path: root/src/lib/libssl/src/doc
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diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/API.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/API.doc
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1SSL - SSLv2/v3/v23 etc.
3BIO - methods and how they plug together
5MEM - memory allocation callback
7CRYPTO - locking for threads
9EVP - Ciphers/Digests/signatures
11RSA - methods
13X509 - certificate retrieval
15X509 - validation
17X509 - X509v3 extensions
19Objects - adding object identifiers
21ASN.1 - parsing
23PEM - parsing
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/a_verify.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/a_verify.doc
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1From Fri Oct 4 18:29:06 1996
2Received: by id AA29080
3 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for eay); Fri, 4 Oct 1996 08:29:07 +1000
4Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 08:29:06 +1000 (EST)
5From: Eric Young <>
6X-Sender: eay@orb
7To: wplatzer <>
8Cc: Eric Young <>, SSL Mailing List <>
9Subject: Re: Netscape's Public Key
10In-Reply-To: <>
11Message-Id: <Pine.SOL.3.91.961004081346.8018K-100000@orb>
12Mime-Version: 1.0
13Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
14Status: RO
17On Thu, 3 Oct 1996, wplatzer wrote:
18> I get Public Key from Netscape (Gold 3.0b4), but cannot do anything
19> with it... It looks like (asn1parse):
21> 0:d=0 hl=3 l=180 cons: SEQUENCE
22> 3:d=1 hl=2 l= 96 cons: SEQUENCE
23> 5:d=2 hl=2 l= 92 cons: SEQUENCE
24> 7:d=3 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
25> 9:d=4 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :rsaEncryption
26> 20:d=4 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
27> 22:d=3 hl=2 l= 75 prim: BIT STRING
28> 99:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: IA5STRING :
29> 101:d=1 hl=2 l= 13 cons: SEQUENCE
30> 103:d=2 hl=2 l= 9 prim: OBJECT :md5withRSAEncryption
31> 114:d=2 hl=2 l= 0 prim: NULL
32> 116:d=1 hl=2 l= 65 prim: BIT STRING
34> The first BIT STRING is the public key and the second BIT STRING is
35> the signature.
36> But a public key consists of the public exponent and the modulus. Are
37> both numbers in the first BIT STRING?
38> Is there a document simply describing this coding stuff (checking
39> signature, get the public key, etc.)?
41Minimal in SSLeay. If you want to see what the modulus and exponent are,
42try asn1parse -offset 25 -length 75 <key.pem
43asn1parse will currently stuff up on the 'length 75' part (fixed in next
44release) but it will print the stuff. If you are after more
45documentation on ASN.1, have a look at and get their PKCS
46documents, most of my initial work on SSLeay was done using them.
48As for SSLeay,
49util/crypto.num and util/ssl.num are lists of all exported functions in
50the library (but not macros :-(.
52The ones for extracting public keys from certificates and certificate
53requests are EVP_PKEY * X509_REQ_extract_key(X509_REQ *req);
54EVP_PKEY * X509_extract_key(X509 *x509);
56To verify a signature on a signed ASN.1 object
57int X509_verify(X509 *a,EVP_PKEY *key);
58int X509_REQ_verify(X509_REQ *a,EVP_PKEY *key);
59int X509_CRL_verify(X509_CRL *a,EVP_PKEY *key);
62I should mention that EVP_PKEY can be used to hold a public or a private key,
63since for things like RSA and DSS, a public key is just a subset of what
64is stored for the private key.
66To sign any of the above structures
68int X509_sign(X509 *a,EVP_PKEY *key,EVP_MD *md);
69int X509_REQ_sign(X509_REQ *a,EVP_PKEY *key,EVP_MD *md);
70int X509_CRL_sign(X509_CRL *a,EVP_PKEY *key,EVP_MD *md);
73where md is the message digest to sign with.
75There are all defined in x509.h and all the _sign and _verify functions are
76actually macros to the ASN1_sign() and ASN1_verify() functions.
77These functions will put the correct algorithm identifiers in the correct
78places in the structures.
82Eric Young | BOOL is tri-state according to Bill Gates.
83AARNet: | RTFM Win32 GetMessage().
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/apps.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/apps.doc
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1The applications
3Ok, where to begin....
4In the begining, when SSLeay was small (April 1995), there
5were but few applications, they did happily cohabit in
6the one bin directory. Then over time, they did multiply and grow,
7and they started to look like microsoft software; 500k to print 'hello world'.
8A new approach was needed. They were coalessed into one 'Monolithic'
9application, ssleay. This one program is composed of many programs that
10can all be compiled independantly.
12ssleay has 3 modes of operation.
131) If the ssleay binaray has the name of one of its component programs, it
14executes that program and then exits. This can be achieve by using hard or
15symbolic links, or failing that, just renaming the binary.
162) If the first argument to ssleay is the name of one of the component
17programs, that program runs that program and then exits.
183) If there are no arguments, ssleay enters a 'command' mode. Each line is
19interpreted as a program name plus arguments. After each 'program' is run,
20ssleay returns to the comand line.
22dgst - message digests
23enc - encryption and base64 encoding
25ans1parse - 'pulls' appart ASN.1 encoded objects like certificates.
27dh - Diffle-Hellman parameter manipulation.
28rsa - RSA manipulations.
29crl - Certificate revokion list manipulations
30x509 - X509 cert fiddles, including signing.
31pkcs7 - pkcs7 manipulation, only DER versions right now.
33genrsa - generate an RSA private key.
34gendh - Generate a set of Diffle-Hellman parameters.
35req - Generate a PKCS#10 object, a certificate request.
37s_client - SSL client program
38s_server - SSL server program
39s_time - A SSL protocol timing program
40s_mult - Another SSL server, but it multiplexes
41 connections.
42s_filter - under development
44errstr - Convert SSLeay error numbers to strings.
45ca - Sign certificate requests, and generate
46 certificate revokion lists
47crl2pkcs7 - put a crl and certifcates into a pkcs7 object.
48speed - Benchmark the ciphers.
49verify - Check certificates
50hashdir - under development
52[ there a now a few more options, play with the program to see what they
53 are ]
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/asn1.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/asn1.doc
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index 0000000000..fdad17c05c
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1The ASN.1 Routines.
3ASN.1 is a specification for how to encode structured 'data' in binary form.
4The approach I have take to the manipulation of structures and their encoding
5into ASN.1 is as follows.
7For each distinct structure there are 4 function of the following form
8TYPE *TYPE_new(void);
9void TYPE_free(TYPE *);
10TYPE *d2i_TYPE(TYPE **a,unsigned char **pp,long length);
11long i2d_TYPE(TYPE *a,unsigned char **pp); /* CHECK RETURN VALUE */
13where TYPE is the type of the 'object'. The TYPE that have these functions
14can be in one of 2 forms, either the internal C malloc()ed data structure
15or in the DER (a variant of ASN.1 encoding) binary encoding which is just
16an array of unsigned bytes. The 'i2d' functions converts from the internal
17form to the DER form and the 'd2i' functions convert from the DER form to
18the internal form.
20The 'new' function returns a malloc()ed version of the structure with all
21substructures either created or left as NULL pointers. For 'optional'
22fields, they are normally left as NULL to indicate no value. For variable
23size sub structures (often 'SET OF' or 'SEQUENCE OF' in ASN.1 syntax) the
24STACK data type is used to hold the values. Have a read of stack.doc
25and have a look at the relevant header files to see what I mean. If there
26is an error while malloc()ing the structure, NULL is returned.
28The 'free' function will free() all the sub components of a particular
29structure. If any of those sub components have been 'removed', replace
30them with NULL pointers, the 'free' functions are tolerant of NULL fields.
32The 'd2i' function copies a binary representation into a C structure. It
33operates as follows. 'a' is a pointer to a pointer to
34the structure to populate, 'pp' is a pointer to a pointer to where the DER
35byte string is located and 'length' is the length of the '*pp' data.
36If there are no errors, a pointer to the populated structure is returned.
37If there is an error, NULL is returned. Errors can occur because of
38malloc() failures but normally they will be due to syntax errors in the DER
39encoded data being parsed. It is also an error if there was an
40attempt to read more that 'length' bytes from '*p'. If
41everything works correctly, the value in '*p' is updated
42to point at the location just beyond where the DER
43structure was read from. In this way, chained calls to 'd2i' type
44functions can be made, with the pointer into the 'data' array being
45'walked' along the input byte array.
46Depending on the value passed for 'a', different things will be done. If
47'a' is NULL, a new structure will be malloc()ed and returned. If '*a' is
48NULL, a new structure will be malloc()ed and put into '*a' and returned.
49If '*a' is not NULL, the structure in '*a' will be populated, or in the
50case of an error, free()ed and then returned.
51Having these semantics means that a structure
52can call a 'd2i' function to populate a field and if the field is currently
53NULL, the structure will be created.
55The 'i2d' function type is used to copy a C structure to a byte array.
56The parameter 'a' is the structure to convert and '*p' is where to put it.
57As for the 'd2i' type structure, 'p' is updated to point after the last
58byte written. If p is NULL, no data is written. The function also returns
59the number of bytes written. Where this becomes useful is that if the
60function is called with a NULL 'p' value, the length is returned. This can
61then be used to malloc() an array of bytes and then the same function can
62be recalled passing the malloced array to be written to. e.g.
64int len;
65unsigned char *bytes,*p;
66len=i2d_X509(x,NULL); /* get the size of the ASN1 encoding of 'x' */
67if ((bytes=(unsigned char *)malloc(len)) == NULL)
68 goto err;
72Please note that a new variable, 'p' was passed to i2d_X509. After the
73call to i2d_X509 p has been incremented by len bytes.
75Now the reason for this functional organisation is that it allows nested
76structures to be built up by calling these functions as required. There
77are various macros used to help write the general 'i2d', 'd2i', 'new' and
78'free' functions. They are discussed in another file and would only be
79used by some-one wanting to add new structures to the library. As you
80might be able to guess, the process of writing ASN.1 files can be a bit CPU
81expensive for complex structures. I'm willing to live with this since the
82simpler library code make my life easier and hopefully most programs using
83these routines will have their execution profiles dominated by cipher or
84message digest routines.
85What follows is a list of 'TYPE' values and the corresponding ASN.1
86structure and where it is used.
94ASN1_T61STRING T61String
97ASN1_TYPE Any of the above mentioned types plus SEQUENCE and SET
99Most of the above mentioned types are actualled stored in the
100ASN1_BIT_STRING type and macros are used to differentiate between them.
101The 3 types used are
103typedef struct asn1_object_st
104 {
105 /* both null if a dynamic ASN1_OBJECT, one is
106 * defined if a 'static' ASN1_OBJECT */
107 char *sn,*ln;
108 int nid;
109 int length;
110 unsigned char *data;
111 } ASN1_OBJECT;
112This is used to store ASN1 OBJECTS. Read 'objects.doc' for details ono
113routines to manipulate this structure. 'sn' and 'ln' are used to hold text
114strings that represent the object (short name and long or lower case name).
115These are used by the 'OBJ' library. 'nid' is a number used by the OBJ
116library to uniquely identify objects. The ASN1 routines will populate the
117'length' and 'data' fields which will contain the bit string representing
118the object.
120typedef struct asn1_bit_string_st
121 {
122 int length;
123 int type;
124 unsigned char *data;
126This structure is used to hold all the other base ASN1 types except for
127ASN1_UTCTIME (which is really just a 'char *'). Length is the number of
128bytes held in data and type is the ASN1 type of the object (there is a list
129in asn1.h).
131typedef struct asn1_type_st
132 {
133 int type;
134 union {
135 char *ptr;
136 ASN1_INTEGER * integer;
137 ASN1_BIT_STRING * bit_string;
138 ASN1_OCTET_STRING * octet_string;
139 ASN1_OBJECT * object;
140 ASN1_PRINTABLESTRING * printablestring;
141 ASN1_T61STRING * t61string;
142 ASN1_IA5STRING * ia5string;
143 ASN1_UTCTIME * utctime;
144 ASN1_BIT_STRING * set;
145 ASN1_BIT_STRING * sequence;
146 } value;
147 } ASN1_TYPE;
148This structure is used in a few places when 'any' type of object can be
151X509 Certificate
152X509_CINF CertificateInfo
153X509_ALGOR AlgorithmIdentifier
154X509_NAME Name
155X509_NAME_ENTRY A single sub component of the name.
156X509_VAL Validity
157X509_PUBKEY SubjectPublicKeyInfo
158The above mentioned types are declared in x509.h. They are all quite
159straight forward except for the X509_NAME/X509_NAME_ENTRY pair.
160A X509_NAME is a STACK (see stack.doc) of X509_NAME_ENTRY's.
161typedef struct X509_name_entry_st
162 {
163 ASN1_OBJECT *object;
164 ASN1_BIT_STRING *value;
165 int set;
166 int size; /* temp variable */
167 } X509_NAME_ENTRY;
168The size is a temporary variable used by i2d_NAME and set is the set number
169for the particular NAME_ENTRY. A X509_NAME is encoded as a sequence of
170sequence of sets. Normally each set contains only a single item.
171Sometimes it contains more. Normally throughout this library there will be
172only one item per set. The set field contains the 'set' that this entry is
173a member of. So if you have just created a X509_NAME structure and
174populated it with X509_NAME_ENTRYs, you should then traverse the X509_NAME
175(which is just a STACK) and set the 'set/' field to incrementing numbers.
176For more details on why this is done, read the ASN.1 spec for Distinguished
179X509_REQ CertificateRequest
180X509_REQ_INFO CertificateRequestInfo
181These are used to hold certificate requests.
183X509_CRL CertificateRevocationList
184These are used to hold a certificate revocation list
186RSAPrivateKey PrivateKeyInfo
187RSAPublicKey PublicKeyInfo
188Both these 'function groups' operate on 'RSA' structures (see rsa.doc).
189The difference is that the RSAPublicKey operations only manipulate the m
190and e fields in the RSA structure.
192DSAPrivateKey DSS private key
193DSAPublicKey DSS public key
194Both these 'function groups' operate on 'DSS' structures (see dsa.doc).
195The difference is that the RSAPublicKey operations only manipulate the
196XXX fields in the DSA structure.
198DHparams DHParameter
199This is used to hold the p and g value for The Diffie-Hellman operation.
200The function deal with the 'DH' strucure (see dh.doc).
202Now all of these function types can be used with several other functions to give
203quite useful set of general manipulation routines. Normally one would
204not uses these functions directly but use them via macros.
206char *ASN1_dup(int (*i2d)(),char *(*d2i)(),char *x);
207'x' is the input structure case to a 'char *', 'i2d' is the 'i2d_TYPE'
208function for the type that 'x' is and d2i is the 'd2i_TYPE' function for the
209type that 'x' is. As is obvious from the parameters, this function
210duplicates the strucutre by transforming it into the DER form and then
211re-loading it into a new strucutre and returning the new strucutre. This
212is obviously a bit cpu intensive but when faced with a complex dynamic
213structure this is the simplest programming approach. There are macros for
214duplicating the major data types but is simple to add extras.
216char *ASN1_d2i_fp(char *(*new)(),char *(*d2i)(),FILE *fp,unsigned char **x);
217'x' is a pointer to a pointer of the 'desired type'. new and d2i are the
218corresponding 'TYPE_new' and 'd2i_TYPE' functions for the type and 'fp' is
219an open file pointer to read from. This function reads from 'fp' as much
220data as it can and then uses 'd2i' to parse the bytes to load and return
221the parsed strucutre in 'x' (if it was non-NULL) and to actually return the
222strucutre. The behavior of 'x' is as per all the other d2i functions.
224char *ASN1_d2i_bio(char *(*new)(),char *(*d2i)(),BIO *fp,unsigned char **x);
225The 'BIO' is the new IO type being used in SSLeay (see bio.doc). This
226function is the same as ASN1_d2i_fp() except for the BIO argument.
227ASN1_d2i_fp() actually calls this function.
229int ASN1_i2d_fp(int (*i2d)(),FILE *out,unsigned char *x);
230'x' is converted to bytes by 'i2d' and then written to 'out'. ASN1_i2d_fp
231and ASN1_d2i_fp are not really symetric since ASN1_i2d_fp will read all
232available data from the file pointer before parsing a single item while
233ASN1_i2d_fp can be used to write a sequence of data objects. To read a
234series of objects from a file I would sugest loading the file into a buffer
235and calling the relevent 'd2i' functions.
237char *ASN1_d2i_bio(char *(*new)(),char *(*d2i)(),BIO *fp,unsigned char **x);
238This function is the same as ASN1_i2d_fp() except for the BIO argument.
239ASN1_i2d_fp() actually calls this function.
241char * PEM_ASN1_read(char *(*d2i)(),char *name,FILE *fp,char **x,int (*cb)());
242This function will read the next PEM encoded (base64) object of the same
243type as 'x' (loaded by the d2i function). 'name' is the name that is in
244the '-----BEGIN name-----' that designates the start of that object type.
245If the data is encrypted, 'cb' will be called to prompt for a password. If
246it is NULL a default function will be used to prompt from the password.
247'x' is delt with as per the standard 'd2i' function interface. This
248function can be used to read a series of objects from a file. While any
249data type can be encrypted (see PEM_ASN1_write) only RSA private keys tend
250to be encrypted.
252char * PEM_ASN1_read_bio(char *(*d2i)(),char *name,BIO *fp,
253 char **x,int (*cb)());
254Same as PEM_ASN1_read() except using a BIO. This is called by
257int PEM_ASN1_write(int (*i2d)(),char *name,FILE *fp,char *x,EVP_CIPHER *enc,
258 unsigned char *kstr,int klen,int (*callback)());
260int PEM_ASN1_write_bio(int (*i2d)(),char *name,BIO *fp,
261 char *x,EVP_CIPHER *enc,unsigned char *kstr,int klen,
262 int (*callback)());
264int ASN1_sign(int (*i2d)(), X509_ALGOR *algor1, X509_ALGOR *algor2,
265 ASN1_BIT_STRING *signature, char *data, RSA *rsa, EVP_MD *type);
266int ASN1_verify(int (*i2d)(), X509_ALGOR *algor1,
267 ASN1_BIT_STRING *signature,char *data, RSA *rsa);
270ASN1_BIT_STRING *ASN1_BIT_STRING_type_new(int type );
272int ASN1_UTCTIME_check(ASN1_UTCTIME *a);
273void ASN1_UTCTIME_print(BIO *fp,ASN1_UTCTIME *a);
276ASN1_BIT_STRING *d2i_asn1_print_type(ASN1_BIT_STRING **a,unsigned char **pp,
277 long length,int type);
279int i2d_ASN1_SET(STACK *a, unsigned char **pp,
280 int (*func)(), int ex_tag, int ex_class);
281STACK * d2i_ASN1_SET(STACK **a, unsigned char **pp, long length,
282 char *(*func)(), int ex_tag, int ex_class);
284int i2a_ASN1_OBJECT(BIO *bp,ASN1_OBJECT *object);
285int i2a_ASN1_INTEGER(BIO *bp, ASN1_INTEGER *a);
286int a2i_ASN1_INTEGER(BIO *bp,ASN1_INTEGER *bs,char *buf,int size);
288int ASN1_INTEGER_set(ASN1_INTEGER *a, long v);
289long ASN1_INTEGER_get(ASN1_INTEGER *a);
293/* given a string, return the correct type. Max is the maximum number
294 * of bytes to parse. It stops parsing when 'max' bytes have been
295 * processed or a '\0' is hit */
296int ASN1_PRINTABLE_type(unsigned char *s,int max);
298void ASN1_parse(BIO *fp,unsigned char *pp,long len);
300int i2d_ASN1_bytes(ASN1_BIT_STRING *a, unsigned char **pp, int tag, int class);
301ASN1_BIT_STRING *d2i_ASN1_bytes(ASN1_OCTET_STRING **a, unsigned char **pp,
302 long length, int Ptag, int Pclass);
304/* PARSING */
305int asn1_Finish(ASN1_CTX *c);
307/* SPECIALS */
308int ASN1_get_object(unsigned char **pp, long *plength, int *ptag,
309 int *pclass, long omax);
310int ASN1_check_infinite_end(unsigned char **p,long len);
311void ASN1_put_object(unsigned char **pp, int constructed, int length,
312 int tag, int class);
313int ASN1_object_size(int constructed, int length, int tag);
315X509 * X509_get_cert(CERTIFICATE_CTX *ctx,X509_NAME * name,X509 *tmp_x509);
316int X509_add_cert(CERTIFICATE_CTX *ctx,X509 *);
318char * X509_cert_verify_error_string(int n);
319int X509_add_cert_file(CERTIFICATE_CTX *c,char *file, int type);
320char * X509_gmtime (char *s, long adj);
321int X509_add_cert_dir (CERTIFICATE_CTX *c,char *dir, int type);
322int X509_load_verify_locations (CERTIFICATE_CTX *ctx,
323 char *file_env, char *dir_env);
324int X509_set_default_verify_paths(CERTIFICATE_CTX *cts);
325X509 * X509_new_D2i_X509(int len, unsigned char *p);
326char * X509_get_default_cert_area(void );
327char * X509_get_default_cert_dir(void );
328char * X509_get_default_cert_file(void );
329char * X509_get_default_cert_dir_env(void );
330char * X509_get_default_cert_file_env(void );
331char * X509_get_default_private_dir(void );
332X509_REQ *X509_X509_TO_req(X509 *x, RSA *rsa);
333int X509_cert_verify(CERTIFICATE_CTX *ctx,X509 *xs, int (*cb)());
338void X509_NAME_print(BIO *fp, X509_NAME *name, int obase);
339int X509_print_fp(FILE *fp,X509 *x);
340int X509_print(BIO *fp,X509 *x);
342X509_INFO * X509_INFO_new(void);
343void X509_INFO_free(X509_INFO *a);
345char * X509_NAME_oneline(X509_NAME *a);
347#define X509_verify(x,rsa)
348#define X509_REQ_verify(x,rsa)
349#define X509_CRL_verify(x,rsa)
351#define X509_sign(x,rsa,md)
352#define X509_REQ_sign(x,rsa,md)
353#define X509_CRL_sign(x,rsa,md)
355#define X509_dup(x509)
356#define d2i_X509_fp(fp,x509)
357#define i2d_X509_fp(fp,x509)
358#define d2i_X509_bio(bp,x509)
359#define i2d_X509_bio(bp,x509)
361#define X509_CRL_dup(crl)
362#define d2i_X509_CRL_fp(fp,crl)
363#define i2d_X509_CRL_fp(fp,crl)
364#define d2i_X509_CRL_bio(bp,crl)
365#define i2d_X509_CRL_bio(bp,crl)
367#define X509_REQ_dup(req)
368#define d2i_X509_REQ_fp(fp,req)
369#define i2d_X509_REQ_fp(fp,req)
370#define d2i_X509_REQ_bio(bp,req)
371#define i2d_X509_REQ_bio(bp,req)
373#define RSAPrivateKey_dup(rsa)
374#define d2i_RSAPrivateKey_fp(fp,rsa)
375#define i2d_RSAPrivateKey_fp(fp,rsa)
376#define d2i_RSAPrivateKey_bio(bp,rsa)
377#define i2d_RSAPrivateKey_bio(bp,rsa)
379#define X509_NAME_dup(xn)
380#define X509_NAME_ENTRY_dup(ne)
382void X509_REQ_print_fp(FILE *fp,X509_REQ *req);
383void X509_REQ_print(BIO *fp,X509_REQ *req);
385RSA *X509_REQ_extract_key(X509_REQ *req);
386RSA *X509_extract_key(X509 *x509);
388int X509_issuer_and_serial_cmp(X509 *a, X509 *b);
389unsigned long X509_issuer_and_serial_hash(X509 *a);
391X509_NAME * X509_get_issuer_name(X509 *a);
392int X509_issuer_name_cmp(X509 *a, X509 *b);
393unsigned long X509_issuer_name_hash(X509 *a);
395X509_NAME * X509_get_subject_name(X509 *a);
396int X509_subject_name_cmp(X509 *a,X509 *b);
397unsigned long X509_subject_name_hash(X509 *x);
399int X509_NAME_cmp (X509_NAME *a, X509_NAME *b);
400unsigned long X509_NAME_hash(X509_NAME *x);
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/bio.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/bio.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..545a57cdff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/bio.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
1BIO Routines
3This documentation is rather sparse, you are probably best
4off looking at the code for specific details.
6The BIO library is a IO abstraction that was originally
7inspired by the need to have callbacks to perform IO to FILE
8pointers when using Windows 3.1 DLLs. There are two types
9of BIO; a source/sink type and a filter type.
10The source/sink methods are as follows:
11- BIO_s_mem() memory buffer - a read/write byte array that
12 grows until memory runs out :-).
13- BIO_s_file() FILE pointer - A wrapper around the normal
14 'FILE *' commands, good for use with stdin/stdout.
15- BIO_s_fd() File descriptor - A wrapper around file
16 descriptors, often used with pipes.
17- BIO_s_socket() Socket - Used around sockets. It is
18 mostly in the Microsoft world that sockets are different
19 from file descriptors and there are all those ugly winsock
20 commands.
21- BIO_s_null() Null - read nothing and write nothing.; a
22 useful endpoint for filter type BIO's specifically things
23 like the message digest BIO.
25The filter types are
26- BIO_f_buffer() IO buffering - does output buffering into
27 larger chunks and performs input buffering to allow gets()
28 type functions.
29- BIO_f_md() Message digest - a transparent filter that can
30 be asked to return a message digest for the data that has
31 passed through it.
32- BIO_f_cipher() Encrypt or decrypt all data passing
33 through the filter.
34- BIO_f_base64() Base64 decode on read and encode on write.
35- BIO_f_ssl() A filter that performs SSL encryption on the
36 data sent through it.
38Base BIO functions.
39The BIO library has a set of base functions that are
40implemented for each particular type. Filter BIOs will
41normally call the equivalent function on the source/sink BIO
42that they are layered on top of after they have performed
43some modification to the data stream. Multiple filter BIOs
44can be 'push' into a stack of modifers, so to read from a
45file, unbase64 it, then decrypt it, a BIO_f_cipher,
46BIO_f_base64 and a BIO_s_file would probably be used. If a
47sha-1 and md5 message digest needed to be generated, a stack
48two BIO_f_md() BIOs and a BIO_s_null() BIO could be used.
49The base functions are
50- BIO *BIO_new(BIO_METHOD *type); Create a new BIO of type 'type'.
51- int BIO_free(BIO *a); Free a BIO structure. Depending on
52 the configuration, this will free the underlying data
53 object for a source/sink BIO.
54- int BIO_read(BIO *b, char *data, int len); Read upto 'len'
55 bytes into 'data'.
56- int BIO_gets(BIO *bp,char *buf, int size); Depending on
57 the BIO, this can either be a 'get special' or a get one
58 line of data, as per fgets();
59- int BIO_write(BIO *b, char *data, int len); Write 'len'
60 bytes from 'data' to the 'b' BIO.
61- int BIO_puts(BIO *bp,char *buf); Either a 'put special' or
62 a write null terminated string as per fputs().
63- long BIO_ctrl(BIO *bp,int cmd,long larg,char *parg); A
64 control function which is used to manipulate the BIO
65 structure and modify it's state and or report on it. This
66 function is just about never used directly, rather it
67 should be used in conjunction with BIO_METHOD specific
68 macros.
69- BIO *BIO_push(BIO *new_top, BIO *old); new_top is apped to the
70 top of the 'old' BIO list. new_top should be a filter BIO.
71 All writes will go through 'new_top' first and last on read.
72 'old' is returned.
73- BIO *BIO_pop(BIO *bio); the new topmost BIO is returned, NULL if
74 there are no more.
76If a particular low level BIO method is not supported
77(normally BIO_gets()), -2 will be returned if that method is
78called. Otherwise the IO methods (read, write, gets, puts)
79will return the number of bytes read or written, and 0 or -1
80for error (or end of input). For the -1 case,
81BIO_should_retry(bio) can be called to determine if it was a
82genuine error or a temporary problem. -2 will also be
83returned if the BIO has not been initalised yet, in all
84cases, the correct error codes are set (accessible via the
85ERR library).
88The following functions are convenience functions:
89- int BIO_printf(BIO *bio, char * format, ..); printf but
90 to a BIO handle.
91- long BIO_ctrl_int(BIO *bp,int cmd,long larg,int iarg); a
92 convenience function to allow a different argument types
93 to be passed to BIO_ctrl().
94- int BIO_dump(BIO *b,char *bytes,int len); output 'len'
95 bytes from 'bytes' in a hex dump debug format.
96- long BIO_debug_callback(BIO *bio, int cmd, char *argp, int
97 argi, long argl, long ret) - a default debug BIO callback,
98 this is mentioned below. To use this one normally has to
99 use the BIO_set_callback_arg() function to assign an
100 output BIO for the callback to use.
101- BIO *BIO_find_type(BIO *bio,int type); when there is a 'stack'
102 of BIOs, this function scan the list and returns the first
103 that is of type 'type', as listed in buffer.h under BIO_TYPE_XXX.
104- void BIO_free_all(BIO *bio); Free the bio and all other BIOs
105 in the list. It walks the bio->next_bio list.
109Extra commands are normally implemented as macros calling BIO_ctrl().
110- BIO_number_read(BIO *bio) - the number of bytes processed
111 by BIO_read(bio,.).
112- BIO_number_written(BIO *bio) - the number of bytes written
113 by BIO_write(bio,.).
114- BIO_reset(BIO *bio) - 'reset' the BIO.
115- BIO_eof(BIO *bio) - non zero if we are at the current end
116 of input.
117- BIO_set_close(BIO *bio, int close_flag) - set the close flag.
118- BIO_get_close(BIO *bio) - return the close flag.
119 BIO_pending(BIO *bio) - return the number of bytes waiting
120 to be read (normally buffered internally).
121- BIO_flush(BIO *bio) - output any data waiting to be output.
122- BIO_should_retry(BIO *io) - after a BIO_read/BIO_write
123 operation returns 0 or -1, a call to this function will
124 return non zero if you should retry the call later (this
125 is for non-blocking IO).
126- BIO_should_read(BIO *io) - we should retry when data can
127 be read.
128- BIO_should_write(BIO *io) - we should retry when data can
129 be written.
130- BIO_method_name(BIO *io) - return a string for the method name.
131- BIO_method_type(BIO *io) - return the unique ID of the BIO method.
132- BIO_set_callback(BIO *io, long (*callback)(BIO *io, int
133 cmd, char *argp, int argi, long argl, long ret); - sets
134 the debug callback.
135- BIO_get_callback(BIO *io) - return the assigned function
136 as mentioned above.
137- BIO_set_callback_arg(BIO *io, char *arg) - assign some
138 data against the BIO. This is normally used by the debug
139 callback but could in reality be used for anything. To
140 get an idea of how all this works, have a look at the code
141 in the default debug callback mentioned above. The
142 callback can modify the return values.
144Details of the BIO_METHOD structure.
145typedef struct bio_method_st
146 {
147 int type;
148 char *name;
149 int (*bwrite)();
150 int (*bread)();
151 int (*bputs)();
152 int (*bgets)();
153 long (*ctrl)();
154 int (*create)();
155 int (*destroy)();
158The 'type' is the numeric type of the BIO, these are listed in buffer.h;
159'Name' is a textual representation of the BIO 'type'.
160The 7 function pointers point to the respective function
161methods, some of which can be NULL if not implemented.
162The BIO structure
163typedef struct bio_st
164 {
165 BIO_METHOD *method;
166 long (*callback)(BIO * bio, int mode, char *argp, int
167 argi, long argl, long ret);
168 char *cb_arg; /* first argument for the callback */
169 int init;
170 int shutdown;
171 int flags; /* extra storage */
172 int num;
173 char *ptr;
174 struct bio_st *next_bio; /* used by filter BIOs */
175 int references;
176 unsigned long num_read;
177 unsigned long num_write;
178 } BIO;
180- 'Method' is the BIO method.
181- 'callback', when configured, is called before and after
182 each BIO method is called for that particular BIO. This
183 is intended primarily for debugging and of informational feedback.
184- 'init' is 0 when the BIO can be used for operation.
185 Often, after a BIO is created, a number of operations may
186 need to be performed before it is available for use. An
187 example is for BIO_s_sock(). A socket needs to be
188 assigned to the BIO before it can be used.
189- 'shutdown', this flag indicates if the underlying
190 comunication primative being used should be closed/freed
191 when the BIO is closed.
192- 'flags' is used to hold extra state. It is primarily used
193 to hold information about why a non-blocking operation
194 failed and to record startup protocol information for the
195 SSL BIO.
196- 'num' and 'ptr' are used to hold instance specific state
197 like file descriptors or local data structures.
198- 'next_bio' is used by filter BIOs to hold the pointer of the
199 next BIO in the chain. written data is sent to this BIO and
200 data read is taken from it.
201- 'references' is used to indicate the number of pointers to
202 this structure. This needs to be '1' before a call to
203 BIO_free() is made if the BIO_free() function is to
204 actually free() the structure, otherwise the reference
205 count is just decreased. The actual BIO subsystem does
206 not really use this functionality but it is useful when
207 used in more advanced applicaion.
208- num_read and num_write are the total number of bytes
209 read/written via the 'read()' and 'write()' methods.
211BIO_ctrl operations.
212The following is the list of standard commands passed as the
213second parameter to BIO_ctrl() and should be supported by
214all BIO as best as possible. Some are optional, some are
215manditory, in any case, where is makes sense, a filter BIO
216should pass such requests to underlying BIO's.
217- BIO_CTRL_RESET - Reset the BIO back to an initial state.
218- BIO_CTRL_EOF - return 0 if we are not at the end of input,
219 non 0 if we are.
220- BIO_CTRL_INFO - BIO specific special command, normal
221 information return.
222- BIO_CTRL_SET - set IO specific parameter.
223- BIO_CTRL_GET - get IO specific parameter.
224- BIO_CTRL_GET_CLOSE - Get the close on BIO_free() flag, one
226- BIO_CTRL_SET_CLOSE - Set the close on BIO_free() flag.
227- BIO_CTRL_PENDING - Return the number of bytes available
228 for instant reading
229- BIO_CTRL_FLUSH - Output pending data, return number of bytes output.
230- BIO_CTRL_SHOULD_RETRY - After an IO error (-1 returned)
231 should we 'retry' when IO is possible on the underlying IO object.
232- BIO_CTRL_RETRY_TYPE - What kind of IO are we waiting on.
234The following command is a special BIO_s_file() specific option.
235- BIO_CTRL_SET_FILENAME - specify a file to open for IO.
237The BIO_CTRL_RETRY_TYPE needs a little more explanation.
238When performing non-blocking IO, or say reading on a memory
239BIO, when no data is present (or cannot be written),
240BIO_read() and/or BIO_write() will return -1.
241BIO_should_retry(bio) will return true if this is due to an
242IO condition rather than an actual error. In the case of
243BIO_s_mem(), a read when there is no data will return -1 and
244a should retry when there is more 'read' data.
245The retry type is deduced from 2 macros
246BIO_should_read(bio) and BIO_should_write(bio).
247Now while it may appear obvious that a BIO_read() failure
248should indicate that a retry should be performed when more
249read data is available, this is often not true when using
250things like an SSL BIO. During the SSL protocol startup
251multiple reads and writes are performed, triggered by any
252SSL_read or SSL_write.
253So to write code that will transparently handle either a
254socket or SSL BIO,
255 i=BIO_read(bio,..)
256 if (I == -1)
257 {
258 if (BIO_should_retry(bio))
259 {
260 if (BIO_should_read(bio))
261 {
262 /* call us again when BIO can be read */
263 }
264 if (BIO_should_write(bio))
265 {
266 /* call us again when BIO can be written */
267 }
268 }
269 }
271At this point in time only read and write conditions can be
272used but in the future I can see the situation for other
273conditions, specifically with SSL there could be a condition
274of a X509 certificate lookup taking place and so the non-
275blocking BIO_read would require a retry when the certificate
276lookup subsystem has finished it's lookup. This is all
277makes more sense and is easy to use in a event loop type
279When using the SSL BIO, either SSL_read() or SSL_write()s
280can be called during the protocol startup and things will
281still work correctly.
282The nice aspect of the use of the BIO_should_retry() macro
283is that all the errno codes that indicate a non-fatal error
284are encapsulated in one place. The Windows specific error
285codes and WSAGetLastError() calls are also hidden from the
288Notes on each BIO method.
289Normally buffer.h is just required but depending on the
290BIO_METHOD, ssl.h or evp.h will also be required.
292BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_mem(void);
293- BIO_set_mem_buf(BIO *bio, BUF_MEM *bm, int close_flag) -
294 set the underlying BUF_MEM structure for the BIO to use.
295- BIO_get_mem_ptr(BIO *bio, char **pp) - if pp is not NULL,
296 set it to point to the memory array and return the number
297 of bytes available.
298A read/write BIO. Any data written is appended to the
299memory array and any read is read from the front. This BIO
300can be used for read/write at the same time. BIO_gets() is
301supported in the fgets() sense.
302BIO_CTRL_INFO can be used to retrieve pointers to the memory
303buffer and it's length.
305BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_file(void);
306- BIO_set_fp(BIO *bio, FILE *fp, int close_flag) - set 'FILE *' to use.
307- BIO_get_fp(BIO *bio, FILE **fp) - get the 'FILE *' in use.
308- BIO_read_filename(BIO *bio, char *name) - read from file.
309- BIO_write_filename(BIO *bio, char *name) - write to file.
310- BIO_append_filename(BIO *bio, char *name) - append to file.
311This BIO sits over the normal system fread()/fgets() type
312functions. Gets() is supported. This BIO in theory could be
313used for read and write but it is best to think of each BIO
314of this type as either a read or a write BIO, not both.
316BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_socket(void);
317BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_fd(void);
318- BIO_sock_should_retry(int i) - the underlying function
319 used to determine if a call should be retried; the
320 argument is the '0' or '-1' returned by the previous BIO
321 operation.
322- BIO_fd_should_retry(int i) - same as the
323- BIO_sock_should_retry() except that it is different internally.
324- BIO_set_fd(BIO *bio, int fd, int close_flag) - set the
325 file descriptor to use
326- BIO_get_fd(BIO *bio, int *fd) - get the file descriptor.
327These two methods are very similar. Gets() is not
328supported, if you want this functionality, put a
329BIO_f_buffer() onto it. This BIO is bi-directional if the
330underlying file descriptor is. This is normally the case
331for sockets but not the case for stdio descriptors.
333BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_null(void);
334Read and write as much data as you like, it all disappears
335into this BIO.
337BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_buffer(void);
338- BIO_get_buffer_num_lines(BIO *bio) - return the number of
339 complete lines in the buffer.
340- BIO_set_buffer_size(BIO *bio, long size) - set the size of
341 the buffers.
342This type performs input and output buffering. It performs
343both at the same time. The size of the buffer can be set
344via the set buffer size option. Data buffered for output is
345only written when the buffer fills.
347BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_ssl(void);
348- BIO_set_ssl(BIO *bio, SSL *ssl, int close_flag) - the SSL
349 structure to use.
350- BIO_get_ssl(BIO *bio, SSL **ssl) - get the SSL structure
351 in use.
352The SSL bio is a little different from normal BIOs because
353the underlying SSL structure is a little different. A SSL
354structure performs IO via a read and write BIO. These can
355be different and are normally set via the
356SSL_set_rbio()/SSL_set_wbio() calls. The SSL_set_fd() calls
357are just wrappers that create socket BIOs and then call
358SSL_set_bio() where the read and write BIOs are the same.
359The BIO_push() operation makes the SSLs IO BIOs the same, so
360make sure the BIO pushed is capable of two directional
361traffic. If it is not, you will have to install the BIOs
362via the more conventional SSL_set_bio() call. BIO_pop() will retrieve
363the 'SSL read' BIO.
365BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_md(void);
366- BIO_set_md(BIO *bio, EVP_MD *md) - set the message digest
367 to use.
368- BIO_get_md(BIO *bio, EVP_MD **mdp) - return the digest
369 method in use in mdp, return 0 if not set yet.
370- BIO_reset() reinitializes the digest (EVP_DigestInit())
371 and passes the reset to the underlying BIOs.
372All data read or written via BIO_read() or BIO_write() to
373this BIO will be added to the calculated digest. This
374implies that this BIO is only one directional. If read and
375write operations are performed, two separate BIO_f_md() BIOs
376are reuqired to generate digests on both the input and the
377output. BIO_gets(BIO *bio, char *md, int size) will place the
378generated digest into 'md' and return the number of bytes.
379The EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE should probably be used to size the 'md'
380array. Reading the digest will also reset it.
382BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_cipher(void);
383- BIO_reset() reinitializes the cipher.
384- BIO_flush() should be called when the last bytes have been
385 output to flush the final block of block ciphers.
386- BIO_get_cipher_status(BIO *b), when called after the last
387 read from a cipher BIO, returns non-zero if the data
388 decrypted correctly, otherwise, 0.
389- BIO_set_cipher(BIO *b, EVP_CIPHER *c, unsigned char *key,
390 unsigned char *iv, int encrypt) This function is used to
391 setup a cipher BIO. The length of key and iv are
392 specified by the choice of EVP_CIPHER. Encrypt is 1 to
393 encrypt and 0 to decrypt.
395BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_base64(void);
396- BIO_flush() should be called when the last bytes have been output.
397This BIO base64 encodes when writing and base64 decodes when
398reading. It will scan the input until a suitable begin line
399is found. After reading data, BIO_reset() will reset the
400BIO to start scanning again. Do not mix reading and writing
401on the same base64 BIO. It is meant as a single stream BIO.
403Directions type
404both BIO_s_mem()
405one/both BIO_s_file()
406both BIO_s_fd()
407both BIO_s_socket()
408both BIO_s_null()
409both BIO_f_buffer()
410one BIO_f_md()
411one BIO_f_cipher()
412one BIO_f_base64()
413both BIO_f_ssl()
415It is easy to mix one and two directional BIOs, all one has
416to do is to keep two separate BIO pointers for reading and
417writing and be careful about usage of underlying BIOs. The
418SSL bio by it's very nature has to be two directional but
419the BIO_push() command will push the one BIO into the SSL
420BIO for both reading and writing.
422The best example program to look at is apps/enc.c and/or perhaps apps/dgst.c.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/blowfish.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/blowfish.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a7f425b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/blowfish.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
1The Blowfish library.
3Blowfish is a block cipher that operates on 64bit (8 byte) quantities. It
4uses variable size key, but 128bit (16 byte) key would normally be considered
5good. It can be used in all the modes that DES can be used. This
6library implements the ecb, cbc, cfb64, ofb64 modes.
8Blowfish is quite a bit faster that DES, and much faster than IDEA or
9RC2. It is one of the faster block ciphers.
11For all calls that have an 'input' and 'output' variables, they can be the
14This library requires the inclusion of 'blowfish.h'.
16All of the encryption functions take what is called an BF_KEY as an
17argument. An BF_KEY is an expanded form of the Blowfish key.
18For all modes of the Blowfish algorithm, the BF_KEY used for
19decryption is the same one that was used for encryption.
21The define BF_ENCRYPT is passed to specify encryption for the functions
22that require an encryption/decryption flag. BF_DECRYPT is passed to
23specify decryption.
25Please note that any of the encryption modes specified in my DES library
26could be used with Blowfish. I have only implemented ecb, cbc, cfb64 and
27ofb64 for the following reasons.
28- ecb is the basic Blowfish encryption.
29- cbc is the normal 'chaining' form for block ciphers.
30- cfb64 can be used to encrypt single characters, therefore input and output
31 do not need to be a multiple of 8.
32- ofb64 is similar to cfb64 but is more like a stream cipher, not as
33 secure (not cipher feedback) but it does not have an encrypt/decrypt mode.
34- If you want triple Blowfish, thats 384 bits of key and you must be totally
35 obsessed with security. Still, if you want it, it is simple enough to
36 copy the function from the DES library and change the des_encrypt to
37 BF_encrypt; an exercise left for the paranoid reader :-).
39The functions are as follows:
41void BF_set_key(
42BF_KEY *ks;
43int len;
44unsigned char *key;
45 BF_set_key converts an 'len' byte key into a BF_KEY.
46 A 'ks' is an expanded form of the 'key' which is used to
47 perform actual encryption. It can be regenerated from the Blowfish key
48 so it only needs to be kept when encryption or decryption is about
49 to occur. Don't save or pass around BF_KEY's since they
50 are CPU architecture dependent, 'key's are not. Blowfish is an
51 interesting cipher in that it can be used with a variable length
52 key. 'len' is the length of 'key' to be used as the key.
53 A 'len' of 16 is recomended by me, but blowfish can use upto
54 72 bytes. As a warning, blowfish has a very very slow set_key
55 function, it actually runs BF_encrypt 521 times.
57void BF_encrypt(unsigned long *data, BF_KEY *key);
58void BF_decrypt(unsigned long *data, BF_KEY *key);
59 These are the Blowfish encryption function that gets called by just
60 about every other Blowfish routine in the library. You should not
61 use this function except to implement 'modes' of Blowfish.
62 I say this because the
63 functions that call this routine do the conversion from 'char *' to
64 long, and this needs to be done to make sure 'non-aligned' memory
65 access do not occur.
66 Data is a pointer to 2 unsigned long's and key is the
67 BF_KEY to use.
69void BF_ecb_encrypt(
70unsigned char *in,
71unsigned char *out,
72BF_KEY *key,
73int encrypt);
74 This is the basic Electronic Code Book form of Blowfish (in DES this
75 mode is called Electronic Code Book so I'm going to use the term
76 for blowfish as well.
77 Input is encrypted into output using the key represented by
78 key. Depending on the encrypt, encryption or
79 decryption occurs. Input is 8 bytes long and output is 8 bytes.
81void BF_cbc_encrypt(
82unsigned char *in,
83unsigned char *out,
84long length,
85BF_KEY *ks,
86unsigned char *ivec,
87int encrypt);
88 This routine implements Blowfish in Cipher Block Chaining mode.
89 Input, which should be a multiple of 8 bytes is encrypted
90 (or decrypted) to output which will also be a multiple of 8 bytes.
91 The number of bytes is in length (and from what I've said above,
92 should be a multiple of 8). If length is not a multiple of 8, bad
93 things will probably happen. ivec is the initialisation vector.
94 This function updates iv after each call so that it can be passed to
95 the next call to BF_cbc_encrypt().
97void BF_cfb64_encrypt(
98unsigned char *in,
99unsigned char *out,
100long length,
101BF_KEY *schedule,
102unsigned char *ivec,
103int *num,
104int encrypt);
105 This is one of the more useful functions in this Blowfish library, it
106 implements CFB mode of Blowfish with 64bit feedback.
107 This allows you to encrypt an arbitrary number of bytes,
108 you do not require 8 byte padding. Each call to this
109 routine will encrypt the input bytes to output and then update ivec
110 and num. Num contains 'how far' we are though ivec.
111 'Encrypt' is used to indicate encryption or decryption.
112 CFB64 mode operates by using the cipher to generate a stream
113 of bytes which is used to encrypt the plain text.
114 The cipher text is then encrypted to generate the next 64 bits to
115 be xored (incrementally) with the next 64 bits of plain
116 text. As can be seen from this, to encrypt or decrypt,
117 the same 'cipher stream' needs to be generated but the way the next
118 block of data is gathered for encryption is different for
119 encryption and decryption.
121void BF_ofb64_encrypt(
122unsigned char *in,
123unsigned char *out,
124long length,
125BF_KEY *schedule,
126unsigned char *ivec,
127int *num);
128 This functions implements OFB mode of Blowfish with 64bit feedback.
129 This allows you to encrypt an arbitrary number of bytes,
130 you do not require 8 byte padding. Each call to this
131 routine will encrypt the input bytes to output and then update ivec
132 and num. Num contains 'how far' we are though ivec.
133 This is in effect a stream cipher, there is no encryption or
134 decryption mode.
136For reading passwords, I suggest using des_read_pw_string() from my DES library.
137To generate a password from a text string, I suggest using MD5 (or MD2) to
138produce a 16 byte message digest that can then be passed directly to
142For more information about the specific Blowfish modes in this library
143(ecb, cbc, cfb and ofb), read the section entitled 'Modes of DES' from the
144documentation on my DES library. What is said about DES is directly
145applicable for Blowfish.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/bn.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/bn.doc
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index 0000000000..47be23b6ea
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1The Big Number library.
3#include "bn.h" when using this library.
5This big number library was written for use in implementing the RSA and DH
6public key encryption algorithms. As such, features such as negative
7numbers have not been extensively tested but they should work as expected.
8This library uses dynamic memory allocation for storing its data structures
9and so there are no limit on the size of the numbers manipulated by these
10routines but there is always the requirement to check return codes from
11functions just in case a memory allocation error has occurred.
13The basic object in this library is a BIGNUM. It is used to hold a single
14large integer. This type should be considered opaque and fields should not
15be modified or accessed directly.
16typedef struct bignum_st
17 {
18 int top; /* Index of last used d. */
19 BN_ULONG *d; /* Pointer to an array of 'BITS2' bit chunks. */
20 int max; /* Size of the d array. */
21 int neg;
22 } BIGNUM;
23The big number is stored in a malloced array of BN_ULONG's. A BN_ULONG can
24be either 16, 32 or 64 bits in size, depending on the 'number of bits'
25specified in bn.h.
26The 'd' field is this array. 'max' is the size of the 'd' array that has
27been allocated. 'top' is the 'last' entry being used, so for a value of 4,
28bn.d[0]=4 and 'neg' is 1 if the number is negative.
29When a BIGNUM is '0', the 'd' field can be NULL and top == 0.
31Various routines in this library require the use of 'temporary' BIGNUM
32variables during their execution. Due to the use of dynamic memory
33allocation to create BIGNUMs being rather expensive when used in
34conjunction with repeated subroutine calls, the BN_CTX structure is
35used. This structure contains BN_CTX BIGNUMs. BN_CTX
36is the maximum number of temporary BIGNUMs any publicly exported
37function will use.
39#define BN_CTX 12
40typedef struct bignum_ctx
41 {
42 int tos; /* top of stack */
43 BIGNUM *bn[BN_CTX]; /* The variables */
44 } BN_CTX;
46The functions that follow have been grouped according to function. Most
47arithmetic functions return a result in the first argument, sometimes this
48first argument can also be an input parameter, sometimes it cannot. These
49restrictions are documented.
51extern BIGNUM *BN_value_one;
52There is one variable defined by this library, a BIGNUM which contains the
53number 1. This variable is useful for use in comparisons and assignment.
55Get Size functions.
57int BN_num_bits(BIGNUM *a);
58 This function returns the size of 'a' in bits.
60int BN_num_bytes(BIGNUM *a);
61 This function (macro) returns the size of 'a' in bytes.
62 For conversion of BIGNUMs to byte streams, this is the number of
63 bytes the output string will occupy. If the output byte
64 format specifies that the 'top' bit indicates if the number is
65 signed, so an extra '0' byte is required if the top bit on a
66 positive number is being written, it is upto the application to
67 make this adjustment. Like I said at the start, I don't
68 really support negative numbers :-).
70Creation/Destruction routines.
72BIGNUM *BN_new();
73 Return a new BIGNUM object. The number initially has a value of 0. If
74 there is an error, NULL is returned.
76void BN_free(BIGNUM *a);
77 Free()s a BIGNUM.
79void BN_clear(BIGNUM *a);
80 Sets 'a' to a value of 0 and also zeros all unused allocated
81 memory. This function is used to clear a variable of 'sensitive'
82 data that was held in it.
84void BN_clear_free(BIGNUM *a);
85 This function zeros the memory used by 'a' and then free()'s it.
86 This function should be used to BN_free() BIGNUMS that have held
87 sensitive numeric values like RSA private key values. Both this
88 function and BN_clear tend to only be used by RSA and DH routines.
90BN_CTX *BN_CTX_new(void);
91 Returns a new BN_CTX. NULL on error.
93void BN_CTX_free(BN_CTX *c);
94 Free a BN_CTX structure. The BIGNUMs in 'c' are BN_clear_free()ed.
96BIGNUM *bn_expand(BIGNUM *b, int bits);
97 This is an internal function that should not normally be used. It
98 ensures that 'b' has enough room for a 'bits' bit number. It is
99 mostly used by the various BIGNUM routines. If there is an error,
100 NULL is returned. if not, 'b' is returned.
102BIGNUM *BN_copy(BIGNUM *to, BIGNUM *from);
103 The 'from' is copied into 'to'. NULL is returned if there is an
104 error, otherwise 'to' is returned.
106BIGNUM *BN_dup(BIGNUM *a);
107 A new BIGNUM is created and returned containing the value of 'a'.
108 NULL is returned on error.
110Comparison and Test Functions.
112int BN_is_zero(BIGNUM *a)
113 Return 1 if 'a' is zero, else 0.
115int BN_is_one(a)
116 Return 1 is 'a' is one, else 0.
118int BN_is_word(a,w)
119 Return 1 if 'a' == w, else 0. 'w' is a BN_ULONG.
121int BN_cmp(BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b);
122 Return -1 if 'a' is less than 'b', 0 if 'a' and 'b' are the same
123 and 1 is 'a' is greater than 'b'. This is a signed comparison.
125int BN_ucmp(BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b);
126 This function is the same as BN_cmp except that the comparison
127 ignores the sign of the numbers.
129Arithmetic Functions
130For all of these functions, 0 is returned if there is an error and 1 is
131returned for success. The return value should always be checked. eg.
132if (!BN_add(r,a,b)) goto err;
133Unless explicitly mentioned, the 'return' value can be one of the
134'parameters' to the function.
136int BN_add(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b);
137 Add 'a' and 'b' and return the result in 'r'. This is r=a+b.
139int BN_sub(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b);
140 Subtract 'a' from 'b' and put the result in 'r'. This is r=a-b.
142int BN_lshift(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, int n);
143 Shift 'a' left by 'n' bits. This is r=a*(2^n).
145int BN_lshift1(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a);
146 Shift 'a' left by 1 bit. This form is more efficient than
147 BN_lshift(r,a,1). This is r=a*2.
149int BN_rshift(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, int n);
150 Shift 'a' right by 'n' bits. This is r=int(a/(2^n)).
152int BN_rshift1(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a);
153 Shift 'a' right by 1 bit. This form is more efficient than
154 BN_rshift(r,a,1). This is r=int(a/2).
156int BN_mul(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b);
157 Multiply a by b and return the result in 'r'. 'r' must not be
158 either 'a' or 'b'. It has to be a different BIGNUM.
159 This is r=a*b.
161int BN_sqr(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BN_CTX *ctx);
162 Multiply a by a and return the result in 'r'. 'r' must not be
163 'a'. This function is alot faster than BN_mul(r,a,a). This is r=a*a.
165int BN_div(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rem, BIGNUM *m, BIGNUM *d, BN_CTX *ctx);
166 Divide 'm' by 'd' and return the result in 'dv' and the remainder
167 in 'rem'. Either of 'dv' or 'rem' can be NULL in which case that
168 value is not returned. 'ctx' needs to be passed as a source of
169 temporary BIGNUM variables.
170 This is dv=int(m/d), rem=m%d.
172int BN_mod(BIGNUM *rem, BIGNUM *m, BIGNUM *d, BN_CTX *ctx);
173 Find the remainder of 'm' divided by 'd' and return it in 'rem'.
174 'ctx' holds the temporary BIGNUMs required by this function.
175 This function is more efficient than BN_div(NULL,rem,m,d,ctx);
176 This is rem=m%d.
178int BN_mod_mul(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *b, BIGNUM *m,BN_CTX *ctx);
179 Multiply 'a' by 'b' and return the remainder when divided by 'm'.
180 'ctx' holds the temporary BIGNUMs required by this function.
181 This is r=(a*b)%m.
183int BN_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *p, BIGNUM *m,BN_CTX *ctx);
184 Raise 'a' to the 'p' power and return the remainder when divided by
185 'm'. 'ctx' holds the temporary BIGNUMs required by this function.
186 This is r=(a^p)%m.
188int BN_reciprocal(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx);
189 Return the reciprocal of 'm'. 'ctx' holds the temporary variables
190 required. This function returns -1 on error, otherwise it returns
191 the number of bits 'r' is shifted left to make 'r' into an integer.
192 This number of bits shifted is required in BN_mod_mul_reciprocal().
193 This is r=(1/m)<<(BN_num_bits(m)+1).
195int BN_mod_mul_reciprocal(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *x, BIGNUM *y, BIGNUM *m,
196 BIGNUM *i, int nb, BN_CTX *ctx);
197 This function is used to perform an efficient BN_mod_mul()
198 operation. If one is going to repeatedly perform BN_mod_mul() with
199 the same modulus is worth calculating the reciprocal of the modulus
200 and then using this function. This operation uses the fact that
201 a/b == a*r where r is the reciprocal of b. On modern computers
202 multiplication is very fast and big number division is very slow.
203 'x' is multiplied by 'y' and then divided by 'm' and the remainder
204 is returned. 'i' is the reciprocal of 'm' and 'nb' is the number
205 of bits as returned from BN_reciprocal(). Normal usage is as follows.
206 bn=BN_reciprocal(i,m);
207 for (...)
208 { BN_mod_mul_reciprocal(r,x,y,m,i,bn,ctx); }
209 This is r=(x*y)%m. Internally it is approximately
210 r=(x*y)-m*(x*y/m) or r=(x*y)-m*((x*y*i) >> bn)
211 This function is used in BN_mod_exp() and BN_is_prime().
213Assignment Operations
215int BN_one(BIGNUM *a)
216 Set 'a' to hold the value one.
217 This is a=1.
219int BN_zero(BIGNUM *a)
220 Set 'a' to hold the value zero.
221 This is a=0.
223int BN_set_word(BIGNUM *a, unsigned long w);
224 Set 'a' to hold the value of 'w'. 'w' is an unsigned long.
225 This is a=w.
227unsigned long BN_get_word(BIGNUM *a);
228 Returns 'a' in an unsigned long. Not remarkably, often 'a' will
229 be biger than a word, in which case 0xffffffffL is returned.
231Word Operations
232These functions are much more efficient that the normal bignum arithmetic
235BN_ULONG BN_mod_word(BIGNUM *a, unsigned long w);
236 Return the remainder of 'a' divided by 'w'.
237 This is return(a%w).
239int BN_add_word(BIGNUM *a, unsigned long w);
240 Add 'w' to 'a'. This function does not take the sign of 'a' into
241 account. This is a+=w;
243Bit operations.
245int BN_is_bit_set(BIGNUM *a, int n);
246 This function return 1 if bit 'n' is set in 'a' else 0.
248int BN_set_bit(BIGNUM *a, int n);
249 This function sets bit 'n' to 1 in 'a'.
250 This is a&= ~(1<<n);
252int BN_clear_bit(BIGNUM *a, int n);
253 This function sets bit 'n' to zero in 'a'. Return 0 if less
254 than 'n' bits in 'a' else 1. This is a&= ~(1<<n);
256int BN_mask_bits(BIGNUM *a, int n);
257 Truncate 'a' to n bits long. This is a&= ~((~0)<<n)
259Format conversion routines.
261BIGNUM *BN_bin2bn(unsigned char *s, int len,BIGNUM *ret);
262 This function converts 'len' bytes in 's' into a BIGNUM which
263 is put in 'ret'. If ret is NULL, a new BIGNUM is created.
264 Either this new BIGNUM or ret is returned. The number is
265 assumed to be in bigendian form in 's'. By this I mean that
266 to 'ret' is created as follows for 'len' == 5.
267 ret = s[0]*2^32 + s[1]*2^24 + s[2]*2^16 + s[3]*2^8 + s[4];
268 This function cannot be used to convert negative numbers. It
269 is always assumed the number is positive. The application
270 needs to diddle the 'neg' field of th BIGNUM its self.
271 The better solution would be to save the numbers in ASN.1 format
272 since this is a defined standard for storing big numbers.
273 Look at the functions
277 int i2d_ASN1_INTEGER(ASN1_INTEGER *a,unsigned char **pp);
278 ASN1_INTEGER *d2i_ASN1_INTEGER(ASN1_INTEGER **a,unsigned char **pp,
279 long length;
281int BN_bn2bin(BIGNUM *a, unsigned char *to);
282 This function converts 'a' to a byte string which is put into
283 'to'. The representation is big-endian in that the most
284 significant byte of 'a' is put into to[0]. This function
285 returns the number of bytes used to hold 'a'. BN_num_bytes(a)
286 would return the same value and can be used to determine how
287 large 'to' needs to be. If the number is negative, this
288 information is lost. Since this library was written to
289 manipulate large positive integers, the inability to save and
290 restore them is not considered to be a problem by me :-).
291 As for BN_bin2bn(), look at the ASN.1 integer encoding funtions
292 for SSLeay. They use BN_bin2bn() and BN_bn2bin() internally.
294char *BN_bn2ascii(BIGNUM *a);
295 This function returns a malloc()ed string that contains the
296 ascii hexadecimal encoding of 'a'. The number is in bigendian
297 format with a '-' in front if the number is negative.
299int BN_ascii2bn(BIGNUM **bn, char *a);
300 The inverse of BN_bn2ascii. The function returns the number of
301 characters from 'a' were processed in generating a the bignum.
302 error is inticated by 0 being returned. The number is a
303 hex digit string, optionally with a leading '-'. If *bn
304 is null, a BIGNUM is created and returned via that variable.
306int BN_print_fp(FILE *fp, BIGNUM *a);
307 'a' is printed to file pointer 'fp'. It is in the same format
308 that is output from BN_bn2ascii(). 0 is returned on error,
309 1 if things are ok.
311int BN_print(BIO *bp, BIGNUM *a);
312 Same as BN_print except that the output is done to the SSLeay libraries
313 BIO routines. BN_print_fp() actually calls this function.
315Miscellaneous Routines.
317int BN_rand(BIGNUM *rnd, int bits, int top, int bottom);
318 This function returns in 'rnd' a random BIGNUM that is bits
319 long. If bottom is 1, the number returned is odd. If top is set,
320 the top 2 bits of the number are set. This is useful because if
321 this is set, 2 'n; bit numbers multiplied together will return a 2n
322 bit number. If top was not set, they could produce a 2n-1 bit
323 number.
325BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *a, BIGNUM *n,BN_CTX *ctx);
326 This function create a new BIGNUM and returns it. This number
327 is the inverse mod 'n' of 'a'. By this it is meant that the
328 returned value 'r' satisfies (a*r)%n == 1. This function is
329 used in the generation of RSA keys. 'ctx', as per usual,
330 is used to hold temporary variables that are required by the
331 function. NULL is returned on error.
333int BN_gcd(BIGNUM *r,BIGNUM *a,BIGNUM *b,BN_CTX *ctx);
334 'r' has the greatest common divisor of 'a' and 'b'. 'ctx' is
335 used for temporary variables and 0 is returned on error.
337int BN_is_prime(BIGNUM *p,int nchecks,void (*callback)(),BN_CTX *ctx,
338 char *cb_arg);
339 This function is used to check if a BIGNUM ('p') is prime.
340 It performs this test by using the Miller-Rabin randomised
341 primality test. This is a probalistic test that requires a
342 number of rounds to ensure the number is prime to a high
343 degree of probability. Since this can take quite some time, a
344 callback function can be passed and it will be called each
345 time 'p' passes a round of the prime testing. 'callback' will
346 be called as follows, callback(1,n,cb_arg) where n is the number of
347 the round, just passed. As per usual 'ctx' contains temporary
348 variables used. If ctx is NULL, it does not matter, a local version
349 will be malloced. This parameter is present to save some mallocing
350 inside the function but probably could be removed.
351 0 is returned on error.
352 'ncheck' is the number of Miller-Rabin tests to run. It is
353 suggested to use the value 'BN_prime_checks' by default.
355BIGNUM *BN_generate_prime(
356int bits,
357int strong,
358BIGNUM *a,
359BIGNUM *rems,
360void (*callback)());
361char *cb_arg
362 This function is used to generate prime numbers. It returns a
363 new BIGNUM that has a high probability of being a prime.
364 'bits' is the number of bits that
365 are to be in the prime. If 'strong' is true, the returned prime
366 will also be a strong prime ((p-1)/2 is also prime).
367 While searching for the prime ('p'), we
368 can add the requirement that the prime fill the following
369 condition p%a == rem. This can be used to help search for
370 primes with specific features, which is required when looking
371 for primes suitable for use with certain 'g' values in the
372 Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. If 'a' is NULL,
373 this condition is not checked. If rem is NULL, rem is assumed
374 to be 1. Since this search for a prime
375 can take quite some time, if callback is not NULL, it is called
376 in the following situations.
377 We have a suspected prime (from a quick sieve),
378 callback(0,sus_prime++,cb_arg). Each item to be passed to BN_is_prime().
379 callback(1,round++,cb_arg). Each successful 'round' in BN_is_prime().
380 callback(2,round,cb_arg). For each successful BN_is_prime() test.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/ca.1 b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/ca.1
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index 0000000000..5b0c5a198d
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1From Thu Dec 28 23:56:45 1995
2Received: by id AA07374
3 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for eay); Thu, 28 Dec 1995 13:56:45 +1000
4Date: Thu, 28 Dec 1995 13:56:45 +1000 (EST)
5From: Eric Young <>
6X-Sender: eay@orb
7To: sameer <>
9Subject: Re: 'ca'
10In-Reply-To: <>
11Message-Id: <Pine.SOL.3.91.951228133525.7269A-100000@orb>
12Mime-Version: 1.0
13Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
14Status: RO
17On Fri, 22 Dec 1995, sameer wrote:
18> I could use documentation on 'ca'. Thanks.
20Very quickly.
21The ca program uses the ssleay.conf file for most of its configuration
23./ca -help
25 -verbose - Talk alot while doing things
26 -config file - A config file. If you don't want to use the
27 default config file
28 -name arg - The particular CA definition to use
29 In the config file, the section to use for parameters. This lets
30 multiple setups to be contained in the one file. By default, the
31 default_ca variable is looked up in the [ ca ] section. So in the
32 shipped ssleay.conf, the CA definition used is CA_default. It could be
33 any other name.
34 -gencrl days - Generate a new CRL, days is when the next CRL is due
35 This will generate a new certificate revocion list.
36 -days arg - number of days to certify the certificate for
37 When certifiying certificates, this is the number of days to use.
38 -md arg - md to use, one of md2, md5, sha or sha1
39 -policy arg - The CA 'policy' to support
40 I'll describe this later, but there are 2 policies definied in the
41 shipped ssleay.conf
42 -keyfile arg - PEM RSA private key file
43 -key arg - key to decode the RSA private key if it is encrypted
44 since we need to keep the CA's RSA key encrypted
45 -cert - The CA certificate
46 -in file - The input PEM encoded certificate request(s)
47 -out file - Where to put the output file(s)
48 -outdir dir - Where to put output certificates
49 The -out options concatinates all the output certificied
50 certificates to one file, -outdir puts them in a directory,
51 named by serial number.
52 -infiles .... - The last argument, requests to process
53 The certificate requests to process, -in is the same.
55Just about all the above have default values defined in ssleay.conf.
57The key variables in ssleay.conf are (for the pariticular '-name' being
58used, in the default, it is CA_default).
60dir is where all the CA database stuff is kept.
61certs is where all the previously issued certificates are kept.
62The database is a simple text database containing the following tab separated
64status: a value of 'R' - revoked, 'E' -expired or 'V' valid.
65issued date: When the certificate was certified.
66revoked date: When it was revoked, blank if not revoked.
67serial number: The certificate serial number.
68certificate: Where the certificate is located.
69CN: The name of the certificate.
71The demo file has quite a few made up values it it. The last 2 were
72added by the ca program and are acurate.
73The CA program does not update the 'certificate' file correctly right now.
74The serial field should be unique as should the CN/status combination.
75The ca program checks these at startup. What still needs to be
76wrtten is a program to 'regenerate' the data base file from the issued
77certificate list (and a CRL list).
79Back to the CA_default variables.
81Most of the variables are commented.
83policy is the default policy.
85Ok for policies, they define the order and which fields must be present
86in the certificate request and what gets filled in.
88So a value of
89countryName = match
90means that the country name must match the CA certificate.
91organizationalUnitName = optional
92The org.Unit,Name does not have to be present and
93commonName = supplied
94commonName must be supplied in the certificate request.
96For the 'policy_match' polocy, the order of the attributes in the
97generated certiticate would be
105Have a play, it sort of makes sense. If you think about how the persona
106requests operate, it is similar to the 'policy_match' policy and the
107'policy_anything' is similar to what versign is doing.
109I hope this helps a bit. Some backend scripts are definitly needed to
110update the database and to make certificate revocion easy. All
111certificates issued should also be kept forever (or until they expire?)
113hope this helps
114eric (who has to run off an buy some cheap knee pads for the caving in 4
115days time :-)
118Eric Young | Signature removed since it was generating
119AARNet: | more followups than the message contents :-)
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/callback.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/callback.doc
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1Callback functions used in SSLeay.
4The BIO library.
6Each BIO structure can have a callback defined against it. This callback is
7called 2 times for each BIO 'function'. It is passed 6 parameters.
8BIO_debug_callback() is an example callback which is defined in
9crypto/buffer/bio_cb.c and is used in apps/dgst.c This is intended mostly
10for debuging or to notify the application of IO.
12long BIO_debug_callback(BIO *bio,int cmd,char *argp,int argi,long argl,
13 long ret);
14bio is the BIO being called, cmd is the type of BIO function being called.
15Look at the BIO_CB_* defines in buffer.h. Argp and argi are the arguments
16passed to BIO_read(), BIO_write, BIO_gets(), BIO_puts(). In the case of
17BIO_ctrl(), argl is also defined. The first time the callback is called,
18before the underlying function has been executed, 0 is passed as 'ret', and
19if the return code from the callback is not > 0, the call is aborted
20and the returned <= 0 value is returned.
21The second time the callback is called, the 'cmd' value also has
22BIO_CB_RETURN logically 'or'ed with it. The 'ret' value is the value returned
23from the actuall function call and whatever the callback returns is returned
24from the BIO function.
26BIO_set_callback(b,cb) can be used to set the callback function
27(b is a BIO), and BIO_set_callback_arg(b,arg) can be used to
28set the cb_arg argument in the BIO strucutre. This field is only intended
29to be used by application, primarily in the callback function since it is
30accessable since the BIO is passed.
33The PEM library.
35The pem library only really uses one type of callback,
36static int def_callback(char *buf, int num, int verify);
37which is used to return a password string if required.
38'buf' is the buffer to put the string in. 'num' is the size of 'buf'
39and 'verify' is used to indicate that the password should be checked.
40This last flag is mostly used when reading a password for encryption.
42For all of these functions, a NULL callback will call the above mentioned
43default callback. This default function does not work under Windows 3.1.
44For other machines, it will use an application defined prompt string
45(EVP_set_pw_prompt(), which defines a library wide prompt string)
46if defined, otherwise it will use it's own PEM password prompt.
47It will then call EVP_read_pw_string() to get a password from the console.
48If your application wishes to use nice fancy windows to retrieve passwords,
49replace this function. The callback should return the number of bytes read
50into 'buf'. If the number of bytes <= 0, it is considered an error.
52Functions that take this callback are listed below. For the 'read' type
53functions, the callback will only be required if the PEM data is encrypted.
55For the Write functions, normally a password can be passed in 'kstr', of
56'klen' bytes which will be used if the 'enc' cipher is not NULL. If
57'kstr' is NULL, the callback will be used to retrieve a password.
59int PEM_do_header (EVP_CIPHER_INFO *cipher, unsigned char *data,long *len,
60 int (*callback)());
61char *PEM_ASN1_read_bio(char *(*d2i)(),char *name,BIO *bp,char **x,int (*cb)());
62char *PEM_ASN1_read(char *(*d2i)(),char *name,FILE *fp,char **x,int (*cb)());
63int PEM_ASN1_write_bio(int (*i2d)(),char *name,BIO *bp,char *x,
64 EVP_CIPHER *enc,unsigned char *kstr,int klen,int (*callback)());
65int PEM_ASN1_write(int (*i2d)(),char *name,FILE *fp,char *x,
66 EVP_CIPHER *enc,unsigned char *kstr,int klen,int (*callback)());
67STACK *PEM_X509_INFO_read(FILE *fp, STACK *sk, int (*cb)());
68STACK *PEM_X509_INFO_read_bio(BIO *fp, STACK *sk, int (*cb)());
70#define PEM_write_RSAPrivateKey(fp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb)
71#define PEM_write_DSAPrivateKey(fp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb)
72#define PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey(bp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb)
73#define PEM_write_bio_DSAPrivateKey(bp,x,enc,kstr,klen,cb)
74#define PEM_read_SSL_SESSION(fp,x,cb)
75#define PEM_read_X509(fp,x,cb)
76#define PEM_read_X509_REQ(fp,x,cb)
77#define PEM_read_X509_CRL(fp,x,cb)
78#define PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey(fp,x,cb)
79#define PEM_read_DSAPrivateKey(fp,x,cb)
80#define PEM_read_PrivateKey(fp,x,cb)
81#define PEM_read_PKCS7(fp,x,cb)
82#define PEM_read_DHparams(fp,x,cb)
83#define PEM_read_bio_SSL_SESSION(bp,x,cb)
84#define PEM_read_bio_X509(bp,x,cb)
85#define PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ(bp,x,cb)
86#define PEM_read_bio_X509_CRL(bp,x,cb)
87#define PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(bp,x,cb)
88#define PEM_read_bio_DSAPrivateKey(bp,x,cb)
89#define PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(bp,x,cb)
90#define PEM_read_bio_PKCS7(bp,x,cb)
91#define PEM_read_bio_DHparams(bp,x,cb)
92int i2d_Netscape_RSA(RSA *a, unsigned char **pp, int (*cb)());
93RSA *d2i_Netscape_RSA(RSA **a, unsigned char **pp, long length, int (*cb)());
95Now you will notice that macros like
96#define PEM_write_X509(fp,x) \
97 PEM_ASN1_write((int (*)())i2d_X509,PEM_STRING_X509,fp, \
98 (char *)x, NULL,NULL,0,NULL)
99Don't do encryption normally. If you want to PEM encrypt your X509 structure,
100either just call PEM_ASN1_write directly or just define you own
101macro variant. As you can see, this macro just sets all encryption related
102parameters to NULL.
106The SSL library.
108#define SSL_set_info_callback(ssl,cb)
109#define SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(ctx,cb)
110void callback(SSL *ssl,int location,int ret)
111This callback is called each time around the SSL_connect()/SSL_accept()
112state machine. So it will be called each time the SSL protocol progresses.
113It is mostly present for use when debugging. When SSL_connect() or
114SSL_accept() return, the location flag is SSL_CB_ACCEPT_EXIT or
115SSL_CB_CONNECT_EXIT and 'ret' is the value about to be returned.
116Have a look at the SSL_CB_* defines in ssl.h. If an info callback is defined
117against the SSL_CTX, it is called unless there is one set against the SSL.
118Have a look at
119void client_info_callback() in apps/s_client() for an example.
121Certificate verification.
122void SSL_set_verify(SSL *s, int mode, int (*callback) ());
123void SSL_CTX_set_verify(SSL_CTX *ctx,int mode,int (*callback)());
124This callback is used to help verify client and server X509 certificates.
125It is actually passed to X509_cert_verify(), along with the SSL structure
126so you have to read about X509_cert_verify() :-). The SSL_CTX version is used
127if the SSL version is not defined. X509_cert_verify() is the function used
128by the SSL part of the library to verify certificates. This function is
129nearly always defined by the application.
131void SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(),char *arg);
132int callback(char *arg,SSL *s,X509 *xs,STACK *cert_chain);
133This call is used to replace the SSLeay certificate verification code.
134The 'arg' is kept in the SSL_CTX and is passed to the callback.
135If the callback returns 0, the certificate is rejected, otherwise it
136is accepted. The callback is replacing the X509_cert_verify() call.
137This feature is not often used, but if you wished to implement
138some totally different certificate authentication system, this 'hook' is
141SSLeay keeps a cache of session-ids against each SSL_CTX. These callbacks can
142be used to notify the application when a SSL_SESSION is added to the cache
143or to retrieve a SSL_SESSION that is not in the cache from the application.
144#define SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb(ctx,cb)
145SSL_SESSION *callback(SSL *s,char *session_id,int session_id_len,int *copy);
146If defined, this callback is called to return the SESSION_ID for the
147session-id in 'session_id', of 'session_id_len' bytes. 'copy' is set to 1
148if the server is to 'take a copy' of the SSL_SESSION structure. It is 0
149if the SSL_SESSION is being 'passed in' so the SSLeay library is now
150responsible for 'free()ing' the structure. Basically it is used to indicate
151if the reference count on the SSL_SESSION structure needs to be incremented.
153#define SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb(ctx,cb)
154int callback(SSL *s, SSL_SESSION *sess);
155When a new connection is established, if the SSL_SESSION is going to be added
156to the cache, this callback is called. Return 1 if a 'copy' is required,
157otherwise, return 0. This return value just causes the reference count
158to be incremented (on return of a 1), this means the application does
159not need to worry about incrementing the refernece count (and the
160locking that implies in a multi-threaded application).
162void SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx,int (*cb)());
163This sets the SSL password reading function.
164It is mostly used for windowing applications
165and used by PEM_read_bio_X509() and PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey()
166calls inside the SSL library. The only reason this is present is because the
167calls to PEM_* functions is hidden in the SSLeay library so you have to
168pass in the callback some how.
170#define SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb(ctx,cb)
171int callback(SSL *s,X509 **x509, EVP_PKEY **pkey);
172Called when a client certificate is requested but there is not one set
173against the SSL_CTX or the SSL. If the callback returns 1, x509 and
174pkey need to point to valid data. The library will free these when
175required so if the application wants to keep these around, increment
176their reference counts. If 0 is returned, no client cert is
177available. If -1 is returned, it is assumed that the callback needs
178to be called again at a later point in time. SSL_connect will return
179-1 and SSL_want_x509_lookup(ssl) returns true. Remember that
180application data can be attached to an SSL structure via the
181SSL_set_app_data(SSL *ssl,char *data) call.
184The X509 library.
186int X509_cert_verify(CERTIFICATE_CTX *ctx,X509 *xs, int (*cb)(),
187 int *error,char *arg,STACK *cert_chain);
188int verify_callback(int ok,X509 *xs,X509 *xi,int depth,int error,char *arg,
189 STACK *cert_chain);
191X509_cert_verify() is used to authenticate X509 certificates. The 'ctx' holds
192the details of the various caches and files used to locate certificates.
193'xs' is the certificate to verify and 'cb' is the application callback (more
194detail later). 'error' will be set to the error code and 'arg' is passed
195to the 'cb' callback. Look at the VERIFY_* defines in crypto/x509/x509.h
197When ever X509_cert_verify() makes a 'negative' decision about a
198certitificate, the callback is called. If everything checks out, the
199callback is called with 'VERIFY_OK' or 'VERIFY_ROOT_OK' (for a self
200signed cert that is not the passed certificate).
202The callback is passed the X509_cert_verify opinion of the certificate
203in 'ok', the certificate in 'xs', the issuer certificate in 'xi',
204the 'depth' of the certificate in the verification 'chain', the
205VERIFY_* code in 'error' and the argument passed to X509_cert_verify()
206in 'arg'. cert_chain is a list of extra certs to use if they are not
207in the cache.
209The callback can be used to look at the error reason, and then return 0
210for an 'error' or '1' for ok. This will override the X509_cert_verify()
211opinion of the certificates validity. Processing will continue depending on
212the return value. If one just wishes to use the callback for informational
213reason, just return the 'ok' parameter.
216The BN and DH library.
218BIGNUM *BN_generate_prime(int bits,int strong,BIGNUM *add,
219 BIGNUM *rem,void (*callback)(int,int));
220int BN_is_prime(BIGNUM *p,int nchecks,void (*callback)(int,int),
222Read doc/bn.doc for the description of these 2.
224DH *DH_generate_parameters(int prime_len,int generator,
225 void (*callback)(int,int));
226Read doc/bn.doc for the description of the callback, since it is just passed
227to BN_generate_prime(), except that it is also called as
228callback(3,0) by this function.
231The CRYPTO library.
233void CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(void (*func)(int mode,int type,char *file,
234 int line));
235void CRYPTO_set_add_lock_callback(int (*func)(int *num,int mount,
236 int type,char *file, int line));
237void CRYPTO_set_id_callback(unsigned long (*func)(void));
239Read threads.doc for info on these ones.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/cipher.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/cipher.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d49ba78c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/cipher.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
1The Cipher subroutines.
3These routines require "evp.h" to be included.
5These functions are a higher level interface to the various cipher
6routines found in this library. As such, they allow the same code to be
7used to encrypt and decrypt via different ciphers with only a change
8in an initial parameter. These routines also provide buffering for block
11These routines all take a pointer to the following structure to specify
12which cipher to use. If you wish to use a new cipher with these routines,
13you would probably be best off looking an how an existing cipher is
14implemented and copying it. At this point in time, I'm not going to go
15into many details. This structure should be considered opaque
17typedef struct pem_cipher_st
18 {
19 int type;
20 int block_size;
21 int key_len;
22 int iv_len;
23 void (*enc_init)(); /* init for encryption */
24 void (*dec_init)(); /* init for decryption */
25 void (*do_cipher)(); /* encrypt data */
28The type field is the object NID of the cipher type
29(read the section on Objects for an explanation of what a NID is).
30The cipher block_size is how many bytes need to be passed
31to the cipher at a time. Key_len is the
32length of the key the cipher requires and iv_len is the length of the
33initialisation vector required. enc_init is the function
34called to initialise the ciphers context for encryption and dec_init is the
35function to initialise for decryption (they need to be different, especially
36for the IDEA cipher).
38One reason for specifying the Cipher via a pointer to a structure
39is that if you only use des-cbc, only the des-cbc routines will
40be included when you link the program. If you passed an integer
41that specified which cipher to use, the routine that mapped that
42integer to a set of cipher functions would cause all the ciphers
43to be link into the code. This setup also allows new ciphers
44to be added by the application (with some restrictions).
46The thirteen ciphers currently defined in this library are
48EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_ecb(); /* DES in ecb mode, iv=0, block=8, key= 8 */
49EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_ede(); /* DES in ecb ede mode, iv=0, block=8, key=16 */
50EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_ede3(); /* DES in ecb ede mode, iv=0, block=8, key=24 */
51EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_cfb(); /* DES in cfb mode, iv=8, block=1, key= 8 */
52EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_ede_cfb(); /* DES in ede cfb mode, iv=8, block=1, key=16 */
53EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_ede3_cfb();/* DES in ede cfb mode, iv=8, block=1, key=24 */
54EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_ofb(); /* DES in ofb mode, iv=8, block=1, key= 8 */
55EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_ede_ofb(); /* DES in ede ofb mode, iv=8, block=1, key=16 */
56EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_ede3_ofb();/* DES in ede ofb mode, iv=8, block=1, key=24 */
57EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_cbc(); /* DES in cbc mode, iv=8, block=8, key= 8 */
58EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_ede_cbc(); /* DES in cbc ede mode, iv=8, block=8, key=16 */
59EVP_CIPHER *EVP_des_ede3_cbc();/* DES in cbc ede mode, iv=8, block=8, key=24 */
60EVP_CIPHER *EVP_desx_cbc(); /* DES in desx cbc mode,iv=8, block=8, key=24 */
61EVP_CIPHER *EVP_rc4(); /* RC4, iv=0, block=1, key=16 */
62EVP_CIPHER *EVP_idea_ecb(); /* IDEA in ecb mode, iv=0, block=8, key=16 */
63EVP_CIPHER *EVP_idea_cfb(); /* IDEA in cfb mode, iv=8, block=1, key=16 */
64EVP_CIPHER *EVP_idea_ofb(); /* IDEA in ofb mode, iv=8, block=1, key=16 */
65EVP_CIPHER *EVP_idea_cbc(); /* IDEA in cbc mode, iv=8, block=8, key=16 */
66EVP_CIPHER *EVP_rc2_ecb(); /* RC2 in ecb mode, iv=0, block=8, key=16 */
67EVP_CIPHER *EVP_rc2_cfb(); /* RC2 in cfb mode, iv=8, block=1, key=16 */
68EVP_CIPHER *EVP_rc2_ofb(); /* RC2 in ofb mode, iv=8, block=1, key=16 */
69EVP_CIPHER *EVP_rc2_cbc(); /* RC2 in cbc mode, iv=8, block=8, key=16 */
70EVP_CIPHER *EVP_bf_ecb(); /* Blowfish in ecb mode,iv=0, block=8, key=16 */
71EVP_CIPHER *EVP_bf_cfb(); /* Blowfish in cfb mode,iv=8, block=1, key=16 */
72EVP_CIPHER *EVP_bf_ofb(); /* Blowfish in ofb mode,iv=8, block=1, key=16 */
73EVP_CIPHER *EVP_bf_cbc(); /* Blowfish in cbc mode,iv=8, block=8, key=16 */
75The meaning of the compound names is as follows.
76des The base cipher is DES.
77idea The base cipher is IDEA
78rc4 The base cipher is RC4-128
79rc2 The base cipher is RC2-128
80ecb Electronic Code Book form of the cipher.
81cbc Cipher Block Chaining form of the cipher.
82cfb 64 bit Cipher Feedback form of the cipher.
83ofb 64 bit Output Feedback form of the cipher.
84ede The cipher is used in Encrypt, Decrypt, Encrypt mode. The first
85 and last keys are the same.
86ede3 The cipher is used in Encrypt, Decrypt, Encrypt mode.
88All the Cipher routines take a EVP_CIPHER_CTX pointer as an argument.
89The state of the cipher is kept in this structure.
91typedef struct EVP_CIPHER_Ctx_st
92 {
93 EVP_CIPHER *cipher;
94 int encrypt; /* encrypt or decrypt */
95 int buf_len; /* number we have left */
96 unsigned char buf[8];
97 union {
98 .... /* cipher specific stuff */
99 } c;
102Cipher is a pointer the the EVP_CIPHER for the current context. The encrypt
103flag indicates encryption or decryption. buf_len is the number of bytes
104currently being held in buf.
105The 'c' union holds the cipher specify context.
107The following functions are to be used.
109int EVP_read_pw_string(
110char *buf,
111int len,
112char *prompt,
113int verify,
114 This function is the same as des_read_pw_string() (des.doc).
116void EVP_set_pw_prompt(char *prompt);
117 This function sets the 'default' prompt to use to use in
118 EVP_read_pw_string when the prompt parameter is NULL. If the
119 prompt parameter is NULL, this 'default prompt' feature is turned
120 off. Be warned, this is a global variable so weird things
121 will happen if it is used under Win16 and care must be taken
122 with a multi-threaded version of the library.
124char *EVP_get_pw_prompt();
125 This returns a pointer to the default prompt string. NULL
126 if it is not set.
128int EVP_BytesToKey(
129EVP_CIPHER *type,
130EVP_MD *md,
131unsigned char *salt,
132unsigned char *data,
133int datal,
134int count,
135unsigned char *key,
136unsigned char *iv);
137 This function is used to generate a key and an initialisation vector
138 for a specified cipher from a key string and a salt. Type
139 specifies the cipher the 'key' is being generated for. Md is the
140 message digest algorithm to use to generate the key and iv. The salt
141 is an optional 8 byte object that is used to help seed the key
142 generator.
143 If the salt value is NULL, it is just not used. Datal is the
144 number of bytes to use from 'data' in the key generation.
145 This function returns the key size for the specified cipher, if
146 data is NULL, this value is returns and no other
147 computation is performed. Count is
148 the number of times to loop around the key generator. I would
149 suggest leaving it's value as 1. Key and iv are the structures to
150 place the returning iv and key in. If they are NULL, no value is
151 generated for that particular value.
152 The algorithm used is as follows
154 /* M[] is an array of message digests
155 * MD() is the message digest function */
156 M[0]=MD(data . salt);
157 for (i=1; i<count; i++) M[0]=MD(M[0]);
159 i=1
160 while (data still needed for key and iv)
161 {
162 M[i]=MD(M[i-1] . data . salt);
163 for (i=1; i<count; i++) M[i]=MD(M[i]);
164 i++;
165 }
167 If the salt is NULL, it is not used.
168 The digests are concatenated together.
169 M = M[0] . M[1] . M[2] .......
171 For key= 8, iv=8 => key=M[0.. 8], iv=M[ 9 .. 16].
172 For key=16, iv=0 => key=M[0..16].
173 For key=16, iv=8 => key=M[0..16], iv=M[17 .. 24].
174 For key=24, iv=8 => key=M[0..24], iv=M[25 .. 32].
176 This routine will produce DES-CBC keys and iv that are compatible
177 with the PKCS-5 standard when md2 or md5 are used. If md5 is
178 used, the salt is NULL and count is 1, this routine will produce
179 the password to key mapping normally used with RC4.
180 I have attempted to logically extend the PKCS-5 standard to
181 generate keys and iv for ciphers that require more than 16 bytes,
182 if anyone knows what the correct standard is, please inform me.
183 When using sha or sha1, things are a bit different under this scheme,
184 since sha produces a 20 byte digest. So for ciphers requiring
185 24 bits of data, 20 will come from the first MD and 4 will
186 come from the second.
188 I have considered having a separate function so this 'routine'
189 can be used without the requirement of passing a EVP_CIPHER *,
190 but I have decided to not bother. If you wish to use the
191 function without official EVP_CIPHER structures, just declare
192 a local one and set the key_len and iv_len fields to the
193 length you desire.
195The following routines perform encryption and decryption 'by parts'. By
196this I mean that there are groups of 3 routines. An Init function that is
197used to specify a cipher and initialise data structures. An Update routine
198that does encryption/decryption, one 'chunk' at a time. And finally a
199'Final' function that finishes the encryption/decryption process.
200All these functions take a EVP_CIPHER pointer to specify which cipher to
201encrypt/decrypt with. They also take a EVP_CIPHER_CTX object as an
202argument. This structure is used to hold the state information associated
203with the operation in progress.
205void EVP_EncryptInit(
207EVP_CIPHER *type,
208unsigned char *key,
209unsigned char *iv);
210 This function initialise a EVP_CIPHER_CTX for encryption using the
211 cipher passed in the 'type' field. The cipher is initialised to use
212 'key' as the key and 'iv' for the initialisation vector (if one is
213 required). If the type, key or iv is NULL, the value currently in the
214 EVP_CIPHER_CTX is reused. So to perform several decrypt
215 using the same cipher, key and iv, initialise with the cipher,
216 key and iv the first time and then for subsequent calls,
217 reuse 'ctx' but pass NULL for type, key and iv. You must make sure
218 to pass a key that is large enough for a particular cipher. I
219 would suggest using the EVP_BytesToKey() function.
221void EVP_EncryptUpdate(
223unsigned char *out,
224int *outl,
225unsigned char *in,
226int inl);
227 This function takes 'inl' bytes from 'in' and outputs bytes
228 encrypted by the cipher 'ctx' was initialised with into 'out'. The
229 number of bytes written to 'out' is put into outl. If a particular
230 cipher encrypts in blocks, less or more bytes than input may be
231 output. Currently the largest block size used by supported ciphers
232 is 8 bytes, so 'out' should have room for 'inl+7' bytes. Normally
233 EVP_EncryptInit() is called once, followed by lots and lots of
234 calls to EVP_EncryptUpdate, followed by a single EVP_EncryptFinal
235 call.
237void EVP_EncryptFinal(
239unsigned char *out,
240int *outl);
241 Because quite a large number of ciphers are block ciphers, there is
242 often an incomplete block to write out at the end of the
243 encryption. EVP_EncryptFinal() performs processing on this last
244 block. The last block in encoded in such a way that it is possible
245 to determine how many bytes in the last block are valid. For 8 byte
246 block size ciphers, if only 5 bytes in the last block are valid, the
247 last three bytes will be filled with the value 3. If only 2 were
248 valid, the other 6 would be filled with sixes. If all 8 bytes are
249 valid, a extra 8 bytes are appended to the cipher stream containing
250 nothing but 8 eights. These last bytes are output into 'out' and
251 the number of bytes written is put into 'outl' These last bytes
252 are output into 'out' and the number of bytes written is put into
253 'outl'. This form of block cipher finalisation is compatible with
254 PKCS-5. Please remember that even if you are using ciphers like
255 RC4 that has no blocking and so the function will not write
256 anything into 'out', it would still be a good idea to pass a
257 variable for 'out' that can hold 8 bytes just in case the cipher is
258 changed some time in the future. It should also be remembered
259 that the EVP_CIPHER_CTX contains the password and so when one has
260 finished encryption with a particular EVP_CIPHER_CTX, it is good
261 practice to zero the structure
262 (ie. memset(ctx,0,sizeof(EVP_CIPHER_CTX)).
264void EVP_DecryptInit(
266EVP_CIPHER *type,
267unsigned char *key,
268unsigned char *iv);
269 This function is basically the same as EVP_EncryptInit() accept that
270 is prepares the EVP_CIPHER_CTX for decryption.
272void EVP_DecryptUpdate(
274unsigned char *out,
275int *outl,
276unsigned char *in,
277int inl);
278 This function is basically the same as EVP_EncryptUpdate()
279 except that it performs decryption. There is one
280 fundamental difference though. 'out' can not be the same as
281 'in' for any ciphers with a block size greater than 1 if more
282 than one call to EVP_DecryptUpdate() will be made. This
283 is because this routine can hold a 'partial' block between
284 calls. When a partial block is decrypted (due to more bytes
285 being passed via this function, they will be written to 'out'
286 overwriting the input bytes in 'in' that have not been read
287 yet. From this it should also be noted that 'out' should
288 be at least one 'block size' larger than 'inl'. This problem
289 only occurs on the second and subsequent call to
290 EVP_DecryptUpdate() when using a block cipher.
292int EVP_DecryptFinal(
294unsigned char *out,
295int *outl);
296 This function is different to EVP_EncryptFinal in that it 'removes'
297 any padding bytes appended when the data was encrypted. Due to the
298 way in which 1 to 8 bytes may have been appended when encryption
299 using a block cipher, 'out' can end up with 0 to 7 bytes being put
300 into it. When decoding the padding bytes, it is possible to detect
301 an incorrect decryption. If the decryption appears to be wrong, 0
302 is returned. If everything seems ok, 1 is returned. For ciphers
303 with a block size of 1 (RC4), this function would normally not
304 return any bytes and would always return 1. Just because this
305 function returns 1 does not mean the decryption was correct. It
306 would normally be wrong due to either the wrong key/iv or
307 corruption of the cipher data fed to EVP_DecryptUpdate().
308 As for EVP_EncryptFinal, it is a good idea to zero the
309 EVP_CIPHER_CTX after use since the structure contains the key used
310 to decrypt the data.
312The following Cipher routines are convenience routines that call either
313EVP_EncryptXxx or EVP_DecryptXxx depending on weather the EVP_CIPHER_CTX
314was setup to encrypt or decrypt.
316void EVP_CipherInit(
318EVP_CIPHER *type,
319unsigned char *key,
320unsigned char *iv,
321int enc);
322 This function take arguments that are the same as EVP_EncryptInit()
323 and EVP_DecryptInit() except for the extra 'enc' flag. If 1, the
324 EVP_CIPHER_CTX is setup for encryption, if 0, decryption.
326void EVP_CipherUpdate(
328unsigned char *out,
329int *outl,
330unsigned char *in,
331int inl);
332 Again this function calls either EVP_EncryptUpdate() or
333 EVP_DecryptUpdate() depending on state in the 'ctx' structure.
334 As noted for EVP_DecryptUpdate(), when this routine is used
335 for decryption with block ciphers, 'out' should not be the
336 same as 'in'.
338int EVP_CipherFinal(
340unsigned char *outm,
341int *outl);
342 This routine call EVP_EncryptFinal() or EVP_DecryptFinal()
343 depending on the state information in 'ctx'. 1 is always returned
344 if the mode is encryption, otherwise the return value is the return
345 value of EVP_DecryptFinal().
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1From Tue Oct 15 18:16:14 1996
2Received: from by with SMTP id AA11550
3 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for eay); Tue, 15 Oct 1996 08:17:41 +1000
4Received: (from daemon@localhost) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) id IAA12472 for ssl-users-outgoing; Tue, 15 Oct 1996 08:16:35 +1000 (EST)
5Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id IAA12463 for <>; Tue, 15 Oct 1996 08:16:32 +1000 (EST)
6Received: by id AA11544
7 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for; Tue, 15 Oct 1996 08:16:15 +1000
8Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 08:16:14 +1000 (EST)
9From: Eric Young <>
10X-Sender: eay@orb
11To: Roland Haring <>
13Subject: Re: Symmetric encryption with ssleay
14In-Reply-To: <>
15Message-Id: <Pine.SOL.3.91.961015075623.11394A-100000@orb>
16Mime-Version: 1.0
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20Status: RO
24On Fri, 11 Oct 1996, Roland Haring wrote:
26> Would somebody be so kind to give me the minimum basic
27> calls I need to do to libcrypto.a to get some text encrypted
28> and decrypted again? ...hopefully with code included to do
29> base64 encryption and decryption ... e.g. that sign-it.c code
30> posted some while ago was a big help :-) (please, do not point
31> me to apps/enc.c where I suspect my Heissenbug to be hidden :-)
33Ok, the base64 encoding stuff in 'enc.c' does the wrong thing sometimes
34when the data is less than a line long (this is for decoding). I'll dig
35up the exact fix today and post it. I am taking longer on 0.6.5 than I
36intended so I'll just post this patch.
38The documentation to read is in
40doc/encode.doc (very sparse :-).
41and perhaps
44The basic calls to encrypt with say triple DES are
47char key[EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH];
48char iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH];
50unsigned char out[512+8];
51int outl;
53/* optional generation of key/iv data from text password using md5
54 * via an upward compatable verson of PKCS#5. */
56 key,iv);
58/* Initalise the EVP_CIPHER_CTX */
61while (....)
62 {
63 /* This is processing 512 bytes at a time, the bytes are being
64 * copied into 'out', outl bytes are output. 'out' should not be the
65 * same as 'in' for reasons mentioned in the documentation. */
66 EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx,out,&outl,in,512);
67 }
69/* Output the last 'block'. If the cipher is a block cipher, the last
70 * block is encoded in such a way so that a wrong decryption will normally be
71 * detected - again, one of the PKCS standards. */
75To decrypt, use the EVP_DecryptXXXXX functions except that EVP_DecryptFinal()
76will return 0 if the decryption fails (only detectable on block ciphers).
78You can also use
82which does either encryption or decryption depending on an extra
83parameter to EVP_CipherInit().
86To do the base64 encoding,
95where the encoding is quite simple, but the decoding can be a bit more
96fun (due to dud input).
98EVP_DecodeUpdate() returns -1 for an error on an input line, 0 if the
99'last line' was just processed, and 1 if more lines should be submitted.
101EVP_DecodeFinal() returns -1 for an error or 1 if things are ok.
103So the loop becomes
105for (;;)
106 {
107 i=EVP_DecodeUpdate(....);
108 if (i < 0) goto err;
110 /* process the data */
112 if (i == 0) break;
113 }
115/* process the data */
117The problem in 'enc.c' is that I was stuff the processing up after the
118EVP_DecodeFinal(...) when the for(..) loop was not being run (one line of
119base64 data) and this was because 'enc.c' tries to scan over a file until
120it hits the first valid base64 encoded line.
122hope this helps a bit.
125Eric Young | BOOL is tri-state according to Bill Gates.
126AARNet: | RTFM Win32 GetMessage().
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/conf.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/conf.doc
new file mode 100644
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1The CONF library.
3The CONF library is a simple set of routines that can be used to configure
4programs. It is a superset of the genenv() function with some extra
7The library consists of 5 functions.
9LHASH *CONF_load(LHASH *config,char *file);
10This function is called to load in a configuration file. Multiple
11configuration files can be loaded, with each subsequent 'load' overwriting
12any already defined 'variables'. If there is an error, NULL is returned.
13If config is NULL, a new LHASH structure is created and returned, otherwise
14the new data in the 'file' is loaded into the 'config' structure.
16void CONF_free(LHASH *config);
17This function free()s the data in config.
19char *CONF_get_string(LHASH *config,char *section,char *name);
20This function returns the string found in 'config' that corresponds to the
21'section' and 'name' specified. Classes and the naming system used will be
22discussed later in this document. If the variable is not defined, an NULL
23is returned.
25long CONF_get_long(LHASH *config,char *section, char *name);
26This function is the same as CONF_get_string() except that it converts the
27string to an long and returns it. If variable is not a number or the
28variable does not exist, 0 is returned. This is a little problematic but I
29don't know of a simple way around it.
31STACK *CONF_get_section(LHASH *config, char *section);
32This function returns a 'stack' of CONF_VALUE items that are all the
33items defined in a particular section. DO NOT free() any of the
34variable returned. They will disappear when CONF_free() is called.
36The 'lookup' model.
37The configuration file is divided into 'sections'. Each section is started by
38a line of the form '[ section ]'. All subsequent variable definitions are
39of this section. A variable definition is a simple alpha-numeric name
40followed by an '=' and then the data. A section or variable name can be
41described by a regular expression of the following form '[A-Za-z0-9_]+'.
42The value of the variable is the text after the '=' until the end of the
43line, stripped of leading and trailing white space.
44At this point I should mention that a '#' is a comment character, \ is the
45escape character, and all three types of quote can be used to stop any
46special interpretation of the data.
47Now when the data is being loaded, variable expansion can occur. This is
48done by expanding any $NAME sequences into the value represented by the
49variable NAME. If the variable is not in the current section, the different
50section can be specified by using the $SECTION::NAME form. The ${NAME} form
51also works and is very useful for expanding variables inside strings.
53When a variable is looked up, there are 2 special section. 'default', which
54is the initial section, and 'ENV' which is the processes environment
55variables (accessed via getenv()). When a variable is looked up, it is
56first 'matched' with it's section (if one was specified), if this fails, the
57'default' section is matched.
58If the 'lhash' variable passed was NULL, the environment is searched.
60Now why do we bother with sections? So we can have multiple programs using
61the same configuration file, or multiple instances of the same program
62using different variables. It also provides a nice mechanism to override
63the processes environment variables (eg ENV::HOME=/tmp). If there is a
64program specific variable missing, we can have default values.
65Multiple configuration files can be loaded, with each new value clearing
66any predefined values. A system config file can provide 'default' values,
67and application/usr specific files can provide overriding values.
71# This is a simple example
72SSLEAY_HOME = /usr/local/ssl
73ENV::PATH = $SSLEAY_HOME/bin:$PATH # override my path
76cert_dir = $SSLEAY_HOME/certs # /usr/local/ssl/certs
80USER_CERT = $HOME/${USER}di'r 5' # /home/eay/eaydir 5
81USER_CERT = $HOME/\${USER}di\'r # /home/eay/${USER}di'r
82USER_CERT = "$HOME/${US"ER}di\'r # $HOME/${USER}di'r
84TEST = 1234\
869ab # TEST=123456789ab
87TTT = 1234\n\n # TTT=1234<nl><nl>
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/des.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/des.doc
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1The DES library.
3Please note that this library was originally written to operate with
4eBones, a version of Kerberos that had had encryption removed when it left
5the USA and then put back in. As such there are some routines that I will
6advise not using but they are still in the library for historical reasons.
7For all calls that have an 'input' and 'output' variables, they can be the
10This library requires the inclusion of 'des.h'.
12All of the encryption functions take what is called a des_key_schedule as an
13argument. A des_key_schedule is an expanded form of the des key.
14A des_key is 8 bytes of odd parity, the type used to hold the key is a
15des_cblock. A des_cblock is an array of 8 bytes, often in this library
16description I will refer to input bytes when the function specifies
17des_cblock's as input or output, this just means that the variable should
18be a multiple of 8 bytes.
20The define DES_ENCRYPT is passed to specify encryption, DES_DECRYPT to
21specify decryption. The functions and global variable are as follows:
23int des_check_key;
24 DES keys are supposed to be odd parity. If this variable is set to
25 a non-zero value, des_set_key() will check that the key has odd
26 parity and is not one of the known weak DES keys. By default this
27 variable is turned off;
29void des_set_odd_parity(
30des_cblock *key );
31 This function takes a DES key (8 bytes) and sets the parity to odd.
33int des_is_weak_key(
34des_cblock *key );
35 This function returns a non-zero value if the DES key passed is a
36 weak, DES key. If it is a weak key, don't use it, try a different
37 one. If you are using 'random' keys, the chances of hitting a weak
38 key are 1/2^52 so it is probably not worth checking for them.
40int des_set_key(
41des_cblock *key,
42des_key_schedule schedule);
43 Des_set_key converts an 8 byte DES key into a des_key_schedule.
44 A des_key_schedule is an expanded form of the key which is used to
45 perform actual encryption. It can be regenerated from the DES key
46 so it only needs to be kept when encryption or decryption is about
47 to occur. Don't save or pass around des_key_schedule's since they
48 are CPU architecture dependent, DES keys are not. If des_check_key
49 is non zero, zero is returned if the key has the wrong parity or
50 the key is a weak key, else 1 is returned.
52int des_key_sched(
53des_cblock *key,
54des_key_schedule schedule);
55 An alternative name for des_set_key().
57int des_rw_mode; /* defaults to DES_PCBC_MODE */
58 This flag holds either DES_CBC_MODE or DES_PCBC_MODE (default).
59 This specifies the function to use in the enc_read() and enc_write()
60 functions.
62void des_encrypt(
63unsigned long *data,
64des_key_schedule ks,
65int enc);
66 This is the DES encryption function that gets called by just about
67 every other DES routine in the library. You should not use this
68 function except to implement 'modes' of DES. I say this because the
69 functions that call this routine do the conversion from 'char *' to
70 long, and this needs to be done to make sure 'non-aligned' memory
71 access do not occur. The characters are loaded 'little endian',
72 have a look at my source code for more details on how I use this
73 function.
74 Data is a pointer to 2 unsigned long's and ks is the
75 des_key_schedule to use. enc, is non zero specifies encryption,
76 zero if decryption.
78void des_encrypt2(
79unsigned long *data,
80des_key_schedule ks,
81int enc);
82 This functions is the same as des_encrypt() except that the DES
83 initial permutation (IP) and final permutation (FP) have been left
84 out. As for des_encrypt(), you should not use this function.
85 It is used by the routines in my library that implement triple DES.
86 IP() des_encrypt2() des_encrypt2() des_encrypt2() FP() is the same
87 as des_encrypt() des_encrypt() des_encrypt() except faster :-).
89void des_ecb_encrypt(
90des_cblock *input,
91des_cblock *output,
92des_key_schedule ks,
93int enc);
94 This is the basic Electronic Code Book form of DES, the most basic
95 form. Input is encrypted into output using the key represented by
96 ks. If enc is non zero (DES_ENCRYPT), encryption occurs, otherwise
97 decryption occurs. Input is 8 bytes long and output is 8 bytes.
98 (the des_cblock structure is 8 chars).
100void des_ecb3_encrypt(
101des_cblock *input,
102des_cblock *output,
103des_key_schedule ks1,
104des_key_schedule ks2,
105des_key_schedule ks3,
106int enc);
107 This is the 3 key EDE mode of ECB DES. What this means is that
108 the 8 bytes of input is encrypted with ks1, decrypted with ks2 and
109 then encrypted again with ks3, before being put into output;
110 C=E(ks3,D(ks2,E(ks1,M))). There is a macro, des_ecb2_encrypt()
111 that only takes 2 des_key_schedules that implements,
112 C=E(ks1,D(ks2,E(ks1,M))) in that the final encrypt is done with ks1.
114void des_cbc_encrypt(
115des_cblock *input,
116des_cblock *output,
117long length,
118des_key_schedule ks,
119des_cblock *ivec,
120int enc);
121 This routine implements DES in Cipher Block Chaining mode.
122 Input, which should be a multiple of 8 bytes is encrypted
123 (or decrypted) to output which will also be a multiple of 8 bytes.
124 The number of bytes is in length (and from what I've said above,
125 should be a multiple of 8). If length is not a multiple of 8, I'm
126 not being held responsible :-). ivec is the initialisation vector.
127 This function does not modify this variable. To correctly implement
128 cbc mode, you need to do one of 2 things; copy the last 8 bytes of
129 cipher text for use as the next ivec in your application,
130 or use des_ncbc_encrypt().
131 Only this routine has this problem with updating the ivec, all
132 other routines that are implementing cbc mode update ivec.
134void des_ncbc_encrypt(
135des_cblock *input,
136des_cblock *output,
137long length,
138des_key_schedule sk,
139des_cblock *ivec,
140int enc);
141 For historical reasons, des_cbc_encrypt() did not update the
142 ivec with the value requires so that subsequent calls to
143 des_cbc_encrypt() would 'chain'. This was needed so that the same
144 'length' values would not need to be used when decrypting.
145 des_ncbc_encrypt() does the right thing. It is the same as
146 des_cbc_encrypt accept that ivec is updates with the correct value
147 to pass in subsequent calls to des_ncbc_encrypt(). I advise using
148 des_ncbc_encrypt() instead of des_cbc_encrypt();
150void des_xcbc_encrypt(
151des_cblock *input,
152des_cblock *output,
153long length,
154des_key_schedule sk,
155des_cblock *ivec,
156des_cblock *inw,
157des_cblock *outw,
158int enc);
159 This is RSA's DESX mode of DES. It uses inw and outw to
160 'whiten' the encryption. inw and outw are secret (unlike the iv)
161 and are as such, part of the key. So the key is sort of 24 bytes.
162 This is much better than cbc des.
164void des_3cbc_encrypt(
165des_cblock *input,
166des_cblock *output,
167long length,
168des_key_schedule sk1,
169des_key_schedule sk2,
170des_cblock *ivec1,
171des_cblock *ivec2,
172int enc);
173 This function is flawed, do not use it. I have left it in the
174 library because it is used in my des(1) program and will function
175 correctly when used by des(1). If I removed the function, people
176 could end up unable to decrypt files.
177 This routine implements outer triple cbc encryption using 2 ks and
178 2 ivec's. Use des_ede2_cbc_encrypt() instead.
180void des_ede3_cbc_encrypt(
181des_cblock *input,
182des_cblock *output,
183long length,
184des_key_schedule ks1,
185des_key_schedule ks2,
186des_key_schedule ks3,
187des_cblock *ivec,
188int enc);
189 This function implements outer triple CBC DES encryption with 3
190 keys. What this means is that each 'DES' operation
191 inside the cbc mode is really an C=E(ks3,D(ks2,E(ks1,M))).
192 Again, this is cbc mode so an ivec is requires.
193 This mode is used by SSL.
194 There is also a des_ede2_cbc_encrypt() that only uses 2
195 des_key_schedule's, the first being reused for the final
196 encryption. C=E(ks1,D(ks2,E(ks1,M))). This form of triple DES
197 is used by the RSAref library.
199void des_pcbc_encrypt(
200des_cblock *input,
201des_cblock *output,
202long length,
203des_key_schedule ks,
204des_cblock *ivec,
205int enc);
206 This is Propagating Cipher Block Chaining mode of DES. It is used
207 by Kerberos v4. It's parameters are the same as des_ncbc_encrypt().
209void des_cfb_encrypt(
210unsigned char *in,
211unsigned char *out,
212int numbits,
213long length,
214des_key_schedule ks,
215des_cblock *ivec,
216int enc);
217 Cipher Feedback Back mode of DES. This implementation 'feeds back'
218 in numbit blocks. The input (and output) is in multiples of numbits
219 bits. numbits should to be a multiple of 8 bits. Length is the
220 number of bytes input. If numbits is not a multiple of 8 bits,
221 the extra bits in the bytes will be considered padding. So if
222 numbits is 12, for each 2 input bytes, the 4 high bits of the
223 second byte will be ignored. So to encode 72 bits when using
224 a numbits of 12 take 12 bytes. To encode 72 bits when using
225 numbits of 9 will take 16 bytes. To encode 80 bits when using
226 numbits of 16 will take 10 bytes. etc, etc. This padding will
227 apply to both input and output.
230void des_cfb64_encrypt(
231unsigned char *in,
232unsigned char *out,
233long length,
234des_key_schedule ks,
235des_cblock *ivec,
236int *num,
237int enc);
238 This is one of the more useful functions in this DES library, it
239 implements CFB mode of DES with 64bit feedback. Why is this
240 useful you ask? Because this routine will allow you to encrypt an
241 arbitrary number of bytes, no 8 byte padding. Each call to this
242 routine will encrypt the input bytes to output and then update ivec
243 and num. num contains 'how far' we are though ivec. If this does
244 not make much sense, read more about cfb mode of DES :-).
246void des_ede3_cfb64_encrypt(
247unsigned char *in,
248unsigned char *out,
249long length,
250des_key_schedule ks1,
251des_key_schedule ks2,
252des_key_schedule ks3,
253des_cblock *ivec,
254int *num,
255int enc);
256 Same as des_cfb64_encrypt() accept that the DES operation is
257 triple DES. As usual, there is a macro for
258 des_ede2_cfb64_encrypt() which reuses ks1.
260void des_ofb_encrypt(
261unsigned char *in,
262unsigned char *out,
263int numbits,
264long length,
265des_key_schedule ks,
266des_cblock *ivec);
267 This is a implementation of Output Feed Back mode of DES. It is
268 the same as des_cfb_encrypt() in that numbits is the size of the
269 units dealt with during input and output (in bits).
271void des_ofb64_encrypt(
272unsigned char *in,
273unsigned char *out,
274long length,
275des_key_schedule ks,
276des_cblock *ivec,
277int *num);
278 The same as des_cfb64_encrypt() except that it is Output Feed Back
279 mode.
281void des_ede3_ofb64_encrypt(
282unsigned char *in,
283unsigned char *out,
284long length,
285des_key_schedule ks1,
286des_key_schedule ks2,
287des_key_schedule ks3,
288des_cblock *ivec,
289int *num);
290 Same as des_ofb64_encrypt() accept that the DES operation is
291 triple DES. As usual, there is a macro for
292 des_ede2_ofb64_encrypt() which reuses ks1.
294int des_read_pw_string(
295char *buf,
296int length,
297char *prompt,
298int verify);
299 This routine is used to get a password from the terminal with echo
300 turned off. Buf is where the string will end up and length is the
301 size of buf. Prompt is a string presented to the 'user' and if
302 verify is set, the key is asked for twice and unless the 2 copies
303 match, an error is returned. A return code of -1 indicates a
304 system error, 1 failure due to use interaction, and 0 is success.
306unsigned long des_cbc_cksum(
307des_cblock *input,
308des_cblock *output,
309long length,
310des_key_schedule ks,
311des_cblock *ivec);
312 This function produces an 8 byte checksum from input that it puts in
313 output and returns the last 4 bytes as a long. The checksum is
314 generated via cbc mode of DES in which only the last 8 byes are
315 kept. I would recommend not using this function but instead using
316 the EVP_Digest routines, or at least using MD5 or SHA. This
317 function is used by Kerberos v4 so that is why it stays in the
318 library.
320char *des_fcrypt(
321const char *buf,
322const char *salt
323char *ret);
324 This is my fast version of the unix crypt(3) function. This version
325 takes only a small amount of space relative to other fast
326 crypt() implementations. This is different to the normal crypt
327 in that the third parameter is the buffer that the return value
328 is written into. It needs to be at least 14 bytes long. This
329 function is thread safe, unlike the normal crypt.
331char *crypt(
332const char *buf,
333const char *salt);
334 This function calls des_fcrypt() with a static array passed as the
335 third parameter. This emulates the normal non-thread safe semantics
336 of crypt(3).
338void des_string_to_key(
339char *str,
340des_cblock *key);
341 This function takes str and converts it into a DES key. I would
342 recommend using MD5 instead and use the first 8 bytes of output.
343 When I wrote the first version of these routines back in 1990, MD5
344 did not exist but I feel these routines are still sound. This
345 routines is compatible with the one in MIT's libdes.
347void des_string_to_2keys(
348char *str,
349des_cblock *key1,
350des_cblock *key2);
351 This function takes str and converts it into 2 DES keys.
352 I would recommend using MD5 and using the 16 bytes as the 2 keys.
353 I have nothing against these 2 'string_to_key' routines, it's just
354 that if you say that your encryption key is generated by using the
355 16 bytes of an MD5 hash, every-one knows how you generated your
356 keys.
358int des_read_password(
359des_cblock *key,
360char *prompt,
361int verify);
362 This routine combines des_read_pw_string() with des_string_to_key().
364int des_read_2passwords(
365des_cblock *key1,
366des_cblock *key2,
367char *prompt,
368int verify);
369 This routine combines des_read_pw_string() with des_string_to_2key().
371void des_random_seed(
372des_cblock key);
373 This routine sets a starting point for des_random_key().
375void des_random_key(
376des_cblock ret);
377 This function return a random key. Make sure to 'seed' the random
378 number generator (with des_random_seed()) before using this function.
379 I personally now use a MD5 based random number system.
381int des_enc_read(
382int fd,
383char *buf,
384int len,
385des_key_schedule ks,
386des_cblock *iv);
387 This function will write to a file descriptor the encrypted data
388 from buf. This data will be preceded by a 4 byte 'byte count' and
389 will be padded out to 8 bytes. The encryption is either CBC of
390 PCBC depending on the value of des_rw_mode. If it is DES_PCBC_MODE,
391 pcbc is used, if DES_CBC_MODE, cbc is used. The default is to use
394int des_enc_write(
395int fd,
396char *buf,
397int len,
398des_key_schedule ks,
399des_cblock *iv);
400 This routines read stuff written by des_enc_read() and decrypts it.
401 I have used these routines quite a lot but I don't believe they are
402 suitable for non-blocking io. If you are after a full
403 authentication/encryption over networks, have a look at SSL instead.
405unsigned long des_quad_cksum(
406des_cblock *input,
407des_cblock *output,
408long length,
409int out_count,
410des_cblock *seed);
411 This is a function from Kerberos v4 that is not anything to do with
412 DES but was needed. It is a cksum that is quicker to generate than
413 des_cbc_cksum(); I personally would use MD5 routines now.
415Modes of DES
416Quite a bit of the following information has been taken from
417 AS 2805.5.2
418 Australian Standard
419 Electronic funds transfer - Requirements for interfaces,
420 Part 5.2: Modes of operation for an n-bit block cipher algorithm
421 Appendix A
423There are several different modes in which DES can be used, they are
424as follows.
426Electronic Codebook Mode (ECB) (des_ecb_encrypt())
427- 64 bits are enciphered at a time.
428- The order of the blocks can be rearranged without detection.
429- The same plaintext block always produces the same ciphertext block
430 (for the same key) making it vulnerable to a 'dictionary attack'.
431- An error will only affect one ciphertext block.
433Cipher Block Chaining Mode (CBC) (des_cbc_encrypt())
434- a multiple of 64 bits are enciphered at a time.
435- The CBC mode produces the same ciphertext whenever the same
436 plaintext is encrypted using the same key and starting variable.
437- The chaining operation makes the ciphertext blocks dependent on the
438 current and all preceding plaintext blocks and therefore blocks can not
439 be rearranged.
440- The use of different starting variables prevents the same plaintext
441 enciphering to the same ciphertext.
442- An error will affect the current and the following ciphertext blocks.
444Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB) (des_cfb_encrypt())
445- a number of bits (j) <= 64 are enciphered at a time.
446- The CFB mode produces the same ciphertext whenever the same
447 plaintext is encrypted using the same key and starting variable.
448- The chaining operation makes the ciphertext variables dependent on the
449 current and all preceding variables and therefore j-bit variables are
450 chained together and can not be rearranged.
451- The use of different starting variables prevents the same plaintext
452 enciphering to the same ciphertext.
453- The strength of the CFB mode depends on the size of k (maximal if
454 j == k). In my implementation this is always the case.
455- Selection of a small value for j will require more cycles through
456 the encipherment algorithm per unit of plaintext and thus cause
457 greater processing overheads.
458- Only multiples of j bits can be enciphered.
459- An error will affect the current and the following ciphertext variables.
461Output Feedback Mode (OFB) (des_ofb_encrypt())
462- a number of bits (j) <= 64 are enciphered at a time.
463- The OFB mode produces the same ciphertext whenever the same
464 plaintext enciphered using the same key and starting variable. More
465 over, in the OFB mode the same key stream is produced when the same
466 key and start variable are used. Consequently, for security reasons
467 a specific start variable should be used only once for a given key.
468- The absence of chaining makes the OFB more vulnerable to specific attacks.
469- The use of different start variables values prevents the same
470 plaintext enciphering to the same ciphertext, by producing different
471 key streams.
472- Selection of a small value for j will require more cycles through
473 the encipherment algorithm per unit of plaintext and thus cause
474 greater processing overheads.
475- Only multiples of j bits can be enciphered.
476- OFB mode of operation does not extend ciphertext errors in the
477 resultant plaintext output. Every bit error in the ciphertext causes
478 only one bit to be in error in the deciphered plaintext.
479- OFB mode is not self-synchronising. If the two operation of
480 encipherment and decipherment get out of synchronism, the system needs
481 to be re-initialised.
482- Each re-initialisation should use a value of the start variable
483 different from the start variable values used before with the same
484 key. The reason for this is that an identical bit stream would be
485 produced each time from the same parameters. This would be
486 susceptible to a ' known plaintext' attack.
488Triple ECB Mode (des_ecb3_encrypt())
489- Encrypt with key1, decrypt with key2 and encrypt with key3 again.
490- As for ECB encryption but increases the key length to 168 bits.
491 There are theoretic attacks that can be used that make the effective
492 key length 112 bits, but this attack also requires 2^56 blocks of
493 memory, not very likely, even for the NSA.
494- If both keys are the same it is equivalent to encrypting once with
495 just one key.
496- If the first and last key are the same, the key length is 112 bits.
497 There are attacks that could reduce the key space to 55 bit's but it
498 requires 2^56 blocks of memory.
499- If all 3 keys are the same, this is effectively the same as normal
500 ecb mode.
502Triple CBC Mode (des_ede3_cbc_encrypt())
503- Encrypt with key1, decrypt with key2 and then encrypt with key3.
504- As for CBC encryption but increases the key length to 168 bits with
505 the same restrictions as for triple ecb mode.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/digest.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/digest.doc
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2The Message Digest subroutines.
4These routines require "evp.h" to be included.
6These functions are a higher level interface to the various message digest
7routines found in this library. As such, they allow the same code to be
8used to digest via different algorithms with only a change in an initial
9parameter. They are basically just a front-end to the MD2, MD5, SHA
10and SHA1
13These routines all take a pointer to the following structure to specify
14which message digest algorithm to use.
15typedef struct evp_md_st
16 {
17 int type;
18 int pkey_type;
19 int md_size;
20 void (*init)();
21 void (*update)();
22 void (*final)();
24 int required_pkey_type; /*EVP_PKEY_xxx */
25 int (*sign)();
26 int (*verify)();
27 } EVP_MD;
29If additional message digest algorithms are to be supported, a structure of
30this type needs to be declared and populated and then the Digest routines
31can be used with that algorithm. The type field is the object NID of the
32digest type (read the section on Objects for an explanation). The pkey_type
33is the Object type to use when the a message digest is generated by there
34routines and then is to be signed with the pkey algorithm. Md_size is
35the size of the message digest returned. Init, update
36and final are the relevant functions to perform the message digest function
37by parts. One reason for specifying the message digest to use via this
38mechanism is that if you only use md5, only the md5 routines will
39be included in you linked program. If you passed an integer
40that specified which message digest to use, the routine that mapped that
41integer to a set of message digest functions would cause all the message
42digests functions to be link into the code. This setup also allows new
43message digest functions to be added by the application.
45The six message digests defined in this library are
47EVP_MD *EVP_md2(void); /* RSA sign/verify */
48EVP_MD *EVP_md5(void); /* RSA sign/verify */
49EVP_MD *EVP_sha(void); /* RSA sign/verify */
50EVP_MD *EVP_sha1(void); /* RSA sign/verify */
51EVP_MD *EVP_dss(void); /* DSA sign/verify */
52EVP_MD *EVP_dss1(void); /* DSA sign/verify */
54All the message digest routines take a EVP_MD_CTX pointer as an argument.
55The state of the message digest is kept in this structure.
57typedef struct pem_md_ctx_st
58 {
59 EVP_MD *digest;
60 union {
61 unsigned char base[4]; /* this is used in my library as a
62 * 'pointer' to all union elements
63 * structures. */
64 MD2_CTX md2;
65 MD5_CTX md5;
66 SHA_CTX sha;
67 } md;
68 } EVP_MD_CTX;
70The Digest functions are as follows.
72void EVP_DigestInit(
73EVP_MD_CTX *ctx,
74EVP_MD *type);
75 This function is used to initialise the EVP_MD_CTX. The message
76 digest that will associated with 'ctx' is specified by 'type'.
78void EVP_DigestUpdate(
79EVP_MD_CTX *ctx,
80unsigned char *data,
81unsigned int cnt);
82 This function is used to pass more data to the message digest
83 function. 'cnt' bytes are digested from 'data'.
85void EVP_DigestFinal(
86EVP_MD_CTX *ctx,
87unsigned char *md,
88unsigned int *len);
89 This function finishes the digestion and puts the message digest
90 into 'md'. The length of the message digest is put into len;
91 EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE is the size of the largest message digest that
92 can be returned from this function. Len can be NULL if the
93 size of the digest is not required.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/encode.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/encode.doc
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2void EVP_EncodeInit(EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx);
3void EVP_EncodeUpdate(EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx,unsigned char *out,
4 int *outl,unsigned char *in,int inl);
5void EVP_EncodeFinal(EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx,unsigned char *out,int *outl);
6int EVP_EncodeBlock(unsigned char *t, unsigned char *f, int n);
8void EVP_DecodeInit(EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx);
9int EVP_DecodeUpdate(EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx,unsigned char *out,int *outl,
10 unsigned char *in, int inl);
11int EVP_DecodeFinal(EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx, unsigned
12 char *out, int *outl);
13int EVP_DecodeBlock(unsigned char *t, unsigned
14 char *f, int n);
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/envelope.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/envelope.doc
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1The following routines are use to create 'digital' envelopes.
2By this I mean that they perform various 'higher' level cryptographic
3functions. Have a read of 'cipher.doc' and 'digest.doc' since those
4routines are used by these functions.
5cipher.doc contains documentation about the cipher part of the
6envelope library and digest.doc contatins the description of the
7message digests supported.
9To 'sign' a document involves generating a message digest and then encrypting
10the digest with an private key.
12#define EVP_SignInit(a,b) EVP_DigestInit(a,b)
13#define EVP_SignUpdate(a,b,c) EVP_DigestUpdate(a,b,c)
14Due to the fact this operation is basically just an extended message
15digest, the first 2 functions are macro calls to Digest generating
18int EVP_SignFinal(
19EVP_MD_CTX *ctx,
20unsigned char *md,
21unsigned int *s,
22EVP_PKEY *pkey);
23 This finalisation function finishes the generation of the message
24digest and then encrypts the digest (with the correct message digest
25object identifier) with the EVP_PKEY private key. 'ctx' is the message digest
26context. 'md' will end up containing the encrypted message digest. This
27array needs to be EVP_PKEY_size(pkey) bytes long. 's' will actually
28contain the exact length. 'pkey' of course is the private key. It is
29one of EVP_PKEY_RSA or EVP_PKEY_DSA type.
30If there is an error, 0 is returned, otherwise 1.
32Verify is used to check an signed message digest.
34#define EVP_VerifyInit(a,b) EVP_DigestInit(a,b)
35#define EVP_VerifyUpdate(a,b,c) EVP_DigestUpdate(a,b,c)
36Since the first step is to generate a message digest, the first 2 functions
37are macros.
39int EVP_VerifyFinal(
40EVP_MD_CTX *ctx,
41unsigned char *md,
42unsigned int s,
43EVP_PKEY *pkey);
44 This function finishes the generation of the message digest and then
45compares it with the supplied encrypted message digest. 'md' contains the
46's' bytes of encrypted message digest. 'pkey' is used to public key decrypt
47the digest. It is then compared with the message digest just generated.
48If they match, 1 is returned else 0.
50int EVP_SealInit(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, EVP_CIPHER *type, unsigned char **ek,
51 int *ekl, unsigned char *iv, EVP_PKEY **pubk, int npubk);
52Must have at least one public key, error is 0. I should also mention that
53the buffers pointed to by 'ek' need to be EVP_PKEY_size(pubk[n]) is size.
55#define EVP_SealUpdate(a,b,c,d,e) EVP_EncryptUpdate(a,b,c,d,e)
56void EVP_SealFinal(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx,unsigned char *out,int *outl);
59int EVP_OpenInit(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx,EVP_CIPHER *type,unsigned char *ek,
60 int ekl,unsigned char *iv,EVP_PKEY *priv);
610 on failure
63#define EVP_OpenUpdate(a,b,c,d,e) EVP_DecryptUpdate(a,b,c,d,e)
65int EVP_OpenFinal(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, int *outl);
66Decrypt final return code
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1The error routines.
3The 'error' system I've implemented is intended to server 2 purpose, to
4record the reason why a command failed and to record where in the libraries
5the failure occurred. It is more or less setup to record a 'trace' of which
6library components were being traversed when the error occurred.
8When an error is recorded, it is done so a as single unsigned long which is
9composed of three parts. The top byte is the 'library' number, the middle
1012 bytes is the function code, and the bottom 12 bits is the 'reason' code.
12Each 'library', or should a say, 'section' of the SSLeay library has a
13different unique 'library' error number. Each function in the library has
14a number that is unique for that library. Each 'library' also has a number
15for each 'error reason' that is only unique for that 'library'.
17Due to the way these error routines record a 'error trace', there is an
18array per thread that is used to store the error codes.
19The various functions in this library are used to access
20and manipulate this array.
22void ERR_put_error(int lib, int func,int reason);
23 This routine records an error in library 'lib', function 'func'
24and reason 'reason'. As errors get 'put' into the buffer, they wrap
25around and overwrite old errors if too many are written. It is assumed
26that the last errors are the most important.
28unsigned long ERR_get_error(void );
29 This function returns the last error added to the error buffer.
30In effect it is popping the value off the buffer so repeated calls will
31continue to return values until there are no more errors to return in which
32case 0 is returned.
34unsigned long ERR_peek_error(void );
35 This function returns the value of the last error added to the
36error buffer but does not 'pop' it from the buffer.
38void ERR_clear_error(void );
39 This function clears the error buffer, discarding all unread
42While the above described error system obviously produces lots of different
43error number, a method for 'reporting' these errors in a human readable
44form is required. To achieve this, each library has the option of
45'registering' error strings.
47typedef struct ERR_string_data_st
48 {
49 unsigned long error;
50 char *string;
53The 'ERR_STRING_DATA' contains an error code and the corresponding text
54string. To add new function error strings for a library, the
55ERR_STRING_DATA needs to be 'registered' with the library.
57void ERR_load_strings(unsigned long lib,ERR_STRING_DATA *err);
58 This function 'registers' the array of ERR_STRING_DATA pointed to by
59'err' as error text strings for the error library 'lib'.
61void ERR_free_strings(void);
62 This function free()s all the loaded error strings.
64char *ERR_error_string(unsigned long error,char *buf);
65 This function returns a text string that is a human readable
66version of the error represented by 'error'. Buff should be at least 120
67bytes long and if it is NULL, the return value is a pointer to a static
68variable that will contain the error string, otherwise 'buf' is returned.
69If there is not a text string registered for a particular error, a text
70string containing the error number is returned instead.
72void ERR_print_errors(BIO *bp);
73void ERR_print_errors_fp(FILE *fp);
74 This function is a convenience routine that prints the error string
75for each error until all errors have been accounted for.
77char *ERR_lib_error_string(unsigned long e);
78char *ERR_func_error_string(unsigned long e);
79char *ERR_reason_error_string(unsigned long e);
80The above three functions return the 3 different components strings for the
81error 'e'. ERR_error_string() uses these functions.
83void ERR_load_ERR_strings(void );
84 This function 'registers' the error strings for the 'ERR' module.
86void ERR_load_crypto_strings(void );
87 This function 'register' the error strings for just about every
88library in the SSLeay package except for the SSL routines. There is no
89need to ever register any error text strings and you will probably save in
90program size. If on the other hand you do 'register' all errors, it is
91quite easy to determine why a particular routine failed.
93As a final footnote as to why the error system is designed as it is.
941) I did not want a single 'global' error code.
952) I wanted to know which subroutine a failure occurred in.
963) For Windows NT etc, it should be simple to replace the 'key' routines
97 with code to pass error codes back to the application.
984) I wanted the option of meaningful error text strings.
100Late breaking news - the changes to support threads.
102Each 'thread' has an 'ERR_STATE' state associated with it.
103ERR_STATE *ERR_get_state(void ) will return the 'state' for the calling
106ERR_remove_state(unsigned long pid); will 'free()' this state. If pid == 0
107the current 'thread/process' will have it's error state removed.
108If you do not remove the error state of a thread, this could be considered a
109form of memory leak, so just after 'reaping' a thread that has died,
110call ERR_remove_state(pid).
112Have a read of thread.doc for more details for what is required for
113multi-threading support. All the other error routines will
114work correctly when using threads.
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1From Thu Jun 27 00:25:45 1996
2Received: by id AA15821
3 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for eay); Wed, 26 Jun 1996 14:25:45 +1000
4Date: Wed, 26 Jun 1996 14:25:45 +1000 (EST)
5From: Eric Young <>
6X-Sender: eay@orb
7To: Ken Toll <>
8Cc: Eric Young <>,
9Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
10In-Reply-To: <>
11Message-Id: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960626131156.28573K-100000@orb>
12Mime-Version: 1.0
13Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
14Status: O
18This is a little off topic but since SSLeay is a free implementation of
19the SSLv2 protocol, I feel it is worth responding on the topic of if it
20is actually legal for Americans to use free cryptographic software.
22On Wed, 26 Jun 1996, Ken Toll wrote:
23> Is the U.S the only country that SSLeay cannot be used commercially
24> (because of RSAref) or is that going to be an issue with every country
25> that a client/server application (non-web browser/server) is deployed
26> and sold?
28>From what I understand, the software patents that apply to algorithms
29like RSA and DH only apply in the USA. The IDEA algorithm I believe is
30patened in europe (USA?), but considing how little it is used by other SSL
31implementations, it quite easily be left out of the SSLeay build
32(this can be done with a compile flag).
34Actually if the RSA patent did apply outside the USA, it could be rather
35interesting since RSA is not alowed to let RSA toolkits outside of the USA
36[1], and since these are the only forms that they will alow the algorithm
37to be used in, it would mean that non-one outside of the USA could produce
38public key software which would be a very strong statment for
39international patent law to make :-). This logic is a little flawed but
40it still points out some of the more interesting permutations of USA
41patent law and ITAR restrictions.
43Inside the USA there is also the unresolved issue of RC4/RC2 which were
44made public on sci.crypt in Sep 1994 (RC4) and Feb 1996 (RC2). I have
45copies of the origional postings if people are interested. RSA I believe
46claim that they were 'trade-secrets' and that some-one broke an NDA in
47revealing them. Other claim they reverse engineered the algorithms from
48compiled binaries. If the algorithms were reverse engineered, I belive
49RSA had no legal leg to stand on. If an NDA was broken, I don't know.
50Regardless, RSA, I belive, is willing to go to court over the issue so
51licencing is probably the best idea, or at least talk to them.
52If there are people who actually know more about this, pease let me know, I
53don't want to vilify or spread miss-information if I can help it.
55If you are not producing a web browser, it is easy to build SSLeay with
56RC2/RC4 removed. Since RC4 is the defacto standard cipher in
57all web software (and it is damn fast) it is more or less required for
58www use. For non www use of SSL, especially for an application where
59interoperability with other vendors is not critical just leave it out.
61Removing IDEA, RC2 and RC4 would only leave DES and Triple DES but
62they should be ok. Considing that Triple DES can encrypt at rates of
63410k/sec on a pentium 100, and 940k/sec on a P6/200, this is quite
64reasonable performance. Single DES clocks in at 1160k/s and 2467k/s
65respectivly is actually quite fast for those not so paranoid (56 bit key).[1]
67> Is it possible to get a certificate for commercial use outside of the U.S.?
70Thawte Consulting issues certificates (they are the people who sell the
71 Sioux httpd server and are based in South Africa)
72Verisign will issue certificates for Sioux (sold from South Africa), so this
73 proves that they will issue certificate for OS use if they are
74 happy with the quality of the software.
76(The above mentioned companies just the ones that I know for sure are issuing
77 certificates outside the USA).
79There is always the point that if you are using SSL for an intra net,
80SSLeay provides programs that can be used so you can issue your own
81certificates. They need polishing but at least it is a good starting point.
83I am not doing anything outside Australian law by implementing these
84algorithms (to the best of my knowedge). It is another example of how
85the world legal system does not cope with the internet very well.
87I may start making shared libraries available (I have now got DLL's for
88Windows). This will mean that distributions into the usa could be
89shipped with a version with a reduced cipher set and the versions outside
90could use the DLL/shared library with all the ciphers (and without RSAref).
92This could be completly hidden from the application, so this would not
93even require a re-linking.
95This is the reverse of what people were talking about doing to get around
96USA export regulations :-)
100[1]: The RSAref2.0 tookit is available on at least 3 ftp sites in Europe
101 and one in South Africa.
103[2]: Since I always get questions when I post benchmark numbers :-),
104 DES performace figures are in 1000's of bytes per second in cbc
105 mode using an 8192 byte buffer. The pentium 100 was running Windows NT
106 3.51 DLLs and the 686/200 was running NextStep.
107 I quote pentium 100 benchmarks because it is basically the
108 'entry level' computer that most people buy for personal use.
109 Windows 95 is the OS shipping on those boxes, so I'll give
110 NT numbers (the same Win32 runtime environment). The 686
111 numbers are present as an indication of where we will be in a
112 few years.
114Eric Young | BOOL is tri-state according to Bill Gates.
115AARNet: | RTFM Win32 GetMessage().
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/lhash.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/lhash.doc
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1The LHASH library.
3I wrote this library in 1991 and have since forgotten why I called it lhash.
4It implements a hash table from an article I read at the
5time from 'Communications of the ACM'. What makes this hash
6table different is that as the table fills, the hash table is
7increased (or decreased) in size via realloc().
8When a 'resize' is done, instead of all hashes being redistributed over
9twice as many 'buckets', one bucket is split. So when an 'expand' is done,
10there is only a minimal cost to redistribute some values. Subsequent
11inserts will cause more single 'bucket' redistributions but there will
12never be a sudden large cost due to redistributing all the 'buckets'.
14The state for a particular hash table is kept in the LHASH structure.
15The LHASH structure also records statistics about most aspects of accessing
16the hash table. This is mostly a legacy of my writing this library for
17the reasons of implementing what looked like a nice algorithm rather than
18for a particular software product.
20Internal stuff you probably don't want to know about.
21The decision to increase or decrease the hash table size is made depending
22on the 'load' of the hash table. The load is the number of items in the
23hash table divided by the size of the hash table. The default values are
24as follows. If (hash->up_load < load) => expand.
25if (hash->down_load > load) => contract. The 'up_load' has a default value of
261 and 'down_load' has a default value of 2. These numbers can be modified
27by the application by just playing with the 'up_load' and 'down_load'
28variables. The 'load' is kept in a form which is multiplied by 256. So
29hash->up_load=8*256; will cause a load of 8 to be set.
31If you are interested in performance the field to watch is
32num_comp_calls. The hash library keeps track of the 'hash' value for
33each item so when a lookup is done, the 'hashes' are compared, if
34there is a match, then a full compare is done, and
35hash->num_comp_calls is incremented. If num_comp_calls is not equal
36to num_delete plus num_retrieve it means that your hash function is
37generating hashes that are the same for different values. It is
38probably worth changing your hash function if this is the case because
39even if your hash table has 10 items in a 'bucked', it can be searched
40with 10 'unsigned long' compares and 10 linked list traverses. This
41will be much less expensive that 10 calls to you compare function.
43LHASH *lh_new(
44unsigned long (*hash)(),
45int (*cmp)());
46 This function is used to create a new LHASH structure. It is passed
47 function pointers that are used to store and retrieve values passed
48 into the hash table. The 'hash'
49 function is a hashing function that will return a hashed value of
50 it's passed structure. 'cmp' is passed 2 parameters, it returns 0
51 is they are equal, otherwise, non zero.
52 If there are any problems (usually malloc failures), NULL is
53 returned, otherwise a new LHASH structure is returned. The
54 hash value is normally truncated to a power of 2, so make sure
55 that your hash function returns well mixed low order bits.
57void lh_free(
58LHASH *lh);
59 This function free()s a LHASH structure. If there is malloced
60 data in the hash table, it will not be freed. Consider using the
61 lh_doall function to deallocate any remaining entries in the hash
62 table.
64char *lh_insert(
65LHASH *lh,
66char *data);
67 This function inserts the data pointed to by data into the lh hash
68 table. If there is already and entry in the hash table entry, the
69 value being replaced is returned. A NULL is returned if the new
70 entry does not clash with an entry already in the table (the normal
71 case) or on a malloc() failure (perhaps I should change this....).
72 The 'char *data' is exactly what is passed to the hash and
73 comparison functions specified in lh_new().
75char *lh_delete(
76LHASH *lh,
77char *data);
78 This routine deletes an entry from the hash table. The value being
79 deleted is returned. NULL is returned if there is no such value in
80 the hash table.
82char *lh_retrieve(
83LHASH *lh,
84char *data);
85 If 'data' is in the hash table it is returned, else NULL is
86 returned. The way these routines would normally be uses is that a
87 dummy structure would have key fields populated and then
88 ret=lh_retrieve(hash,&dummy);. Ret would now be a pointer to a fully
89 populated structure.
91void lh_doall(
92LHASH *lh,
93void (*func)(char *a));
94 This function will, for every entry in the hash table, call function
95 'func' with the data item as parameters.
96 This function can be quite useful when used as follows.
97 void cleanup(STUFF *a)
98 { STUFF_free(a); }
99 lh_doall(hash,cleanup);
100 lh_free(hash);
101 This can be used to free all the entries, lh_free() then
102 cleans up the 'buckets' that point to nothing. Be careful
103 when doing this. If you delete entries from the hash table,
104 in the call back function, the table may decrease in size,
105 moving item that you are
106 currently on down lower in the hash table. This could cause
107 some entries to be skipped. The best solution to this problem
108 is to set lh->down_load=0 before you start. This will stop
109 the hash table ever being decreased in size.
111void lh_doall_arg(
112LHASH *lh;
113void(*func)(char *a,char *arg));
114char *arg;
115 This function is the same as lh_doall except that the function
116 called will be passed 'arg' as the second argument.
118unsigned long lh_strhash(
119char *c);
120 This function is a demo string hashing function. Since the LHASH
121 routines would normally be passed structures, this routine would
122 not normally be passed to lh_new(), rather it would be used in the
123 function passed to lh_new().
125The next three routines print out various statistics about the state of the
126passed hash table. These numbers are all kept in the lhash structure.
128void lh_stats(
129LHASH *lh,
130FILE *out);
131 This function prints out statistics on the size of the hash table,
132 how many entries are in it, and the number and result of calls to
133 the routines in this library.
135void lh_node_stats(
136LHASH *lh,
137FILE *out);
138 For each 'bucket' in the hash table, the number of entries is
139 printed.
141void lh_node_usage_stats(
142LHASH *lh,
143FILE *out);
144 This function prints out a short summary of the state of the hash
145 table. It prints what I call the 'load' and the 'actual load'.
146 The load is the average number of data items per 'bucket' in the
147 hash table. The 'actual load' is the average number of items per
148 'bucket', but only for buckets which contain entries. So the
149 'actual load' is the average number of searches that will need to
150 find an item in the hash table, while the 'load' is the average number
151 that will be done to record a miss.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/md2.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/md2.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b106bc675d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/md2.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1The MD2 library.
2MD2 is a message digest algorithm that can be used to condense an arbitrary
3length message down to a 16 byte hash. The functions all need to be passed
4a MD2_CTX which is used to hold the MD2 context during multiple MD2_Update()
5function calls. The normal method of use for this library is as follows
13This library requires the inclusion of 'md2.h'.
15The main negative about MD2 is that it is slow, especially when compared
16to MD5.
18The functions are as follows:
20void MD2_Init(
21MD2_CTX *c);
22 This function needs to be called to initiate a MD2_CTX structure for
23 use.
25void MD2_Update(
26MD2_CTX *c;
27unsigned char *data;
28unsigned long len);
29 This updates the message digest context being generated with 'len'
30 bytes from the 'data' pointer. The number of bytes can be any
31 length.
33void MD2_Final(
34unsigned char *md;
35MD2_CTX *c;
36 This function is called when a message digest of the data digested
37 with MD2_Update() is wanted. The message digest is put in the 'md'
38 array and is MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH (16) bytes long.
40unsigned char *MD2(
41unsigned long n;
42unsigned char *d;
43unsigned char *md;
44 This function performs a MD2_Init(), followed by a MD2_Update()
45 followed by a MD2_Final() (using a local MD2_CTX).
46 The resulting digest is put into 'md' if it is not NULL.
47 Regardless of the value of 'md', the message
48 digest is returned from the function. If 'md' was NULL, the message
49 digest returned is being stored in a static structure.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/md5.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/md5.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..519dbdc61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/md5.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
1The MD5 library.
2MD5 is a message digest algorithm that can be used to condense an arbitrary
3length message down to a 16 byte hash. The functions all need to be passed
4a MD5_CTX which is used to hold the MD5 context during multiple MD5_Update()
5function calls. This library also contains random number routines that are
6based on MD5
8The normal method of use for this library is as follows
16This library requires the inclusion of 'md5.h'.
18The functions are as follows:
20void MD5_Init(
21MD5_CTX *c);
22 This function needs to be called to initiate a MD5_CTX structure for
23 use.
25void MD5_Update(
26MD5_CTX *c;
27unsigned char *data;
28unsigned long len);
29 This updates the message digest context being generated with 'len'
30 bytes from the 'data' pointer. The number of bytes can be any
31 length.
33void MD5_Final(
34unsigned char *md;
35MD5_CTX *c;
36 This function is called when a message digest of the data digested
37 with MD5_Update() is wanted. The message digest is put in the 'md'
38 array and is MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH (16) bytes long.
40unsigned char *MD5(
41unsigned char *d;
42unsigned long n;
43unsigned char *md;
44 This function performs a MD5_Init(), followed by a MD5_Update()
45 followed by a MD5_Final() (using a local MD5_CTX).
46 The resulting digest is put into 'md' if it is not NULL.
47 Regardless of the value of 'md', the message
48 digest is returned from the function. If 'md' was NULL, the message
49 digest returned is being stored in a static structure.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/memory.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/memory.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9aa33ace0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/memory.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1In the interests of debugging SSLeay, there is an option to compile
2using some simple memory leak checking.
4All malloc(), free() and realloc() calls in SSLeay now go via
5Malloc(), Free() and Realloc() (except those in crypto/lhash).
7If CRYPTO_MDEBUG is defined, these calls are #defined to
8CRYPTO_malloc(), CRYPTO_free() and CRYPTO_realloc().
9If it is not defined, they are #defined to malloc(), free() and realloc().
11the CRYPTO_malloc() routines by default just call the underlying library
14If CRYPTO_mem_ctrl(CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_ON) is called, memory leak detection is
15turned on. CRYPTO_mem_ctrl(CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_OFF) turns it off.
17When turned on, each Malloc() or Realloc() call is recored along with the file
18and line number from where the call was made. (This is done using the
19lhash library which always uses normal system malloc(3) routines).
21void CRYPTO_mem_leaks(BIO *b);
22void CRYPTO_mem_leaks_fp(FILE *fp);
23These both print out the list of memory that has not been free()ed.
24This will probably be rather hard to read, but if you look for the 'top level'
25structure allocation, this will often give an idea as to what is not being
26free()ed. I don't expect people to use this stuff normally.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/ms3-ca.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/ms3-ca.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8350aadc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/ms3-ca.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
1Date: Mon, 9 Jun 97 08:00:33 +0200
2From: Holger.Reif@PrakInf.TU-Ilmenau.DE (Holger Reif)
3Subject: ms3-ca.doc
4Organization: TU Ilmenau, Fak. IA, FG Telematik
5Content-Length: 14575
6Status: RO
9Loading client certs into MSIE 3.01
12This document conatains all the information necessary to succesfully set up
13some scripts to issue client certs to Microsoft Internet Explorer. It
14includes the required knowledge about the model MSIE uses for client
15certification and includes complete sample scripts ready to play with. The
16scripts were tested against a modified ca program of SSLeay 0.6.6 and should
17work with the regular ca program that comes with version 0.8.0. I haven't
18tested against MSIE 4.0
20You can use the information contained in this document in either way you
21want. However if you feel it saved you a lot of time I ask you to be as fair
22as to mention my name: Holger Reif <>.
241.) The model used by MSIE
27The Internet Explorer doesn't come with a embedded engine for installing
28client certs like Netscape's Navigator. It rather uses the CryptoAPI (CAPI)
29defined by Microsoft. CAPI comes with WindowsNT 4.0 or is installed together
30with Internet Explorer since 3.01. The advantage of this approach is a higher
31flexibility because the certificates in the (per user) system open
32certificate store may be used by other applications as well. The drawback
33however is that you need to do a bit more work to get a client cert issued.
35CAPI defines functions which will handle basic cryptographic work, eg.
36generating keys, encrypting some data, signing text or building a certificate
37request. The procedure is as follows: A CAPI function generates you a key
38pair and saves it into the certificate store. After that one builds a
39Distinguished Name. Together with that key pair another CAPI function forms a
40PKCS#10 request which you somehow need to submit to a CA. Finally the issued
41cert is given to a yet another CAPI function which saves it into the
42certificate store.
44The certificate store with the user's keys and certs is in the registry. You
45will find it under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Cryptography/ (I
46leave it to you as a little exercise to figure out what all the entries mean
47;-). Note that the keys are protected only with the user's usual Windows
48login password.
502.) The practical usage
53Unfortunatly since CAPI is a system API you can't access its functions from
54HTML code directly. For this purpose Microsoft provides a wrapper called
55certenr3.dll. This DLL accesses the CAPI functions and provides an interface
56usable from Visual Basic Script. One needs to install that library on the
57computer which wants to have client cert. The easiest way is to load it as an
58ActiveX control (certenr3.dll is properly authenticode signed by MS ;-). If
59you have ever enrolled e cert request at a CA you will have installed it.
61At time of writing certenr3.dll is contained in
62 It comes
63with an README file which explains the available functions. It is labeled
64beta but every CA seems to use it anyway. The license.txt allows you the
65usage for your own purposes (as far as I understood) and a somehow limited
68The two functions of main interest are GenerateKeyPair and AcceptCredentials.
69For complete explanation of all possible parameters see the README file. Here
70are only minimal required parameters and their values.
72GenerateKeyPair(sessionID, FASLE, szName, 0, "ClientAuth", TRUE, FALSE, 1)
73- sessionID is a (locally to that computer) unique string to correlate the
74generated key pair with a cert installed later.
75- szName is the DN of the form "C=DE; S=Thueringen; L=Ilmenau; CN=Holger
76Reif;". Note that S is the
77abreviation for StateOrProvince. The recognized abreviation include CN, O, C,
78OU, G, I, L, S, T. If the abreviation is unknown (eg. for PKCS#9 email addr)
79you need to use the full object identifier. The starting point for searching
80them could be crypto/objects.h since all OIDs know to SSLeay are listed
82- note: the possible ninth parameter which should give a default name to the
83certificate storage location doesn't seem to work. Changes to the constant
84values in the call above doesn't seem to make sense. You can't generate
85PKCS#10 extensions with that function.
87The result of GenerateKeyPair is the base64 encoded PKCS#10 request. However
88it has a little strange format that SSLeay doesn't accept. (BTW I feel the
89decision of rejecting that format as standard conforming.) It looks like
91 1st line with 76 chars
92 2nd line with 76 chars
93 ...
94 (n-2)th line with 76 chars
95 (n-1)th line contains a multiple of 4 chars less then 76 (possible
97 (n)th line has zero or 4 chars (then with 1 or 2 equal signs - the
98 original text's lenght wasn'T a multiple of 3)
99 The line separator has two chars: 0x0d 0x0a
101AcceptCredentials(sessionID, credentials, 0, FALSE)
102- sessionID needs to be the same as while generating the key pair
103- credentials is the base64 encoded PKCS#7 object containing the cert.
105CRL's and CA certs are not required simply just the client cert. (It seems to
106me that both are not even checked somehow.) The only format of the base64
107encoded object I succesfully used was all characters in a very long string
108without line feeds or carriage returns. (Hey, it doesn't matter, only a
109computer reads it!)
111The result should be S_OK. For error handling see the example that comes with
114A note about ASN.1 character encodings. certenr3.dll seems to know only about
1152 of them: UniversalString and PrintableString. First it is definitely wrong
116for an email address which is IA5STRING (checked by ssleay's ca). Second
117unfortunately MSIE (at least until version 3.02) can't handle UniversalString
118correctly - they just blow up you cert store! Therefore ssleay's ca (starting
119from version 0.8.0) tries to convert the encodings automatically to IA5STRING
120or TeletexString. The beef is it will work only for the latin-1 (western)
121charset. Microsoft still has to do abit of homework...
1233.) An example
126At least you need two steps: generating the key & request and then installing
127the certificate. A real world CA would have some more steps involved, eg.
128accepting some license. Note that both scripts shown below are just
129experimental state without any warrenty!
131First how to generate a request. Note that we can't use a static page because
132of the sessionID. I generate it from system time plus pid and hope it is
133unique enough. Your are free to feed it through md5 to get more impressive
134ID's ;-) Then the intended text is read in with sed which inserts the
137-----BEGIN ms-enroll.cgi-----
139SESSION_ID=`date '+%y%m%d%H%M%S'`$$
140echo Content-type: text/html
142sed s/template_for_sessId/$SESSION_ID/ <<EOF
144<TITLE>Certificate Enrollment Test Page</TITLE>
148 classid="clsid:33BEC9E0-F78F-11cf-B782-00C04FD7BF43"
149 codebase=certenr3.dll
150 id=certHelper
151 >
155<H2>enrollment for a personal cert</H2>
156<BR><HR WIDTH=50%><BR><P>
157<FORM NAME="MSIE_Enrollment" ACTION="ms-gencert.cgi" ENCTYPE=x-www-form-
158encoded METHOD=POST>
160 <TR><TD>Country</TD><TD><INPUT NAME="Country" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
161 <TR><TD>State</TD><TD><INPUT NAME="StateOrProvince" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
162 <TR><TD>Location</TD><TD><INPUT NAME="Location" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
163 <TR><TD>Organization</TD><TD><INPUT NAME="Organization"
165 <TR><TD>Organizational Unit</TD>
166 <TD><INPUT NAME="OrganizationalUnit" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
167 <TR><TD>Name</TD><TD><INPUT NAME="CommonName" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
168 <TR><TD>eMail Address</TD>
169 <TD><INPUT NAME="EmailAddress" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
170 <TR><TD></TD>
171 <TD><INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="submit" VALUE="Beantragen"></TD></TR>
173 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="SessionId" VALUE="template_for_sessId">
174 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Request" VALUE="">
176<BR><HR WIDTH=50%><BR><P>
180 Dim DN
182 Sub Submit_OnClick
183 Dim TheForm
184 Set TheForm = Document.MSIE_Enrollment
185 sessionId = TheForm.SessionId.value
186 reqHardware = FALSE
187 C = TheForm.Country.value
188 SP = TheForm.StateOrProvince.value
189 L = TheForm.Location.value
190 O = TheForm.Organization.value
191 OU = TheForm.OrganizationalUnit.value
192 CN = TheForm.CommonName.value
193 Email = TheForm.EmailAddress.value
194 szPurpose = "ClientAuth"
195 doAcceptanceUINow = FALSE
196 doOnline = TRUE
198 DN = ""
200 Call Add_RDN("C", C)
201 Call Add_RDN("S", SP)
202 Call Add_RDN("L", L)
203 Call Add_RDN("O", O)
204 Call Add_RDN("OU", OU)
205 Call Add_RDN("CN", CN)
206 Call Add_RDN("1.2.840.113549.1.9.1", Email)
207 ' rsadsi
208 ' pkcs
209 ' pkcs9
210 ' eMailAddress
211 On Error Resume Next
212 sz10 = certHelper.GenerateKeyPair(sessionId, _
213 FALSE, DN, 0, ClientAuth, FASLE, TRUE, 1)_
214 theError = Err.Number
215 On Error Goto 0
216 if (sz10 = Empty OR theError <> 0) Then
217 sz = "The error '" & Hex(theError) & "' occurred." & chr(13) & _
218 chr(10) & "Your credentials could not be generated."
219 result = MsgBox(sz, 0, "Credentials Enrollment")
220 Exit Sub
221 else
222 TheForm.Request.value = sz10
223 TheForm.Submit
224 end if
225 End Sub
227 Sub Add_RDN(sn, value)
228 if (value <> "") then
229 if (DN <> "") then
230 DN = DN & "; "
231 end if
232 DN = DN & sn & "=" & value
233 end if
234 End Sub
239-----END ms-enroll.cgi-----
241Second, how to extract the request and feed the certificate back? We need to
242"normalize" the base64 encoding of the PKCS#10 format which means
243regenerating the lines and wrapping with BEGIN and END line. This is done by
244gawk. The request is taken by ca the normal way. Then the cert needs to be
245packed into a PKCS#7 structure (note: the use of a CRL is necessary for
246crl2pkcs7 as of version 0.6.6. Starting with 0.8.0 it it might probably be
247ommited). Finally we need to format the PKCS#7 object and generate the HTML
248text. I use two templates to have a clearer script.
2501st note: postit2 is slightly modified from a program I found at ncsa's ftp
251site. Grab it from You
252need utils.c from there too.
2542nd note: I'm note quite sure wether the gawk script really handles all
255possible inputs for the request right! Today I don't use this construction
256anymore myself.
2583d note: the cert must be of version 3! This could be done with the nsComment
259line in ssleay.cnf...
261------BEGIN ms-gencert.cgi-----
263FILE="/tmp/"`date '+%y%m%d%H%M%S'-`$$
264rm -f "$FILE".*
266HOME=`pwd`; export HOME # as ssleay.cnf insists on having such an env var
267cd /usr/local/ssl #where demoCA (as named in ssleay.conf) is located
269postit2 -s " " -i 0x0d > "$FILE".inp # process the FORM vars
271SESSION_ID=`gawk '$1 == "SessionId" { print $2; exit }' "$FILE".inp`
273gawk \
274 'BEGIN { \
275 OFS = ""; \
276 print "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----"; \
277 req_seen=0 \
278 } \
279 $1 == "Request" { \
280 req_seen=1; \
281 if (length($2) == 72) print($2); \
282 lastline=$2; \
283 next; \
284 } \
285 { \
286 if (req_seen == 1) { \
287 if (length($1) >= 72) print($1); \
288 else if (length(lastline) < 72) { \
289 req_seen=0; \
290 print (lastline,$1); \
291 } \
292 lastline=$1; \
293 } \
294 } \
295 END { \
296 print "-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----"; \
297 }' > "$FILE".pem < "$FILE".inp
299ssleay ca -batch -in "$FILE".pem -key passwd -out "$FILE".out
300ssleay crl2pkcs7 -certfile "$FILE".out -out "$FILE".pkcs7 -in demoCA/crl.pem
302sed s/template_for_sessId/$SESSION_ID/ <ms-enroll2a.html >"$FILE".cert
303/usr/local/bin/gawk \
304 'BEGIN { \
305 OFS = ""; \
306 dq = sprintf("%c",34); \
307 } \
308 $0 ~ "PKCS7" { next; } \
309 { \
310 print dq$0dq" & _"; \
311 }' <"$FILE".pkcs7 >> "$FILE".cert
312cat ms-enroll2b.html >>"$FILE".cert
314echo Content-type: text/html
315echo Content-length: `wc -c "$FILE".cert`
317cat "$FILE".cert
318rm -f "$FILE".*
319-----END ms-gencert.cgi-----
321----BEGIN ms-enroll2a.html----
322<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Certificate Acceptance Test Page</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>
325 classid="clsid:33BEC9E0-F78F-11cf-B782-00C04FD7BF43"
326 codebase=certenr3.dll
327 id=certHelper
328 >
332<H2>Your personal certificate</H2>
333<BR><HR WIDTH=50%><BR><P>
334Press the button!
335<P><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Nimm mich!" NAME="InstallCert">
337<BR><HR WIDTH=50%><BR>
340 Sub InstallCert_OnClick
342 sessionId = "template_for_sessId"
343credentials = "" & _
344----END ms-enroll2a.html----
346----BEGIN ms-enroll2b.html----
348 On Error Resume Next
349 result = certHelper.AcceptCredentials(sessionId, credentials, 0,
351 if (IsEmpty(result)) Then
352 sz = "The error '" & Err.Number & "' occurred." & chr(13) &
353chr(10) & "This Digital ID could not be registered."
354 msgOut = MsgBox(sz, 0, "Credentials Registration Error")
355 navigate "error.html"
356 else
357 sz = "Digital ID successfully registered."
358 msgOut = MsgBox(sz, 0, "Credentials Registration")
359 navigate "success.html"
360 end if
361 Exit Sub
362 End Sub
366----END ms-enroll2b.html----
3684.) What do do with the cert?
371The cert is visible (without restarting MSIE) under the following menu:
372View->Options->Security->Personal certs. You can examine it's contents at
373least partially.
375To use it for client authentication you need to use SSL3.0 (fortunately
376SSLeay supports it with 0.8.0). Furthermore MSIE is told to only supports a
377kind of automatic selection of certs (I personally wasn't able to test it
378myself). But there is a requirement that the issuer of the server cert and
379the issuer of the client cert needs to be the same (according to a developer
380from MS). Which means: you need may more then one cert to talk to all
383I'm sure we will get a bit more experience after ApacheSSL is available for
384SSLeay 0.8.8.
387I hope you enjoyed reading and that in future questions on this topic will
388rarely appear on ;-)
390Ilmenau, 9th of June 1997
391Holger Reif <>
393read you later - Holger Reif
394---------------------------------------- Signaturprojekt Deutsche Einheit
395TU Ilmenau - Informatik - Telematik (Verdamp lang her)
396Holger.Reif@PrakInf.TU-Ilmenau.DE Alt wie ein Baum werden, um ueber
397http://Remus.PrakInf.TU-Ilmenau.DE/Reif/ alle 7 Bruecken gehen zu koennen
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/ns-ca.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/ns-ca.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..836883e1a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/ns-ca.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
1The following documentation was supplied by Jeff Barber, who provided the
2patch to the CA program to add this functionality.
6Jeff Barber Email:
8Hewlett Packard Phone: (404) 648-9503
9Internet and System Security Lab Fax: (404) 648-9516
11 oo
12---------------------cut /\ here for ns-ca.doc ------------------------------
14This document briefly describes how to use SSLeay to implement a
15certificate authority capable of dynamically serving up client
16certificates for version 3.0 beta 5 (and presumably later) versions of
17the Netscape Navigator. Before describing how this is done, it's
18important to understand a little about how the browser implements its
19client certificate support. This is documented in some detail in the
20URLs based at <URL:>.
21Here's a brief overview:
23- The Navigator supports a new HTML tag "KEYGEN" which will cause
24 the browser to generate an RSA key pair when you submit a form
25 containing the tag. The public key, along with an optional
26 challenge (supposedly provided for use in certificate revocation
27 but I don't use it) is signed, DER-encoded, base-64 encoded
28 and sent to the web server as the value of the variable
29 whose NAME is provided in the KEYGEN tag. The private key is
30 stored by the browser in a local key database.
32 This "Signed Public Key And Challenge" (SPKAC) arrives formatted
33 into 64 character lines (which are of course URL-encoded when
34 sent via HTTP -- i.e. spaces, newlines and most punctuatation are
35 encoded as "%HH" where HH is the hex equivalent of the ASCII code).
36 Note that the SPKAC does not contain the other usual attributes
37 of a certificate request, especially the subject name fields.
38 These must be otherwise encoded in the form for submission along
39 with the SPKAC.
41- Either immediately (in response to this form submission), or at
42 some later date (a real CA will probably verify your identity in
43 some way before issuing the certificate), a web server can send a
44 certificate based on the public key and other attributes back to
45 the browser by encoding it in DER (the binary form) and sending it
46 to the browser as MIME type:
47 "Content-type: application/x-x509-user-cert"
49 The browser uses the public key encoded in the certificate to
50 associate the certificate with the appropriate private key in
51 its local key database. Now, the certificate is "installed".
53- When a server wants to require authentication based on client
54 certificates, it uses the right signals via the SSL protocol to
55 trigger the Navigator to ask you which certificate you want to
56 send. Whether the certificate is accepted is dependent on CA
57 certificates and so forth installed in the server and is beyond
58 the scope of this document.
61Now, here's how the SSLeay package can be used to provide client
64- You prepare a file for input to the SSLeay ca application.
65 The file contains a number of "name = value" pairs that identify
66 the subject. The names here are the same subject name component
67 identifiers used in the CA section of the lib/ssleay.conf file,
68 such as "emailAddress", "commonName" "organizationName" and so
69 forth. Both the long version and the short version (e.g. "Email",
70 "CN", "O") can be used.
72 One more name is supported: this one is "SPKAC". Its value
73 is simply the value of the base-64 encoded SPKAC sent by the
74 browser (with all the newlines and other space charaters
75 removed -- and newline escapes are NOT supported).
77 [ As of SSLeay 0.6.4, multiple lines are supported.
78 Put a \ at the end of each line and it will be joined with the
79 previous line with the '\n' removed - eay ]
81 Here's a sample input file:
83C = US
84SP = Georgia
85O = Some Organization, Inc.
86OU = Netscape Compatibility Group
87CN = John X. Doe
88Email =
91- You execute the ca command (either from a CGI program run out of
92 the web server, or as a later manual task) giving it the above
93 file as input. For example, if the file were named /tmp/cert.req,
94 you'd run:
95 $SSLDIR/bin/ca -spkac /tmp/cert.req -out /tmp/cert
97 The output is in DER format (binary) if a -out argument is
98 provided, as above; otherwise, it's in the PEM format (base-64
99 encoded DER). Also, the "-batch" switch is implied by the
100 "-spkac" so you don't get asked whether to complete the signing
101 (probably it shouldn't work this way but I was only interested
102 in hacking together an online CA that could be used for issuing
103 test certificates).
105 The "-spkac" capability doesn't support multiple files (I think).
107 Any CHALLENGE provided in the SPKAC is simply ignored.
109 The interactions between the identification fields you provide
110 and those identified in your lib/ssleay.conf are the same as if
111 you did an ordinary "ca -in infile -out outfile" -- that is, if
112 something is marked as required in the ssleay.conf file and it
113 isn't found in the -spkac file, the certificate won't be issued.
115- Now, you pick up the output from /tmp/cert and pass it back to
116 the Navigator prepending the Content-type string described earlier.
118- In order to run the ca command out of a CGI program, you must
119 provide a password to decrypt the CA's private key. You can
120 do this by using "echo MyKeyPassword | $SSLDIR/bin/ca ..."
121 I think there's a way to not encrypt the key file in the first
122 place, but I didn't see how to do that, so I made a small change
123 to the library that allows the password to be accepted from a pipe.
124 Either way is UTTERLY INSECURE and a real CA would never do that.
126 [ You can use the 'ssleay rsa' command to remove the password
127 from the private key, or you can use the '-key' option to the
128 ca command to specify the decryption key on the command line
129 or use the -nodes option when generating the key.
130 ca will try to clear the command line version of the password
131 but for quite a few operating systems, this is not possible.
132 - eric ]
134So, what do you have to do to make use of this stuff to create an online
135demo CA capability with SSLeay?
1371 Create an HTML form for your users. The form should contain
138 fields for all of the required or optional fields in ssleay.conf.
139 The form must contain a KEYGEN tag somewhere with at least a NAME
140 attribute.
1422 Create a CGI program to process the form input submitted by the
143 browser. The CGI program must URL-decode the variables and create
144 the file described above, containing subject identification info
145 as well as the SPKAC block. It should then run the the ca program
146 with the -spkac option. If it works (check the exit status),
147 return the new certificate with the appropriate MIME type. If not,
148 return the output of the ca command with MIME type "text/plain".
1503 Set up your web server to accept connections signed by your demo
151 CA. This probably involves obtaining the PEM-encoded CA certificate
152 (ordinarily in $SSLDIR/CA/cacert.pem) and installing it into a
153 server database. See your server manual for instructions.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/obj.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/obj.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bad347c936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/obj.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
1The Object library.
3As part of my Crypto library, I found I required a method of identifying various
4objects. These objects normally had 3 different values associated with
5them, a short text name, a long (or lower case) text name, and an
6ASN.1 Object Identifier (which is a sequence of numbers).
7This library contains a static list of objects and functions to lookup
8according to one type and to return the other types.
10To use these routines, 'Object.h' needs to be included.
12For each supported object, #define entries are defined as follows
13#define SN_Algorithm "Algorithm"
14#define LN_algorithm "algorithm"
15#define NID_algorithm 38
16#define OBJ_algorithm 1L,3L,14L,3L,2L
18SN_ stands for short name.
19LN_ stands for either long name or lowercase name.
20NID_ stands for Numeric ID. I each object has a unique NID and this
21 should be used internally to identify objects.
22OBJ_ stands for ASN.1 Object Identifier or ASN1_OBJECT as defined in the
23 ASN1 routines. These values are used in ASN1 encoding.
25The following functions are to be used to return pointers into a static
26definition of these types. What this means is "don't try to free() any
27pointers returned from these functions.
29ASN1_OBJECT *OBJ_nid2obj(
30int n);
31 Return the ASN1_OBJECT that corresponds to a NID of n.
33char *OBJ_nid2ln(
34int n);
35 Return the long/lower case name of the object represented by the
36 NID of n.
38char *OBJ_nid2sn(
39int n);
40 Return the short name for the object represented by the NID of n.
43ASN1_OBJECT *o);
44 Duplicate and return a new ASN1_OBJECT that is the same as the
45 passed parameter.
47int OBJ_obj2nid(
48ASN1_OBJECT *o);
49 Given ASN1_OBJECT o, return the NID that corresponds.
51int OBJ_ln2nid(
52char *s);
53 Given the long/lower case name 's', return the NID of the object.
55int OBJ_sn2nid(
56char *s);
57 Given the short name 's', return the NID of the object.
59char *OBJ_bsearch(
60char *key,
61char *base,
62int num,
63int size,
64int (*cmp)());
65 Since I have come across a few platforms that do not have the
66 bsearch() function, OBJ_bsearch is my version of that function.
67 Feel free to use this function, but you may as well just use the
68 normal system bsearch(3) if it is present. This version also
69 has tolerance of being passed NULL pointers.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/rand.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/rand.doc
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index 0000000000..da02a07f64
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1My Random number library.
3These routines can be used to generate pseudo random numbers and can be
4used to 'seed' the pseudo random number generator (RNG). The RNG make no
5effort to reproduce the same random number stream with each execution.
6Various other routines in the SSLeay library 'seed' the RNG when suitable
7'random' input data is available. Read the section at the end for details
8on the design of the RNG.
10void RAND_bytes(
11unsigned char *buf,
12int num);
13 This routine puts 'num' random bytes into 'buf'. One should make
14 sure RAND_seed() has been called before using this routine.
16void RAND_seed(
17unsigned char *buf,
18int num);
19 This routine adds more 'seed' data the RNG state. 'num' bytes
20 are added to the RNG state, they are taken from 'buf'. This
21 routine can be called with sensitive data such as user entered
22 passwords. This sensitive data is in no way recoverable from
23 the RAND library routines or state. Try to pass as much data
24 from 'random' sources as possible into the RNG via this function.
25 Also strongly consider using the RAND_load_file() and
26 RAND_write_file() routines.
28void RAND_cleanup();
29 When a program has finished with the RAND library, if it so
30 desires, it can 'zero' all RNG state.
32The following 3 routines are convenience routines that can be used to
33'save' and 'restore' data from/to the RNG and it's state.
34Since the more 'random' data that is feed as seed data the better, why not
35keep it around between executions of the program? Of course the
36application should pass more 'random' data in via RAND_seed() and
37make sure no-one can read the 'random' data file.
39char *RAND_file_name(
40char *buf,
41int size);
42 This routine returns a 'default' name for the location of a 'rand'
43 file. The 'rand' file should keep a sequence of random bytes used
44 to initialise the RNG. The filename is put in 'buf'. Buf is 'size'
45 bytes long. Buf is returned if things go well, if they do not,
46 NULL is returned. The 'rand' file name is generated in the
47 following way. First, if there is a 'RANDFILE' environment
48 variable, it is returned. Second, if there is a 'HOME' environment
49 variable, $HOME/.rand is returned. Third, NULL is returned. NULL
50 is also returned if a buf would overflow.
52int RAND_load_file(
53char *file,
54long number);
55 This function 'adds' the 'file' into the RNG state. It does this by
56 doing a RAND_seed() on the value returned from a stat() system call
57 on the file and if 'number' is non-zero, upto 'number' bytes read
58 from the file. The number of bytes passed to RAND_seed() is returned.
60int RAND_write_file(
61char *file),
62 RAND_write_file() writes N random bytes to the file 'file', where
63 N is the size of the internal RND state (currently 1k).
64 This is a suitable method of saving RNG state for reloading via
65 RAND_load_file().
67What follows is a description of this RNG and a description of the rational
68behind it's design.
70It should be noted that this RNG is intended to be used to generate
71'random' keys for various ciphers including generation of DH and RSA keys.
73It should also be noted that I have just created a system that I am happy with.
74It may be overkill but that does not worry me. I have not spent that much
75time on this algorithm so if there are glaring errors, please let me know.
76Speed has not been a consideration in the design of these routines.
78First up I will state the things I believe I need for a good RNG.
791) A good hashing algorithm to mix things up and to convert the RNG 'state'
80 to random numbers.
812) An initial source of random 'state'.
823) The state should be very large. If the RNG is being used to generate
83 4096 bit RSA keys, 2 2048 bit random strings are required (at a minimum).
84 If your RNG state only has 128 bits, you are obviously limiting the
85 search space to 128 bits, not 2048. I'm probably getting a little
86 carried away on this last point but it does indicate that it may not be
87 a bad idea to keep quite a lot of RNG state. It should be easier to
88 break a cipher than guess the RNG seed data.
894) Any RNG seed data should influence all subsequent random numbers
90 generated. This implies that any random seed data entered will have
91 an influence on all subsequent random numbers generated.
925) When using data to seed the RNG state, the data used should not be
93 extractable from the RNG state. I believe this should be a
94 requirement because one possible source of 'secret' semi random
95 data would be a private key or a password. This data must
96 not be disclosed by either subsequent random numbers or a
97 'core' dump left by a program crash.
986) Given the same initial 'state', 2 systems should deviate in their RNG state
99 (and hence the random numbers generated) over time if at all possible.
1007) Given the random number output stream, it should not be possible to determine
101 the RNG state or the next random number.
104The algorithm is as follows.
106There is global state made up of a 1023 byte buffer (the 'state'), a
107working message digest ('md') and a counter ('count').
109Whenever seed data is added, it is inserted into the 'state' as
111 The input is chopped up into units of 16 bytes (or less for
112 the last block). Each of these blocks is run through the MD5
113 message digest. The data passed to the MD5 digest is the
114 current 'md', the same number of bytes from the 'state'
115 (the location determined by in incremented looping index) as
116 the current 'block' and the new key data 'block'. The result
117 of this is kept in 'md' and also xored into the 'state' at the
118 same locations that were used as input into the MD5.
119 I believe this system addresses points 1 (MD5), 3 (the 'state'),
120 4 (via the 'md'), 5 (by the use of MD5 and xor).
122When bytes are extracted from the RNG, the following process is used.
123For each group of 8 bytes (or less), we do the following,
124 Input into MD5, the top 8 bytes from 'md', the byte that are
125 to be overwritten by the random bytes and bytes from the
126 'state' (incrementing looping index). From this digest output
127 (which is kept in 'md'), the top (upto) 8 bytes are
128 returned to the caller and the bottom (upto) 8 bytes are xored
129 into the 'state'.
130 Finally, after we have finished 'generation' random bytes for the
131 called, 'count' (which is incremented) and 'md' are fed into MD5 and
132 the results are kept in 'md'.
133 I believe the above addressed points 1 (use of MD5), 6 (by
134 hashing into the 'state' the 'old' data from the caller that
135 is about to be overwritten) and 7 (by not using the 8 bytes
136 given to the caller to update the 'state', but they are used
137 to update 'md').
139So of the points raised, only 2 is not addressed, but sources of
140random data will always be a problem.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/rc2.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/rc2.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..efab015bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/rc2.doc
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1The RC2 library.
3RC2 is a block cipher that operates on 64bit (8 byte) quantities. It
4uses variable size key, but 128bit (16 byte) key would normally be considered
5good. It can be used in all the modes that DES can be used. This
6library implements the ecb, cbc, cfb64, ofb64 modes.
8I have implemented this library from an article posted to sci.crypt on
911-Feb-1996. I personally don't know how far to trust the RC2 cipher.
10While it is capable of having a key of any size, not much reseach has
11publically been done on it at this point in time (Apr-1996)
12since the cipher has only been public for a few months :-)
13It is of a similar speed to DES and IDEA, so unless it is required for
14meeting some standard (SSLv2, perhaps S/MIME), it would probably be advisable
15to stick to IDEA, or for the paranoid, Tripple DES.
17Mind you, having said all that, I should mention that I just read alot and
18implement ciphers, I'm a 'babe in the woods' when it comes to evaluating
19ciphers :-).
21For all calls that have an 'input' and 'output' variables, they can be the
24This library requires the inclusion of 'rc2.h'.
26All of the encryption functions take what is called an RC2_KEY as an
27argument. An RC2_KEY is an expanded form of the RC2 key.
28For all modes of the RC2 algorithm, the RC2_KEY used for
29decryption is the same one that was used for encryption.
31The define RC2_ENCRYPT is passed to specify encryption for the functions
32that require an encryption/decryption flag. RC2_DECRYPT is passed to
33specify decryption.
35Please note that any of the encryption modes specified in my DES library
36could be used with RC2. I have only implemented ecb, cbc, cfb64 and
37ofb64 for the following reasons.
38- ecb is the basic RC2 encryption.
39- cbc is the normal 'chaining' form for block ciphers.
40- cfb64 can be used to encrypt single characters, therefore input and output
41 do not need to be a multiple of 8.
42- ofb64 is similar to cfb64 but is more like a stream cipher, not as
43 secure (not cipher feedback) but it does not have an encrypt/decrypt mode.
44- If you want triple RC2, thats 384 bits of key and you must be totally
45 obsessed with security. Still, if you want it, it is simple enough to
46 copy the function from the DES library and change the des_encrypt to
47 RC2_encrypt; an exercise left for the paranoid reader :-).
49The functions are as follows:
51void RC2_set_key(
52RC2_KEY *ks;
53int len;
54unsigned char *key;
55int bits;
56 RC2_set_key converts an 'len' byte key into a RC2_KEY.
57 A 'ks' is an expanded form of the 'key' which is used to
58 perform actual encryption. It can be regenerated from the RC2 key
59 so it only needs to be kept when encryption or decryption is about
60 to occur. Don't save or pass around RC2_KEY's since they
61 are CPU architecture dependent, 'key's are not. RC2 is an
62 interesting cipher in that it can be used with a variable length
63 key. 'len' is the length of 'key' to be used as the key.
64 A 'len' of 16 is recomended. The 'bits' argument is an
65 interesting addition which I only found out about in Aug 96.
66 BSAFE uses this parameter to 'limit' the number of bits used
67 for the key. To use the 'key' unmodified, set bits to 1024.
68 This is what old versions of my RC2 library did (SSLeay 0.6.3).
69 RSAs BSAFE library sets this parameter to be 128 if 128 bit
70 keys are being used. So to be compatable with BSAFE, set it
71 to 128, if you don't want to reduce RC2's key length, leave it
72 at 1024.
74void RC2_encrypt(
75unsigned long *data,
76RC2_KEY *key,
77int encrypt);
78 This is the RC2 encryption function that gets called by just about
79 every other RC2 routine in the library. You should not use this
80 function except to implement 'modes' of RC2. I say this because the
81 functions that call this routine do the conversion from 'char *' to
82 long, and this needs to be done to make sure 'non-aligned' memory
83 access do not occur.
84 Data is a pointer to 2 unsigned long's and key is the
85 RC2_KEY to use. Encryption or decryption is indicated by 'encrypt'.
86 which can have the values RC2_ENCRYPT or RC2_DECRYPT.
88void RC2_ecb_encrypt(
89unsigned char *in,
90unsigned char *out,
91RC2_KEY *key,
92int encrypt);
93 This is the basic Electronic Code Book form of RC2 (in DES this
94 mode is called Electronic Code Book so I'm going to use the term
95 for rc2 as well.
96 Input is encrypted into output using the key represented by
97 key. Depending on the encrypt, encryption or
98 decryption occurs. Input is 8 bytes long and output is 8 bytes.
100void RC2_cbc_encrypt(
101unsigned char *in,
102unsigned char *out,
103long length,
104RC2_KEY *ks,
105unsigned char *ivec,
106int encrypt);
107 This routine implements RC2 in Cipher Block Chaining mode.
108 Input, which should be a multiple of 8 bytes is encrypted
109 (or decrypted) to output which will also be a multiple of 8 bytes.
110 The number of bytes is in length (and from what I've said above,
111 should be a multiple of 8). If length is not a multiple of 8, bad
112 things will probably happen. ivec is the initialisation vector.
113 This function updates iv after each call so that it can be passed to
114 the next call to RC2_cbc_encrypt().
116void RC2_cfb64_encrypt(
117unsigned char *in,
118unsigned char *out,
119long length,
120RC2_KEY *schedule,
121unsigned char *ivec,
122int *num,
123int encrypt);
124 This is one of the more useful functions in this RC2 library, it
125 implements CFB mode of RC2 with 64bit feedback.
126 This allows you to encrypt an arbitrary number of bytes,
127 you do not require 8 byte padding. Each call to this
128 routine will encrypt the input bytes to output and then update ivec
129 and num. Num contains 'how far' we are though ivec.
130 'Encrypt' is used to indicate encryption or decryption.
131 CFB64 mode operates by using the cipher to generate a stream
132 of bytes which is used to encrypt the plain text.
133 The cipher text is then encrypted to generate the next 64 bits to
134 be xored (incrementally) with the next 64 bits of plain
135 text. As can be seen from this, to encrypt or decrypt,
136 the same 'cipher stream' needs to be generated but the way the next
137 block of data is gathered for encryption is different for
138 encryption and decryption.
140void RC2_ofb64_encrypt(
141unsigned char *in,
142unsigned char *out,
143long length,
144RC2_KEY *schedule,
145unsigned char *ivec,
146int *num);
147 This functions implements OFB mode of RC2 with 64bit feedback.
148 This allows you to encrypt an arbitrary number of bytes,
149 you do not require 8 byte padding. Each call to this
150 routine will encrypt the input bytes to output and then update ivec
151 and num. Num contains 'how far' we are though ivec.
152 This is in effect a stream cipher, there is no encryption or
153 decryption mode.
155For reading passwords, I suggest using des_read_pw_string() from my DES library.
156To generate a password from a text string, I suggest using MD5 (or MD2) to
157produce a 16 byte message digest that can then be passed directly to
161For more information about the specific RC2 modes in this library
162(ecb, cbc, cfb and ofb), read the section entitled 'Modes of DES' from the
163documentation on my DES library. What is said about DES is directly
164applicable for RC2.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/rc4.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/rc4.doc
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index 0000000000..4b2897eb74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/rc4.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
1The RC4 library.
2RC4 is a stream cipher that operates on a byte stream. It can be used with
3any length key but I would recommend normally using 16 bytes.
5This library requires the inclusion of 'rc4.h'.
7The RC4 encryption function takes what is called an RC4_KEY as an argument.
8The RC4_KEY is generated by the RC4_set_key function from the key bytes.
10RC4, being a stream cipher, does not have an encryption or decryption mode.
11It produces a stream of bytes that the input stream is xor'ed against and
12so decryption is just a case of 'encrypting' again with the same key.
14I have only put in one 'mode' for RC4 which is the normal one. This means
15there is no initialisation vector and there is no feedback of the cipher
16text into the cipher. This implies that you should not ever use the
17same key twice if you can help it. If you do, you leave yourself open to
18known plain text attacks; if you know the plain text and
19corresponding cipher text in one message, all messages that used the same
20key can have the cipher text decoded for the corresponding positions in the
21cipher stream.
23The main positive feature of RC4 is that it is a very fast cipher; about 4
24times faster that DES. This makes it ideally suited to protocols where the
25key is randomly chosen, like SSL.
27The functions are as follows:
29void RC4_set_key(
30RC4_KEY *key;
31int len;
32unsigned char *data);
33 This function initialises the RC4_KEY structure with the key passed
34 in 'data', which is 'len' bytes long. The key data can be any
35 length but 16 bytes seems to be a good number.
37void RC4(
38RC4_KEY *key;
39unsigned long len;
40unsigned char *in;
41unsigned char *out);
42 Do the actual RC4 encryption/decryption. Using the 'key', 'len'
43 bytes are transformed from 'in' to 'out'. As mentioned above,
44 decryption is the operation as encryption.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/readme b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/readme
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1This is the old 0.6.6 docuementation. Most of the cipher stuff is still
2relevent but I'm working (very slowly) on new docuemtation.
3The current version can be found online at
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/ref.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/ref.doc
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index 0000000000..211559900d
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+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/ref.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
1I have lots more references etc, and will update this list in the future,
230 Aug 1996 - eay
5SSL The SSL Protocol - from Netscapes.
7RC4 Newsgroups: sci.crypt
8 From: (David Sterndark)
9 Subject: RC4 Algorithm revealed.
10 Message-ID: <>
12RC2 Newsgroups: sci.crypt
13 From: (Peter Gutmann)
14 Subject: Specification for Ron Rivests Cipher No.2
15 Message-ID: <4fk39f$>
17MD2 RFC1319 The MD2 Message-Digest Algorithm
18MD5 RFC1321 The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
20X509 Certificates
21 RFC1421 Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part I
22 RFC1422 Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part II
23 RFC1423 Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part III
24 RFC1424 Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part IV
26RSA and various standard encoding
27 PKCS#1 RSA Encryption Standard
28 PKCS#5 Password-Based Encryption Standard
29 PKCS#7 Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard
30 A Layman's Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and DER
31 An Overview of the PKCS Standards
32 Some Examples of the PKCS Standards
34IDEA Chapter 3 The Block Cipher IDEA
36RSA, prime number generation and bignum algorithms
37 Introduction To Algorithms,
38 Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest,
39 Section 29 Arithmetic Circuits
40 Section 33 Number-Theoretic Algorithms
42Fast Private Key algorithm
43 Fast Decipherment Algorithm for RSA Public-Key Cryptosystem
44 J.-J. Quisquater and C. Couvreur, Electronics Letters,
45 14th October 1982, Vol. 18 No. 21
47Prime number generation and bignum algorithms.
48 PGP-2.3a
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/req.1 b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/req.1
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+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/req.1
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
1The 'req' command is used to manipulate and deal with pkcs#10
2certificate requests.
4It's default mode of operation is to load a certificate and then
5write it out again.
7By default the 'req' is read from stdin in 'PEM' format.
8The -inform option can be used to specify 'pem' format or 'der'
9format. PEM format is the base64 encoding of the DER format.
11By default 'req' then writes the request back out. -outform can be used
12to indicate the desired output format, be it 'pem' or 'der'.
14To specify an input file, use the '-in' option and the '-out' option
15can be used to specify the output file.
17If you wish to perform a command and not output the certificate
18request afterwards, use the '-noout' option.
20When a certificate is loaded, it can be printed in a human readable
21ascii format via the '-text' option.
23To check that the signature on a certificate request is correct, use
24the '-verify' option to make sure that the private key contained in the
25certificate request corresponds to the signature.
27Besides the default mode, there is also the 'generate a certificate
28request' mode. There are several flags that trigger this mode.
30-new will generate a new RSA key (if required) and then prompts
31the user for details for the certificate request.
32-newkey has an argument that is the number of bits to make the new
33key. This function also triggers '-new'.
35The '-new' option can have a key to use specified instead of having to
36load one, '-key' is used to specify the file containg the key.
37-keyform can be used to specify the format of the key. Only
38'pem' and 'der' formats are supported, later, 'netscape' format may be added.
40Finally there is the '-x509' options which makes req output a self
41signed x509 certificate instead of a certificate request.
43Now as you may have noticed, there are lots of default options that
44cannot be specified via the command line. They are held in a 'template'
45or 'configuration file'. The -config option specifies which configuration
46file to use. See conf.doc for details on the syntax of this file.
48The req command uses the 'req' section of the config file.
51# The following variables are defined. For this example I will populate
52# the various values
53[ req ]
54default_bits = 512 # default number of bits to use.
55default_keyfile = testkey.pem # Where to write the generated keyfile
56 # if not specified.
57distinguished_name= req_dn # The section that contains the
58 # information about which 'object' we
59 # want to put in the DN.
60attributes = req_attr # The objects we want for the
61 # attributes field.
62encrypt_rsa_key = no # Should we encrypt newly generated
63 # keys. I strongly recommend 'yes'.
65# The distinguished name section. For the following entries, the
66# object names must exist in the SSLeay header file objects.h. If they
67# do not, they will be silently ignored. The entries have the following
68# format.
69# <object_name> => string to prompt with
70# <object_name>_default => default value for people
71# <object_name>_value => Automatically use this value for this field.
72# <object_name>_min => minimum number of characters for data (def. 0)
73# <object_name>_max => maximum number of characters for data (def. inf.)
74# All of these entries are optional except for the first one.
75[ req_dn ]
76countryName = Country Name (2 letter code)
77countryName_default = AU
79stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name)
80stateOrProvinceName_default = Queensland
82localityName = Locality Name (eg, city)
84organizationName = Organization Name (eg, company)
85organizationName_default = Mincom Pty Ltd
87organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)
88organizationalUnitName_default = MTR
90commonName = Common Name (eg, YOUR name)
91commonName_max = 64
93emailAddress = Email Address
94emailAddress_max = 40
96# The next section is the attributes section. This is exactly the
97# same as for the previous section except that the resulting objects are
98# put in the attributes field.
99[ req_attr ]
100challengePassword = A challenge password
101challengePassword_min = 4
102challengePassword_max = 20
104unstructuredName = An optional company name
107Also note that the order that attributes appear in this file is the
108order they will be put into the distinguished name.
110Once this request has been generated, it can be sent to a CA for
114A few quick examples....
116To generate a new request and a new key
117req -new
119To generate a new request and a 1058 bit key
120req -newkey 1058
122To generate a new request using a pre-existing key
123req -new -key key.pem
125To generate a self signed x509 certificate from a certificate
126request using a supplied key, and we want to see the text form of the
127output certificate (which we will put in the file selfSign.pem
128req -x509 -in req.pem -key key.pem -text -out selfSign.pem
130Verify that the signature is correct on a certificate request.
131req -verify -in req.pem
133Verify that the signature was made using a specified public key.
134req -verify -in req.pem -key key.pem
136Print the contents of a certificate request
137req -text -in req.pem
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/rsa.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/rsa.doc
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index 0000000000..f260452bc6
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+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/rsa.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
1The RSA encryption and utility routines.
3The RSA routines are built on top of a big number library (the BN library).
4There are support routines in the X509 library for loading and manipulating
5the various objects in the RSA library. When errors are returned, read
6about the ERR library for how to access the error codes.
8All RSA encryption is done according to the PKCS-1 standard which is
9compatible with PEM and RSAref. This means that any values being encrypted
10must be less than the size of the modulus in bytes, minus 10, bytes long.
12This library uses RAND_bytes()() for it's random data, make sure to feed
13RAND_seed() with lots of interesting and varied data before using these
16The RSA library has one specific data type, the RSA structure.
17It is composed of 8 BIGNUM variables (see the BN library for details) and
18can hold either a private RSA key or a public RSA key.
19Some RSA libraries have different structures for public and private keys, I
20don't. For my libraries, a public key is determined by the fact that the
21RSA->d value is NULL. These routines will operate on any size RSA keys.
22While I'm sure 4096 bit keys are very very secure, they take a lot longer
23to process that 1024 bit keys :-).
25The function in the RSA library are as follows.
27RSA *RSA_new();
28 This function creates a new RSA object. The sub-fields of the RSA
29 type are also malloced so you should always use this routine to
30 create RSA variables.
32void RSA_free(
33RSA *rsa);
34 This function 'frees' an RSA structure. This routine should always
35 be used to free the RSA structure since it will also 'free' any
36 sub-fields of the RSA type that need freeing.
38int RSA_size(
39RSA *rsa);
40 This function returns the size of the RSA modulus in bytes. Why do
41 I need this you may ask, well the reason is that when you encrypt
42 with RSA, the output string will be the size of the RSA modulus.
43 So the output for the RSA_encrypt and the input for the RSA_decrypt
44 routines need to be RSA_size() bytes long, because this is how many
45 bytes are expected.
47For the following 4 RSA encryption routines, it should be noted that
48RSA_private_decrypt() should be used on the output from
49RSA_public_encrypt() and RSA_public_decrypt() should be used on
50the output from RSA_private_encrypt().
52int RSA_public_encrypt(
53int from_len;
54unsigned char *from
55unsigned char *to
56RSA *rsa);
57 This function implements RSA public encryption, the rsa variable
58 should be a public key (but can be a private key). 'from_len'
59 bytes taken from 'from' and encrypted and put into 'to'. 'to' needs
60 to be at least RSA_size(rsa) bytes long. The number of bytes
61 written into 'to' is returned. -1 is returned on an error. The
62 operation performed is
63 to = from^rsa->e mod rsa->n.
65int RSA_private_encrypt(
66int from_len;
67unsigned char *from
68unsigned char *to
69RSA *rsa);
70 This function implements RSA private encryption, the rsa variable
71 should be a private key. 'from_len' bytes taken from
72 'from' and encrypted and put into 'to'. 'to' needs
73 to be at least RSA_size(rsa) bytes long. The number of bytes
74 written into 'to' is returned. -1 is returned on an error. The
75 operation performed is
76 to = from^rsa->d mod rsa->n.
78int RSA_public_decrypt(
79int from_len;
80unsigned char *from
81unsigned char *to
82RSA *rsa);
83 This function implements RSA public decryption, the rsa variable
84 should be a public key (but can be a private key). 'from_len'
85 bytes are taken from 'from' and decrypted. The decrypted data is
86 put into 'to'. The number of bytes encrypted is returned. -1 is
87 returned to indicate an error. The operation performed is
88 to = from^rsa->e mod rsa->n.
90int RSA_private_decrypt(
91int from_len;
92unsigned char *from
93unsigned char *to
94RSA *rsa);
95 This function implements RSA private decryption, the rsa variable
96 should be a private key. 'from_len' bytes are taken
97 from 'from' and decrypted. The decrypted data is
98 put into 'to'. The number of bytes encrypted is returned. -1 is
99 returned to indicate an error. The operation performed is
100 to = from^rsa->d mod rsa->n.
102int RSA_mod_exp(
103BIGNUM *n;
104BIGNUM *p;
105RSA *rsa);
106 Normally you will never use this routine.
107 This is really an internal function which is called by
108 RSA_private_encrypt() and RSA_private_decrypt(). It performs
109 n=n^p mod rsa->n except that it uses the 5 extra variables in the
110 RSA structure to make this more efficient.
112RSA *RSA_generate_key(
113int bits;
114unsigned long e;
115void (*callback)();
116char *cb_arg;
117 This routine is used to generate RSA private keys. It takes
118 quite a period of time to run and should only be used to
119 generate initial private keys that should then be stored
120 for later use. The passed callback function
121 will be called periodically so that feedback can be given
122 as to how this function is progressing.
123 'bits' is the length desired for the modulus, so it would be 1024
124 to generate a 1024 bit private key.
125 'e' is the value to use for the public exponent 'e'. Traditionally
126 it is set to either 3 or 0x10001.
127 The callback function (if not NULL) is called in the following
128 situations.
129 when we have generated a suspected prime number to test,
130 callback(0,num1++,cb_arg). When it passes a prime number test,
131 callback(1,num2++,cb_arg). When it is rejected as one of
132 the 2 primes required due to gcd(prime,e value) != 0,
133 callback(2,num3++,cb_arg). When finally accepted as one
134 of the 2 primes, callback(3,num4++,cb_arg).
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/rsaref.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/rsaref.doc
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1This package can be compiled to use the RSAref library.
2This library is not allowed outside of the USA but inside the USA it is
3claimed by RSA to be the only RSA public key library that can be used
4besides BSAFE..
6There are 2 files, rsaref/rsaref.c and rsaref/rsaref.h that contain the glue
7code to use RSAref. These files were written by looking at the PGP
8source code and seeing which routines it used to access RSAref.
9I have also been sent by some-one a copy of the RSAref header file that
10contains the library error codes.
12[ Jun 1996 update - I have recently gotten hold of RSAref 2.0 from
13 South Africa and have been doing some performace tests. ]
15They have now been tested against the recently announced RSAEURO
18There are 2 ways to use SSLeay and RSAref. First, to build so that
19the programs must be linked with RSAref, add '-DRSAref' to CFLAG in the top
20level makefile and -lrsaref (or where ever you are keeping RSAref) to
23To build a makefile via util/ to do this, use the 'rsaref' option.
25The second method is to build as per normal and link applications with
26the RSAglue library. The correct library order would be
27cc -o cmd cmd.o -lssl -lRSAglue -lcrypto -lrsaref -ldes
28The RSAglue library is built in the rsa directory and is NOT
29automatically installed.
31Be warned that the RSAEURO library, that is claimed to be compatible
32with RSAref contains a different value for the maximum number of bits
33supported. This changes structure sizes and so if you are using
34RSAEURO, change the value of RSAref_MAX_BITS in rsa/rsaref.h
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/s_mult.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/s_mult.doc
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1s_mult is a test program I hacked up on a Sunday for testing non-blocking
2IO. It has a select loop at it's centre that handles multiple readers
3and writers.
5Try the following command
6ssleay s_mult -echo -nbio -ssl -v
7echo - sends any sent text back to the sender
8nbio - turns on non-blocking IO
9ssl - accept SSL connections, default is normal text
10v - print lots
11 type Q<cr> to quit
13In another window, run the following
14ssleay s_client -pause </etc/termcap
16The pause option puts in a 1 second pause in each read(2)/write(2) call
17so the other end will have read()s fail.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/session.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/session.doc
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1I have just checked over and re-worked the session stuff.
2The following brief example will ignore all setup information to do with
5Things operate as follows.
7The SSL environment has a 'context', a SSL_CTX structure. This holds the
8cached SSL_SESSIONS (which can be reused) and the certificate lookup
9information. Each SSL structure needs to be associated with a SSL_CTX.
10Normally only one SSL_CTX structure is needed per program.
12SSL_CTX *SSL_CTX_new(void );
13void SSL_CTX_free(SSL_CTX *);
14These 2 functions create and destroy SSL_CTX structures
16The SSL_CTX has a session_cache_mode which is by default,
17in SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER mode. What this means is that the library
18will automatically add new session-id's to the cache apon sucsessful
19SSL_accept() calls.
20If SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT is set, then client certificates are also added
21to the cache.
22SSL_set_session_cache_mode(ctx,mode) will set the 'mode' and
23SSL_get_session_cache_mode(ctx) will get the cache 'mode'.
24The modes can be
25SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF - no caching
26SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT - only SSL_connect()
27SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER - only SSL_accept()
28SSL_SESS_NO_CACHE_BOTH - Either SSL_accept() or SSL_connect().
29If SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_AUTO_CLEAR is set, old timed out sessions are
30not automatically removed each 255, SSL_connect()s or SSL_accept()s.
32By default, apon every 255 successful SSL_connect() or SSL_accept()s,
33the cache is flush. Please note that this could be expensive on
34a heavily loaded SSL server, in which case, turn this off and
35clear the cache of old entries 'manually' (with one of the functions
36listed below) every few hours. Perhaps I should up this number, it is hard
37to say. Remember, the '255' new calls is just a mechanims to get called
38every now and then, in theory at most 255 new session-id's will have been
39added but if 100 are added every minute, you would still have
40500 in the cache before any would start being flushed (assuming a 3 minute
43int SSL_CTX_sess_hits(SSL_CTX *ctx);
44int SSL_CTX_sess_misses(SSL_CTX *ctx);
45int SSL_CTX_sess_timeouts(SSL_CTX *ctx);
46These 3 functions return statistics about the SSL_CTX. These 3 are the
47number of session id reuses. hits is the number of reuses, misses are the
48number of lookups that failed, and timeouts is the number of cached
49entries ignored because they had timeouted.
51ctx->new_session_cb is a function pointer to a function of type
52int new_session_callback(SSL *ssl,SSL_SESSION *new);
53This function, if set in the SSL_CTX structure is called whenever a new
54SSL_SESSION is added to the cache. If the callback returns non-zero, it
55means that the application will have to do a SSL_SESSION_free()
56on the structure (this is
57to do with the cache keeping the reference counts correct, without the
58application needing to know about it.
59The 'active' parameter is the current SSL session for which this connection
60was created.
62void SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx,int (*cb)());
63to set the callback,
64int (*cb)() SSL_CTX_sess_get_new_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx)
65to get the callback.
67If the 'get session' callback is set, when a session id is looked up and
68it is not in the session-id cache, this callback is called. The callback is
69of the form
70SSL_SESSION *get_session_callback(unsigned char *sess_id,int sess_id_len,
71 int *copy);
73The get_session_callback is intended to return null if no session id is found.
74The reference count on the SSL_SESSION in incremented by the SSL library,
75if copy is 1. Otherwise, the reference count is not modified.
77void SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb(ctx,cb) sets the callback and
78int (*cb)()SSL_CTX_sess_get_get_cb(ctx) returns the callback.
80These callbacks are basically indended to be used by processes to
81send their session-id's to other processes. I currently have not implemented
82non-blocking semantics for these callbacks, it is upto the appication
83to make the callbacks effiecent if they require blocking (perhaps
84by 'saving' them and then 'posting them' when control returns from
85the SSL_accept().
87LHASH *SSL_CTX_sessions(SSL_CTX *ctx)
88This returns the session cache. The lhash strucutre can be accessed for
89statistics about the cache.
91void lh_stats(LHASH *lh, FILE *out);
92void lh_node_stats(LHASH *lh, FILE *out);
93void lh_node_usage_stats(LHASH *lh, FILE *out);
95can be used to print details about it's activity and current state.
96You can also delve directly into the lhash structure for 14 different
97counters that are kept against the structure. When I wrote the lhash library,
98I was interested in gathering statistics :-).
99Have a read of doc/lhash.doc in the SSLeay distribution area for more details
100on the lhash library.
102Now as mentioned ealier, when a SSL is created, it needs a SSL_CTX.
103SSL * SSL_new(SSL_CTX *);
105This stores a session. A session is secret information shared between 2
106SSL contexts. It will only be created if both ends of the connection have
107authenticated their peer to their satisfaction. It basically contains
108the information required to use a particular secret key cipher.
110To retrieve the SSL_CTX being used by a SSL,
111SSL_CTX *SSL_get_SSL_CTX(SSL *s);
113Now when a SSL session is established between to programs, the 'session'
114information that is cached in the SSL_CTX can me manipulated by the
115following functions.
116int SSL_set_session(SSL *s, SSL_SESSION *session);
117This will set the SSL_SESSION to use for the next SSL_connect(). If you use
118this function on an already 'open' established SSL connection, 'bad things
119will happen'. This function is meaning-less when used on a ssl strucutre
120that is just about to be used in a SSL_accept() call since the
121SSL_accept() will either create a new session or retrieve one from the
124SSL_SESSION *SSL_get_session(SSL *s);
125This will return the SSL_SESSION for the current SSL, NULL if there is
126no session associated with the SSL structure.
128The SSL sessions are kept in the SSL_CTX in a hash table, to remove a
130void SSL_CTX_remove_session(SSL_CTX *,SSL_SESSION *c);
131and to add one
132int SSL_CTX_add_session(SSL_CTX *s, SSL_SESSION *c);
133SSL_CTX_add_session() returns 1 if the session was already in the cache (so it
134was not added).
135Whenever a new session is created via SSL_connect()/SSL_accept(),
136they are automatically added to the cache, depending on the session_cache_mode
137settings. SSL_set_session()
138does not add it to the cache. Just call SSL_CTX_add_session() if you do want the
139session added. For a 'client' this would not normally be the case.
140SSL_CTX_add_session() is not normally ever used, except for doing 'evil' things
141which the next 2 funtions help you do.
143int i2d_SSL_SESSION(SSL_SESSION *in,unsigned char **pp);
144SSL_SESSION *d2i_SSL_SESSION(SSL_SESSION **a,unsigned char **pp,long length);
145These 2 functions are in the standard ASN1 library form and can be used to
146load and save to a byte format, the SSL_SESSION structure.
147With these functions, you can save and read these structures to a files or
148arbitary byte string.
149The PEM_write_SSL_SESSION(fp,x) and PEM_read_SSL_SESSION(fp,x,cb) will
150write to a file pointer in base64 encoding.
152What you can do with this, is pass session information between separate
153processes. Please note, that you will probably also need to modify the
154timeout information on the SSL_SESSIONs.
156long SSL_get_time(SSL_SESSION *s)
157will return the 'time' that the session
158was loaded. The timeout is relative to this time. This information is
159saved when the SSL_SESSION is converted to binarary but it is stored
160in as a unix long, which is rather OS dependant, but easy to convert back.
162long SSL_set_time(SSL_SESSION *s,long t) will set the above mentioned time.
163The time value is just the value returned from time(3), and should really
164be defined by be to be time_t.
166long SSL_get_timeout(SSL_SESSION *s);
167long SSL_set_timeout(SSL_SESSION *s,long t);
168These 2 retrieve and set the timeout which is just a number of secconds
169from the 'SSL_get_time()' value. When this time period has elapesed,
170the session will no longer be in the cache (well it will actually be removed
171the next time it is attempted to be retrieved, so you could 'bump'
172the timeout so it remains valid).
173The 'time' and 'timeout' are set on a session when it is created, not reset
174each time it is reused. If you did wish to 'bump it', just after establishing
175a connection, do a
178You can also use
179SSL_CTX_set_timeout(SSL_CTX *ctx,unsigned long t) and
180SSL_CTX_get_timeout(SSL_CTX *ctx) to manipulate the default timeouts for
181all SSL connections created against a SSL_CTX. If you set a timeout in
182an SSL_CTX, all new SSL's created will inherit the timeout. It can be over
183written by the SSL_set_timeout(SSL *s,unsigned long t) function call.
184If you 'set' the timeout back to 0, the system default will be used.
187void SSL_SESSION_free(SSL_SESSION *ses);
188These 2 functions are used to create and dispose of SSL_SESSION functions.
189You should not ever normally need to use them unless you are using
190i2d_SSL_SESSION() and/or d2i_SSL_SESSION(). If you 'load' a SSL_SESSION
191via d2i_SSL_SESSION(), you will need to SSL_SESSION_free() it.
192Both SSL_set_session() and SSL_CTX_add_session() will 'take copies' of the
193structure (via reference counts) when it is passed to them.
196The first function will clear all sessions from the cache, which have expired
197relative to 'time' (which could just be time(NULL)).
200This is a special case that clears everything.
202As a final comment, a 'session' is not enough to establish a new
203connection. If a session has timed out, a certificate and private key
204need to have been associated with the SSL structure.
205SSL_copy_session_id(SSL *to,SSL *from); will copy not only the session
206strucutre but also the private key and certificate associated with
211So lets play at being a wierd SSL server.
213/* setup a context */
216/* Lets load some session from binary into the cache, why one would do
217 * this is not toally clear, but passing between programs does make sense
218 * Perhaps you are using 4096 bit keys and are happy to keep them
219 * valid for a week, to avoid the RSA overhead of 15 seconds, I'm not toally
220 * sure, perhaps this is a process called from an SSL inetd and this is being
221 * passed to the application. */
225/* Lets even add a session from a file */
229/* create a new SSL structure */
232/* At this point we want to be able to 'create' new session if
233 * required, so we need a certificate and RSAkey. */
237/* Now since we are a server, it make little sence to load a session against
238 * the ssl strucutre since a SSL_accept() will either create a new session or
239 * grab an existing one from the cache. */
241/* grab a socket descriptor */
244/* associated it with the ssl strucutre */
247SSL_accept(ssl); /* 'do' SSL using out cert and RSA key */
249/* Lets print out the session details or lets save it to a file,
250 * perhaps with a secret key cipher, so that we can pass it to the FBI
251 * when they want to decode the session :-). While we have RSA
252 * this does not matter much but when I do SSLv3, this will allow a mechanism
253 * for the server/client to record the information needed to decode
254 * the traffic that went over the wire, even when using Diffie-Hellman */
257Lets 'connect' back to the caller using the same session id.
265/* what the hell, lets accept no more connections using this session */
268/* we could have just as easily used ssl2 since they both are using the
269 * same session.
270 * You will note that both ssl and ssl2 are still using the session, and
271 * the SSL_SESSION structure will be free()ed when both ssl and ssl2
272 * finish using the session. Also note that you could continue to initiate
273 * connections using this session by doing SSL_get_session(ssl) to get the
274 * existing session, but SSL_accept() will not be able to find it to
275 * use for incoming connections.
276 * Of corse, the session will timeout at the far end and it will no
277 * longer be accepted after a while. The time and timeout are ignored except
278 * by SSL_accept(). */
280/* Since we have had our server running for 10 weeks, and memory is getting
281 * short, perhaps we should clear the session cache to remove those
282 * 100000 session entries that have expired. Some may consider this
283 * a memory leak :-) */
287/* Ok, after a bit more time we wish to flush all sessions from the cache
288 * so that all new connections will be authenticated and incure the
289 * public key operation overhead */
293/* As a final note, to copy everything to do with a SSL, use */
294SSL_copy_session_id(SSL *to,SSL *from);
295/* as this also copies the certificate and RSA key so new session can
296 * be established using the same details */
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/sha.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/sha.doc
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1The SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) library.
2SHA is a message digest algorithm that can be used to condense an arbitrary
3length message down to a 20 byte hash. The functions all need to be passed
4a SHA_CTX which is used to hold the SHA context during multiple SHA_Update()
5function calls. The normal method of use for this library is as follows
6This library contains both SHA and SHA-1 digest algorithms. SHA-1 is
7an update to SHA (which should really be called SHA-0 now) which
8tweaks the algorithm slightly. The SHA-1 algorithm is used by simply
9using SHA1_Init(), SHA1_Update(), SHA1_Final() and SHA1() instead of the
10SHA*() calls
18This library requires the inclusion of 'sha.h'.
20The functions are as follows:
22void SHA_Init(
23SHA_CTX *c);
24 This function needs to be called to initiate a SHA_CTX structure for
25 use.
27void SHA_Update(
28SHA_CTX *c;
29unsigned char *data;
30unsigned long len);
31 This updates the message digest context being generated with 'len'
32 bytes from the 'data' pointer. The number of bytes can be any
33 length.
35void SHA_Final(
36unsigned char *md;
37SHA_CTX *c;
38 This function is called when a message digest of the data digested
39 with SHA_Update() is wanted. The message digest is put in the 'md'
40 array and is SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH (20) bytes long.
42unsigned char *SHA(
43unsigned char *d;
44unsigned long n;
45unsigned char *md;
46 This function performs a SHA_Init(), followed by a SHA_Update()
47 followed by a SHA_Final() (using a local SHA_CTX).
48 The resulting digest is put into 'md' if it is not NULL.
49 Regardless of the value of 'md', the message
50 digest is returned from the function. If 'md' was NULL, the message
51 digest returned is being stored in a static structure.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/speed.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/speed.doc
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1To get an idea of the performance of this library, use
2ssleay speed
4perl util/ file1 file2
6will print out the relative differences between the 2 files which are
7expected to be the output from the speed program.
9The performace of the library is very dependant on the Compiler
10quality and various flags used to build.
14These are some numbers I did comparing RSAref and SSLeay on a Pentium 100.
15[ These numbers are all out of date, as of SSL - 0.6.1 the RSA
16operations are about 2 times faster, so check the version number ]
18RSA performance.
20SSLeay 0.6.0
21Pentium 100, 32meg, Windows NT Workstation 3.51
22linux - gcc v 2.7.0 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -m486
24Windows NT - Windows NT 3.51 - Visual C++ 4.1 - 586 code + 32bit assember
25Windows 3.1 - Windows NT 3.51 - Visual C++ 1.52c - 286 code + 32bit assember
26NT Dos Shell- Windows NT 3.51 - Visual C++ 1.52c - 286 code + 16bit assember
28Times are how long it takes to do an RSA private key operation.
30 512bits 1024bits
32SSLeay NT dll 0.042s 0.202s see above
33SSLeay linux 0.046s 0.218s Assember inner loops (normal build)
34SSLeay linux 0.067s 0.380s Pure C code with BN_LLONG defined
35SSLeay W3.1 dll 0.108s 0.478s see above
36SSLeay linux 0.109s 0.713s C without BN_LLONG.
37RSAref2.0 linux 0.149s 0.936s
38SSLeay MS-DOS 0.197s 1.049s see above
40486DX66, 32meg, Windows NT Server 3.51
41 512bits 1024bits
43SSLeay NT dll 0.084s 0.495s <- SSLeay 0.6.3
44SSLeay NT dll 0.154s 0.882s
45SSLeay W3.1 dll 0.335s 1.538s
46SSLeay MS-DOS 0.490s 2.790s
48What I find cute is that I'm still faster than RSAref when using standard C,
49without using the 'long long' data type :-), %35 faster for 512bit and we
50scale up to 3.2 times faster for the 'default linux' build. I should mention
51that people should 'try' to use either x86-lnx.s (elf), x86-lnxa.s or
52x86-sol.s for any x86 based unix they are building on. The only problems
53with be with syntax but the performance gain is quite large, especially for
54servers. The code is very simple, you just need to modify the 'header'.
56The message is, if you are stuck using RSAref, the RSA performance will be
57bad. Considering the code was compiled for a pentium, the 486DX66 number
58would indicate 'Use RSAref and turn you Pentium 100 into a 486DX66' :-).
59[ As of verson 0.6.1, it would be correct to say 'turn you pentium 100
60 into a 486DX33' :-) ]
62I won't tell people if the DLL's are using RSAref or my stuff if no-one
63asks :-).
67PS while I know I could speed things up further, I will probably not do
68 so due to the effort involved. I did do some timings on the
69 SSLeay bignum format -> RSAref number format conversion that occurs
70 each time RSAref is used by SSLeay, and the numbers are trivial.
71 0.00012s a call for 512bit vs 0.149s for the time spent in the function.
72 0.00018s for 1024bit vs 0.938s. Insignificant.
73 So the 'way to go', to support faster RSA libraries, if people are keen,
74 is to write 'glue' code in a similar way that I do for RSAref and send it
75 to me :-).
76 My base library still has the advantage of being able to operate on
77 any size numbers, and is not that far from the performance from the
78 leaders in the field. (-%30?)
79 [ Well as of 0.6.1 I am now the leader in the filed on x86 (we at
80 least very close :-) ]
82 I suppose I should also mention some other numbers RSAref numbers, again
83 on my Pentium.
85 RSAref linux 830k/s 302k/s 4390k/s
86 SSLeay linux 855k/s 319k/s 10025k/s
87 SSLeay NT 1158k/s 410k/s 10470k/s
88 SSLeay w31 378k/s 143k/s 2383k/s (fully 16bit)
90 Got to admit that Visual C++ 4.[01] is a damn fine compiler :-)
92Eric Young | BOOL is tri-state according to Bill Gates.
93AARNet: | RTFM Win32 GetMessage().
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1This is a quick high level summery of how things work now.
3Each SSLv2 and SSLv3 cipher is composed of 4 major attributes plus a few extra
4minor ones.
6They are 'The key exchange algorithm', which is RSA for SSLv2 but can also
7be Diffle-Hellman for SSLv3.
9An 'Authenticion algorithm', which can be RSA, Diffle-Helman, DSS or
12The cipher
14The MAC digest.
16A cipher can also be an export cipher and is either an SSLv2 or a
17SSLv3 ciphers.
19To specify which ciphers to use, one can either specify all the ciphers,
20one at a time, or use 'aliases' to specify the preference and order for
21the ciphers.
23There are a large number of aliases, but the most importaint are
24kRSA, kDHr, kDHd and kEDH for key exchange types.
26aRSA, aDSS, aNULL and aDH for authentication
27DES, 3DES, RC4, RC2, IDEA and eNULL for ciphers
28MD5, SHA0 and SHA1 digests
30Now where this becomes interesting is that these can be put together to
31specify the order and ciphers you wish to use.
33To speed this up there are also aliases for certian groups of ciphers.
34The main ones are
35SSLv2 - all SSLv2 ciphers
36SSLv3 - all SSLv3 ciphers
37EXP - all export ciphers
38LOW - all low strngth ciphers (no export ciphers, normally single DES)
39MEDIUM - 128 bit encryption
40HIGH - Triple DES
42These aliases can be joined in a : separated list which specifies to
43add ciphers, move them to the current location and delete them.
45A simpler way to look at all of this is to use the 'ssleay ciphers -v' command.
46The default library cipher spec is
48which means, first, remove from consideration any ciphers that do not
49authenticate. Next up, use ciphers using RC4 and RSA. Next include the HIGH,
50MEDIUM and the LOW security ciphers. Finish up by adding all the export
51ciphers on the end, then 'pull' all the SSLv2 and export ciphers to
52the end of the list.
54The results are
55$ ssleay ciphers -v '!ADH:RC4+RSA:HIGH:MEDIUM:LOW:EXP:+SSLv2:+EXP'
57RC4-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=SHA1
58RC4-MD5 SSLv3 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
61DES-CBC3-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=3DES(168) Mac=SHA1
66DES-CBC3-MD5 SSLv2 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=3DES(168) Mac=MD5
67DES-CBC-MD5 SSLv2 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=DES(56) Mac=MD5
68IDEA-CBC-MD5 SSLv2 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=IDEA(128) Mac=MD5
69RC2-CBC-MD5 SSLv2 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC2(128) Mac=MD5
70RC4-MD5 SSLv2 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=RC4(128) Mac=MD5
71EXP-EDH-RSA-DES-CBC SSLv3 Kx=DH(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
72EXP-EDH-DSS-DES-CBC-SHA SSLv3 Kx=DH(512) Au=DSS Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
73EXP-DES-CBC-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=DES(40) Mac=SHA1 export
74EXP-RC2-CBC-MD5 SSLv3 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC2(40) Mac=MD5 export
75EXP-RC4-MD5 SSLv3 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
76EXP-RC2-CBC-MD5 SSLv2 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC2(40) Mac=MD5 export
77EXP-RC4-MD5 SSLv2 Kx=RSA(512) Au=RSA Enc=RC4(40) Mac=MD5 export
79I would recoment people use the 'ssleay ciphers -v "text"'
80command to check what they are going to use.
82Anyway, I'm falling asleep here so I'll do some more tomorrow.
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1SSL_CTX_sessions(SSL_CTX *ctx) - the session-id hash table.
3/* Session-id cache stats */
14/* Session-id application notification callbacks */
20/* Session-id cache operation mode */
24/* Set default timeout values to use. */
28/* Global SSL initalisation informational callback */
34/* If the SSL_accept/SSL_connect returned with -1, these indicate when
35 * we should re-call *.
42/* Where we are in SSL initalisation, used in non-blocking, perhaps
43 * have a look at ssl/bio_ssl.c */
50/* Used to set the 'inital' state so SSL_in_connect_init and SSL_in_accept_init
51 * can be used to work out which function to call. */
55/* Where to look for certificates for authentication */
56SSL_set_default_verify_paths /* calles SSL_load_verify_locations */
59/* get info from an established connection */
110/* human readable version of the 'state' of the SSL connection. */
113/* These 2 report what kind of IO operation the library was trying to
114 * perform last. Probably not very usefull. */
139/* used to hold information as to why a certificate verification failed */
143/* can be used by the application to associate data with an SSL structure.
144 * It needs to be 'free()ed' by the application */
148/* The following all set values that are kept in the SSL_CTX but
149 * are used as the default values when an SSL session is created.
150 * They are over writen by the relevent SSL_xxxx functions */
152/* SSL_set_verify */
153void SSL_CTX_set_default_verify
155/* This callback, if set, totaly overrides the normal SSLeay verification
156 * functions and should return 1 on sucesss and 0 on failure */
157void SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback
159/* The following are the same as the equivilent SSL_xxx functions.
160 * Only one copy of this information is kept and if a particular
161 * SSL structure has a local override, it is totally separate structure.
162 */
163int SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey
164int SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1
165int SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file
166int SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey
167int SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1
168int SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file
169int SSL_CTX_use_certificate
170int SSL_CTX_use_certificate_ASN1
171int SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file
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1This is now a bit dated, quite a few of the SSL_ functions could be
2SSL_CTX_ functions. I will update this in the future. 30 Aug 1996
4From Mon Dec 11 21:37:08 1995
5Received: by id AA00696
6 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for eay); Mon, 11 Dec 1995 11:37:08 +1000
7Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 11:37:08 +1000 (EST)
8From: Eric Young <>
9X-Sender: eay@orb
10To: sameer <>
11Cc: Eric Young <>
12Subject: Re: PEM_readX509 oesn't seem to be working
13In-Reply-To: <>
14Message-Id: <Pine.SOL.3.91.951211112115.28608D-100000@orb>
15Mime-Version: 1.0
16Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
17Status: RO
20On Sun, 10 Dec 1995, sameer wrote:
21> OK, that's solved. I've found out that it is saying "no
22> certificate set" in SSL_accept because s->conn == NULL
23> so there is some place I need to initialize s->conn that I am
24> not initializing it.
26The full order of things for a server should be.
30/* The next line should not really be using ctx->cert but I'll leave it
31 * this way right now... I don't want a X509_ routine to know about an SSL
32 * structure, there should be an SSL_load_verify_locations... hmm, I may
33 * add it tonight.
34 */
37/* Ok now for each new connection we do the following */
42/* set the certificate and private key to use. */
50There is a bit more than that but that is basically the structure.
52Create a context and specify where to lookup certificates.
54foreach connection
55 {
56 create a SSL structure
57 set the certificate and private key
58 do a SSL_accept
60 we should now be ok
61 }
65Eric Young | Signature removed since it was generating
66AARNet: | more followups than the message contents :-)
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1SSLeay: a cryptographic kitchen sink.
31st December 1995
4Way back at the start of April 1995, I was looking for a mindless
5programming project. A friend of mine (Tim Hudson) said "why don't you do SSL,
6it has DES encryption in it and I would not mind using it in a SSL telnet".
7While it was true I had written a DES library in previous years, litle
8did I know what an expansive task SSL would turn into.
10First of all, the SSL protocol contains DES encryption. Well and good. My
11DES library was fast and portable. It also contained the RSA's RC4 stream
12cipher. Again, not a problem, some-one had just posted to sci.crypt
13something that was claimed to be RC4. It also contained IDEA, I had the
14specifications, not a problem to implement. MD5, an RFC, trivial, at most
15I could spend a week or so trying to see if I could speed up the
16implementation. All in all a nice set of ciphers.
17Then the first 'expantion of the scope', RSA public key
18encryption. Since I did not knowing a thing about public key encryption
19or number theory, this appeared quite a daunting task. Just writing a
20big number library would be problomatic in itself, let alone making it fast.
21At this point the scope of 'implementing SSL' expands eponentialy.
22First of all, the RSA private keys were being kept in ASN.1 format.
23Thankfully the RSA PKCS series of documents explains this format. So I now
24needed to be able to encode and decode arbitary ASN.1 objects. The Public
25keys were embeded in X509 certificates. Hmm... these are not only
26ASN.1 objects but they make up a heirachy of authentication. To
27authenticate a X509 certificate one needs to retrieve it's issuers
28certificate etc etc. Hmm..., so I also need to implement some kind
29of certificate management software. I would also have to implement
30software to authenticate certificates. At this point the support code made
31the SSL part of my library look quite small.
32Around this time, the first version of SSLeay was released.
34Ah, but here was the problem, I was not happy with the code so far. As may
35have become obvious, I had been treating all of this as a learning
36exersize, so I have completely written the library myself. As such, due
37to the way it had grown like a fungus, much of the library was not
38'elagent' or neat. There were global and static variables all over the
39place, the SSL part did not even handle non-blocking IO.
40The Great rewrite began.
42As of this point in time, the 'Great rewrite' has almost finished. So what
43follows is an approximate list of what is actually SSLeay 0.5.0
45/********* This needs to be updated for 0.6.0+ *************/
48The library contains the following routines. Please note that most of these
49functions are not specfic for SSL or any other particular cipher
50implementation. I have tried to make all the routines as general purpose
51as possible. So you should not think of this library as an SSL
52implemtation, but rather as a library of cryptographic functions
53that also contains SSL. I refer to each of these function groupings as
54libraries since they are often capable of functioning as independant
57First up, the general ciphers and message digests supported by the library.
59MD2 rfc???, a standard 'by parts' interface to this algorithm.
60MD5 rfc???, the same type of interface as for the MD2 library except a
61 different algorithm.
62SHA THe Secure Hash Algorithm. Again the same type of interface as
63 MD2/MD5 except the digest is 20 bytes.
64SHA1 The 'revised' version of SHA. Just about identical to SHA except
65 for one tweak of an inner loop.
66DES This is my libdes library that has been floating around for the last
67 few years. It has been enhanced for no other reason than completeness.
68 It now supports ecb, cbc, cfb, ofb, cfb64, ofb64 in normal mode and
69 triple DES modes of ecb, cbc, cfb64 and ofb64. cfb64 and ofb64 are
70 functional interfaces to the 64 bit modes of cfb and ofb used in
71 such a way thay they function as single character interfaces.
72RC4 The RSA Inc. stream cipher.
73RC2 The RSA Inc. block cipher.
74IDEA An implmentation of the IDEA cipher, the library supports ecb, cbc,
75 cfb64 and ofb64 modes of operation.
77Now all the above mentioned ciphers and digests libraries support high
78speed, minimal 'crap in the way' type interfaces. For fastest and
79lowest level access, these routines should be used directly.
81Now there was also the matter of public key crypto systems. These are
82based on large integer arithmatic.
84BN This is my large integer library. It supports all the normal
85 arithmentic operations. It uses malloc extensivly and as such has
86 no limits of the size of the numbers being manipulated. If you
87 wish to use 4000 bit RSA moduli, these routines will handle it.
88 This library also contains routines to 'generate' prime numbers and
89 to test for primality. The RSA and DH libraries sit on top of this
90 library. As of this point in time, I don't support SHA, but
91 when I do add it, it will just sit on top of the routines contained
92 in this library.
93RSA This implements the RSA public key algorithm. It also contains
94 routines that will generate a new private/public key pair.
95 All the RSA functions conform to the PKCS#1 standard.
96DH This is an implementation of the
97 Diffie-Hellman protocol. There are all the require routines for
98 the protocol, plus extra routines that can be used to generate a
99 strong prime for use with a specified generator. While this last
100 routine is not generally required by applications implementing DH,
101 It is present for completeness and because I thing it is much
102 better to be able to 'generate' your own 'magic' numbers as oposed
103 to using numbers suplied by others. I conform to the PKCS#3
104 standard where required.
106You may have noticed the preceeding section mentions the 'generation' of
107prime numbers. Now this requries the use of 'random numbers'.
109RAND This psuedo-random number library is based on MD5 at it's core
110 and a large internal state (2k bytes). Once you have entered enough
111 seed data into this random number algorithm I don't feel
112 you will ever need to worry about it generating predictable output.
113 Due to the way I am writing a portable library, I have left the
114 issue of how to get good initial random seed data upto the
115 application but I do have support routines for saving and loading a
116 persistant random number state for use between program runs.
118Now to make all these ciphers easier to use, a higher level
119interface was required. In this form, the same function would be used to
120encrypt 'by parts', via any one of the above mentioned ciphers.
122EVP The Digital EnVeloPe library is quite large. At it's core are
123 function to perform encryption and decryption by parts while using
124 an initial parameter to specify which of the 17 different ciphers
125 or 4 different message digests to use. On top of these are implmented
126 the digital signature functions, sign, verify, seal and open.
127 Base64 encoding of binary data is also done in this library.
129PEM rfc???? describe the format for Privacy Enhanced eMail.
130 As part of this standard, methods of encoding digital enveloped
131 data is an ascii format are defined. As such, I use a form of these
132 to encode enveloped data. While at this point in time full support
133 for PEM has not been built into the library, a minimal subset of
134 the secret key and Base64 encoding is present. These reoutines are
135 mostly used to Ascii encode binary data with a 'type' associated
136 with it and perhaps details of private key encryption used to
137 encrypt the data.
139PKCS7 This is another Digital Envelope encoding standard which uses ASN.1
140 to encode the data. At this point in time, while there are some
141 routines to encode and decode this binary format, full support is
142 not present.
144As Mentioned, above, there are several different ways to encode
145data structures.
147ASN1 This library is more a set of primatives used to encode the packing
148 and unpacking of data structures. It is used by the X509
149 certificate standard and by the PKCS standards which are used by
150 this library. It also contains routines for duplicating and signing
151 the structures asocisated with X509.
153X509 The X509 library contains routines for packing and unpacking,
154 verifying and just about every thing else you would want to do with
155 X509 certificates.
157PKCS7 PKCS-7 is a standard for encoding digital envelope data
158 structures. At this point in time the routines will load and save
159 DER forms of these structees. They need to be re-worked to support
160 the BER form which is the normal way PKCS-7 is encoded. If the
161 previous 2 sentances don't make much sense, don't worry, this
162 library is not used by this version of SSLeay anyway.
164OBJ ASN.1 uses 'object identifiers' to identify objects. A set of
165 functions were requred to translate from ASN.1 to an intenger, to a
166 character string. This library provieds these translations
168Now I mentioned an X509 library. X509 specified a hieachy of certificates
169which needs to be traversed to authenticate particular certificates.
171METH This library is used to push 'methods' of retrieving certificates
172 into the library. There are some supplied 'methods' with SSLeay
173 but applications can add new methods if they so desire.
174 This library has not been finished and is not being used in this
175 version.
177Now all the above are required for use in the initial point of this project.
179SSL The SSL protocol. This is a full implmentation of SSL v 2. It
180 support both server and client authentication. SSL v 3 support
181 will be added when the SSL v 3 specification is released in it's
182 final form.
184Now quite a few of the above mentioned libraries rely on a few 'complex'
185data structures. For each of these I have a library.
187Lhash This is a hash table library which is used extensivly.
189STACK An implemetation of a Stack data structure.
191BUF A simple character array structure that also support a function to
192 check that the array is greater that a certain size, if it is not,
193 it is realloced so that is it.
195TXT_DB A simple memory based text file data base. The application can specify
196 unique indexes that will be enforced at update time.
198CONF Most of the programs written for this library require a configuration
199 file. Instead of letting programs constantly re-implment this
200 subsystem, the CONF library provides a consistant and flexable
201 interface to not only configuration files but also environment
202 variables.
204But what about when something goes wrong?
205The one advantage (and perhaps disadvantage) of all of these
206functions being in one library was the ability to implement a
207single error reporting system.
209ERR This library is used to report errors. The error system records
210 library number, function number (in the library) and reason
211 number. Multiple errors can be reported so that an 'error' trace
212 is created. The errors can be printed in numeric or textual form.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/ssluse.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/ssluse.doc
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1We have an SSL_CTX which contains global information for lots of
2SSL connections. The session-id cache and the certificate verificate cache.
3It also contains default values for use when certificates are used.
6 default cipher list
7 session-id cache
8 certificate cache
9 default session-id timeout period
10 New session-id callback
11 Required session-id callback
12 session-id stats
13 Informational callback
14 Callback that is set, overrides the SSLeay X509 certificate
15 verification
16 The default Certificate/Private Key pair
17 Default read ahead mode.
18 Default verify mode and verify callback. These are not used
19 if the over ride callback mentioned above is used.
21Each SSL can have the following defined for it before a connection is made.
24Private key
25Ciphers to use
26Certificate verify mode and callback
27IO object to use in the comunication.
28Some 'read-ahead' mode information.
29A previous session-id to re-use.
31A connection is made by using SSL_connect or SSL_accept.
32When non-blocking IO is being used, there are functions that can be used
33to determin where and why the SSL_connect or SSL_accept did not complete.
34This information can be used to recall the functions when the 'error'
35condition has dissapeared.
37After the connection has been made, information can be retrived about the
38SSL session and the session-id values that have been decided apon.
39The 'peer' certificate can be retrieved.
41The session-id values include
42'start time'
43'timeout length'
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/stack.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/stack.doc
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1The stack data structure is used to store an ordered list of objects.
2It is basically misnamed to call it a stack but it can function that way
3and that is what I originally used it for. Due to the way element
4pointers are kept in a malloc()ed array, the most efficient way to use this
5structure is to add and delete elements from the end via sk_pop() and
6sk_push(). If you wish to do 'lookups' sk_find() is quite efficient since
7it will sort the stack (if required) and then do a binary search to lookup
8the requested item. This sorting occurs automatically so just sk_push()
9elements on the stack and don't worry about the order. Do remember that if
10you do a sk_find(), the order of the elements will change.
12You should never need to 'touch' this structure directly.
13typedef struct stack_st
14 {
15 unsigned int num;
16 char **data;
17 int sorted;
19 unsigned int num_alloc;
20 int (*comp)();
21 } STACK;
23'num' holds the number of elements in the stack, 'data' is the array of
24elements. 'sorted' is 1 is the list has been sorted, 0 if not.
26num_alloc is the number of 'nodes' allocated in 'data'. When num becomes
27larger than num_alloc, data is realloced to a larger size.
28If 'comp' is set, it is a function that is used to compare 2 of the items
29in the stack. The function should return -1, 0 or 1, depending on the
32#define sk_num(sk) ((sk)->num)
33#define sk_value(sk,n) ((sk)->data[n])
35These 2 macros should be used to access the number of elements in the
36'stack' and to access a pointer to one of the values.
38STACK *sk_new(int (*c)());
39 This creates a new stack. If 'c', the comparison function, is not
40specified, the various functions that operate on a sorted 'stack' will not
41work (sk_find()). NULL is returned on failure.
43void sk_free(STACK *);
44 This function free()'s a stack structure. The elements in the
45stack will not be freed so one should 'pop' and free all elements from the
46stack before calling this function or call sk_pop_free() instead.
48void sk_pop_free(STACK *st; void (*func)());
49 This function calls 'func' for each element on the stack, passing
50the element as the argument. sk_free() is then called to free the 'stack'
53int sk_insert(STACK *sk,char *data,int where);
54 This function inserts 'data' into stack 'sk' at location 'where'.
55If 'where' is larger that the number of elements in the stack, the element
56is put at the end. This function tends to be used by other 'stack'
57functions. Returns 0 on failure, otherwise the number of elements in the
58new stack.
60char *sk_delete(STACK *st,int loc);
61 Remove the item a location 'loc' from the stack and returns it.
62Returns NULL if the 'loc' is out of range.
64char *sk_delete_ptr(STACK *st, char *p);
65 If the data item pointed to by 'p' is in the stack, it is deleted
66from the stack and returned. NULL is returned if the element is not in the
69int sk_find(STACK *st,char *data);
70 Returns the location that contains a value that is equal to
71the 'data' item. If the comparison function was not set, this function
72does a linear search. This function actually qsort()s the stack if it is not
73in order and then uses bsearch() to do the initial search. If the
74search fails,, -1 is returned. For mutliple items with the same
75value, the index of the first in the array is returned.
77int sk_push(STACK *st,char *data);
78 Append 'data' to the stack. 0 is returned if there is a failure
79(due to a malloc failure), else 1. This is
82int sk_unshift(STACK *st,char *data);
83 Prepend 'data' to the front (location 0) of the stack. This is
86char *sk_shift(STACK *st);
87 Return and delete from the stack the first element in the stack.
88This is sk_delete(st,0);
90char *sk_pop(STACK *st);
91 Return and delete the last element on the stack. This is
94void sk_zero(STACK *st);
95 Removes all items from the stack. It does not 'free'
96pointers but is a quick way to clear a 'stack of references'.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/threads.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/threads.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..251061e896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/threads.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
1How to compile SSLeay for multi-threading.
3Well basically it is quite simple, set the compiler flags and build.
4I have only really done much testing under Solaris and Windows NT.
5If you library supports localtime_r() and gmtime_r() add,
6-DTHREADS to the makefile parameters. You can probably survive with out
7this define unless you are going to have multiple threads generating
8certificates at once. It will not affect the SSL side of things.
10The approach I have taken to doing locking is to make the application provide
11callbacks to perform locking and so that the SSLeay library can distinguish
12between threads (for the error state).
14To have a look at an example program, 'cd mt; vi mttest.c'.
15To build under solaris, sh, for Windows NT or Windows 95,
18This will build mttest which will fire up 10 threads that talk SSL
19to each other 10 times.
20To enable everything to work, the application needs to call
25before any multithreading is started.
26id_function does not need to be defined under Windows NT or 95, the
27correct function will be called if it is not. Under unix, getpid()
28is call if the id_callback is not defined, for solaris this is wrong
29(since threads id's are not pid's) but under IRIX it is correct
30(threads are just processes sharing the data segement).
32The locking_callback is used to perform locking by the SSLeay library.
35void solaris_locking_callback(mode,type,file,line)
36int mode;
37int type;
38char *file;
39int line;
40 {
41 if (mode & CRYPTO_LOCK)
42 mutex_lock(&(lock_cs[type]));
43 else
44 mutex_unlock(&(lock_cs[type]));
45 }
47Now in this case I have used mutexes instead of read/write locks, since they
48are faster and there are not many read locks in SSLeay, you may as well
49always use write locks. file and line are __FILE__ and __LINE__ from
50the compile and can be usefull when debugging.
52Now as you can see, 'type' can be one of a range of values, these values are
53defined in crypto/crypto.h
54CRYPTO_get_lock_name(type) will return a text version of what the lock is.
55There are CRYPTO_NUM_LOCKS locks required, so under solaris, the setup
56for multi-threading can be
58static mutex_t lock_cs[CRYPTO_NUM_LOCKS];
60void thread_setup()
61 {
62 int i;
64 for (i=0; i<CRYPTO_NUM_LOCKS; i++)
65 mutex_init(&(lock_cs[i]),USYNC_THREAD,NULL);
66 CRYPTO_set_id_callback((unsigned long (*)())solaris_thread_id);
67 CRYPTO_set_locking_callback((void (*)())solaris_locking_callback);
68 }
70As a final note, under Windows NT or Windows 95, you have to be careful
71not to mix the various threaded, unthreaded and debug libraries.
72Normally if they are mixed incorrectly, mttest will crash just after printing
73out some usage statistics at the end. This is because the
74different system libraries use different malloc routines and if
75data is malloc()ed inside crypt32.dll or ssl32.dll and then free()ed by a
76different library malloc, things get very confused.
78The default SSLeay DLL builds use /MD, so if you use this on your
79application, things will work as expected. If you use /MDd,
80you will probably have to rebuild SSLeay using this flag.
81I should modify util/ so it does all this correctly, but
82this has not been done yet.
84One last warning. Because locking overheads are actually quite large, the
85statistics collected against the SSL_CTX for successfull connections etc
86are not locked when updated. This does make it possible for these
87values to be slightly lower than they should be, if you are
88running multithreaded on a multi-processor box, but this does not really
89matter much.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/txt_db.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/txt_db.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a5b0d50a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/txt_db.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1TXT_DB, a simple text based in memory database.
3It holds rows of ascii data, for which the only special character is '\0'.
4The rows can be of an unlimited length.
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/verify b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/verify
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b78d96159d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/verify
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
2 CERT_STORE *cert_store,
3 STACK /* X509 */ *certs,
4 int *verify_result,
5 int (*verify_error_callback)()
6 char *argument_to_callback, /* SSL */
9 char *app_verify_arg, /* from SSL_CTX */
10 STACK /* X509 */ *certs,
11 int *verify_result,
12 int (*verify_error_callback)()
13 SSL *s,
15int X509_verify_cert(
16 CERT_STORE *cert_store,
17 X509 *x509,
18 int *verify_result,
19 int (*verify_error_callback)(),
20 char *arg,
diff --git a/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/why.doc b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/why.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1ac84bd27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/libssl/src/doc/why.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
1This file is more of a note for other people who wish to understand why
2the build environment is the way it is :-).
4The include files 'depend' as follows.
5Each of
6crypto/*/*.c includes crypto/cryptlib.h
7ssl/*.c include ssl/ssl_locl.h
8apps/*.c include apps/apps.h
9crypto/cryptlib.h, ssl/ssl_locl.h and apps/apps.h
10all include e_os.h which contains OS/environment specific information.
11If you need to add something todo with a particular environment,
12add it to this file. It is worth remembering that quite a few libraries,
13like lhash, des, md, sha etc etc do not include crypto/cryptlib.h. This
14is because these libraries should be 'independantly compilable' and so I
15try to keep them this way.
16e_os.h is not so much a part of SSLeay, as the placing in one spot all the
17evil OS dependant muck.
19I wanted to automate as many things as possible. This includes
20error number generation. A
21make errors
22will scan the source files for error codes, append them to the correct
23header files, and generate the functions to print the text version
24of the error numbers. So don't even think about adding error numbers by
25hand, put them in the form
27on line and it will be automatically picked up my a make errors.
29In a similar vein, programs to be added into ssleay in the apps directory
30just need to have an entry added to E_EXE in makefile.ssl and
31everthing will work as expected. Don't edit progs.h by hand.
33make links re-generates the symbolic links that are used. The reason why
34I keep everything in its own directory, and don't put all the
35test programs and header files in 'test' and 'include' is because I want
36to keep the 'sub-libraries' independant. I still 'pull' out
37indervidual libraries for use in specific projects where the code is
38required. I have used the 'lhash' library in just about every software
39project I have worked on :-).
41make depend generates dependancies and
42make dclean removes them.
44You will notice that I use perl quite a bit when I could be using 'sed'.
45The reason I decided to do this was to just stick to one 'extra' program.
46For Windows NT, I have perl and no sed.
48The util/ program can be used to generate a single makefile.
49I use this because makefiles under Microsoft are horrific.
50Each C compiler seems to have different linker formats, which have
51to be used because the retarted C compilers explode when you do
52cl -o file *.o.
54Now some would argue that I should just use the single makefile. I don't
55like it during develoment for 2 reasons. First, the actuall make
56command takes a long time. For my current setup, if I'm in
57crypto/bn and I type make, only the crypto/bn directory gets rebuilt,
58which is nice when you are modifying prototypes in bn.h which
59half the SSLeay depends on. The second is that to add a new souce file
60I just plonk it in at the required spot in the local makefile. This
61then alows me to keep things local, I don't need to modify a 'global'
62tables (the make for unix, the make for NT, the make for w31...).
63When I am ripping apart a library structure, it is nice to only
64have to worry about one directory :-).
66Having said all this, for the hell of it I put together 2 files that
67#include all the souce code (generated by doing a ls */*.o after a build).
68crypto.c takes only 30 seconds to build under NT and 2 minutes under linux
69for my pentium100. Much faster that the normal build :-).
70Again, the problem is that when using libraries, every program linked
71to libcrypto.a would suddenly get 330k of library when it may only need
721k. This technique does look like a nice way to do shared libraries though.
74Oh yes, as a final note, to 'build' a distribution, I just type
75make dist.
76This cleans and packages everything. The directory needs to be called
77SSLeay since the make does a 'cd ..' and renames and tars things up.