path: root/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/bio.doc
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1BIO Routines
3This documentation is rather sparse, you are probably best
4off looking at the code for specific details.
6The BIO library is a IO abstraction that was originally
7inspired by the need to have callbacks to perform IO to FILE
8pointers when using Windows 3.1 DLLs. There are two types
9of BIO; a source/sink type and a filter type.
10The source/sink methods are as follows:
11- BIO_s_mem() memory buffer - a read/write byte array that
12 grows until memory runs out :-).
13- BIO_s_file() FILE pointer - A wrapper around the normal
14 'FILE *' commands, good for use with stdin/stdout.
15- BIO_s_fd() File descriptor - A wrapper around file
16 descriptors, often used with pipes.
17- BIO_s_socket() Socket - Used around sockets. It is
18 mostly in the Microsoft world that sockets are different
19 from file descriptors and there are all those ugly winsock
20 commands.
21- BIO_s_null() Null - read nothing and write nothing.; a
22 useful endpoint for filter type BIO's specifically things
23 like the message digest BIO.
25The filter types are
26- BIO_f_buffer() IO buffering - does output buffering into
27 larger chunks and performs input buffering to allow gets()
28 type functions.
29- BIO_f_md() Message digest - a transparent filter that can
30 be asked to return a message digest for the data that has
31 passed through it.
32- BIO_f_cipher() Encrypt or decrypt all data passing
33 through the filter.
34- BIO_f_base64() Base64 decode on read and encode on write.
35- BIO_f_ssl() A filter that performs SSL encryption on the
36 data sent through it.
38Base BIO functions.
39The BIO library has a set of base functions that are
40implemented for each particular type. Filter BIOs will
41normally call the equivalent function on the source/sink BIO
42that they are layered on top of after they have performed
43some modification to the data stream. Multiple filter BIOs
44can be 'push' into a stack of modifers, so to read from a
45file, unbase64 it, then decrypt it, a BIO_f_cipher,
46BIO_f_base64 and a BIO_s_file would probably be used. If a
47sha-1 and md5 message digest needed to be generated, a stack
48two BIO_f_md() BIOs and a BIO_s_null() BIO could be used.
49The base functions are
50- BIO *BIO_new(BIO_METHOD *type); Create a new BIO of type 'type'.
51- int BIO_free(BIO *a); Free a BIO structure. Depending on
52 the configuration, this will free the underlying data
53 object for a source/sink BIO.
54- int BIO_read(BIO *b, char *data, int len); Read upto 'len'
55 bytes into 'data'.
56- int BIO_gets(BIO *bp,char *buf, int size); Depending on
57 the BIO, this can either be a 'get special' or a get one
58 line of data, as per fgets();
59- int BIO_write(BIO *b, char *data, int len); Write 'len'
60 bytes from 'data' to the 'b' BIO.
61- int BIO_puts(BIO *bp,char *buf); Either a 'put special' or
62 a write null terminated string as per fputs().
63- long BIO_ctrl(BIO *bp,int cmd,long larg,char *parg); A
64 control function which is used to manipulate the BIO
65 structure and modify it's state and or report on it. This
66 function is just about never used directly, rather it
67 should be used in conjunction with BIO_METHOD specific
68 macros.
69- BIO *BIO_push(BIO *new_top, BIO *old); new_top is apped to the
70 top of the 'old' BIO list. new_top should be a filter BIO.
71 All writes will go through 'new_top' first and last on read.
72 'old' is returned.
73- BIO *BIO_pop(BIO *bio); the new topmost BIO is returned, NULL if
74 there are no more.
76If a particular low level BIO method is not supported
77(normally BIO_gets()), -2 will be returned if that method is
78called. Otherwise the IO methods (read, write, gets, puts)
79will return the number of bytes read or written, and 0 or -1
80for error (or end of input). For the -1 case,
81BIO_should_retry(bio) can be called to determine if it was a
82genuine error or a temporary problem. -2 will also be
83returned if the BIO has not been initalised yet, in all
84cases, the correct error codes are set (accessible via the
85ERR library).
88The following functions are convenience functions:
89- int BIO_printf(BIO *bio, char * format, ..); printf but
90 to a BIO handle.
91- long BIO_ctrl_int(BIO *bp,int cmd,long larg,int iarg); a
92 convenience function to allow a different argument types
93 to be passed to BIO_ctrl().
94- int BIO_dump(BIO *b,char *bytes,int len); output 'len'
95 bytes from 'bytes' in a hex dump debug format.
96- long BIO_debug_callback(BIO *bio, int cmd, char *argp, int
97 argi, long argl, long ret) - a default debug BIO callback,
98 this is mentioned below. To use this one normally has to
99 use the BIO_set_callback_arg() function to assign an
100 output BIO for the callback to use.
101- BIO *BIO_find_type(BIO *bio,int type); when there is a 'stack'
102 of BIOs, this function scan the list and returns the first
103 that is of type 'type', as listed in buffer.h under BIO_TYPE_XXX.
104- void BIO_free_all(BIO *bio); Free the bio and all other BIOs
105 in the list. It walks the bio->next_bio list.
109Extra commands are normally implemented as macros calling BIO_ctrl().
110- BIO_number_read(BIO *bio) - the number of bytes processed
111 by BIO_read(bio,.).
112- BIO_number_written(BIO *bio) - the number of bytes written
113 by BIO_write(bio,.).
114- BIO_reset(BIO *bio) - 'reset' the BIO.
115- BIO_eof(BIO *bio) - non zero if we are at the current end
116 of input.
117- BIO_set_close(BIO *bio, int close_flag) - set the close flag.
118- BIO_get_close(BIO *bio) - return the close flag.
119 BIO_pending(BIO *bio) - return the number of bytes waiting
120 to be read (normally buffered internally).
121- BIO_flush(BIO *bio) - output any data waiting to be output.
122- BIO_should_retry(BIO *io) - after a BIO_read/BIO_write
123 operation returns 0 or -1, a call to this function will
124 return non zero if you should retry the call later (this
125 is for non-blocking IO).
126- BIO_should_read(BIO *io) - we should retry when data can
127 be read.
128- BIO_should_write(BIO *io) - we should retry when data can
129 be written.
130- BIO_method_name(BIO *io) - return a string for the method name.
131- BIO_method_type(BIO *io) - return the unique ID of the BIO method.
132- BIO_set_callback(BIO *io, long (*callback)(BIO *io, int
133 cmd, char *argp, int argi, long argl, long ret); - sets
134 the debug callback.
135- BIO_get_callback(BIO *io) - return the assigned function
136 as mentioned above.
137- BIO_set_callback_arg(BIO *io, char *arg) - assign some
138 data against the BIO. This is normally used by the debug
139 callback but could in reality be used for anything. To
140 get an idea of how all this works, have a look at the code
141 in the default debug callback mentioned above. The
142 callback can modify the return values.
144Details of the BIO_METHOD structure.
145typedef struct bio_method_st
146 {
147 int type;
148 char *name;
149 int (*bwrite)();
150 int (*bread)();
151 int (*bputs)();
152 int (*bgets)();
153 long (*ctrl)();
154 int (*create)();
155 int (*destroy)();
158The 'type' is the numeric type of the BIO, these are listed in buffer.h;
159'Name' is a textual representation of the BIO 'type'.
160The 7 function pointers point to the respective function
161methods, some of which can be NULL if not implemented.
162The BIO structure
163typedef struct bio_st
164 {
165 BIO_METHOD *method;
166 long (*callback)(BIO * bio, int mode, char *argp, int
167 argi, long argl, long ret);
168 char *cb_arg; /* first argument for the callback */
169 int init;
170 int shutdown;
171 int flags; /* extra storage */
172 int num;
173 char *ptr;
174 struct bio_st *next_bio; /* used by filter BIOs */
175 int references;
176 unsigned long num_read;
177 unsigned long num_write;
178 } BIO;
180- 'Method' is the BIO method.
181- 'callback', when configured, is called before and after
182 each BIO method is called for that particular BIO. This
183 is intended primarily for debugging and of informational feedback.
184- 'init' is 0 when the BIO can be used for operation.
185 Often, after a BIO is created, a number of operations may
186 need to be performed before it is available for use. An
187 example is for BIO_s_sock(). A socket needs to be
188 assigned to the BIO before it can be used.
189- 'shutdown', this flag indicates if the underlying
190 comunication primative being used should be closed/freed
191 when the BIO is closed.
192- 'flags' is used to hold extra state. It is primarily used
193 to hold information about why a non-blocking operation
194 failed and to record startup protocol information for the
195 SSL BIO.
196- 'num' and 'ptr' are used to hold instance specific state
197 like file descriptors or local data structures.
198- 'next_bio' is used by filter BIOs to hold the pointer of the
199 next BIO in the chain. written data is sent to this BIO and
200 data read is taken from it.
201- 'references' is used to indicate the number of pointers to
202 this structure. This needs to be '1' before a call to
203 BIO_free() is made if the BIO_free() function is to
204 actually free() the structure, otherwise the reference
205 count is just decreased. The actual BIO subsystem does
206 not really use this functionality but it is useful when
207 used in more advanced applicaion.
208- num_read and num_write are the total number of bytes
209 read/written via the 'read()' and 'write()' methods.
211BIO_ctrl operations.
212The following is the list of standard commands passed as the
213second parameter to BIO_ctrl() and should be supported by
214all BIO as best as possible. Some are optional, some are
215manditory, in any case, where is makes sense, a filter BIO
216should pass such requests to underlying BIO's.
217- BIO_CTRL_RESET - Reset the BIO back to an initial state.
218- BIO_CTRL_EOF - return 0 if we are not at the end of input,
219 non 0 if we are.
220- BIO_CTRL_INFO - BIO specific special command, normal
221 information return.
222- BIO_CTRL_SET - set IO specific parameter.
223- BIO_CTRL_GET - get IO specific parameter.
224- BIO_CTRL_GET_CLOSE - Get the close on BIO_free() flag, one
226- BIO_CTRL_SET_CLOSE - Set the close on BIO_free() flag.
227- BIO_CTRL_PENDING - Return the number of bytes available
228 for instant reading
229- BIO_CTRL_FLUSH - Output pending data, return number of bytes output.
230- BIO_CTRL_SHOULD_RETRY - After an IO error (-1 returned)
231 should we 'retry' when IO is possible on the underlying IO object.
232- BIO_CTRL_RETRY_TYPE - What kind of IO are we waiting on.
234The following command is a special BIO_s_file() specific option.
235- BIO_CTRL_SET_FILENAME - specify a file to open for IO.
237The BIO_CTRL_RETRY_TYPE needs a little more explanation.
238When performing non-blocking IO, or say reading on a memory
239BIO, when no data is present (or cannot be written),
240BIO_read() and/or BIO_write() will return -1.
241BIO_should_retry(bio) will return true if this is due to an
242IO condition rather than an actual error. In the case of
243BIO_s_mem(), a read when there is no data will return -1 and
244a should retry when there is more 'read' data.
245The retry type is deduced from 2 macros
246BIO_should_read(bio) and BIO_should_write(bio).
247Now while it may appear obvious that a BIO_read() failure
248should indicate that a retry should be performed when more
249read data is available, this is often not true when using
250things like an SSL BIO. During the SSL protocol startup
251multiple reads and writes are performed, triggered by any
252SSL_read or SSL_write.
253So to write code that will transparently handle either a
254socket or SSL BIO,
255 i=BIO_read(bio,..)
256 if (I == -1)
257 {
258 if (BIO_should_retry(bio))
259 {
260 if (BIO_should_read(bio))
261 {
262 /* call us again when BIO can be read */
263 }
264 if (BIO_should_write(bio))
265 {
266 /* call us again when BIO can be written */
267 }
268 }
269 }
271At this point in time only read and write conditions can be
272used but in the future I can see the situation for other
273conditions, specifically with SSL there could be a condition
274of a X509 certificate lookup taking place and so the non-
275blocking BIO_read would require a retry when the certificate
276lookup subsystem has finished it's lookup. This is all
277makes more sense and is easy to use in a event loop type
279When using the SSL BIO, either SSL_read() or SSL_write()s
280can be called during the protocol startup and things will
281still work correctly.
282The nice aspect of the use of the BIO_should_retry() macro
283is that all the errno codes that indicate a non-fatal error
284are encapsulated in one place. The Windows specific error
285codes and WSAGetLastError() calls are also hidden from the
288Notes on each BIO method.
289Normally buffer.h is just required but depending on the
290BIO_METHOD, ssl.h or evp.h will also be required.
292BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_mem(void);
293- BIO_set_mem_buf(BIO *bio, BUF_MEM *bm, int close_flag) -
294 set the underlying BUF_MEM structure for the BIO to use.
295- BIO_get_mem_ptr(BIO *bio, char **pp) - if pp is not NULL,
296 set it to point to the memory array and return the number
297 of bytes available.
298A read/write BIO. Any data written is appended to the
299memory array and any read is read from the front. This BIO
300can be used for read/write at the same time. BIO_gets() is
301supported in the fgets() sense.
302BIO_CTRL_INFO can be used to retrieve pointers to the memory
303buffer and it's length.
305BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_file(void);
306- BIO_set_fp(BIO *bio, FILE *fp, int close_flag) - set 'FILE *' to use.
307- BIO_get_fp(BIO *bio, FILE **fp) - get the 'FILE *' in use.
308- BIO_read_filename(BIO *bio, char *name) - read from file.
309- BIO_write_filename(BIO *bio, char *name) - write to file.
310- BIO_append_filename(BIO *bio, char *name) - append to file.
311This BIO sits over the normal system fread()/fgets() type
312functions. Gets() is supported. This BIO in theory could be
313used for read and write but it is best to think of each BIO
314of this type as either a read or a write BIO, not both.
316BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_socket(void);
317BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_fd(void);
318- BIO_sock_should_retry(int i) - the underlying function
319 used to determine if a call should be retried; the
320 argument is the '0' or '-1' returned by the previous BIO
321 operation.
322- BIO_fd_should_retry(int i) - same as the
323- BIO_sock_should_retry() except that it is different internally.
324- BIO_set_fd(BIO *bio, int fd, int close_flag) - set the
325 file descriptor to use
326- BIO_get_fd(BIO *bio, int *fd) - get the file descriptor.
327These two methods are very similar. Gets() is not
328supported, if you want this functionality, put a
329BIO_f_buffer() onto it. This BIO is bi-directional if the
330underlying file descriptor is. This is normally the case
331for sockets but not the case for stdio descriptors.
333BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_null(void);
334Read and write as much data as you like, it all disappears
335into this BIO.
337BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_buffer(void);
338- BIO_get_buffer_num_lines(BIO *bio) - return the number of
339 complete lines in the buffer.
340- BIO_set_buffer_size(BIO *bio, long size) - set the size of
341 the buffers.
342This type performs input and output buffering. It performs
343both at the same time. The size of the buffer can be set
344via the set buffer size option. Data buffered for output is
345only written when the buffer fills.
347BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_ssl(void);
348- BIO_set_ssl(BIO *bio, SSL *ssl, int close_flag) - the SSL
349 structure to use.
350- BIO_get_ssl(BIO *bio, SSL **ssl) - get the SSL structure
351 in use.
352The SSL bio is a little different from normal BIOs because
353the underlying SSL structure is a little different. A SSL
354structure performs IO via a read and write BIO. These can
355be different and are normally set via the
356SSL_set_rbio()/SSL_set_wbio() calls. The SSL_set_fd() calls
357are just wrappers that create socket BIOs and then call
358SSL_set_bio() where the read and write BIOs are the same.
359The BIO_push() operation makes the SSLs IO BIOs the same, so
360make sure the BIO pushed is capable of two directional
361traffic. If it is not, you will have to install the BIOs
362via the more conventional SSL_set_bio() call. BIO_pop() will retrieve
363the 'SSL read' BIO.
365BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_md(void);
366- BIO_set_md(BIO *bio, EVP_MD *md) - set the message digest
367 to use.
368- BIO_get_md(BIO *bio, EVP_MD **mdp) - return the digest
369 method in use in mdp, return 0 if not set yet.
370- BIO_reset() reinitializes the digest (EVP_DigestInit())
371 and passes the reset to the underlying BIOs.
372All data read or written via BIO_read() or BIO_write() to
373this BIO will be added to the calculated digest. This
374implies that this BIO is only one directional. If read and
375write operations are performed, two separate BIO_f_md() BIOs
376are reuqired to generate digests on both the input and the
377output. BIO_gets(BIO *bio, char *md, int size) will place the
378generated digest into 'md' and return the number of bytes.
379The EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE should probably be used to size the 'md'
380array. Reading the digest will also reset it.
382BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_cipher(void);
383- BIO_reset() reinitializes the cipher.
384- BIO_flush() should be called when the last bytes have been
385 output to flush the final block of block ciphers.
386- BIO_get_cipher_status(BIO *b), when called after the last
387 read from a cipher BIO, returns non-zero if the data
388 decrypted correctly, otherwise, 0.
389- BIO_set_cipher(BIO *b, EVP_CIPHER *c, unsigned char *key,
390 unsigned char *iv, int encrypt) This function is used to
391 setup a cipher BIO. The length of key and iv are
392 specified by the choice of EVP_CIPHER. Encrypt is 1 to
393 encrypt and 0 to decrypt.
395BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_base64(void);
396- BIO_flush() should be called when the last bytes have been output.
397This BIO base64 encodes when writing and base64 decodes when
398reading. It will scan the input until a suitable begin line
399is found. After reading data, BIO_reset() will reset the
400BIO to start scanning again. Do not mix reading and writing
401on the same base64 BIO. It is meant as a single stream BIO.
403Directions type
404both BIO_s_mem()
405one/both BIO_s_file()
406both BIO_s_fd()
407both BIO_s_socket()
408both BIO_s_null()
409both BIO_f_buffer()
410one BIO_f_md()
411one BIO_f_cipher()
412one BIO_f_base64()
413both BIO_f_ssl()
415It is easy to mix one and two directional BIOs, all one has
416to do is to keep two separate BIO pointers for reading and
417writing and be careful about usage of underlying BIOs. The
418SSL bio by it's very nature has to be two directional but
419the BIO_push() command will push the one BIO into the SSL
420BIO for both reading and writing.
422The best example program to look at is apps/enc.c and/or perhaps apps/dgst.c.