path: root/docs (follow)
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* New linda:wake() and linda.statusBenoit Germain2024-10-251-2/+12
* Update CHANGES and documentationBenoit Germain2024-09-241-1/+1
* Modernized lanes.gen() base library list processing codeBenoit Germain2024-09-241-1/+3
* Fix index.htmlBenoit Germain2024-07-301-83/+83
* Documentation for coroutine lanesBenoit Germain2024-07-041-10/+60
* Renamed set_debug_threadname → lane_threadname (can also read the current n...Benoit Germain2024-07-031-2/+2
* lanes.finally() handler decides whether to thow or freezeBenoit Germain2024-07-011-3/+4
* Make Lanes crash on purpose at shutdown if some lanes still runBenoit Germain2024-06-281-27/+23
* linda:limit() and linda:set() return a second value, a string representing th...Benoit Germain2024-06-271-18/+19
* Change linda:limit()Benoit Germain2024-06-261-5/+7
* Make lanes.gen stricter on base librariesBenoit Germain2024-06-261-5/+9
* Lindas now accept deep user data as valid keysBenoit Germain2024-06-241-1/+1
* Fix wrong Linda name when not giving anyBenoit Germain2024-06-241-1/+11
* Revert overzealous upvalue check on on_state_createBenoit Germain2024-06-201-1/+1
* Give a chance to config.allocator to provide a specific allocator for interna...Benoit Germain2024-06-181-1/+1
* Moved AllocatorDefinition in a lanes namespaceBenoit Germain2024-06-181-2/+8
* When it is a function, config.allocator is called with a string hintBenoit Germain2024-06-181-8/+8
* Foolproofed config.allocator when it is a functionBenoit Germain2024-06-171-1/+1
* List configure settings alphabetically in documentationBenoit Germain2024-06-171-61/+64
* Wording fix: parameter → argumentBenoit Germain2024-06-141-6/+6
* linda :get(), :set(), :limit() return value changesBenoit Germain2024-06-121-5/+10
* Documentation fixesBenoit Germain2024-06-121-1/+1
* Add support for to-be-closed lindaBenoit Germain2024-06-121-3/+6
* Documentation tweaksBenoit Germain2024-06-121-4/+4
* More application of the coding rulesBenoit Germain2024-06-111-1/+1
* Adjust lanes.configure() documentationBenoit Germain2024-06-111-116/+115
* New lane:__close does a lane:join()Benoit Germain2024-06-111-0/+1
* Fixes and improvements to lane:join()Benoit Germain2024-06-111-19/+17
* Removed .demote_full_userdataBenoit Germain2024-06-101-38/+14
* linda:send() returns nil,<something> in case of errorBenoit Germain2024-06-101-17/+24
* Replaced __lanesignore with __lanesconvertBenoit Germain2024-06-101-47/+44
* Unify the value returned by linda:deep() and the string conversion of an unna...Benoit Germain2024-06-101-3/+11
* Suspend/resume GC around Linda operationsBenoit Germain2024-06-101-83/+72
* Use a precompiled header to speed up the buildBenoit Germain2024-06-071-1/+1
* lanes.linda("auto")Benoit Germain2024-06-061-0/+5
* Refactored keeper implementation of linda:receive()Benoit Germain2024-06-041-1/+2
* New global setting "strip_functions"Benoit Germain2024-06-031-0/+11
* Moved lanes.sleep implementation to the C-sideBenoit Germain2024-06-031-0/+1
* Some API changesBenoit Germain2024-05-311-8/+10
* Keeper management modernisation and improvementsBenoit Germain2024-05-301-13/+16
* Boyscouting deep.cpp|hBenoit Germain2024-05-291-5/+5
* Fix lanes.lua dependency on "io"Benoit Germain2024-05-291-4/+3
* New Lanes finalizer API lanes.finally()Benoit Germain2024-05-281-22/+35
* Optional Decoda support (disabled by default)Benoit Germain2024-05-271-9/+11
* Automatically initialize "jit" module in new lanesBenoit Germain2024-05-231-2/+5
* on_state_create receives a string argument, "lane" or "keeper"Benoit Germain2024-05-231-9/+5
* linda:limit uses nil instead of -1 to unblockBenoit Germain2024-05-201-4/+2
* Start using string_viewBenoit Germain2024-05-201-1/+1
* Error reporting revampBenoit Germain2024-05-171-5/+27
* Moved Lane tracking implementation in a separate fileBenoit Germain2024-05-141-2/+2