;
10347 private SelectionLanguageType selectionLanguageField;
10349 private bool selectionLanguageFieldSet;
10351 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
10353 /// <summary>
10354 /// Identifier for xml file modification.
10355 /// </summary>
10356 public string Id
10357 {
10358 get
10359 {
10360 return this.idField;
10361 }
10362 set
10363 {
10364 this.idFieldSet = true;
10365 this.idField = value;
10366 }
10367 }
10369 /// <summary>
10370 /// The XPath of the element to be modified. Note that this is a formatted field and therefore, square brackets in the XPath must be escaped. In addition, XPaths allow backslashes to be used to escape characters, so if you intend to include literal backslashes, you must escape them as well by doubling them in this attribute. The string is formatted by MSI first, and the result is consumed as the XPath.
10371 /// </summary>
10372 public string ElementPath
10373 {
10374 get
10375 {
10376 return this.elementPathField;
10377 }
10378 set
10379 {
10380 this.elementPathFieldSet = true;
10381 this.elementPathField = value;
10382 }
10383 }
10385 /// <summary>
10386 /// Path of the .xml file to configure.
10387 /// </summary>
10388 public string File
10389 {
10390 get
10391 {
10392 return this.fileField;
10393 }
10394 set
10395 {
10396 this.fileFieldSet = true;
10397 this.fileField = value;
10398 }
10399 }
10401 /// <summary>
10402 /// Name of XML node to set/add to the specified element. Not setting this attribute causes the element's text value to be set. Otherwise this specified the attribute name that is set.
10403 /// </summary>
10404 public string Name
10405 {
10406 get
10407 {
10408 return this.nameField;
10409 }
10410 set
10411 {
10412 this.nameFieldSet = true;
10413 this.nameField = value;
10414 }
10415 }
10417 /// <summary>
10418 /// The value to be written. See the
10419 /// </summary>
10420 public string Value
10421 {
10422 get
10423 {
10424 return this.valueField;
10425 }
10426 set
10427 {
10428 this.valueFieldSet = true;
10429 this.valueField = value;
10430 }
10431 }
10433 /// <summary>
10434 /// The type of modification to be made to the XML file when the component is installed.
10435 /// </summary>
10436 public ActionType Action
10437 {
10438 get
10439 {
10440 return this.actionField;
10441 }
10442 set
10443 {
10444 this.actionFieldSet = true;
10445 this.actionField = value;
10446 }
10447 }
10449 /// <summary>
10450 /// Specifies whether or not the modification should be removed on uninstall. This has no effect on uninstall if the action was deleteValue.
10451 /// </summary>
10452 public YesNoType Permanent
10453 {
10454 get
10455 {
10456 return this.permanentField;
10457 }
10458 set
10459 {
10460 this.permanentFieldSet = true;
10461 this.permanentField = value;
10462 }
10463 }
10465 /// <summary>
10466 /// Specifies wheter or not the modification should preserve the modified date. Preserving the modified date will allow the file to be patched if no other modifications have been made.
10467 /// </summary>
10468 public YesNoType PreserveModifiedDate
10469 {
10470 get
10471 {
10472 return this.preserveModifiedDateField;
10473 }
10474 set
10475 {
10476 this.preserveModifiedDateFieldSet = true;
10477 this.preserveModifiedDateField = value;
10478 }
10479 }
10481 /// <summary>
10482 /// Specifies the order in which the modification is to be attempted on the XML file. It is important to ensure that new elements are created before you attempt to add an attribute to them.
10483 /// </summary>
10484 public int Sequence
10485 {
10486 get
10487 {
10488 return this.sequenceField;
10489 }
10490 set
10491 {
10492 this.sequenceFieldSet = true;
10493 this.sequenceField = value;
10494 }
10495 }
10497 /// <summary>
10498 /// Specify whether the DOM object should use XPath language or the old XSLPattern language (default) as the query language.
10499 /// </summary>
10500 public SelectionLanguageType SelectionLanguage
10501 {
10502 get
10503 {
10504 return this.selectionLanguageField;
10505 }
10506 set
10507 {
10508 this.selectionLanguageFieldSet = true;
10509 this.selectionLanguageField = value;
10510 }
10511 }
10513 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
10514 {
10515 get
10516 {
10517 return this.parentElement;
10518 }
10519 set
10520 {
10521 this.parentElement = value;
10522 }
10523 }
10525 /// <summary>
10526 /// Parses a ActionType from a string.
10527 /// </summary>
10528 public static ActionType ParseActionType(string value)
10529 {
10530 ActionType parsedValue;
10531 XmlFile.TryParseActionType(value, out parsedValue);
10532 return parsedValue;
10533 }
10535 /// <summary>
10536 /// Tries to parse a ActionType from a string.
10537 /// </summary>
10538 public static bool TryParseActionType(string value, out ActionType parsedValue)
10539 {
10540 parsedValue = ActionType.NotSet;
10541 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
10542 {
10543 return false;
10544 }
10545 if (("createElement" == value))
10546 {
10547 parsedValue = ActionType.createElement;
10548 }
10549 else
10550 {
10551 if (("deleteValue" == value))
10552 {
10553 parsedValue = ActionType.deleteValue;
10554 }
10555 else
10556 {
10557 if (("setValue" == value))
10558 {
10559 parsedValue = ActionType.setValue;
10560 }
10561 else
10562 {
10563 if (("bulkSetValue" == value))
10564 {
10565 parsedValue = ActionType.bulkSetValue;
10566 }
10567 else
10568 {
10569 parsedValue = ActionType.IllegalValue;
10570 return false;
10571 }
10572 }
10573 }
10574 }
10575 return true;
10576 }
10578 /// <summary>
10579 /// Parses a SelectionLanguageType from a string.
10580 /// </summary>
10581 public static SelectionLanguageType ParseSelectionLanguageType(string value)
10582 {
10583 SelectionLanguageType parsedValue;
10584 XmlFile.TryParseSelectionLanguageType(value, out parsedValue);
10585 return parsedValue;
10586 }
10588 /// <summary>
10589 /// Tries to parse a SelectionLanguageType from a string.
10590 /// </summary>
10591 public static bool TryParseSelectionLanguageType(string value, out SelectionLanguageType parsedValue)
10592 {
10593 parsedValue = SelectionLanguageType.NotSet;
10594 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
10595 {
10596 return false;
10597 }
10598 if (("XPath" == value))
10599 {
10600 parsedValue = SelectionLanguageType.XPath;
10601 }
10602 else
10603 {
10604 if (("XSLPattern" == value))
10605 {
10606 parsedValue = SelectionLanguageType.XSLPattern;
10607 }
10608 else
10609 {
10610 parsedValue = SelectionLanguageType.IllegalValue;
10611 return false;
10612 }
10613 }
10614 return true;
10615 }
10617 /// <summary>
10618 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
10619 /// </summary>
10620 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
10621 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
10622 {
10623 if ((null == writer))
10624 {
10625 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
10626 }
10627 writer.WriteStartElement("XmlFile", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
10628 if (this.idFieldSet)
10629 {
10630 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
10631 }
10632 if (this.elementPathFieldSet)
10633 {
10634 writer.WriteAttributeString("ElementPath", this.elementPathField);
10635 }
10636 if (this.fileFieldSet)
10637 {
10638 writer.WriteAttributeString("File", this.fileField);
10639 }
10640 if (this.nameFieldSet)
10641 {
10642 writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", this.nameField);
10643 }
10644 if (this.valueFieldSet)
10645 {
10646 writer.WriteAttributeString("Value", this.valueField);
10647 }
10648 if (this.actionFieldSet)
10649 {
10650 if ((this.actionField == ActionType.createElement))
10651 {
10652 writer.WriteAttributeString("Action", "createElement");
10653 }
10654 if ((this.actionField == ActionType.deleteValue))
10655 {
10656 writer.WriteAttributeString("Action", "deleteValue");
10657 }
10658 if ((this.actionField == ActionType.setValue))
10659 {
10660 writer.WriteAttributeString("Action", "setValue");
10661 }
10662 if ((this.actionField == ActionType.bulkSetValue))
10663 {
10664 writer.WriteAttributeString("Action", "bulkSetValue");
10665 }
10666 }
10667 if (this.permanentFieldSet)
10668 {
10669 if ((this.permanentField == YesNoType.no))
10670 {
10671 writer.WriteAttributeString("Permanent", "no");
10672 }
10673 if ((this.permanentField == YesNoType.yes))
10674 {
10675 writer.WriteAttributeString("Permanent", "yes");
10676 }
10677 }
10678 if (this.preserveModifiedDateFieldSet)
10679 {
10680 if ((this.preserveModifiedDateField == YesNoType.no))
10681 {
10682 writer.WriteAttributeString("PreserveModifiedDate", "no");
10683 }
10684 if ((this.preserveModifiedDateField == YesNoType.yes))
10685 {
10686 writer.WriteAttributeString("PreserveModifiedDate", "yes");
10687 }
10688 }
10689 if (this.sequenceFieldSet)
10690 {
10691 writer.WriteAttributeString("Sequence", this.sequenceField.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
10692 }
10693 if (this.selectionLanguageFieldSet)
10694 {
10695 if ((this.selectionLanguageField == SelectionLanguageType.XPath))
10696 {
10697 writer.WriteAttributeString("SelectionLanguage", "XPath");
10698 }
10699 if ((this.selectionLanguageField == SelectionLanguageType.XSLPattern))
10700 {
10701 writer.WriteAttributeString("SelectionLanguage", "XSLPattern");
10702 }
10703 }
10704 writer.WriteEndElement();
10705 }
10707 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
10708 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
10709 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
10710 {
10711 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
10712 {
10713 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
10714 }
10715 if (("Id" == name))
10716 {
10717 this.idField = value;
10718 this.idFieldSet = true;
10719 }
10720 if (("ElementPath" == name))
10721 {
10722 this.elementPathField = value;
10723 this.elementPathFieldSet = true;
10724 }
10725 if (("File" == name))
10726 {
10727 this.fileField = value;
10728 this.fileFieldSet = true;
10729 }
10730 if (("Name" == name))
10731 {
10732 this.nameField = value;
10733 this.nameFieldSet = true;
10734 }
10735 if (("Value" == name))
10736 {
10737 this.valueField = value;
10738 this.valueFieldSet = true;
10739 }
10740 if (("Action" == name))
10741 {
10742 this.actionField = XmlFile.ParseActionType(value);
10743 this.actionFieldSet = true;
10744 }
10745 if (("Permanent" == name))
10746 {
10747 this.permanentField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
10748 this.permanentFieldSet = true;
10749 }
10750 if (("PreserveModifiedDate" == name))
10751 {
10752 this.preserveModifiedDateField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
10753 this.preserveModifiedDateFieldSet = true;
10754 }
10755 if (("Sequence" == name))
10756 {
10757 this.sequenceField = Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
10758 this.sequenceFieldSet = true;
10759 }
10760 if (("SelectionLanguage" == name))
10761 {
10762 this.selectionLanguageField = XmlFile.ParseSelectionLanguageType(value);
10763 this.selectionLanguageFieldSet = true;
10764 }
10765 }
10767 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
10768 public enum ActionType
10769 {
10771 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
10773 NotSet = -1,
10775 /// <summary>
10776 /// Creates a new element under the element specified in ElementPath. The Name attribute is required in this case and specifies the name of the new element. The Value attribute is not necessary when createElement is specified as the action. If the Value attribute is set, it will cause the new element's text value to be set.
10777 /// </summary>
10778 createElement,
10780 /// <summary>
10781 /// Deletes a value from the element specified in the ElementPath. If Name is specified, the attribute with that name is deleted. If Name is not specified, the text value of the element specified in the ElementPath is deleted. The Value attribute is ignored if deleteValue is the action specified.
10782 /// </summary>
10783 deleteValue,
10785 /// <summary>
10786 /// Sets a value in the element specified in the ElementPath. If Name is specified, and attribute with that name is set to the value specified in Value. If Name is not specified, the text value of the element is set. Value is a required attribute if setValue is the action specified.
10787 /// </summary>
10788 setValue,
10790 /// <summary>
10791 /// Sets all the values in the elements that match the ElementPath. If Name is specified, attributes with that name are set to the same value specified in Value. If Name is not specified, the text values of the elements are set. Value is a required attribute if setBulkValue is the action specified.
10792 /// </summary>
10793 bulkSetValue,
10794 }
10796 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
10797 public enum SelectionLanguageType
10798 {
10800 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
10802 NotSet = -1,
10804 XPath,
10806 XSLPattern,
10807 }
10808 }
10810 /// <summary>
10811 /// Adds or removes .xml file entries. If you use the XmlConfig element you must reference WixUtilExtension.dll as it contains the XmlConfig custom actions.
10812 /// </summary>
10813 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
10814 public class XmlConfig : IParentElement, ICreateChildren, ISchemaElement, ISetAttributes
10815 {
10817 private ElementCollection children;
10819 private string idField;
10821 private bool idFieldSet;
10823 private ActionType actionField;
10825 private bool actionFieldSet;
10827 private string elementIdField;
10829 private bool elementIdFieldSet;
10831 private string elementPathField;
10833 private bool elementPathFieldSet;
10835 private string fileField;
10837 private bool fileFieldSet;
10839 private string nameField;
10841 private bool nameFieldSet;
10843 private NodeType nodeField;
10845 private bool nodeFieldSet;
10847 private OnType onField;
10849 private bool onFieldSet;
10851 private YesNoType preserveModifiedDateField;
10853 private bool preserveModifiedDateFieldSet;
10855 private int sequenceField;
10857 private bool sequenceFieldSet;
10859 private string valueField;
10861 private bool valueFieldSet;
10863 private string verifyPathField;
10865 private bool verifyPathFieldSet;
10867 private ISchemaElement parentElement;
10869 public XmlConfig()
10870 {
10871 ElementCollection childCollection0 = new ElementCollection(ElementCollection.CollectionType.Sequence);
10872 childCollection0.AddItem(new ElementCollection.SequenceItem(typeof(XmlConfig)));
10873 this.children = childCollection0;
10874 }
10876 public virtual IEnumerable Children
10877 {
10878 get
10879 {
10880 return this.children;
10881 }
10882 }
10884 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1043:UseIntegralOrStringArgumentForIndexers")]
10885 public virtual IEnumerable this[System.Type childType]
10886 {
10887 get
10888 {
10889 return this.children.Filter(childType);
10890 }
10891 }
10893 /// <summary>
10894 /// Identifier for xml file modification.
10895 /// </summary>
10896 public string Id
10897 {
10898 get
10899 {
10900 return this.idField;
10901 }
10902 set
10903 {
10904 this.idFieldSet = true;
10905 this.idField = value;
10906 }
10907 }
10909 public ActionType Action
10910 {
10911 get
10912 {
10913 return this.actionField;
10914 }
10915 set
10916 {
10917 this.actionFieldSet = true;
10918 this.actionField = value;
10919 }
10920 }
10922 /// <summary>
10923 /// The Id of another XmlConfig to add attributes to. In this case, the 'ElementPath', 'Action', 'Node', and 'On' attributes must be omitted.
10924 /// </summary>
10925 public string ElementId
10926 {
10927 get
10928 {
10929 return this.elementIdField;
10930 }
10931 set
10932 {
10933 this.elementIdFieldSet = true;
10934 this.elementIdField = value;
10935 }
10936 }
10938 /// <summary>
10939 /// The XPath of the parent element being modified. Note that this is a formatted field and therefore, square brackets in the XPath must be escaped. In addition, XPaths allow backslashes to be used to escape characters, so if you intend to include literal backslashes, you must escape them as well by doubling them in this attribute. The string is formatted by MSI first, and the result is consumed as the XPath.
10940 /// </summary>
10941 public string ElementPath
10942 {
10943 get
10944 {
10945 return this.elementPathField;
10946 }
10947 set
10948 {
10949 this.elementPathFieldSet = true;
10950 this.elementPathField = value;
10951 }
10952 }
10954 /// <summary>
10955 /// Path of the .xml file to configure.
10956 /// </summary>
10957 public string File
10958 {
10959 get
10960 {
10961 return this.fileField;
10962 }
10963 set
10964 {
10965 this.fileFieldSet = true;
10966 this.fileField = value;
10967 }
10968 }
10970 /// <summary>
10971 /// Name of XML node to set/add to the specified element. Not setting this attribute causes the element's text value to be set. Otherwise this specified the attribute name that is set.
10972 /// </summary>
10973 public string Name
10974 {
10975 get
10976 {
10977 return this.nameField;
10978 }
10979 set
10980 {
10981 this.nameFieldSet = true;
10982 this.nameField = value;
10983 }
10984 }
10986 public NodeType Node
10987 {
10988 get
10989 {
10990 return this.nodeField;
10991 }
10992 set
10993 {
10994 this.nodeFieldSet = true;
10995 this.nodeField = value;
10996 }
10997 }
10999 public OnType On
11000 {
11001 get
11002 {
11003 return this.onField;
11004 }
11005 set
11006 {
11007 this.onFieldSet = true;
11008 this.onField = value;
11009 }
11010 }
11012 /// <summary>
11013 /// Specifies wheter or not the modification should preserve the modified date. Preserving the modified date will allow the file to be patched if no other modifications have been made.
11014 /// </summary>
11015 public YesNoType PreserveModifiedDate
11016 {
11017 get
11018 {
11019 return this.preserveModifiedDateField;
11020 }
11021 set
11022 {
11023 this.preserveModifiedDateFieldSet = true;
11024 this.preserveModifiedDateField = value;
11025 }
11026 }
11028 /// <summary>
11029 /// Specifies the order in which the modification is to be attempted on the XML file. It is important to ensure that new elements are created before you attempt to add an attribute to them.
11030 /// </summary>
11031 public int Sequence
11032 {
11033 get
11034 {
11035 return this.sequenceField;
11036 }
11037 set
11038 {
11039 this.sequenceFieldSet = true;
11040 this.sequenceField = value;
11041 }
11042 }
11044 /// <summary>
11045 /// The value to be written. See the
11046 /// </summary>
11047 public string Value
11048 {
11049 get
11050 {
11051 return this.valueField;
11052 }
11053 set
11054 {
11055 this.valueFieldSet = true;
11056 this.valueField = value;
11057 }
11058 }
11060 /// <summary>
11061 /// The XPath to the element being modified. This is required for 'delete' actions. For 'create' actions, VerifyPath is used to decide if the element already exists. Note that this is a formatted field and therefore, square brackets in the XPath must be escaped. In addition, XPaths allow backslashes to be used to escape characters, so if you intend to include literal backslashes, you must escape them as well by doubling them in this attribute. The string is formatted by MSI first, and the result is consumed as the XPath.
11062 /// </summary>
11063 public string VerifyPath
11064 {
11065 get
11066 {
11067 return this.verifyPathField;
11068 }
11069 set
11070 {
11071 this.verifyPathFieldSet = true;
11072 this.verifyPathField = value;
11073 }
11074 }
11076 public virtual ISchemaElement ParentElement
11077 {
11078 get
11079 {
11080 return this.parentElement;
11081 }
11082 set
11083 {
11084 this.parentElement = value;
11085 }
11086 }
11088 public virtual void AddChild(ISchemaElement child)
11089 {
11090 if ((null == child))
11091 {
11092 throw new ArgumentNullException("child");
11093 }
11094 this.children.AddElement(child);
11095 child.ParentElement = this;
11096 }
11098 public virtual void RemoveChild(ISchemaElement child)
11099 {
11100 if ((null == child))
11101 {
11102 throw new ArgumentNullException("child");
11103 }
11104 this.children.RemoveElement(child);
11105 child.ParentElement = null;
11106 }
11108 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
11109 ISchemaElement ICreateChildren.CreateChild(string childName)
11110 {
11111 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(childName))
11112 {
11113 throw new ArgumentNullException("childName");
11114 }
11115 ISchemaElement childValue = null;
11116 if (("XmlConfig" == childName))
11117 {
11118 childValue = new XmlConfig();
11119 }
11120 if ((null == childValue))
11121 {
11122 throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Concat(childName, " is not a valid child name."));
11123 }
11124 return childValue;
11125 }
11127 /// <summary>
11128 /// Parses a ActionType from a string.
11129 /// </summary>
11130 public static ActionType ParseActionType(string value)
11131 {
11132 ActionType parsedValue;
11133 XmlConfig.TryParseActionType(value, out parsedValue);
11134 return parsedValue;
11135 }
11137 /// <summary>
11138 /// Tries to parse a ActionType from a string.
11139 /// </summary>
11140 public static bool TryParseActionType(string value, out ActionType parsedValue)
11141 {
11142 parsedValue = ActionType.NotSet;
11143 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
11144 {
11145 return false;
11146 }
11147 if (("create" == value))
11148 {
11149 parsedValue = ActionType.create;
11150 }
11151 else
11152 {
11153 if (("delete" == value))
11154 {
11155 parsedValue = ActionType.delete;
11156 }
11157 else
11158 {
11159 parsedValue = ActionType.IllegalValue;
11160 return false;
11161 }
11162 }
11163 return true;
11164 }
11166 /// <summary>
11167 /// Parses a NodeType from a string.
11168 /// </summary>
11169 public static NodeType ParseNodeType(string value)
11170 {
11171 NodeType parsedValue;
11172 XmlConfig.TryParseNodeType(value, out parsedValue);
11173 return parsedValue;
11174 }
11176 /// <summary>
11177 /// Tries to parse a NodeType from a string.
11178 /// </summary>
11179 public static bool TryParseNodeType(string value, out NodeType parsedValue)
11180 {
11181 parsedValue = NodeType.NotSet;
11182 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
11183 {
11184 return false;
11185 }
11186 if (("element" == value))
11187 {
11188 parsedValue = NodeType.element;
11189 }
11190 else
11191 {
11192 if (("value" == value))
11193 {
11194 parsedValue = NodeType.value;
11195 }
11196 else
11197 {
11198 if (("document" == value))
11199 {
11200 parsedValue = NodeType.document;
11201 }
11202 else
11203 {
11204 parsedValue = NodeType.IllegalValue;
11205 return false;
11206 }
11207 }
11208 }
11209 return true;
11210 }
11212 /// <summary>
11213 /// Parses a OnType from a string.
11214 /// </summary>
11215 public static OnType ParseOnType(string value)
11216 {
11217 OnType parsedValue;
11218 XmlConfig.TryParseOnType(value, out parsedValue);
11219 return parsedValue;
11220 }
11222 /// <summary>
11223 /// Tries to parse a OnType from a string.
11224 /// </summary>
11225 public static bool TryParseOnType(string value, out OnType parsedValue)
11226 {
11227 parsedValue = OnType.NotSet;
11228 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
11229 {
11230 return false;
11231 }
11232 if (("install" == value))
11233 {
11234 parsedValue = OnType.install;
11235 }
11236 else
11237 {
11238 if (("uninstall" == value))
11239 {
11240 parsedValue = OnType.uninstall;
11241 }
11242 else
11243 {
11244 parsedValue = OnType.IllegalValue;
11245 return false;
11246 }
11247 }
11248 return true;
11249 }
11251 /// <summary>
11252 /// Processes this element and all child elements into an XmlWriter.
11253 /// </summary>
11254 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
11255 public virtual void OutputXml(XmlWriter writer)
11256 {
11257 if ((null == writer))
11258 {
11259 throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
11260 }
11261 writer.WriteStartElement("XmlConfig", "http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util");
11262 if (this.idFieldSet)
11263 {
11264 writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", this.idField);
11265 }
11266 if (this.actionFieldSet)
11267 {
11268 if ((this.actionField == ActionType.create))
11269 {
11270 writer.WriteAttributeString("Action", "create");
11271 }
11272 if ((this.actionField == ActionType.delete))
11273 {
11274 writer.WriteAttributeString("Action", "delete");
11275 }
11276 }
11277 if (this.elementIdFieldSet)
11278 {
11279 writer.WriteAttributeString("ElementId", this.elementIdField);
11280 }
11281 if (this.elementPathFieldSet)
11282 {
11283 writer.WriteAttributeString("ElementPath", this.elementPathField);
11284 }
11285 if (this.fileFieldSet)
11286 {
11287 writer.WriteAttributeString("File", this.fileField);
11288 }
11289 if (this.nameFieldSet)
11290 {
11291 writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", this.nameField);
11292 }
11293 if (this.nodeFieldSet)
11294 {
11295 if ((this.nodeField == NodeType.element))
11296 {
11297 writer.WriteAttributeString("Node", "element");
11298 }
11299 if ((this.nodeField == NodeType.value))
11300 {
11301 writer.WriteAttributeString("Node", "value");
11302 }
11303 if ((this.nodeField == NodeType.document))
11304 {
11305 writer.WriteAttributeString("Node", "document");
11306 }
11307 }
11308 if (this.onFieldSet)
11309 {
11310 if ((this.onField == OnType.install))
11311 {
11312 writer.WriteAttributeString("On", "install");
11313 }
11314 if ((this.onField == OnType.uninstall))
11315 {
11316 writer.WriteAttributeString("On", "uninstall");
11317 }
11318 }
11319 if (this.preserveModifiedDateFieldSet)
11320 {
11321 if ((this.preserveModifiedDateField == YesNoType.no))
11322 {
11323 writer.WriteAttributeString("PreserveModifiedDate", "no");
11324 }
11325 if ((this.preserveModifiedDateField == YesNoType.yes))
11326 {
11327 writer.WriteAttributeString("PreserveModifiedDate", "yes");
11328 }
11329 }
11330 if (this.sequenceFieldSet)
11331 {
11332 writer.WriteAttributeString("Sequence", this.sequenceField.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
11333 }
11334 if (this.valueFieldSet)
11335 {
11336 writer.WriteAttributeString("Value", this.valueField);
11337 }
11338 if (this.verifyPathFieldSet)
11339 {
11340 writer.WriteAttributeString("VerifyPath", this.verifyPathField);
11341 }
11342 for (IEnumerator enumerator = this.children.GetEnumerator(); enumerator.MoveNext(); )
11343 {
11344 ISchemaElement childElement = ((ISchemaElement)(enumerator.Current));
11345 childElement.OutputXml(writer);
11346 }
11347 writer.WriteEndElement();
11348 }
11350 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1033:InterfaceMethodsShouldBeCallableByChildTypes")]
11351 [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity")]
11352 void ISetAttributes.SetAttribute(string name, string value)
11353 {
11354 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
11355 {
11356 throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
11357 }
11358 if (("Id" == name))
11359 {
11360 this.idField = value;
11361 this.idFieldSet = true;
11362 }
11363 if (("Action" == name))
11364 {
11365 this.actionField = XmlConfig.ParseActionType(value);
11366 this.actionFieldSet = true;
11367 }
11368 if (("ElementId" == name))
11369 {
11370 this.elementIdField = value;
11371 this.elementIdFieldSet = true;
11372 }
11373 if (("ElementPath" == name))
11374 {
11375 this.elementPathField = value;
11376 this.elementPathFieldSet = true;
11377 }
11378 if (("File" == name))
11379 {
11380 this.fileField = value;
11381 this.fileFieldSet = true;
11382 }
11383 if (("Name" == name))
11384 {
11385 this.nameField = value;
11386 this.nameFieldSet = true;
11387 }
11388 if (("Node" == name))
11389 {
11390 this.nodeField = XmlConfig.ParseNodeType(value);
11391 this.nodeFieldSet = true;
11392 }
11393 if (("On" == name))
11394 {
11395 this.onField = XmlConfig.ParseOnType(value);
11396 this.onFieldSet = true;
11397 }
11398 if (("PreserveModifiedDate" == name))
11399 {
11400 this.preserveModifiedDateField = Enums.ParseYesNoType(value);
11401 this.preserveModifiedDateFieldSet = true;
11402 }
11403 if (("Sequence" == name))
11404 {
11405 this.sequenceField = Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
11406 this.sequenceFieldSet = true;
11407 }
11408 if (("Value" == name))
11409 {
11410 this.valueField = value;
11411 this.valueFieldSet = true;
11412 }
11413 if (("VerifyPath" == name))
11414 {
11415 this.verifyPathField = value;
11416 this.verifyPathFieldSet = true;
11417 }
11418 }
11420 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
11421 public enum ActionType
11422 {
11424 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
11426 NotSet = -1,
11428 create,
11430 delete,
11431 }
11433 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
11434 public enum NodeType
11435 {
11437 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
11439 NotSet = -1,
11441 element,
11443 value,
11445 document,
11446 }
11448 [GeneratedCode("XsdGen", "")]
11449 public enum OnType
11450 {
11452 IllegalValue = int.MaxValue,
11454 NotSet = -1,
11456 install,
11458 uninstall,
11459 }
11460 }
diff --git a/src/wixext/util.xsd b/src/wixext/util.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb8d8032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixext/util.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,1692 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
5<xs:schema xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
6 xmlns:wix="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs"
7 xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
8 xmlns:xse=" http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/XmlSchemaExtension"
9 targetNamespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util"
10 xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs/util">
11 <xs:annotation>
12 <xs:documentation>
13 The source code schema for the WiX Toolset Utility Extension.
14 </xs:documentation>
15 </xs:annotation>
16 <xs:import namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" />
17 <xs:element name="CloseApplication">
18 <xs:annotation>
19 <xs:appinfo>
20 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Product" />
21 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Module" />
22 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
23 </xs:appinfo>
24 <xs:documentation>Closes applications or schedules a reboot if application cannot be closed.</xs:documentation>
25 </xs:annotation>
26 <xs:complexType>
27 <xs:simpleContent>
28 <xs:extension base="xs:string">
29 <xs:annotation>
30 <xs:documentation>
31 Condition that determines if the application should be closed. Must be blank or evaluate to true
32 for the application to be scheduled for closing.
33 </xs:documentation>
34 </xs:annotation>
35 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string">
36 <xs:annotation>
37 <xs:documentation>Identifier for the close application (primary key). If the Id is not specified, one will be generated.</xs:documentation>
38 </xs:annotation>
39 </xs:attribute>
40 <xs:attribute name="Target" type="xs:string" use="required">
41 <xs:annotation>
42 <xs:documentation>Name of the exectuable to be closed. This should only be the file name.</xs:documentation>
43 </xs:annotation>
44 </xs:attribute>
45 <xs:attribute name="Description" type="xs:string">
46 <xs:annotation>
47 <xs:documentation>Description to show if application is running and needs to be closed.</xs:documentation>
48 </xs:annotation>
49 </xs:attribute>
50 <xs:attribute name="Sequence" type="xs:integer">
51 <xs:annotation>
52 <xs:documentation>Optionally orders the applications to be closed.</xs:documentation>
53 </xs:annotation>
54 </xs:attribute>
55 <xs:attribute name="CloseMessage" type="YesNoType">
56 <xs:annotation>
57 <xs:documentation>Optionally sends a close message to the application. Default is no.</xs:documentation>
58 </xs:annotation>
59 </xs:attribute>
60 <xs:attribute name="EndSessionMessage" type="YesNoType">
61 <xs:annotation>
62 <xs:documentation>Sends WM_QUERYENDSESSION then WM_ENDSESSION messages to the application. Default is "no".</xs:documentation>
63 </xs:annotation>
64 </xs:attribute>
65 <xs:attribute name="ElevatedCloseMessage" type="YesNoType">
66 <xs:annotation>
67 <xs:documentation>Optionally sends a close message to the application from deffered action without impersonation. Default is no.</xs:documentation>
68 </xs:annotation>
69 </xs:attribute>
70 <xs:attribute name="ElevatedEndSessionMessage" type="YesNoType">
71 <xs:annotation>
72 <xs:documentation>Sends WM_QUERYENDSESSION then WM_ENDSESSION messages to the application from a deffered action without impersonation. Default is "no".</xs:documentation>
73 </xs:annotation>
74 </xs:attribute>
75 <xs:attribute name="RebootPrompt" type="YesNoType">
76 <xs:annotation>
77 <xs:documentation>Optionally prompts for reboot if application is still running. The default is "yes". The TerminateProcess attribute must be "no" or not specified if this attribute is "yes".</xs:documentation>
78 </xs:annotation>
79 </xs:attribute>
80 <xs:attribute name="PromptToContinue" type="YesNoType">
81 <xs:annotation>
82 <xs:documentation>
83 When this attribute is set to "yes", the user will be prompted when the application is still running. The Description attribute must contain the message to
84 display in the prompt. The prompt occurs before executing any of the other options and gives the options to "Abort", "Retry", or "Ignore". Abort will cancel
85 the install. Retry will attempt the check again and if the application is still running, prompt again. "Ignore" will continue and execute any other options
86 set on the CloseApplication element. The default is "no".
87 </xs:documentation>
88 </xs:annotation>
89 </xs:attribute>
90 <xs:attribute name="Property" type="xs:string">
91 <xs:annotation>
92 <xs:documentation>Property to be set if application is still running. Useful for launch conditions or to conditionalize custom UI to ask user to shut down apps.</xs:documentation>
93 </xs:annotation>
94 </xs:attribute>
95 <xs:attribute name="TerminateProcess" type="xs:integer">
96 <xs:annotation>
97 <xs:documentation>
98 Attempts to terminates process and return the specified exit code if application is still running after sending any requested close and/or end session messages.
99 If this attribute is specified, the RebootPrompt attribute must be "no". The default is "no".
100 </xs:documentation>
101 </xs:annotation>
102 </xs:attribute>
103 <xs:attribute name="Timeout" type="xs:integer">
104 <xs:annotation>
105 <xs:documentation>
106 Optional time in seconds to wait for the application to exit after the close and/or end session messages. If the application is still running after the timeout then
107 the RebootPrompt or TerminateProcess attributes will be considered. The default value is "5" seconds.
108 </xs:documentation>
109 </xs:annotation>
110 </xs:attribute>
111 </xs:extension>
112 </xs:simpleContent>
113 </xs:complexType>
114 </xs:element>
115 <xs:element name="ComponentSearch">
116 <xs:annotation>
117 <xs:documentation>Describes a component search.</xs:documentation>
118 <xs:appinfo>
119 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Bundle" />
120 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
121 </xs:appinfo>
122 </xs:annotation>
123 <xs:complexType>
124 <xs:attributeGroup ref="SearchCommonAttributes" />
125 <xs:attribute name="Guid" type="xs:string" use="required">
126 <xs:annotation>
127 <xs:documentation>Component to search for.</xs:documentation>
128 </xs:annotation>
129 </xs:attribute>
130 <xs:attribute name="ProductCode" type="xs:string">
131 <xs:annotation>
132 <xs:documentation>Optional ProductCode to determine if the component is installed.</xs:documentation>
133 </xs:annotation>
134 </xs:attribute>
135 <xs:attribute name="Result">
136 <xs:annotation>
137 <xs:documentation>
138 Rather than saving the matching key path into the variable, a ComponentSearch can save an attribute of the component instead.
139 </xs:documentation>
140 </xs:annotation>
141 <xs:simpleType>
142 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
143 <xs:enumeration value="directory">
144 <xs:annotation>
145 <xs:documentation>Saves the parent directory for the component's file key path; other types of key path are returned unmodified.</xs:documentation>
146 </xs:annotation>
147 </xs:enumeration>
148 <xs:enumeration value="state">
149 <xs:annotation>
150 <xs:documentation>Saves the state of the component: absent (2), locally installed (3), will run from source (4), or installed in default location (either local or from source) (5)</xs:documentation>
151 </xs:annotation>
152 </xs:enumeration>
153 <xs:enumeration value="keyPath">
154 <xs:annotation>
155 <xs:documentation>Saves the key path of the component if installed. This is the default.</xs:documentation>
156 </xs:annotation>
157 </xs:enumeration>
158 </xs:restriction>
159 </xs:simpleType>
160 </xs:attribute>
161 </xs:complexType>
162 </xs:element>
163 <xs:element name="ComponentSearchRef">
164 <xs:annotation>
165 <xs:documentation>References a ComponentSearch.</xs:documentation>
166 <xs:appinfo>
167 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Bundle" />
168 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
169 </xs:appinfo>
170 </xs:annotation>
171 <xs:complexType>
172 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string" use="required" />
173 </xs:complexType>
174 </xs:element>
175 <xs:element name="DirectorySearch">
176 <xs:annotation>
177 <xs:documentation>Describes a directory search.</xs:documentation>
178 <xs:appinfo>
179 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Bundle" />
180 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
181 </xs:appinfo>
182 </xs:annotation>
183 <xs:complexType>
184 <xs:attributeGroup ref="SearchCommonAttributes" />
185 <xs:attribute name="Path" type="xs:string">
186 <xs:annotation>
187 <xs:documentation>Directory path to search for.</xs:documentation>
188 </xs:annotation>
189 </xs:attribute>
190 <xs:attribute name="Result">
191 <xs:annotation>
192 <xs:documentation>
193 Rather than saving the matching directory path into the variable, a DirectorySearch can save an
194 attribute of the matching directory instead.
195 </xs:documentation>
196 </xs:annotation>
197 <xs:simpleType>
198 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
199 <xs:enumeration value="exists">
200 <xs:annotation>
201 <xs:documentation>Saves true if a matching directory is found; false otherwise.</xs:documentation>
202 </xs:annotation>
203 </xs:enumeration>
204 </xs:restriction>
205 </xs:simpleType>
206 </xs:attribute>
207 </xs:complexType>
208 </xs:element>
209 <xs:element name="DirectorySearchRef">
210 <xs:annotation>
211 <xs:documentation>References a DirectorySearch.</xs:documentation>
212 <xs:appinfo>
213 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Bundle" />
214 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
215 </xs:appinfo>
216 </xs:annotation>
217 <xs:complexType>
218 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string" use="required" />
219 </xs:complexType>
220 </xs:element>
221 <xs:element name="EventSource">
222 <xs:annotation>
223 <xs:appinfo>
224 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Component" />
225 </xs:appinfo>
226 <xs:documentation>Creates an event source.</xs:documentation>
227 </xs:annotation>
228 <xs:complexType>
229 <xs:attribute name="CategoryCount" type="xs:integer">
230 <xs:annotation>
231 <xs:documentation>
232 The number of categories in CategoryMessageFile. CategoryMessageFile
233 must be specified too.
234 </xs:documentation>
235 </xs:annotation>
236 </xs:attribute>
237 <xs:attribute name="CategoryMessageFile" type="xs:string">
238 <xs:annotation>
239 <xs:documentation>
240 Name of the category message file. CategoryCount must be specified too.
241 Note that this is a formatted field, so you can use [#fileId] syntax to
242 refer to a file being installed. It is also written as a REG_EXPAND_SZ
243 string, so you can use %environment_variable% syntax to refer to a file
244 already present on the user's machine.
245 </xs:documentation>
246 </xs:annotation>
247 </xs:attribute>
248 <xs:attribute name="EventMessageFile" type="xs:string" use="required">
249 <xs:annotation>
250 <xs:documentation>
251 Name of the event message file.
252 Note that this is a formatted field, so you can use [#fileId] syntax to
253 refer to a file being installed. It is also written as a REG_EXPAND_SZ
254 string, so you can use %environment_variable% syntax to refer to a file
255 already present on the user's machine.
256 </xs:documentation>
257 </xs:annotation>
258 </xs:attribute>
259 <xs:attribute name="KeyPath" type="YesNoType">
260 <xs:annotation>
261 <xs:documentation>
262 Marks the EventSource registry as the key path of the component it belongs to.
263 </xs:documentation>
264 </xs:annotation>
265 </xs:attribute>
266 <xs:attribute name="Log" type="xs:string" use="required">
267 <xs:annotation>
268 <xs:documentation>Name of the event source's log.</xs:documentation>
269 </xs:annotation>
270 </xs:attribute>
271 <xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string" use="required">
272 <xs:annotation>
273 <xs:documentation>Name of the event source.</xs:documentation>
274 </xs:annotation>
275 </xs:attribute>
276 <xs:attribute name="ParameterMessageFile" type="xs:string">
277 <xs:annotation>
278 <xs:documentation>
279 Name of the parameter message file.
280 Note that this is a formatted field, so you can use [#fileId] syntax to
281 refer to a file being installed. It is also written as a REG_EXPAND_SZ
282 string, so you can use %environment_variable% syntax to refer to a file
283 already present on the user's machine.
284 </xs:documentation>
285 </xs:annotation>
286 </xs:attribute>
287 <xs:attribute name="SupportsErrors" type="YesNoType">
288 <xs:annotation>
289 <xs:documentation>
290 Equivalent to EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE.
291 </xs:documentation>
292 </xs:annotation>
293 </xs:attribute>
294 <xs:attribute name="SupportsFailureAudits" type="YesNoType">
295 <xs:annotation>
296 <xs:documentation>
298 </xs:documentation>
299 </xs:annotation>
300 </xs:attribute>
301 <xs:attribute name="SupportsInformationals" type="YesNoType">
302 <xs:annotation>
303 <xs:documentation>
305 </xs:documentation>
306 </xs:annotation>
307 </xs:attribute>
308 <xs:attribute name="SupportsSuccessAudits" type="YesNoType">
309 <xs:annotation>
310 <xs:documentation>
312 </xs:documentation>
313 </xs:annotation>
314 </xs:attribute>
315 <xs:attribute name="SupportsWarnings" type="YesNoType">
316 <xs:annotation>
317 <xs:documentation>
318 Equivalent to EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE.
319 </xs:documentation>
320 </xs:annotation>
321 </xs:attribute>
322 </xs:complexType>
323 </xs:element>
324 <xs:element name="FileSearch">
325 <xs:annotation>
326 <xs:documentation>Describes a file search.</xs:documentation>
327 <xs:appinfo>
328 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Bundle" />
329 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
330 </xs:appinfo>
331 </xs:annotation>
332 <xs:complexType>
333 <xs:attributeGroup ref="SearchCommonAttributes" />
334 <xs:attribute name="Path" type="xs:string">
335 <xs:annotation>
336 <xs:documentation>File path to search for.</xs:documentation>
337 </xs:annotation>
338 </xs:attribute>
339 <xs:attribute name="Result">
340 <xs:annotation>
341 <xs:documentation>
342 Rather than saving the matching file path into the variable, a FileSearch can save an attribute of the matching file instead.
343 </xs:documentation>
344 </xs:annotation>
345 <xs:simpleType>
346 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
347 <xs:enumeration value="exists">
348 <xs:annotation>
349 <xs:documentation>Saves true if a matching file is found; false otherwise.</xs:documentation>
350 </xs:annotation>
351 </xs:enumeration>
352 <xs:enumeration value="version">
353 <xs:annotation>
354 <xs:documentation>Saves the version information for files that have it (.exe, .dll); zero-version ( otherwise.</xs:documentation>
355 </xs:annotation>
356 </xs:enumeration>
357 </xs:restriction>
358 </xs:simpleType>
359 </xs:attribute>
360 </xs:complexType>
361 </xs:element>
362 <xs:element name="FileSearchRef">
363 <xs:annotation>
364 <xs:documentation>References a FileSearch.</xs:documentation>
365 <xs:appinfo>
366 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Bundle" />
367 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
368 </xs:appinfo>
369 </xs:annotation>
370 <xs:complexType>
371 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string" use="required" />
372 </xs:complexType>
373 </xs:element>
374 <xs:element name="FileShare">
375 <xs:annotation>
376 <xs:appinfo>
377 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Component" />
378 </xs:appinfo>
379 <xs:documentation>Creates a file share out of the component's directory.</xs:documentation>
380 </xs:annotation>
381 <xs:complexType>
382 <xs:sequence>
383 <xs:element ref="FileSharePermission" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
384 <xs:annotation>
385 <xs:documentation>ACL permission</xs:documentation>
386 </xs:annotation>
387 </xs:element>
388 </xs:sequence>
389 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string" use="required">
390 <xs:annotation>
391 <xs:documentation>Identifier for the file share (primary key).</xs:documentation>
392 </xs:annotation>
393 </xs:attribute>
394 <xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string" use="required">
395 <xs:annotation>
396 <xs:documentation>Name of the file share.</xs:documentation>
397 </xs:annotation>
398 </xs:attribute>
399 <xs:attribute name="Description" type="xs:string">
400 <xs:annotation>
401 <xs:documentation>Description of the file share.</xs:documentation>
402 </xs:annotation>
403 </xs:attribute>
404 </xs:complexType>
405 </xs:element>
406 <xs:element name="FileSharePermission">
407 <xs:annotation>
408 <xs:documentation>
409 Sets ACLs on a FileShare. This element has no Id attribute.
410 The table and key are taken from the parent element.
411 </xs:documentation>
412 </xs:annotation>
413 <xs:complexType>
414 <xs:attribute name="User" use="required" type="xs:string"></xs:attribute>
415 <!-- Common ACLs -->
416 <xs:attribute name="Read" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
417 <xs:attribute name="Delete" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
418 <xs:attribute name="ReadPermission" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
419 <xs:attribute name="ChangePermission" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
420 <xs:attribute name="TakeOwnership" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
421 <!-- Folder and File ACLs -->
422 <xs:attribute name="ReadAttributes" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
423 <xs:attribute name="WriteAttributes" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
424 <xs:attribute name="ReadExtendedAttributes" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
425 <xs:attribute name="WriteExtendedAttributes" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
426 <xs:attribute name="Synchronize" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
427 <!-- Folder only ACLs -->
428 <xs:attribute name="CreateFile" type="YesNoType">
429 <xs:annotation>
430 <xs:documentation>For a directory, the right to create a file in the directory. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.</xs:documentation>
431 </xs:annotation>
432 </xs:attribute>
433 <xs:attribute name="CreateChild" type="YesNoType">
434 <xs:annotation>
435 <xs:documentation>For a directory, the right to create a subdirectory. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.</xs:documentation>
436 </xs:annotation>
437 </xs:attribute>
438 <xs:attribute name="DeleteChild" type="YesNoType">
439 <xs:annotation>
440 <xs:documentation>For a directory, the right to delete a directory and all the files it contains, including read-only files. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.</xs:documentation>
441 </xs:annotation>
442 </xs:attribute>
443 <xs:attribute name="Traverse" type="YesNoType">
444 <xs:annotation>
445 <xs:documentation>For a directory, the right to traverse the directory. By default, users are assigned the BYPASS_TRAVERSE_CHECKING privilege, which ignores the FILE_TRAVERSE access right. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.</xs:documentation>
446 </xs:annotation>
447 </xs:attribute>
448 <!-- Generic ACLs, mapped by system to appropriate permissions -->
449 <xs:attribute name="GenericAll" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
450 <xs:attribute name="GenericExecute" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
451 <xs:attribute name="GenericWrite" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
452 <xs:attribute name="GenericRead" type="YesNoType">
453 <xs:annotation>
454 <xs:documentation>specifying this will fail to grant read access</xs:documentation>
455 </xs:annotation>
456 </xs:attribute>
457 </xs:complexType>
458 </xs:element>
459 <xs:element name="FormatFile">
460 <xs:annotation>
461 <xs:appinfo>
462 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="File" />
463 </xs:appinfo>
464 <xs:documentation>
465 Formats a file's contents at install time. The contents are formatted according to the rules of the
466 <html:a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa368609.aspx" target="_blank">Formatted</html:a> data type.
467 </xs:documentation>
468 </xs:annotation>
469 <xs:complexType>
470 <xs:attribute name="BinaryKey" type="xs:string" use="required">
471 <xs:annotation>
472 <xs:documentation>
473 The id of a Binary row that contains a copy of the file. The file in the Binary table overwrites whatever
474 file is installed by the parent component.
475 </xs:documentation>
476 </xs:annotation>
477 </xs:attribute>
478 </xs:complexType>
479 </xs:element>
480 <xs:element name="Group">
481 <xs:annotation>
482 <xs:appinfo>
483 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
484 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Module" />
485 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Product" />
486 </xs:appinfo>
487 <xs:documentation>
488 Finds user groups on the local machine or specified Active Directory domain. The local machine will be
489 searched for the group first then fallback to looking in Active Directory. This element is not capable
490 of creating new groups but can be used to add new or existing users to an existing group.
491 </xs:documentation>
492 </xs:annotation>
493 <xs:complexType>
494 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string" use="required">
495 <xs:annotation>
496 <xs:documentation>Unique identifier in your installation package for this group.</xs:documentation>
497 </xs:annotation>
498 </xs:attribute>
499 <xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string" use="required">
500 <xs:annotation>
501 <xs:documentation>A <html:a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa368609.aspx" target="_blank">Formatted</html:a> string that contains the name of the group to be found.</xs:documentation>
502 </xs:annotation>
503 </xs:attribute>
504 <xs:attribute name="Domain" type="xs:string">
505 <xs:annotation>
506 <xs:documentation>An optional <html:a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa368609.aspx" target="_blank">Formatted</html:a> string that specifies the domain for the group.</xs:documentation>
507 </xs:annotation>
508 </xs:attribute>
509 </xs:complexType>
510 </xs:element>
511 <xs:element name="GroupRef">
512 <xs:annotation>
513 <xs:documentation>Used to join a user to a group</xs:documentation>
514 </xs:annotation>
515 <xs:complexType>
516 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string" use="required" />
517 </xs:complexType>
518 </xs:element>
519 <xs:element name="InternetShortcut">
520 <xs:annotation>
521 <xs:appinfo>
522 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Component" />
523 <xse:howtoRef href="files_and_registry/create_internet_shortcut.html">How To: Create a shortcut to a webpage</xse:howtoRef>
524 </xs:appinfo>
525 <xs:documentation>Creates a shortcut to a URL.</xs:documentation>
526 </xs:annotation>
527 <xs:complexType>
528 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string" use="required">
529 <xs:annotation>
530 <xs:documentation>Unique identifier in your installation package for this Internet shortcut.</xs:documentation>
531 </xs:annotation>
532 </xs:attribute>
533 <xs:attribute name="Directory" type="xs:string">
534 <xs:annotation>
535 <xs:documentation>Identifier reference to Directory element where shortcut is to be created. This attribute's value defaults to the parent Component directory.</xs:documentation>
536 </xs:annotation>
537 </xs:attribute>
538 <xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string" use="required">
539 <xs:annotation>
540 <xs:documentation>
541 The name of the shortcut file, which is visible to the user. (The .lnk
542 extension is added automatically and by default, is not shown to the user.)
543 </xs:documentation>
544 </xs:annotation>
545 </xs:attribute>
546 <xs:attribute name="Target" type="xs:string" use="required">
547 <xs:annotation>
548 <xs:documentation>
549 URL that should be opened when the user selects the shortcut. Windows
550 opens the URL in the appropriate handler for the protocol specified
551 in the URL. Note that this is a formatted field, so you can use
552 [#fileId] syntax to refer to a file being installed (using the file:
553 protocol).
554 </xs:documentation>
555 </xs:annotation>
556 </xs:attribute>
557 <xs:attribute name="Type">
558 <xs:annotation>
559 <xs:documentation>Which type of shortcut should be created.</xs:documentation>
560 </xs:annotation>
561 <xs:simpleType>
562 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
563 <xs:enumeration value="url">
564 <xs:annotation>
565 <xs:documentation>Creates .url files using IUniformResourceLocatorW.</xs:documentation>
566 </xs:annotation>
567 </xs:enumeration>
568 <xs:enumeration value="link">
569 <xs:annotation>
570 <xs:documentation>Creates .lnk files using IShellLinkW (default).</xs:documentation>
571 </xs:annotation>
572 </xs:enumeration>
573 </xs:restriction>
574 </xs:simpleType>
575 </xs:attribute>
576 <xs:attribute name="IconFile" type="xs:string" use="optional">
577 <xs:annotation>
578 <xs:documentation>
579 Icon file that should be displayed. Note that this is a formatted field, so you can use
580 [#fileId] syntax to refer to a file being installed (using the file:
581 protocol).
582 </xs:documentation>
583 </xs:annotation>
584 </xs:attribute>
585 <xs:attribute name="IconIndex" type="xs:integer" use="optional">
586 <xs:annotation>
587 <xs:documentation>
588 Index of the icon being referenced
589 </xs:documentation>
590 </xs:annotation>
591 </xs:attribute>
592 </xs:complexType>
593 </xs:element>
594 <xs:element name="PerformanceCategory">
595 <xs:annotation>
596 <xs:appinfo>
597 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Component" />
598 </xs:appinfo>
599 <xs:documentation>Used to create performance categories and configure performance counters.</xs:documentation>
600 </xs:annotation>
601 <xs:complexType>
602 <xs:sequence>
603 <xs:element ref="PerformanceCounter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
604 </xs:sequence>
605 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string">
606 <xs:annotation>
607 <xs:documentation>Unique identifier in your installation package for this performance counter category.</xs:documentation>
608 </xs:annotation>
609 </xs:attribute>
610 <xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string" use="optional">
611 <xs:annotation>
612 <xs:documentation>Name for the performance counter category. If this attribute is not provided the Id attribute is used as the name of the performance counter category.</xs:documentation>
613 </xs:annotation>
614 </xs:attribute>
615 <xs:attribute name="Help" type="xs:string" use="optional">
616 <xs:annotation>
617 <xs:documentation>Optional help text for the performance counter category.</xs:documentation>
618 </xs:annotation>
619 </xs:attribute>
620 <xs:attribute name="MultiInstance" type="YesNoType" use="optional">
621 <xs:annotation>
622 <xs:documentation>Flag that specifies whether the performance counter category is multi or single instanced. Default is single instance.</xs:documentation>
623 </xs:annotation>
624 </xs:attribute>
625 <xs:attribute name="Library" type="xs:string" use="optional">
626 <xs:annotation>
627 <xs:documentation>DLL that contains the performance counter. The default is "netfxperf.dll" which should be used for all managed code performance counters.</xs:documentation>
628 </xs:annotation>
629 </xs:attribute>
630 <xs:attribute name="Open" type="xs:string" use="optional">
631 <xs:annotation>
632 <xs:documentation>Function entry point in to the Library DLL called when opening the performance counter. The default is "OpenPerformanceData" which should be used for all managed code performance counters.</xs:documentation>
633 </xs:annotation>
634 </xs:attribute>
635 <xs:attribute name="Close" type="xs:string" use="optional">
636 <xs:annotation>
637 <xs:documentation>Function entry point in to the Library DLL called when closing the performance counter. The default is "ClosePerformanceData" which should be used for all managed code performance counters.</xs:documentation>
638 </xs:annotation>
639 </xs:attribute>
640 <xs:attribute name="Collect" type="xs:string" use="optional">
641 <xs:annotation>
642 <xs:documentation>Function entry point in to the Library DLL called when collecting data from the performance counter. The default is "CollectPerformanceData" which should be used for all managed code performance counters.</xs:documentation>
643 </xs:annotation>
644 </xs:attribute>
645 <xs:attribute name="DefaultLanguage" type="PerformanceCounterLanguageType">
646 <xs:annotation>
647 <xs:documentation>Default language for the performance category and contained counters' names and help text.</xs:documentation>
648 </xs:annotation>
649 </xs:attribute>
650 </xs:complexType>
651 </xs:element>
652 <xs:element name="PerformanceCounter">
653 <xs:annotation>
654 <xs:documentation>Creates a performance counter in a performance category.</xs:documentation>
655 </xs:annotation>
656 <xs:complexType>
657 <xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string">
658 <xs:annotation>
659 <xs:documentation>Name for the performance counter.</xs:documentation>
660 </xs:annotation>
661 </xs:attribute>
662 <xs:attribute name="Help" type="xs:string" use="optional">
663 <xs:annotation>
664 <xs:documentation>Optional help text for the performance counter.</xs:documentation>
665 </xs:annotation>
666 </xs:attribute>
667 <xs:attribute name="Type" type="PerformanceCounterTypesType">
668 <xs:annotation>
669 <xs:documentation>Type of the performance counter.</xs:documentation>
670 </xs:annotation>
671 </xs:attribute>
672 <xs:attribute name="Language" type="PerformanceCounterLanguageType" use="optional">
673 <xs:annotation>
674 <xs:documentation>Language for the peformance counter name and help. The default is to use the parent PerformanceCategory element's DefaultLanguage attribute.</xs:documentation>
675 </xs:annotation>
676 </xs:attribute>
677 </xs:complexType>
678 </xs:element>
679 <xs:element name="PerfCounter">
680 <xs:annotation>
681 <xs:appinfo>
682 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="File" />
683 <xse:deprecated ref="PerformanceCounter" />
684 </xs:appinfo>
685 <xs:documentation>Used to install Perfmon counters.</xs:documentation>
686 </xs:annotation>
687 <xs:complexType>
688 <xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string" />
689 </xs:complexType>
690 </xs:element>
691 <xs:element name="PerfCounterManifest">
692 <xs:annotation>
693 <xs:appinfo>
694 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="File" />
695 </xs:appinfo>
696 <xs:documentation>
697 Used to install Perfmon Counter Manifests.
698 Note that this functionality cannot be used with major upgrades that are scheduled after the InstallExecute,
699 InstallExecuteAgain, or InstallFinalize actions. For more information on major upgrade scheduling, see
700 <html:a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa371197.aspx">RemoveExistingProducts Action</html:a>.
701 </xs:documentation>
702 </xs:annotation>
703 <xs:complexType>
704 <xs:attribute name="ResourceFileDirectory" type="xs:string" use="optional">
705 <xs:annotation>
706 <xs:documentation>The directory that holds the resource file of the providers in the perfmon counter manifest. Often the resource file path cannot be determined until setup time. Put the directory here and during perfmon manifest registrtion the path will be updated in the registry. If not specified, Perfmon will look for the resource file in the same directory of the perfmon counter manifest file.</xs:documentation>
707 </xs:annotation>
708 </xs:attribute>
709 </xs:complexType>
710 </xs:element>
711 <xs:element name="EventManifest">
712 <xs:annotation>
713 <xs:appinfo>
714 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="File" />
715 </xs:appinfo>
716 <xs:documentation>Used to install Event Manifests.</xs:documentation>
717 </xs:annotation>
718 <xs:complexType>
719 <xs:attribute name="MessageFile" type="xs:string" use="optional">
720 <xs:annotation>
721 <xs:documentation>The message file (including path) of all the providers in the event manifest. Often the message file path cannot be determined until setup time. Put your MessageFile here and the messageFileName attribute of the all the providers in the manifest will be updated with the path before it is registered. </xs:documentation>
722 </xs:annotation>
723 </xs:attribute>
724 <xs:attribute name="ParameterFile" type="xs:string" use="optional">
725 <xs:annotation>
726 <xs:documentation>The parameter file (including path) of all the providers in the event manifest. Often the parameter file path cannot be determined until setup time. Put your ParameterFile here and the parameterFileName attribute of the all the providers in the manifest will be updated with the path before it is registered. </xs:documentation>
727 </xs:annotation>
728 </xs:attribute>
729 <xs:attribute name="ResourceFile" type="xs:string" use="optional">
730 <xs:annotation>
731 <xs:documentation>The resource file (including path) of all the providers in the event manifest. Often the resource file path cannot be determined until setup time. Put your ResourceFile here and the resourceFileName attribute of the all the providers in the manifest will be updated with the path before it is registered. </xs:documentation>
732 </xs:annotation>
733 </xs:attribute>
734 </xs:complexType>
735 </xs:element>
736 <xs:element name="PermissionEx">
737 <xs:annotation>
738 <xs:documentation>
739 Sets ACLs on File, Registry, CreateFolder, or ServiceInstall. When under a Registry element, this cannot be used
740 if the Action attribute's value is remove or removeKeyOnInstall. This element has no Id attribute.
741 The table and key are taken from the parent element.
742 </xs:documentation>
743 <xs:appinfo>
744 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="CreateFolder" />
745 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="File" />
746 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Registry" />
747 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="RegistryKey" />
748 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="RegistryValue" />
749 </xs:appinfo>
750 </xs:annotation>
751 <xs:complexType>
752 <xs:attribute name="Domain" type="xs:string"></xs:attribute>
753 <xs:attribute name="User" use="required" type="xs:string"></xs:attribute>
754 <!-- Common ACLs -->
755 <xs:attribute name="Read" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
756 <xs:attribute name="Delete" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
757 <xs:attribute name="ReadPermission" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
758 <xs:attribute name="ChangePermission" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
759 <xs:attribute name="TakeOwnership" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
760 <!-- Folder and File ACLs -->
761 <xs:attribute name="ReadAttributes" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
762 <xs:attribute name="WriteAttributes" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
763 <xs:attribute name="ReadExtendedAttributes" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
764 <xs:attribute name="WriteExtendedAttributes" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
765 <xs:attribute name="Synchronize" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
766 <!-- Folder only ACLs -->
767 <xs:attribute name="CreateFile" type="YesNoType">
768 <xs:annotation>
769 <xs:documentation>For a directory, the right to create a file in the directory. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.</xs:documentation>
770 </xs:annotation>
771 </xs:attribute>
772 <xs:attribute name="CreateChild" type="YesNoType">
773 <xs:annotation>
774 <xs:documentation>For a directory, the right to create a subdirectory. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.</xs:documentation>
775 </xs:annotation>
776 </xs:attribute>
777 <xs:attribute name="DeleteChild" type="YesNoType">
778 <xs:annotation>
779 <xs:documentation>For a directory, the right to delete a directory and all the files it contains, including read-only files. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.</xs:documentation>
780 </xs:annotation>
781 </xs:attribute>
782 <xs:attribute name="Traverse" type="YesNoType">
783 <xs:annotation>
784 <xs:documentation>For a directory, the right to traverse the directory. By default, users are assigned the BYPASS_TRAVERSE_CHECKING privilege, which ignores the FILE_TRAVERSE access right. Only valid under a 'CreateFolder' parent.</xs:documentation>
785 </xs:annotation>
786 </xs:attribute>
787 <!-- File only ACLs -->
788 <xs:attribute name="Append" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
789 <xs:attribute name="Execute" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
790 <!-- File and Registry ACLs -->
791 <xs:attribute name="Write" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
792 <!-- Registry only ACLs -->
793 <xs:attribute name="CreateSubkeys" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
794 <xs:attribute name="EnumerateSubkeys" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
795 <xs:attribute name="Notify" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
796 <xs:attribute name="CreateLink" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
797 <!-- Generic ACLs, mapped by system to appropriate permissions -->
798 <xs:attribute name="GenericAll" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
799 <xs:attribute name="GenericExecute" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
800 <xs:attribute name="GenericWrite" type="YesNoType"></xs:attribute>
801 <xs:attribute name="GenericRead" type="YesNoType">
802 <xs:annotation>
803 <xs:documentation>specifying this will fail to grant read access</xs:documentation>
804 </xs:annotation>
805 </xs:attribute>
806 <!-- Service only ACLs -->
807 <xs:attribute name="ServiceQueryConfig" type="YesNoType">
808 <xs:annotation>
809 <xs:documentation>Required to call the QueryServiceConfig and QueryServiceConfig2 functions to query the service configuration. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.</xs:documentation>
810 </xs:annotation>
811 </xs:attribute>
812 <xs:attribute name="ServiceChangeConfig" type="YesNoType">
813 <xs:annotation>
814 <xs:documentation>Required to call the ChangeServiceConfig or ChangeServiceConfig2 function to change the service configuration. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.</xs:documentation>
815 </xs:annotation>
816 </xs:attribute>
817 <xs:attribute name="ServiceQueryStatus" type="YesNoType">
818 <xs:annotation>
819 <xs:documentation>Required to call the QueryServiceStatus function to ask the service control manager about the status of the service. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.</xs:documentation>
820 </xs:annotation>
821 </xs:attribute>
822 <xs:attribute name="ServiceEnumerateDependents" type="YesNoType">
823 <xs:annotation>
824 <xs:documentation>Required to call the EnumDependentServices function to enumerate all the services dependent on the service. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.</xs:documentation>
825 </xs:annotation>
826 </xs:attribute>
827 <xs:attribute name="ServiceStart" type="YesNoType">
828 <xs:annotation>
829 <xs:documentation>Required to call the StartService function to start the service. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.</xs:documentation>
830 </xs:annotation>
831 </xs:attribute>
832 <xs:attribute name="ServiceStop" type="YesNoType">
833 <xs:annotation>
834 <xs:documentation>Required to call the ControlService function to stop the service. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.</xs:documentation>
835 </xs:annotation>
836 </xs:attribute>
837 <xs:attribute name="ServicePauseContinue" type="YesNoType">
838 <xs:annotation>
839 <xs:documentation>Required to call the ControlService function to pause or continue the service. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.</xs:documentation>
840 </xs:annotation>
841 </xs:attribute>
842 <xs:attribute name="ServiceInterrogate" type="YesNoType">
843 <xs:annotation>
844 <xs:documentation>Required to call the ControlService function to ask the service to report its status immediately. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.</xs:documentation>
845 </xs:annotation>
846 </xs:attribute>
847 <xs:attribute name="ServiceUserDefinedControl" type="YesNoType">
848 <xs:annotation>
849 <xs:documentation>Required to call the ControlService function to specify a user-defined control code. Only valid under a 'ServiceInstall' parent.</xs:documentation>
850 </xs:annotation>
851 </xs:attribute>
852 </xs:complexType>
853 </xs:element>
854 <xs:element name="ProductSearch">
855 <xs:annotation>
856 <xs:documentation>Describes a product search.</xs:documentation>
857 <xs:appinfo>
858 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Bundle" />
859 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
860 </xs:appinfo>
861 </xs:annotation>
862 <xs:complexType>
863 <xs:attributeGroup ref="SearchCommonAttributes" />
864 <xs:attribute name="Guid" type="xs:string">
865 <xs:annotation>
866 <xs:documentation>The Guid attribute has been deprecated; use the ProductCode or UpgradeCode attribute instead. If this attribute is used, it is assumed to be a ProductCode.</xs:documentation>
867 </xs:annotation>
868 </xs:attribute>
869 <xs:attribute name="ProductCode" type="xs:string">
870 <xs:annotation>
871 <xs:documentation>The ProductCode to use for the search. This attribute must be omitted if UpgradeCode is specified.</xs:documentation>
872 </xs:annotation>
873 </xs:attribute>
874 <xs:attribute name="UpgradeCode" type="xs:string">
875 <xs:annotation>
876 <xs:documentation>The UpgradeCode to use for the search. This attribute must be omitted if ProductCode is specified. Note that if multiple products are found, the highest versioned product will be used for the result.</xs:documentation>
877 </xs:annotation>
878 </xs:attribute>
879 <xs:attribute name="Result">
880 <xs:annotation>
881 <xs:documentation>
882 Rather than saving the product version into the variable, a ProductSearch can save another attribute of the matching product instead.
883 </xs:documentation>
884 </xs:annotation>
885 <xs:simpleType>
886 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
887 <xs:enumeration value="version">
888 <xs:annotation>
889 <xs:documentation>Saves the version of a matching product if found; otherwise. This is the default.</xs:documentation>
890 </xs:annotation>
891 </xs:enumeration>
892 <xs:enumeration value="language">
893 <xs:annotation>
894 <xs:documentation>Saves the language of a matching product if found; empty otherwise.</xs:documentation>
895 </xs:annotation>
896 </xs:enumeration>
897 <xs:enumeration value="state">
898 <xs:annotation>
899 <xs:documentation>Saves the state of the product: advertised (1), absent (2), or locally installed (5).</xs:documentation>
900 </xs:annotation>
901 </xs:enumeration>
902 <xs:enumeration value="assignment">
903 <xs:annotation>
904 <xs:documentation>Saves the assignment type of the product: per-user (0), or per-machine (1).</xs:documentation>
905 </xs:annotation>
906 </xs:enumeration>
907 </xs:restriction>
908 </xs:simpleType>
909 </xs:attribute>
910 </xs:complexType>
911 </xs:element>
912 <xs:element name="ProductSearchRef">
913 <xs:annotation>
914 <xs:documentation>References a ProductSearch.</xs:documentation>
915 <xs:appinfo>
916 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Bundle" />
917 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
918 </xs:appinfo>
919 </xs:annotation>
920 <xs:complexType>
921 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string" use="required" />
922 </xs:complexType>
923 </xs:element>
924 <xs:element name="RemoveFolderEx">
925 <xs:annotation>
926 <xs:appinfo>
927 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Component" />
928 <xse:msiRef table="RemoveFile" href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa371201.aspx"/>
929 <xse:remarks>
930 <html:p>The custom action that implements RemoveFolderEx does so by writing temporary rows to the RemoveFile table
931 for each subfolder of the root folder you specify. Because it might dramatically affect Windows Installer's
932 <html:a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368593.aspx">File Costing</html:a>,
933 the temporary rows must be written before the CostInitialize standard action. Unfortunately, MSI doesn't
934 create properties for the Directory hierarchy in your package until later, in the CostFinalize action.</html:p>
935 <html:p>An easy workaround for a typical use case of removing a folder during uninstall is to write the directory
936 path to the registry and to load it during uninstall. See
937 <html:a href="http://robmensching.com/blog/posts/2010/5/2/the-wix-toolsets-remember-property-pattern">The WiX toolset's "Remember Property" pattern</html:a>
938 for an example.</html:p>
939 <html:p>If you use custom actions to set properties, ensure that they are scheduled before the WixRemoveFoldersEx custom action.</html:p>
940 </xse:remarks>
941 </xs:appinfo>
942 <xs:documentation>
943 Remove a folder and all contained files and folders if the parent component is selected for installation or removal.
944 The folder must be specified in the Property attribute as the name of a property that will have a value that resolves
945 to the full path of the folder before the CostInitialize action. Note that Directory ids cannot be used.
946 For more details, see the Remarks.
947 </xs:documentation>
948 </xs:annotation>
949 <xs:complexType>
950 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string">
951 <xs:annotation>
952 <xs:documentation>Primary key used to identify this particular entry. If this is not specified, a stable identifier
953 will be generated at compile time based on the other attributes.</xs:documentation>
954 </xs:annotation>
955 </xs:attribute>
956 <xs:attribute name="Property" type="xs:string">
957 <xs:annotation>
958 <xs:documentation>
959 The id of a property that resolves to the full path of the source directory. The property does not have
960 to exist in the installer database at creation time; it could be created at installation time by a custom
961 action, on the command line, etc. The property value can contain environment variables surrounded by
962 percent signs such as from a REG_EXPAND_SZ registry value; environment variables will be expanded before
963 being evaluated for a full path.
964 </xs:documentation>
965 </xs:annotation>
966 </xs:attribute>
967 <xs:attribute name="On">
968 <xs:annotation>
969 <xs:documentation>
970 This value determines when the folder may be removed.
971 </xs:documentation>
972 </xs:annotation>
973 <xs:simpleType>
974 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
975 <xs:enumeration value="install">
976 <xs:annotation>
977 <xs:documentation>
978 Removes the folder only when the parent component is being installed (msiInstallStateLocal or msiInstallStateSource).
979 </xs:documentation>
980 </xs:annotation>
981 </xs:enumeration>
982 <xs:enumeration value="uninstall">
983 <xs:annotation>
984 <xs:documentation>
985 Default: Removes the folder only when the parent component is being removed (msiInstallStateAbsent).
986 </xs:documentation>
987 </xs:annotation>
988 </xs:enumeration>
989 <xs:enumeration value="both">
990 <xs:annotation>
991 <xs:documentation>
992 Removes the folder when the parent component is being installed or removed.
993 </xs:documentation>
994 </xs:annotation>
995 </xs:enumeration>
996 </xs:restriction>
997 </xs:simpleType>
998 </xs:attribute>
999 </xs:complexType>
1000 </xs:element>
1001 <xs:element name="RestartResource">
1002 <xs:annotation>
1003 <xs:documentation>Registers a resource with the Restart Manager.</xs:documentation>
1004 <xs:appinfo>
1005 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Component" />
1006 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
1007 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Module" />
1008 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Product" />
1009 </xs:appinfo>
1010 </xs:annotation>
1011 <xs:complexType>
1012 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string">
1013 <xs:annotation>
1014 <xs:documentation>The unique identifier for this resource. A unique identifier will
1015 be generated automatically if not specified.</xs:documentation>
1016 </xs:annotation>
1017 </xs:attribute>
1018 <xs:attribute name="Path" type="xs:string">
1019 <xs:annotation>
1020 <xs:documentation>The full path to the process module to register with the Restart Manager.
1021 This can be a formatted value that resolves to a full path.</xs:documentation>
1022 </xs:annotation>
1023 </xs:attribute>
1024 <xs:attribute name="ProcessName" type="xs:string">
1025 <xs:annotation>
1026 <xs:documentation>The name of a process to register with the Restart Manager.
1027 This can be a formatted value that resolves to a process name.</xs:documentation>
1028 </xs:annotation>
1029 </xs:attribute>
1030 <xs:attribute name="ServiceName" type="xs:string">
1031 <xs:annotation>
1032 <xs:documentation>The name of a Windows service to register with the Restart Manager.
1033 This can be a formatted value that resolves to a service name.</xs:documentation>
1034 </xs:annotation>
1035 </xs:attribute>
1036 </xs:complexType>
1037 </xs:element>
1038 <xs:element name="RegistrySearch">
1039 <xs:annotation>
1040 <xs:documentation>Describes a registry search.</xs:documentation>
1041 <xs:appinfo>
1042 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Bundle" />
1043 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
1044 </xs:appinfo>
1045 </xs:annotation>
1046 <xs:complexType>
1047 <xs:attributeGroup ref="SearchCommonAttributes" />
1048 <xs:attribute name="Root" use="required">
1049 <xs:annotation>
1050 <xs:documentation>Registry root hive to search under.</xs:documentation>
1051 </xs:annotation>
1052 <xs:simpleType>
1053 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1054 <xs:enumeration value="HKLM">
1055 <xs:annotation>
1056 <xs:documentation>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE</xs:documentation>
1057 </xs:annotation>
1058 </xs:enumeration>
1059 <xs:enumeration value="HKCU">
1060 <xs:annotation>
1061 <xs:documentation>HKEY_CURRENT_USER</xs:documentation>
1062 </xs:annotation>
1063 </xs:enumeration>
1064 <xs:enumeration value="HKCR">
1065 <xs:annotation>
1066 <xs:documentation>HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT</xs:documentation>
1067 </xs:annotation>
1068 </xs:enumeration>
1069 <xs:enumeration value="HKU">
1070 <xs:annotation>
1071 <xs:documentation>HKEY_USERS</xs:documentation>
1072 </xs:annotation>
1073 </xs:enumeration>
1074 </xs:restriction>
1075 </xs:simpleType>
1076 </xs:attribute>
1077 <xs:attribute name="Key" type="xs:string" use="required">
1078 <xs:annotation>
1079 <xs:documentation>Key to search for.</xs:documentation>
1080 </xs:annotation>
1081 </xs:attribute>
1082 <xs:attribute name="Value" type="xs:string">
1083 <xs:annotation>
1084 <xs:documentation>Optional value to search for under the given Key.</xs:documentation>
1085 </xs:annotation>
1086 </xs:attribute>
1087 <xs:attribute name="Format">
1088 <xs:annotation>
1089 <xs:documentation>What format to return the value in.</xs:documentation>
1090 </xs:annotation>
1091 <xs:simpleType>
1092 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1093 <xs:enumeration value="raw">
1094 <xs:annotation>
1095 <xs:documentation>Returns the unformatted value directly from the registry. For example, a REG_DWORD value of '1' is returned as '1', not '#1'.</xs:documentation>
1096 </xs:annotation>
1097 </xs:enumeration>
1098 <xs:enumeration value="compatible">
1099 <xs:annotation>
1100 <xs:documentation>Returns the value formatted as Windows Installer would. For example, a REG_DWORD value of '1' is returned as '#1', not '1'.</xs:documentation>
1101 </xs:annotation>
1102 </xs:enumeration>
1103 </xs:restriction>
1104 </xs:simpleType>
1105 </xs:attribute>
1106 <xs:attribute name="ExpandEnvironmentVariables" type="YesNoType">
1107 <xs:annotation>
1108 <xs:documentation>Whether to expand any environment variables in REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, or REG_MULTI_SZ values.</xs:documentation>
1109 </xs:annotation>
1110 </xs:attribute>
1111 <xs:attribute name="Result">
1112 <xs:annotation>
1113 <xs:documentation>
1114 Rather than saving the matching registry value into the variable, a RegistrySearch can save an attribute of the matching entry instead.
1115 </xs:documentation>
1116 </xs:annotation>
1117 <xs:simpleType>
1118 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1119 <xs:enumeration value="exists">
1120 <xs:annotation>
1121 <xs:documentation>Saves true if a matching registry entry is found; false otherwise.</xs:documentation>
1122 </xs:annotation>
1123 </xs:enumeration>
1124 <xs:enumeration value="value">
1125 <xs:annotation>
1126 <xs:documentation>Saves the value of the registry key in the variable. This is the default.</xs:documentation>
1127 </xs:annotation>
1128 </xs:enumeration>
1129 </xs:restriction>
1130 </xs:simpleType>
1131 </xs:attribute>
1132 <xs:attribute name="Win64" type="YesNoType">
1133 <xs:annotation>
1134 <xs:documentation>Instructs the search to look in the 64-bit registry when the value is 'yes'. When the value is 'no', the search looks in the 32-bit registry. The default value is 'no'.</xs:documentation>
1135 </xs:annotation>
1136 </xs:attribute>
1137 </xs:complexType>
1138 </xs:element>
1139 <xs:element name="RegistrySearchRef">
1140 <xs:annotation>
1141 <xs:documentation>References a RegistrySearch.</xs:documentation>
1142 <xs:appinfo>
1143 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Bundle" />
1144 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
1145 </xs:appinfo>
1146 </xs:annotation>
1147 <xs:complexType>
1148 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string" use="required" />
1149 </xs:complexType>
1150 </xs:element>
1151 <xs:element name="ServiceConfig">
1152 <xs:annotation>
1153 <xs:documentation>Service configuration information for failure actions.</xs:documentation>
1154 <xs:appinfo>
1155 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Component" />
1156 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="ServiceInstall" />
1157 <xse:remarks>
1158 <html:dl>
1159 <html:dd>Nesting a ServiceConfig element under a ServiceInstall element will result in the service being installed to be configured.</html:dd>
1160 <html:dd>Nesting a ServiceConfig element under a component element will result in an already installed service to be configured. If the service does not exist prior to the install of the MSI package, the install will fail.</html:dd>
1161 </html:dl>
1162 </xse:remarks>
1163 </xs:appinfo>
1164 </xs:annotation>
1165 <xs:complexType>
1166 <xs:attribute name="ServiceName" type="xs:string">
1167 <xs:annotation>
1168 <xs:documentation>Required if not under a ServiceInstall element.</xs:documentation>
1169 </xs:annotation>
1170 </xs:attribute>
1171 <xs:attribute name="FirstFailureActionType" use="required">
1172 <xs:annotation>
1173 <xs:documentation>Action to take on the first failure of the service.</xs:documentation>
1174 </xs:annotation>
1175 <xs:simpleType>
1176 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1177 <xs:enumeration value="none" />
1178 <xs:enumeration value="reboot" />
1179 <xs:enumeration value="restart" />
1180 <xs:enumeration value="runCommand" />
1181 </xs:restriction>
1182 </xs:simpleType>
1183 </xs:attribute>
1184 <xs:attribute name="SecondFailureActionType" use="required">
1185 <xs:annotation>
1186 <xs:documentation>Action to take on the second failure of the service.</xs:documentation>
1187 </xs:annotation>
1188 <xs:simpleType>
1189 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1190 <xs:enumeration value="none" />
1191 <xs:enumeration value="reboot" />
1192 <xs:enumeration value="restart" />
1193 <xs:enumeration value="runCommand" />
1194 </xs:restriction>
1195 </xs:simpleType>
1196 </xs:attribute>
1197 <xs:attribute name="ThirdFailureActionType" use="required">
1198 <xs:annotation>
1199 <xs:documentation>Action to take on the third failure of the service.</xs:documentation>
1200 </xs:annotation>
1201 <xs:simpleType>
1202 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1203 <xs:enumeration value="none" />
1204 <xs:enumeration value="reboot" />
1205 <xs:enumeration value="restart" />
1206 <xs:enumeration value="runCommand" />
1207 </xs:restriction>
1208 </xs:simpleType>
1209 </xs:attribute>
1210 <xs:attribute name="ResetPeriodInDays" type="xs:integer">
1211 <xs:annotation>
1212 <xs:documentation>Number of days after which to reset the failure count to zero if there are no failures.</xs:documentation>
1213 </xs:annotation>
1214 </xs:attribute>
1215 <xs:attribute name="RestartServiceDelayInSeconds" type="xs:integer">
1216 <xs:annotation>
1217 <xs:documentation>If any of the three *ActionType attributes is "restart", this specifies the number of seconds to wait before doing so.</xs:documentation>
1218 </xs:annotation>
1219 </xs:attribute>
1220 <xs:attribute name="ProgramCommandLine" type="xs:string">
1221 <xs:annotation>
1222 <xs:documentation>If any of the three *ActionType attributes is "runCommand", this specifies the command to run when doing so. This value is formatted.</xs:documentation>
1223 </xs:annotation>
1224 </xs:attribute>
1225 <xs:attribute name="RebootMessage" type="xs:string">
1226 <xs:annotation>
1227 <xs:documentation>If any of the three *ActionType attributes is "reboot", this specifies the message to broadcast to server users before doing so.</xs:documentation>
1228 </xs:annotation>
1229 </xs:attribute>
1230 </xs:complexType>
1231 </xs:element>
1232 <xs:element name="TouchFile">
1233 <xs:annotation>
1234 <xs:documentation>Updates the last modified date/time of a file.</xs:documentation>
1235 <xs:appinfo>
1236 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Component" />
1237 </xs:appinfo>
1238 </xs:annotation>
1239 <xs:complexType>
1240 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string">
1241 <xs:annotation>
1242 <xs:documentation>Identifier for the touch file operation. If the identifier is not specified it will be generated.</xs:documentation>
1243 </xs:annotation>
1244 </xs:attribute>
1245 <xs:attribute name="Path" use="required" type="xs:string">
1246 <xs:annotation>
1247 <xs:documentation>Path of the file to update. This value is formatted.</xs:documentation>
1248 </xs:annotation>
1249 </xs:attribute>
1250 <xs:attribute name="OnInstall" type="YesNoType">
1251 <xs:annotation>
1252 <xs:documentation>Specifies whether or not the modified time of the file should be updated on install. If the OnInstall, OnReinstall and OnUninstall attributes are all absent the default is 'yes'.</xs:documentation>
1253 </xs:annotation>
1254 </xs:attribute>
1255 <xs:attribute name="OnReinstall" type="YesNoType">
1256 <xs:annotation>
1257 <xs:documentation>Specifies whether or not the modified time of the file should be updated on reinstall. If the OnInstall, OnReinstall and OnUninstall attributes are all absent the default is 'yes'.</xs:documentation>
1258 </xs:annotation>
1259 </xs:attribute>
1260 <xs:attribute name="OnUninstall" type="YesNoType">
1261 <xs:annotation>
1262 <xs:documentation>Specifies whether or not the modified time of the file should be updated on uninstall. If the OnInstall, OnReinstall and OnUninstall attributes are all absent the default is 'no'.</xs:documentation>
1263 </xs:annotation>
1264 </xs:attribute>
1265 <xs:attribute name="Nonvital" type="YesNoType">
1266 <xs:annotation>
1267 <xs:documentation>Indicates the installation will succeed even if the modified time of the file cannot be updated. The default is 'no'.</xs:documentation>
1268 </xs:annotation>
1269 </xs:attribute>
1270 </xs:complexType>
1271 </xs:element>
1272 <xs:element name="User">
1273 <xs:annotation>
1274 <xs:documentation>User for all kinds of things. When it is not nested under a component it is included in the MSI so it can be referenced by other elements such as the User attribute in the AppPool element. When it is nested under a Component element, the User will be created on install and can also be used for reference.</xs:documentation>
1275 <xs:appinfo>
1276 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Component" />
1277 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Fragment" />
1278 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Module" />
1279 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Product" />
1280 <xse:seeAlso ref="Group" />
1281 <xse:seeAlso ref="GroupRef" />
1282 </xs:appinfo>
1283 </xs:annotation>
1284 <xs:complexType>
1285 <xs:sequence>
1286 <xs:element ref="GroupRef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
1287 </xs:sequence>
1288 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string" use="required" />
1289 <xs:attribute name="Name" use="required" type="xs:string">
1290 <xs:annotation>
1291 <xs:documentation>A <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa368609.aspx" target="_blank">Formatted</a> string that contains the name of the user account.</xs:documentation>
1292 </xs:annotation>
1293 </xs:attribute>
1294 <xs:attribute name="Domain" type="xs:string">
1295 <xs:annotation>
1296 <xs:documentation>A <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa368609.aspx" target="_blank">Formatted</a> string that contains the local machine or Active Directory domain for the user.</xs:documentation>
1297 </xs:annotation>
1298 </xs:attribute>
1299 <xs:attribute name="Password" type="xs:string">
1300 <xs:annotation>
1301 <xs:documentation>Usually a Property that is passed in on the command-line to keep it more secure.</xs:documentation>
1302 </xs:annotation>
1303 </xs:attribute>
1304 <xs:attribute name="PasswordNeverExpires" type="YesNoType">
1305 <xs:annotation>
1306 <xs:documentation>The account's password never expires. Equivalent to UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD.</xs:documentation>
1307 </xs:annotation>
1308 </xs:attribute>
1309 <xs:attribute name="CanNotChangePassword" type="YesNoType">
1310 <xs:annotation>
1311 <xs:documentation>The user cannot change the account's password. Equivalent to UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE.</xs:documentation>
1312 </xs:annotation>
1313 </xs:attribute>
1314 <xs:attribute name="RemoveOnUninstall" type="YesNoType">
1315 <xs:annotation>
1316 <xs:documentation>Indicates whether the user account should be removed or left behind on uninstall.</xs:documentation>
1317 </xs:annotation>
1318 </xs:attribute>
1319 <xs:attribute name="FailIfExists" type="YesNoType">
1320 <xs:annotation>
1321 <xs:documentation>Indicates if the install should fail if the user already exists.</xs:documentation>
1322 </xs:annotation>
1323 </xs:attribute>
1324 <xs:attribute name="LogonAsService" type="YesNoType">
1325 <xs:annotation>
1326 <xs:documentation>Indicates whether or not the user can logon as a serivce. User creation can be skipped if all that is desired is to set this access right on the user.</xs:documentation>
1327 </xs:annotation>
1328 </xs:attribute>
1329 <xs:attribute name="LogonAsBatchJob" type="YesNoType">
1330 <xs:annotation>
1331 <xs:documentation>Indicates whether or not the user can logon as a batch job. User creation can be skipped if all that is desired is to set this access right on the user.</xs:documentation>
1332 </xs:annotation>
1333 </xs:attribute>
1334 <xs:attribute name="UpdateIfExists" type="YesNoType">
1335 <xs:annotation>
1336 <xs:documentation>Indicates if the user account properties should be updated if the user already exists.</xs:documentation>
1337 </xs:annotation>
1338 </xs:attribute>
1339 <xs:attribute name="PasswordExpired" type="YesNoType">
1340 <xs:annotation>
1341 <xs:documentation>Indicates whether the user must change their password on their first login.</xs:documentation>
1342 </xs:annotation>
1343 </xs:attribute>
1344 <xs:attribute name="Disabled" type="YesNoType">
1345 <xs:annotation>
1346 <xs:documentation>The account is disabled. Equivalent to UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE.</xs:documentation>
1347 </xs:annotation>
1348 </xs:attribute>
1349 <xs:attribute name="CreateUser" type="YesNoType">
1350 <xs:annotation>
1351 <xs:documentation>Indicates whether or not to create the user. User creation can be skipped if all that is desired is to join a user to groups.</xs:documentation>
1352 </xs:annotation>
1353 </xs:attribute>
1354 <xs:attribute name="Vital" type="YesNoType" default="yes">
1355 <xs:annotation>
1356 <xs:documentation>Indicates whether failure to create the user or add the user to a group fails the installation. The default value is "yes".</xs:documentation>
1357 </xs:annotation>
1358 </xs:attribute>
1359 </xs:complexType>
1360 </xs:element>
1361 <xs:element name="XmlFile">
1362 <xs:annotation>
1363 <xs:documentation>
1364 Adds or removes .xml file entries. If you use the XmlFile element you must reference WixUtilExtension.dll as it contains the XmlFile custom actions.
1365 </xs:documentation>
1366 <xs:appinfo>
1367 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Component" />
1368 </xs:appinfo>
1369 </xs:annotation>
1370 <xs:complexType>
1371 <xs:attribute name="Id" use="required" type="xs:string">
1372 <xs:annotation>
1373 <xs:documentation>Identifier for xml file modification.</xs:documentation>
1374 </xs:annotation>
1375 </xs:attribute>
1376 <xs:attribute name="ElementPath" use="required" type="xs:string">
1377 <xs:annotation>
1378 <xs:documentation>The XPath of the element to be modified. Note that this is a formatted field and therefore, square brackets in the XPath must be escaped. In addition, XPaths allow backslashes to be used to escape characters, so if you intend to include literal backslashes, you must escape them as well by doubling them in this attribute. The string is formatted by MSI first, and the result is consumed as the XPath.</xs:documentation>
1379 </xs:annotation>
1380 </xs:attribute>
1381 <xs:attribute name="File" use="required" type="xs:string">
1382 <xs:annotation>
1383 <xs:documentation>Path of the .xml file to configure.</xs:documentation>
1384 </xs:annotation>
1385 </xs:attribute>
1386 <xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string">
1387 <xs:annotation>
1388 <xs:documentation>Name of XML node to set/add to the specified element. Not setting this attribute causes the element's text value to be set. Otherwise this specified the attribute name that is set.</xs:documentation>
1389 </xs:annotation>
1390 </xs:attribute>
1391 <xs:attribute name="Value" type="xs:string">
1392 <xs:annotation>
1393 <xs:documentation>
1394 The value to be written. See the <html:a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa368609(VS.85).aspx" target="_blank">Formatted topic</html:a> for information how to escape square brackets in the value.
1395 </xs:documentation>
1396 </xs:annotation>
1397 </xs:attribute>
1398 <xs:attribute name="Action" use="required">
1399 <xs:annotation>
1400 <xs:documentation>The type of modification to be made to the XML file when the component is installed.</xs:documentation>
1401 </xs:annotation>
1402 <xs:simpleType>
1403 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1404 <xs:enumeration value="createElement">
1405 <xs:annotation>
1406 <xs:documentation>Creates a new element under the element specified in ElementPath. The Name attribute is required in this case and specifies the name of the new element. The Value attribute is not necessary when createElement is specified as the action. If the Value attribute is set, it will cause the new element's text value to be set.</xs:documentation>
1407 </xs:annotation>
1408 </xs:enumeration>
1409 <xs:enumeration value="deleteValue">
1410 <xs:annotation>
1411 <xs:documentation>Deletes a value from the element specified in the ElementPath. If Name is specified, the attribute with that name is deleted. If Name is not specified, the text value of the element specified in the ElementPath is deleted. The Value attribute is ignored if deleteValue is the action specified.</xs:documentation>
1412 </xs:annotation>
1413 </xs:enumeration>
1414 <xs:enumeration value="setValue">
1415 <xs:annotation>
1416 <xs:documentation>Sets a value in the element specified in the ElementPath. If Name is specified, and attribute with that name is set to the value specified in Value. If Name is not specified, the text value of the element is set. Value is a required attribute if setValue is the action specified.</xs:documentation>
1417 </xs:annotation>
1418 </xs:enumeration>
1419 <xs:enumeration value="bulkSetValue">
1420 <xs:annotation>
1421 <xs:documentation>Sets all the values in the elements that match the ElementPath. If Name is specified, attributes with that name are set to the same value specified in Value. If Name is not specified, the text values of the elements are set. Value is a required attribute if setBulkValue is the action specified.</xs:documentation>
1422 </xs:annotation>
1423 </xs:enumeration>
1424 </xs:restriction>
1425 </xs:simpleType>
1426 </xs:attribute>
1427 <xs:attribute name="Permanent" type="YesNoType">
1428 <xs:annotation>
1429 <xs:documentation>Specifies whether or not the modification should be removed on uninstall. This has no effect on uninstall if the action was deleteValue.</xs:documentation>
1430 </xs:annotation>
1431 </xs:attribute>
1432 <xs:attribute name="PreserveModifiedDate" type="YesNoType">
1433 <xs:annotation>
1434 <xs:documentation>Specifies wheter or not the modification should preserve the modified date. Preserving the modified date will allow the file to be patched if no other modifications have been made.</xs:documentation>
1435 </xs:annotation>
1436 </xs:attribute>
1437 <xs:attribute name="Sequence" use="optional" type="xs:integer">
1438 <xs:annotation>
1439 <xs:documentation>Specifies the order in which the modification is to be attempted on the XML file. It is important to ensure that new elements are created before you attempt to add an attribute to them.</xs:documentation>
1440 </xs:annotation>
1441 </xs:attribute>
1442 <xs:attribute name="SelectionLanguage">
1443 <xs:annotation>
1444 <xs:documentation>
1445 Specify whether the DOM object should use XPath language or the old XSLPattern language (default) as the query language.
1446 </xs:documentation>
1447 </xs:annotation>
1448 <xs:simpleType>
1449 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1450 <xs:enumeration value="XPath" />
1451 <xs:enumeration value="XSLPattern" />
1452 </xs:restriction>
1453 </xs:simpleType>
1454 </xs:attribute>
1455 </xs:complexType>
1456 </xs:element>
1457 <xs:element name="XmlConfig">
1458 <xs:annotation>
1459 <xs:documentation>
1460 Adds or removes .xml file entries. If you use the XmlConfig element you must reference WixUtilExtension.dll as it contains the XmlConfig custom actions.
1461 </xs:documentation>
1462 <xs:appinfo>
1463 <xse:parent namespace="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs" ref="Component" />
1464 </xs:appinfo>
1465 </xs:annotation>
1466 <xs:complexType mixed="true">
1467 <xs:sequence>
1468 <xs:element ref="XmlConfig" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
1469 </xs:sequence>
1470 <xs:attribute name="Id" use="required" type="xs:string">
1471 <xs:annotation>
1472 <xs:documentation>Identifier for xml file modification.</xs:documentation>
1473 </xs:annotation>
1474 </xs:attribute>
1475 <xs:attribute name="Action">
1476 <xs:simpleType>
1477 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1478 <xs:enumeration value="create" />
1479 <xs:enumeration value="delete" />
1480 </xs:restriction>
1481 </xs:simpleType>
1482 </xs:attribute>
1483 <xs:attribute name="ElementId" type="xs:string">
1484 <xs:annotation>
1485 <xs:documentation>The Id of another XmlConfig to add attributes to. In this case, the 'ElementPath', 'Action', 'Node', and 'On' attributes must be omitted.</xs:documentation>
1486 </xs:annotation>
1487 </xs:attribute>
1488 <xs:attribute name="ElementPath" type="xs:string">
1489 <xs:annotation>
1490 <xs:documentation>The XPath of the parent element being modified. Note that this is a formatted field and therefore, square brackets in the XPath must be escaped. In addition, XPaths allow backslashes to be used to escape characters, so if you intend to include literal backslashes, you must escape them as well by doubling them in this attribute. The string is formatted by MSI first, and the result is consumed as the XPath.</xs:documentation>
1491 </xs:annotation>
1492 </xs:attribute>
1493 <xs:attribute name="File" use="required" type="xs:string">
1494 <xs:annotation>
1495 <xs:documentation>Path of the .xml file to configure.</xs:documentation>
1496 </xs:annotation>
1497 </xs:attribute>
1498 <xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string">
1499 <xs:annotation>
1500 <xs:documentation>Name of XML node to set/add to the specified element. Not setting this attribute causes the element's text value to be set. Otherwise this specified the attribute name that is set.</xs:documentation>
1501 </xs:annotation>
1502 </xs:attribute>
1503 <xs:attribute name="Node">
1504 <xs:simpleType>
1505 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1506 <xs:enumeration value="element" />
1507 <xs:enumeration value="value" />
1508 <xs:enumeration value="document" />
1509 </xs:restriction>
1510 </xs:simpleType>
1511 </xs:attribute>
1512 <xs:attribute name="On">
1513 <xs:simpleType>
1514 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1515 <xs:enumeration value="install" />
1516 <xs:enumeration value="uninstall" />
1517 </xs:restriction>
1518 </xs:simpleType>
1519 </xs:attribute>
1520 <xs:attribute name="PreserveModifiedDate" type="YesNoType">
1521 <xs:annotation>
1522 <xs:documentation>Specifies wheter or not the modification should preserve the modified date. Preserving the modified date will allow the file to be patched if no other modifications have been made.</xs:documentation>
1523 </xs:annotation>
1524 </xs:attribute>
1525 <xs:attribute name="Sequence" use="optional" type="xs:integer">
1526 <xs:annotation>
1527 <xs:documentation>Specifies the order in which the modification is to be attempted on the XML file. It is important to ensure that new elements are created before you attempt to add an attribute to them.</xs:documentation>
1528 </xs:annotation>
1529 </xs:attribute>
1530 <xs:attribute name="Value" type="xs:string">
1531 <xs:annotation>
1532 <xs:documentation>
1533 The value to be written. See the <html:a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa368609(VS.85).aspx" target="_blank">Formatted topic</html:a> for information how to escape square brackets in the value.
1534 </xs:documentation>
1535 </xs:annotation>
1536 </xs:attribute>
1537 <xs:attribute name="VerifyPath" type="xs:string">
1538 <xs:annotation>
1539 <xs:documentation>The XPath to the element being modified. This is required for 'delete' actions. For 'create' actions, VerifyPath is used to decide if the element already exists. Note that this is a formatted field and therefore, square brackets in the XPath must be escaped. In addition, XPaths allow backslashes to be used to escape characters, so if you intend to include literal backslashes, you must escape them as well by doubling them in this attribute. The string is formatted by MSI first, and the result is consumed as the XPath.</xs:documentation>
1540 </xs:annotation>
1541 </xs:attribute>
1542 </xs:complexType>
1543 </xs:element>
1544 <xs:attributeGroup name="SearchCommonAttributes">
1545 <xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:string">
1546 <xs:annotation>
1547 <xs:documentation>Id of the search for ordering and dependency.</xs:documentation>
1548 </xs:annotation>
1549 </xs:attribute>
1550 <xs:attribute name="Variable" type="xs:string" use="required">
1551 <xs:annotation>
1552 <xs:documentation>Name of the variable in which to place the result of the search.</xs:documentation>
1553 </xs:annotation>
1554 </xs:attribute>
1555 <xs:attribute name="Condition" type="xs:string">
1556 <xs:annotation>
1557 <xs:documentation>Condition for evaluating the search. If this evaluates to false, the search is not executed at all.</xs:documentation>
1558 </xs:annotation>
1559 </xs:attribute>
1560 <xs:attribute name="After" type="xs:string">
1561 <xs:annotation>
1562 <xs:documentation>Id of the search that this one should come after.</xs:documentation>
1563 </xs:annotation>
1564 </xs:attribute>
1565 </xs:attributeGroup>
1566 <xs:simpleType name="YesNoType">
1567 <xs:annotation>
1568 <xs:documentation>Values of this type will either be "yes" or "no".</xs:documentation>
1569 </xs:annotation>
1570 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1571 <xs:enumeration value="no" />
1572 <xs:enumeration value="yes" />
1573 </xs:restriction>
1574 </xs:simpleType>
1575 <xs:simpleType name="PerformanceCounterLanguageType">
1576 <xs:annotation>
1577 <xs:documentation>Enumeration of valid languages for performance counters.</xs:documentation>
1578 </xs:annotation>
1579 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1580 <xs:enumeration value="afrikaans" />
1581 <xs:enumeration value="albanian" />
1582 <xs:enumeration value="arabic" />
1583 <xs:enumeration value="armenian" />
1584 <xs:enumeration value="assamese" />
1585 <xs:enumeration value="azeri" />
1586 <xs:enumeration value="basque" />
1587 <xs:enumeration value="belarusian" />
1588 <xs:enumeration value="bengali" />
1589 <xs:enumeration value="bulgarian" />
1590 <xs:enumeration value="catalan" />
1591 <xs:enumeration value="chinese" />
1592 <xs:enumeration value="croatian" />
1593 <xs:enumeration value="czech" />
1594 <xs:enumeration value="danish" />
1595 <xs:enumeration value="divehi" />
1596 <xs:enumeration value="dutch" />
1597 <xs:enumeration value="english" />
1598 <xs:enumeration value="estonian" />
1599 <xs:enumeration value="faeroese" />
1600 <xs:enumeration value="farsi" />
1601 <xs:enumeration value="finnish" />
1602 <xs:enumeration value="french" />
1603 <xs:enumeration value="galician" />
1604 <xs:enumeration value="georgian" />
1605 <xs:enumeration value="german" />
1606 <xs:enumeration value="greek" />
1607 <xs:enumeration value="gujarati" />
1608 <xs:enumeration value="hebrew" />
1609 <xs:enumeration value="hindi" />
1610 <xs:enumeration value="hungarian" />
1611 <xs:enumeration value="icelandic" />
1612 <xs:enumeration value="indonesian" />
1613 <xs:enumeration value="italian" />
1614 <xs:enumeration value="japanese" />
1615 <xs:enumeration value="kannada" />
1616 <xs:enumeration value="kashmiri" />
1617 <xs:enumeration value="kazak" />
1618 <xs:enumeration value="konkani" />
1619 <xs:enumeration value="korean" />
1620 <xs:enumeration value="kyrgyz" />
1621 <xs:enumeration value="latvian" />
1622 <xs:enumeration value="lithuanian" />
1623 <xs:enumeration value="macedonian" />
1624 <xs:enumeration value="malay" />
1625 <xs:enumeration value="malayalam" />
1626 <xs:enumeration value="manipuri" />
1627 <xs:enumeration value="marathi" />
1628 <xs:enumeration value="mongolian" />
1629 <xs:enumeration value="nepali" />
1630 <xs:enumeration value="norwegian" />
1631 <xs:enumeration value="oriya" />
1632 <xs:enumeration value="polish" />
1633 <xs:enumeration value="portuguese" />
1634 <xs:enumeration value="punjabi" />
1635 <xs:enumeration value="romanian" />
1636 <xs:enumeration value="russian" />
1637 <xs:enumeration value="sanskrit" />
1638 <xs:enumeration value="serbian" />
1639 <xs:enumeration value="sindhi" />
1640 <xs:enumeration value="slovak" />
1641 <xs:enumeration value="slovenian" />
1642 <xs:enumeration value="spanish" />
1643 <xs:enumeration value="swahili" />
1644 <xs:enumeration value="swedish" />
1645 <xs:enumeration value="syriac" />
1646 <xs:enumeration value="tamil" />
1647 <xs:enumeration value="tatar" />
1648 <xs:enumeration value="telugu" />
1649 <xs:enumeration value="thai" />
1650 <xs:enumeration value="turkish" />
1651 <xs:enumeration value="ukrainian" />
1652 <xs:enumeration value="urdu" />
1653 <xs:enumeration value="uzbek" />
1654 <xs:enumeration value="vietnamese" />
1655 </xs:restriction>
1656 </xs:simpleType>
1657 <xs:simpleType name="PerformanceCounterTypesType">
1658 <xs:annotation>
1659 <xs:documentation>Enumeration of valid types for performance counters.</xs:documentation>
1660 </xs:annotation>
1661 <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
1662 <xs:enumeration value="averageBase" />
1663 <xs:enumeration value="averageCount64" />
1664 <xs:enumeration value="averageTimer32" />
1665 <xs:enumeration value="counterDelta32" />
1666 <xs:enumeration value="counterTimerInverse" />
1667 <xs:enumeration value="sampleFraction" />
1668 <xs:enumeration value="timer100Ns" />
1669 <xs:enumeration value="counterTimer" />
1670 <xs:enumeration value="rawFraction" />
1671 <xs:enumeration value="timer100NsInverse" />
1672 <xs:enumeration value="counterMultiTimer" />
1673 <xs:enumeration value="counterMultiTimer100Ns" />
1674 <xs:enumeration value="counterMultiTimerInverse" />
1675 <xs:enumeration value="counterMultiTimer100NsInverse" />
1676 <xs:enumeration value="elapsedTime" />
1677 <xs:enumeration value="sampleBase" />
1678 <xs:enumeration value="rawBase" />
1679 <xs:enumeration value="counterMultiBase" />
1680 <xs:enumeration value="rateOfCountsPerSecond64" />
1681 <xs:enumeration value="rateOfCountsPerSecond32" />
1682 <xs:enumeration value="countPerTimeInterval64" />
1683 <xs:enumeration value="countPerTimeInterval32" />
1684 <xs:enumeration value="sampleCounter" />
1685 <xs:enumeration value="counterDelta64" />
1686 <xs:enumeration value="numberOfItems64" />
1687 <xs:enumeration value="numberOfItems32" />
1688 <xs:enumeration value="numberOfItemsHEX64" />
1689 <xs:enumeration value="numberOfItemsHEX32" />
1690 </xs:restriction>
1691 </xs:simpleType>
diff --git a/src/wixlib/UtilExtension.wxs b/src/wixlib/UtilExtension.wxs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac11c788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/UtilExtension.wxs
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
5<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
6 <?include caerr.wxi ?>
8 <Fragment>
9 <UI Id="ConfigureUsersErrorText">
10 <Error Id="$(var.msierrUSRFailedUserCreate)">!(loc.msierrUSRFailedUserCreate)</Error>
11 <Error Id="$(var.msierrUSRFailedUserCreatePswd)">!(loc.msierrUSRFailedUserCreatePswd)</Error>
12 <Error Id="$(var.msierrUSRFailedUserGroupAdd)">!(loc.msierrUSRFailedUserGroupAdd)</Error>
13 <Error Id="$(var.msierrUSRFailedGrantLogonAsService)">Failed to grant 'logon as service' rights to user. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</Error>
14 <Error Id="$(var.msierrUSRFailedUserCreateExists)">!(loc.msierrUSRFailedUserCreateExists)</Error>
15 </UI>
16 </Fragment>
18 <Fragment>
19 <UI Id="ConfigureSmbErrorsText">
20 <Error Id="$(var.msierrSMBFailedCreate)">!(loc.msierrSMBFailedCreate)</Error>
21 <Error Id="$(var.msierrSMBFailedDrop)">!(loc.msierrSMBFailedDrop)</Error>
22 </UI>
23 </Fragment>
25 <Fragment>
26 <UI Id="PerCounterDataErrorsText">
27 <Error Id="$(var.msierrInstallPerfCounterData)">!(loc.msierrInstallPerfCounterData)</Error>
28 <Error Id="$(var.msierrUninstallPerfCounterData)">!(loc.msierrUninstallPerfCounterData)</Error>
29 </UI>
30 </Fragment>
32 <Fragment>
33 <UI Id="ConfigurePerfmonErrorsText">
34 <Error Id="$(var.msierrPERFMONFailedRegisterDLL)">!(loc.msierrPERFMONFailedRegisterDLL)</Error>
35 <Error Id="$(var.msierrPERFMONFailedUnregisterDLL)">!(loc.msierrPERFMONFailedUnregisterDLL)</Error>
36 </UI>
37 </Fragment>
39 <Fragment>
40 <UI Id="SecureObjectsErrors">
41 <Error Id="$(var.msierrSecureObjectsFailedCreateSD)">!(loc.msierrSecureObjectsFailedCreateSD)</Error>
42 <Error Id="$(var.msierrSecureObjectsFailedSet)">!(loc.msierrSecureObjectsFailedSet)</Error>
43 <Error Id="$(var.msierrSecureObjectsUnknownType)">!(loc.msierrSecureObjectsUnknownType)</Error>
44 </UI>
45 </Fragment>
47 <Fragment>
48 <UI Id="XmlFileErrorsText">
49 <Error Id="$(var.msierrXmlFileFailedRead)">!(loc.msierrXmlFileFailedRead)</Error>
50 <Error Id="$(var.msierrXmlFileFailedOpen)">!(loc.msierrXmlFileFailedOpen)</Error>
51 <Error Id="$(var.msierrXmlFileFailedSelect)">!(loc.msierrXmlFileFailedSelect)</Error>
52 <Error Id="$(var.msierrXmlFileFailedSave)">!(loc.msierrXmlFileFailedSave)</Error>
53 </UI>
54 </Fragment>
56 <Fragment>
57 <UI Id="XmlConfigErrorsText">
58 <Error Id="$(var.msierrXmlConfigFailedRead)">!(loc.msierrXmlConfigFailedRead)</Error>
59 <Error Id="$(var.msierrXmlConfigFailedOpen)">!(loc.msierrXmlConfigFailedOpen)</Error>
60 <Error Id="$(var.msierrXmlConfigFailedSelect)">!(loc.msierrXmlConfigFailedSelect)</Error>
61 <Error Id="$(var.msierrXmlConfigFailedSave)">!(loc.msierrXmlConfigFailedSave)</Error>
62 </UI>
63 </Fragment>
65 <Fragment>
66 <CustomAction Id="WixFailWhenDeferred" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixFailWhenDeferred" Execute="deferred" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
68 <InstallExecuteSequence>
69 <Custom Action="WixFailWhenDeferred" Before="InstallFinalize" Overridable="yes">WIXFAILWHENDEFERRED=1 AND VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
70 </InstallExecuteSequence>
71 </Fragment>
73 <Fragment>
74 <CustomAction Id="WixWaitForEvent" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixWaitForEvent" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
76 <InstallExecuteSequence>
77 <Custom Action="WixWaitForEvent" Before="InstallFinalize" Overridable="yes" />
78 </InstallExecuteSequence>
79 </Fragment>
81 <Fragment>
82 <CustomAction Id="WixWaitForEventDeferred" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixWaitForEvent" Execute="deferred" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
84 <InstallExecuteSequence>
85 <Custom Action="WixWaitForEventDeferred" After="InstallInitialize" Overridable="yes" />
86 </InstallExecuteSequence>
87 </Fragment>
89 <Fragment>
90 <CustomAction Id="WixExitEarlyWithSuccess" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixExitEarlyWithSuccess" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
92 <InstallExecuteSequence>
93 <Custom Action="WixExitEarlyWithSuccess" After="FindRelatedProducts" Overridable="yes">NEWERVERSIONDETECTED AND VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
94 </InstallExecuteSequence>
95 </Fragment>
97 <Fragment>
98 <CustomAction Id="WixRemoveFoldersEx" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixRemoveFoldersEx" Execute="immediate" Return="ignore" />
100 <InstallExecuteSequence>
101 <Custom Action="WixRemoveFoldersEx" Before="CostInitialize" />
102 </InstallExecuteSequence>
103 </Fragment>
105 <Fragment>
106 <CustomAction Id="WixBroadcastSettingChange" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixBroadcastSettingChange" Execute="immediate" Return="ignore" SuppressModularization="yes" />
108 <InstallExecuteSequence>
109 <Custom Action="WixBroadcastSettingChange" After="InstallFinalize" Overridable="yes" />
110 </InstallExecuteSequence>
111 </Fragment>
113 <Fragment>
114 <CustomAction Id="WixBroadcastEnvironmentChange" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixBroadcastEnvironmentChange" Execute="immediate" Return="ignore" SuppressModularization="yes" />
116 <InstallExecuteSequence>
117 <Custom Action="WixBroadcastEnvironmentChange" After="InstallFinalize" Overridable="yes" />
118 </InstallExecuteSequence>
119 </Fragment>
121 <!-- WiX OS-detection properties and custom action -->
122 <Fragment>
123 <CustomAction Id="WixQueryOsInfo" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixQueryOsInfo" Execute="firstSequence" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
125 <InstallExecuteSequence>
126 <Custom Action="WixQueryOsInfo" After="AppSearch" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400 OR (VersionNT = 400 AND ServicePackLevel &gt; 3)</Custom>
127 </InstallExecuteSequence>
129 <InstallUISequence>
130 <Custom Action="WixQueryOsInfo" After="AppSearch" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400 OR (VersionNT = 400 AND ServicePackLevel &gt; 3)</Custom>
131 </InstallUISequence>
132 </Fragment>
134 <Fragment>
135 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_BACKOFFICE" Secure="yes" />
136 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
137 </Fragment>
138 <Fragment>
139 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_BLADE" Secure="yes" />
140 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
141 </Fragment>
142 <Fragment>
143 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_COMMUNICATIONS" Secure="yes" />
144 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
145 </Fragment>
146 <Fragment>
147 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_COMPUTE_SERVER" Secure="yes" />
148 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
149 </Fragment>
150 <Fragment>
151 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_DATACENTER" Secure="yes" />
152 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
153 </Fragment>
154 <Fragment>
155 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_EMBEDDED_RESTRICTED" Secure="yes" />
156 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
157 </Fragment>
158 <Fragment>
159 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_EMBEDDEDNT" Secure="yes" />
160 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
161 </Fragment>
162 <Fragment>
163 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_ENTERPRISE" Secure="yes" />
164 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
165 </Fragment>
166 <Fragment>
167 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_MEDIACENTER" Secure="yes" />
168 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
169 </Fragment>
170 <Fragment>
171 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_PERSONAL" Secure="yes" />
172 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
173 </Fragment>
174 <Fragment>
175 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_SECURITY_APPLIANCE" Secure="yes" />
176 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
177 </Fragment>
178 <Fragment>
179 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_SERVERR2" Secure="yes" />
180 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
181 </Fragment>
182 <Fragment>
183 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS" Secure="yes" />
184 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
185 </Fragment>
186 <Fragment>
187 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS" Secure="yes" />
188 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
189 </Fragment>
190 <Fragment>
191 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS_RESTRICTED" Secure="yes" />
192 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
193 </Fragment>
194 <Fragment>
195 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_STARTER" Secure="yes" />
196 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
197 </Fragment>
198 <Fragment>
199 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_STORAGE_SERVER" Secure="yes" />
200 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
201 </Fragment>
202 <Fragment>
203 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_TABLETPC" Secure="yes" />
204 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
205 </Fragment>
206 <Fragment>
207 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_TERMINAL" Secure="yes" />
208 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
209 </Fragment>
210 <Fragment>
211 <Property Id="WIX_SUITE_WH_SERVER" Secure="yes" />
212 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsInfo" />
213 </Fragment>
215 <Fragment>
216 <CustomAction Id="WixQueryOsDirs" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixQueryOsDirs" Execute="firstSequence" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
218 <InstallExecuteSequence>
219 <Custom Action="WixQueryOsDirs" After="AppSearch" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400 OR (VersionNT = 400 AND ServicePackLevel &gt; 3)</Custom>
220 </InstallExecuteSequence>
222 <InstallUISequence>
223 <Custom Action="WixQueryOsDirs" After="AppSearch" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400 OR (VersionNT = 400 AND ServicePackLevel &gt; 3)</Custom>
224 </InstallUISequence>
225 </Fragment>
227 <Fragment>
228 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_ADMINTOOLS" Secure="yes" />
229 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
230 </Fragment>
231 <Fragment>
232 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_ALTSTARTUP" Secure="yes" />
233 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
234 </Fragment>
235 <Fragment>
236 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_CDBURN_AREA" Secure="yes" />
237 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
238 </Fragment>
239 <Fragment>
240 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS" Secure="yes" />
241 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
242 </Fragment>
243 <Fragment>
244 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_COMMON_ALTSTARTUP" Secure="yes" />
245 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
246 </Fragment>
247 <Fragment>
248 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_COMMON_DOCUMENTS" Secure="yes" />
249 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
250 </Fragment>
251 <Fragment>
252 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_COMMON_FAVORITES" Secure="yes" />
253 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
254 </Fragment>
255 <Fragment>
256 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_COMMON_MUSIC" Secure="yes" />
257 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
258 </Fragment>
259 <Fragment>
260 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_COMMON_PICTURES" Secure="yes" />
261 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
262 </Fragment>
263 <Fragment>
264 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_COMMON_VIDEO" Secure="yes" />
265 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
266 </Fragment>
267 <Fragment>
268 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_COOKIES" Secure="yes" />
269 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
270 </Fragment>
271 <Fragment>
272 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_DESKTOP" Secure="yes" />
273 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
274 </Fragment>
275 <Fragment>
276 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_HISTORY" Secure="yes" />
277 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
278 </Fragment>
279 <Fragment>
280 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_INTERNET_CACHE" Secure="yes" />
281 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
282 </Fragment>
283 <Fragment>
284 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_MYMUSIC" Secure="yes" />
285 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
286 </Fragment>
287 <Fragment>
288 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_MYPICTURES" Secure="yes" />
289 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
290 </Fragment>
291 <Fragment>
292 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_MYVIDEO" Secure="yes" />
293 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
294 </Fragment>
295 <Fragment>
296 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_NETHOOD" Secure="yes" />
297 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
298 </Fragment>
299 <Fragment>
300 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_PERSONAL" Secure="yes" />
301 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
302 </Fragment>
303 <Fragment>
304 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_PRINTHOOD" Secure="yes" />
305 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
306 </Fragment>
307 <Fragment>
308 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_PROFILE" Secure="yes" />
309 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
310 </Fragment>
311 <Fragment>
312 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_RECENT" Secure="yes" />
313 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
314 </Fragment>
315 <Fragment>
316 <Property Id="WIX_DIR_RESOURCES" Secure="yes" />
317 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDirs" />
318 </Fragment>
320 <Fragment>
321 <CustomAction Id="WixQueryOsWellKnownSID" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixQueryOsWellKnownSID" Execute="firstSequence" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
323 <InstallExecuteSequence>
324 <Custom Action="WixQueryOsWellKnownSID" After="AppSearch" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400 OR (VersionNT = 400 AND ServicePackLevel &gt; 3)</Custom>
325 </InstallExecuteSequence>
327 <InstallUISequence>
328 <Custom Action="WixQueryOsWellKnownSID" After="AppSearch" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400 OR (VersionNT = 400 AND ServicePackLevel &gt; 3)</Custom>
329 </InstallUISequence>
330 </Fragment>
332 <Fragment>
333 <Property Id="WIX_ACCOUNT_LOCALSYSTEM" Secure="yes" />
334 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsWellKnownSID" />
335 </Fragment>
336 <Fragment>
337 <Property Id="WIX_ACCOUNT_LOCALSERVICE" Secure="yes" />
338 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsWellKnownSID" />
339 </Fragment>
340 <Fragment>
341 <Property Id="WIX_ACCOUNT_NETWORKSERVICE" Secure="yes" />
342 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsWellKnownSID" />
343 </Fragment>
344 <Fragment>
345 <Property Id="WIX_ACCOUNT_ADMINISTRATORS" Secure="yes" />
346 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsWellKnownSID" />
347 </Fragment>
348 <Fragment>
349 <Property Id="WIX_ACCOUNT_USERS" Secure="yes" />
350 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsWellKnownSID" />
351 </Fragment>
352 <Fragment>
353 <Property Id="WIX_ACCOUNT_GUESTS" Secure="yes" />
354 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsWellKnownSID" />
355 </Fragment>
356 <Fragment>
357 <Property Id="WIX_ACCOUNT_PERFLOGUSERS" Secure="yes" />
358 <Property Id="WIX_ACCOUNT_PERFLOGUSERS_NODOMAIN" Secure="yes" />
359 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsWellKnownSID" />
360 </Fragment>
362 <Fragment>
363 <CustomAction Id="WixQueryOsDriverInfo" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixQueryOsDriverInfo" Execute="firstSequence" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
365 <InstallExecuteSequence>
366 <Custom Action="WixQueryOsDriverInfo" After="AppSearch" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400 OR (VersionNT = 400 AND ServicePackLevel &gt; 3)</Custom>
367 </InstallExecuteSequence>
369 <InstallUISequence>
370 <Custom Action="WixQueryOsDriverInfo" After="AppSearch" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400 OR (VersionNT = 400 AND ServicePackLevel &gt; 3)</Custom>
371 </InstallUISequence>
372 </Fragment>
374 <Fragment>
375 <Property Id="WIX_WDDM_DRIVER_PRESENT" Secure="yes" />
376 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDriverInfo" />
377 </Fragment>
379 <Fragment>
380 <Property Id="WIX_DWM_COMPOSITION_ENABLED" Secure="yes" />
381 <CustomActionRef Id="WixQueryOsDriverInfo" />
382 </Fragment>
384 <!-- ShellExec custom actions (for when only one is needed; multiple executions need their own IDs) -->
385 <Fragment>
386 <PropertyRef Id="WixShellExecBinaryId" />
387 <CustomAction Id="WixShellExecBinary" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixShellExecBinary" Execute="immediate" Return="check" Impersonate="yes" />
388 </Fragment>
390 <Fragment>
391 <PropertyRef Id="WixShellExecTarget" />
392 <CustomAction Id="WixShellExec" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixShellExec" Execute="immediate" Return="check" Impersonate="yes" />
393 </Fragment>
395 <Fragment>
396 <PropertyRef Id="WixUnelevatedShellExecTarget" />
397 <CustomAction Id="WixUnelevatedShellExec" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixUnelevatedShellExec" Execute="immediate" Return="check" Impersonate="yes" />
398 </Fragment>
400 <Fragment>
401 <PropertyRef Id="QtExecCmdLine" />
402 <CustomAction Id="QtExec" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Execute="immediate" Return="check" Impersonate="yes" />
403 </Fragment>
405 <Fragment>
406 <PropertyRef Id="QtExec64CmdLine" />
407 <CustomAction Id="QtExec64" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="CAQuietExec64" Execute="immediate" Return="check" Impersonate="yes" />
408 </Fragment>
410 <Fragment>
411 <PropertyRef Id="WixQuietExecCmdLine" />
412 <CustomAction Id="WixQuietExec" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixQuietExec" Execute="immediate" Return="check" Impersonate="yes" />
413 </Fragment>
415 <Fragment>
416 <PropertyRef Id="WixQuietExec64CmdLine" />
417 <CustomAction Id="WixQuietExec64" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixQuietExec64" Execute="immediate" Return="check" Impersonate="yes" />
418 </Fragment>
420 <!-- SilentExec custom actions differ from QtExec in that they do not log the commandline or output of the exe -->
421 <Fragment>
422 <PropertyRef Id="WixSilentExecCmdLine" />
423 <CustomAction Id="WixSilentExec" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixSilentExec" Execute="immediate" Return="check" Impersonate="yes" />
424 </Fragment>
426 <Fragment>
427 <PropertyRef Id="WixSilentExec64CmdLine" />
428 <CustomAction Id="WixSilentExec64" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixSilentExec64" Execute="immediate" Return="check" Impersonate="yes" />
429 </Fragment>
diff --git a/src/wixlib/UtilExtension_Platform.wxi b/src/wixlib/UtilExtension_Platform.wxi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8328577f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/UtilExtension_Platform.wxi
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
5<Include xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
7 <?include caSuffix.wxi ?>
9 <!--
10 The following actions do not support X64.
11 -->
12 <?if $(var.platform)!=x64 ?>
14 <Fragment>
15 <CustomAction Id="WixCheckRebootRequired$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="WixCheckRebootRequired" Execute="immediate" Return="ignore" SuppressModularization="yes" />
17 <InstallExecuteSequence>
18 <!-- Condition this so it runs on install and MMode, but not uninstall -->
19 <Custom Action="WixCheckRebootRequired$(var.Suffix)" After="InstallFinalize" Overridable="yes">NOT REMOVE~="ALL" AND VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
20 </InstallExecuteSequence>
21 </Fragment>
23 <Fragment>
24 <CustomAction Id="WixCloseApplications$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="WixCloseApplications" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
25 <CustomAction Id="WixCloseApplicationsDeferred$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="WixCloseApplicationsDeferred" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
26 <CustomActionRef Id="WixCheckRebootRequired$(var.Suffix)" />
28 <InstallExecuteSequence>
29 <Custom Action="WixCloseApplications$(var.Suffix)" Before="InstallFiles" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
30 </InstallExecuteSequence>
31 </Fragment>
33 <Fragment>
34 <CustomAction Id="WixRegisterRestartResources$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixRegisterRestartResources$(var.Suffix)" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
36 <InstallExecuteSequence>
37 <Custom Action="WixRegisterRestartResources$(var.Suffix)" Before="InstallValidate" Overridable="yes" />
38 </InstallExecuteSequence>
39 </Fragment>
41 <Fragment>
42 <UIRef Id="ConfigureUsersErrorText" />
44 <CustomAction Id="ConfigureUsers$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ConfigureUsers" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
45 <CustomAction Id="CreateUser$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="CreateUser" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
46 <CustomAction Id="CreateUserRollback$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="RemoveUser" Impersonate="no" Execute="rollback" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
47 <!-- RemoveUser is a type commit action because it is not possible to rollback the removal of a user -->
48 <CustomAction Id="RemoveUser$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="RemoveUser" Impersonate="no" Execute="commit" Return="ignore" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
50 <InstallExecuteSequence>
51 <Custom Action="ConfigureUsers$(var.Suffix)" Before="InstallFiles" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
52 </InstallExecuteSequence>
53 </Fragment>
55 <Fragment>
56 <UIRef Id="ConfigureSmbErrorsText" />
58 <CustomAction Id="ConfigureSmbInstall$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ConfigureSmbInstall" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
59 <CustomAction Id="ConfigureSmbUninstall$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ConfigureSmbUninstall" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
60 <CustomAction Id="CreateSmb$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="CreateSmb" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
61 <CustomAction Id="CreateSmbRollback$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="DropSmb" Impersonate="no" Execute="rollback" Return="ignore" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
62 <CustomAction Id="DropSmb$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="DropSmb" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
63 <CustomAction Id="DropSmbRollback$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="CreateSmb" Impersonate="no" Execute="rollback" Return="ignore" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
65 <InstallExecuteSequence>
66 <Custom Action="ConfigureSmbInstall$(var.Suffix)" After="InstallFiles" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
67 <Custom Action="ConfigureSmbUninstall$(var.Suffix)" After="RemoveFiles" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
68 </InstallExecuteSequence>
69 </Fragment>
71 <Fragment>
72 <UIRef Id="PerCounterDataErrorsText" />
74 <CustomAction Id="InstallPerfCounterData$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="InstallPerfCounterData" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
75 <CustomAction Id="UninstallPerfCounterData$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="UninstallPerfCounterData" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
76 <CustomAction Id="RegisterPerfCounterData$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="RegisterPerfCounterData" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
77 <CustomAction Id="UnregisterPerfCounterData$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="UnregisterPerfCounterData" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
78 <CustomAction Id="RollbackRegisterPerfCounterData$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="UnregisterPerfCounterData" Impersonate="no" Execute="rollback" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
79 <CustomAction Id="RollbackUnregisterPerfCounterData$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="RegisterPerfCounterData" Impersonate="no" Execute="rollback" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
81 <InstallExecuteSequence>
82 <Custom Action="InstallPerfCounterData$(var.Suffix)" After="WriteRegistryValues" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
83 <Custom Action="UninstallPerfCounterData$(var.Suffix)" Before="RemoveRegistryValues" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
84 </InstallExecuteSequence>
85 </Fragment>
87 <Fragment>
88 <UIRef Id="ConfigurePerfmonErrorsText" />
90 <CustomAction Id="ConfigurePerfmonInstall$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ConfigurePerfmonInstall" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
91 <CustomAction Id="ConfigurePerfmonUninstall$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ConfigurePerfmonUninstall" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
92 <CustomAction Id="RegisterPerfmon$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="RegisterPerfmon" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
93 <CustomAction Id="UnregisterPerfmon$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="UnregisterPerfmon" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
94 <CustomAction Id="RollbackRegisterPerfmon$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="UnregisterPerfmon" Impersonate="no" Execute="rollback" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
95 <CustomAction Id="RollbackUnregisterPerfmon$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="RegisterPerfmon" Impersonate="no" Execute="rollback" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
97 <InstallExecuteSequence>
98 <Custom Action="ConfigurePerfmonInstall$(var.Suffix)" After="WriteRegistryValues" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
99 <Custom Action="ConfigurePerfmonUninstall$(var.Suffix)" Before="RemoveRegistryValues" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
100 </InstallExecuteSequence>
101 </Fragment>
103 <Fragment>
104 <CustomAction Id="ConfigurePerfmonManifestRegister$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ConfigurePerfmonManifestRegister" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
105 <CustomAction Id="ConfigurePerfmonManifestUnregister$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ConfigurePerfmonManifestUnregister" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
106 <CustomAction Id="RegisterPerfmonManifest$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
107 <CustomAction Id="UnregisterPerfmonManifest$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Return="ignore" SuppressModularization="yes" />
108 <CustomAction Id="RollbackRegisterPerfmonManifest$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Impersonate="no" Execute="rollback" Return="ignore" SuppressModularization="yes" />
109 <CustomAction Id="RollbackUnregisterPerfmonManifest$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Impersonate="no" Execute="rollback" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
111 <InstallExecuteSequence>
112 <Custom Action="ConfigurePerfmonManifestRegister$(var.Suffix)" After="InstallFiles" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
113 <Custom Action="ConfigurePerfmonManifestUnregister$(var.Suffix)" After="RemoveRegistryValues" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
114 </InstallExecuteSequence>
115 </Fragment>
117 <Fragment>
118 <CustomAction Id="ConfigureEventManifestRegister$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ConfigureEventManifestRegister" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
119 <CustomAction Id="ConfigureEventManifestUnregister$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ConfigureEventManifestUnregister" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
120 <CustomAction Id="RegisterEventManifest$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
121 <CustomAction Id="UnregisterEventManifest$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Return="ignore" SuppressModularization="yes" />
122 <CustomAction Id="RollbackRegisterEventManifest$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Impersonate="no" Execute="rollback" Return="ignore" SuppressModularization="yes" />
123 <CustomAction Id="RollbackUnregisterEventManifest$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="CAQuietExec" Impersonate="no" Execute="rollback" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
125 <InstallExecuteSequence>
126 <Custom Action="ConfigureEventManifestRegister$(var.Suffix)" After="SchedXmlFile" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
127 <Custom Action="ConfigureEventManifestUnregister$(var.Suffix)" After="RemoveRegistryValues" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
128 </InstallExecuteSequence>
129 </Fragment>
131 <Fragment>
132 <CustomAction Id="SchedServiceConfig$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="SchedServiceConfig" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
133 <CustomAction Id="ExecServiceConfig$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ExecServiceConfig" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
134 <CustomAction Id="RollbackServiceConfig$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="RollbackServiceConfig" Execute="rollback" Impersonate="no" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
136 <InstallExecuteSequence>
137 <!-- Condition this so it runs on install and MMode, but not uninstall -->
138 <Custom Action="SchedServiceConfig$(var.Suffix)" After="InstallServices" Overridable="yes">NOT REMOVE~="ALL" AND VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
139 </InstallExecuteSequence>
140 </Fragment>
142 <Fragment>
143 <CustomAction Id="WixTouchFileDuringInstall" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="WixTouchFileDuringInstall" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
144 <CustomAction Id="WixTouchFileDuringUninstall" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="WixTouchFileDuringUninstall" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
145 <CustomAction Id="WixExecuteTouchFile" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="WixExecuteTouchFile" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
146 <CustomAction Id="WixRollbackTouchFile" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="WixExecuteTouchFile" Execute="rollback" Impersonate="no" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
148 <InstallExecuteSequence>
149 <Custom Action="WixTouchFileDuringUninstall" Before="RemoveFiles" Overridable="yes" />
150 <Custom Action="WixTouchFileDuringInstall" After="InstallFiles" Overridable="yes" />
151 </InstallExecuteSequence>
152 </Fragment>
154 <Fragment>
155 <UIRef Id="XmlFileErrorsText" />
157 <CustomAction Id="SchedXmlFile$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="SchedXmlFile" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
158 <CustomAction Id="ExecXmlFile$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ExecXmlFile" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
159 <CustomAction Id="ExecXmlFileRollback$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ExecXmlFileRollback" Execute="rollback" Impersonate="no" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
161 <InstallExecuteSequence>
162 <Custom Action="SchedXmlFile$(var.Suffix)" After="DuplicateFiles" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
163 </InstallExecuteSequence>
164 </Fragment>
166 <Fragment>
167 <UIRef Id="XmlConfigErrorsText" />
169 <CustomAction Id="SchedXmlConfig$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="SchedXmlConfig" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
170 <CustomAction Id="ExecXmlConfig$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ExecXmlConfig" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
171 <CustomAction Id="ExecXmlConfigRollback$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ExecXmlConfigRollback" Execute="rollback" Impersonate="no" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
173 <InstallExecuteSequence>
174 <Custom Action="SchedXmlConfig$(var.Suffix)" After="DuplicateFiles" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
175 </InstallExecuteSequence>
176 </Fragment>
178 <Fragment>
179 <CustomAction Id="WixSchedInternetShortcuts$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="WixSchedInternetShortcuts" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
180 <CustomAction Id="WixRollbackInternetShortcuts$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="WixRollbackInternetShortcuts" Impersonate="no" Execute="rollback" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
181 <CustomAction Id="WixCreateInternetShortcuts$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="WixCreateInternetShortcuts" Impersonate="no" Execute="deferred" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
183 <InstallExecuteSequence>
184 <Custom Action="WixSchedInternetShortcuts$(var.Suffix)" Before="RemoveFolders" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
185 <Custom Action="WixRollbackInternetShortcuts$(var.DeferredSuffix)" Before="WixCreateInternetShortcuts$(var.DeferredSuffix)" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
186 <Custom Action="WixCreateInternetShortcuts$(var.DeferredSuffix)" After="CreateShortcuts" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
187 </InstallExecuteSequence>
188 </Fragment>
190 <?endif ?>
193 <!--
194 The following actions do support all platforms.
195 -->
196 <Fragment>
197 <UIRef Id="SecureObjectsErrors" />
199 <CustomAction Id="SchedSecureObjects$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="SchedSecureObjects" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
200 <CustomAction Id="SchedSecureObjectsRollback$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="SchedSecureObjectsRollback" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
201 <CustomAction Id="ExecSecureObjects$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ExecSecureObjects" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
202 <CustomAction Id="ExecSecureObjectsRollback$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="ExecSecureObjectsRollback" Execute="rollback" Impersonate="no" Return="check" HideTarget="yes" SuppressModularization="yes" />
204 <InstallExecuteSequence>
205 <!-- Condition this so it runs on install and MMode, but not uninstall -->
206 <Custom Action="SchedSecureObjects$(var.Suffix)" After="InstallServices" Overridable="yes">NOT REMOVE~="ALL" AND VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
207 <Custom Action="SchedSecureObjectsRollback$(var.Suffix)" After="UnpublishFeatures" Overridable="yes">VersionNT &gt; 400</Custom>
208 </InstallExecuteSequence>
209 </Fragment>
211 <Fragment>
212 <CustomAction Id="WixSchedFormatFiles$(var.Suffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="WixSchedFormatFiles" Execute="immediate" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
213 <CustomAction Id="WixExecFormatFiles$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="WixExecFormatFiles" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
214 <CustomAction Id="WixRollbackFormatFiles$(var.DeferredSuffix)" BinaryKey="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" DllEntry="WixExecFormatFiles" Execute="rollback" Impersonate="no" Return="check" SuppressModularization="yes" />
216 <InstallExecuteSequence>
217 <Custom Action="WixSchedFormatFiles$(var.Suffix)" After="InstallFiles" />
218 </InstallExecuteSequence>
219 </Fragment>
221 <Fragment>
222 <Binary Id="UtilCA$(var.Suffix)" SourceFile="!(bindpath.$(var.platform))utilca.dll" />
223 </Fragment>
diff --git a/src/wixlib/UtilExtension_x64.wxs b/src/wixlib/UtilExtension_x64.wxs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e902f97a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/UtilExtension_x64.wxs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
5<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
6 <?define platform=x64 ?>
7 <?include UtilExtension_Platform.wxi ?>
diff --git a/src/wixlib/UtilExtension_x86.wxs b/src/wixlib/UtilExtension_x86.wxs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff4f08c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/UtilExtension_x86.wxs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
5<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
6 <?define platform=x86 ?>
7 <?include UtilExtension_Platform.wxi ?>
diff --git a/src/wixlib/caSuffix.wxi b/src/wixlib/caSuffix.wxi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a56a2393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/caSuffix.wxi
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
4<Include xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
5 <?ifndef platform ?>
6 <?error Required value "platform" not defined in include caSuffix.wxi ?>
7 <?endif ?>
9 <?ifdef Suffix ?>
10 <?undef Suffix ?>
11 <?undef DeferredSuffix ?>
12 <?endif ?>
14 <?if $(var.platform)="x86" ?>
15 <?define Suffix="" ?>
16 <?define DeferredSuffix="" ?>
17 <?endif ?>
19 <?if $(var.platform)="x64" ?>
20 <?define Suffix="_x64" ?>
21 <?define DeferredSuffix="_64" ?>
22 <?endif ?>
24 <?if $(var.platform)="arm" ?>
25 <?define Suffix="_ARM" ?>
26 <?define DeferredSuffix="_ARM" ?>
27 <?endif ?>
diff --git a/src/wixlib/caerr.wxi b/src/wixlib/caerr.wxi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..141942f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/caerr.wxi
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
2 <?define msierrSecureObjectsFailedCreateSD = 25520?>
3 <?define msierrSecureObjectsFailedSet = 25521?>
4 <?define msierrSecureObjectsUnknownType = 25522?>
5 <?define msierrXmlFileFailedRead = 25530?>
6 <?define msierrXmlFileFailedOpen = 25531?>
7 <?define msierrXmlFileFailedSelect = 25532?>
8 <?define msierrXmlFileFailedSave = 25533?>
9 <?define msierrXmlConfigFailedRead = 25540?>
10 <?define msierrXmlConfigFailedOpen = 25541?>
11 <?define msierrXmlConfigFailedSelect = 25542?>
12 <?define msierrXmlConfigFailedSave = 25543?>
13 <?define msierrFirewallCannotConnect = 25580?>
14 <?define msierrIISCannotConnect = 26001?>
15 <?define msierrIISFailedReadWebSite = 26002?>
16 <?define msierrIISFailedReadWebDirs = 26003?>
17 <?define msierrIISFailedReadVDirs = 26004?>
18 <?define msierrIISFailedReadFilters = 26005?>
19 <?define msierrIISFailedReadAppPool = 26006?>
20 <?define msierrIISFailedReadMimeMap = 26007?>
21 <?define msierrIISFailedReadProp = 26008?>
22 <?define msierrIISFailedReadWebSvcExt = 26009?>
23 <?define msierrIISFailedReadWebError = 26010?>
24 <?define msierrIISFailedReadHttpHeader = 26011?>
25 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedTransaction = 26031?>
26 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedInstallWebs = 26032?>
27 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedInstallWebDirs = 26033?>
28 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedInstallVDirs = 26034?>
29 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedInstallFilters = 26035?>
30 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedInstallAppPool = 26036?>
31 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedInstallProp = 26037?>
32 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedInstallWebSvcExt = 26038?>
33 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedUninstallWebs = 26051?>
34 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedUninstallWebDirs = 26052?>
35 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedUninstallVDirs = 26053?>
36 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedUninstallFilters = 26054?>
37 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedUninstallAppPool = 26055?>
38 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedUninstallProp = 26056?>
39 <?define msierrIISFailedSchedUninstallWebSvcExt = 26057?>
40 <?define msierrIISFailedStartTransaction = 26101?>
41 <?define msierrIISFailedOpenKey = 26102?>
42 <?define msierrIISFailedCreateKey = 26103?>
43 <?define msierrIISFailedWriteData = 26104?>
44 <?define msierrIISFailedCreateApp = 26105?>
45 <?define msierrIISFailedDeleteKey = 26106?>
46 <?define msierrIISFailedDeleteApp = 26107?>
47 <?define msierrIISFailedDeleteValue = 26108?>
48 <?define msierrIISFailedCommitInUse = 26109?>
49 <?define msierrSQLFailedCreateDatabase = 26201?>
50 <?define msierrSQLFailedDropDatabase = 26202?>
51 <?define msierrSQLFailedConnectDatabase = 26203?>
52 <?define msierrSQLFailedExecString = 26204?>
53 <?define msierrSQLDatabaseAlreadyExists = 26205?>
54 <?define msierrPERFMONFailedRegisterDLL = 26251?>
55 <?define msierrPERFMONFailedUnregisterDLL = 26252?>
56 <?define msierrInstallPerfCounterData = 26253?>
57 <?define msierrUninstallPerfCounterData = 26254?>
58 <?define msierrSMBFailedCreate = 26301?>
59 <?define msierrSMBFailedDrop = 26302?>
60 <?define msierrCERTFailedOpen = 26351?>
61 <?define msierrCERTFailedAdd = 26352?>
62 <?define msierrUSRFailedUserCreate = 26401?>
63 <?define msierrUSRFailedUserCreatePswd = 26402?>
64 <?define msierrUSRFailedUserGroupAdd = 26403?>
65 <?define msierrUSRFailedUserCreateExists = 26404?>
66 <?define msierrUSRFailedGrantLogonAsService = 26405?>
67 <?define msierrDependencyMissingDependencies = 26451?>
68 <?define msierrDependencyHasDependents = 26452?>
69 <?define msierrDotNetRuntimeRequired = 27000?>
70 <?define msierrComPlusCannotConnect = 28001?>
71 <?define msierrComPlusPartitionReadFailed = 28002?>
72 <?define msierrComPlusPartitionRoleReadFailed = 28003?>
73 <?define msierrComPlusUserInPartitionRoleReadFailed = 28004?>
74 <?define msierrComPlusPartitionUserReadFailed = 28005?>
75 <?define msierrComPlusApplicationReadFailed = 28006?>
76 <?define msierrComPlusApplicationRoleReadFailed = 28007?>
77 <?define msierrComPlusUserInApplicationRoleReadFailed = 28008?>
78 <?define msierrComPlusAssembliesReadFailed = 28009?>
79 <?define msierrComPlusSubscriptionReadFailed = 28010?>
80 <?define msierrComPlusPartitionDependency = 28011?>
81 <?define msierrComPlusPartitionNotFound = 28012?>
82 <?define msierrComPlusPartitionIdConflict = 28013?>
83 <?define msierrComPlusPartitionNameConflict = 28014?>
84 <?define msierrComPlusApplicationDependency = 28015?>
85 <?define msierrComPlusApplicationNotFound = 28016?>
86 <?define msierrComPlusApplicationIdConflict = 28017?>
87 <?define msierrComPlusApplicationNameConflict = 28018?>
88 <?define msierrComPlusApplicationRoleDependency = 28019?>
89 <?define msierrComPlusApplicationRoleNotFound = 28020?>
90 <?define msierrComPlusApplicationRoleConflict = 28021?>
91 <?define msierrComPlusAssemblyDependency = 28022?>
92 <?define msierrComPlusSubscriptionIdConflict = 28023?>
93 <?define msierrComPlusSubscriptionNameConflict = 28024?>
94 <?define msierrComPlusFailedLookupNames = 28025?>
95 <?define msierrMsmqCannotConnect = 28101?>
96</Include> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixlib/de-de.wxl b/src/wixlib/de-de.wxl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47bfaaaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/de-de.wxl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
5<WixLocalization Culture="de-de" xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxl">
6 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreate" Overridable="yes">Konnte den Benutzer nicht anlegen. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
7 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreatePswd" Overridable="yes">Konnte den Benutzer auf Grund eines falschen Passwortes nicht anlegen. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
8 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserGroupAdd" Overridable="yes">Konnte Benutzer nicht zur Gruppe hinzufügen. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
9 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreateExists" Overridable="yes">Konnte den Benutzer nicht anlegen, da er bereits existierte. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
11 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedCreate" Overridable="yes">Konnte Netzwerkfreigabe nicht anlegen. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
12 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedDrop" Overridable="yes">Konnte Netzwerkfreigabe nicht entfernen. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
14 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedRegisterDLL" Overridable="yes">Konnte die DLL nicht für PerfMon registrieren. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
15 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedUnregisterDLL" Overridable="yes">Konnte die DLL nicht für PerfMon deregistrieren. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
17 <String Id="msierrInstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">Konnte die Daten der Leistungsüberwachung (performance counters) nicht installieren. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
18 <String Id="msierrUninstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">Konnte die Daten der Leistungsüberwachung (performance counters) nicht deinstallieren. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
20 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedCreateSD" Overridable="yes">Konnte keinen Security Descriptor für [3]\[4] erstellen, System Fehler: [2]</String>
21 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedSet" Overridable="yes">Konnte keinen Security Descriptor für das Objekt [3] erstellen, System Fehler: [2]</String>
22 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsUnknownType" Overridable="yes">Unbekannter Objekt Typ [3], System Fehler: [2]</String>
24 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedRead" Overridable="yes">Beim Lesen der XML Dateien trat ein Fehler auf.</String>
25 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">Konnte XML Datei [3] nicht öffnen, System Fehler: [2]</String>
26 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">Konnte Knoten [3] in der XML Datei [4] nicht finden, System Fehler: [2]</String>
27 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSave" Overridable="yes">Beim Speichern der Änderungen an der XML Datei [3] trat ein Fehler auf, System Fehler: [2]</String>
29 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedRead" Overridable="yes">Bei der Konfiguration der XML Dateien trat ein Fehler auf.</String>
30 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">Konnte XML Datei [3] nicht öffnen, System Fehler: [2]</String>
31 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">Konnte Knoten [3] in der XML Datei [4] nicht finden, System Fehler: [2]</String>
32 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSave" Overridable="yes">Beim Speichern der Änderungen an der XML Datei [3] trat ein Fehler auf, System Fehler: [2]</String>
diff --git a/src/wixlib/en-us.wxl b/src/wixlib/en-us.wxl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25ac4d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/en-us.wxl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
5<WixLocalization Culture="en-us" xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxl">
6 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreate" Overridable="yes">Failed to create user. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
7 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreatePswd" Overridable="yes">Failed to create user due to invalid password. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
8 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserGroupAdd" Overridable="yes">Failed to add user to group. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
9 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreateExists" Overridable="yes">Failed to create user because it already exists. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
11 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedCreate" Overridable="yes">Failed to create network share. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
12 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedDrop" Overridable="yes">Failed to drop network share. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
14 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedRegisterDLL" Overridable="yes">Failed to register DLL with PerfMon. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
15 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedUnregisterDLL" Overridable="yes">Failed to unregister DLL with PerfMon. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
17 <String Id="msierrInstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">Failed to install performance counters. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
18 <String Id="msierrUninstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">Failed to uninstall performance counters. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
20 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedCreateSD" Overridable="yes">Failed to create security descriptor for [3]\[4], system error: [2]</String>
21 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedSet" Overridable="yes">Failed to set security descriptor on object [3], system error: [2]</String>
22 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsUnknownType" Overridable="yes">Unknown Object Type [3], system error: [2]</String>
24 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedRead" Overridable="yes">There was a failure while configuring XML files.</String>
25 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">Failed to open XML file [3], system error: [2]</String>
26 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">Failed to find node: [3] in XML file: [4], system error: [2]</String>
27 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSave" Overridable="yes">Failed to save changes to XML file [3], system error: [2]</String>
29 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedRead" Overridable="yes">There was a failure while configuring XML files.</String>
30 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">Failed to open XML file [3], system error: [2]</String>
31 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">Failed to find node: [3] in XML file: [4], system error: [2]</String>
32 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSave" Overridable="yes">Failed to save changes to XML file [3], system error: [2]</String>
diff --git a/src/wixlib/es-es.wxl b/src/wixlib/es-es.wxl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9001d52e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/es-es.wxl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
4<WixLocalization Culture="es-es" xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxl">
5 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreate" Overridable="yes">La creación del usuario ha fracasado. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
6 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreatePswd" Overridable="yes">La creación del usuario ha fracasado porque la contraseña es incorrecta. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
7 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserGroupAdd" Overridable="yes">El aditamento del usuario al grupo ha fracasado. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
8 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreateExists" Overridable="yes">La creación del usuario ha fracasado porque ya existe. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
10 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedCreate" Overridable="yes">La creación de la red compartida ha fracasado. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
11 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedDrop" Overridable="yes">La eliminación de la red compartida ha fracasado. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
13 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedRegisterDLL" Overridable="yes">La inscripción al registro de la DLL con PerfMon ha fracasado. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
14 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedUnregisterDLL" Overridable="yes">La cancelación de la inscripción al registro de la DLL con PerfMon ha fracasado. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
16 <String Id="msierrInstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">La instalación de los contadores de rendimiento ha fracasado. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
17 <String Id="msierrUninstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">La desinstalación de los contadores de rendimiento ha fracasado. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
19 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedCreateSD" Overridable="yes">La creación de los ACLs ha fracasado por [3]\[4], error del sistema : [2]</String>
20 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedSet" Overridable="yes">El posicionamiento de los ACLs por el objecto [3] ha fracasado, error del sistema: [2]</String>
21 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsUnknownType" Overridable="yes">Tipo de objecto no conocido [3], error del sistema: [2]</String>
23 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedRead" Overridable="yes">Un problema ha aparecido durante la configuración de los ficheros XML.</String>
24 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">Fracaso de la apertura de los ficheros XML [3], error del sistema: [2]</String>
25 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">Fracaso de la búsqueda del nodo: [3] en el fichero XML: [4], error del sistema: [2]</String>
26 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSave" Overridable="yes">Fracaso durante la salvaguardia de las modificaciones en el fichero XML [3], error del sistema: [2]</String>
28 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedRead" Overridable="yes">Un problema ha aparecido durante la configuración de los ficheros XML.</String>
29 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">Fracaso de la apertura de los ficheros XML [3], error del sistema: [2]</String>
30 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">Fracaso de la búsqueda del nodo: [3] en el fichero XML: [4], error del sistema: [2]</String>
31 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSave" Overridable="yes">Fracaso durante la salvaguardia de las modificaciones en el fichero XML [3], error del sistema: [2]</String>
32</WixLocalization> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixlib/fr-fr.wxl b/src/wixlib/fr-fr.wxl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..066e7f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/fr-fr.wxl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
4<WixLocalization Culture="fr-fr" xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxl">
5 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreate" Overridable="yes">La création de l'utilisateur a échoué. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
6 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreatePswd" Overridable="yes">La création de l'utilisateur a échoué car le mot de passe est invalide. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
7 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserGroupAdd" Overridable="yes">L'ajout de l'utilisateur au groupe a échoué. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
8 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreateExists" Overridable="yes">La création de l'utilisateur a échoué car il existe dejà. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
10 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedCreate" Overridable="yes">La création du partage reseau a échoué. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
11 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedDrop" Overridable="yes">La suppression du partage reseau a échoué. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
13 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedRegisterDLL" Overridable="yes">L'inscription au registre de la DLL avec PerfMon a échoué. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
14 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedUnregisterDLL" Overridable="yes">La desinscription au registre de la DLL avec PerfMon a échoué. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
16 <String Id="msierrInstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">L'installation des compteurs de performance a échoué. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
17 <String Id="msierrUninstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">La desinstallation des compteurs de performance a échoué. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
19 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedCreateSD" Overridable="yes">La création des ACLs a échoué pour [3]\[4], erreur systeme: [2]</String>
20 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedSet" Overridable="yes">Le positionnement des ACLs pour l'objet [3] a échoué, erreur systeme: [2]</String>
21 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsUnknownType" Overridable="yes">Type d'objet inconnu [3], erreur systeme: [2]</String>
23 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedRead" Overridable="yes">Un problème est survenu lors de la configuration des fichiers XML.</String>
24 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">Echec de l'ouverture des fichiers XML [3], erreur systeme: [2]</String>
25 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">Echec de la recherche du noeud: [3] dans le fichier XML: [4], erreur systeme: [2]</String>
26 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSave" Overridable="yes">Echec lors de la sauvegarde des modifications dans le fichier XML [3], erreur systeme: [2]</String>
28 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedRead" Overridable="yes">Un problème est survenu lors de la configuration des fichiers XML.</String>
29 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">Echec de l'ouverture des fichiers XML [3], erreur systeme: [2]</String>
30 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">Echec de la recherche du noeud: [3] dans le fichier XML: [4], erreur systeme: [2]</String>
31 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSave" Overridable="yes">Echec lors de la sauvegarde des modifications dans le fichier XML [3], erreur systeme: [2]</String>
32</WixLocalization> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixlib/it-it.wxl b/src/wixlib/it-it.wxl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35c62fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/it-it.wxl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
5<WixLocalization Culture="it-it" xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxl">
6 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreate" Overridable="yes">Impossibile creare l'utente. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
7 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreatePswd" Overridable="yes">Impossibile creare l'utente perchè la password è errata. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
8 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserGroupAdd" Overridable="yes">Impossibile aggiungere l'utente al gruppo. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
9 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreateExists" Overridable="yes">Impossibile creare l'utente perchè già esistente. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
11 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedCreate" Overridable="yes">Impossibile creare la risorsa di rete. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
12 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedDrop" Overridable="yes">Impossibile eliminare la risorsa di rete. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
14 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedRegisterDLL" Overridable="yes">Impossibile registrare la DLL con PerfMon. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
15 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedUnregisterDLL" Overridable="yes">Impossibile rimuovere la registrazione della DLL con PerfMon. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
17 <String Id="msierrInstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">Impossibile installare i contatori delle prestazioni. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
18 <String Id="msierrUninstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">Impossibile rimuovere i contatori delle prestazioni. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
20 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedCreateSD" Overridable="yes">Impossibile creare i descrittori di sicurezza per [3]\[4], errore di sistema: [2]</String>
21 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedSet" Overridable="yes">Impossibile impostare i descrittori di sicurezza sull'oggetto [3], errore di sistema: [2]</String>
22 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsUnknownType" Overridable="yes">Tipo di oggetto sconosciuto [3], errore di sistema: [2]</String>
24 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedRead" Overridable="yes">Si è verificato un errore durante la configurazione dei file XML.</String>
25 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">Impossibile aprire il file XML [3], errore di sistema: [2]</String>
26 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">Impossibile trovare il nodo: [3] nel file XML: [4], errore di sistema: [2]</String>
27 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSave" Overridable="yes">Impossible salvare le modifiche al file XML [3], errore di sistema: [2]</String>
29 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedRead" Overridable="yes">Si è verificato un errore durante la configurazione dei file XML.</String>
30 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">Impossibile aprire il file XML [3], errore di sistema: [2]</String>
31 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">Impossibile trovare il nodo: [3] nel file XML: [4], errore di sistema: [2]</String>
32 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSave" Overridable="yes">Impossibile salvare le modifiche al file XML [3], errore di sitema: [2]</String>
diff --git a/src/wixlib/ja-jp.wxl b/src/wixlib/ja-jp.wxl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6206da64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/ja-jp.wxl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
5<WixLocalization Culture="ja-jp" xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxl">
6 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreate" Overridable="yes">ユーザー作成に失敗しました。 ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
7 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreatePswd" Overridable="yes">パスワードが無効のためユーザー作成に失敗しました。 ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
8 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserGroupAdd" Overridable="yes">ユーザーをグループに追加でいませんでした。 ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
9 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreateExists" Overridable="yes">ユーザーが既に存在するため作成できませんでした。 ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
11 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedCreate" Overridable="yes">ネットワーク共有の作成に失敗しました。 ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
12 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedDrop" Overridable="yes">ネットワーク共有の削除に失敗しました。 ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
14 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedRegisterDLL" Overridable="yes">DLL を PerfMon に登録でいませんでした。 ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
15 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedUnregisterDLL" Overridable="yes">DLL を PerfMon より登録解除できませんでした。 ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
17 <String Id="msierrInstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">パフォーマンス カウンタをインストールできませんでした。 ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
18 <String Id="msierrUninstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">パフォーマンス カウンタをアンインストールできませんでした。 ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
20 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedCreateSD" Overridable="yes">[3]\[4] 用セキュリティ ディスクリプターを作成できませんでした、システム エラー: [2]</String>
21 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedSet" Overridable="yes">オブジェクト [3] 上のセキュリティ ディスクリプターを設定できませんでした、システム エラー: [2]</String>
22 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsUnknownType" Overridable="yes">不明なオブジェクト種別 [3]、システム エラー: [2]</String>
24 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedRead" Overridable="yes">XML ファイル構成中に失敗しました。</String>
25 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">XML ファイル [3] を開けませんでした、システム エラー: [2]</String>
26 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">XML ファイル [4] 内にノード [3] が見つかりませんでした、システム エラー: [2]</String>
27 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSave" Overridable="yes">XML ファイル [3] へ変更を保存できませんでした、システム エラー: [2]</String>
29 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedRead" Overridable="yes">XML ファイル構成中に失敗しました。</String>
30 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">XML ファイル [3] を開けませんでした、システム エラー: [2]</String>
31 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">XML ファイル [4] 内にノード [3] が見つかりませんでした、システム エラー: [2]</String>
32 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSave" Overridable="yes">XML ファイル [3] へ変更を保存できませんでした、システム エラー: [2]</String>
diff --git a/src/wixlib/packages.config b/src/wixlib/packages.config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89544f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/packages.config
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3 <package id="Nerdbank.GitVersioning" version="2.1.7" developmentDependency="true" targetFramework="net40" />
4 <package id="WixToolset.Core.InternalPackage" version="4.0.60" targetFramework="net40" developmentDependency="true" />
5</packages> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/wixlib/pt-br.wxl b/src/wixlib/pt-br.wxl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2af3425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/pt-br.wxl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
5<WixLocalization Culture="pt-br" xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxl">
6 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreate" Overridable="yes">Falha ao criar usuário. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
7 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreatePswd" Overridable="yes">Falha ao criar usuário devido a senha inválida. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
8 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserGroupAdd" Overridable="yes">Falha ao adicionar o usuário ao grupo. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
9 <String Id="msierrUSRFailedUserCreateExists" Overridable="yes">Falha ao criar o usuário, porque ele já existe. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
10 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedCreate" Overridable="yes">Falha ao criar o compartilhamento de rede. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
11 <String Id="msierrSMBFailedDrop" Overridable="yes">Falha ao cair compartilhamento de rede. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
12 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedRegisterDLL" Overridable="yes">Falha ao registrar DLL com PerfMon. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
13 <String Id="msierrPERFMONFailedUnregisterDLL" Overridable="yes">Falha ao cancelar o registro de DLL com PerfMon. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
14 <String Id="msierrInstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">Falha ao instalar contadores de desempenho. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
15 <String Id="msierrUninstallPerfCounterData" Overridable="yes">Falha ao desinstalar contadores de desempenho. ([2] [3] [4] [5])</String>
16 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedCreateSD" Overridable="yes">Falha ao criar o descritor de segurança [3] \ [4], erro do sistema: [2]</String>
17 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsFailedSet" Overridable="yes">Falha ao definir o descritor de segurança sobre o objeto [3], erro do sistema: [2]</String>
18 <String Id="msierrSecureObjectsUnknownType" Overridable="yes">Objeto Desconhecido Tipo [3], erro do sistema: [2]</String>
19 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedRead" Overridable="yes">Houve uma falha ao configurar arquivos XML.</String>
20 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">Falha ao abrir o arquivo XML [3], erro do sistema: [2]</String>
21 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">Falha ao localizar nó: [3] no arquivo XML: [4], erro do sistema: [2]</String>
22 <String Id="msierrXmlFileFailedSave" Overridable="yes">Falha ao salvar as alterações para o arquivo XML [3], erro do sistema: [2]</String>
23 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedRead" Overridable="yes">Houve uma falha ao configurar arquivos XML.</String>
24 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedOpen" Overridable="yes">Falha ao abrir o arquivo XML [3], erro do sistema: [2]</String>
25 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSelect" Overridable="yes">Falha ao localizar nó: [3] no arquivo XML: [4], erro do sistema: [2]</String>
26 <String Id="msierrXmlConfigFailedSave" Overridable="yes">Falha ao salvar as alterações para o arquivo XML [3], erro do sistema: [2]</String>
diff --git a/src/wixlib/util.wixproj b/src/wixlib/util.wixproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fc8c589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wixlib/util.wixproj
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License. See LICENSE.TXT file in the project root for full license information. -->
3<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" ToolsVersion="15.0">
4 <Import Project="..\..\packages\WixToolset.Core.InternalPackage.4.0.60\build\WixToolset.Core.InternalPackage.props" Condition="Exists('..\..\packages\WixToolset.Core.InternalPackage.4.0.60\build\WixToolset.Core.InternalPackage.props')" />
5 <Import Project="..\FindLocalWix.props" />
6 <PropertyGroup>
7 <ProjectGuid>{1ACFFEFD-505A-41A5-ACBF-A02B7B473AA2}</ProjectGuid>
8 <OutputName>util</OutputName>
9 <OutputType>Library</OutputType>
10 <BindFiles>true</BindFiles>
11 <Pedantic>true</Pedantic>
12 </PropertyGroup>
13 <ItemGroup>
14 <Compile Include="UtilExtension.wxs" />
15 <Compile Include="UtilExtension_x86.wxs" />
16 <Compile Include="UtilExtension_x64.wxs" />
17 <EmbeddedResource Include="en-us.wxl" />
18 <EmbeddedResource Include="de-de.wxl" />
19 <EmbeddedResource Include="es-es.wxl" />
20 <EmbeddedResource Include="fr-fr.wxl" />
21 <EmbeddedResource Include="ja-jp.wxl" />
22 <EmbeddedResource Include="pt-br.wxl" />
23 <EmbeddedResource Include="it-it.wxl" />
24 </ItemGroup>
25 <ItemGroup>
26 <None Include="packages.config" />
27 </ItemGroup>
28 <ItemGroup>
29 <ProjectReference Include="..\ca\utilca.vcxproj">
30 <Name>utilca</Name>
31 <Project>{076018F7-19BD-423A-ABBF-229273DA08D8}</Project>
32 </ProjectReference>
33 </ItemGroup>
34 <ItemGroup>
35 <None Include="caerr.wxi" />
36 <None Include="caSuffix.wxi" />
37 <None Include="UtilExtension_Platform.wxi" />
38 </ItemGroup>
39 <Import Project="$(WixTargetsPath)" Condition=" '$(WixTargetsPath)' != '' AND Exists('$(WixTargetsPath)') " />
40 <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\WiX\v3.x\wix.targets" Condition=" '$(WixTargetsPath)' == '' AND Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\WiX\v3.x\wix.targets') " />
41 <Target Name="EnsureWixToolsetInstalled" Condition=" '$(WixTargetsImported)' != 'true' ">
42 <Error Text="FG-WiX or WiX Toolset build tools (v3.11 or later) must be installed to build this project. To download FG-WiX, go to https://www.firegiant.com/downloads/. To download the WiX Toolset, go to http://wixtoolset.org/releases/." />
43 </Target>
44 <Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
45 <PropertyGroup>
46 <ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=322105. The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
47 </PropertyGroup>
48 <Error Condition="!Exists('..\..\packages\Nerdbank.GitVersioning.2.1.7\build\Nerdbank.GitVersioning.targets')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\..\packages\Nerdbank.GitVersioning.2.1.7\build\Nerdbank.GitVersioning.targets'))" />
49 <Error Condition="!Exists('..\..\packages\WixToolset.Core.InternalPackage.4.0.60\build\WixToolset.Core.InternalPackage.props')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\..\packages\WixToolset.Core.InternalPackage.4.0.60\build\WixToolset.Core.InternalPackage.props'))" />
50 </Target>
51 <Import Project="..\..\packages\Nerdbank.GitVersioning.2.1.7\build\Nerdbank.GitVersioning.targets" Condition="Exists('..\..\packages\Nerdbank.GitVersioning.2.1.7\build\Nerdbank.GitVersioning.targets')" />
52</Project> \ No newline at end of file